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Author Topic: You Took Me By Surprise:AtsuMina,KojiYuu,MariMii JUNE 26, 2015 Chap 18 ADDED!!!  (Read 37507 times)

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Good Morning Everyone.

This is my first fanfic. PLease tell me your honest opinions.  :welcome :dozing: :dozing: :dozing:

Chapter ONE.

The alarm goes off and disturbs my sleep. I open my eyes and see that it’s still dark. The sun hasn’t risen yet. I groan as I see the time on my side table.

“Ugh it’s only 5am” I say aloud talking to myself. Reluctantly, I get out of bed and prepare for the day ahead.

After spending too much time in the shower I realize that I am now running late for work. In a rush, I grab my stuff and a slice of bread from the kitchen and head of the door.

To free a hand, I place the toast in my mouth to lock the door. As I was doing so, someone from a couple of doors down the hall is also about to leave their condo.
A girl looks at me and gives me a smile as an acknowledgement. I’m not going to lie, I think she’s beautiful. Her long black hair fits her face nicely, she has a nice figure. What I remember the most about are a couple of things. First are her eyes, they’re not blue or green like what others would mostly admire but big brown beautiful eyes, the type that are inviting and the type that can put anyone at ease. Second would be her million dollar smile. She smile would make anyone even in their bad mood sincerely smile back. I also noticed a small wrinkle on the nose which I find dangerously cute. One thing is though, she looks extremely familiar but for the life of me I can’t put a finger on it.

I wave at her with a key in my hand. I’ve only been in this building for a couple of months and I’ve seen her a couple of times.

We’ve never talked to each other. Every time we cross paths the only thing exchanged is a smile to each other.

I quickly finish my toast. It seems like we are both headed for the elevator. My place being closer to it, I arrive there first. The elevator opens and she hasn’t arrived it. Since it was empty I held it open and waited for her.

“Thank you so much “she says slightly bowing with gratitude.

“Don’t mention it “I say to her with a smile.

Standing there looking at the ceiling, an awkward silence engulfs the elevator. This is going to be a long elevator ride I think to myself. We are from the 48th floor after all. I decide to break the silence and turn to her.

“I’m Taka..”
“I’m Maed..”

We both say in unison. We can help but laugh at little at the timing.

“Oh sorry go ahead” I motion my hand for her to go first.

“My name is Maeda Atsuko “she says to me with a small giggle as she hands out her hand.

Even her name sounds familiar I think so myself.

“Nice to meet you Maeda-san. I’m Takahashi Minami” I take her hand in mine and shake it. I noticed how soft her hands are as I shook it.

The elevator comes to a stop as we let go of our handshake.

We arrive at the first floor and head out to the lobby.

“ Ah, my ride is here. See you around Takahashi-san” she waves bye as she gets into the car waiting for her.
She was gone before I could say anything, so I waved bye hoping she’d see it as a reply.

“ Maeda Atsuko “ I mutter to myself. As I get into the car awaiting for me as well.

With my mind occupied trying to figure out where I’ve see my neighbor before, I her my phone ring.

Knowing who it is, I press answer and place the phone on my ear.

“ Takamina, where are you!? The architects are here for the meeting you’re late. “ says my business partner Minegishi Minami. Takamina has been my nickname since we were young. We always called each other by our nicknames because we are both
Minamis to avoid confusion.

“ Relax Mii-chan. I just arrived. I’ll be up in a minute” I reply getting out of the car.

The perks of being the boss is that you’re never late. Everyone is just simply early.

Mii-chan and I started our own real estate business right out of grad school. We began by selling houses, then to buying old beat up houses, fixing them to sell for a higher profit. It eventually evolved to building apartment buildings to shopping malls. You can say that we’ve built our own empire and have stapled our reputation in the business world.

We’ve built our own office building in Tokyo and the conceded side of us decided to name it MINAMIS. Mainly because we thought it’d be hilarious.

Entering the building to head for the meeting, I am greeted by every employee that passes me. I’d like to think that my employees like me. Mii-chan and I have given the approachable atmosphere at work. But when it comes to business we can be seen a lions.

Passing by the reception desk, I glance at the news and stop right on my tracks.

I see a familiar face on T.V. It’s Maeda Atsuko. Kicking myself in the head I cannot believe I did not realize it sooner. I let out an audible laugh. Maeda Atsuko the famous actress in Japan is my neighbor. Maeda Atsuko the actress had small talk with me this morning.

I head to the meeting with my business face on and start begin my day at work.


TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!! :on_pick:

« Last Edit: June 26, 2015, 07:22:13 AM by 2manyOTP »

Offline lezperv

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Re: You Took Me By Surprise 4/22/2014
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2014, 08:08:55 PM »

I really like it. It's really refreshing and new. Of course Atsuko would be the famous actress, but I didn't think Minami was gonna be a head Business person. I thought she would be a famous Soloist instead. It's also really interesting that both Minami and Atsuko live in the same apartment? condo?

I very much looking for to the next chapter, and since this is AtsuMina (hopefully it'll stay that way!!!) more KUDOS to you  :heart:

Update soon, okay?  :shifty:
Forever AtsuMina/TakAcchan/TakAtsuko <3 . Follow me ^_^ .
My Fanfics: Shiroi x Kuroi Tenshi, Maji, Kowai!, Nisemono, Futari (Ong) Devil Wears Prada (Hiatus) I Want to Lock You Up (OS) Three Chances (Fanfic Winner 2014) Naze (Fanfic Winner 2015)

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: You Took Me By Surprise 4/22/2014
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2014, 08:36:15 PM »

I wonder there would be other couple too

Update soon

Offline Justqle

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Re: You Took Me By Surprise 4/22/2014
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2014, 09:02:55 PM »
yeay, Is it Atsumina?  XD

yohohohoo, i interest your story  :on woohoo:
moreover takamina and acchan living in one condo  :nya:
I hope you can continue the story and the story would be more interesting, especially atsumina  :mon misch:

Can't wait to the next chapter  :twothumbs

Offline 2manyOTP

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Re: You Took Me By Surprise 4/22/2014 Chapter 2 Added!!!!
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2014, 10:19:37 PM »
Chapter 2

The meeting is finally over. And I am exhausted. Running a multi-million dollar company is tiring. Lucky Mii-chan and I have each other. I love my job. Knowing that the company was built from the ground by my best friend and I makes it a whole lot more rewarding.

I decided to get out of the car early tonight and have my driver take the rest of the night off. I head to the grocery store near my condo. I am starving. Since I don’t cook much mainly because I am too tired from work, I mostly just buy readymade bentos.

Upon entering the grocery store, I head straight for the bentos. This is a routine for me. Same thing every night after work. Lucky it wasn’t too busy, I was the first in line and was able to pay for my food right away.

I arrive at the lobby and get in the elevator. As the doors were closing I hear a familiar voice.

“Hold the door please “

I stop the door from closing and see Maeda-san standing in front of me trying to balance a ton of grocery bags in her arms.

She sees me and a big smile appears from her face.

“ Ah Takahashi-san Thank y—“ she was cut off mid-sentence tripping as she enters the elevator.

Lucky I was already in front of her catching her before she falls.

For a second, it felt like the world has stopped. My arms are on her to prevent her from falling. As I look up I could see her big brown eyes looking back into mine it was as if none of us wanted to look away..we could feel each other’s’ breaths. The sound of her grocery hitting the elevator floor brought us back to our senses.

Snapping back to reality we pull away from each other.

“ Are you okay? “ I ask her worriedly

“ I am thanks to you Takahashi-san “ she says as we both bend down to pick up her stuff.

Helping her put her things back into their bags, I say to her “ Call me Minami “

Blushing, she says “ thank you so much again Minami. Please call me Atsuko. “

“ Don’t mention it Atsuko” I flash her a smile. Once I said her name, I noticed her turn her head away slightly embarrassed.

“Here let me help you carry some of your stuff” I take a couple of bags from her hand before she could refuse.

“ Arigatou “ she bows expressing her gratitude.

Noticing the bento I previous purchased, she asks “Are you about to have dinner?”

Completely forgetting about the bento I look as my other hand seeing the bento there, I nod and reply

 “ Yea. I’m too tired to cook to I always just end up with a store bought bento. “ laughing a bit just thinking of how pathetic I just sounded.

Flashing me her smile once again she says  “Ano..How about you come over to my place. I’m about to cook dinner and I’d like it if you joined me”

“ Oh no no. It’s okay I don’t want to intrude” I say waving my hand side to side in front of my face.

“ Please? Think of it as a thank you so holding the elevator for me this morning and for just now. “ she says looking at me with I could have sworn to be puppy dog eyes.

