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Author Topic: Girl's Rule - Rule #4 [Nogizaka46] 30/09/2014  (Read 32887 times)

Offline yukofan

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Girl's Rule - Rule #4 [Nogizaka46] 30/09/2014
« on: May 15, 2014, 11:52:50 AM »
Girl’s Rule

Rule #1 : Never forget the day we met! My first spring with you, I started to like you..

It was early April. A time when the sakura flowers started to blossom, a moment which made you really feel the existence of spring. The spring break for student has ended and they had to return to school for the new academic year.
Wakatsuki Yumi pedaling her bike in average speed. Not so fast, but also not so slow. She didn’t need to rush to arrive at  school. There was plenty time left until the school bell ringing. She wanted to feel the spring breeze and enjoy how the spring wind pierce through the fabric of her uniform to give fresh and warm sensation into her skin. She loved how her bangs being blown by the wind. And when she breathed, she could feel the scent of spring. The fresh air filled up her chest that, for unknown reasons, got throbbing so fast that morning. She looked up and found how beautiful the sky. The sun radiate warmly as is it was smiling. Even the clouds didn’t have a heart to block the sunray. The blue colour of the sky was the perfect background for that scenery.

On her way to school, she saw some girl wearing the same school uniform as her. Purple plaid-pattern skirt which covered the girls’ legs until around their knees, long sleeved white shirt with Nogizaka Girl High School logo on its left sleeve, and ribbon-shaped tie on the neck. She recognized some of their faces. There were her friends and juniors. Some faces she didn’t recognize were the freshmen. Thinking that she already became high school 3rd grader, made Wakatsuki Yumi realized how time passed by so fast.

When Wakatsuki arrived at her school’s gate, she dropped off from her bike. While walking, she led her bike into the school’s bike park spot. It was laid on the back side of school. After parked her bike, Wakatsuki was walking toward school yard when something vibrated inside her school bag. She open her bag and put out her cellphone.


“Wakatsuki! Wakatsuki!”

A familiar voiced called her name from other side of the phone

"Oii~ have you arrived at school?"

"Nope. Still on the bus. Wakatsuki, what should I do?"

Wakatsuki's friend's voice seemed like a voice from a girl who about to cry

"Calm down. It's just opening ceremony for the freshmen. You just need to give your speech for about 10 minutes. I think it's not a tough job for the student council president"

"I don't think I can do this.."

"It's gonna be alright. You can do it!"

Wakatsuki tried to cheer up her friend which got worry easily even for little things.

"You know, I feel...."

There was a pause. Seemed like the girl was searching the right words to say


Wakatsuki tried to guess

"I'm feeling like I want to jump out of this bus, fly as fast as possible into my bedroom and hide under my blacket"

"Then, I'll go into your bedroom and drag you out!"

"Neee~ Wakatsuki~ So cruel..."

Now she sounded like a spoiled little brat. Wakatsuki message her temples.

"Stop your whining. I'm waiting for you at school"

Wakatsuki could hear a long sigh from her friend

"Okay~ See you soon"

Wakatsuki pressed a botton on her cellphone to ended their conversation. She continued her walk while humming a song. She was just walking for about 10 meters when her eyes cought a figure running toward her. From the way that girl run, you could tell who she was. The way she run was undescribable weird. Like a clumsy girl who tried to run fast but still looked so slow.

Wakatsuki stopped her footstep and wait for the girl coming to her.

"Good morning~ Wakatsuki.." said the girl while panting a little

"Sayurin, what are you doing? Jogging in the morning? At school?"

That girl's name was Matsumura Sayuri. She has some nicknames. Sayurin, Sayuringo, Matsun, Ringo-san, Ringo-sama, Ringo-hime. Her close friends prefered to call her Matsun or Sayurin. Junior students caled her Ringo-sama. Why "Ringo"? No particular reason. Sayurin said one day she woke up and suddenly think she wanted to be called "Ringo" because it sound cute.

"Do you see Maiyan?" Sayurin asked with her bold Osaka acsent

Sayurin born in Osaka and moved to Tokyo after she graduated from elementary school.

"Nope. I've just arrived."

"It's strange. I asked all students that I met. But, no one see Maiyan"

A pout popped out on Sayurin's face

"Then, maybe she's not arrived yet"

"No way! She must be already at school"

"How can you be so sure?"

"My antenna..My antenna is signaling that Maiyan is near here"

Sayurin's antennas was refering to Sayurin's hair which covered her right and left cheeks. Yes, she had 2 antennas. Actually, Sayurin's face was kinda chubby. Her antennas helped her face to cheek to looked thinner. She wasn't confident with her rounded face, so she always put on her antennas.

"Antennas? What are you? Insect?"

"It's love antennas. It can capture wave from Maiyan from short distance. So, I can feel her presence whenever Maiyan is near"

Of course that wasn't true. Even Einstein would laugh if he heard that Sayurin's words. Maybe because Sayurin likes Maiyan, her close friend, so much that it became such a sugesty. But, that silly Sayuri's story about her antennas, unexpectedly there were people who believed it. Some of them even believed that Sayurin's antennas could detect the presence of UFO.

