Helloooooooooo people!! Today I will be bringing you guys an update of PoP ! YAY !

Senelcar : Yes yes I will feed you with a new chapter~ read it~
PenduLum : Thankyou! I will keep updating don't worry~
DC2805 : Heeey!! I'd like to sign up for it too if it existed! LOL! Thankyou for reading my fic~
leEwẬy : Yaaaay! Thankyou for your support! I'm expecting to see more feedbacks from you in my fics!
ChibiRine : Thankyou for reading my fic! I will update as fast as I can!
kenjoy12 : I KNOW RIGHT !! I have seen you liking my fics since I first posted here... I want to give you a hug for supporting me all this time... really, I can't thank you enough. I will not let you down with my story! Please continue to support me in the future~
jenzybenzy : OSHIRI ?! OSHIRIIIIIIII RI RI RII~~ Thankyou for reading my fic!
kazutoryu : Yes oshiri attack!! Yes we all love the oshiri sisters~ Thankyou for reading!
kirozoro : Heey there faithful reader! Thankyou for supporting me in my second fic! You're a regular comment-er on my Wheel of Fate, right? It's nice to see you here as well~ Please continue to support me~
atsukojiyuu_C : I'm still looking forward to your chapter 1~ HAHAHA! I'm not cool, you're the one who is cool! Thankyou for being with me in this fic, and please do support me in my future fics~ Oh and please update your story too, I want to read more of it!
How should I say this.... I currently have something called ''idea'' invading my brain, and it's telling me to write ANOTHER serial fic. Yes, you heard me right. ANOTHER FIC. I'm in a dilemma right now, between write or don't write. I don't know what to do, I have my hands full doing two ongoing fics at once and I'm about to start a new one. Well..... !@$%#^%&

Okay sorry. Here's Pavement of Pebbles chapter 3, enjoy!
Chapter 3
It is Mayuyuko's Art House opening day!
A lot of people came in, mostly curious about whats inside. A lot of them were taking interest in Mayu's painting, some even bought them, saying they fell in love with her magnificent sense of art. Yuko is equally busy, a lot people had made appointments for family shooting after seeing how good she is at taking the best angle for the best results. Both of them had to have lunch separately, taking turns watching after their gallery.
It was a huge success, the amount of people interested in their art has exceeded their expectation. Without them realizing, the clock showed 6 PM. It was getting a little bit dim outside, and most of the people in the district is going home. Their district aren't one of the nightlife's, so people tend to rest when it gets dark, though there still are some bar or pubs, so it's not completely dead during the night.
Yuko came downstairs and greeted Mayu, earning a soft smile from the said girl. She goes over to Mayu's table and then slouched herself on a vacant chair beside her, breathing out a long exhale. "I'm glad everything went well, though my bones feel like they might break anytime from exhaustion..."
Mayu rested her body on the table, it was indeed very tiring for her today. She looks at Yuko who's having the same wasted out face as her. "Yeah... me too... let's take tomorrow off... or a few days..."
"Sounds good, you gotta paint more to fill those empty spots, and I have a bunch of photoshoots to make with a really tight schedule, I can't be dealing with people through it."
"Yeah you're right. Shall we call it a day then?" Mayu got up and stretched her body, letting out a satisfied sigh.
Yuko laughs and makes her way to the folding doors. "Yeah, let's close and go upstairs. I need a shower, and you too. You look like a wrinkled paper"
Mayu scoffed, "Me? The great Watanabe Mayu, looks like a wrinkled paper? You should look in a mirror, Yuko. You look like a monkey in human clothes."
Yuko finished closing the folding door and dashed towards Mayu, "What did you just saaaaay?! Come here you little!!"
Mayu ran up the stairs while bursting out in laughter, "Hahahaha can't catch meee!"
As they reached the third floor, Yuko caught Mayu and she circles her arms around Mayu's waist, both giggling and Mayu put her hand on Yuko's, not resisting the squirrel's hug / catch. Then Yuko kissed Mayu's cheek, earning a sweet squeal from her. The squirrel tightens her hug and they both stayed like that, enjoying their overly friendly hug before Mayu sniffed something unpleasant. "Yuko, is that you? You stink."
Yuko released Mayu, and sniffed her own clothes, "Yeah...might be me, I was sweating cause I kept on going between the first and second floor since morning."
