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Author Topic: lahika's OS Collection | WMatsui  (Read 9877 times)

Offline lahika

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lahika's OS Collection | WMatsui
« on: September 15, 2013, 07:08:56 AM »
Hello, everyone....... Nice to post here again.....
Now,,I made one new Shot about WMATSUI Pairing.......

I Hope you Like it....

And please give me your Comment......


I make it from Matsui Jurina Point of view.... That she just arrive from Tokyo, after attend her Senpai in Team - K Graduation for Itano Tomomi.....

But, when she's back to Nagoya..... There's a problem with her Lover Matsui Rena..... When they met in Dance Practice Rena is avoid her, and didn't pay her attention for Matsui Jurina even just a Little bit....

Rena is cold to Jurina...... But, Jurina still not understand why her beloved is mad with her.....

So,, JUrina decide to ask Kimoto Kanon that Rena Teammate at Team - E SKE48....... And, Kanon said it's relate about Google+...... That Every one member of SKE48 is have account in Google+...

But, she still didn't know what exactly HAPPENING.!!!

Are Jurina can get the answer why ?? And,, what's related to her or Rena Google+ Account ????

I hope you will like it.... Happy reading..!!!

I'm waiting your Comment, Minna-San.......

Arigatou Gozaimaasu......

« Last Edit: October 21, 2017, 09:57:14 PM by sophcaro »

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« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2013, 07:14:52 AM »

Lovers, keep on the road you're on
Runners, until the race is run
Soldiers, you've got to soldier on
Sometimes even right is wrong

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« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2013, 07:19:59 AM »
yeeeeeeei a WMatsui!!

pls upload the one-shot soon!!!!!!!!!! >_<

~ KamiOshi 松井玲奈 || AKBOshi 高橋みなみ~
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Offline lahika

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« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2013, 07:31:35 AM »
Ha'i.... Ikimaaaasssuuuu..........

Hope you Like it.......  :thumbsup :thumbsup

I'm waitting your COMMENT........ :kneelbow:

HAPPY READING....!!!!  :bingo: :bingo:


I just think a lot about what just happening today… When we are practicing and while we break practice,, I wanna greet you… Cz I’ve not have chance cz I have just arrive from Tokyo and the practice is begin. I go to Tokyo cz I must attend to my senpai Graduation Ceremony in Team K, Itano Tomomi (Tomochin) in Theater. But, Something bad happen.

“Rena-chan….” I said to your direction. With a wide smile, cz I miss you so much.

You just stared me before you just go away and even you not see me even just a second.!!!!! What the..!! I have just back here and you’re MY LOVER just give a “very nice” face.
Oh My godness .!! I chase you……

“Nee,,Rena-chan” I call you so loud. And you stop your step.

“Nani ?” You said. Cold.

“Okotteru ?? Gomen-ne,Rena-chan. I’m not greet you before practice session. Cz I have just arrive when the practice begin. Hontoni gomen.” I said with sad expression. And spillway my hand ahead, and close my eyes.

“It’s ok. And I have to go now” You said still with flat tone. And just go away.

I think for a second, what happen to my beloved. There’s something not right anyway. She not just avoid my eyes. I feel she mad with me so much.

After that, I’m back to Practice room. Everyone is look at me. Make me so curious what that happening. I think I’m the only one that don’t know.

So,,I decide to ask Kanon who is the Teammate of Rena in Team E.   

“Ne, Ne, Kanon-chan… Do you know what is happen right now ? I feel Rena-chan is so mad with me. And I still don’t know why, bcz 3 days ago before I went to Tokyo we were fine at all.”

I said in Low tone and feel guilty but curious in the same time. And Kanon just Little uncomfortable expression when look my face so sad.

“Anooo……” She said unsure, still have doubt.

“Ha’I ??” I become more intense see her face. Bcz she avoid face me, and just Look down.

“I just hear a little…… ehmm…… That Rena-chan said….. anooo……. But I’m not sure anyway……” She’s more suspicious.

“What did she said ?” I ask, CRAZY curious.

“Anoooo……. It’s like something in Google+… But I don’t know either, what is it about…..”
She finish and nod….

“Google+ ????” I become more like lost in anyway,, and blink my eyes for a second and nod…

“Arigatou,,Kanon-chan……” I slap her shoulder and she just back to her place before.

I sit in corridor desk, and think a very weird situation’s now.

‘Google+ ?? What’s happen in google+ ??? And,, why she mad me just cz google+ ???’ I’m so confuse.
So,,I open my Smart phone and open my Google+ account…. Some member just posted about they activity and some photo’s until I see Rena-Chan have just posted photo with Yokoyama Yui Look so happy and she’s so adorable.

‘She’s just take that photo when I’m not in Nagoya. How Can.!!’ I’m so jealous and what make me so heartburning is she said “Yui-chan is so cute” With that statement in your photo’s.

‘I don’t understand why she’s just mad with me ??? I was the one who must get mad with her cz she didn’t tell me and take photo with others in way of sweet. I should the ONE do that with YOU.!! I’m your girlfriend OFFICIALLY.!!’ I mad in my mind and I can’t hold it.

 And then,, I have a bounce idea to upload my photo with Tomochin-Senpai that actually not really sweet but I have same sign “peace” with my senpai there after Tomochin-Senpai Graduation Concert. Just like Rena-Chan and Yui-san hand sign at this image.

Now, you have just make me angry Rena-Chan…… Now,,How is your feeling ?
I click upload at my Google+ Picture and then,, after waiting for a moment

“Goodbye Tomochin-senpai….. I’ll miss you so much. And, hope you can fLy higher after this graduation. Omeidettoooo…..” I said in my photo feed there.

My picture with Tomochin-Senpai was uploaded. Just in minute then, my fans comment about it.

“So much sweet Ju-chan……Goodbye Tomochin-senpai”

“Waaah,,Kawaii… Ju-Chan although you have just transferred to Team K but you have so good relations with your senpai Tomochin…. Omeidettoo,,Tomochin-senpai”

And such like that comment others. I can’t read all,,cz it’s more about hundred comments.

I just smile with positive comment there. Until I realize that time is up for break time of Practice dance.

“Come on, Minna-San… Let’s Practice again” My dancer teacher is calling for us.