"Stop searching. Just wait for her"

"Nope. I'm gonna look for her until I find her"

Sayurin were about to leave, but she walked toward Wakatsuki and grabbed Wakatsuki's hands

"We're gonna be classmate again. Yoroshiku ne~ " Sayurin said with her cheeky smile
 Without any further ado, Sayurin left Wakatsuki and continued her journey to search Maiyan.

Wakatsuki saw Sayurin's back which gradually disappearing from her sight and mumbled "I think her antennas are broken"


A long haired girl walked crossed Nogizaka school gate with shy smile on her face. She was Nishino Nanase, her nickname was Naachan. Coming from Osaka to had her high school education in Tokyo, she had became Nogizaka's most popular student. Pretty, honest, polite, kind and shy. Enough reasons to make all Nogizaka students adored her. She was an introvert person. She was quiet and couldn't easily interact with other people. Although many girls wanted to be friend with her, but she only could get close to some of her classmates. For Naachan's admires, she was like a shining star that your hand can not reach.

Naachan saw her surrounding. The scenery that laid beyond her eyes made her feel that time passed by so fast these 2 years. Many freshmen walked shyly along the a pathway that would lead them to the school hall, a place which then opening ceremony would be held. Some of them threw their smile. Some of them just lower their head because of clumsiness. Naachan’s eyes stopped at a scene where 2 girls were riding on a bicycle. One was pedaling; and the other are on the back. They were laughing, with the girl on the back wrapping her arm around the waist of the girl in front of her. It brought nostalgic memory to Naachan. A little sad smile came into her beautiful face.



Wakatsuki walked along a way which connected the school gate with the school hall. It was her first day as a high schooler, yet she didn't feel excited at all. High school days, a period of her life which should be fun had been ruined by her parent. That what she thought. She looked at her surrounding and found no one that she knew. None of her middle school friend entered the Nogizaka High School. The reason was simple. For them Nogizaka is a very lame place to spent your youth days, just like a trash can. A school with no boys wasn't fun at all. A school with many strict rules was out of date. Wakatsuki's close friends in middle school were kind of naughty and rebelious. Skipping school for something useless, like going to game center or watching band performance, was something that they often did.But, their school didn't give a damn as along as the students got good mark in their study. It was lucky for Wakatsuki, since she had smart brain so her school didn't have to report it to her parents. But, too bad she wasn't smart enough to hide her secret to her parents. One day, when her mother was about to wash her uniform, her mother found something inside its pocket. A pack of cigarrette. It  made her parents so angry. Wakatsuki was in her 3rd year of junior high school and would graduate soon. Her parents decided to put her into a girl high school with strict rules. And she should cut off any connection with her middle school friends.

"Da f*ck! One or two cigarrette won't kill you!"

Wakatsuki walked slowly with her lowering her head. She could find some sakura petals along the road. There were sakura trees along the left and right side of the road. It wasn't time for then sakura flower to be in full bloom yet. They just started to bloom.

"What kind of place is this? Even the uniform is so lame." Wakatsuki cursed her new school. Actually she already cursed it since the day she knew that she was accepted to study there.

 "Geez,  do I have try to be a good girl? So boring. Being good doesn't make me feel good at all"

She finally reached outside of the hall. The door was still closed since it would be open just right berfore the ceremony started. The freshmen were waiting outside. Most of them gathered into some little groups and chatting. Wakatsuki bet they must be came from the same middle school. Since she knew no one, she just stood there. Leaning her back againts the hall wall. It was a moment until she saw someone walked toward her. A medium lenght haired hair with tan skin girl. That girl stopped right in front of Wakatsuki and stared with her big bright eyes.

"Wh- What? Who are you?" Wakatsuki's memory recalled that she never met this girl before

She extented her right hand toward Wakatsuki's head and picked up something the showed it to Wakatsuki. A small sakura petal.

Her left hand pointed the sakura petal in her right hand


Slowly, the girl's left hand then pointed to herself.


The tan-skinned girl's smile grew bigger. She let out a little blow to the sakura petal which make it flied and stick onto Wakatsuki's cheek.


Wakatsuki just freeze right there. She just stared that sakura girl who suddenly popped up from nowhere with amaze. That day, she met a girl who made her feel that maybe trying to be a good girl wasn’t too bad.



Nishino Nanase walking around an area in Tokyo with confuse look on her face. She had wandered around the area for several times but couldn't found Nogizaka High School. A month ago she went to that school to take the entrance test. But, now she ended up getting lost. She blamed herself for being so careless, falling asleep in the bus. She and her family had just moved from Osaka a week ago. She hadn't familiar with Tokyo yet. Moreover, she was a person who prefer to be inside the house than going outside, except there was an urgent thing.

Fortunately, she woke up not long after the bus passed through the bus halt which she should be stop in. She dropped from the bus then walked around that area. She should asked people about how to reach the Nogizaka school. But, she was a shy girl.Sometimes, too shy and afraid to initiated conversation especially with the person she hadn't met before. Naachan kept walking without any certain direction in an enviroment which really unfamniliar to her.

