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Author Topic: [G - Trans] Filling Up Memories (AtsuMina) - COMPLETED  (Read 17070 times)

Offline Nhoc Sin

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[G - Trans] Filling Up Memories (AtsuMina) - COMPLETED
« on: May 27, 2014, 04:41:46 AM »
Hi, I'm a new member at JPHIP. I've actually been reading fanfics here for a few years already but didn't have the courage to register an account to leave a comment XD. I decided to register this account 2 days ago to give back a work - to which I find really great - to what these amazing authors here have produced over the years. This will be my first work.
However, there are a few facts needed to be addressed :):

1. This story doesn't belong to me, I'm merely translating this from a foreign language (which is also my mother language, Vietnamese) and of course, with permission already granted from the author.

2. This will be an Atsumina fanfic. However, the ending won't be like how many of us tend to expect. But be rest assured, this is still, by all means, an Atsumina fanfic.

3. This story will touch upon different sides of the two main characters which we might not have seen before, be it in other fanfics or real life. Their characteristic (especially Takamina) might seem different to some of you. Of course, they do not deviate too much from their presented character as we all know. They will still bear resemblances to their real-life self - the self that we've come to know and love - with a bit of other sides we haven't yet known. They will still be in character with out-of-character actions here and there.

4. This won't have fluffy, lovey-dovey, butterfly-in-stomach moments but generally, it gives off a calm, peaceful feeling. You won't be reading "I love you" or "you're my whole life" or smut scenes. This will have a bit of angst, a bit of regret, and a bit of other non-fairytale elements. If you chose to read this, don't come back crying at me if this doesn't live up to your expectation XD.

5. Last but not least, again, this won't have a happy ending, but it's not quite a sad ending either. I'd say it's an open ending. You'll understand when we get to the end.

Filling Up Memories

Rate: G
Author: Florence2412
Translated by: Nhoc Sin
Pairing: Atsumina
Genre: Romance

Summary: After graduating from AKB48, Atsuko had been fulfilling her traveling obsession. She stopped by Australia and lived under a same roof with an Australian man named Simon. No one knows what their relationship is.

One day, Takamina suddenly announced that she will be paying a visit. Atsuko almost cried out tears of happiness upon receiving this news and thought that those would be the most wonderful days of her life ever since settling at Australia. But as time goes by, Atsuko,  little by little, came to realized that she was actually enjoying the final days of happiness in her life. She had to learn how to let go, as well as let Takamina leave her side.

This is a seven-chapter story. I'm almost done translating the first chapter :). Below is some prologue from chapter 1.

Chapter 1: Before I Came To Realized

~"I thought you had fallen into an eternal sleep without ever waking up." ~

~ "I intended to do so as well!" ~

~"Even if I really died you wouldn't care about it."~

~"I don't even know if you deserve to have these things."~


Any comment is welcomed  8)
« Last Edit: October 24, 2017, 01:31:47 PM by sophcaro »

Offline ezha

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Re: [G - Trans] Filling Up Memories {Atsumina}
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2014, 05:56:17 AM »
update soon  :welcome

Offline ubulubulbilu

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Re: [G - Trans] Filling Up Memories {Atsumina}
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2014, 06:38:52 AM »
The only thing I know, u deserve to update it asap. Lol
I hope there will be a deep love story and it's ok if there's no smut scene.

Pls continue

Offline Justqle

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Re: [G - Trans] Filling Up Memories {Atsumina}
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2014, 05:21:32 PM »
yeay, a quite clear explanation, so interesting  :twothumbs
whatever kind of story it is, i still like it since it's Atsumina  XD XD

yokai, please continue  :twothumbs

Offline cisda83

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Re: [G - Trans] Filling Up Memories {Atsumina}
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2014, 11:21:18 PM »
Atsumina story...yeah

Learning how to let go...?!

Interesting start

Can't wait to see how the story is going to develop

Thank you

  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Kakeru15

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Re: [G - Trans] Filling Up Memories {Atsumina}
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2014, 05:05:02 AM »
Interesting :grin:

Please update soon :thumbsup

Offline noah minami

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Re: [G - Trans] Filling Up Memories {Atsumina}
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2014, 12:10:16 PM »
looks interesting. waiting for it xD

(actually i run away from my assignment to read this. kinda frustrating since im searching for sources since morning till evening. the heck didnt find a clue. DAMN sir only give us paper of shit...
oppps i mean a piece of paper sheet about instruction ,didnt mind to explain to us. DAMN)

Offline Nhoc Sin

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Re: [G - Trans] Filling Up Memories {Atsumina}
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2014, 11:19:08 AM »
bulubulbilu: I'd not say it's a deep love story; at least, it's not like those melodramatic love stories in heartfelt dramas. Rather, it's a story that's more closely related to what a real life love story would be. No climax, no misunderstanding, no romantic scenes, but still bittersweet nonetheless.

Here is chapter 1. Enjoy :P. Comments are appreciated as always.

~Chapter 1: Before I Came To Realized~

Twice yearly on average, Atsuko would receive some news from Takamina; a long letter on her birthday hastily written on a train or car with incoherent words pushing each other following the natural spinning order of the wheel; usually, a phone call would follow suit a new months later. It had always taken place around the same time every year, but Atsuko never knew the reason behind those calls. For some god-knows-what reasons, Takamina would always feel lonely in November.

Occasionally, they talked to each other more often, though it was usually hard to coincide with Takamina's petite free schedule. This same issue also arose with her other friends. It always made her upset and angry having to leave another message in Mariko's voice-mail box. Nevertheless, it was also the reason which made their reunion more joyful. Last year, when Atsuko came back to Tokyo to celebrate her mother's birthday, she had gotten drunk altogether with Mariko, Tomochin and Miichan while joyfully chitchatting in their native language without feeling awkward and embarrassing as opposed to her new place. Although she had refined her English speaking skills after all those years, she would always try to speak every words slowly and clearly in order for others to understand.

She also got to reunite with Takamina in that occasion - though only for about half an hour - as Takamina was preparing to depart for France when Atsuko came back to Tokyo. They decided to meet at Narita, sitting together in the VIP room and drinking coffee. As much as Atsuko needed more than half an hour to catch up to her true happenings, that moment didn't last long.

Therefore, whenever someone asked Atsuko, the answer would remain as one: Takamina is busy, and still in good health.

When Takamina, out of the blue, called Atsuko on a day of July telling her that as she would be having a bit of free time, she would like to go visit her, Atsuko wasn't really sure what had caused this sudden surprise.

Atsuko could still remember very clearly that, during the time period of which she had made the decision of quitting PJ48 at 21, Takamina hadn't been able to talk to her in the next few months, supposedly two or three months due to the mountain of work for which she had to make preparations. One day before the official announcement, Takamina had come to give her encouragement, touched her hair and wished her great health; nevertheless, she still couldn't face her honestly. And that, coupled with Yuko's terrifying shock, Haruna's silence, Miichan's tears and Mariko's worry had made the world where she was about to step in an unfamiliar and dark place, like a desert with endless destinations occupied by demons and spirits. There was absolutely not a single trustworthy friend for her to lean on. Those feelings didn't last long as the excitement of traveling from one city to another had quickly replaced it.

Those first few months, if she had to speak honestly, were horrible. There were times she had to settle on inconvenient beds made of messy sheets and blankets at some cheap, boring inn meant for individual tourists. She lied there thinking about how it would feel like if her friends were here with her right now, even only Takamina or Mariko would do. If it was with Mariko, she would drag her to the bar engaging in chats with guys, pretending to be experienced at these frat parties befitting that of a debauched lifestyle. If it was with Takamina she wouldn't have to resort to that, because she could just tell her to get on the bed with her as she wishes and both of them would lie together on those itchy bed sheets.