After that,,I see a 1 new update. But, I close my smart phone and decide to look that later after dance practice.
I walk fast from corridor then, I feel someone behind me so I take a look for a second. I’m shock that Rena walk so fast and then walk in front of me with no attention even just a little bit.

‘What the ???’ I want to angry with her, but I can’t show my angry here. It’s not the right time.

And when we’re in the position to start dance practice, Rena’s position right beside me. So I decide to whisper to her with serious tone and cold.

“We need talk after practice”

After that I just avoid her, and focus to my position. I see her a little confuse, but she’s not say anything. 
And then, music start playing. ‘Utsukushii Inazuma’ our new single playing.

‘Fyuuuuh’ I don’t know,,but I feel so much tired today. Maybe bcz I didn’t take some rest after theater in Tokyo.

“I should take some rest before practice”. I mumbled to my self, while I sit and drinking with my body is so wet with my sweaty.

Rena is across my direction chat with Furukawa Airi happily. I see her and something about my feeling my heart is so hurt.

“Ne,,Jurina-chan. What are you doing ??” Churi or Takayagi Akane greet me and give a little slap my shoulder.

“Nothing just packing my stuff.” I said, and give her weak smile.

“You look not good Jurina-chan. Nande ?”

“Nope. Maybe I just a Little tired after back from Tokyo. You know…… Churi,Gomen. I have to go now.” I stand and grab my bag. But, Churi hold my wrist.

“Rena-chan just miss you. She’s not mad that badly. So, just give your genki smile to her” Churi talk in low voice and give motivate smile to me.

“Thank You Churi” I smile back and go to Rena’s direction. She have just end chat with Airin and they waved each other.

“Do you wanna back home together, Rena-Chan ?” I stare her with my fire puppy eyes. And she just nod. ‘She know me so well’ I think she know I mad and I have urgent to solve this problem immediately. I grab her wrist fast and tight, and unpredictable she just accept it.

After we walk in very silence and awkward in a while, now we are in the park near Rena-Chan’s Home that lightless and very quiet.

I decide to talk in this right place. So I pull her to sit in the garden chair that near the circle light beside me.

I feel she is so sweaty but warm hand, and I feel she’s looks like little afraid face. Maybe she never see me in this way.

Cz I used to be nice and genki with her in this relationship that from 9 months ago, look nice and maybe little indulge.

When I sit, I just see her face but she avoid to look at me. But, I’m little late to talk first.

“What you wanna talk to me Jurina ?” She ask, but she just look at her smart phone. It makes me more annoyed.

I took her smart phone forcely. After that she give her widely eyes with mad face.

“What dare are you doing Jurina ?!! Give it back.!” She talk with angry. And swing her right hand to take it from me.

“Nope.!!! I won’t Until we finish our talk.” I said, and avoid her to take the smart phone.

“Now,,WHAT YOU WANT TO TALKING ABOUT ???” She rise her voice louder, with red mad face and wide eyes.

I’m so shock with her action like that. Until I feel my eyes get blurry, and I face her.

“Are you that so mad and angry with me ??” I said in low voice. After said that, I turning my head around back her.

“You even give your smart phone in your priority than talk to me ?”
I said still backing off her face, and give her smart phone with my right hand without face her.

I feel my tears warm down to my cheek. I don’t know this is just HURT. I’m still freeze.

“Jurina……” Your weak voice. She take her smart phone and then I heard she click something with rush.

“I don’t know what exactly happen here when I was in Tokyo 3 days ago.
And after I come here, you give me your glum face and avoid talk to me even I said ‘Gomen, I can’t greet you’.
I was too tired with that graduation’s concert, and after I was here I even can’t see my LOVER smile.
Are you not miss me Like I miss you so much ?”

I try to wipe my tears with my left hand.

After that suddenly you put your smart phone with your right hand face up right in front of my face exactly in front my eyes still you not speak.

Cz my eyes is so blurry with tears, I try to take a clear look at it with wipe my tears slowly.
Until I can see there is a Picture of ME and TOMOCHIN-Senpai hugging.!!!

Suddenly my eyes get wider than before, blink my eyes, and I take her smart phone for detailed check it.

It’s my Google+ Accounts that picture I posted 2 days ago, Right after my senpai Graduation’s Concerts.!!

Even I said in that picture post. “Hugging Tomochin-senpai for the last moment here……
and after that give a ‘Chyuuu’ for the last time (You know I was a kissing monster ??) hehehehe…… Omeidettoo Tomochin-senpai”

OH MY GOD.!!! I’m forget to call her and just give her e-mail just when I want to sleep “Oyasuminasai Rena-Chan…… Have a nice dream” just that ONE e-mail I gave her, from 2 days ago. Now, I feel really guilty, embrassed, and idiot. No wonder she was mad and angry with me so much right now.

I look at her face that now is wet with the tears on her cheeks.

“You know what I’m thinking when I Look This picture? ” You said so sad voice.

I can’t take it and just Look down to her left hand lay on the chair. I even feel shame to face her, to look her teary eyes.

‘I’m worst to be your lover’ I feel so bad. So I just shook my head weakly.

“That you there even spent your night and sleep with other members.
Bcz I see your pictures other that you spent night with our senpai in AKB48 in a café. That so makes my heart is burning so much.
Bcz you even not told me that you spent your night with them. And you just give me ONE e-mail and NO CALL even ONCE.!”

You rise your voice little and now I don’t know what should I do to stop you crying.

So that I hug you quickly in tight around your neck. And surprisely you hug me back around my waist.

“I’m s-o so-r-ry Re-na-Cha-n…… I-I-I was a b-ad girl-fri-end fo-r yo-u……
Even worst. I-I-I eve-n tha-t sel-fish and chil-dish. I’m so- so-r-ry re-na-cha-n”

I hesitantly crying on your shoulder. You stroke my hair gently.

I just can’t stop think about how cruel I was with her.

“It’s okay…… I’m sorry I just got overreact with that picture and jealous so much
without knowing you already so tired with that Graduation concert…
I’m sorry Ju-Chan” You said gently and I feel you push me away. And you wipe my tears, and then you kiss my forehead gently.

“I never do that again Rena-Chan. I will tell you everything I do and with whom. And I will call you every time I could.” I promise to you.

“Include clinging and kissing other member ?” You say.

I just feel it’s kind difficult to do bcz it’s my habit that so much patch with me. So I push her to look her face……

“For that one, can you give me a little dispensation ??” I look with my puppy eyes.