She ended up standing on the edge of a big and crowded intersection. She felt her breathing became heavier. Naachan looked at her wristwatch. 10 more minutes until the opening ceremory started. She really lost. She even didn't know name of the place where her feet stood up now. Naachan felt her eyes getting warmer. A sign signaling that her tears was about to come out.

"Please. Not now. Please.."

She beg her tears not to fall down. But, she knew it was hard to stop her tears. She felt so weak because she could't fight back her tears. With her right hand, she wiped away warm tears that had fallen onto her tears.

Suddenly a girl who was riding a bicycle passed by and approached Naachan.

"Hey, you! You're crying? What are you doing here?"

Naachan couldn't see the girl's face bacause her teary eyes made her vision blurry. But, seeing the colour of the clothes that girl wore, Naachan was sure it was the same as the colour of uniform that Naachan wore.

No reply from Naachan. Just her whine that kept heard. Getting no respone from Naachan, that girl brought her face closer to Naachan. Surprised by the girl's act, Naachan move backward and said "I..I'm..lost"

The girl laughed " Ah, you're new here. So clumsy. Hey, you can ride on the back. How’s it?"

Naachan accepted the offer and ride on that girl's bike.

"You're so lame, you know? Crying like that in crowded place" the girls said while pedaling her bike

Naachan nodded slowly "Unn~"

Nishino Nanase was a girl whose heart like a glass. Pure and fragile. Sometimes cry too easily just like a newborn baby.

“Hey, I’m gonna increase my speed or we will arrive late at school. Hold onto, okay?”

Feeling the bike running faster, Naachan gripped the girls’s shirt tightly.

"Ah, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Mai. You can call me Maiyan"

Naachan looked at Maiyan’s back. Somewhat, she could feel tender kindness just by looking at it. And, that day, she loved to see how spring wind blew Maiyan’s long dark brown hair.


Wakatsuki leaned her back against a sakura tree on the school yard. She put on earphones on both of her ears. She was waiting for her best friend, Reika, while listening the her favorite songs. Some girls passed by in front of her. Some of them threw their smiles to Wakatsuki. Some even winked at her. And as usual, Wakatsuki responed nicely, like waving hand to the girls, winked back at them, or showing her mischivious smile. Wakatsuki maybe not the most popular girl, but she had pretty good amount of fangirls. As expected from Nogizaka's no. 1 ikemen.

"Wakatsuki! Wakatsuki!"

Sakurai Reika run toward Wakatsuki Yumi with excitement. Wakatsuki, seeing that the girl she waited for finally came, put off her earphones and moved some steps forward. Reika, when she finally reached Wakatsuki, give a very tight hug to her friend.

"Wakatsuki! Wakatsuki! My partner!" She kept calling out her name

Wakatsuki just laughed and hugged Reika back.

"I miss you, Wakatsuki"

After a moment, Wakatsuki broke the hug then wrapped left arm around Reika's neck. Her right hand caressed Reika's chin

"I miss you too, my partner. Oh, your chin is getting longer"

Reika closed her eyes and seemes to enjoy the touch on her chin

"Yeah. I know. I know"

Wakatsuki Yumi and Sakurai Reika,. Two best friends who called each other "Partner", getting along so well since the day the met for then first time. in school, they were unseperatable. When there's Reika, you could always Wakatsuki next to her and vice versa. They were like a conjoint twins. Some student called them "The rat and its tail" or sometimes "The elephant and its trunk" because they always together. Wakarsuki and Reika had almost the same body height, with Wakatsuki just a little taller. Their birthdays was also just a month away, with Reika being the older one.

Wakatsuki released her left hand from Reika's chin "Ready for the speech, Miss President?"

Reika wrapped her left arm on Wakatsuki shoulder "My heart is still throbbing like a crazy. I know I have fail-chara that I can't get rid of, but I’ve decided that today I'm gonna show my charm to all the freshmen"

"Maybe you can let the vice-president to do the speech"

"Leave it to Manatsu? Oh, come on, you know how her speech will turn out to be. She'll insert 'zukkyun~' in every sentence spoken"

Wakatsuki smiled at her best friend and then looked up above her. The scenery of sakura petals which laid on the tree was beyond her eyes.

"Hey, Reika. Isn't those sakura so beautiful?

Reika looked up and said "Yeah. But, we have to wait the end of this month to see them in full bloom"

"Can't wait for that.."

"But I don't like them in full bloom"

Wakatsuki asked while keep looked above "Why?"

"Because after full bloom, sakura petals will be blown by the wind and fall to the ground. They look weak and fragile"

"You're wrong. Sakura is very strong flower"

Reika frowned "How can it be?"

