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Author Topic: The 3 Classes - COMPLETED  (Read 43160 times)

Offline oKei

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The 3 Classes - COMPLETED
« on: January 15, 2014, 01:54:04 AM »
Hey minna! This is my first fic, I've been one of those silent readers for a while now and I thought i'd give writing here a shot. Sorry for any mistakes. And please let me know if my ideas have been written before so I can discontinue or I guess try to fix it. haha.




I just turned 16 and my parents have just decided to transfer me to another school! I didn’t ask for this, I didn’t want to go to another school, but they have already submitted the applications. I will be moving to Tokyo tomorrow so I’m preparing my things.

Upstairs in my rooms, I notice an envelope on my desk. I stare at it curiously, I don’t remember it being there before. Picking it up, I open it and read a letter inside:

To Takahashi Minami,
       Congratulations on your acceptance to our school, Special Ed Academy. We are looking forward to your attendance and are sending a reminder that 1st year Orientation will be on the first day of school rather than before then. We hope you find our school wonderful and that you will enjoy your experience here.
                                                                                                                                 Your Principal, Akimoto Yasushi

What?! “Special Ed Academy”??? Where are my parents sending me to?! If I’m not mistaken, Special Ed is for “special” students who are in need of assistance because they have disabilities. Last I checked, I am perfectly normal!

“Okaa-san! What is the meaning of this??” I waved the letter in front of my mom.

“Minami-chan honey, that is the school you will be attending.” She doesn’t understand.

“The school is named “Special Ed Academy”. I am no special ed student! Is there something wrong with me? Oh—no. Is it my height?!?! Oh my God. You and Otou-san are sending me there because of my height?!” I mean—I know I’m short but… but for it be considered a disability… What got into them?? I couldn’t contain myself anymore. I slumped to the floor feeling defeated.

“Dear, you are going there because you are very special. This has nothing to do with your height.”

How am I special? I thought.

As if reading my mind, “Minami. You are special. You are a very gifted child, you just don’t realize it. Please understand, this is all for you. You will see at the Orientation.”

But I don’t understand… I am being sent away by my parents and leaving my friends. I am going to a school that doesn’t sound appealing at all. All because I am “special”. I feel disgusted now by that word. It has caused me problems. I hope she’s right and it’s not because I am what I call, ‘vertically challenged’. There better be a good reason for all this.


Should I continue?   
« Last Edit: October 22, 2017, 03:36:07 PM by sophcaro »

Offline jenzybenzy

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Re: The 3 Classes - Prologue
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2014, 02:04:56 AM »
Yes you should  :thumbup
« Last Edit: January 15, 2014, 03:18:33 AM by jenzybenzy »
A TakaYuu Here, An AtsuYuu there and A KojiYuu everywhere

ALL THESE HUGS ... i want one :cry:

Offline Aphrodite

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Re: The 3 Classes - Prologue
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2014, 03:51:39 AM »
Yes please  :D
seems interesting
Lol takamina and her height  :lol:

Offline cisda83

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Re: The 3 Classes - Prologue
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2014, 04:07:25 AM »
please continue...

I'm curious as to how the story is going to develop

Can't wait to see the next chapter

Thank you

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline blakwhite

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Re: The 3 Classes - Prologue
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2014, 10:19:37 AM »
please continue it  :kneelbow:
it really intresting  :luvluv2:

Offline MayuxMatsuixMusic

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Re: The 3 Classes - Prologue
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2014, 02:59:33 PM »

hope it has mayuki

hahaha minami thought she  was send to a special ed because of her height :wahaha: :wahaha: :wahaha: :on woohoo:
mayuyu and rena is <3

mayuki and mayurena is my fav <3

Offline qweakb

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Re: The 3 Classes - Prologue
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2014, 03:25:09 PM »
Should I continue?

Yes! please continue it
Become AKB fan after watching AKB0048.
Oshimen : Takamina and Mayu
Favorite pair : TakaAstu, Mayukirin, KumiYuria, Wmatsui, JirinaMayu etc.
(After reading the fanfic, my favorite pair just keep increasing :( )

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: The 3 Classes - Prologue
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2014, 10:09:40 PM »
Oh special school for AKB family

Please continue

Offline oKei

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The 3 Classes - Chapter 1 Update!
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2014, 12:52:04 AM »
Minna! Thank you for reading my fic, I enjoy writing this and I'm thankful for the encouragement to continue. I'm still trying to figure out my way through this site, but i'll learn. ^.^ After this, my next update will be next week due to busy schedules. Please be patient, there'll be more to come. :D 


First Day of School

48 Lazy Street. 48 Lazy Street. Where is it? I’m sure this is the right address. Wait, what am I saying? First, why is it on some road called “Lazy” Street?? I for one would not want to live on this road. I feel sorry for those who live here. Wow though, this school is already weird for just its name and address and I haven’t even seen it yet. Where is it? 46… 47… 47&1/2… 49… Oh come on!

