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Author Topic: (Artist) Nakagawa Shoko  (Read 387562 times)

Offline Timewizard21

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Re: (Artist) Nakagawa Shoko
« Reply #1400 on: April 15, 2009, 01:07:54 AM »

Thanks for uploading another episode of Shokorita!! :)
It works fine on my PS3 which I mainly use to watch videos (it's in HD resolution too!)
How did you get the video if your computer can't play it properly? @_@

もえよ ギザみみピチュー! (moeyo giza mimi pichu!) is a really cute song
I haven't watched Pokemon in a long time but I'm probably going to start watching it again soon because of this ED song lol
The last anime I've actually seen was Gurren Lagann back a few months ago so I'm kind of behind
I found a video of Shokotan singing it on Pokemon Sunday


Really cute song!!
can someone get an MP3 of it?  i want it on my ipod :)

A 9th single is being released soon too.
Shokotan blogged about it a few days ago but I'm slow with the news :(
Release date is set to be 7/15
It's called "心のアンテナ" (kokoro no antena) and it's going to be the new Pokemon movie theme song
More Pokemon songs might be kind of cool, I'm already addicted to Moeyo Giza Mimi Pichu

info: (movie official website)

Does anyone know if it's generally better to exchange money here or in Japan?
The exchange rate is so bad right now for me and it doesn't look like it's going to improve much the next few days :(

Offline ChocoMochaKei

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Re: (Artist) Nakagawa Shoko
« Reply #1401 on: April 15, 2009, 02:12:43 AM »

もえよ ギザみみピチュー! (moeyo giza mimi pichu!) is a really cute song

Does anyone know if it's generally better to exchange money here or in Japan?
The exchange rate is so bad right now for me and it doesn't look like it's going to improve much the next few days :(

That is a cute song :D

Usually it's better to exchange money in Japan if you're from North America.  Here is a website with the current exchange rates at Narita.

Offline Timewizard21

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Re: (Artist) Nakagawa Shoko
« Reply #1402 on: April 15, 2009, 05:03:45 PM »
That is a cute song :D

Usually it's better to exchange money in Japan if you're from North America.  Here is a website with the current exchange rates at Narita.

Thanks for the link!
Their rates are better than what I've been getting a from my bank and a lot of currency exchange stores (for traveler's checks, the cash rate is horrible)
I'm exchanging Canadian currency and it's slowly increasing in value so it might be better next week
The rates are so much worse than they were a few months ago
Do they charge any service fees for exchanging currency?

I sent in an application for the backstage invite but it's a lottery and only limited to 10 people
Being chosen would be awesome but being able to go to the concert is already enough
I spoiled the concert a bit because I saw videos and pictures of the concert and saw a lot of the new costumes already
It looks really awesome!!
Shokotan has the best concerts!!

Offline starry01482

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Re: (Artist) Nakagawa Shoko
« Reply #1403 on: April 19, 2009, 01:53:07 PM »

もえよ ギザみみピチュー! (moeyo giza mimi pichu!) is a really cute song
I haven't watched Pokemon in a long time but I'm probably going to start watching it again soon because of this ED song lol
The last anime I've actually seen was Gurren Lagann back a few months ago so I'm kind of behind
I found a video of Shokotan singing it on Pokemon Sunday

Really cute song!!
can someone get an MP3 of it?  i want it on my ipod :)
es anyone know if it's generally better to exchange money here or in Japan?
The exchange rate is so bad right now for me and it doesn't look like it's going to improve much the next few days :(

I'm not sure it's a great song but the hyper nature of it suits her.

Offline Timewizard21

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Re: (Artist) Nakagawa Shoko
« Reply #1404 on: April 19, 2009, 09:03:16 PM »

I'm not sure it's a great song but the hyper nature of it suits her.

It's awesome because it's cute!!
It was ok when I saw it as the Pokemon ED song for the TV show but it was a lot more memorable seeing Shokotan perform it lol.