"After its full bloom, sakura petals will fall into the ground. For us who watching it, we may feel gentle sadness. Sakura trees know that. And they will wait the next spring to bloom again. No matter how hard the snow that winter brings,  sakura will definitely bloom after that"

Reika couldn't hide her amazement "Woahh, you know much about sakura"

Wakatsuki looked at Reika who was still looking at sakura "I love sakura. I love sakura so much"

Because you are the most beautiful flower in the world

~##END OF RULE 1##~

Hellow minna-san. We (not really) proudly present a Nogific. Because world is lacking of nogizaka fic. And, because Matsumura Sayuri ever said that Nogizaka is a real worl of "Sakura Trick", so we created yuri fic  :lol: Any comment & critic are welcomed. Yoroshiku ne~ See ya at Rule #2  :cow:

« Last Edit: October 27, 2017, 03:37:40 PM by sophcaro »

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Offline noel nguyen

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Re: [Nogizaka fanfic] Girl's Rule : Rule #1
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2014, 12:22:08 PM »
yeahhhhh, I LOVE IT  :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

It's the first time I read Nogizaka's fic :D

WakaRei, SayuMai are the OPT I like :D

I think Nanase and Takayama is a nice couple :)

I'll waiting for your new chap  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Jessye

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Re: [Nogizaka fanfic] Girl's Rule : Rule #1
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2014, 09:18:41 PM »
Yeahh, the world is lacking of Nogi fic, agreeeee!  :banghead:

Poor Nanase, looks like there will be a triangle love between Sayurin x Maiyan x Nanase  :cry:

Love SayuMai but kinda sad for Nanase then..

And absolutly love th connection between Sakurai x Wakatsuki..  :wub: :wub: :wub:

I will wait your updates m(_ _)m

Offline yukofan

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Re: [Nogizaka fanfic] Girl's Rule : Rule #1
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2014, 12:46:47 AM »
yeahhhhh, I LOVE IT  :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

It's the first time I read Nogizaka's fic :D

WakaRei, SayuMai are the OPT I like :D

I think Nanase and Takayama is a nice couple :)

I'll waiting for your new chap  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Thank you for reading  :bow:  Yeah, I like SayuMai and WakaRei too. And, those two pairings are Nogi top 2 couple  :heart: 
Nanase and Takayama? MMmmm, let's see what hapen next..

Yeahh, the world is lacking of Nogi fic, agreeeee!  :banghead:

Poor Nanase, looks like there will be a triangle love between Sayurin x Maiyan x Nanase  :cry:

Love SayuMai but kinda sad for Nanase then..

And absolutly love th connection between Sakurai x Wakatsuki..  :wub: :wub: :wub:

I will wait your updates m(_ _)m

Sad for Nanase? I think she does suit that image  :lol: But, we don't know what will happen next  8) It's just beginning..
I love Sakurai x Wakatsuki's connection too, in their reall life too*  :heart: :heart:

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Offline Yukari

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Re: [ Nogizaka46 fanfic ] Girl's Rule : Rule #1
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2014, 01:20:11 AM »

I've been searching for nogizaka's fanfics, but it seems that there are just sayumai :c

So~ this makes me so happy ♥ WakaRei is one of my OTP  :heart:

Ok ok~ i'll stop spazzing (?)

The characters are so well written~ while i was reading i was like 'yeah, that's so wakatsuki' or 'lol nanase is already crying', and i just cracked at 'From the way that girl run, you could tell who she was. The way she run was undescribable weird. Like a clumsy girl who tried to run fast but still looked so slow.'  :rofl:

So... WakaRei, SayuMai (i suppose), and then there's Nanase... i ship nanase with takayama (my 2 oshis ♥), but i'll wait to see what happens here~

I know i wanted to write more things but i forgot now lol fish memory mode~

Please keep writing and make this nogi fan very happy  :cow:

ps: btw, i just noticed that we follow each other on tumblr xD hi there(?)

Offline crazywota

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Re: [ Nogizaka46 fanfic ] Girl's Rule : Rule #1
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2014, 06:51:01 AM »
I'm so close to writing one myself a sakurai x wakasama fic but hey they made one and it's awesome!
please do continue this up to rule 100 or more! lmao but really thanks I'm willing to read whatever fic that has reika and yumi
on it even if it's just a 100 words drabble lol ; u ; you guys are my hero so really thanks!  :heart:

looking forward to rule 2!

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Re: [ Nogizaka46 fanfic ] Girl's Rule : Rule #1
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2014, 07:31:34 AM »
At last! a Nogizaka46 fic! and its Aikata and Bakaple  :grin: :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup

♥ YuiParu ♥ KojiYuu ♥ AtsuYuu ♥ SaeYuki ♥ SaeRena ♥ JuriMayu ♥ MomooHarem ♥

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Re: [ Nogizaka46 fanfic ] Girl's Rule : Rule #1
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2014, 09:09:32 AM »
yukofan san~~~!! long time not see you  :wub: :wub:
and now you appear with nogizaka fanfic ! YEAYYYYYYY  :ptam-shy: :ptam-shy:
thankyou  :bow: :bow:
Sayurin and maiyan and naachan uwuuuuuh  :onioncheer:
I'm waiting for the next rules!!  :byebye:

Offline yukofan

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Re: [ Nogizaka46 fanfic ] Girl's Rule : Rule #1
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2014, 10:11:21 AM »

I've been searching for nogizaka's fanfics, but it seems that there are just sayumai :c

So~ this makes me so happy ♥ WakaRei is one of my OTP  :heart:

Ok ok~ i'll stop spazzing (?)