I heave a loud sigh. I look around. Nothing but those houses here and the field across the street. Now what..? I can go home? Hehehe I hope so. After waiting for about 15 minutes, I decide to leave but then I see a girl with shoulder lengthed black hair across the street. I walk over and wave to her and smile, but she keeps her head down. Not friendly huh?

“Hey um, do you know how to get to this address?” I try to show her the address, but her head is still down, making it a little hard.
No answer. Okayyy. I shrug and turn to walk away when I feel a sudden tug on my parka.

“Ano…” The girl looks up at me shyly.

Woah. Her eyes are really beautiful, I almost can’t stop staring.

“If you’re looking for the Academy, I can show you the way there.”

“Really? Are you also a student there?”

“Yes, I am a 1st year. I was just on my way. Follow me.”

She walked over to the field where I confusedly followed her. We went over to some bushes at the other end of the field where she started looking around as if someone could be watching. I glanced around. Nothing suspicious. What is she doing? I noticed that she began to part the bushes which opened up to what appears to be a tunnel. I have so many questions, but woah! This is like those adventures I’ve read about in my manga. So cool! We went down into the tunnel where we walked for about a good hour—waah! My feet hurt!—and ended up climbing up into a clearing where some kind of stone tablet laid flat on the ground, surrounded by 4 trees on it’s corners. I noticed it has the number 48 engraved on it.

She motioned to me. “Come on, we’re almost there.” She then moved to stand on top of the tablet. Isn’t that wrong?? I mean, if there’s a lone tablet in the middle of a clearing with light shining down on it, wouldn’t it be sacred and so we should stay away from it??

Seeing me hesitate and nervous about it, the girl let a small smile. She encouraged me to step on with her and I don’t know why, but her smile captured me and cleared my doubts away. I quickly grabbed hold of her arm when I almost slipped stepping up on it and she smiled again, almost giggling.

“Ok. Now… whatever you do, don’t let go of me.”


What? I can handle myself, what does she mean? Psh, acting as if I’m weak yeah right.

All of a sudden, a music box began playing. What the heck?? I feel like we’re in some scary movie now. What’s with the creepy noise in a beautiful place? I really don’t like where this is going.

I hold on to her tighter. I have no idea what is gonna happen. Are we really going to the school?

“Ano… this better not be some kind of sick joke. I can’t handle jack in the bo—
KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” This is not happening! This is not happening! I don’t know what happened but we were just on the ground and all of a sudden now we’re shooting through the clouds! What on earth is happening?! I struggle to glance at the girl who’s apparently trying to kill me. Why is she smiling at me? We are in the sky for crying out loud! And we’re going up! Not down! What if we lose oxygen?? I feel like I’m gonna pass out now. Erghh..

“Heey! Try to calm down! We’re almost there!” She calls to me. I hardly understand with all the wind in my ears. I’m done. Let me know when it’s over.

All of a sudden gravity comes back and we start to plummet down. Oh God I can’t take this, I had to look down. The scenery is just awful, miles and miles just endless freefalling torture to endure. I close my eyes.

Eh? Wait. I’m not falling..? I open my eyes for a peek and notice I am standing on pavement. Wtf. Did I die? Please tell me I didn’t just die, I still have so much left to live for! That girl is with me though. Nooo!!! Don’t tell me she died too?? She’s just too beautiful to die so young… Why did my parents have to send me here!

“W-where are we?” I stuttered.

“We’ve reached the Academy.” She doesn’t seem affected by this at all. Wait! Did she say Academy?!

I spun around expecting to see the school. What I didn’t expect to see was some huge walls towering high over me.


“Come on, let’s head through the gate. Orientation’s gonna start soon.” The girl led me through as I fathomed the size of the walls. They reminded me of the one from that manga, Attack on Titan. I just could not get over how great they looked and how did they get there. There is nothing like this that I know of in Japan.

Those walls are nothing though compared to the buildings and scenery inside. I was astonished. There were three large Victorian architectural buildings which I assumed were part of the Academy. They surrounded the center square in which a tall clock tower stood that seemed similar to the Big Bend that I’ve read about. In front of the tower laid a massive yet beautiful garden covered with possibly every flower I could ever know.

The girl tugged on me to keep moving so I followed her into what is probably the main building since it was in between the other two. We ended up in a gymnasium where there were quite a few other people. I’m getting tired of not knowing anything so I approached a group of girls and the other girl followed me.