“Why I should give dispen for that ?” You said, still jealous face.

“You know……… I just can’t delete that one habit. Pleaseeee………..”
I said with hold her hands.  Still with my deadly puppy eyes. I know she can’t avoid if see my puppy eyes.

“Puuwwweeeeassss……………….. Puuwwweeeesssss”
I’m so indulge right now. Bcz I just can do this to avoid this ‘punishment’.

“Okay, only with one condition.” You said seriously.

“What’s that ?” I’m so curious.

“Don’t do that in front of me or camera or photo. Only if you wanna do that with camera or photo you MUST with my PERMISSION.
You see that ?” You said and cup my face.

“Un.!! Roger-Desu.!!”

I nod so enthuastic. After that I without thinking again Kiss her Lips so quick and fast.

And then, I see her face so blushing and her eyes open widely. SHOCK. I giggle see her like that.

Now, is so late hour. When I see my smart phone time 12.56 A.M and I have 5 notification from Google+ so I open it.

And one Notification is about Rena Account, so I open it.

And then, I sulk with her and give my slum face. Face her and show her my Smart Phone.

“Rena-Chan, what’s this mean ?” I said. COLD.

“Ettoo…. Unnnoooo….. Jurina, it’s not Like you thinking, Okay ??”

“You even not give me a chance to explain about my picture. And now,, I see you in this way more sweet and great romantic Tomochin-senpai sleep in your shoulder. Now WHAT.!!”

I see her and give my glance and she just run away so fast and I Chase You.

I don’t know how I feel right now. I feel jealous aside, but I’m very happy chasing each other with Rena-Chan Like this.

 “It’s not Like that Ju-Chan. Please let’s me explain.!” You shout with run.

But, I just run faster than her. You know, my body is so strong than her.
Then, when she run to the grass field I grab her wrist with my hand, but I lost my balance and then I fall into her.

I gasp my breath not constant. I fall right on her TOP.!!
We stare each other in eyes. I feel her heartbeat pounding so fast, just like me.

I’m so blushing, and I see she blushing too.

We’re not even blink at this position is a little make me comfort.

“Let’s end this War, Rena-Chan. I would not cheating on you…… Cz I can’t live without you…”
I said seriously, and my right hand cup her left cheek.

“I would like to end this too…… I just can’t hold my mind when I saw you flirting other member… You’re MINE JURINA.”
You said in a little get more red your face. Now, You hold my right hand tight.

“I’m your’s RENA-chan…… I always be.”
Now I won’t let you hurt again. I said in my mind.

“Daisuki Rena-Chan. Zuttoo.” I finally said it.

“Gomen” You said. Cold. I shock for a while, and freeze. BLANK.

Until I feel your Lips against my Lips. You suddenly kiss me.
Now I feel your soft, warm, and your melon flavor lips gently.

Your hands around my neck, and you close your eyes.
‘Till my mind is start working normally again, I replay your kiss in same gently and close my eyes.

We kiss each other with pleasure, slow, long and sweetest kiss I ever have without tongue just lips, our head moving aside each other.

I feel you slowly down to the grass field and pull me tighter, I defend your back head with my head and stroke your hair very gently.

After a while, I broke our kiss. Then, you see me with your beauty face smile.

“Gomen, I can’t Let You go…… Bcz I Love you so badly…” You said, stare in my eyes.

Your eyes is full with Lovely sign right now.

I can see that your feel deep inside is fulfill my heart with so much flower’s of Rose.
Just Like I feel, when I falling live with you for the first time. I just nod. So I hug you tight. And you hug me back around my neck.

“I think, it’s more cold and more Late to you to going home, and I think it’s too late to chase the last train.
Would you Like to stay in my home ?” You ask me, whispering in my ear.

“I think, I would… To cure my heart and my body that very tired and need my LOVER so badly.”
I whisper with so sweet and husky voice. INDULGE.

I can feel she’s blushing so much redder. I giggle a little.
We broke our hug and I help her to stand. She even can’t see my face bcz shy too much.

I hug her again.

“I Love my Rena-chan when she’s SHY Like this. Just Like my Ojousama” I whisper at her ear.

Even her ear is so red right now.

“Moouuuuu…….. Enough Ju-Chan.” You pleaded. And I giggled. Then broke our hug.

“Nee, Kaeru… I think your mom must be so worry right now.” I said to her.

“Un.” You nod.

We walk so romantically. You lay your head to my shoulder, and your left hands circled my right hand with our fingers relating.

‘Maybe Google+ War Like this is needed sometime. But, I don’t know if she angry like before again.
Maybe she just slap me or hit me’

I giggled a little with my mind.           

But, suddenly you stop and look at my face.
“Nande, Ju-chan ?” You ask.

“Nandemo nai, Rena-Chan.” I shook my head.

“It’s like you just laugh for something” You look curious. OMG, I forgot she’s so sensitive.

“Nai-desu.” I nod. Try to assuring her feel.
“Desu ne……” You said, and you back to your position again, and we start walking again.

Not, any longer we arrive to her home. We spent a sweet night. After we go bath and chat little so fun.

We sleep with hug each other, without doing anything. Maybe bcz we are so tired with what is happen today.

Dance practice, after that fight each other, Late go home and late sleep.
Author : EEiiiiitttttsssss………. Eeeeetttttooooooo………. Sex naiyoooooo….  :hiakhiakhiak:
Hehehehehe……  :hee: :hee:

Yeeeeeeiiiiyyyyy...... FINISH.!!!

How about this >>????

Is it Good ?? :? :?  :shy1: :shy2:

Please Give me your Comment......

 :kneelbow: :kneelbow:

Thank You So Much.....  :nya: :on cny1: :on cny1:

Bye byee......... :byebye: :byebye:

Offline lahika

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« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2013, 07:33:25 AM »

At the 3rd Reply.....
PLease give me your Comment.....  :bow: :bow:

Offline Koneki

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« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2013, 07:52:25 AM »
funny and sweet hahahah :D
I liked it so much! *o*

Great job  :twothumbs

~ KamiOshi 松井玲奈 || AKBOshi 高橋みなみ~
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« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2013, 08:00:34 AM »
SO SWEET~ :inlove:
i like it~
nice OS :twothumbs

Offline rise

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« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2013, 09:59:07 AM »
sweet os!  :inlove:

heh google+ great! XD and the pictures XD wmatsui look adorable as ever  :twothumbs

(T^T tomochin...)