Mayu grabbed Yuko's hand and pulled her along, "Come on, let's take a shower together, I want to start painting as quickly as possible."
Both of them stepped inside the bathroom and Yuko was the one to undress first, Mayu followed shortly after. Yuko didn't mind being naked around Mayu, and so does Mayu. They both have seen each other's body countless time, they're used to it by now. Yuko tied her hair up so the water wouldn't wet her hair later. Mayu did the same.
They then entered the shower together. Yuko turned the shower knob, adjusting the water, setting the shower head wide enough to reach them both fully. Yuko and Mayu stays still for a few seconds, enjoying the cold water running down their body, feeling very satisfied and relaxed.
Mayu moved behind Yuko and grabbed her oppais swiftly, squeezing them playfully. "Oppai attack!!"
"Kyaa! Mayu!!" Yuko tried to her blushing face caused by the sudden boob grab, she tries to get Mayu's hands off her, but Mayu has an amazing grip, so Yuko's struggle is futile.
"Yuko... Your boobs feels nice..."
"Gahhh!! No! Mayu stopppppp!!" Yuko turned her body around in a flash, breaking Mayu's oppai attack.
Mayu frowned, "Aww, I was enjoying it so much and you just had to ruin it don't you? Yuko's a meanie..." then that frown turns into a pout.
Well, Yuko being Yuko, unable to handle cute girls who shoots her the puppy eyes or a look of sadness, sighs, "Mayu....please don't show me that face, you know I hate seeing girls pout."
"Then let me touch your boobs for a while more." There you go, the queen of getting whatever she wants, Watanabe Mayu. Relying on her epic cuteness and little sister look, she usually gets whatever she wants to, she just need to put up her innocent look, and everyone will bow to her.
Yuko looks at Mayu who's not changing her facial expression, then decided to let her have her win today, she turns around. "Alright, alright. Just a couple more seconds okay? Go ahead."
"Yaaay! Yuko's oppais are the best!" From pouting to cheerful in a mere second. That's Mayu for you.
Mayu resumes her oppai attack, this time she jiggles Yuko's boobs up and down, "boing boing..."
"Mouuu Mayu, this is so embarrassing..."
Mayu ignores Yuko, then she seems to have an idea. She takes some liquid soap and starts rubbing them on Yuko's body. Yuko, feeling relieved that her oppais are now free from the fondling demon, smiled and stays still while being soaped by the latter. Mayu made sure that she got all parts of Yuko clean, she played a little with Yuko's oshiri, before continuing down to soap her legs, then she's done. "There you go! Now it's your turn to wash me!" With that, Mayu turned around and waits for Yuko.
Yuko chuckles, "You're so weird, Mayu..... but i guess that's your charm." she then did the same thing Mayu did to her, washing her body, no funny actions intended. But is that possible for an Oshima Yuko? No. She grabbed Mayu's oppai and started her revenge, squeezing them continuously. "Revenge timee!!"
Mayu knew this would happen, she has already thought of a troll plan. She didn't try to struggle or break off. Instead, she leans into Yuko, making Yuko's breasts press on her back. Then, she lets out low, soft moans.
Yuko's eyes widened, this isn't Mayu's normal response, well friends don't respond like this, right? She stopped squeezing but still kept her hands there, "Oy oy Mayu, what's gotten into you? We're not lovers, so don't respond like we're one. Talk about awkward~!"
Mayu turns to Yuko, her expression is serious. "What if... I wanna be more than friends..." Mayu circles her arm around Yuko's neck and brought their bodies together as well as her face closer to the blushing girl.
"E-eh?! What, what do you mean by that?" Yuko is panicking, her hands are now pushing Mayu away and she turns her head away from Mayu, with the blush on her cheeks intensifying.
"Yuko... look at me and calm down, geez. It's not like we've never been this close yet." Mayu pressed her body against Yuko again, the sense of their bodies rubbing each other makes her a little excited, especially the softness of Yuko's oppai on hers, god, if they're lovers then this surely will turn into what you call a hot sex in the shower. But no, they're lifelong friends. But a little fooling around wouldn't hurt, right?
"O-okay." Yuko turns back to Mayu, now they are looking straight at each other's eyes and their face is only a few centimeters apart. Yuko doesn't know where her hands should go so she just put both of them on both sides of Mayu's waist. Then she waits for Mayu to say something.
"Y-y-yes?" Yuko is stuttering, being nervous and all.