“Hey, are you guys students?”

A girl with shoulder lengthed hair and a cat like smile replied, “Yeah, we’re all 1st years here and I bet you two are too. Since we’re all in the same boat, why don’t we all first introduce ourselves? My name is Matsui Jurina!” She’s quite friendly, I like that.

“Oh, my name is Takahashi Minami, but call me Takamina. Nice to meet you all. And this here…” I gesture to the girl who has been with me all morning, “is..” Oh crap! I don’t know her name! How come I never asked her for her name! Ah! Baka!

“Maeda Atsuko.” She answered for me. “I go by Acchan though, nice to meet you all.” Ah, she has a really pretty name.

Then, one by one, the other girls also introduced themselves.

The girl with long light brown hair and a fang peeking through her smile stepped up to us. “Hi! I’m Itano Tomomi, call me Tomochin.”

Speaking with a Kansai dialect, “I’m Yokoyama Yui. Pleased to meet you two. You can call me Yuihan.”

The last girl who seemed indifferent to the conversations softly spoke, “I’m Shimazaki Haruka, also known as Paruru. Yoroshiku.”

After making new friends and introducing ourselves, I was about to ask about the school when the lights went out leaving an empty spotlight in the middle of the gym.

What’s going on now? I thought. I can hardly see a thing.

A man appeared through the darkness under the spotlight. Way to make an entrance. Trying to creep us out huh?

“Good morning. I am your principal Akimoto Yasushi and I assume most of you are wondering why you are here. Well, I will start by explaining what kind of school this is. The name ‘Special Ed’ is just a guise for the more important term ‘Gifted.’ I know, it does not mean you have a type of disability, but that you possess a great amount of power that you will learn to control here in the Academy.”

Power? What’s he talking about?

“I’m sure if you don’t already know, myths and legends are born from true stories and facts. Here, the seemingly impossible is possible. Example. Where are we? We are in another dimension, a slip of space, or you can call it an alternate world. In a certain location on Earth, there is a patch high in the sky that acts as a portal to the school here, which is only accessible through the springed tablet. I hope you enjoyed the experience getting here. This place has been used as a sanctuary from common people since it was found. Getting to the main point, what you call super powers and incredible abilities are truly real. You all have the potential to control those powers inside you, some of you already know of this. Having been born with these abilities, they would not apply until you turned 16. Your parents knew about this. Most of our students are sent here at that age to prevent the common world from obtaining its knowledge and harnessing it for their own. Through our education, you will all discover your strengths and weaknesses, learn to control them, apply your knowledge, make new friends of course, gain experiences, and have fun. No—“

“Wait!” I interrupted him. “Are you expecting us to believe you?? Majisuka? I’ve been normal all my life and now all of a sudden I have some kind of powers?” This must be a dokkiri, yeah that’s it. It must be. They’re all insane! I must be in a mental hospital. That’s why everything seems so different and unusual.

“Takahashi-san, your parents warned me you might have a hard time accepting this. Would you like a demonstration? You know, seeing is believing.” His eyes twinkled.

Oh so he’s mocking me. He thinks I’m the strange one huh? “Yes! I’d like proof that these so called powers exist.”

“Very well. Meetan, please entertain Takahashi-san over there.”

I felt cautious all of a sudden. The gym got very very quiet. And all the lights were on now. I spotted a lady walking toward me with a smirk on her face. *Gulp* I’m in for something, I just know it. I hold my ground, waiting to see what she will do. Everyone stands at the side holding their breaths. A loud crash echoes through the building. Glass suddenly rains upon the floor. I look around wide-eyed. All the windows have broken. Before I even have the chance to say “what,” long vines covered in roses and small flowers start to slither through the windows, gracing themselves with their presence. They all start to cover the gym and stream towards me. I turn and run, letting out a yelp as a vine grabs my ankle and pulls me to the floor. Terrified now, I scream but there’s no aid. The vines start to drag me across the floor, I feel like a ragged doll. They start to pull me up with my body dangling and arms flailing helplessly. Shit! Why is no one helping me?! What kind of school tries to harm their students?!? They start to wrap around my body like a snake and as if they’re going to consume me. I struggle trying to break free but I’m too weak. Upside down, I look at the lady called Meetan who I assume is doing this to me. She smiles satisfyingly as if she produced a work of art. Akimoto-san approaches me and asks if I’m okay.

“Are you kidding me!? I need explanations right now!”

“Meetan here has the power to control plants making them either grow or wither and can use them for her bidding. She runs the garden outside too.”

He makes it sound like the plants are her slaves.

“She is also the event planner and chemical specialist. She can create neon lights that are great for parties as well as mix dangerous chemical elements in her control to create fireworks and nasty explosives.”