In those months; Atsuko had been regularly sending mails to Takamina and the responses she received in return - although worded in different ways - always carried the same meaning: I'm fine, everyone's fine, I'll call you soon. But no phone calls ever came. She couldn't even call her because she never picked up. Until one day when Atsuko was in Brazil, when she couldn't endure these worries and paranoids anymore, coupled with a small green pill given to her by an elder woman on the same trip, she decided to dial Takamina's number. One call, another call, followed by many other calls throughout hours. As she squatted down on the floor beneath a sink in a female restroom at some bar, Takamina finally answered the call, just as Atsuko's strength had almost been drenched out of her body. She had spent two hundred dollars just to leave a message.

"Has something happened?" Takamina - who finally picked up the phone - asked. Her voice sounded tired, as if she was running out of breath. Atsuko could also sense a hint of anger in Takamina's words.

"You haven't been talking to me." Atsuko replied, leaning on the stone-laced wall. A woman was standing in front of the sink doing some re-touch flicks to her lipstick. She looked at her heels and saw dirty, twirly leather-made straps.

A long moment of furious silence came from Takamina. "Acchan!" she gritted her teeth "I've received 85 missed calls from you. When I looked at the phone, I thought that some respectful doctor had been trying to call me to announce about your death."

"Even if I really died you wouldn't care about it." Atsuko sulkily said, and Takamina immediately hung up. Next day, Atsuko had been trying to call her to apologize, intentionally leaving out the one fact about that little pill so that she wouldn't have to hear another lecture. Takamina had been gruntingly criticizing non-stop throughout that phone call but at the very least, she did answer the phone.


Atsuko was driving to the airport to pick up Takamina. It was a warm winter day with sunlight rays shifting through sluggishly floating clouds, brightening and filling the city up with a sentiment of happiness. It was better than Atsuko's last visit  when the city was drowned in gloomy, despondent squalls of rain. Driving the ancient-styled Bon Jovi, she had been singing along the way until arriving at the parking lot. Takamina would most likely get mad at her late arrival.

When Atsuko had managed to slip through to the international exit, she saw Takamina stand there leaning on a pole near a magazine stall, her eyes covered by a pair of high quality black-yellow sunglasses. She was always tiny like that. Atsuko had never noticed this fact when they were still in Japan; but here, being surrounded by big abdomen foreign men and high-heeled, long-legged women, she looked to be even tinier, not to mention that she was also wearing a big fur coat. Her sunglasses slid off her nose as Atsuko called out her name, sprinting to her.

"Hi!" Takamina said, just in time for Atsuko to devotedly hug her.

Takamina immediately felt uncomfortable being engulfed in her arms, visibly uncomfortable, especially in this large crowd. But Atsuko didn't care. Her body emitted a strawberry-flavored perfume and that scent of Akihabara studio, just like when they were younger. Atsuko was rocking left and right, then she came to realize that Takamina was slightly shaking, her tiny hands tightly gripped on the leather jacket around her.

"Welcome to Australia." Atsuko spoke in English after releasing the hug with the same bright smile that would attract anyone to smile along.

“Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.” Takamina replied, without bowing.


Takamina took a suspenseful glance at the inside of Atsuko's car, wondering how could a girl in her 20's be leaving such a huge mess in her car's back seat, what with all those shopping bags disorderly scattered everywhere. However, she only stayed silent about it.

"It's ancient style." Atsuko spoke after they had gotten into the car. That wasn't the truth though, but as Takamina didn't have much knowledge about cars, she would believe right away if Atsuko had told her that the worn-out car she used to drive in German was an incredibly rare model ceased to be produced since the 30's.

"I see." Takamina unsurely said. "It's very beautiful."”

It had always been like this whenever they reunited after a long time. Takamina would act politely and distantly, anticipating any signs from Atsuko regarding their previous relationship. But afterwards she would calm down and the sociable manner would then be replaced by small, non-relevant fights between them. They had known each other for 10 years. Atsuko suddenly felt admirable as she came to realize this obvious truth.

"I can't believe that you are now here." Atsuko said "I'm really happy."

"Thanks for picking me up." Takamina said in that same polite and careful tone. "I should have contacted you more frequently, I'm sorry for this inconvenience."

"Don't speak to me in that distant tone." Atsuko angrily interrupted, "There's nothing inconvenient about it."

"Simon is a stranger to me. " Takamina leaned her head on the car's window as it was leaving the parking lot, staring at the outside landscape. Atsuko remembered clearly the first time she had come here; she was trying to look for kangaroo and alligators everywhere. Takamina would never do that; and even if she did, she would not admit it. "I feel that it would become a nuisance for Simon just because of that short message." she said.

"Simon has been anticipating to see you." Atsuko determinedly said. "He was chirping to me the whole morning about what you can eat and what you can't, how fluently your english is, if you like animals, or kids, if you'll like elders, beach, dogs, if you drink beers, how you drink coffee, if you'll get cold, if you'll like a lavender-scented or vanilla-scented filled bathroom."

In all honesty, Simon only got to know a few of Atsuko's friends, which meant he only got to see Mariko once in less than a day when she came to Sidney for her photobook shoot, Yuko once when she stopped by for her next flight to New Zealand, and Tomochin once when they encountered each other in London by chance. This was the first time her friend had taken the initiative for a stayover, which was why he had been enthusiastically making preparations.

"Does he know about us?" Takamina asked straight to the point.

There was one time when a classmate of Atsuko discovered a photo of her and Takamina together on her bed as she was nosily rummaging through Atsuko's stuffs. Those photos weren't really clear, not even a close-up, but those were not the flirting, fan-service type of photos usually seen on magazines. It was extremely intimate as Atsuko's face was snuggled up close to the exposing curves on Takamina's bare neck, they both looked happy. She didn't know about them. Consequently, despite Atsuko's every last effort to explain that they had stopped keeping in contact completely after that incident, the issue came to an end with a dramatic tear-filled scene accompanied by harsh words in front of Takamina's house. That time, Takamina didn't talk to Atsuko for a week straight.

"Well," Atsuko said. "He knows that I used to date girls. He has to know after all."

Atsuko and Simon met each other two years ago when she was in pursuing her roommate for discretely stealing the savings that she had brought along for traveling expenses. Simon had to comfort and suggested her coming to Australia for sightseeing, as well as helping him keep an eye on his house. After numerous challenges directed toward this new opposite sex friend to test his credibility, Atsuko decided to follow him, just because she had nothing else to do otherwise.

"Does he know that you used to date me?" Takamina frowned, a familiar gesture whenever she tries to control herself.

"I don't know!" Atsuko moaned. "He probably does. I'm not sure. He knows that I used to date girls, and he also knows that you're really special to me, so...probably a yes?"

"You should tell him." Takamina clumsily smiled. "You're not good at keeping secrets from the person you love."


A long trip, probably longer than two and a half hours if Atsuko had driven like a maturely experienced and calm driver, something she was trying to show with Takamina's presence in the car. But she wasn't fully conscious to notice anyway; somewhere out on the outskirts of Sydney, Takamina had leaned her back against the seat and fell asleep, her chin buried inside the fur coat. Atsuko tried not to glance at her too much, but every time when she checked on the rear-view mirror, that sight slipped past her eyes. A pang of vague joyfulness wiped over her. Takamina's lips pressed together showing a sign of nervousness, plus she seemed to be exhausted, as if she hadn't slept for a whole year straight. But now she was here and they hadn't gotten into a fight yet. Atsuko felt like a very important part of her family was sleeping peacefully in her car.

As they were about to arrive in town, Atsuko woke her up so that she could appreciate the ocean's blue surface spreading endlessly far into the horizon. Takamina rubbed her eyes, still looked sleepy and murmured something incoherent, but she was obviously impressed by the beautiful sight before her. Slightly straightening up her sitting position, Takamina traced her eyes along the gulls flying on the sunset sky.