I took a picture of my current collection of Shokotan stuff
I recently moved so most of the stuff are just packed in boxes right now :(
I'm going to try and pick up a lot more stuff in the next few weeks during the tour  :P


I have one more copy of snow tears and 2 more copies of Magic Time that's not in the picture.
The 1st row are the anisong albums, Big Bang!!! and all the singles released before. 
The 2nd row of CDs is 6 copies of Shiny Gate, 12 copies of Tsuzuku Sekai, 6 copies of Kirei A La Mode and 2 copies of Magic Time
I accidentally bought 12 copies of Tsuzuku Sekai a months ago in case anyone is wondering why I have so much copies of it
Back before I started trying to be a hardcore fan, I only bought one copy of her singles so I ended up opening them and not caring about them.  I have first press copies of Anisong album #2 and snow tears but it's opened and the case is scratched up :cry:
I only bought 1 copy the first concert DVD too and now the limited is out of press.  The case on mine is cracked too :(

snow tears (anime CD version), Big Bang!!! (CD version) and the first concert DVD are signed :D

Blog books/Photo books:

I have two copies of most of them.
Shoko Manual, the 3rd blog book "donyoku deizu" and Shokol et Mikanne are signed

Concert merchandise:

- 2009 Calender
- Moon Princess Tumbler (2 boxes)
- Towel Muffler from Donyoku Matsuri and Gakuen Matsuri
- Mini Donyoku Flag

- 2 Donyoku Happis
- Pink T-shirt from first concert
- Pink T-shirt from Donyoku Matsuri 2008
- White and Pink T-shirt from Gakuen Matsuri
- Donyoku Magazine
- Photos from Donyoku Matsuri and Gakuen Matsuri

The Donyoku Matsuri 2008 stuff were bought after the concert tour so I didn't get some of the cool stuff like the Donyoku Fan, Donyoku Glowsticks and the Sukashikashipanman Mask because they weren't available :(
On the other hand, the Moon Princess Tumbler and the mini Donyoku Flag wasn't available until after the tour and I managed to get those lol
Gakuen Matsuri didn't have a lot of merchandise.  The 2009 calendar was available for sale after the concert along with the photo pack.
I'm definitely going to pick up a lot more merchandise from Magical Tour :D

Fan club stuff:

I'm really in the official fan club!!
I didn't join until after AX so I didn't get to do any of the fan club stuff while I was there :(
These are the newsletters that get sent out every few months.
I can try to scan them or take a closer picture if anyone is interested in seeing them.
The newsletter is pretty much all I got besides a giant sticker that I can't seem to find and the fan club card

There's still a lot of things that I didn't take a picture of like: other DVDs (gravure and sukashikashipanman movie),  Shokotan X Hello Kitty merchandise,  stacks of magazines and posters!
I have two posters that are signed, one of them is a Gurren Lagann poster though
Anyways that's all I really have. 
Hopefully I can learn more about Shokotan in the next few weeks since I'm still a noob :(

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Re: (Artist) Nakagawa Shoko
« Reply #1405 on: April 20, 2009, 03:19:58 PM »
^wow that's a pretty epic collection!!

Offline Timewizard21

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Re: (Artist) Nakagawa Shoko
« Reply #1406 on: April 22, 2009, 05:39:33 PM »
ミルキィkiss (Milky kiss) from shokorita 24


Offline Timewizard21

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Re: (Artist) Nakagawa Shoko
« Reply #1407 on: April 24, 2009, 11:59:06 PM »
I went to Magical Port yesterday which was a collaboration between Shokotan and Meets Port.
There was a giant "Shokotan booth" showing Magical Tour and what you can get there.
I met a few other fans there and surprisingly the knew my name
They said I was a famous fan among their group because I was DONYOKU

Most of this was advertised on Shokotan's blog

Some of the stuff there included:
-  a tumbler
-  "Nakagawa curry" which was literally a box of curry powder
-  Magical Tour towel muffler
-  4 different color coasters

There was also a hen pose contest where you take a picture of yourself posing then submit it to enter the contest.
The winner will be chosen by Shokotan!!