“Okay, okay I understand now. I believe it now. Will you please let me down, all the blood is going to my head.” This is too much, my mind is reeling right now, but I feel that if I’m gonna survive here, I’m gonna need to accept everything first.

With a nod of his head, Meetan snaps her fingers and all the vines unwrap from me, causing me to crash to the floor as they retreat from the gym. I can’t believe this is how they treat their students. What happened to safety and respect?

Akimoto-san gathers us once more and explains the 3 main buildings of the school. Block A, K, and B. Each block holds their own unique students. He informs us that once he is done, we will be placed in a simulation room to assess which block we will be staying in. Sounds easy enough. Like a test right? Continuing, block A is for students among the class of “Elites” being students who have superpowers. Block K houses the class of “Elementalists,” the students who have the ability to control the elements and not just your typical four elements. Apparently, Meetan is an Elementalist. Should of figured that. Last, block B is known for its class of “Attributes” who are complete geniuses, having power with their mind, literally. They display very high intelligence, always inventing and creating things, they use virtual equipment, the latest devices, futuristic items and also high leveled weapons.

This school is dangerous.

Finishing up, Akimoto-san calls up the block representatives to demonstrate their powers as well as mentor us in the simulation. Four students appear in front of us through a riser under the gym floor. Great. Why don’t they just drop from the ceiling instead? These people are just looking for attention. I notice 1 rep for each block except K. They have 2. Akimoto-san takes his leave while the reps introduce themselves.

“From block A, Kashiwagi Yuki desu. I am a 3rd year student and my power is super speed. Yoroshiku.” She’s really pretty and nice too. She’s tall, having a long torso, and has long, sleek black hair. She looks like a princess, at least it doesn’t look like she acts like one.

“Representing block K, the twin towers Miyazawa Sae and Akimoto Sayaka. We are 2nd year students. Yoroshiku.” The two voices introduced. The boyish girl named Sae indicated that she has the power to control the elements of air and lightning. While the other girl who seemed kind of exotic, Sayaka, has the power to control the elements of earth and metal. I have to say, they both have some pretty cool powers.

“Part of block B, Matsui Rena at your service. I am also a 3rd year, same as Kashiwagi-san there. I am a computer wizard with a powerful memory and I can summon virtual images in front of me to project anything. Yoroshiku.” She looks similar to Yuki and also gives that princess vibe. Maybe they’re both good friends.

“Why does block K have two representatives?” Tomochin questions. She has a point.

With a grin, Sae proclaims, “It’s because the twin towers are always together!”

“No Sae, that’s not why. Normally, 3rd years are the reps, but because all the 3rd year students from block K are out, we had two 2nd years fill in to make up for it which is us.” Naruhodo, I see. Sayaka’s explanation makes sense, but I wonder why were all the 3rd years out. Where’d they go? I’m thinking too much.

Yuki steps forward to us with a plastered smile. “Now that these intros are through, “SIGH” took long enough. Let’s run through your assessments guys! We’ll lead you all to the simulation room where we’ll have some fun. I can’t wait to see your abilities.” All the reps looked really excited. I don’t know what’s in store for us, but might as well go along with it. I wonder what block I’ll be in. I hope this turns out all right. This is some school that’s for sure.

« Last Edit: January 19, 2014, 04:22:17 PM by oKei »

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: The 3 Classes - Chapter 1 Update!
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2014, 01:40:50 AM »
I wonder what Takamina and other first year power is

Please updatesoon

Offline Shinoki

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Re: The 3 Classes - Chapter 1 Update!
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2014, 01:52:38 AM »
You update fast.... (or I might just have a misconception of time)
Somehow, when I read the prologue,
I was expecting a fantasy!!
Well, I'm a fan of school life and fantasy~
Huhuhu... I shall expect an Atsumina...
And the Juri-puppy's harrassment/attacks on Rena...
Da Twin Towers... (;w;)/ Good job!

Meetan time~ :3 (curse my perverted mind... :p )

I'm looking forward to the next~~~~~~ :D
(though I've given up on commenting at sometimes...)

Offline jenzybenzy

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Re: The 3 Classes - Chapter 1 Update!
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2014, 02:19:24 AM »
This is friggen awesome... I can't wait until Yuko shows up  :fap
A TakaYuu Here, An AtsuYuu there and A KojiYuu everywhere

ALL THESE HUGS ... i want one :cry:

Offline cisda83

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Re: The 3 Classes - Chapter 1 Update!
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2014, 02:45:44 AM »
Erm... interesting development...

So they are going to determine the power that the new students possess

What kind of power would Minami, Yuko, Atsuko, etc have?

