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Author Topic: 48/46 Group OS Collection- Flashbacks of a Broken Past (Keyakizaka46) 8/1/18  (Read 51851 times)

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Re: OS Collection of Random Pairs - Remembrance (Churi Poem) 26/10/15
« Reply #100 on: October 26, 2015, 02:28:27 PM »
Once again, you're spreading your awesomeness. Hehe :P
Someone is loving Churi here... :lol:

If Airin's ideal girlfriend is Tsugumi, then I can have Churi XD

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Re: OS Collection of Random Pairs - Remembrance (Churi Poem) 26/10/15
« Reply #101 on: October 27, 2015, 03:46:04 PM »
More oneshots!!!! This time it's a medieval oneshot with, ChuriRena, TsuuRin (Tsuuchan and Airin) and SudaYuri as the pairs, with ChuriRena as the main pair of the three.

In the middle of the kingdom of Nagoya, there lived a princess. A very beautiful princess, who was always kind to her subjects and would warm their hearts with her smile.

Along her side was her jester, a very fun and comical jester, who would always make her laugh or perform magic tricks to make her feel better on her gloomy days.

However, when the security became tight, the princess’ advisors decided to hire a bodyguard for her. A skillful bandit, who had a flexible body and a charming face to deceive her opponents.

These three, Matsui Rena, the princess, Takayanagi Akane, the jester, and Suda Akari, the bodyguard. After a while, the three bonded really well and it was only then that the jester and the bodyguard wanted more attention than the other.

It was a normal day in the castle, where Princess Rena had just sat there, whilst Akane had tried her very best to entertain her. However, today, it seemed Rena was unable to be rid of her gloom.

Akane was worried for her dear princess, so she walked up to her and took off her clown hat, mask, and red nose.

“Is something wrong, milady?”

“I don’t know, Akane… It’s just… something just seems off…”

“Is there anything I can do?”

“I’m not sure…”

“Milady, I know that all I am is someone who only entertains you, but I can help solve your troubles, I truly can…!”

Rena smiled. “I know, Churi. Actually, now that I think about it, I am hungry.”

“Okay, I’ll get you lunch!”

After Akane had disappeared, Rena’s gut feeling continued to creep up on her.

Someone then walked in and instead of any kidnappers, it was her blunt bodyguard.

“Hime-sama, how are you today?”

“I am fine, Akari, thank you very much for asking.”

“Where’s that little mid--ahem, I mean, jester you have?”

“She went to get me lunch.”

“Hmm, I see… so, she’s not here~” Akari grinned.

“What are you implying, Akari?” Rena questioned her bodyguard suspiciously, “It’s seems as if you want her gone...”

“No, not at all, Matsui-hime-sama. But, while she’s gone, why not I perform for you instead?”

“No, I’m quite fine, I can wait until she comes back.”

Akari pouted. “Oh, if you say so~”

That’s when another one of the guards came in.

“Miss Suda, the king needs you.”

“Yes sir.”

Akari bowed to her princess and left. When she was gone, Akane came back with a full lunch for the princess.

“Anything else, milady?”

“No… You can rest for today, Churi.”

“E-eh? But...”

“I’m sorry. I always overwork you and I think you deserve a rest.”

“Well… if you really think so…”

Rena patted the jester’s head. “I know so.”

“Thank you, your highness, I’ll be off now…” Akane bowed before leaving to let Rena eat.

As Rena drunk the wine, she suddenly felt dizzy. She stood up, trying to call for Akane or Akari, but she lost consciousness and passed out on the ground.

After Rena had lost consciousness, a hooded figure entered, kneeled down to Rena’s body before stroking her cheek. They grinned before picking her up and carrying her away.

Some time later, Akari came back into her quarters, and when she saw Rena missing, she immediately became worried. She called the other guards and have them search throughout the whole castle for her, but to no avail.

She had wondered hard about where her princess could be, before finding a folded piece of paper where she had sat.

“I have taken your princess to have her hand in marriage. If you want her back, then pay me a hefty price. Deep in the dwarven mountains is where you will find her, someone who is cunning and smart will meet you there.


“What is this meant to mean…” Akari thought, “That midget must have something to do with it….”

She left to go look for Akane. When she found her, resting in her room while snacking and she was deeply infuriated by how lazy she was acting.

She barged in her room and grabbed the jester’s collar.

“What do you think you’re doing?!”

“The princess had told me I could rest…. And I was hungry, so…. I decided to eat, is that a problem?”

“As a matter of fact, it is! While you’re just sat here, cramming down anything you find, some bandit’s taken the princess!”


“Take a look,” she handed the jester the note.

As Akane read it, she started to break down in tears.

“Someone’s… taken away… my darling princess..?! Hwaaaaaa~~~ Uwaaaaaa~~~”

Akari covered her ears. “Quit crying!!! And who said she was yours, you immature midget?!”

“I did, okay?! You’re so blunt, you can’t realise anyone else’s feelings!”

“What was that?!”

“I love Rena! I always have, when you first came, she was all on you! I was practically ignored for a while!” Akane shouted, with a cracked voice from all the crying she had done, “I was so stupid to never confess my feelings to her…”

“Just come with me, midget.”


“We’re going to get Rena back, you and me.”

“I can’t fight, how would I be able to help you?”

“You’re more the brains of the operation. Now let’s hurry, before something happens to her.”

“Alright then, where are we headed?”

“The northern hills of the dwarves. I know it sounds dangerous, but we need to save her.”


“Take this dagger to protect yourself as well.” Akari took a small dagger from its scabbard and past it to Akane.

After Akari had explained the note some more to Akane, she had ushered for them to leave as fast as they could. As they were travelling, Akane started to ponder about the person who had written the note.