"Got youuuu!!" Mayu grins widely and put on her usual troll win face.
"Whaa..." Yuko's expression fell, she sighs in defeat and cursed herself for not noticing it sooner. Mayu enjoyed trolling her a lot. She should have known that this was coming.
"How was it? Did I make your heart go doki doki?"
Yuko didn't answer, she immediately tickled Mayu's sides as her hands are already there in the first place. Mayu is weak on her sides, it's something that Yuko always use for her advantage. Mayu who is surprised by the sudden tickle, lets go of Yuko and her hands fought with Yuko's, trying to stop her.
"Ahahahaha Yuko stop! Stop!"
Feeling the tides have turned, Yuko adds more power to her tickles, winning over Mayu's resistance. She is having fun watching the troll laugh her ass off, might as well make her tummy hurts from laughing too long, she smirked. "This is what you get for messing with me you little devil!"
"N-nono Yuko! Hahaha please p-please stop!" Mayu tries to get out from the shower, running for the door that leads to her room. She feels cold, well they're playing while being naked after all, and they have been in the shower for too long with the water constantly pouring on them, they're gonna have wrinkled skin soon if they stayed longer.
'Mayu is so cute~' Yuko laughs as well, letting Mayu run away. She had enough fun in tickling her bestie. Mayu ran into her room and closed the door behind her, locking it so Yuko wouldn't follow her. Yuko smiled and turned off the water, gets out of the shower, and picked up the clothes scattered on the floor, dumping them into the laundry bin. She then walks towards the other door that connects to her own room, turning it open and got inside.
Yuko put on some clothes and went out to Mayu's room.
"Ooh Mayu, you started painting already?" Yuko saw Mayu sitting in front of her canvas when she entered the room.
Mayu turned to Yuko for a while, then back to her canvas. "Hmm? Yeah I was just about to start."
Yuko nodded, she doesn't want to bug Mayu, they're both artist and she knows that once an inspiration comes into their mind, they have to pour it all out, before they lost it. Yuko laid on Mayu's bed, got out her phone, and starts to play some game after she sets it on silent.
An hour or so has passed and neither of them has said anything. Mayu is painting in all her seriousness and Yuko respects what the gifted painter is doing, thus leaving her alone to do what she needs to do. She continues to play her phone game, when suddenly an unknown number appear on her screen. Having nothing else to do, she answered it.
"Moshi moshi?"
"Are you Oshima Yuko?"
"Yes... I am Yuko. Who are you and why are you calling me?"
"I am Takahashi Minami, Takamina in short. I'm a model manager from Maeda Agency. I would like to inquire you about some photoshoots I would like my models to have near your area."
Yuko suddenly sat up, a really wide smile appearing on her face, "Oh! Sure! Where shall we meet?"
Mayu was distracted by Yuko's sudden movement and stops painting, staring at her excited bestie talking on the phone.
"Thats good to hear, I'll inform you the time and place tomorrow, I need to affirm my models' schedules first."
"Okay, I'll be waiting! Thankyou!"
"Yes thank you too."
Yuko finished her phone call and looks over to Mayu, who looks puzzled.
"That was a model manager from Maeda Agency, one of the prominent modeling agencies in Japan. She wants to have me working with her models."
Mayu's eyes widened, "Wow! Yuko! You have landed a big fish!" Then she leaves her post and went to hug Yuko.
"Yeah! I'm so excited now!" Both of them giggled together and fall onto the bed, Mayu on top of Yuko. They enjoyed each other's warmth and they felt glad they made a choice to open a gallery.
Yuko strokes Mayu's hair, they're now cuddling like lovers in the bed. Mayu is resting her head on Yuko's body. Well that's pretty normal for them, its nothing big. Mayu feels very comfortable in Yuko's arms and her eyes are getting heavier, Yuko's as well. Mayu kisses Yuko's cheek and looks at her, "Yuko daisuki! Yuko's the best! Nighty night!"
Yuko giggles and replies Mayu's affection, kissing the girl in her arms on her forehead. "Love you too, Mayu. Good night." she pats Mayu's head for a while until she confirmed that Mayu is fast asleep, then she drifts off to sleep as well.==============================
There you go! Now if you will excuse me... I still have a fight to decide whether I'm going to write my third serial fic.
THANKYOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT EVERYONE! Let's meet again in WoF / PoP / Third Fic.