Atsuko seem to know how to get into the academy, is it because she already know her power since she was born?

Minami doesn't know her power at all, and she doesn't even believe about the existence of this so call power?

Would she be able to demonstrate anything?

It's nearly similar to Gakuen Alice, but friendlier in the recruitment.

Also like harry potter, they came at certain age to study also the school gate is hidden

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline MayuxMatsuixMusic

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Re: The 3 Classes - Chapter 1 Update!
« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2014, 10:52:16 AM »
update  :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
mayuyu and rena is <3

mayuki and mayurena is my fav <3

Offline chichay12

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Re: The 3 Classes - Chapter 1 Update!
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2014, 11:06:59 AM »
i want my atsumina now!!! XD
update soon :on gay:

Offline KaoriChan

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Re: The 3 Classes - Chapter 1 Update!
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2014, 10:01:16 AM »
i want to know what Minami's Power  :tama-uhh:

It is interesting story...

Update soon  :wigglypanda:

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Re: The 3 Classes - Chapter 1 Update!
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2014, 10:50:30 AM »
 thanks for the update author san.... :twothumbs
 your fic so interesting....make me in love with your fic :heart:
 and author san can i have saeyuki moments also..??  :nervous
 i will wait for the next.... :cow:

Offline oKei

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The 3 Classes - Chapter 2 Update!
« Reply #17 on: January 19, 2014, 04:17:31 PM »
hi again minna! thanks for waiting a short bit. I'll try to post as often as I can, but expect the next chapter on Thursday. Also, I have a quick question if anyone would please answer: how do you bold or italicize words? The buttons won't work when I try clicking them. Sorry I have to ask hehe..

Anyway! Enjoy the update! :D


The reps led us down a long spiraling hallway. Yes, I said hallway. It literally spiraled so we somehow ended up walking on what looked like the ceiling. This school is so strange now that I think about it. At the end, we were met with a large, rustic door with gold handles and a control panel for entering. A code was punched in and we entered what seems to be the simulation control room, of which was adjoined to a massive white room in which our assessment will take place. The simulation room was surrounded by countless reflective panels to display any given effect. I admire the technology used to build this, I bet it wasn't easy.

Not watching, I almost bumped into Kashiwagi-san. She stopped and turned to us.

"Monitoring from here, we will assess your given talents. If you are aware of them, use them. If you have yet to discover them, I suggest you realize them quickly. Not for just your own safety, but for others as well."

This IS a simulation right? That means it's supposed to be safe. What does she mean?

"You will be assessed in pairs and also, you have the options to either present your talents through a simulation of your choice, or be given a seemingly dangerous situation to give you some incentive. You are to either cooperate or battle each other. That is all. Your partners have been already chosen through draw. Takahashi and Maeda. Itano and Matsui. And Yokoyama and Shimazaki. I'll give you girls a moment to prepare yourselves." She finished and left us to discuss what we'll do next.

While everyone started getting with their partners, I went over to talk to Acchan. I still don't fully understand what we're doing here so maybe she can shed some light.

"Hey Acchan, what are we going to do in there?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure. I haven't a clue of my powers." She admitted.

We're screwed.

"Oh great okay. Wait, um.. If you don't know your power, how did you know about the school?"

"My parents told me stories of this place when I was young. I never dreamt it could all be so real until they told me after my birthday."

"Ah I see. Then, since we don't know what's going to go on, let's watch the others and then give it our best shot." I lightly smile. She gives a nod. Guess we'll be ready as we'll ever be.


Yuihan and Paruru are the first up. They whisper to the reps their idea for the simulation which immediately begins to unfold.

The room becomes dark and the only thing I can see is lit mirrors everywhere formed like a maze, like the ones you see in a carnival. The lights flicker off but on soon after. Yui's image is reflected off each mirror, each reflection doing something completely different. How? An announcement comes on that Paruru is to find the real Yui. That's impossible! I can't even tell the reflections apart, let alone search that maze. Is Yuihan supposed to do anything? She shouldn't just be hiding somewhere until Paruru finds her, I’m curious to see what she can do.

Paruru looks otherwise calm and unaffected by her surroundings. She takes a deep breath and begins walking around. That's it? No smashing mirrors, no calling out, no crying out of fear of getting lost? Oh-- that's what I’d do. I don't like feeling lost, I need friends by my side so if it were me I would prefer to find her as soon as possible.

Through the poorly lit maze of mirrors, Paruru easily finds her way around, confidently choosing her path to follow when at crossroads. I'm not really following but I still don't understand what either of them can do. I watch as Paruru finds her way out of the maze, leaving the mirrors behind. I'm confused. She's heading up over towards us. All of us turns to her looking baffled when she enters the room. She walks behind us and stands in front of a closet door. She gives a small smile and softly speaks, "Yui" and opens the door to reveal the said figure.