I took closer pictures of the booth since it showed some pictures I've never seen before and the costumes

The TV in the middle was looping small clips of the concert
It showed Kirei A La Mode, CAT Life, Namida no Tane Egao no Hana and an advertisement for it

Here's a clip someone took of the CAT Life segment on YouTube
I'm going back there today so I can try to record the other segments

Offline Timewizard21

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Re: (Artist) Nakagawa Shoko
« Reply #1408 on: April 25, 2009, 10:08:56 AM »
Here's the video I recorded
It was raining really badly and you can see reflection because of the lighting and cover but at least you can still see the video ><

Shokotan was at the premiere for the second Gurren Lagann movie today at Ikebukuro Sunshine Cinema
It was mainly for the cast of Gurren Lagann but Shokotan sang 1 song
Unfortunately I didn't have a ticket so I couldn't go (it was a special ticket and it was also sold out)
I didn't even know about it until someone told me today :(
I'm still going to be watching the movie later today
Tomorrow is the concert in Takamatsu!

Offline Masa

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Re: (Artist) Nakagawa Shoko
« Reply #1409 on: April 26, 2009, 09:52:48 AM »


Shokotan has the best concerts!!
Awwww man, I have never seen any. Which concert DVD would you recommend?

I took a picture of my current collection of Shokotan stuff
Epic collection, dude!

Whoa! And I thought that only Japanese H!P-fans bought multiple copies of CDs XD

I can try to scan them or take a closer picture if anyone is interested in seeing them.
Yeah sure, that would be cool :)

Hopefully I can learn more about Shokotan in the next few weeks since I'm still a noob :(
Dude, I'm the one who's a newbie :lol:

I went to Magical Port yesterday which was a collaboration between Shokotan and Meets Port.
There was a giant "Shokotan booth" showing Magical Tour and what you can get there.
I met a few other fans there and surprisingly the knew my name
They said I was a famous fan among their group because I was DONYOKU
Whoa, that's awesome! You should have asked them to join JPH!P XD

Here's the video I recorded
It was raining really badly and you can see reflection because of the lighting and cover but at least you can still see the video ><
Thanks for the video!

I'm still going to be watching the movie later today
Tomorrow is the concert in Takamatsu!
So how was the movie? I can't wait for your concert report!

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Re: (Artist) Nakagawa Shoko
« Reply #1410 on: April 26, 2009, 10:00:16 AM »
HOLY SHIT Timewizard! That is beyond epic! I gotta step my hardcore fanboy game up!

Have fun at the concerts! :D

Offline Timewizard21

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Re: (Artist) Nakagawa Shoko
« Reply #1411 on: April 27, 2009, 12:36:46 AM »
So how was the movie? I can't wait for your concert report!

The second Gurren Lagann movie was basically a recap of the second half of the anime series.
It's better to watch the anime series first before watching the movies because they skipped a few important parts.
Besides some additional small scenes, there was an additional ending to the story too which made me cry a bit ;;
Namida no Tane, Egao no Hana was the ending theme too
Watching Gurren Lagann and hearing the song in theatres made it definitely worth going to

Takamatsu was nearly 6 hours away from Tokyo by Shinkansen but it was completely worth it
Some of the fan club members there knew me before I even met them
My Japanese wasn't really good and I barely understood them but we managed to get messages across

Shokotan's managers (Kamiyama and Ichikawa) came out to meet some of the fans and take some pictures
They were really surprised to see me and even took a picture to show Shokotan
Shokotan posted an entry on her blog and even mentioned and pointed me out during the concert
Here's the blog entry:

The top picture was one of the cosplaying fans, his name was Takechan and he was cosplaying Yamada Goro lol
The second picture is me, I just came to Takamatsu so didn't get a chance to buy a t-shirt or happi yet
Shokotan was surprised to hear that I was in Takamatsu and mentioned that I lived in America
She also mentioned that I went repeatedly to her handshake meeting in Los Angeles and hasn't seen me for a long time since then
Some of the other fans I met there were well known by Shokotan and her staff
I met some other DONYOKU fans who are planning to go to all of her concerts during the tour
I missed 7 concerts before the one in Takamatsu mostly because of the costs of having to travel all around Japan and staying in Japan for 2 months would have been expensive too.