“Who could this ‘F’ be?”

“I don’t know, but they definitely know Rena.”

Meanwhile, somewhere else, Rena woke up from her slumber, only to find that she was somewhere she shouldn’t have been.


“Well, good morning, Hime-sama.” A voice had echoed from another room, “I’ve been expecting you.”

“Who are you…?”

“You really don’t recognise me, Rena?” The same voice asked her, sarcastically.


“That’s right. You were the one who made me like this, Rena.”

“Can’t we just talk about this like civilised people?”

“Not unless I get what I want.”




“You don’t know how much I love you, my princess! How I yearn for you! Like how the camellya awaits the rise of the moon at night!!!”

“You’re freaking insane!” Rena said in an un-princess-like manner, “Who kidnaps someone just for them to marry the other person?!”

“Ah~ even you’re unreserved speech is music to my ears~!”

“Oh, if I could slap you I would…..”

Furukawa came closer to Rena, touching her cheek.

“You look so cute when you’re angry. I’m madly in love!”

“You’re mad, alright...”

“You shall become my bride!!!”

“SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!” Rena screamed in her head.

Back where Akane and Akari are, they had managed to venture to a small dwarven town. There stood a dwarven miner, with his pickaxe slung over his shoulder.

“Ah, I’ve been expecting you two.”


“Here, a note from my boss.” He had handed the two another folded piece of paper, identical to the one they had before.

“Ah, you have fallen into my trap. This is a riddle that you have not taken light to, so you need to go 4000 blocks north-eastwards, and once you get there, you will see my face, with your princess with me. But you will have to pay for her life.


“What….does this mean…?”

“We go 4 kilometers north-eastwards. Let’s go.”

They walked for a good few hours, before reaching a house, an old fashioned house that was there for a good few hundred years. There in front of the door stood a hooded figure, who grinned within their hood.

“I’ve been expecting you two, Takayanagi Akane, Suda Akari.”

“Who..Who are you?”

“I’m Furukawa. The one who has written those notes to you. Now battle me for your princess!”

Furukawa had taken two swords from their scabbards that were tucked away in her cloak. Akari in response also took her swords from their scabbards.


“Do you know who she is?”

“Furukawa Airi. I used to work with her before the king had hired me to protect Rena. Now go, I’ll distract her while you rescue Rena.” Akari whispered.

Akane nodded and sneakily walked inside whilst the other two prepared for battle.

“I know your plan, Akari.”

“Oh, really, is that truly so, Airi?”

Akari rushed towards Airi with full force and started a barrage of attacks. Her body was very flexible and could dodge the swords as Airi thrusted the blades to stab her.

Meanwhile, Akane was inside Airi’s domain looking the best she could for Rena. Should hear screaming coming from one of the back rooms and upon entry, she found Rena. She was struggling to free herself from the ropes binding her.


“Let me get you out of there, Rena.”

Akane had untied the ropes from Rena and they had instantly gotten out. But the thing was, Airi had been waiting, waiting for Akari and Akane to make a move.

“So, Takayanagi. Who’s it going to be? You or Matsui-hime-sama?”

“I’d rather be stabbed twice than to sacrifice Rena to you. One in the chest and one in the eye.”

“Airi, please, let’s be reasonable.”

“Me? I’m never reasonable, Rena my dearest. Yet if this is what Takayanagi truly wishes for, then that is what she will get.”

“Do it, Furukawa. I dare you to!”

“Alright then, your decision Takayanagi.”

“No…! Akane!”

Airi had walked up to Akane and stuck her in the abdomen with a small dagger, causing Akane to fall to the ground, blood forming around her body. Straight afterwards, she had used the same dagger to stab her in the eye, causing more blood to pour out of the jester’s body.

“Akane! Airi… I expected  more from you…..”

That was then when Airi had realised where she had gone wrong. Akari had begun to step towards her, wanting to kill her. Rena, however, stopped Akari in her tracks.

“P-Please…! Matsui-hime-sama, I would do anything for forgiveness, you can even kill me, I just want forgiveness…!”

“It’s fine Airi, I forgive and forget. Now, will you come back? Oh, Akari, get back to the castle with Churi, as soon as possible.”
“As you wish, Hime-sama.”

Akari took off her cloak and broke some pieces of it and wrapped it around Akane’s wounds. She then carried the jester and left for the castle. Rena stayed with Airi, as the latter started crying with guilt.

“Airi, you were my best advisor and I want you back. I’m sorry that I ever rejected you, but I know that I am in love with someone else.”

“I truly understand that now, and I will gladly come back. I never wanted any of this to happen and I am still deeply, deeply sorry.”

Airi had seen a faint smile form on Rena’s face.

“Airi… I’m sorry…”

“No, R-Rena-san… I should be the one who is sorry…”

“Call me Rena, Airi how many times…”


“Let’s go before it gets dark.”


The two had started to walk back to the castle. Once they had gotten there, they were met with Akari. However, she was not happy in the slightest to see Rena’s guest.

“What is she doing here?”

“You don’t understand, she’s a friend of mine, she used to be an advisor of mine.”

“I still don’t trust her! She tried to kill the midget! Have you realised anything, hime-sama, or are you too oblivious of what we’ve been feeling towards you?!”


Akari stuttered. “I-I mean…”

“Akari… are you..?”

Akane hugged the princess from behind.

“Rena… who do you love more?”


“If you don’t have an answer, then I have something to say.”

After a few seconds of silence, Rena finally answered, “A-Akane…”

“You never knew how much I loved you and I still do! Even when you were being lovey dovey with Airi, when she was still here, I still loved you. Do you know why I sacrificed an eye? Because I never wanted to see you with another person.”