"We should probably rent a surfing board. You may surf freely as you like." Atsuko sounded eagerly. She never learned surfing, not until Simon taught her. Atsuko didn't like doing what she's not good at. She only loved watching Takamina playing with the waves as her face became joyfully amused, hairs stuck with sands and sea salts, and shoulders turned a bright pink color inherited from the ocean sun. Meanwhile, Atsuko only liked securing a seat on the sand accompanied by a manga and an ipod next to a bag of food.

"Probably." was all Takamina said before falling into sleep.


The dog - Memory - was lying on the front yard with its eyes hidden beneath the plume of furs as Atsuko pulled the car in. Even though Simon had bathed it as Atsuko departed for the airport, a couple pieces of dry grasses still stubbornly stuck on its shaggy fur. Memory lifted its head and stood on hind legs as it saw a silhouette stepping out of the car while the two of them were trying to haul Takamina's suitcase out from the back seat.

"I didn't know you already have a child." Takamina suddenly asked.

"Nani?" Atsuko asked back, dropping her bag.

Takamina nudged her chin toward Memory, "It looks identical to you."

"Hey!" Atsuko resentfully screamed even though it was kinda true, well scratch that - it was entirely true. Even when standing next to Memory, she still looked tiny, or is it because Memory was too large? Atsuko wasn't really sure. Takamina broke into a laughter, walked toward the dog and leaned down scratching its ears.

"Kawaii!" Takamina exclaimed in her familiar childish voice commonly used when playing with kids or animals. Their heads were at the same level as the dog leaned up smelling Takamina's hairs, then to the collar of her fur coat making her stumble - almost tripping - which resulted in another bursting laughter from her.

Simon appeared at the door and smiled at Takamina tripping on the door steps without a word.

"Konichiwa, Takahashi-san." he greeted in a horrendous Japanese tongue.

"Hajimemashite." Takamina slightly bowed her head in response.

"Well..."He glanced over at Atsuko.

"He actually doesn't speak Japanese." She told Takamina. "Just showing off."

"I see", was Takamina's reply.


Takamina had brought along a slightly expensive Shochu and Atsuko's favorite daifuku purchased from a small store located on the ever-familiar road on their way home since childhood.

Atsuko disappointingly asked "This is all you brought me?"

"I don't even know if you deserve to have these things." Takamina rolled her eyes, as if Atsuko was a naughty kid who only deserves to get a piece of charcoal on Christmas' Eve. "Hold on!"

She disappeared into the guest room and returned with a Louis Votton bag which looked similar to those used by elderly women, only bigger. As she started pulling out a multi-color shirt from within the bag, Simon stepped out from the kitchen with a tray holding coffee mugs acquired from different clubs on his hand. He placed down a mug of a slantly printed logo of a surfing club in faded red lettering.

"Thanks." Takamina said in English. For a moment, that unnecessary high register voice made Atsuko feel that if she had only looked outside the window, she would catch a glimpse of the previously familiar studio in Shibuya .

Takamina pushed the bright red present toward her. It was from Mariko consisting a bunch of photos, a shirt and a few jewelries from Tomochin's latest collection, in addition with miscellaneous things from her mother. She couldn't believe that her mom had made Takamina bring these things over from the other half of the Earth:  socks, underwear, small magazine pieces cut out from local newspapers reporting on her high school friend's marriage. She had started sending such things to her since a few months ago, hoping that she would be able to quickly find a good man (Japanese)for marriage and have adorable kids, then settling at Tokyo.

On the contrary, the present from AKB48 looked like it had been tossed away in the costume room for months, probably because no one remembered to send it to her. A letter from Sayaka dated from three months ago, a CD with numerous scribbling signatures from members on the front, a recent drama DVD of Rena and Jurina, a high quality copy of Mayu's acoustic solo, a non-mistakenly Yuko-styled T-shirt with bright red petals dancing around a guitar, and a bonus of her and Haruna's son's one-inch thick photo album plastered by his smiles which looked exactly like his mother's.

"Thank you." Atsuko said and taped a photo of the boy Oshima Kenji on the fridge door.


Ignoring Atsuko's full disappointment, Takamina excused herself and retreated to her room at nightfall. The guest room appeared dead silence behind that closed door.

"Well that really killed the mood." Atsuko moaned. She sat on the floor leaning against Simon's feet as he was sitting on the couch. Using a remote, her hand lazily switched TV channels at a constant pace. The local TV channel was broadcasting a long serious of reality show about nurses and their burdens. Atsuko liked it because scenes of nurses walking out to the beach in a bikini reminds her of her days with the group while Simon liked it for its beneficial medical knowledge.

"She must be tired after a long flight." Simon said with a slight tone of reprimanding. Takamina and he had struggled in limited conversations restricted within the framework of sign language and difficult pronunciations . Takamina's vocabulary was better than Atsuko had thought, but it was still the same old way of forming a sentence by connecting words together, or repetitions of the same word and pointing at various subjects as a point of affiliation. There was no need to comment on Simon's Japanese; it was horrible and meaningless. However, he was really good at word-guessing game.

"'s not that there hasn't been any changes." Atsuko sounded disagreeing. "Within all those years of knowing each other, I had never seen her sleeping more than 4 hours a night, so why this habit now?"

"Her energy must have been drained out from all those works." He laughed out lout, reached up to grab the remote control out of her hand from behind. At this close proximity, she smelt a strange odor of body wash coming off of him. It made Atsuko keep thinking about Thai cuisines.

"She was sleeping the whole time on our way home, plus almost the entire time on the plane previously. She's probably planning to sleep into a coma."

"She really is a bad kid." Simon commented, angry that he didn't get the attention as desired.

"As long as she's staying in this house she will have to pay attention to you." Atsuko pouted. If Simon wasn't here, she would have crash-jumped into that room, pushed Takamina down with her own weight, and snuggled her face into her chest to sleep. But even so, she didn't want to do it now as Takamina was very tired while she wasn't, and she never liked to be alone.

Simon burst out laughing and pulled her ear while humming. "You love her...You want to marry her..."

"Yeah," Atsuko suddenly answered affirming the fact, then turned silent. Her silence only made him more confused.

"Oh...really!" He was still in the surprised mode after this discovery by chance, and all he could do was to say "Oh"


" and her were?" Simon asked in his non-timbre high voice.

"Kinda..." She moved her feet on the floor mat, trying to cause a distraction.

"How...well, for how long?"

"I don't know." Atsuko answered " On and off.."

"On and off, for how long?"

She tried to pull out a number without success. They quarreled many times over Takamina's undivided attention to work once she  had dived into it. It was also because Atsuko loved adventures, as well as loved spoiling herself with tons of plans planted in mind needed to be accomplished. On the contrary, Takamina only wanted to live a stable, peaceful live with her family and millions of fans. There were times when they would not be speaking seriously to each other for months as Atsuko was busy with her filming schedules or Takamina was fully engaged to her upcoming PV promotional plans. Then one day, Atsuko would only need to make a phone call and ask "What are you doing?" and everything would go back to normal.

"We met each other when we were 14.."Atsuko started reminiscing. Simon's face didn't bear any expressions which made it difficult to tell if he was feeling miserable or just merely being uncomfortable. Usually if he feels down, he would caress his skull-faced necklace and scream into her face. Atsuko wasn't so sure about it though.

"You two slept with each other at 14." His voice sounded surprised, with a hint of suspension mixed in.

"No." Atsuko almost shouted "No, that's ridiculous. Takamina was still very innocent back then!"

"You're just avoiding it." Simon also shouted, the method he always used when Atsuko loses control. Atsuko scowled at him as he continued asking: "Then you two were...lovers?"

They weren't lovers, they never were. Takamina had always said that they were no longer a couple. Expired existence was good. They weren't supposed to go any farther.

"I don't know, not quite." She said so because Takamina belonged to her in a way in which she would never understand.

This probably was the most clumsy conversation ever in her life up until now. She had never explained to anyone about her and Takamina's previous relationship, nor had she ever defined it herself. Takamina was Takamina, Atsuko was Atsuko, and they were Atsumina before they even wanted, even before Atsuko came to understand the reason.