The concert hall in Takamatsu was a bit small but the atmosphere was still really awesome
I got GIZA PINKU tickets so I was near the front of the stage (6th row)
The set list was still exactly the same as the one in Toda except Shokotan sang 1 additional song which was Milky Kiss during the encore
Shokotan stuttered a bit during Spiral too in this concert lol
Some of the songs (besides the ones in the anisong medley) were short versions
I think they were 1/2, Strawberry Melody and Mitsubachi no Sasayaki if I remember them
During CAT Life, some members of the audience gets chosen to dance on stage with her
Ichikawa asked me before the concert if I wanted to dance CAT Life on stage but was a bit nervous about it
I aggreed and he said I'll be chosen in Sendai (the next concert) since I didn't really know the dance that well yet
It's only 1-2 minutes of dancing and the cat pose dancing is easy but it's still a bit scary lol

The most powerful part of the concert were the rock songs (Tsuzuku Sekai -> Sorairo Days -> Happily Ever After -> Calling Location -> Egao no Hana, Namida no Tane)
The music got louder and you can really feel the bass throughout your body
Not to mention that almost everyone was extremely pumped up at that point
Some people even broke their glow sticks
I bought the concert tour one (the wand that comes with the fan) which was really crappy since it was too long and barely glows and ended up breaking it too
Next concert I should bring better glow sticks!
I'll be more prepared and learn all the dance too
One of the fans recommended that I cosplay as one of her cats

At the end of the concert, she took a picture with the audience which is customary at all of her concerts

Then I had dinner with some of the fans right after
It was cool because they were all talking about Shokotan!!

I bought only some of the merchandise
One of the stuff was a Shokotan in Wonderland book lol
For the small stuff, you have to pay 500 yen to put your hand in a box and randomly get one of them like gashapon capsules
I can take some pictures of them when I get back to Tokyo so I can upload them
I'm still in Takamatsu right now

Awwww man, I have never seen any. Which concert DVD would you recommend?

Shokotan only has 2 concert DVDs right now
It's honestly best to watch both of them
Both concerts have some things better than the other but they were both awesome!!
I've literally seen them both hundreds of times and never get tired of them
I even bought the second one on Bluray even though I already had it on DVD just for the quality upgrade :P (Bluray version was released a few months after)
« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 02:02:56 AM by Timewizard21 »

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Re: (Artist) Nakagawa Shoko
« Reply #1412 on: April 27, 2009, 10:51:46 PM »
Shokotan's managers (Kamiyama and Ichikawa) came The top picture was one of the cosplaying fans, his name was Takechan and he was cosplaying Yamada Goro lol
The second picture is me, I just came to Takamatsu so didn't get a chance to buy a t-shirt or happi yet
Shokotan was surprised to hear that I was in Takamatsu and mentioned that I lived in America
She also mentioned that I went repeatedly to her handshake meeting in Los Angeles and hasn't seen me for a long time since then

Congrats! I'd go nuts if my favorite idol blogged about me lol...

The concert hall in Takamatsu was a bit small but the atmosphere was still really awesome
I got GIZA PINKU tickets so I was near the front of the stage (6th row)
The set list was still exactly the same as the one in Toda except Shokotan sang 1 additional song which was Milky Kiss during the encore
Shokotan stuttered a bit during Spiral too in this concert lol
Some of the songs (besides the ones in the anisong medley) were short versions
I think they were 1/2, Strawberry Melody and Mitsubachi no Sasayaki if I remember them
During CAT Life, some members of the audience gets chosen to dance on stage with her
Ichikawa asked me before the concert if I wanted to dance CAT Life on stage but was a bit nervous about it
I aggreed and he said I'll be chosen in Sendai (the next concert) since I didn't really know the dance that well yet
It's only 1-2 minutes of dancing and the cat pose dancing is easy but it's still a bit scary lol

Thanks for the concert report! Sounds like you had a blast. Anyways you better learn that dance for the next concert! XD

Shokotan only has 2 concert DVDs right now
It's honestly best to watch both of them

Only two, eh? In that case I might as well download them both :yep:
« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 10:54:41 PM by Masa »