The characters are so well written~ while i was reading i was like 'yeah, that's so wakatsuki' or 'lol nanase is already crying', and i just cracked at 'From the way that girl run, you could tell who she was. The way she run was undescribable weird. Like a clumsy girl who tried to run fast but still looked so slow.'  :rofl:

So... WakaRei, SayuMai (i suppose), and then there's Nanase... i ship nanase with takayama (my 2 oshis ♥), but i'll wait to see what happens here~

I know i wanted to write more things but i forgot now lol fish memory mode~

Please keep writing and make this nogi fan very happy  :cow:

ps: btw, i just noticed that we follow each other on tumblr xD hi there(?)

Hi Yukari-san. thanks for reading. I'm so glad I found some Wakatsuki x Reika shippers here  :cow:

About the characters, it based on my observation to their real-life character. I want to make this fic feels realistic. And, about Nanase, actually we (this fic is written by 3 people) still fighting about her story  :lol:

I'm so close to writing one myself a sakurai x wakasama fic but hey they made one and it's awesome!
please do continue this up to rule 100 or more! lmao but really thanks I'm willing to read whatever fic that has reika and yumi
on it even if it's just a 100 words drabble lol ; u ; you guys are my hero so really thanks!  :heart:

looking forward to rule 2!

Thank you. 100 rules? WOW. We are still making the 2nd. Hey, you can continue writing your Wakatsuki x Reika fic. So, people who craving for Nogi fic can enjoy the fics..

At last! a Nogizaka46 fic! and its Aikata and Bakaple  :grin: :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup

Thank you so much  for reading this :bow:

yukofan san~~~!! long time not see you  :wub: :wub:
and now you appear with nogizaka fanfic ! YEAYYYYYYY  :ptam-shy: :ptam-shy:
thankyou  :bow: :bow:
Sayurin and maiyan and naachan uwuuuuuh  :onioncheer:
I'm waiting for the next rules!!  :byebye:

Thank you..Yeah, It's been a long long time. Thank you for the waiting. We'll try to make this fic getting more interesting  :rock:


Thank you so much for all reader  :deco: Btw, the latest aikata moment : From Wakasama's blog


I love Sayurin-Maiyan-Naachan triple  :heart:

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Offline ValKyRieS

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Re: [ Nogizaka46 fanfic ] Girl's Rule : Rule #1
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2014, 12:32:33 PM »
Wait, did Ringo-hime really mentioned that Nogi is real life Sakura Trick !!
That would be too awesome.  :heart:
and, really really excites to see WakaxReika fic, the Aikata moment always make me go hnnnng.
Also not to mentioned there is Bakapuru to boost. :inlove:

Offline yukofan

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Re: [ Nogizaka46 fanfic ] Girl's Rule : Rule #1
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2014, 01:36:02 PM »
Wait, did Ringo-hime really mentioned that Nogi is real life Sakura Trick !!
That would be too awesome.  :heart:
and, really really excites to see WakaxReika fic, the Aikata moment always make me go hnnnng.
Also not to mentioned there is Bakapuru to boost. :inlove:

Thank you for visiting this thread,,,

She mentioned it in Da Vinci interview. I quoted her saying :
Among members, kissing each other is something that we can’t openly do. It’s not kissing cheek, I mean kissing lips! That’s why, many of  members’ first kiss are another member. That’s right, it’s the real of “Sakura Trick” world!
If you want to read the complete interview : click me

Nogayzaka46 XD

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Offline Akariii

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Re: [ Nogizaka46 fanfic ] Girl's Rule : Rule #1
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2014, 02:02:02 PM »
A nogizaka fic !!! I love it !!! Wakasama *____*
Oh and I completely agree on the Nanase x Takayama pairing, they would be great together !  :wub:

I'll be waiting for the next part :D

Offline yukofan

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Re: [ Nogizaka46 fanfic ] Girl's Rule : Rule #1
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2014, 10:31:02 PM »
A nogizaka fic !!! I love it !!! Wakasama *____*
Oh and I completely agree on the Nanase x Takayama pairing, they would be great together !  :wub:

I'll be waiting for the next part :D

Thank you for reading..Wow, I didn't expect to find some Nanase x Takayama fans here. thanks for the idea. we still have many chapter. no need to rush. I want to torturing Naachan a bit now *sadist*  8)

Thank you for making my day with this fanfic! I really love it.  :twothumbs Keep it up and hopefully you will continue to write.  :) I'm looking forward for part 2!

Thank you so much  :) of course, we'll continue to write. hope I can finish the next chap soon. And, oh I've just knew ur subbing team (thanks to your signature). Nice  :thumbup

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Offline Dyh_18

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Re: [ Nogizaka46 fanfic ] Girl's Rule : Rule #1
« Reply #13 on: May 17, 2014, 04:25:32 AM »
 :inlove: My first read Nogizaka's fic too! Thanks ~~
 :cow: I'm waiting

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Re: [ Nogizaka46 fanfic ] Girl's Rule : Rule #1
« Reply #14 on: May 17, 2014, 05:11:28 AM »
YESH~~ I enter after a long time and I find a Nogizaka fic. Can you imagine how happy I am?! Also, Girl's rule is my fav N46 song, so yeah, I'm double thrilled *.*

You are right, the world needs more Nogizaka fanfic o/

I liked the start, so please continue :3 And thank you for the Nogi fic *.*

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
Oneshots at Perv area

Offline yukofan

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Re: [ Nogizaka46 fanfic ] Girl's Rule : Rule #1
« Reply #15 on: May 18, 2014, 03:12:55 AM »
:inlove: My first read Nogizaka's fic too! Thanks ~~
 :cow: I'm waiting

Thank you for reading  :) We're working on the next chap. I hope we won't make you wait for long.