Giving up to the temptation, I reply “ oh alright. You talked me into it “

We arrive at her apartment. She opens the door and let me in. Standing by the entry way I take in the first sight of her place. I was
a big apartment. Open space, the kitchen living room and dining room in one. Her television is surrounded by what seemed like hundreds of movies and shows. It’s to be expected of a movie star. Her furniture’s are tastily picked and suited her perfectly. Modern with a hint of contemporary.  Did I mention the size? It’s a big place. That’s a given though, we do live in a very upscale building.

“ Welcome to my home “ Atsuko says as she enters the kitchen.

“ You have a very nice place. It is okay if I help you? “ I say as I follow her in the kitchen placing the bags on the table.

“ Sure that’s be great thank you. “ she replies laughing as I’m already washing my hands on the sink getting ready to help her.

“ What are we making “ I ask her taking the stuff out of their bags.

“ Katsudon. “ she tilts her head to the side as she sees my face light up upon hearing the word. Giggling, “ I take you like
Katsudon? “ she asks.

“ It’s my favorite! “ I immediately reply back unable to contain my excitement.

2 hours later..

“ I am stuffed! Thank you so much for the food!” I say as I lightly pat my now full stomach

“ Im glad you enjoyed it. You did help you know “ she says as she begins to place our dishes in the dishwasher.

I help her by bringing mine over to the machine. I quickly turn around and here a loud thud the glass shattering on the floor. Oh
NO! I accidently bumped into her.

“ Atsuko! are you okay? “ I help her up quickly. Checking her out if she was harmed in away way. Thankfully she was fine.

“ Oh NO! Minami! You’re bleeding.” She screams looking as my arm. There is a shard of glass sticking out of it. I didn’t even notice.

I was more worried about her.

She pulls me to the living room and motions me to sit on the couch. I obey without a question.

“ I’m okay. Don’t worry. It’s just a small scratch.” I say watching her bring a first aid kit from the washroom.

She sits on the couch and pulls my arm making her face towards her.

She begins tending to my wound with her gentle and soft touches.

Silence fills the room as I watch her cover up my fresh cut.

“ I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault” she says her voice cracking as she apologized.

“ No, not at all. I should have watched where I was going. I’m fine see? All thanks to you. ” lifting my arm to show her I’m fine.

Still not over it, Atsuko still has her head facing the ground sobbing a little.

I take my hand and place it on her chin lifting her head up to look at me. Looking into her eyes, I smile at her. I then place my hand
on her cheek wiping her tears away with my thumb.

I then pull a funny face making her smile. “ Now there’s the million dollar smile I’ve been looking for”

“ Ano.. Did you want to stay for a bit and watch a movie?” She asks me.

At this point I did not want to go home yet. “ Sure. Why not. You pick though, I’m no good at picking movies”

Atsuko places a movie in the player. It looks like a Romantic Comedy.

When the movie began, we were sitting on opposite ends of the couch. We gradually began inching closer and closer to each other.

By the time we reached the middle of the movie, I notice that Atsuko and I are already sitting beside each other.

Without thinking, not knowing that came over me, I placed my arm around her shoulder as we watched. I was pleasantly surprised

when I did so, she rested her head on shoulder and her hand on my waist as we continued to watch the rest of the movie.

By the time the movie ended, we were both exhausted. It was time for me to go home. Atsuko walks me to the door.

“ Thank you so much for the dinner and having me over at your place Atsuko.”

“ Don’t mention it. It was all I could do” she says looking at my arm again.

I pull her into a hug. Slowing pulling away, my arms still around her.. I look into her eyes another time. She’s so close. We can feel
each others breathing.. I can see her biting her lower lip…and within that second she inches closer having her soft lush lips touch mine. It was brief but it felt like forever.

She pulls away and says “ Goodnight Minami” as she closes her door.

I stood there dumbfounded at what just happened.

“ G..Goodnight Atsuko”




Offline Justqle

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Re: You Took Me By Surprise 4/22/2014 CHAPTER 2 ADDED!
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2014, 11:39:52 PM »
woooooowww, hayai   :wigglypanda:

yeeay, good chapter  :twothumbs
I want more, atsumina  :mon dance:

thank you for update, looking forward for the next chapter  XD :twothumbs

Offline lezperv

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Re: You Took Me By Surprise 4/22/2014 CHAPTER 2 ADDED!
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2014, 12:12:32 AM »

MY ATSUMINA IS SOOO CUTE!!! I can't believe they already got so close to each other (physically) and Atsuko kissed Minami!!! KYAAA!!!  :shy2:

I wonder what will happen next morning. They will probably meet in the elevator again, but it probably awkward hahaha  :hiakhiakhiak:

update soon!!!  :kneelbow:
Forever AtsuMina/TakAcchan/TakAtsuko <3 . Follow me ^_^ .
My Fanfics: Shiroi x Kuroi Tenshi, Maji, Kowai!, Nisemono, Futari (Ong) Devil Wears Prada (Hiatus) I Want to Lock You Up (OS) Three Chances (Fanfic Winner 2014) Naze (Fanfic Winner 2015)

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Re: You Took Me By Surprise 4/22/2014 CHAPTER 2 ADDED!
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2014, 12:35:52 AM »


Wow. Now I can sleep happily. Great. A sweet dream's gonna come in.
Giid night everyone.

thank you author-san!!