“Do you know why I wanted to get stabbed in the chest? Because I would never get the pain of you being with someone else out of my chest. That was how much I loved you. I would sacrifice myself for you, I would even die for your happiness. If you feel the same, then please accept this confession!”

She had bowed down to the princess, even wincing from the pain in her abdomen. Akari and Airi looked at the scene before them, smiling at Akane’s boosted confidence towards the princess.

Rena looked the injured girl in the eyes, feeling guilty for being the one who had caused her to become blind in one eye. She knew that Akane’s only job was to entertain her, not to protect her like this.

“Airi, did you know this…?”

Airi nodded, “Even before I ran away, she consulted me about it. I’m an advisor, it’s my job to give advice to other people.”

“Then… you really love this clown.. don’t you, Rena?”

“I….I do….”

“Eh..? Really?”

“Yes. And if it wasn’t for you, doing what you did I would’ve never realised that they were what I truly felt...”

Akane gave Rena a hug and it wasn’t long before the jester gave her princess a deep, passionate kiss on the lips. The jester then pulled away from the kiss.

“I love you, Matsui Rena.”

“I love you too, Takayanagi Akane.”

10 years later…

It was just an ordinary day at the castle. Except there were a few changes.

“Nee, Tsugumi-chan~~”

“Nani, Airi?”

“I love you~”

A few years back, Airi had met Iwanaga Tsugumi, a travelling merchant who had decided to settle down. Airi had fallen in love at first sight, but the hardest thing for her to do was to confess. The advisor knew that she had to be confident in herself but she couldn’t find the right words, no matter how much she had tried.

“I love you too, Airi~”

Airi had pulled Tsugumi into a kiss.

“Oi, get a room, lovebirds!” In the middle of their kiss, the jester had interrupted them, “Even if I have an eyepatch on one eye, doesn’t mean the other can’t unsee what it just saw!”

“Says you, midget. Everytime I see you, you’re flirting with Rena.”

“Who are you calling a midget?!”


“Airi, Churi, stop. It’s my orders,” a voice rose.

The two looked and saw their princess, now queen, who sat on her throne.

“Rena, honey, I’m sorry. It’s just that this annoying person over here is getting on my nerves.” The jester said, scratching the back of her neck, “But, I’m proud of you.”


“You’re a queen now. You’ve really grown since when you were just a little princess.”

“But, so have you, Churi.”

“What do you mean…?”

“Remember that day? That eyepatch always makes me remember how brave you’ve become since then. And you’ve helped me make Airi realise that what she did was wrong. You’re an amazing woman, Takayanagi Akane.”

“N-No… It’s not like that, Rena… I just wanted to protect you, is all.”

“No, Akane, what Rena’s saying is true,” Rena’s main advisor had told the jester, “Thanks to your sacrifice that day, I’ve made amends for the things that I’ve done wrong. Plus, that eyepatch looks cool on you.”

Just then, Akari had walked in, and with someone by her side.

“Hey, Akari, who’s that with you?”

“Her name’s Yuria. I met her when I was wondering around the town.”

“Ah, why is she so quiet?”

“I don’t know, she must be new to these parts…”

Then, fate had written itself. Airi and Tsugumi became a happily wedded couple, as with Akari and Yuria, living within the castle walls. What about Akane and Rena, you ask? Well, a few years after the incident, Akane had been knighted and well, she became Rena’s partner and consequently, the king of Nagoya.

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Airi with Tsugumi.. :lol:
Churi, from a jester became a king... :rofl: That's something. Well, that's what you got after dating a queen, I guess. :grin:

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Re: OS Collection of Random Pairs -The War of Love Sequel Part 1/5 28/10
« Reply #103 on: October 30, 2015, 11:30:20 PM »
This, is well... The mid-prequel to The War of Love... It's the parts that happen in between the ten years that it took, from Churi confessing to Rena, to Churi becoming King. It's going to be a five parter, why, you'll soon find out.

Step One: Being Straightforward.

Before she was crowned as king of Nagoya, Akane had felt a lot of tension with the former king, Rena’s father. It seemed to her that he would tower over her and deny her relationship with the princess. After all, she was only Rena-hime’s jester at the time.

It was a normal day, when Akane was just entertaining her girlfriend, as per usual. Airi and Tsugumi were discussing something together and Akari and Yuria were off in the town together. That meant it was only her and the princess.



Akane’s thoughts were interrupted when the princess tried to call her. She was surprised by it and turned to see Rena, both creating eye contact with one another.

“You okay?”

“Uh… Now that we’re a couple…”

“You’re afraid of what Dad’s gonna say, huh?”


The jester sighed, causing the princess to worry. Rena had walked towards Akane, removed the jester’s eyepatch and looked into both her eyes. That scar on Akane’s left eye, it had kept on making Rena guilty and bad about herself, that she was the one who had cause all this to happen.

“Churi, I’m sorry…”

“Rena, it’s fine, at least I saved you. A few months after the incident, one of the nurses told me that I could get a glass eye.”

“Glass eye…?”

“D-Did you get one…?”


“But... “

“What is it, Rena…?”

“We need a way for Dad to like you…. Even it takes one step at a time. He might not approve of you because of the eyepatch...”

“What do we start with?”

It was then a rush of ideas, Rena throwing out different outfits and Akane continuously feeling anxious at what Rena was trying to do to get her father to like her lover.

“This feels uncomfortable. It feels a bit tight.”

“Just keep it on.”

“Rena, seriously, can I just take it off and be me?”


Akane sighed and took of the dress Rena had forced her to wear and put on her shirt and trousers that she had always worn whenever she had tried to entertain her.

“I want to be as straightforward and rational with him.”