YESH~~ I enter after a long time and I find a Nogizaka fic. Can you imagine how happy I am?! Also, Girl's rule is my fav N46 song, so yeah, I'm double thrilled *.*

You are right, the world needs more Nogizaka fanfic o/

I liked the start, so please continue :3 And thank you for the Nogi fic *.*

Thank you for reading. I like Girl's Rule song too. I wanted to named this fic with a Nogi song's title. And Girl's rule is the only one that suitanle  XD

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Re: [ Nogizaka46 fanfic ] Girl's Rule : Rule #1
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2014, 08:59:15 PM »
Update please ? :bow: :bow: :bow:


Offline yukofan

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Re: [ Nogizaka46 fanfic ] Girl's Rule : Rule #1
« Reply #17 on: June 15, 2014, 03:13:14 PM »
Update please ? :bow: :bow: :bow:


sorry for the super long update  :bow: I'll post the update in 30 minutes

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Offline yukofan

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Re: [ Nogizaka46 fanfic ] Girl's Rule : Rule #1
« Reply #18 on: June 15, 2014, 03:55:56 PM »

Girl’s Rule

Rule #2 : Forgive me when I become such a stupid in front of you. Eh, wait, it's because of you!!!

A dark brown haired girl was struggling to keep her eyes open. Even the sunlight which pierced through the window next to her couldn't help her to fight against her sleepiness. She had embarrassed herself by arriving late at her first day as a third grader. Getting scolded by the teacher was bad enough. Sleeping in the class would make her get some punishments. Of course, she didn't want that. It would hurt her reputation as one of the role model in Nogizaka School. She couldn't blame anyone for that bad morning. It was her risk as a new rising model. She couldn't reject any photoshoot from magazines, especially the popular ones. Even if it was tiring and made her lack of sleep, it was worthy. At least it was much more fun than going to school.

Her name was Shiraishi Mai, nickname Maiyan. One of popular girls in Nogizaka. More exactly, the #2 most popular girl because the top spot was taken by Nishino Nanase. If there was a poll in school about ‘Who's the person you want to be WITH?’, Nishino would come at top for sure. But, if you asked Nogi students about "Who's the person that you want to be?", majority would answered Maiyan. With her pretty face and white skin, she had appeared on some magazines. She even got exclusive contract to appear regularly in a fashion magazine. In her young age, the modeling world was wide opened for her. If she could, she would have thrown away her school uniform and pursued her dream to become a model. Too bad, her parents’ didn’t approve Maiyan’s wish. But, Maiyan didn’t have intention to give up on her dream.

"Oh, shit. When will this torture end"

Maiyan cursed within herself. She looked at the clock which laid on the class wall. She felt the clock hand rotated so damn slow. Just 10 minutes more until the lunch break chime ringing. She felt she had been waiting for the lunch break period since forever. She couldn’t concentrate on what the teacher taught to the class. She looked at outside through the window. She looked at the sky. She looked at the outside world, a place where reality moved faster than within her classroom. A place that she longed for.   

And when the bell finally ringing, Maiyan closed her eyes and let out a big relive sigh. For the first time in her life, she felt that the bell's ringing was the most beautiful sound in the world. When the other student happily walked outside the class, Maiyan just stay still on her seat. She put her bag on her desk and made it a pillow as her head landed on it. She didn't care about lunch. All she needed was a peaceful sleep time before the next lesson started.


Three girls were inside Nogi student council room. A girl was playing game on her phone, a girl was busy making pose and taking photo of herself with her cellphone, and then other girl just watching the 2 girls while eating her bread. Student council room was their favorite place during lunch break. Because Reika and Manatsu were student council's top 2, they had full access to use the room. And Wakatsuki, she just followed her master, as usual. That room was like their secret base.

"Manatsu, you better to stop now. I think you've clicked your phone's camera button for more than 100 times. The flash light will hurt your eyes" Wakatsuki said while chewing the food inside her mouth

"It's for stock, Wakatsuki. I need many photos to zukkyun the heart of the fresh student" A twin-tailed girl said innocently.

Her name was Akimoto Manatsu, Nogi student council vice-president. She was an honor student. She got the highest score in almost all academic subjects in the last tests. Not only number 1 at academic, she was also number 1 at sport. But, the difference was if in academic Manatsu was #1 at the top. In sports, she was #1 at the bottom. All Nogi students were amazed with how Manatsu was so lousy at sport. She even got the record as the slowest runner ever in Nogizaka School history. Manatsu was a legend.