Offline ezha

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« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2013, 06:28:21 PM »
thanks for OS wmatsui

Offline ezha

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« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2013, 06:29:42 PM »
thanks for OS wmatsui

Offline Zita

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« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2013, 07:15:32 PM »
Thank you  :bow: :bow: :bow:
It is good

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« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2013, 05:26:39 PM »
funny so much fun



Offline lahika

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New Hair (WMatsui OS) - COMPLETED
« Reply #12 on: April 02, 2014, 02:02:42 PM »
Hai everyone..... HisashiBuri...... I start make a new OS for WMATSUI... ActuaLLy I make it from 1 month ago... But I bareLy can to POsting here.....
Hope You Enjoy it...... I make it in SMUTTY... But You can See the SMUTTY scene full at my Tumblr
Bcz I reaLLy know how rule here......
Please Give me Your Comment.......
Onegaishimaaasu....................................... :kneelbow:
Soredewa........ DOZOU....................................................................... :onioncheer:


I have just arrived from Tokyo. After being Center in the 34th Single AKB48 make my work increased double harder and much than before.
Even it’s make I absent from some performs at SKE48 theater Team S stage. I felt some guilt, but I can’t do anything ‘bout it.

And I feel grateful that SKE48 member is so much understanding and make me comfortable.
Bcz sometime SKE come to Tokyo for some interview or live stage and that include me.
They’re aLL hug me and said that they miss me a lot, I just said sorry also reply their hug. They’re all my second family.

Now, I feel some nervous stand in front of SKE Theater building. I’m so excited I can turn back.
But, I just want to put my belonging for practice in my Locker.
Bcz my manager told me that this morning SKE48 have a Press release with AsBee for second time for this product ambassador .


But, when I come in there are a crowd of members make a circle. Make me feel curious what are they doing. I walk to their direction.

“Tada Imaaa……….” I said with Loud voice and put my sweetest smile.

After that, all of them look at my direction. They smile wide and reply…

“Okaeriii….. Jurina-san.” “Okaeriii Jurina-chan”.


“Jurinaaa…!!!” Churi shout my name. “When you arrive ?? I think we meet at the location.” She asking and come to me and give me hug.

“Ah….. I have to put this all in my locker first. Could you tell me what happen, here Churi ?” I Said with look at the crowd.

“Ah.! Come on. You should see with your eyes”

“Eeeehhh…….?????” I confuse but Churi grab my wrist and pull me.

After that, I see some member give me a way to look at the center of Interest.
I SHOCK.!! And even not blink for a moment. I see members are giggles for my expression.
I can’t believe what in front of my eyes. Someone that I know very well for a long time, that captivated my heart.
She’s my angel. I miss her so much. Bcz we met last week. Right in front of me.
A tall raven haired, with pale skin that so invite to touch, but something is DIFFERENT.
HER hair color that I know Black is CHANGE become LIGHT-BROWN. My beloved one Matsui Rena.

“Mooouuuu….. Jurina. Please don’t look at me like that…..” She said with blush on her face and turn aside her face. Very shy.

“I-i-i-i-I jjjj-uuuu-s-t not be-lie-ve. Etttoooo……….” I said nervously, my heartbeat is so fast. And act awkwardly.

“Ma,,,Ma,,,Maa…. I think we will be late if we not prepared to go in 30 minutes. Okay,.. Minna dismiss. Shu shu shuu…”
Airin just break awkward situation around us. And members laugh,, and go to changing room.
Until all members go just leave me and Rena. My eyes not away from her.

“Nee…. Jurina. Wanna go to change room together ?” She ask me shyly.
‘Kawaaaiiiii……………… My Rena invite me.’ My mind explode with happiness.

“Un!!” I nod and grab her Left hand. I can feel her blush. And I just smile wide with look forward.

We walk in very slow pace, I can feel so comfort.

“Is it bad ? I mean, my hair…” She ask still look down shyly.

I shook my head.
“No. It’s just so much make you more beauty than before. Eh ?? Don’t misunderstand, before you are so beautiful too. You always beautiful.”

“Honto ?? I feel uneasy for first time. But the director say I must do this. Bcz my character in my new movie. Kiinnccchhhooo suru.”
She said and look at me with a worried face.

“Ehm…… Shoujiki, I Love your black hair more.. But, with this style you look so mature and your aura is more shining than before.
I can’t Lie and I love it too.” I said.

When we arrive in the changing room. All of the member look at us. Make us blushing hard.

“both of you. Hurry change your clothes. Or we will left you behind.” Churi said with a little annoying tone.

“Gomen… Gomen…… Churi,, I just can’t avoid to look her for long time.” I said with a little now and tiny slap her shoulder.

“I’ll get ready ASAP. U can wait us in front,, if you want.” Rena said to her.

In fast pace she go to her locker opposite of my locker direction.
Me too,, grab my clothes from locker and go to another rest room and change as soon as I can.
After that,, when I come out Rena has change too as well.

“Iko!” I said, grab her left hand. She nod.

We run as we can. I know,, she’s weak so I just run not so fast.
Everyone are in the cars. And just one car that open door for us. So we goin’ to that car.
We’re panting. And in the car are Churi, Airin, and Nao at the back seat.

“You’re Two. Luckily the interview is start 10 minutes again.” Airin said with a smile.

“Gomenasai minna..” Rena said with a little nod.

“Gomen…. Gomen… “ I said to all of them. After that, I see Rena just fix her hair. I can’t hold to help her.

“Let me.” I said and help her fix her hair at her back.

“Arigatou,,Jurina.” She said, and I see her blush.

“Isn’t it your first,,Rena ?? Coloring your hair, I mean.” Churi ask with curious face.

“Ha’i. Hajimetedesu…… So, I feel worry what people look at it.” She said and face churi a Little.

“It’s look so pretty,,Rena-san….” Nao give her compliment and give her cute smile.

“Un.!! It’s really make you look like femmenier than before.” Airin said.

“But, many fans said more like my black hair. So I promise I will return it right after I finish filming.” Rena looks worry.

“Me too. I more like Rena’s black hair.” I mumbling. Rena heard it.