Offline chichay12

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Re: You Took Me By Surprise 4/22/2014 CHAPTER 2 ADDED!
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2014, 01:32:25 AM »
Atsumina :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:
This fic sure is fast but(because of the kiss)...who cares..i love this...and keep it up  XD
Wahhhh please update soon :on gay:

Offline Haruko

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Re: You Took Me By Surprise 4/22/2014 CHAPTER 2 ADDED!
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2014, 02:18:06 AM »
wow!, but we need some drama ~

Offline Isaa_san

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You Took Me By Surprise 4/22/2014 CHAPTER 2 ADDED!
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2014, 07:41:27 AM »
I really like it! n.n

Offline Kakeru15

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Wwohooo!!! ATSUMINA~~~ very like this fict  :twothumbs

Please update soon!!! :thumbsup

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please update soon  :kneelbow:

Offline ubulubulbilu

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Ayeey! Atsumina! pls continue asap author san, some more drama of course :grin:

Offline iLeo221

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Noooo! Why u stop!!! ;_;
It was really amazing! Want more! pls update!
I can't wait! XD

Your ff makes me excited! Thx u for this story! It super dupper handsome! thx u so much!

Offline mgxx

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Cool !!!
Is it minami as boy or??
Cant wait for the next chapter kyaaaa >,~

Offline ryu201

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that was fast!  :grr:
but i think its fine,since this is atsumina after all.
goog job takaboy,love ur quick progress  :luvluv1: :on GJ:
please continue author-san and bring me more love dovey atsumina moment  :kneelbow: :shy1: :shy2:

Offline Haru_Jei

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Wow! :shocked I must say that was a pretty fast kiss right there :w00t:, but I like it.
This should be very interesting, please continue writing and update soon. :)
I want to know what's going to happen next. XD

Offline 2manyOTP

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I wake up the next morning with what happened yesterday still vivid in my mind. Her sweet smell still seems to linger around me and the feel of her soft lips on mine are still present as if they were just still there.

As usual I get up and do my normal routine. Leaving my place, I head for the elevator my eyes down the hall hoping to see her smile this morning. The elevator arrives and still no sign of her. Disappointed, I reluctantly, enter the elevator and head for work.
“ Takamina. Hey Takamina! Are you listening or what” Mii-chan says waving her hand in front of her friend’s face to get her attention.

Snapping out of my daze, “ Yes, Mii-chan I’m listening.”

“ Alright. What was I saying then” she replies as she across her arms on her chest looking at me with on eyebrow up.

“ Okay Okay. You caught me. I wasn’t.” knowing full well that I can’t lie to her

“ What is wrong with you anways. You seem off today. “ she looks at me with concern

I let out a sigh and tell her everything that happened last night. Yes, Everything. Even down to the kiss. I tell Mii-chan everything. One thing I’ve learned is that Mii-chan has always been there for me whenever I’m troubled.

I look at Mii-chan pleading for any form of reaction.

“ WOW! WOOOWWWW!”  Were the first things that came from her mouth

“ What??” I say with a confused look

“ You know Takamina. You’re like a sister to me and I will be honest with you. Personally, I think this might be going a little too fast for you. I don’t know what Maeda-san or Atsuko as you call her is thinking but I think you’ll need to take it slow. I mean, you’ve just met her and hardly know much about each other. I remember when you and your You-Know-Who broke up, you were a mess. It took a while for me to have the normal you back. But THE MAEDA ATSUKO. WOWWWW “ she says with concern and intrigue in her eyes

“ I know I know “ I say sighing as I place my head in my arms resting it on my desk.

“ Get your butt up. We are going to lunch. We’re having lunch with Mariko today. “ Mii-chan says excitedly as we make our way out of the building

We head over to small café not too far from our building. We arrive there first and requested for a patio seating since it was a beautiful day out. Mii-chan and I order our coffees as we wait for Mariko.