"When was the last time that you two slept together?" He finally asked without hesitation.

"It was a long while ago." Atsuko lied. "I don't remember either."


A couple of years ago, Atsuko and Takamina met each other in Osaka, after Atsuko had almost gotten on her knees to beg Takamina for them to meet somewhere with just the the two of them. They went as far as renting a poor, shabby inn near city central consisting of a shared bathroom/toilet with scraps of paint flaking off the wall's surfaces pieces by pieces, like lesions on a patient suffering from chronic skin infection.

"Just standing here is already enough to make me sick." Takamina said as she walked through the entrance door, her roughly-made woolen bag conveniently got dropped off on the bed. They went to grocery stores and bought three-day worth of foods, then stayed shut in their room for that same amount of time while surrounded by funky-looking pink bed sheets. Occasionally, they would take a stroll around the city at night to avoid attention. Atsuko liked those times a lot because Takamina never rejected her from intertwining and squeezing their hands together under the excuse of precautious measures against perverted jerks hidden behind dark alleys with the intention of sexually harassing young, beautiful herself, for instance.

If she had to go to strange, faraway places, Atsuko liked to go with Takamina as she wouldn't have to put on a courageous front. It was good to be scared.


Atsuko woke up early in the morning to take Memory out for a stroll at the beach. The golden sunlight gradually appeared in the grey sky, signaling the arrival of a new day. The puppy loved to run around her, allowing the morning breeze to sneak under its fur. It barked at Atsuko and started digging sea shells buried beneath the sand. Atsuko made a long, happy whistle, or at least, she tried to make it sound happy. She was never good at whistling. By having her lips squeezed against each other, she blew out a whistle but the air only got out halfway, like those little birds learning how to chirp in anime films. She gave up after a few hours, fully satisfied lying on the sand and humming some chorus she could still remember from one of AKB's old songs.

When she came back, Takamina was standing besides the long stool in the kitchen. She was wearing a long hooded, woolen sweater stretching all the way down to her knee and a soft-clothed pajama trouser which, altogether, had completely blocked her toes or fingers from sight.

"Hi," Takamina lazily greeted in the exact same sleepy tone she used to whisper into Atsuko's ears when they woke up in the middle of a tour trip or when their bodies tightly pressed against each other on a shared bed at a hotel. Sleeping with Takamina made even the blankets and mattress  having a home-made flavor.

"Hi." Atsuko replied, walking over to the fridge for some milk and orange juice. "Waken up already?"

"Yeah." Takamina turned around, leaning on the long stool facing Atsuko, one of her arms crossed in front of her chest, the other dangling on the side of her waist.

"I thought you had fallen into an eternal sleep without ever waking up." Atsuko said

Takamina slightly laughed. "I intended to do so."

Atsuko was making coffee blended by three teaspoonfuls of salt and half-a-cup of milk, like her own little 14-year-old self years ago, but Takamina crinkled up her nose asking herbal tea.

"For sure?" Atsuko asked reaffirming.

Takamina stared at Atsuko emotionless. She did use to drink coffee frequently. Starting the morning with a large cup of Starbuck coffee would fill her up with enough strength for that day's work. Occasionally, when she had to spend a sleepless night learning songs and choreography, she would become drowsy or wacky due to the body's inability to absorb all those caffeinated ingredients residing in her bloodstream.

"Drinking a lot of coffee won't do any good to your health." Takamina said in a serious tone.

Atsuko then proceeded to make her a cup of minted tea which she had found in a bag hidden behind the food stall. She had given up her tea-drinking habit since leaving Japan whereas Simon thought that drinking tea wouldn't yield any benefits.

"I've told Simon about us." Atsuko said after finishing her coffee. She walked over to the sink to wash the mug. "Something like that. What I meant is, it's difficult to clearly explain everything."

"That's true." Takamina replied, her hand cupped around the white China mug, eyes focusing on the watery substance inside as if she was trying to read something out of the tea leaves. Her cell phone - which was laid on the table - started vibrating; however, she paid no attention to it. "Sometimes I wish that someone would be able to explain it to me."

Sometimes, Atsuko would find Takamina's serious way of talking funny and tickling, as if someone had grabbed the two kidneys and twisted them as one would to an educational model type used in Chinese medical universities.

"I will explain to you." Atsuko concluded in a silly, flirting tone which clumsily found its way into the solitary wall built up from Takamina's nerve-wrecking silence. But when Takamina glanced up looking at her in a suspectful way, she could only remain quiet while showing a toothy grin.

"Acchan, that's too bad." She slowly said, "With my principle I shouldn't have dated you."

"That principle should have kicked in since you were 16, 17. I like your easy-going way more." Atsuko pretended to sigh.

"It's because you were a lazy brat." Takamina carefully sipped her tea as if she had never gone through that dreamy 17-year-old teen-hood, as if she had never - even once - pulled Atsuko behind the curtain to steal a kiss.

Atsuko laughed out lout and turned away. "I'm taking a shower. Have to go to work afterwards."

"Okay." Takamina replied, "Hey." her vocal range suddenly rose. "I want to talk to you about something. Are you free after work? I'll treat you dinner."

Atsuko frowned. She didn't like how Takaminan had been holding the mug by her mouth and the wavy liquid lingered at her lips. "What is it?"

Takamina placed down the mug "Nothing much. You're almost late for work."


Three days a week, Atsuko would go to a small primary school to teach music. She used small games and simple lessons as was taught in her early days at Akihabara, only skipping the hair-styling part and make-up methods on how to appeal attractively when singing. Atsuko played piano for the kid's harmonization in happy-go-lucky songs like "Merry-go-around" or "Twinkle Twinkle Stars". She came to a small drinking pub in town few times a week, although she honestly didn't like that place much either.

Right now she was taking a break after a morning class - a class consisting a mix of second, third, and fifth grade students. A small incident from the previous class was giving her a heavy headache. As a result, a keyboard suffered her full wrath as she was checking for e-mails.

A message from her mother reminding her not to forget her grandmother's birthday, a few gag mails from Yuko, an Asahi magazine long-term order to which she had applied since who-knows-how-long but never read. As she was about to delete everything, Takamina's name popped up at the title header and she hurriedly clicked on it before finishing reading:

"Idol Takahashi Minami (26 years old) has been diagnosed of a strange disease."

AKB48's representative has recently confirmed the news of Takahashi Minami being diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma. This pillar star of AKB48 has secretly left the company without leaving any trace of her whereabouts behind. Her friends and members from the band still put their firm believe in Takahashi-san's ability to overcome this life-threatening disease and are calling out to the public to respect Takahashi-san's family privacy in their time of hardship."
« Last Edit: May 30, 2014, 11:24:15 AM by Nhoc Sin »

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Re: [G - Trans] Filling Up Memories {Atsumina}
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2014, 10:50:09 PM »
Seriously?  What?? Takamina acting strange due to her disease? Author san. Quick update I wanna know more. Minami><

Offline Haruko

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Re: [G - Trans] Filling Up Memories {Atsumina}
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2014, 06:36:46 AM »

Offline Tupi

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Re: [G - Trans] Filling Up Memories {Atsumina}
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2014, 08:23:46 AM »
Eh?! What?!!! NO!!! MINAMI!!! WHY~?!!

update soon

Offline cisda83

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Re: [G - Trans] Filling Up Memories {Atsumina}
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2014, 02:17:45 PM »
Oh My.... is a type of skin cancer that can cause some internal organ cancer to develop...

Poor Minami....

What would Atsuko do about it?

Would she go back to Japan to be with Minami?

Would she choose to be with Minami instead with Simon?

Can't wait to fnd out

Thank you

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Nhoc Sin

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Re: [G - Trans] Filling Up Memories {Atsumina}
« Reply #12 on: June 16, 2014, 06:25:40 AM »
Thanks to all of you who read and commented, and silent reader (if you're here) :). Here is second chapter, hope it will explain more some of you guys' questions.