“O-Oh… Okay.”


“That’s him. Father, over here.”

Then, they had two pairs of footsteps, coming towards them. One of them was Airi and the other, draped in a fine red silk cape was Rena’s father, the current king of Nagoya.

“Rena, who is this?”

“I’m Takayanagi Akane, sir. Your daughter’s jester.”

“You look very sketchy to be my dear Rena’s jester, Takayanagi.”

“But, sir… I love your daughter with all my heart. For me, it doesn’t matter if I have this eyepatch on my eye… I would sacrifice even more for her…!”

“Father, I believe what she’s saying… I was the one who had caused her to lose an eye in the first place.”

“Your highness, if I may,” Airi interrupted the king and the princess’ conversation.

“Yes, Furukawa, you may speak.”

“Not only did Takayanagi save your daughter, but she saved me from doing something that I would’ve regretted in the end…. Also, I was actually the who had caused Takayanagi to be blind like this… I was so blinded by my love for your daughter…. That I didn’t see any other way of confessing it to her then by hurting others around me.”

“I still cannot allow it.”

The three girls had their mouths agape. Even though they had clearly stated three valid reasons as to why Akane should be with Rena, that the latter’s father had still denied their relationship.

“But Father… Please!”

“I’m sorry, Rena, but she has to prove herself.”

“How can I, your highness?”

“Figure it out yourself, Takayanagi.”

He turned the other way, causing Rena and Akane to looking each other, sighing.

“Now, Furukawa, what we were discussing earlier.”

He had then walked away with Airi, discussing some, rather, personal matters.

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Re: OS Collection of Random Pairs -The War of Love Sequel Part 1/5 28/10
« Reply #104 on: October 31, 2015, 07:25:01 AM »
Churi's being honest and straightforward to the king and that's cool. Too bad the king couldn't see her purity. Maybe being a bit tricky will help. :P I believe some tricks won't hurt. :grin:
Churi's cool, but even Airi's cooler telling those things to the king. :lol:

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Re: OS Collection of Random Pairs -The War of Love Sequel Part 1/5 28/10
« Reply #105 on: February 10, 2016, 05:43:27 PM »
Hey guys, Michael here, I haven't written here in a long time, since the 28th of November, with another, pretty sad Furuyanagi oneshot. I based it off a prompt I found on Tumblr and well, enjoy~
Takayanagi Akane secretly suffered. Whilst other people her age were working hard, she had her days wasted in a hospital bed. You see, she has a condition you call Chronic Heart Failure. It has been with her all her life… which has been the past 24 years.

She had kept silent, thinking that it was all her fault for the things that had happened to her. That she had done something wrong to make everyone hate her.

As she laid down on the bed, she had a sudden thought.   

“I’m going to die alone…”   

All she could think about was the possibility of death, in the near or far future. She looked out of the window, looking at people walking past, wishing how she was one of those people. Someone who didn’t have to worry about being near death’s grasp and could live a long, happy life.

But no. She’s stuck here, in a hospital bedroom, with physical problems that could cost her, her own life.

She had also kept a pet bird in a cage in the room with her, to keep her company when no-one else was there to look after her. His name was Papi and she treasured him as if he was a real human being. Though, even with Papi around her, she still felt that she needed to go out into the real world.

However, not all hope was lost. The doctors say that they can, hopefully, perform a surgery that will save her. She kept her hopes up, but the thought of the inevitable was still on the back of her mind.

The only other person besides the doctors, nurses, and other patients who kept her company was her best friend, Airi, who always came to visit her daily. She had also given Akane enough encouragement, that the latter felt happy to have her by her side.

That day, Akane had heard a knock on the door.

“Come in.”

The door opened and it revealed Airi’s face, however, it didn’t show the usual bubbly smile she would always make when she saw the girl.

“H-Hey Churi…”

“Airin. What’s the matter?” Akane asked her friend as she sat beside her.

“It’s just…” Airi sighed as she turned to face Akane, “I’ve had things happen…”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s complicated but… I’ve been having some trouble with my family.”

“It’s that bad, huh..?”


Akane slid closer and rubbed her friend’s back. “It’ll be okay.”

“This isn’t as bad as what you’ve been through.”


Airi shook her head, “I’ll leave that to you to figure out.”

“Eto… Airi… I want to ask you a favour...”


“Can we see the cherry blossom trees? Especially the ones where you always go to?”

“Why do you want to go see them?”

“Just in case… if anything happens, I want to see them…”

“Churi... please…don’t think like that…”

“But… just… what if..?”

Airi put her hand on Akane’s shoulder, “I’ll do anything in my power to let you live.”

Akane’s eyes started welling up with tears, “Airi… I…”

“Come on, let’s go.”


“I’m gonna show you the cherry blossoms, and we’re going to be happy.”


“Wait here, I’ll go get a wheelchair for you.”

As Airi left, Akane looked at Papi. She petted his head a bit.

“I’ll be right back, Papi.”

The bird chirped and Akane smiled a bit.

“Even when I’m gone, I hope you’re happy without me, Airi.”

Airi came back, with a wheelchair for Akane to sit on. She sat down in the chair and let Airi lead her to where they had to go.

As they were making the way there, Akane had asked Airi something.

“Airi, promise me something?”

“U-Uh…. Sure…”

“Promise me that.. If anything happens… just forget about me… I don’t want your future to burdened because of me.”

“Akane…” Airi hugged her friend from behind. “I could never do that.”

“B-But… I just don’t want you to dwell on the past…”

“Akane, listen to me. You’re my most important and best friend. I could never forget you even if I wanted to.”


“Now, please, stop saying negative things… You’re going to be okay, I know it. You’ll survive that operation and come out with a much stronger heart.”