What the heck just happened?

Yuihan enlightens us by having us turn our attention back to the now lighted simulation room. We gasp in surprise, jaws dropping and all, as more than 30 Yuihans step out from the mirrors and wave to us. The mirrors weren't mirrors as we were led to believe, but were just simply empty spaces the duplicates filled in.

The Yui that went in the simulation with Paruru was also a duplicate, while the real one was in the closet the whole time. So as we obviously can see, she has the power to clone herself. Interesting.

"What about you Paruru? How did you find her?" Acchan asks.

Yeah, seriously I’d like to know too.

She simply shrugs and doesn't reply.

Thank you so much, we now see that you shouldn't be here.

**"I know Yui. I don't have to see her to know where she is or if she was the person in front of me. What kind of friend would I be if I couldn't recognize her?"**

What? What?? Where's her voice coming from? I see Paruru in front of me, but I don't see her talking.

**"I am talking to all of you girls. And if you haven't figured it out, I found Yui-chan through telepathy."**

Ehhhh?? That's it? Uso! I mean— that's a helpful ability, I honestly enjoyed watching all this, but I was kinda hoping for more action… I guess everyone's power is unique to them in their own way. I shouldn't expect too much from anyone.

Paruru shrugged as if answering my question. Can she read my mind too??

**"I know what you're thinking. Your expressions are easy to read. But no, I can't read minds but I can allow others to talk to me telepathically to hear their responses. And they are usually aware of it when we connect."**
Ah I see. I nod turning to the others who have thoughtful looks about them. I guess they know too now.

Sayaka claps her hands together and announces that Jurina and Tomochin will be next. She asks what they would like to do.

Jurina looks at her sheepishly and admits, "Eto.. I don't know my power so I’m not sure what to do." She looks to Tomochin for guidance.

"Mmmm why don't we just see..when we're in there?" She smirks for just a quick second but I noticed it before it vanished and was replaced by a playful smile.

"Oh! Sure! I don't mind, we'll just go with whatever then?" A bit enthusiastic huh. I wonder what Tomochin has got planned.

They go into the simulation room which quickly transforms into a jungle.

"Sugoi! This looks so real! Ne ne, Tomochin what are we doing here?"

Seemingly out of thin air, Tomochin produces an iPad. Talk about rich. She pulls out a stylus from her pocket and begins designing furiously on what looks like a long winter coat. Okayyy, does she not feel the weather? They are in a jungle.

Jurina moves closer to her curiously, wondering what she's doing. Tomochin adds finishing touches to the coat and lightly taps it, wisps of magic floating through the air. Suddenly, the coat moves an inch. Oh yeah, scary. Not noticing it, Jurina reaches out to it so she can give it to Tomochin since she put it on the ground. The coat quickly takes it upon itself to wrap itself comfortably around Jurina's body.

"Whaa-t. T-Tomochin. I c-can’t move. It's restricting me. H-help." She croaks.

"Ah Jurina. How's helping you going to help you?"

I thought we were all friends! What is she doing?

Jurina looks pained and tries to struggle to break free, but like me before with the vines, she couldn't.

Tomochin wanders around the jungle picking up flowers, mainly orange, and then also found black berries. She carried them back to Jurina where she spread them all out and then started sorting them to create a picture. Using the orange petals, she formed them to a familiar figure and then smudged the berries across it.

Taking her stylus once again, she taps it, making her creation glow. A bright light soon flashed, leaving in its wake a beautiful tiger.
She pets it on the head, and points to where Jurina stood immobilized. The tiger begins to stalk towards its prey, lowering itself on its haunches as if it's about to pounce. Jurina realizes the true danger she is in and struggles even more, terrified of the tiger. Jurina attempts to hop away, but ends up losing her balance and fell. She maneuvers her body away from the approaching tiger like an inchworm. Tomochin watches entertained and lounges against a smooth tree, with holographic monkeys fanning her with leaves.

She is definitely a student here.

Leaning over the glass to watch what happens next, everyone can't take their eyes away from the scene. That tiger looks real enough to me. They should really be doing something about this!

The tiger further creeps towards Jurina who doesn't seem to be getting anywhere in her state. Licking its lips, the tiger pounces upon its prey, roaring in her face. Jurina looks as if she's about to shit herself, but somehow recovers because the coat burst into flames in turn burning the tiger who runs scared. With the coat and tiger gone, Jurina stands up and smiles mischievously towards Tomochin who is now in her own little world. With the realization of her new power, she conjures a ball of fire in her hands and throws it at Tomochin who barely dodges it by a hair.