Chapter 2: The Voice of Heart

Atsuko hid herself behind the document shelf.

She sat on the floor, unconsciously letting the kid's tambourine toys' sharp edges puncturing her which then reflected its pale light through the windows' gaps. The sound of kids screaming and tables thumping on the ground filled up the next room. Squamous cell cancer? She murmured, squamous cell....

Damn it. Atsuko didn't even know what function those squasmous cells have in human body.

"I won't think anymore." She said out loud and immediately felt her stomach churning, as if someone was mixing sands in order to scatter concretes all over in there. Her stomach could have been coagulated into a concrete block for real had she continued sitting there any longer.

She closed her eyes.

Atsuko still remembered very clearly about her first kiss with a neighborhood boy when she was eight, but not until when she turned 16 - as she kissed Takamina for the first time - could she understand the true meaning of a kiss. She kissed her in the attempt of stopping those clumsy lips from stuttering words while her heartbeat was thumping crazily inside her chest. The face of 16-year-old Takamina had turned into a bright red color like a ripe apple. Atsuko didn't repeat that incident for the next few months after but couldn't stop thinking about it at times like when they huddled together in a bedroom, or when they practiced with the group, or when riding on the old bike back home from Takamina's place, or when Takamina showed her trademark silly smile, or when she pouted, or shivered, or scowled.

The second time was initiated by Takamina on her seven-teenbirthday. Many of Atsuko's friends - boys and girls - had shown up for the celebration, all of whom were beautiful and eager. But Takamina was the only one who kissed her, her small hands ran through Atsuko's hair as she was grabbing them desirably.

"Acchan..." She whispered and walked away after making Atsuko promise not to tell anyone as they could have gotten into trouble with parents, friends, and Akimoto-sensei. Practically everyone.

Eventually, Acchan couldn't hold it in her anymore and told Mariko, afraid that she would scream out loud to the whole world otherwise. Mariko was a trustworthy person. She knew that if Takamina, or anyone else for that matter, found out that Atsuko had told her, Atsuko would not speak to her ever again. Absolutely not.

A few years later, when both of them had secured a solid position in the fans' hearts respectively, they spent time with each other a bit more. On a day, they would coil around each other on Atsuko's single bed, half of the time spent with their heads leaning against each other to sleep, the other half holding each other's hands or at least have their hands positioned on each other's waist. Takamina was an adorable teaser at such times. They had become more matured and stuck with each other more during that time frame.

Atsuko had thought that no one or anything in this world could steal Takamina away from her. Not the loyal fans admiring a beautiful, talented singer shedding off her outer clumsy shell, not the millions of crazy kouhais wanting to prove their worth to their senpai, not Akimoto-sensei, and certainly not Takamina herself. She had never doubted it, not even once, even when they didn't talk to each other for months, or when she shared her love with other team members, or when Takamina seemed to have a thing for Haruna, or when they both grew up, even when she left. Takamina belonged to her, and deep down in her heart, nothing nor anyone could take her away from her arms.

Atsuko was still hiding in her own room, positioned besides the tambourines. She rubbed her fingers around the eye sockets until her eyes turned dazzled.

The principal found her after twenty-minutes absence from the class since 11 o'clock.

"Maeda-san..."Her voice raised a bit yet right after that, her eyes became soft and filled with motherly love behind the thick pair of glasses as she caught her face. "Atsuko, is everything still okay?"

Atsuko stared at the woman. It took her a lot of efforts to comprehend what she had just said.

"Not at all." She answered then went back to burying her faces into her knees.


The female principal had asked a P.E. teacher to drive her home as a gesture of sympathy because Brian was the only male teacher without a class during that period. Brian and she never got along though. She wished it was Lily, the girl working at cafeteria. Occasionally she would save some of the biscuits and brought it to her classroom after they had just been freshly baked with an aroma of honey.

"Well then..." Brian tried to start a conversation as he couldn't endure a long journey of silence. He was a large, well-built, muscular, and hairy man. Once he had drunkenly asked Atsuko at a pary if she was lesbian. "Got into some trouble with your lover?"

"My friend is sick." Atsuko answered shortly.

Brian smashed the fly which had been moving around his face with his hands. "Sick?"

Atsuko felt nauseous as if being in a carsick. She pressed her head against the window. "She has cancer."

"Damn it." Brian said as the car slightly strayed away from the path. "Damn it!" He almost gritted his teeth, emitting a muffled tone. "But it's not yet an immediate death penalty, is it?"

Atsuko ignored him. Takamina would not come to see her for anything but the worst situation.


Takamina was sitting besides Memory at the veranda with a stack of old newspapers as they arrived. She wore a large fur coat and a pair of gloves with that same red pajama trouser, her hairs flowing around her face, a few strands tucked behind the ears.

"Is this that friend of yours?" Brian asked, looking at Takamina who lifted her head and confusingly frowned.

"Yeah." Atsuko answered, getting off the car without a word of gratitude.

"See you later, Maeda-san!" Brian said and drove away.

"Your friend?" Takamina asked, not bothering to stand up. "You're home early."

Atsuko stared at her, the person whom she had been in love with for the past 10 years, and all she could see now was the exhaustion in that light brown eyes which flickered the image of a 14-year-old girl upon whom producer Akimoto had decided to bestow the responsibility of leading AKB.

Atsuko sat on the steps and leaned against Takamina's knee. She heaved a long sigh, probably the longest ever as if it was the accumulation from previous ones. She then buried her face into Takamina's chest, shoulders shaken as she felt Takamina's hands ran through her hair.

"How did you find out?" Takamina gently asked.

Atsuko sat there crying for a long time.

"When have you started reading the news!" Takamina asked, gently wiping Atsuko's tear-wretched face with a condiment-flavored tissue taken out from her large coat pocket. Atsuko took the tissue, eyes kept looking at the squirrel grinning on the wrapper. She hadn't cried, felt despondent and tired as much as this for a long time. She turned over enjoying Takamina's gentle hands running on her face and sobbingly said.

"Minami, I've become an adult." As if she was drawing all of her energies in order to say such a furious sentence. "I should have some kind of social network"

"Silly you!" Takamina seriously looked at her. "I never wanted you to find out that way."

Genuinely speaking, there was no other ways to make Atsuko easily accept this, no matter how hard Takamina could try. Atsuko's first reaction in her blind fear could have ended with them locked together in a closed room, and that was assuming a situation whereTakamina was the one who personally told Atsuko about it.

"Tell me everything." Atsuko requested.

Two months ago, AKB48's doctor had scheduled an appointment with Takamina to discuss about her daily overwhelming workload. Takamina originally intended to spend only fifteen minutes for this meeting, thinking it would involve a simple blood test and well-planned vegetable sufficient diet.

That evening, she had stayed in Kurosawa-sensei's office for two hours straight.


When Simon came home he found Atsuko smoking on the long bench in the garden, her back leaned against the iron fence, shoulder swooped down energy-less.

"I thought you didn't smoke." Simon said, appearing to be displeased as he walked up the steps with various things carried on his arms, bags and documents dangling on his shoulders.

Atsuko shrugged and inhaled a long puff, not caring that it would dry out her throat. "This is just for show, commonly used in filming." She explained, then continued: "If anyone comes here asking for Takamina, tell them that she's not here, will you?"

"All right. Is everything still okay?" Simon asked

Can't tell him about that. "It's just those stupid pararazzi hunting for scoops. Daily happenings. You need not care too much about it."

He put down his stuffs, sat down next to Atsuko, took out the remaining cigarettes and lit up one. Later on, Simon placed his warm hands on her shoulder, making her want to just lean onto that solace.

"Your secret is always safe with me." He whispered.

Atsuko lit another cigarette.