“I just don’t know… I just feel like it’s nearly impossible for me to survive it...”

She then felt Airi give her a soft kiss on the cheek, making her blush.


“Sorry, I just can’t help it,” Airi said whilst winking, “Especially if it’s to someone as cute as you are.”

“Mou~ You’re going too far with the compliments…”

“But, let’s be honest with each other here, it’s true, and you know it, Churi.”

Akane blushed again.

“L-let’s just go see the cherry blossoms!”

“Hai, hai.”

They continued on their journey until Airi stopped at a park full of cherry blossom trees. Akane just stared at the beautiful sight in front of her.


“Don’t worry, I know of a secluded place just for the two of us.”


The two of them kept going until Akane saw a large tree in the corner of the park. It was blooming with pink cherry blossoms with petals fluttering in the air.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Airi asked.

“Yeah, it is.”

“Churi… I have something to say…”

“Hm? What?”

“I… the truth is… I’ve had feelings for you…”

“W-What do you mean by that..?”

“I… I’m in love with you, Akane.”

“W-Wait.. What?!”

“I don’t when I’ve started feeling this… but I know whenever I see you, my heart always skips a beat…”


“T-That’s why I wanted you to think positively, so that when something does happen to you, that I feel happy that I was with you.”

Before she could say anything, Akane clutched her chest in pain. Airi became panicked.

“T-Take… me… back…” Akane said whilst inhaling deeply, “H-Hurry…”

Airi didn’t waste a second and hurriedly took Akane back into the hospital. The nurses saw her condition and quickly took her back into her room, separating her from Airi.

All the girl could do was wait outside, the tense atmosphere growing, as she waited for an answer. She prayed that Akane was alright.

Then the doctor came out…

“Takayanagi-san had a heart attack. It’s pretty severe. We’re going to have to do an emergency heart transplant.”

Airi’s eyes widened.

“The only problem is.. we still haven’t gotten a replacement heart. Even if we do get one, it might not come in when we need it and we might not be able to save her in time…”

“Is there a way for me to be her donor?”

 “Well, yes, however, there’s a very low chance of you surviving the transplant.”

Airi gripped her fists, biting her lip.

“As long as Akane is alive… that’s fine with me.”

“Alright, now come with me.”



“Akane… I‘m sorry I had to leave you so... but I want to give you the life I’ve had for so long, whilst you were suffering…”

“Airin.. what are you talking about..?”

“Just know you’re forever a part of me and I will always be with you… Goodbye…”

“Wait.. Airi, don’t go! Airi!”

Akane’s heavy eyelids fluttered open and she looked around the hospital room. As she pondered over the dream, the doctor came in with a solemn look on his face.

“Where’s Airi…?” she asked.

“Furukawa Airi, was it? She told me to give you this,” the doctor replied, giving Akane an envelope with a red seal on it.

Akane opened it and read the contents inside.

“Dear Akane,

 It might be the last time you hear from me. I know it sounds like a bad thing to read, but for me, I felt happy to be writing this to you because...Because I felt bad that I was living a life of security, whilst you were in the hospital suffering. I’m also thankful for the fact that you were beside me every step of the way, even though you were sick.

But with this, I know now that you can live a long, happy, and healthy life. Even though I’m not with you physically anymore, I’ll always be with you. Just listen to your heartbeat and remember me. It should be easy since… my heart will now be inside you…”

Akane stopped reading a moment. “Eh…?!”

Tears started forming in her eyes, streaming down her face and blurring her vision. She tried to continue to read.

“I’m sorry that I’ve left you but I know for a fact that I’ve done what I did for a good cause. I want you to live a good, fulfilling life. With that being said, I’ve got nothing more to tell you. Goodbye, Akane and I will continue to watch over you.

From, Airi.

PS: Look at the back.”

She turned the piece of paper around and saw a drawing of the two of them smiling, underneath the cherry blossoms. Akane’s tears continued to flow as she remembered the memories she had shared with Airi.

She placed a hand on her chest. Every heartbeat she heard, every pump of blood coursing through her, she remembered Airi.

“I’ll treasure this, Airi… Your sacrifice won’t be in vain…”

3 Years Later…

Three years after Akane’s operation and she was dismissed from the hospital, she made more friends.

She had met Matsui Jurina when she was in a convenience store. After she had explained her situation to Jurina, the latter became sympathetic towards Akane and tried to help her the best she could.

She had met Matsui Rena when she was making her way through the city. Rena noticed that she looked lost, so, by instinct, she walked up to Akane. After that, the two stayed in contact with each other, often meeting up.

However, she had never forgotten about Airi. Why would she forget? Airi gave up her life so that could live.

“She’d be turning 29 this year… if it wasn’t for me…”

She placed her hand on her chest again. Whenever she missed Airi, she would always listen to her heartbeat. In the center of her chest, there was a scar. A scar that reminded her of her best friend.

She decided to call Jurina and Rena. She had wanted to visit Airi’s grave, it had been so long since she visited.

She reminisced every single moment she had shared with her deceased friend, from the first time they had met, to the final moment they had shared together underneath the cherry blossoms.

Akane still had Airi’s final letter and picture with her, painfully seeing every last detail. It hurt her in every way, even though she was physically healthy, she had still felt the mental torture she had felt for years.

However, even though she was sad and lonely, somehow, hearing her own heartbeat and thinking of Airi calmed her. Even though it was painful knowing that it was Airi’s heart inside her, remembering Airi and hearing her heart beat inside made her feel… alive.

“I’m here, Airi…”

The trio arrived at Airi’s grave. Akane knelt down and touched the picture of Airi that was laid against the tombstone, along with the flowers set out.