Offline SomethingWild

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Re: (Artist) Nakagawa Shoko
« Reply #1413 on: April 28, 2009, 10:25:56 AM »
^I recommend her second DVD (2008). She improved so much and I prefer the setlist of that concert. Moreover, the band is great as well. there's a musical interlude with some awesome guitar parts. Finally, check out the Sukashikashipan Man bit  :lol: funny and awesome dancing when he enters the stage  XD

Might as well watch both of them anyway, start with the first one  :)
« Last Edit: April 28, 2009, 10:51:18 AM by BarrieV »

Offline starry01482

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Re: (Artist) Nakagawa Shoko
« Reply #1414 on: April 28, 2009, 04:09:24 PM »
^I recommend her second DVD (2008). She improved so much and I prefer the setlist of that concert. Moreover, the band is great as well. there's a musical interlude with some awesome guitar parts. Finally, check out the Sukashikashipan Man bit  :lol: funny and awesome dancing when he enters the stage  XD

Might as well watch both of them anyway, start with the first one  :)

Yeh the first concert you could tell she was very nervous at the start, it was her first ever concert I think so that's not surprising.  Both concerts are enjoyable though in different ways.  There was a section with some nice slower songs - I think that might have been the first concert, but from what I remember there was alot of talking in that concert too (and I don't know Japanese).  Of course there are no subtitles whatsoever.  But you get the impression that it was turned into something of a personal occasion for her.  The second DVD is a more polished affair perhaps taking performances from more than one concert on the tour?  It has songs from Big Bang.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2009, 04:21:53 PM by starry01482 »

Offline Timewizard21

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Re: (Artist) Nakagawa Shoko
« Reply #1415 on: April 28, 2009, 11:14:07 PM »
Takamatsu was really far from Tokyo!!
I took some picture of the pamphlet book

Thanks for the concert report! Sounds like you had a blast. Anyways you better learn that dance for the next concert! XD

To be honest, Shokotan did sound a bit weird for the first half of the concert in Takamatsu
During the opening song Spiral, Shokotan screwed up a bit during the middle of the song too :(
She might have been a bit tired during this one
I was a bit tired too since Takamatsu was far and I just arrived
The better half of the concert was when she started singing the rock songs
Shokotan was still extremely energetic too during the encore
The concert hall in Takamatsu was a bit small though so the best is still to come!!
The Sendai concert is this afternoon!!

The second concert DVD is better overall since she's more experienced and sings more of her original songs
The first concert wasn't as grand scaled as the second concert (the second one was a 15 concert tour) but it's still definitely worth watching
I decided to get her first concert DVD to see 1/2 performed but immediately started to like her other songs after seeing it
She only had 3 singles and 2 anisong mini-albums when the first concert was performed but still gave an awesome performance
Most of the songs she sang were covers
It's hard to replace the very first concert even though the second one was better

Namida no Tane, Egao no Hana is released today too
The full version of Milky Kiss sounds different than the Shokorita previews but it's still very cute!!
I like Gozen Roku-ji too, it's a bit different than what Shokotan usually sings but it's a good pacy song :)
This is an awesome single!!
« Last Edit: April 29, 2009, 12:28:39 AM by Timewizard21 »

Offline Timewizard21

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Re: (Artist) Nakagawa Shoko
« Reply #1416 on: April 30, 2009, 02:18:07 AM »
The concert in Sendai was a lot better than the one in Takamatsu
The best parts though were still the rock songs, it feels like you're really in a rock concert especially since the Mamitasu pose looks like the rock hand symbol and everyone was using it like it was lol
I got to see Shokotan's Sony Music producer Yanagi and Shokotan's mom again after the concert!!
Yanagi was surprised to see me and said I was really DONYOKU
He probably didn't believe me when I said I was going to go to the next concert tour the last time we met a long time ago lol
Takechan gave me some dance lessons before the concert so I got some of them memorized (CAT Life and Purichoko for now, I'll work on the rest later  :cry:)
I got to go on stage for the CAT Life segment in this one among some other fans
So much fans know me now ever since Shokotan posted that blog entry!!

Also, Shokotan came out cosplaying as Yoko and sang some different songs for the encore
There was a different anisong medley which included songs from Lucky Star, Haruhi and Sailor Moon
I didn't recognize some of the others
After the anisong medley, Shokotan sang Brand New Day which should have been put into the main set list!!
It ended again with taking pictures for the blog and then she sang Ivy
I forgot to mention that during Ivy, Shokotan played the kazoo parts!!