Takamina told her close acquaintances in AKB48 first out of every one. She herself didn't want to do it either, but her tongue slipped when they were heatedly discussing about what is the worst things as they were going on a concert tour. She could remember how every one was almost screaming at each other's face, yet none of them remembered about it afterward. Some were about costumes or choreography or even as simple as eating; in short, nonsensical stuffs.

"I don't have time to chit chat now." Takamina suddenly scolded, angrily snapping close the lid of her make-up box.

"Well all of us are stressed out..." Yuko was interrupted by Takamina before she could even start.

"But I'm not stressed!" She broke out laughing "I'm about to die."

Takamina heavily sat down on the nearest chair, allowing the flowing tears to wipe off her mascara remnants. Others stared at her, then stared at each other. They rarely saw Takamina crying recently, unless those tears were for some heart-wrenching dramas.

"Seems to be the worst way to gain victory in an argument." Mariko said.


Atsuko called Mariko late at night when she was the only one awake. She sat on one couch staring attentively at the phone while legs settled on another. It took a few minutes for the call to get through, must have been tedious to catch signals from the other side of the earth. When Mariko answered the phone, she sounded displeased for being disturbed.

"The pararazzis are camping around my house." She said causing Atsuko to imagine her wide-opened mouth at the line "I've never though this would happen to me."

"You seem to be so popular." Atsuko joked.

"A bunch of benefit-seeking, greedy jerks. " Mariko gloomily said. "Damn it, Acchan. It could be even worse."

"They could get their way around whatever they want." Atsuko said, feeling exited as if she was participating in a sudden battle. "Minami will not die."

"Of course not." Mariko quickly said. But Atsuko knew her long enough to detect a bit of hesitation and worry in her voice, even though she almost shouted out "But she's really weak, Acchan."

Cancerous cells had spread into liver, bile-duct, even spinal cords, basically every corner in the body to which even the doctors couldn't have known. They said that a chemotherapy treatment course could improve her condition. However, no one had ever touched upon the subject of whether or not her disease could get better.

"I will take care of Minami." She said


Atsuko crawled into Takamina's bed from behind, her arms wrapped around her chest embracing her. Hugging her like this - without the thick fur coat getting in between - Atsuko could feel how tiny she was, as if she had turned back to being the 14-year-old girl awaiting puberty. She buried her face into Takamina's hairs.

"Are you all right?" Takamina grumbled in a small voice, her hands squeezed Atsuko's regardless. She vaguely pressed against Atsuko searching for warmth.

"You're mine." Atsuko whispered into her ears. "Even God isn't allowed to take you away."

"Haiiiiii." Takamina nodded and fell into a deep sleep with Atsuko's finger on her lips.


"Has something happened?" Simon asked the next morning after his bath. "Last night when I went downstairs to get some water, I saw you still awake. When I came back afterwards I saw Takahashi-san's bedroom door opened.

"I'm sorry." Atsuko honestly said. She actually didn't intend to sleep together with Takamina, she only wanted to lie there for a bit. She looked down, a gesture of apology, held Simon's hands and slightly caressed upon his strange, multiple-texture ring positioned on his thumb.

"Atsuko?" He gently brought up.

"Takamina is sick. Pretty serious."


Atsuko went to see her private doctor asking him numerous things that could happen in the near future. Although she had only met doctor Edison a few times, his friendly face and brown, warm eyes hidden behind the glasses made Atsuko feel very comfortable. He called Atsuko "Miss Atsuko" in a joyful way, only to be quickly replaced by a sullen look because of Atsuko's nervousness.

He rejected from making any diagnoses regarding Takamina's condition without her medical record but expressed his concern to Takamina on how she had left her family and Japanese speaking specialized doctors in Tokyo, as if she would also be getting into some kind of mentality disorder.

"If she stayed there she wouldn't have any privacy, thanks to those paparazzi." Atsuko replied.

"Family is extremely important at this stage. She will need them." The doctor carefully said.

"I will ensure her of anything she wants." Atsuko reluctantly said.


On Friday night, Atsuko's colleagues flocked to her house along with six packs of beer. The worst thing was that she had forgotten that they would come, resulting in her not having any thing to feed them while Takamina was completely unprepared. She only smile and tried to respond to their hand-shaking as they surrounded her for introduction. It wasn't hard for Atsuko to realize the hint of fear in her puzzling act of running her hands through her messy hairs. Takamina was trying to appear that she wasn't a pajama-wearing lazy brat sitting at one spot doing nothing the whole day. She threw Atsuko a you-are-the-traitor look. Takamina always needed to be alerted beforehand for any meeting with stranger so she could make preparations, even when she was in her best condition.

After the stirring introduction, Takamina excused herself and retreated to her room to change. She didn't come back after 10, 15 minutes. Atsuko gently walked into her room only to see her sitting on the bed, closet door wide opened and a mountain of clothes piled up around. She only wore an under-clothe, exposing the tiny yet bony shoulder.

"I don't know what to wear." She said, conveniently flipping back and forth a red shirt. "I want them to like me but it seems that the plan of seducing them with my intelligence is no longer fitting."

"You can't succeed, even if you could speak English." Atsuko showed an appealing smile which resulted in her receiving the flying shirt from Takamina's hands straight on the face along with her glare. The shirt smelt of a combination of Takamina's perfume fragrance and a scent of soap to which her mom used to have.

"They won't care what you wear. They won't even notice it." She assured her.

Takamina only looked at her suspiciously.

"It's true." Atsuko said and started pulling the shirt over Takamina's head. They only came to realize this intimate contact when the shirt had settled on Takamina's shoulder as the way a scarf should be. They stood still, their breath on each other at a close distance.

When they reappeared, Julia patted Takamina's back and called her "Nana". She asked if Takamina wanted some beers and was responded with a confusing gesture. Even though Takamina understood that the held out can of beer was for her, she still felt a bit shy to hold her hands out and grab it with a soft thank you. Atsuko watched as she popped the cap, sipped a bit and held it on her hand for a long time. Every often she would switch it to another hand, but deliberately didn't drink any more of it. There were a lot of things on which the doctors had advised her to abstain such as: alcoholic liquors, caffeine, sugar, pre-made meals, and almost everything else suitable to her taste and Takamina had been trying her best to follow all those advice.

As every one was gathering around the three big pizzas on the coffee table, Takamina turned to Atsuko and sneakily asked "What is Nana?"

"It's you. Silly."”


Atsuko ate breakfast in Takamina's room, when Takamina was still lying on the bed and gazing into the empty space before her. She sat by the foot of the bed, crammed a spoonful of cereals into her mouth while trying to make Takamina laugh by non-stop blabbering about her teaching plan and ways of impress the kids.

Simon would occasionally stood outside the door, his hands holding a large mug of coffee and listened; though Atsuko didn't know why. He couldn't understand Japanese after all.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2014, 03:35:44 AM by Nhoc Sin »

Offline Haruko

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Re: [G - Trans] Filling Up Memories {Atsumina}
« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2014, 07:05:44 AM »
takamina dont die pleaaase U_U

Offline jumpcx

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Re: [G - Trans] Filling Up Memories {Atsumina}
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2014, 08:09:14 AM »
takamina!!!!  :OMG: :fainted: :fainted: :scared:


well, atleast she is with acchan  :on cloudeye: :on speedy:


thx for the update!

Offline MaxElsen

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Re: [G - Trans] Filling Up Memories {Atsumina}
« Reply #15 on: July 10, 2014, 09:06:49 AM »
Thanks to all of you who read and commented, and silent reader (if you're here) :). Here is second chapter, hope it will explain more some of you guys' questions.

The Voice of Heart

Atsuko hid herself behind the document shelf.

She sat on the floor, unconsciously letting the kid's tambourine toys' sharp edges puncturing her which then reflected its pale light through the windows' gaps. The sound of kids screaming and tables thumping on the ground filled up the next room. Squamous cell cancer? She murmured, squamous cell....