“You and her were really close, weren’t you?” Jurina asked.


“Do you miss her?” Rena also asked.

“I do, but…” Akane held her chest, hearing her heartbeat. “She’s always with me.”

“I love you, Akane…”

“After all, she was my true love.”

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Re: OS Collection of Random Pairs -The Risks of True Love (Furuyanagi) 10/02/16
« Reply #106 on: February 10, 2016, 06:09:38 PM »
awww thats so.. *gathered my scatters heart*

just coincidence I just updating the fic with Furuyanagi moments and TADAAA I saw you updating Furuyanagi as well

good fic although its sad

otsukare :on gay:
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Re: OS Collection of Random Pairs -The Risks of True Love (Furuyanagi) 10/02/16
« Reply #107 on: February 11, 2016, 05:01:32 AM »
Michael why? (T_T)

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Re: OS Collection of Random Pairs -The Risks of True Love (Furuyanagi) 10/02/16
« Reply #108 on: February 11, 2016, 09:04:29 PM »
I'm sorry, Rena. That I was so stupid to think that everything I thought was the right thing.

I'm sorry. That I said things I had never meant to say. That I stupidly broke promises that I had never meant to break.

I'm sorry that I wasn't the boyfriend you wanted. That I didn't protect you when you needed it the most, when you were most vulnerable.

I should just disappear. I don't deserve to live on this Earth anymore. I'm sorry...

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Hey guys, I know I promised some of you a fluffy Furuyanagi oneshot (You two know who you are and I'll still need to finish the ending ;) ) but I've written a quick Furuyanagi oneshot based off of Green Day's Wake me Up When September Ends, and I can assure you this one's a sad one, but when I finish the fluffy one, you guys will be happy.

Wake Me Up When September Ends [Furukawa Airi x Takayanagi Akane]

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends

It’s been months… Now the weak shall fall, beneath worthless emotions, like love and hatred. But I can’t say anything much, because I’m weak and worthless, without you, Akane…. Please, wake me up when all this ends… Wake me up when September ends…

Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars
Drenched in my pain again
Becoming who we are

Here comes the rain, the rain of my sorrows. Falling from the pitiless sky, drenching me with pain, becoming a lifeless soul, once again. The rain will determine, my narrow future, my narrow future without you, Akane….

As my memory rests
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when September ends

As my memories start to fade, it never forgets about you… It’s all painful… I just want to be numbed… Numbed from all this pain, without the one I need the most. Wake me up, wake me up when it’s all over...

Ring out the bells again
Like we did when spring began
Wake me up when September ends

Ring the bell, ring it so I can properly remember… Remember all the memories I shared with you, Akane… Like the last time I saw you…. Underneath the cherry blossom trees… Wake me up from this nightmare….

Wake me up when September ends….

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i laugh while read pre-words about fluffy fic  :lol: :lol:

Ahhh I have to write also, like stress reliever~
I thought you will post about valentine, even tho i love to write about valentine. but i didnt make it at all  XD XD
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A/N: This Author's Note is gonna be rushed, I'm hungry and it's dinner so yeah. This is for @buciq and @Hypno, this isn't based off Churi's haircut but it's for Valentine's Day so :D Some Furumarion is gonna be included too, so here and enjoy~
For Furukawa Airi, it was the weirdest day ever. It was Valentine's Day and her girlfriend was missing.

First, when she had asked Matsui Rena the location of her partner, Takayanagi Akane was, Rena didn't disclose any information to her. She asked Rena if she wasn't joking when she didn't tell her anything. Rena insisted that she knew nothing. So, she started asking around.

Next, she asked Furuhata Nao and Azuma Rion. Nao told her that she hadn't seen her all day as she was preparing for some drama shoots for some of the day and was hanging out with Rion for the rest of the day. However, Rion told her that she saw her rushing to the convenience store, needing something for her and her birds. So Airi went rushing to the convenience store that Akane had always went to.

So, when she arrived there, she asked the shopkeeper what she had bought and where she was headed off to next. He had told her that she had bought a few packets of instant ramen (the brand that both of them really liked), a bag of bird food and bottles of toiletries. He had told her that Akane had left back to her apartment.

That was where Airi had headed off to next. But seeing as though Akane had been living at the penthouse suite at the top of the apartment complex, Airi tried calling her, as she wasn’t in the mood to run up those 50 or so flights of stairs, nor was in the mood to wait for the elevator. But, everytime she tried to call her, it went straight to voicemail. She couldn’t wait for the elevator as it was only on the 23rd floor (A/N There’s a reference to this, see if you can guess, it relates to Furuyanagi’s birthdays).

So, she had no other option but to run up the stairs. After about 20 to 25 minutes of running, she arrived to the door of her girlfriend’s apartment. When she knocked on the door, however, no-one answered. She kept the flowers she had bought, hidden behind her back and when she did so, a note slipped under the door. She opened the envelope it was in and read it.

Dear Airi,

You may be wondering why I haven’t been spending Valentine’s Day with you.. It’s a bit complicated but I’ve been busy with family problems. Give me another 2 or 3 hours and I’ll celebrate the evening with you.


That was when she started waiting. Not by doing anything else, but just sitting right beside her door. She was waiting for so long that she nearly felt asleep and was so bored that she slept like a dog.

When she was deep in her sleep, she heard the door open and she slowly woke from her slumber, finding the bird-loving girl walking out of the door.


“Airi, I thought you would’ve been working on artwork, not sleeping near my door! Come in, before you get ill!”

Akane ushered the partially unconscious Airi into her apartment. When Airi fully woke up, she found a romantic dinner for her and Akane, and when she turned to see Akane, she saw that her hair was shorter than it was the day before.