“Wait for me,…. Ne ??” Rena said and grab my hand. Make me blush. She’s my lovely girlfriend so understanding.

“Don’t push yourself, when filming start. Bcz it will make you more tired and lost so much energy than before.
And if you tired and feel sick just told Takamina-san and Nishishi-san.” I said,,with my worry facing her.

I won’t she collapse like me. Bcz her body is not like me,, far more weak than me. Makes me always look at her.
I feel guilt when she cried before Kohaku Uta Gasen bcz she can’t follow the step dance while that she was sick at the same time.

I won’t let that happen again.

“I will.” Then, she give me a peck in my cheek. “Arigatou Jurina,, for worry about me”
You said. With shyly smile and beauty ayes.

I can hold it. My cheek become more and more red. And I can feel people at the backseat is blushing too after looking the scene.
We work a lot today. After finish some interview and practice, we going home together.

“Ettoooo…… Rena-chan.”

“Ehm ?? Nande Jurina ?”

“Can I stay at your home ? My parents going out town. I Little…………” I can’t finish my sentence.

She just giggle and grab my hand more tight and lay her head at my shoulder.
She know I very scared with ghost or such as, that make me can’t stay alone in home.
Her action Made me blushing like tomato. Her hands are warm. I Love it.

“I know. It’s a long time since last time you stay. I miss you so much.”

“Me too. I miss spending time with my honey. Beside………..”

“ ehm ??? beside….” You face me.

“My honey have a Lovely looking with new hair.” I stroke your hair, and sniff it a little.
I see you blushing hard, and put back your head at my shoulder.

She’s so indulge, and I can’t hold to grin more.

When we’re arrive, I see that nothing much change of her rooms or house. So neat, tidy, and simple.
She offer me to take bath first. So, I go bath and luckily that I bring my stuff that I put at my locker.
So I have a clothes to change. And after I finish, she go bath. While she is bath, her phone is ringing.

Sansei kawaii… Jump jump aozora.. Knock knock subashide honto ni kimochi…
Ah. Her ringtone is our 13th single.

“Please pick it up for me,Jurina” Rena shout from bath room.
I pick the phone.

“Ha’i.. Moshi moshi….”

“Ah…. Moshi moshi… jurina-chan ??” It’s her mother. I familiar with her mother since our come Ace of SKE48.
Bcz often more together working with her. Even if we at Tokyo. And I guess her mother is knowing my voice as well.

“Ha’I, Matsui oba-chan…. Jurina-desu.”

“Can you say to Rena. I and Rena’s father can’t going home tonight bcz her father have a colleagues reunion tomorrow at Osaka.
Please accompany her while we’re going, Ne Jurina-chan ??”

“Ah…… Sou-desu ne. Ha’I wakarimashita Matsui Oba-chan. I’ll say it to her.”

“Sorry for bothering you, Ne jurina-chan ? Hontoni arigatou gozaimasu….”

“Iye iyee…. Matsui oba-chan. I’m happy can accompany Rena-chan tonight. Domo araigatou gozaimasu matsui oba-chan.”

“Ok. Goodbye Jurina-chan. Yoroshikune”

“Ha’I, Matsui oba-chan. Goodbye.”
I put her phone back to the table beside Rena’s Bed after the call end.

“Dare, Jurina ?”

“Eh, you finish bath. Ettooo… That’s your mom. Said her and your father can’t going home tonight cz have a colleagues reunion tomorrow at Osaka.”
I say and sit on the edge her bed.

“Souka….” She sit beside me while rub her hair with towel.

 “Let me.” I take the towel even she answer me yet.

I rub her head with the towel make our face so close. I know she blushing hard. She just can’t looking my eyes.
Her action makes me wanna more kiss her. I look her shining hair, so inviting to I touch more.


“A-a-arigatou Jurina.”
She look my face with blushing face. I cupped her face.

“U’re welcome honey….” I said in romantic ways. I kiss her.

First, I kiss her with gentle it’s escalated with passionate kiss. I put my feel into it so much. That lips that I can’t avoid.
I miss this lips much. She circles her hands at my waist, and deepening her kiss and our body more patching.

I Little bite her bottom lips, and give sign permission for my tongue in her mouth, she moan cutely and give her tongue in my mouth.
Our tongue fight each other. Until our separated cz of lack of oxygen.

“I miss you, Rena.” I said it sincerely.

“I miss you too, Jurina.” She looking me again.

Our lips meet again more passionate kiss. Our tongue battle each other, and I push her down to bed. But, I broke the kiss.
I afraid I broken anything and losing something that I never won’t if I do more than this. I look at you with my fear face.

“Don’t be afraid Jurina. Don’t you dare to.” Rena cupped my face. And her eyes so sharp.

“But…………….” Before I finish my words, Rena clash her Lips with mine more passionate.


Our breath is racing up. I put my head on her shoulder. I tired so much even it’s more than physical lessons.

“I love you Rena.” I kiss her forehead.
She just nod. And embraced me while her breath become a LittLe normal pace.

“I Love you too.” She kiss my forehead. “Let’s sLeep…..”
She wrap me with her hands and I circle my hands on her waist. And put my head on her chest.

“I Love your NEW HAIR too Rena.” I said in whisper, she’s not reply again. But I can feel her heartbeat faster thump-thump-thump.

‘Maybe she just blushing now’ I smile think her red face after that my eyelid can’t hold it anymore.

Rena still awake and After a while……

“Thank You Jurina”. Rena said and kiss the eyelid of sleep girl in front of her before her sleep.


How is this ??? I hope You Like it.......

PLease Give Me You comment........................................ :kneelbow:

My Tumblr :

MY WMATSUI IS FOREVER..................................!!

« Last Edit: November 05, 2017, 11:16:19 PM by sophcaro »

Offline Tiptip

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Re: WMATSUI - NEW HAIR (lahika48 OS) 140402
« Reply #13 on: April 02, 2014, 02:39:27 PM »
GOD i love you're fic  :luvluv1: :on bleed: i hope u make another smut fic  :nya: :whistle:

Offline Archer1992

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Re: WMATSUI - NEW HAIR (lahika48 OS) 140402
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2014, 08:43:22 PM »
I love it....