We met Mariko while we were in business school. She’s been one of my best friends since then. She’s more like an older sister to me. Her and Mii-chan had been dating since we graduated. Way before we became successful. And no one can say she’s only after Mii-chan’s money because Mariko runs her own thriving fashion line.
Mariko arrives and heads straight for us. She gives me a peck on the cheek as a greeting and a quick peck on her girlfriend’s lips.

“ What’s wrong Takamina? You’re not your normal Baka self” Mariko says trolling as she sits beside Mii-chan.
Before I could say anything Mii-chan chimes in. “ She has a thing for Maeda Atsuko”

Sighing. “ I don’t know what it is “

Mii-chan knowing I don’t want to repeat myself again, tells my story to Mariko.

“ Well, you’re not going to hear anything from me that my Mii-chan hasn’t told you yet. But I’m sure you already know to take it
easy. I’m surprised to hear you’ve kissed already. You’re always shy and always took your time. I remember with You-Know-Who, you’ve taken a liking to her because she helped you break out of your shell and thought you to be more assertive. Mii-chan and I don’t want you to be hurt again. Both of us know that you can make your own decisions and you know what’s best for you. We just want you to be happy. ” Mariko says as she eats her salad

“ I know. Thanks for worrying about me guys. I’ll be fine.” I smile at them thankfully

“ What makes me wonder though. What does a movie star like her see in a midget like you “ Mariko says in her usual trolling voice
Mariko and Mii-chan giggle at the comment. The day isn’t complete without picking on Takamina first. I scoff at the thought. To be honest, I’ve gotten so used to it that sometimes I’m actually grateful of them.

“ You know, Takamina. I have a lot of beautiful models who work for me. You’re sound just come meet them they’re all nice and interesting girls. “ Mariko says in a half teasing, half serious tone in her voice.

We continue to eat lunch updating each other about our companies. We always valued each other’s opinions when it comes to our businesses.

As lunch ends, Mariko and I do our usual kiss on the cheek while saying bye to each other. Her and Mii-chan share a hug and a kiss.

“ See you at home Mii-chan. See you later Takamina.” Mariko waves bye to us as we head in separate directions.
Towards the end of the day, Mii-chan and I leave the office together and head to our respected homes. We both have service cars each waiting on us to drive us anywhere we please.

“ Bye Mii-chan. Say Hi to Mariko for me” I wave at her as I get in the car.

“ See you tomorrow “ she replies as she too gets in her ride.

As the car pulls up at my building, I see Atsuko walking to towards the lobby. I arrive at the doorway a couple of steps before her. Watching her, look at me she flashes a smile. Her smile is slightly different this time though. While still beautiful as always, it wasn’t a full smile that makes her nose wrinkle and her eyes smaller. I know right away that something was bothering her. Without even thinking about it, I stand in front of it and block her way. Before she could say anything I cut her off.

“ It’s my turn to provide you dinner today” I look at her putting my best effort to show puppy dog eyes. Taking a chance hoping she’s free this evening

“ Hello to you too Minami. You’re adorable you know that. Sure I don’t see why not” she says giggling a little

Blushing a little with her “adorable” comment, I feel a tinge of accomplishment that she agreed to go grab dinner with me.

“ Yatta! I know a restaurant around the corner. It’s not too far from here” I say leading the way as we walk side by side

“How was work today? “ I say starting a conversation

“Eh. It was tiring. I had to leave for work earlier than usual this morning”  Atsuko replies with a sigh

“AH! I shouldn’t have come over last night! I’m sorry for keeping you up “ I say bowing slightly

“Oh no don’t be. I had a lot of fun last night “ she says as I see her blushing slightly and biting her lower lip from the corner of my eye.

While walking I feel her arm wrap around mine pulling us closer as we head over our destination.

“Yea, me too.” I reply as the kiss from last night makes an appearance in my mind

“Ano.. Atsuko, you seemed a little down earlier. Everything okay? I ask while we continue walking side by side

“It’s nothing big really. You’ll probably think it’s stupid “ Atsuko replies

“You’ll feel better once you’ve talked about it. I like to think of myself a good listener. You can use me as an outlet. But only if you feel comfortable enough of course. “ I say to her with a reassuring smile

Before she could reply, we arrive outside the restaurant and I hold the door open for her.

“ We’re here! “ as I hold the door with a smile

We step inside and the hostess seats us on a table for two near the window overlooking the now crowded street of people probably heading home for the end of the day

The waitress greets us giving me an acknowledging smile.