“A-Akane.. W-What happened t-to y-your hair….?”

“Oh, I cut it the day before.”

Airi was dumbfounded.

“S-So this dinner… Was for us? You spent all day preparing this for me?”


“Y-Your hair…”

“Come on, let’s eat.”

Then, the two of them ate a romantic dinner that Akane had cooked for the two of them. During their dinner, Airi had a text from Rion.

To: Hentai Kamen

Hey Airi-san~
How was your Valentine’s Day?
Did you find Akane-san in the end?

From: Azumarion.

Airi smiled and Akane was looking at her confused.

“Who’s that?”

“Rion. She was one of the first people I asked where you where.”


To: Azumarion

It’s been a bit confusing.
But I found her in the end, I’m having dinner with her as we speak.
How was your Valentine’s Day with Nao?

From: Hentai Kamen.

Airi placed her phone to the side of the table and continued eating. She got another text from Rion, read it and smiled.

To: Hentai Kamen

It’s gone good. We went to lunch, played a few pieces at hers.
Now we’ve gone to dinner and it made me feel good.

From: Azumarion.

She thought she had forgotten something but shook it off and continued eating.

“Shit! I forgot something outside…!”

Airi ran out of the door and grabbed her flowers, ran back inside and gave the red bunch of rose to her girlfriend.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Akane. Thanks for the dinner.”

“You’re welcome, Airi. Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too.”

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i guess it's not me only who update XD

Thanks for the fic! I'll probably write the uninvited guest for Churi Ver :inlove: :inlove:

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Yay! Thanks for furuyanagi fic!
It was so sweet and i like it!
Thanks for writing! :D
Keep up the good work..~
Love is darkness

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Nyaaaahahaha this is so cute :shy2: This is the first thing I read after not reading any fanfics for like 1 month? XD But it's really great~

I think I got the reference to the 23rd floor :D Churi's born in November while Airin's in December, so 11 + 12 = 23? :)

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Comment Replies:

Nyaaaahahaha this is so cute :shy2: This is the first thing I read after not reading any fanfics for like 1 month? XD But it's really great~

I think I got the reference to the 23rd floor :D Churi's born in November while Airin's in December, so 11 + 12 = 23? :)

Bingo. Furuyanagi's birthdays are two weeks between each other... and my dad's is inbetween Furuyanagi's on the 6th of December XD Awww, I didn't know I was the first person, whom you read fics from when you came back... I'm honored and thanks for putting up with my weird ass fics XD

Yay! Thanks for furuyanagi fic!
It was so sweet and i like it!
Thanks for writing! :D
Keep up the good work..~

Thanks :3 I will, with this three/four parter.

i guess it's not me only who update XD

Thanks for the fic! I'll probably write the uninvited guest for Churi Ver :inlove: :inlove:

As I've written this, I've read it and it's cute.


A/N So, hello, once again. I'm here... with a deeper.... more depressing oneshot... It's Furuyanagi, with WMatsui and warning, this may be OOC and a tiny, tiny bit graphic. This is going to be in either 3 or 4 parts, depending on how much we get done... Oh and shoutout to Ruka Kikuchi (and another friend of ours who isn't registered on this site... She knows who she is...) for helping me write this... Each part will come every 2 weeks... Because I'm busy prewriting other future fanfics and projects and stuff.... so yeah....

It's based of this prompt from Tumblr Page OTPPrompts, credit to them for it.

Imagine Person A of your OTP is pregnant and hasn’t yet told Person B. One day, A and B are doing something together, when B suddenly says “I know about the baby”. You choose what happens next.

Thanks for reading this long ass authors note, from me anyway and enjoy, comment and thank this post :) Any support is greatly appreciated!


There was a girl, pacing back and forth, in her shared apartment. She seemed panicked and horrified about something. Remembering she was raped by a random person at club made her want to go to a bridge and jump.

However, she realised about her current partner. If she had known about this, then she would’ve left her for sure. It would’ve been hard for her to hide it but she had to, to keep her relationship in tact. She freaks out more and then gets an idea, next thing you know she’s at the nearest drug store. She buys a pregnancy test and drives home.

Then, she went into the bathroom and did what the instructions read. She sat on the toilet and waited...Suddenly the alarm went off and she dismissed it getting up to look at the test.  “Positive…” She whispered. Her shock couldn’t be more real.

“Akane? You home?” A voice called out as she pieced all the clues together.

She missed her monthly cycle, she had felt sick the day before and the test seemed to be positive. Knowing this was actually happening made Takayanagi Akane terrified…

“Akane, are you here?” The voice called out again.

“Y-Yeah, I’m here Airin…!”

Akane ran and put the test in the bin as she went to greet her partner, Furukawa Airi.

“You alright there, Akane?”

“I-I don’t know…”

“You seem kind of pale… You sure you don’t need some rest?”

“I um..I-”

“Go rest, I’ll be here doing some work if you need anything.”

“You sure, Airin?”

“Yeah, I need to finish a few things so you can go sleep if you want.”   

Akane walked to the bedroom her and Airi shared, laid on the bed and thought about something.

“Rena… How could you…?”


Rena forced Akane into the car and got into the driver’s seat.

“R-Rena… W-What are you doing…?!”

“Just shut up.”

Akane shut her mouth and rode to Rena’s home.
When she arrived, Rena practically dragged her inside of her apartment. Rena threw Akane onto the bed…


“Shut up…! I’ll do what I want to you..! You’re mine now!” Rena declared, “I don’t care what Airi thinks… I used her for this.”

Akane was left speechless.

“B-but..I love Airin..I only want her! GET OFF ME!” Akane screamed hoping that someone would hear her.