She was a student who successfully created super buzz in her first day as Nogizaka student. She was a transfer student. The day she stepped her feet on Nogizaka for the first time was also the day she was appointed as student council vice-president. She was appointed directly by Nogizaka's headmaster, Akimoto Yasushi. Many Nogi students couldn't understand the decision of their headmaster, Akimoto Yasuhi. It made them questioning Aki-P's mental state at that time. For your information, Aki-P was the headmaster's nickname. It came from ‘Akimoto-Papa’. Because they had same family name, there were bad rumor about Akimoto Manatsu was Aki-P's daughter, but Manatsu denied it. She was underrated at first, but later on she proved that she do pretty well. Manatsu was a legend.

Her special skill was cooking and fishing people's heart. She created her own gimmick. She would pretend her hand's fingers as a gun and shoot you right through your heart. Then she said “Zukkyun~' cutely followed by her deadly wink.  Manatsu even claimed that 'zukkyun' was her middle name. Many people had become her fans. She also had her private blog where she could upload her photos, so she could gain more victims. She had uploaded so many photos. Mostly with cute and sexy photos which would make your heart go doki-doki uncontrollably. Manatsu was really a legend.

"I feel sorry for your future victims" Reika said while keep on focusing on the phone screen

"I feel sorry for your love life. So dark. You've never dated anyone for- Hmm, how old are you? 17 years old?" Manatsu said and put a fake pity look on her face and she got Reika's attention

"Being single doesn't mean I'm available. It's just mean my heart is signaling ‘do not disturb!". Right, Wakatsuki? " Reika turn her face to her best friend and Wakatsuki gave her thumb up.

"It sounds like a nice dress which is displayed in show window so people be interested to buy it, but being labeled with ‘not for sale' sign. Useless."

"I'm not a dress on show window! What about you? You have many fans but don't date one of them"

Manatsu showed her smile "One, I don't like commitment. Two, I'm responsible not to break any of my fan's heart. Three, I haven't found my crush"

Reika asked in disbelieve “Really?”


 "Me too! I also haven't met my crush. My first crush. No one ever made my heart beating so fast"

"Yeah. Someone who can make your heart thrilled and even makes you want to scream."

Suddenly, Reika felt so excited "That’s right! Someone who can make you scream 'Kyaa! Kyaaaa!'"

Manatsu cupped her cheeks and screamed "Kyaaaaaaa!"

Seeing the act of the two girls, Wakatsuki said sarcastically "Keep on screaming and you'll damage your vocal cord"

"What about you, Wakatsuki? Any of your fangirl who can make your heart go 'kyun-kyun'" Manatsu asked

"Do you have to go doki-doki so you can jump into conclusion that you like that person?" Wakatsuki asked back

Reika tilted her head "Doesn't it exactly like in shoujo manga? Whenever your heart skip a beat that means you like that person"

"You read too many shoujo manga" Wakatsuki replied

"Is that a problem? Every girl in Japan read shoujo manga. You too." Reika defensed herself

"Yeah. But, sometimes it's so cheapy..And cheesy..And creepy..And whatever"

"Are you saying that what's in that manga isn't true?"

"No, Reika. I mean.." WakatsukI looked confused how to say it

"Then how do you know that you like that someone?"

Wakatsuki knew Reika so well, she'd keep on asking question until she got answers that made her satisfied. Wakatsuki thought a moment before she answered.

"Well, I think it’s fine if your heart beats so fast because of someone. But-"

"But what?"

"It's not always like that"

"So what it should like?"

"You know, if you feel comfortable whenever you with a special person.."

There was a short pause before Wakatsuki continued "I think that also a form of love."

There was a short silent in that moment. When Wakatsuki finally realized what she had just said, her eyes widened.

"Oh, shit.."

She got up from her seat while saying  "Girls, the break is almost over. Better to get you ass off from your seat now"

Without waiting Reika and Manatsu's respond, Wakatsuku left the room. Just like a person who runaway after robbed a bank.

"What's suddenly wrong with her? Did her head got hit something this morning?" Manatsu muttered while watching Wakatsuki leaving

"Let's go back to classroom, Manatsu"

"But, we still have 15 minutes" Manatsu's face showed disagreement

"But, she was cursing right in front of my face" Reika was pointing at her own face

Manatsu raised both of her arm, a ‘surrender’ sign  "Okay. Anything for Miss President"

Right after Reika and Manatsu got up from their seat, Reika's phone vibrated. Its screen showed that she had one new main in her inbox. She opened the new mail. Reika saw the address of the sender. It was unfamiliar for her.

"What's wrong, Reika?" Manatsu asked when she saw Reika's face expression changed when she read the mail.

"Ah, It's just..It's nothing. Let's go now"

Reika put her cellphone inside her pocket. With a forced smile, she grabbed Manatsu's hand and went back to class. Reika didn't want to take it as a big deal. She just thought it as a shit. Without Reika knowing, it was just a beginning.

'Wakatsuki Yumi isn't as good as you think. Better to stay away from that bitch or you'll regret it. Remember, I've warned you..'