Damn it. Atsuko didn't even know what function those squasmous cells have in human body.

"I won't think anymore." She said out loud and immediately felt her stomach churning, as if someone was mixing sands in order to scatter concretes all over in there. Her stomach could have been coagulated into a concrete block for real had she continued sitting there any longer.

She closed her eyes.

Atsuko still remembered very clearly about her first kiss with a neighborhood boy when she was eight, but not until when she turned 16 - as she kissed Takamina for the first time - could she understand the true meaning of a kiss. She kissed her in the attempt of stopping those clumsy lips from stuttering words while her heartbeat was thumping crazily inside her chest. The face of 16-year-old Takamina had turned into a bright red color like a ripe apple. Atsuko didn't repeat that incident for the next few months after but couldn't stop thinking about it at times like when they huddled together in a bedroom, or when they practiced with the group, or when riding on the old bike back home from Takamina's place, or when Takamina showed her trademark silly smile, or when she pouted, or shivered, or scowled.

The second time was initiated by Takamina on her seven-teenbirthday. Many of Atsuko's friends - boys and girls - had shown up for the celebration, all of whom were beautiful and eager. But Takamina was the only one who kissed her, her small hands ran through Atsuko's hair as she was grabbing them desirably.

"Acchan..." She whispered and walked away after making Atsuko promise not to tell anyone as they could have gotten into trouble with parents, friends, and Akimoto-sensei. Practically everyone.

Eventually, Acchan couldn't hold it in her anymore and told Mariko, afraid that she would scream out loud to the whole world otherwise. Mariko was a trustworthy person. She knew that if Takamina, or anyone else for that matter, found out that Atsuko had told her, Atsuko would not speak to her ever again. Absolutely not.

A few years later, when both of them had secured a solid position in the fans' hearts respectively, they spent time with each other a bit more. On a day, they would coil around each other on Atsuko's single bed, half of the time spent with their heads leaning against each other to sleep, the other half holding each other's hands or at least have their hands positioned on each other's waist. Takamina was an adorable teaser at such times. They had become more matured and stuck with each other more during that time frame.

Atsuko had thought that no one or anything in this world could steal Takamina away from her. Not the loyal fans admiring a beautiful, talented singer shedding off her outer clumsy shell, not the millions of crazy kouhais wanting to prove their worth to their senpai, not Akimoto-sensei, and certainly not Takamina herself. She had never doubted it, not even once, even when they didn't talk to each other for months, or when she shared her love with other team members, or when Takamina seemed to have a thing for Haruna, or when they both grew up, even when she left. Takamina belonged to her, and deep down in her heart, nothing nor anyone could take her away from her arms.

Atsuko was still hiding in her own room, positioned besides the tambourines. She rubbed her fingers around the eye sockets until her eyes turned dazzled.

The principal found her after twenty-minutes absence from the class since 11 o'clock.

"Maeda-san..."Her voice raised a bit yet right after that, her eyes became soft and filled with motherly love behind the thick pair of glasses as she caught her face. "Atsuko, is everything still okay?"

Atsuko stared at the woman. It took her a lot of efforts to comprehend what she had just said.

"Not at all." She answered then went back to burying her faces into her knees.


The female principal had asked a P.E. teacher to drive her home as a gesture of sympathy because Brian was the only male teacher without a class during that period. Brian and she never got along though. She wished it was Lily, the girl working at cafeteria. Occasionally she would save some of the biscuits and brought it to her classroom after they had just been freshly baked with an aroma of honey.

"Well then..." Brian tried to start a conversation as he couldn't endure a long journey of silence. He was a large, well-built, muscular, and hairy man. Once he had drunkenly asked Atsuko at a pary if she was lesbian. "Got into some trouble with your lover?"

"My friend is sick." Atsuko answered shortly.

Brian smashed the fly which had been moving around his face with his hands. "Sick?"

Atsuko felt nauseous as if being in a carsick. She pressed her head against the window. "She has cancer."

"Damn it." Brian said as the car slightly strayed away from the path. "Damn it!" He almost gritted his teeth, emitting a muffled tone. "But it's not yet an immediate death penalty, is it?"

Atsuko ignored him. Takamina would not come to see her for anything but the worst situation.


Takamina was sitting besides Memory at the veranda with a stack of old newspapers as they arrived. She wore a large fur coat and a pair of gloves with that same red pajama trouser, her hairs flowing around her face, a few strands tucked behind the ears.

"Is this that friend of yours?" Brian asked, looking at Takamina who lifted her head and confusingly frowned.

"Yeah." Atsuko answered, getting off the car without a word of gratitude.

"See you later, Maeda-san!" Brian said and drove away.

"Your friend?" Takamina asked, not bothering to stand up. "You're home early."

Atsuko stared at her, the person whom she had been in love with for the past 10 years, and all she could see now was the exhaustion in that light brown eyes which flickered the image of a 14-year-old girl upon whom producer Akimoto had decided to bestow the responsibility of leading AKB.

Atsuko sat on the steps and leaned against Takamina's knee. She heaved a long sigh, probably the longest ever as if it was the accumulation from previous ones. She then buried her face into Takamina's chest, shoulders shaken as she felt Takamina's hands ran through her hair.

"How did you find out?" Takamina gently asked.

Atsuko sat there crying for a long time.

"When have you started reading the news!" Takamina asked, gently wiping Atsuko's tear-wretched face with a condiment-flavored tissue taken out from her large coat pocket. Atsuko took the tissue, eyes kept looking at the squirrel grinning on the wrapper. She hadn't cried, felt despondent and tired as much as this for a long time. She turned over enjoying Takamina's gentle hands running on her face and sobbingly said.

"Minami, I've become an adult." As if she was drawing all of her energies in order to say such a furious sentence. "I should have some kind of social network"

"Silly you!" Takamina seriously looked at her. "I never wanted you to find out that way."

Genuinely speaking, there was no other ways to make Atsuko easily accept this, no matter how hard Takamina could try. Atsuko's first reaction in her blind fear could have ended with them locked together in a closed room, and that was assuming a situation whereTakamina was the one who personally told Atsuko about it.

"Tell me everything." Atsuko requested.

Two months ago, AKB48's doctor had scheduled an appointment with Takamina to discuss about her daily overwhelming workload. Takamina originally intended to spend only fifteen minutes for this meeting, thinking it would involve a simple blood test and well-planned vegetable sufficient diet.

That evening, she had stayed in Kurosawa-sensei's office for two hours straight.


When Simon came home he found Atsuko smoking on the long bench in the garden, her back leaned against the iron fence, shoulder swooped down energy-less.

"I thought you didn't smoke." Simon said, appearing to be displeased as he walked up the steps with various things carried on his arms, bags and documents dangling on his shoulders.

Atsuko shrugged and inhaled a long puff, not caring that it would dry out her throat. "This is just for show, commonly used in filming." She explained, then continued: "If anyone comes here asking for Takamina, tell them that she's not here, will you?"

"All right. Is everything still okay?" Simon asked

Can't tell him about that. "It's just those stupid pararazzi hunting for scoops. Daily happenings. You need not care too much about it."

He put down his stuffs, sat down next to Atsuko, took out the remaining
electronic cigarettes and lit up one. Later on, Simon placed his warm hands on her shoulder, making her want to just lean onto that solace.

"Your secret is always safe with me." He whispered.

Atsuko lit another cigarette.


Takamina told her close acquaintances in AKB48 first out of every one. She herself didn't want to do it either, but her tongue slipped when they were heatedly discussing about what is the worst things as they were going on a concert tour. She could remember how every one was almost screaming at each other's face, yet none of them remembered about it afterward. Some were about costumes or choreography or even as simple as eating; in short, nonsensical stuffs.

"I don't have time to chit chat now." Takamina suddenly scolded, angrily snapping close the lid of her make-up box.

"Well all of us are stressed out..." Yuko was interrupted by Takamina before she could even start.