“ Good Evening Takahashi-san. Looks like you brought company with you today.” Says Kuramochi-san the restaurant owner

“ Ah Yes, this is my friend Maeda Atsuko. Atsuko, this Kuramochi Asuka the owner of this lovely resaurant “ I reply introducing the two

“ Silly Takahashi-san. I thought I told you to call me Asuka.” Kuramochi-san looks at me with a smirk and then extends her hand out to shake Atsuko’s hand “ It’s an honor to have a famous celebrity like to in my restaurant Maeda-san. I am a fan “

Atsuko shakes the girls hand “ Thank you. It’s a lovely place you have here. Minami was kind enough to invite me to dinner and brought me here tonight” smiling in my direction as she mentions my name

A hint of disappointment or maybe jealousy come across Kuramochi-san’s face upon hearing Atsuko say my name with a sense of closeness between the two of us.

I’m a frequent customer at SHONICHI. I often come here alone though, never really brought anyone with me before. I’ve become familiar with the staff there and somehow always had the owner Kuramochi-san serve me. If I didn’t know any better I’d think she likes me. Mii-chan always says I’m oblivious to these kind of things. I can’t even tell if Atsuko likes me. All I know is that I really like seeing her. Despite being a girl, I’ve been told that I am a natural Ikemen and that I’m the long term boyfriend/girlfriend material.

Once taking our order, Kuramochi-san walks away to get our food ready

“ She’s awfully friendly isn’t she? And make sure to call her Asuka“ Atsuko says with a hint of teasing in her voice as she get her utensil and napkin ready

“ I only call people by their names if I find myself at ease or comfortable with them. And only those who are close to me call me Minami” I reply as I drink my water

She slightly tilts her head and says “ You’re comfortable enough with me to be okay calling me Atsuko then? And it’s really okay for
me to call you Minami?

“ mmHmm” I say nodding my head “ I don’t know how to explain it but I really do feel at ease with you. Despite the fact that we’ve
just started talking yesterday. I don’t know how to explain it really.

Our food arrives and I continue to rumble on trying my best to keep our conversations going. I don’t really need to try hard since
she’s so easy to talk to.

I tell her about my work and the kind of job that I do. While talking, I can see that she actually is sincerely interested.

“ Wow. So you’re pretty much a big shot in the real estate business” she says while see continues to devour her dessert.

“ It’s nothing compared to being the most sought after movie star in Japan” I say to her not as a tease but with admiration

“ I love my job. I do but it really does take a toll on me sometimes. Today for example, when you asked if something was wrong it was because of work. “ Atsuko says to me with a hint of disappointment

“ What happened?” I ask with concern

“it’s nothing big really. I was shooting for a drama today and it just didn’t feel like I was giving it my all. We had to do a bunch of retakes because of me.“ she says with a sigh

“ Don’t beat yourself up over it. Everyone gets an off day every once in awhile. It’s completely understandable. You are amazing at
what you do. And I’m sure they only did those extra retakes to make sure to get the best angles. But I’m sure every shot is perfect because I know for a fact that you’ll look great in any shot” I smile at her reassuringly.

“ Thank you.” Atsuko says flashing me a grateful smile

“ Anytime” I say with a smug look on my face knowing I’ve made her feel better

After dinner Atsuko and I take a leisure stroll back to our building. The walk took longer than on our way to the restaurant because we stopped along the way for Atsuko to pet some cute dogs that passed us. i’m more of a cat person myself but I’ve grown to like dogs. They’re fun.

When we arrived at our building, I decided to walk Atsuko to her door. When we finally reach her door she turns around and hugs me.

“ Thank you for everything today. I had a lot of fun” she says as we pull away

“ It’s only fair since you made me dinner last night.” I reply

We exchange mobile numbers before I head home.

“ I have fun today too. Good night Atsuko.” I wave at her as I begin to take steps towards my apartment

“ Ano.. You forgot something” I hear her say

I turn around and feel her soft lips on mine once again. This time, unlike the last I kiss her back. After what felt like hours, she pulls away and says “Good Night Minami”

In a daze, I somehow managed to find my way home and get myself ready for bed. I check my phone to set my alarm tomorrow morning I see a message.

“ Thank you for inviting me to dinner, listening to me about my silly work issue today and most of all thank so much for making my day better.

I can’t wait for see you at the event tomorrow”


After reading her message I can’t help but smile at her XOXO.



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  • ecchi
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Too damn cute, AtsuMina and MariMii. ( ´ ▽ ` )〜
...What event? O_O

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