Naachan looked at her surroundings. No one else inside classroom except her and a girl whose seat next to her. Naachan looked at her classmate's face who was sleeping peacefully. For unknown reason,  Naachan smiled. She loved seeing Maiyan's face. She loved seeing Maiyan's white skin. She loved how sunshine landes on Maiyan's skin. It made Maiyan so shining. In Naachan's eyes, Maiyan was shining so bright that it made her heart hurt at the same time. The same feeling that she often felt without she knew when it started. She kept on adoring the scenery beyond her eyes for some moments. How she wished time to stop at that very moment.

"Sayurin is here! Hi, Naachan!"

One of Naachan’s classmates suddenly entered the classroom and ruined Naachan's moment. That girl walked toward Maiyan's seat.

“Ooh, Maiyan is still sleeping. She looked so sleepy during the class. She must be very tired after her photoshoot last night. Poor Sayuringo, she must have her launch today without Maiyan. Sayuringo will let Maiyan have a sleep” Sayurin put on sad face. She was talking to herself even though there was Naachan next to her

“I know, I’ll buy bread for her. Oh my god, I'm so care of Maiyan. Just like a wife to her husband. Fufufu~" Sayurin cupped her cheeks with her hands and blushing on her own.

Sayurin put out a cellphone from her pocket and took picture of Maiyan's sleeping face "Maiyan is so cute even when she's sleeping. I'll use it as the new wallpaper of my phone."

Sayurin looked so happy seeing the pics. Her phone's gallery was full of Maiyan's pic. It was like she can't get enough of Maiyan. In term of 'Taking pics of Maiyan', no one in this world that could beat Matsumura Sayuri. She was really pro in taking pic of Maiyan.

"Okay, I'll go now. See ya, Naachan"
After Sayurin left, the classroom was in peace again. Only Naachan and Maiyan. Naachan opened her bag and took out her lunch box. She never go to school cafetaria during lunch break. Her mother always prepared lunch for her. She was so lucky, because she didn’t have to go to cafetaria. She was uncomfortable with crowded place. Naachan put her lunch box on her desk. She took the chopsticks and ate her lunch. She really loved her mother's hand make cooking. For Naachan, her mother's cooking was the best in the world. In the middle of chewing her food, Naachan's head turn to look into Maiyan. Deep inside her heart, she was happy. It was a moment when she could observed Maiyan's face in short distance.

Suddenly, she thought of something. She looked around her to make sure it would be safe. She held her phone in her hand and moved closer to Maiyan. Hoping to get a nice angle to capturing Maiyan's sleeping face.


Naachan was suddenly in panic mode. She moved back to her seat. Naachan made 2 big mistakes. She made sound by clicking the camera button and she didn't turn off the flash light. Told ya, no one in this world as pro as Matsumura Sayuri in this subject.


Maiyan grunted and made little movement. She woke up thanks to Naachan's mistakes. Maiyan raised her head and rubbed her face with the palms of her hands.

"What was that?" Maiyan asked with husky voice

"Huh?" Naachan still in panic mode, but she really knew how to look calm

"I swear I was having a good dream when suddenly I felt a big light struck my face and woke me up”

Naachan was really grateful she had her lunch in front of her. She hid her nervousness by eating her food. She kept on filling her mouth even when she hadn’t finished swallowed it.

“I felt kind of déjà vu. Ahh, I know! It feels like someone takes picture of me with very bright blitz light”

The more Naachan heard Maiyan’s words, the more she lowered her head. How could she stared at Maiyan’s face.

“I..I..I need to go outside”


Naachan found herself stood alone on school’s rooftop. This was the only place that she could think of right now. No one would be in that place in that hour. Some student usually went to that place after school. The rooftop was surrounded by fence bars. The school wanted to make sure no stupid student would make Nogizaka school became the headline of newspaper because she jump from the roof. Naachan leaned her back on a corner. She recalled the stupid thing that she just did.

“I’m so idiot!”

She took out her phone. She pressed some buttons until she found what she wanted, a picture of sleeping Maiyan. She saw the pic and a little laughter came out from her lips. Sometimes Naachan thought that she didn’t want to have that feeling. But, sometimes she thought she was okay and already got used to her feeling. Secretly liking someone was sweet yet sour, happy yet sad. She wanted to run away, but she also wanted to cling on it. The more she thought about it, the more she didn’t know what she really wanted. She closed her eyes and hoped for the spring breeze help her send her feeling to a certain person.

~##END OF RULE 2##~

Not much in this chap. just because it's just an intro to the 3rd chaper. I was going to post rule #2 and #3 at the same time but I decided not to :p So, enjoy it. and wait for Reika-Waka, Sayu-Mai, Sayu-Naachan and more nogi girls in chappie 3. Should we start the drama?

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Offline noel nguyen

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Re: [ Nogizaka46 fanfic ] Girl's Rule : Rule #2
« Reply #19 on: June 15, 2014, 06:46:24 PM »
Aaaaaaa new chap..........I waiting to long  :panic: :panic: :panic:

No long to see u again  :D :D :D

About fic :)

What's happen with Waka sama??? It's her rival or someone eles???

I'll waiting for new chap  :cow: :cow: :cow:

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