Overall the concert in Sendai felt a lot better than the one in Takamatsu
I had better seats this time and didn't have other fans jumping up and down in front of me so it was easier to see the stage
Although I'm feeling really sick right now from all the yelling and jumping last night :(
Sendai was a lot closer to Tokyo than Takamatsu so I was able to go back to Tokyo at the end of the day

The Sony Music website is allowing people to download exclusive Namida no Tane, Egao no Hana wallpapers for a limited time
You can get them here

Offline Timewizard21

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Re: (Artist) Nakagawa Shoko
« Reply #1417 on: May 03, 2009, 05:54:26 PM »
The concert in Osaka was so awesome!!
I'm still feeling sick from all the cheering and jumping from it.
I got to meet the head of the official fan club staff.  She said she went to Los Angeles for Anime Expo as well but I never saw her there ;;
She asked me if I knew what her name was but I had no idea and she seemed really angry (her name was Mika)
I would have remembered if I saw her at AX :(
There was actually a lot of other fans who went that I didn't meet until now but I wasn't a GIZA PINKU member yet during my time at AX

The first one had the same set list as Takamatsu but Shokotan sang Macaron Holiday during the encore  (along with the first anisong set list and Ivy)
She came out wearing a happi which she threw at the audience after singing Macaron Holiday!!

The second one had the same set list as Sendai but Shokotan sang Gozen Roku-ji instead of Sobakasu!!
The encore was the same except Shokotan came out cosplaying as Ranka Lee
The second anisong medley had songs from Lucky Star, Haruhi, Sailor Moon, Macross Frontier, Dragonball Z and maybe 1 or 2 other songs that I didn't recognize.
Shokotan sang Brand New Day again during this encore as well.

Shokotan made everyone do the "GERIKO" pose and even combined it with "BAKKARUKON" pose
It's kind of hard to explain it but it was hilarious watching Shokotan and everyone do it lol
GERIKO (GLICO) is a famous billboard in Osaka which was what Shokotan was referencing during the concert
BAKKARUKON (Buccal Cones) comes from Shokotan's pet clionidae because of its shape or the way it eats or something like that   :?

Of course, Shokotan pictures of the audience for her blog at the end of both concerts

I managed to memorize more choreography now so I know what to do for most of them now.  XD
Only hardcore fans actually do the dances for the songs :D
I only need to work a bit on Sherbert Iro no Toki since it's harder because there's no footage of the dance for that song :(

Unfortunately, I only have decent tickets for the concert at JCB Hall (both balcony seats)
There are a lot of Shokotan fans in Tokyo so it's really hard to get tickets for the performances there.
The initial tickets are all given out by lottery too.
Also the concert in JCB Hall is on Shokotan's birthday (5/5) so it's sure to be really big

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Re: (Artist) Nakagawa Shoko
« Reply #1418 on: May 05, 2009, 03:26:41 AM »
^ Sounds like a lot of fun. Shokotan concerts seem to always have a ton of energy in them. :) Thanks for sharing!

Offline Timewizard21

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Re: (Artist) Nakagawa Shoko
« Reply #1419 on: May 05, 2009, 03:35:26 AM »
Yesterday my friends showed me around Nakano Broadway
There was a lot of cosplay shops, I wanted to cosplay Ranka Lee!!
My friends made me change my mind lol
Most of the shops only had cosplay for females, for male costumes they need to be special ordered :(

There was also a celebrity shop called Trio 2 that had some rare idol items
My friends made fun of me said that I'll probably buy everything Shoko related there
I thought I could have held back but ended up splurging on a lot of weird stuff lol
They had giant card board displays of Shokotan too (Norton ones)
I was going to buy one but changed my mind because it was too huge

Anyways today is Shokotan's birthday!!

LEVEL UP 24 トゥットゥルー(^ω^)

I'm going to be cheering really hard in JCB Hall today even if I get sick and die from it!!
Hopefully Shokotan refreshes the set list a bit like she did in the last Osaka concert with Gozen Roku-ji

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