Enviado desde mi HTC One mediante Tapatalk

Offline MayuxMatsuixMusic

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Re: WMATSUI - NEW HAIR (lahika48 OS) 140402
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2014, 09:06:44 PM »
can i ask for the link of the xmutty scene??

i can't see it in your tumblr cause i don't know how to use tumblr
mayuyu and rena is <3

mayuki and mayurena is my fav <3

Offline lahika

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« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2014, 03:27:54 AM »
Hai….. Long Time not make a story again….
Now I wanna fullfill my promise with my friend that want me to make a fanfiction again.  :bingo:
I think maybe this is my last fanfiction. Because I wanna finish my thesis then wanna go home.  :dunno:
I’m so enjoy my time when I make it.  :on lol: :hee:

I hope you enjoy it too when you read it. Please excuse my grammatical error.  :kneelbow:
Because I know how bad my English is, so I hope you can understand my story. :shy2: :shy1:

FINALLY :stuffed:

HAPPY READING :on asmo: :on cny1:



“You always do this to me,Jurina…. WHY ?”

I scream in my mind. “How could you do that even without feel remorse even just a Little bit !!
That’s why I shouldn’t fall for you from the first time!”

Rena’s head going down, she even won’t to look up people in front of her.

“Rena-chan……”Airin approach her. Tap her shoulder.
Rena just avoid to look at her with tears in her eyes.
She feel shame with that weak side of her, that other people will look pity of her.
She hate that.

Without a single word, Airin embrace at her waist and whisper at her ear.

“It’s okay, Rena-chan….. just crying until you feel relieved.”Airin said with stroke her back.

“Thanks, Airin.”Said Rena, with a tone like whispering.
They hugging, without knowing there is someone look at them with very sharp stare.


At the backstage, after MC’ing

“That’s so much funny, Jurina ! Oh my God! I still not believe that I kissed you!”
Kitarie said.

“I’m so sorry, Kitarie-san… I’m not mean it for real. Hontoni Gomennasai.!”
Say Jurina with bowing 90% at Kitarie.

“Whoa…… Whoaa…….. Whoaaa……….. Easy, Jurina. I know that.
Beside everyone know that you are a kissu monster.
I’m really okay with that, because we know each other.”
Said Kitarie with some giggle.

“I think, it become worst my ‘kissumon’ character after it”
Jurina Reply with joke tone and giggle too.

“Yeah… it must be. But, is it okay to HER ?” Kitarie ask  in worry tone.

“I’ll explain to her. Don’t be worry, senpai.” Jurina assured Kitarie.

“I hope that you can make it clear.”

“Thank you, Senpai.” Jurina smile at her senpai.

“I must go now Jurina. Oya is waiting for me. I should make her understand.
It’s her first time with you, anyway. See you later Jurina.”
Said Kitarie with a little giggle wave to Jurina.

“See you later, Kitarie-san.”

After that, in hurry Jurina go to changing room direction, while her eyes still looking around for her lover one, Rena.

When she arrived at the practice corridor at the backstage, she find what she looking for.
But there are a moment she felt very hurt in her heart.
That is her lover hugging with a people that ever been her rival to get her love, Furukawa Airi.
She know from Airin eyes, looks like she still have feeling to her lover. It makes her heart burning.

She pretend not see anything and just go straight to the changing room.
Rena broke the hug and saw Jurina walk to their direction.

“Jurina….” Rena called her name. But Jurina just passed away without looking at Rena.
Rena Looks sad.

“Rena, we must go to the backstage now. This is our turn after the song.”
Airin said, and pull her wrist.

“Un” Rena hummed with whisper.


“It’s the end of AKB48 Best 200 2014, after We know together.
Congratulation to Team 4 with song ‘Seijun Philosophy’ that get No.1.!!!!!
Takamina said, and followed by clap hand  from the audience and members.

“Saigo ni, Thank You very much for every one that support and watching from 1st day until this 4th day.
We’re nothing without you. Hontoni Arigatou gozaimashita…!!!”
Takamina said and members said the last word after that bow together, like a choir.

With that, members go to backstage and prepare to go home.
They’re glancing each other, until fewer time by time.

But, in that situation Jurina still sit in changing room chair in Team S.
Thinking about something that really annoyed her today.

“Jurina, won’t you take bath and change your clothes already ?
It’s late, you can get cold if you still with that clothes.”
Nishishi said in worry tone. She know Jurina’s hobby is very early come and always be last when it’s over.

“Ha’i madam. Just tell my manager I will little late to go home, so if he wanna go home already, just tell him it’s okay.”
Jurina said.

“Okay. But don’t be too long ‘cause at 12.00 A.M the build electricity is turning off.
I think you gonna be like that……. don’t You ??”
Nishishi said in her joke tone.

“I’m not that scare.!!! I just hate dark… That’s ALL….”
Jurina pout at nishishi.

“Wakarimashita. See you later Jurina.” Nishishi said and wave at her.

Jurina just smile look her friend going away. Until, a figure come from the door. RENA.

Jurina smile disappear just a millisecond after Rena come.
Rena knew Jurina mad at her, because she is the one can look Jurina’s body language.

“Why you still in that clothes ?”
Rena said and come more close to Jurina, after that rena touch jurina’s shoulder.

“Why you care ?” Jurina said with slightly move her shoulder away from Rena’s hand.

“I do care. What if you get cold ? It’s already 11.45 P.M for my God sake.!”
Rena said with a mad tone.

“I don’t need your care. Just go back to your Airin.
She must be waiting for you to go home.”
Jurina face Rena looks with a very cold expression.

“What do you mean ?” Rena looks confuse.

“Ha..Ha..Ha.. Don’t you find more comfortable with her. I still want to bath.”
Jurina turning around. Until her feel a grab tight on her wrist.

“What are you talking about with that ? Don’t you know that she has been leaving with the others an hour ago ??
Ha..Ha..Ha.. I thought you don’t know that, don’t you ?
You must be really busy with your Ooshima Team K and don’t care anything beside that.”
Rena looks Jurina with really mad and her words makes Jurina Really Really mad.

Jurina push Rena until the door and push hard Rena’s hand above her head. BRAKKK…!!!!

“Don’t you bring that my team! I won’t forgive you if you say like that again! SHUT UP RENA.!
I do LOVE my team than YOU.!!!”
Jurina glare at Rena’s eyes. But Rena just look with confident and not down even just a bit.