"You burned my hair! You brat! I'm gonna ki— *gasps* oh you did not."

Jurina grins at Tomochin as she holds flaming whips which just snapped at Tomochin's designer brand shoes.

"I dare you. Do it again." She tries to look intimidating but Jurina's smile does not falter.

Cracking the whips, she snaps them again at her shoes, this time scoring a mark across one. Quickly whipping the ground at her feet, she forces Tomochin to dance in fear for her shoes. Laughing, Jurina dies the flames from her whips and uses them to tie Tomochin to a tree, ending their assessment.

When she gets loose, Tomochin punches Jurina's shoulder saying, "You did good out there. Glad you could do it, but you may have gone a bit too far."

"Psh, speak for yourself, I almost got eaten." Jurina remarks.

Sae pushes in between them, bouncing up and down.

"Yay! New student for block K!"

Sayaka pushes her aside.

"Glad to have you with us."

Block K is pretty welcoming, they know how to be friendly and make students feel good about joining them.

In the back, I notice Rena-san giving Jurina a bitter smile. Her eyes look longingly at the figure who is bouncing around excitedly to be in block K. Hm? I feel that there is something going on. Maybe I’ll ask about their relationship later.

It looks like Tomochin is gonna be in block B with Paruru. They look happy about it as I watch them hug.

Her ability was so interesting. It seemed she could make practically anything come to life, as long as there was an accurate figure or form of it. No wonder she collected the flowers and berries. That's really cool. And her iPad is actually her tool to design clothes and other material, but with her stylus she can also fully create it and make it come alive. Points for creativity.

The moment I dreaded finally came. It was our turn. Since we didn't know what kind of simulation to have, we asked Rena-san who was at the controls, to surprise us.

In the simulation room, Acchan and I stood in the center. A moment later, the room changed to that of a prison, and we were behind bars. Are you kidding me? How are we supposed to figure our powers here? A wall in our cell blasted open to bits. Questions answered. What appeared to be robot inmates made their way into our cell and stood across from of us. We backed towards the bars. One robot took a step towards us and tilted its head. You could say it almost looked cute. Almost. If it weren’t so ugly. Its eyes blinked red and made way to try to grab us. Acchan screamed and turned to run. Where to? I watched her expecting her to crash into the bars face first, but she exceeded my expectations, actually running through the bars but stopped to gaze in amazement of herself. It took a moment only to realize she was only halfway through and her body was stuck, bars right through her. She doesn't know how to control it.

"Ahhhhhh! Get me out of here! What do I do? Takamina!" She looks to me desperately as our violent inmates get closer.

I do what I can only do which is to stand in front of her. Lame, I know, but I'll shield her to protect her smile which has constantly pushed me to get this far.

Believe me, I’m scared and my stature isn't gonna help us either. I put up a front to look brave for the sake of Acchan and my self-confidence.

The robots charge their way towards us, finding waiting and creeping pointless. I put my arms up as a shield figuring what's gonna happen next. I shut my eyes prepared for the worst. What seems like an eternity passes by, but nothing comes. I open them and glance around the room to find they were floating upon the ceiling. I look behind me to see Acchan still in the bars, one hand facing the robots, another hand holding onto me. Surprised, I take a look at the ground below me to realize I was barely floating above it.

The simulation suddenly ends, the robots disappear, Acchan's no longer being held by bars, and I’m on the ground again. I look to her shocked because of the realization that not only she saved us, but she has two freaking powers! Wtf, I couldn't do anything! Let alone I still don't know what I can do! Controlling gravity and moving through objects, psh what a show off. Dang it!

Acchan giggles at me, flashing her bright smile.

"Thanks Takamina, for what you did."

"What are you saying? I didn't do anything." I pouted.

"You tried to protect me, rather than run away from those machines. I appreciate that." She leaned over and pecked my cheek. Then laughed as I turned a deep shade of red.

W-why did she do that?? I mean, not that I didn't like it, it was nice—I mean that doesn't mean I like her—not that I hate her or anything—eto argh!! What am I thinking?! She's just trying to make me feel better for being useless.

While I beat myself up, the others come out to greet us as well as discuss the turn out.

"Looks like Acchan and Yui will be in block A, Jurina in K, and Paruru and Tomochin in B." Everyone then glances at me.

"Eto.. Where do I go..? And wasn't I supposed to get my power?" Why couldn't I? I was starting to look forward to it..

Yuki looks down on me sympathetically saying, "Not everyone gets it immediately. Some people are just late bloomers. Just be patient and give it some time. We'll discuss later where you'll go for class."

Arghhh! Is that true or do they plan on kicking me out for being plain? I don't want to leave though, I wanted to spend more time with Acchan. There’s something about her that makes me want to get to know her more.