Rena got up and grabbed a tie, she wrapped it around Akane’s mouth and tied it in the back. Next, she took off her clothes and Akane’s. Violating Akane...Making Akane lose a trust she had for Rena....Forever

{Flashback End}

She curled up into a ball and tears fell down her face. She regretted everything that had happened and started to blame herself for it.

“Why..? Why is this happening…?!”


1 month passes…

Sounds of puking and gagging come from the bathroom. A common symptom of pregnancy; morning sickness.

Akane became increasingly worried that Airi was going to find out about her rendezvous with Rena.

“I’m lucky Airin isn’t at home…”

She continues vomiting into the toilet, next she gets up to look for nausea medicine. She was too busy trying to cure her morning sickness that she didn’t hear Airi walk through the front door and closing it.


“O-oh! I’m Uh..”

Suddenly Airi walks in to see Akane with nausea medicine and a glass of water.

“Are you alright? What’s this?”

“Oh...Well it’s that time of the..y’know”

“Yeah… but I don’t think it’s--”

Before she could continue, Airi saw Akane vomit into the toilet once more.

“That… bad..”

“Well...I think I might be sick..I don’t know...”

“If you say so… Are you going to be okay by yourself? I’ve got to go back to work tonight...”

Akane nodded. To be fair, she was happy that Airi was acting this stupid and oblivious about her situation, that it made it easier for her to hide the fact that she was pregnant.

Akane went into the bedroom and laid down trying to calm her nerves. Just then out of nowhere, her phone began ringing… It was Rena out of all people..

“What do you want… Rena…?”

“Akane..I just..I-”

“I said what do you want? You’re the one at fault here and I’m not taking any excuses.”

“Fine… If it’s for your forgiveness… I’ll stay away during your pregnancy…”

“Wait… what?”

“I feel fucking guilty… I’ll just tell--”

“D-Don’t tell Airin!”

“Wha-? Why? Shouldn’t she know?”

“I’m not ready yet… Even so, it’s not her kid…”


“Please… Just don’t tell her…”

“Just so you know, if it’s not me telling her… Jurina’s bound to say, whether I tell her not to or not.”   

“... You told Jurina…?”

“What else could I have done…?”

“Not say anything to her!”

“Well, I’m sorry…”


Akane hung up and threw her phone on the floor. She sighed heavily and was very, very irritated.

Another, less common symptom of pregnancy; mood swings.

After the anger, came tears of frustration and heartbreak.

“How am I possibly going to do this..?”


Airi works at a large office, owned by the Matsui family. She was still very concerned at Akane’s behaviour.

“Airin~” A voice chimed in as a certain cheshire cat-grin greeted her.


Jurina hugged the girl and said, “Congrats~”


“Wow, this really is amazing. I knew this would happen sooner or later.”

“W-Wait. Jurina. What are you talking about?”

“Oh come on, you know~” Jurina smiled.

“Seriously, I don’t. And if it’s about Akane, you better tell me.”

“Well, Churi’s gonna have a baby~.”

“What?! I-It can’t be mine…!”

“What do you mean…? She never told you...?”


Jurina tilted her head, confused, “How do you not know?”

“There’s a thing called, Akane being quiet about it.”

“Airin, you should be happy! You and Akane are going to become part of a family! You and her are gonna be mommies to an adorable baby boy or girl!”

“I’m not happy for a reason!!!! She’s not telling me. For a reason!”

“Wait...Are you saying..It’s not yours?”

“...My god... No, it’s not!”

“What the heck?! Whose could it possibly be then?!”

“... I don’t know….”

Jurina frowned, worried for not only Airi but Akane too.

“Go talk to her, see what’s going on.”

Airi collected her things and walked out, not caring about clocking out or anything else that was happening around her.

She started rushing back to the house and rushed to the bedroom.


Airi found Akane lying on the bed.

“Airi… W-What’s wrong,,,?”

“I should be asking you that...” Airi gave her a serious stare. “Akane… I know.”

“Huh..?” Akane was confused.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about..Stop playing dumb… I’m not that stupid.”

“I don’t!”

“You’re pregnant, aren’t you?”

Akane kept silent, dumbfounded by Airi’s statement.


“Why? Why didn’t you tell me…?”

Airi was not normally one to cry, but she felt tears form in the corner of eyes. She was so confused and bewildered that she didn’t have anything else to say.

“I just feel ashamed…”

The true reason why I'm splitting it into three parts is to torture you guys *Coughs* because we haven't fully finished writing it yet... So again, please enjoy, comment and thank this post~

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W-Wait wait so who is the father? and Rena like Akane?

Somewhat a bit lost..
But poor Airi, like she's not worth to be told at all by Akane  :( :(

So you'll make 2 more chapter?
I'll wait for sure :D
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W-Wait wait so who is the father? and Rena like Akane?

Somewhat a bit lost..
But poor Airi, like she's not worth to be told at all by Akane  :( :(

So you'll make 2 more chapter?
I'll wait for sure :D

Rena didn't like Akane at all, she just used her. And the father's going to be revealed next chapter but you can kinda guess already who it is.

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Rena didn't like Akane at all, she just used her. And the father's going to be revealed next chapter but you can kinda guess already who it is.
I have someone in my mind... :3

But i'll wait for it :D
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W-Wait wait so who is the father? and Rena like Akane?

Somewhat a bit lost..
But poor Airi, like she's not worth to be told at all by Akane  :( :(

So you'll make 2 more chapter?
I'll wait for sure :D

Rena didn't like Akane at all, she just used her. And the father's going to be revealed next chapter but you can kinda guess already who it is.

Is Nakanishi Yuka, right?!?! DUM DUM DUUUUM just kidding.. waiting fir the next chapter

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