“Yeah, I know that. So you expressed that with kissing in front of many people without feel shy even just a bit, don’t you ??” Rena just give bitter smile to Jurina.
Jurina looks surprised with that it looks from her eyes softer than before.

“It’s not like what you thinking. I’m not mean that okay ?”
Jurina leave her grab hand and turning around.

“No..No… You mean it Jurina. And, You know what ?
I feel, I’m not good enough to fill you with my lips, my hug, and my touch to you.
That’s why you still flirting to everyone, kissing other.
I know. Now you’re free Jurina.”
In silent Rena crying and sob in silent as well.
Rena can’t hold it anymore, she hold the knob of the door and out from changing room very fast then crying while running.

“No, I won’t.!! Rena, I…..”
Jurina turning around and find nothing except the door was opened.

Jurina running fast to the exit door. Until the last corridor to out from the building. 

“RENA.! RENA.!! RENA…..!!” Jurina scream Rena’s name very loud. Makes some staffs look at her.

“Ah… Matsui Jurina-san. Matsui Rena-san have just leave from this building and I see in front of her a taxi looks like she’s ride that. Any something that we can help ?”
Said the staff.

“No, I just wanna give a something. Arigatou.” Said Jurina and turning back to changing room with crying.
When she arrived to the changing room her tears still rolling down without know to stop.
She grab her towel and a random shirt and skirt on her bag.
She went to bath room with face down.



‘I need to let you go Jurina. I know you will find a people better than me.
I can’t keep you with me, if it’s just make you more hurt’

Rena Run to the exit of the building and call a taxi. Until Rena heard Jurina voice inside the building.
Hear your voice makes my legs weak and I hide behind the wall at the outside of the building
until I see a taxi waiting for me in front of building.

“Moshi Moshi……… I… I… Cancel my order before. I’m so sorry.”
I end the call then the taxi leave. I don’t know, I just want to see you and wait for you.
I don’t know why.

When I stand up again, I see the staffs are leaving and I see the building all around is DARK.

No……………. No………………… Don’t it be.!!

I see my watch and it’s already 12.30 AM.!!!!!


I panic and run to the staffs….

“Ah….Hahh…… Anoo…… Jurina is still inside of the building. Can anyone please open the door just for a second ??”
Rena ask between panting hard.

“Ah..!! Rena-san. I think…..”

“HAYAKU.!!!!!” Before staff finish his word Rena cut it and staff give her a key with panic see her with shock.
Rena running and open the gate, with leave her belonging in front of the staffs without care.


Then, Rena running as fast as she can to the center of electricity of the building then she turn it on, after that she quickly go to the Team S changing room, when she Open the door and turn on the light.


She looking around but Jurina is not there. Then she quickly run to the bathroom and she heard a sob then she open the door and find Jurina at the corner sit with her hands around her foot and her head on knee deep down crying and trembling just half of naked. Rena feel so relieved in panting hard.

“Jurina……” Rena walk closely to Jurina then wrap Jurina with her hands.

“Shuuush…….. Shushh…… It’s nothing Jurina, It’s okay,now.”
Rena pat Jurina’s head to her chest and stroke Jurina’s back.
Jurina still crying and trembling so much. After a moment, Jurina a bit calm down and hug Rena very tight.

“Re….Na…..-chan……” Jurina said between sob.

“Shuushh……Shusshhh….. I’m here, Jurina. I’m not going anywhere…”
Rena keep stroke Jurina’s back with her right hand and pat Jurina’s head with her left hand.

“Pleaseeee……………………… I’m sorry…” Jurina said still sobbing. It makes Rena cry too.
She never see this weak Jurina to plead at her.

“Un…. Now put on your clothes, I will wait at outside. You’ll catch cold. Ne ??”
Rena said gently and try to broke the hug, but Jurina shook her head and hug her tighter.

“Please…… Don’t leave me.” Said Jurina pleading more.

“But you should use your clothes on. Don’t you feel cold ??” Rena said in worry tone.

“Please… Help me put it.” Jurina ask Rena.

“Okay, I’ll help you. Now, let me take your clothes.” Rena said and Jurina let her go from hug.

Then, Rena stand up and help Jurina as well. And, Jurina’s finger point her clothes on the hanger on the door.
A T-Shirt that they use when Nagoya Dome with a white skirt. Rena hold Jurina’s hand when she take the clothes.
When she try to reach it, Rena still feel a grab on her right hand.

“I’m not going anywhere. I can’t help you put it on if you hold my hand all the time.”
Rena smile gently at Jurina that blushing hard because she realize she just on bra and underwear, makes her look down.

‘Kawaiiiiii…………………’ Rena’s lollicon scale escalate looking Jurina’s expression like that.

Then, she take the shirt put it from Jurina’s head, and jurina put on her hands in the shirt.

When Rena want to reach the skirt, Jurina’s hand stop her.

“I’ll do it by myself.” Jurina take the skirt and put it on. Rena just looking at Jurina with her amusement how cute Jurina with that clothes.

“Let’s go…” Rena hold Jurina’s wrist and pull it gently. Jurina just nod and follow Rena.
Until changing room with comfortable silence.

In changing room Jurina pick her belonging in hurry then, Rena take Jurina’s jacket on the other side.
When Jurina finish and looking around for her jacket, she startled when Rena stand at her back.

“This what you’re looking for.” Rena said and help jurina put it on from behind.

“Thanks Rena..” Jurina said and smile at Rena.

Then, a staff coming at them with panting hard.

“Ah…… Hah….. Rena-san, you left this at the outside. I think you’re get lost because you’re so long.
I think I gonna waiting for you…. But….. but….. You’re still not come.”
The staff explain and give Rena’s bag, and sweater with a cloak.

 “Ah………….. Arigatou.. Hontoni Gomennasai. There are a unable situation so I’m so sorry for make it too long.”
Rena take her belonging, then bow 90%.

“Ah……… Iyee„Iyee… I just relieve that both of you are okay and not get lost.” Said the staff.

“She’s a bad forgotten, staff-san.. I’m so sorry..” Said Jurina in Joke tone, then Rena slap her arm.

“Aw….. Itaiyooo…….” Jurina hiss in pain. But still grinning.

“I’m not that bad.!” Rena pout. Make the staff laugh look them.

“I need to go right now. Just give the key with the security, Okay ? Bye bye” Said the staff then running away.

And Leave the two with awkward situation.