"Let's call it a day, girls. We'll show you to the dorm where you'll get your room assignments."

Sae quickly motions to follow her.


In a smaller building behind the center school, we were guided to the dorms and met the dorm head. She's also a student, her name is Kasai Tomomi and she can control darkness and shadows, so it's better to not get into any trouble with her.

She guides us to our own rooms where I find that we're all separated. Standing in front of the door to my room, I cautiously open the door, only to be quickly pulled in, the door slamming shut behind me. A girl who is only slightly taller than me, stares at me intently with a dimpled smile that I found cute.

"I'm Oshima Yuko! Just call me Yuko though, and drop the honorifics since we’ll be roommates, Takamina!" She bounces excitedly at me.

"How do you know my name?"

"Oh I get around." She grins. "You know, you're short."

"Speak for yourself, you're almost as short as me!"

"Ah. Ah. Ah. Almost." She winks.

I move to hit her for being so annoying but she immediately disappears. I spun around, looking for her. Where'd she go? I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Yuko waving at me. I try to hit her again but apparently, she teleports to the other side of our room. Ugh. I run over to catch her but she does it again so I keep trying to chase her everywhere she goes until I give up.

"Ugh. You're annoying you know that."

She lightly smiles, teleports over to me and pushes me over so I lose my balance.

Being overwhelmed by todays events and energy I used chasing that squirrel, I black out.


Yuko's POV (several minutes ago)

I bounce around the room, jumping excitedly. "I'm getting a roommate, yatta!" I've been kind of lonely here, so it'll be good to have someone around. From the dorm head, I heard her name is Takamina. I teleport to my bed. "I wonder what's her power." I teleport to the bathroom. "I wonder if she's pretty." I teleport to my closet. "I wonder if she has big oppai!" I can feel myself grinning maniacally. Hehehe. I can't wait to meet her! *Click* I pause as I see the door open. I quickly teleport over to the door to pull her in and make her feel welcome. Well, more or less.

Glancing down, I see an almost flat-chested midget. What a letdown. She's so small though, it’s cute.

I decide to tease her, messing with her height. I bet she has a soft spot for it and I was right! She got riled up so easily, she tried to hit me. No one can hit the great Oshima Yuko! I constantly use my power to keep away from her. Why doesn't she use hers? This isn't fun. Oh! I decide to push her around more to get her really irritated. Come on Takamina, you're no match for me. Do something! You're too slow for just trying to run after me. This feels too one-sided.

"Ugh. You're annoying you know that."

Hehehe so I've been told. She looks kind of wobbly now. Might as well give her a push hehe.

I teleport over to her and push her causing her to fall. I quickly move away just in case she decides to get up and play some more.

When I looked to the floor where Takamina was, I noticed she wasn't there anymore. Huh? I quickly move around our room to find her. Maybe she ran out the door, but how could I not notice? I scratch my head and sit on the floor. As I stare at the floor, trying to figure out where she could be, I notice a bug crawling around. EW! I'm about to swat it when I hear a strange buzzing noise. It's coming from the bug. Hesitantly, I lean closer to it to discover that what I hear is actually "Wait!" What?? I grab my magnifying glass to take a closer look, only to be met with the desperate eyes of Takamina. I can't take this. I start cracking up. Oh my god, wow I knew she was small, but that's just terrible. Kamisama, what are you thinking? I shed a tear. Ahhh~

I decide to watch her, fascinated with her power because it seems practically useless to me. Seems like it’s only good for hiding and sneaking. Oh wait. That might not be so bad. If she wanted, she could go spy on the other girls and take some photographs for me. Hehehe.

I notice she doesn't like how I've been laughing at her. She looks really pissed. I watch her tiny self as she stomps up to my foot and starts hitting it. Kawaii! I chuckle to myself. I love how she thinks she can hurt me like that.

All of a sudden I can feel myself being lifted up from the floor. Wtf. Apparently, tiny Takamina decides to hurl me across our room, smashing my perfect face against the wall. I stretch my widest grin across my face.

We're gonna have a lot of fun.

« Last Edit: December 22, 2014, 01:57:39 AM by oKei »

Offline sidny48

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Re: The 3 Classes - Chapter 2 Update!
« Reply #18 on: January 19, 2014, 04:47:10 PM »
Wehee please update soon,, but wait, ChinParu or YuiParu?   :? :D

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: The 3 Classes - Chapter 2 Update!
« Reply #19 on: January 19, 2014, 06:36:53 PM »
O_O takamina power is...what it is?

Yuko and Takamina is roomate WMidget

Wow everyone power is so cool

please updatesoon

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