"But I'm not stressed!" She broke out laughing "I'm about to die."

Takamina heavily sat down on the nearest chair, allowing the flowing tears to wipe off her mascara remnants. Others stared at her, then stared at each other. They rarely saw Takamina crying recently, unless those tears were for some heart-wrenching dramas.

"Seems to be the worst way to gain victory in an argument." Mariko said.


Atsuko called Mariko late at night when she was the only one awake. She sat on one couch staring attentively at the phone while legs settled on another. It took a few minutes for the call to get through, must have been tedious to catch signals from the other side of the earth. When Mariko answered the phone, she sounded displeased for being disturbed.

"The pararazzis are camping around my house." She said causing Atsuko to imagine her wide-opened mouth at the line "I've never though this would happen to me."

"You seem to be so popular." Atsuko joked.

"A bunch of benefit-seeking, greedy jerks. " Mariko gloomily said. "Damn it, Acchan. It could be even worse."

"They could get their way around whatever they want." Atsuko said, feeling exited as if she was participating in a sudden battle. "Minami will not die."

"Of course not." Mariko quickly said. But Atsuko knew her long enough to detect a bit of hesitation and worry in her voice, even though she almost shouted out "But she's really weak, Acchan."

Cancerous cells had spread into liver, bile-duct, even spinal cords, basically every corner in the body to which even the doctors couldn't have known. They said that a chemotherapy treatment course could improve her condition. However, no one had ever touched upon the subject of whether or not her disease could get better.

"I will take care of Minami." She said


Atsuko crawled into Takamina's bed from behind, her arms wrapped around her chest embracing her. Hugging her like this - without the thick fur coat getting in between - Atsuko could feel how tiny she was, as if she had turned back to being the 14-year-old girl awaiting puberty. She buried her face into Takamina's hairs.

"Are you all right?" Takamina grumbled in a small voice, her hands squeezed Atsuko's regardless. She vaguely pressed against Atsuko searching for warmth.

"You're mine." Atsuko whispered into her ears. "Even God isn't allowed to take you away."

"Haiiiiii." Takamina nodded and fell into a deep sleep with Atsuko's finger on her lips.


"Has something happened?" Simon asked the next morning after his bath. "Last night when I went downstairs to get some water, I saw you still awake. When I came back afterwards I saw Takahashi-san's bedroom door opened.

"I'm sorry." Atsuko honestly said. She actually didn't intend to sleep together with Takamina, she only wanted to lie there for a bit. She looked down, a gesture of apology, held Simon's hands and slightly caressed upon his strange, multiple-texture ring positioned on his thumb.

"Atsuko?" He gently brought up.

"Takamina is sick. Pretty serious."


Atsuko went to see her private doctor asking him numerous things that could happen in the near future. Although she had only met doctor Edison a few times, his friendly face and brown, warm eyes hidden behind the glasses made Atsuko feel very comfortable. He called Atsuko "Miss Atsuko" in a joyful way, only to be quickly replaced by a sullen look because of Atsuko's nervousness.

He rejected from making any diagnoses regarding Takamina's condition without her medical record but expressed his concern to Takamina on how she had left her family and Japanese speaking specialized doctors in Tokyo, as if she would also be getting into some kind of mentality disorder.

"If she stayed there she wouldn't have any privacy, thanks to those paparazzi." Atsuko replied.

"Family is extremely important at this stage. She will need them." The doctor carefully said.

"I will ensure her of anything she wants." Atsuko reluctantly said.


On Friday night, Atsuko's colleagues flocked to her house along with six packs of beer. The worst thing was that she had forgotten that they would come, resulting in her not having any thing to feed them while Takamina was completely unprepared. She only smile and tried to respond to their hand-shaking as they surrounded her for introduction. It wasn't hard for Atsuko to realize the hint of fear in her puzzling act of running her hands through her messy hairs. Takamina was trying to appear that she wasn't a pajama-wearing lazy brat sitting at one spot doing nothing the whole day. She threw Atsuko a you-are-the-traitor look. Takamina always needed to be alerted beforehand for any meeting with stranger so she could make preparations, even when she was in her best condition.

After the stirring introduction, Takamina excused herself and retreated to her room to change. She didn't come back after 10, 15 minutes. Atsuko gently walked into her room only to see her sitting on the bed, closet door wide opened and a mountain of clothes piled up around. She only wore an under-clothe, exposing the tiny yet bony shoulder.

"I don't know what to wear." She said, conveniently flipping back and forth a red shirt. "I want them to like me but it seems that the plan of seducing them with my intelligence is no longer fitting."

"You can't succeed, even if you could speak English." Atsuko showed an appealing smile which resulted in her receiving the flying shirt from Takamina's hands straight on the face along with her glare. The shirt smelt of a combination of Takamina's perfume fragrance and a scent of soap to which her mom used to have.

"They won't care what you wear. They won't even notice it." She assured her.

Takamina only looked at her suspiciously.

"It's true." Atsuko said and started pulling the shirt over Takamina's head. They only came to realize this intimate contact when the shirt had settled on Takamina's shoulder as the way a scarf should be. They stood still, their breath on each other at a close distance.

When they reappeared, Julia patted Takamina's back and called her "Nana". She asked if Takamina wanted some beers and was responded with a confusing gesture. Even though Takamina understood that the held out can of beer was for her, she still felt a bit shy to hold her hands out and grab it with a soft thank you. Atsuko watched as she popped the cap, sipped a bit and held it on her hand for a long time. Every often she would switch it to another hand, but deliberately didn't drink any more of it. There were a lot of things on which the doctors had advised her to abstain such as: alcoholic liquors, caffeine, sugar, pre-made meals, and almost everything else suitable to her taste and Takamina had been trying her best to follow all those advice.

As every one was gathering around the three big pizzas on the coffee table, Takamina turned to Atsuko and sneakily asked "What is Nana?"

"It's you. Silly."”


Atsuko ate breakfast in Takamina's room, when Takamina was still lying on the bed and gazing into the empty space before her. She sat by the foot of the bed, crammed a spoonful of cereals into her mouth while trying to make Takamina laugh by non-stop blabbering about her teaching plan and ways of impress the kids.

Simon would occasionally stood outside the door, his hands holding a large mug of coffee and listened; though Atsuko didn't know why. He couldn't understand Japanese after all.

Well I must say those chapters are just amazing..I am reading them for first time and they are so impressive..Just keep sharing and I will keep following you..
« Last Edit: July 11, 2014, 06:23:44 PM by MaxElsen »

Offline ubulubulbilu

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Re: [G - Trans] Filling Up Memories {Atsumina}
« Reply #16 on: July 10, 2014, 09:28:37 AM »
Ah, I forgot to leave a comment before. But this ff touches my heart so bad. It's so sad.
Takamina, do not ever give up of ur disease!!!!
Pls update soon Author san, arigatou~

Offline iLeo221

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Re: [G - Trans] Filling Up Memories {Atsumina}
« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2014, 10:12:34 AM »
Who ever wrote this story is amazing! really!
powerful feeling you get, if you read this ff.

thx u for translating it, and thx to the author who wrote it.
I hope you can give us the next part of this story.

Offline cisda83

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Re: [G - Trans] Filling Up Memories {Atsumina}
« Reply #18 on: July 12, 2014, 07:59:30 PM »
oh... poor minami... she is sick... very sick... can die any moment

Poor Atsuko... she need to see Minami getting weaker and weaker everyday

What about Atsuko relationship with Simon?

Would Atsuko choose Minami or Simon?

What would Simon do when Atsuko choose Minami?

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Keisthename

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Re: [G - Trans] Filling Up Memories {Atsumina}
« Reply #19 on: July 13, 2014, 04:50:53 AM »
OMG! Thank you for bringing this fanfic here. And thank you for the author who's just so awesome! Goodness!! This fanfic is amazing!! Feels like I'm reading a real book. lol Thank you thank you!!!!!!!  :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

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