“I think we should stay a night here. It’s already 01.25 AM For the last train I think we can’t chase it”
Jurina pull Rena’s hand then they go together to the outside then give the key at the security, and ride a taxi.


At the Hotel.

“One room with single bed, please.” Jurina said, in confidence at the lobby. Rena’s eyes open wide at shock hear that.

“Okay. This is your room, 1693 Duluxe single bad at 16th floor at the  left side of the lift. Here’s your key,Matsui-san”
Said the receptionist.

“Thank you…”
Jurina smile and take the key then pull Rena’s hand.

Yes, it is one of hotel they often stay when they work together in Tokyo.
But today is the first time they stay in a single bed room.

‘Massaka…………….’ Rena’s think a pervert, then shook her head.
Jurina just grin looks like she know what is Rena’s thinking right now.

When they in lift, Jurina snake her hands on Rena’s slim waist then hug her from behind rest her head on Rena’s shoulder.
This make Rena blushing beside she like when Jurina hug her from behind like this.
You can say, this is the most Rena love situation and position. Then, Rena hold Jurina’s hand.
They walking with that position until they reach their room. Then, Jurina open the door with her right hand between Rena’s waist. While her left hand still snake at Rena’s waist.

‘This kids… Really…….’ Rena think that Jurina like a child that with her mom so indulge.

When they get in, Jurina close the door with push it with her foot.
Then, Jurina step back and feel her back patch at the wall. She tighter her hug.

“Rena…….” Jurina’s eyes still close and Rena tilted her head to Jurina.


“Be honest….. What you more like, hug with me like this or hug with airin ?” Jurina said still with close eyes.

Rena confuse for second, but she remember today she hug Airin at the backstage after saw Jurina Kiss scene at MC.
So„ Rena close her eyes and kiss Jurina’s lips gently. Jurina suddenly feel a warmth lips on her lips open wide her eyes in shock. But, then she kiss back with gently too. And then, Jurina feel the warmth gone. Then she open her eyes and look at Rena’s eyes.

“Be honest too….. What you more like, kiss my lips like this or kiss oya-san and kitarie-san at stage ?”
Rena smile gently, then stroke Jurina’s face.

Now, Jurina know why Rena mad at her then leave her alone today. It makes her feel guilty more and more.

“Gomen……..” Jurina said look down and tighter her hug put her head at Rena’s neck.

From Jurina sad tone. Makes Rena feel guilty too and makes Rena fall and fall again to Jurina.

“I know……” Rena said, and stroke Jurina’s head. Then, she felt wet at her shouder.

“Watashimo. Gomen ne, Jurina. For leave you. I must not leave you alone again and Running like a coward. Hontoni Gomen.” Rena crying too.

Rena feel Jurina shook her head. They don’t know how long they crying together pour their guilty and love at the same time while hugging like that.

“Let’s sleep……” Rena walk with Jurina still hug her from behind. Jurina just nod, sign agree.

When they lay down together, Jurina cuddling Rena and put her head on Rena’s chest.

“You know, Rena ?”

“Ehm…?” Rena stroke Jurina’s hair and head.

“When the light off, I scream your name much time, but you still not come.
And then, I feel like you’re not love me, then you go away. This is the biggest mistake I ever made.
That I let you go from my hands. I cry harder because of that. Then, I surrender to the situation and stop call your name.
But, when I hear your voice call my name from changing room. I feel like I am the luckiest person in the world, but my voice can’t go out. I cry deep and feel grateful for the God sake.”
Jurina said make Rena smile a lot.

 ‘Me too Jurina….. Me too…..’ Rena’s think.

“And then, you wrap me with warmth body, I feel like dream at first. But then, I realize this is real and I hug you.
I won’t let you go again. I still trauma. Even if the earth mad with me, because my sin to you.
Would you like to accept this sinful Jurina, again ?”

Jurina said with swollen eyes, facing Rena.

“I would love to.” Rena answer then kiss Jurina’s forehead.

“Whatever you do to me, my heart still scream your name. ONLY YOU.” Rena said again.

“I Love You Rena….. Please forgive my bad habit”

Jurina honestly never serious with members when flirting it’s just to fooling around.
Rena knows that too, but she just feel still jealous even she know that.
She just want Jurina flirting her, and fooling around just with her.
Rena know that is impossible, because Jurina is an extrovert. So she just accept that.
Because Jurina will show a very cute attitude during their times only, Rena can’t avoid that.
And Just when Jurina with Rena will do that. Rena’s know that and love that side of Jurina.

“I love you too, Just the way you are, Jurina.”

Suddenly, Jurina go up and kiss Rena’s forehead gently, Rena close her eyes.

“Thank You…… I’m tired.” Said Jurina then back to first position.

“Let’s sleep. Oyasuminasai, Ju-chan.” Rena said and kiss Jurina’s eyelid.

“Oyasuminasai, Rena-chan…”
Jurina kiss Rena’s forehead, down to eyelid, then cheek, and last Lips with gently, Rena kiss her back.
Not long after that, a snore from Jurina.
Makes Rena feel like look at a beauty angel sleep in front of her.

Then, Rena turn off the light. But now, Jurina just sleep in peace at her embrace without fear like before.

It makes Rena smile wide look how cute Jurina when sleeping. No one words can explain how happy she Is right now.
And then Rena pull the blanket up until it cover jurina’s body, after a few minute Rena follow Jurina in dreamland.
Finally They sleep overtime 03.45 AM with hugging and smile widely each other.

Just God know when they will awake tomorrow.

« Last Edit: October 22, 2017, 07:35:12 PM by sophcaro »

Offline River1721

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« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2014, 04:04:54 AM »
Wah!! :onioncheer: It's so cute and amazing! :on cny1:
Who knew Jurina's fear of the dark can bring wmatsui back together :wahaha:
Ah~ Jurina, even at serious moment's you still act like a kid  :on lol:
I'm happy that in the end both matsui's are back together  :onioncheer:

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« Reply #18 on: June 18, 2014, 04:36:13 AM »
Omg this is so beautiful

Please made another one for Mayuki

Offline Kairi65

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« Reply #19 on: June 18, 2014, 07:27:03 AM »
i never thought that jurina's still afraid of the dark :mon ref:

its sweet that rena was still caring for jurina even though she was upset at her :mon inluv:

glad that all is right in the end! :fap

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