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Author Topic: Beats of Love [SayaMilky,WMatsui, MaYuki, YuiParu] - chapter 16 (18/07/17)  (Read 136503 times)

Offline NogamiRumi

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  • My english is bad, sorry TwT
    • RumiNogami




 :( :( :(  :( :( :( :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:  XD :P

¬¬ yeah author come here, I can not wait to give you a hug breaks bones ----embee

Offline embee5442

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  • Bow to Renahyon-sama!
¬¬ yeah author come here, I can not wait to give you a hug breaks bones ----embee

*gasp* YADAAAAAAA!!! don't bully meeeeee :mon runcry:
A silent user. A silent reader. A silent writer. A silent killer. Meh, whatever.

My List of Stories:

:roll: Short Shots of Lame Plots :poof:
:new!: Wait for Me (hiatus) :skull:
:note: Beats of Love (collab fic with Zhen the Annoying Monkey) :guitar:

Offline Haruko

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 :( :( :(  :( :( :( :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:  XD :P

¬¬ yeah author come here, I can not wait to give you a hug breaks bones ----embee


Offline NogamiRumi

  • ecchi
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  • My english is bad, sorry TwT
    • RumiNogami
*gasp* YADAAAAAAA!!! don't bully meeeeee :mon runcry:

someone has to suffer

Offline embee5442

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  • Bow to Renahyon-sama!

(credit to nutty-san :D)

Since I'm too lazy (and since Zhen forced me to :banghead:), can I reply with something else?  :roll:
Okaaay just got nagged so I'll reply for real... :bow:

kuro_black29:  :farofflook: I hope u're not dead from happiness yet coz we just updated~ Yeah Furuyanagaaaay is luuurveee :wub:

Kairi65:  :hehehe: Ehh no miyuki is still as clueless as ever! and now she thinks it's someone else... :roll:

MaYukiIsLife:  :whistle: FURUYANAGAAAY!!! :deco:


phoenix0i:  :mon hi: Aww thank u for reading and yeah paruru is cute here only when it comes to food and yui ehehehe~

NogamiRumi:  :mon wtfmm: GASP!!! NOOOOOO!!!

Kirozoro:  :mikilaugh: Glad u enjoyed this!! Pls continue to read and comment, kay? :love:

Raizel:  :on asmo: We like it when readers have a good laugh reading our story so... :grin: but the drama is soon to come~ :twisted:

peaceandlove27: :mon pumped: Of course there will be more to come! Just wait, nee? XD

Minami-chan:  :pen_whirl: AIRIII!!!

kahem:  :mon mischief: Hahaha glad u love Tani the comic relief

Haruko:  :mon heh: Nooo... Miruki doesn't know, yeeet~

Raven _faith:  :mon zoom: Hey u can do that to Zhen... :roll: WAHAHA!

purnamazaki: :cool1: U are KAKKOII too!!!

Centernezumi:  :dozing: Hello I'm a silent writer too :P Thanks for ur comment and do comment more~!! :cathappy:

RenshuChan:  :mon trudge: Jurina got the killah moves~ The past will be unveiled soon :w00t:

niineechan:  :onioncheer: I am deeply flattered with this! :cry: Thank you for ur kind words and pls continue to support other authors too they got more amazing and awesome stories than ours :grin: And yeah, welcome aboard the ship of fanfictions, lackey!!!  :peace:

yuuri14:  :on roll: We love giving surprises to u guys tehee~

xerone914: :mon taichi: We will update SILENTLY so keep on being a silent reader, nee? no jk :P Thanks for appearing XD

The Ray:  :mon lurk: We're currently taking refuge in a cave somewhere deep in the mountains trying to come up with a plan to take over the world and turn everyone into monkeys so Zhen can have all the family members she needs  :rofl:

Redyta_Sas:  :on study: and WOOOOW too for ur comment :cow: :D

embee5442:  :hee: 

Zhen:  :mon pick: <--- that is zhen not me she's always like that no seriously she is :rofl:

 :deco: :deco: I'll reply properly next time But till then, do enjoy the next chapter, minna~!!! :deco: :deco:
« Last Edit: July 09, 2015, 05:21:01 AM by embee5442 »
A silent user. A silent reader. A silent writer. A silent killer. Meh, whatever.

My List of Stories:

:roll: Short Shots of Lame Plots :poof:
:new!: Wait for Me (hiatus) :skull:
:note: Beats of Love (collab fic with Zhen the Annoying Monkey) :guitar:

Offline Zhen

  • ecchi
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  • Just Admire, No secret. (Wmatsui, Mayuki lover)
ME BEING LAZY AS ALWAYS, EMBEE is commenting! :v GO READ on your comment, Peeps.


Jurina’s POV

I opened my eyes, inhaling the fresh breath of the morning dew. Somehow, the world suddenly turned into a serene, calm place. No miseries. No worries. Just… fine.

“You looked peaceful, Jurina.”

The subtle smell of melon wafted through my nose. I smiled, expecting for her to be by my side this early in the morning.

“It’s a great day,” I reached out my hand for her, “especially with you here.”

Rena lets out a giggle, the one that never failed to make my heart flutters. I pull her hand to my lips, softly kissing the skin. A faint tinge of red crept on her already rosy cheeks.

“Such a gentleman.”

“Only for you, my lady.”

I whistled, a white horse came running out of nowhere and stopped in front of us. Motioning for Rena to get closer, I hoisted her up on the horse with me following suit. Rena lean backwards on my chest, my heart beating erratically from the close distance. I keep my cool as I give her a smile while praying silently she didn’t hear my heartbeat. Wearing my cowboy hat, I yanked the rein.


We came across a beautiful field filled with all sorts of flowers. Rena squealed as we reached a batch of baby breaths, her favourite. She was about to pick one but I quickly hold up my hand, a bouquet of those white buds appearing out of thin air. Rena gasped, holding the flowers delicately. Suddenly, I felt my cheek wet. Rena shyly hide her gaze after she had surprised me with a peck. I lifted her chin, our eyes staring at each other when a loud screech of tires resonated on my back.

“HAHAHAHA! You think you can save Rena now?”

A man clad in a green-red frog suit jumped out of his Bat-mobile made out of boxes. With a snap of his fingers, Rena appeared on the ground in front of him all tied up.

“Let her go, Airi!” Rummaging for my pockets, I let out a Pokeball. “Pikachu, I choose you!”



“Hey! I didn’t pick you!”

Tani-zard rolled her eyes, “Live with it.”

“Fine… Tani-zard! Use your screeching voice!”

“Seriously?” Tani-zard raised her non-existing brow, “Psh… you’re a horrible trainer.” Tani-zard ignored my command as she runs towards the frog and slammed him with her huge body.

“Smack down!”

“Way to go, Tani-zard! Now get back into your ball.”

“What? But I still have-...”


“Remind me to let you drown and get eaten by those Carvanhas.” I grumbled loudly while trying to get ahold of the annoying Pokeball.

“Grrr… you think you can defeat me with that ugly lizard? Think again!”

Airi stuck her long, slithering tongue out, revealing a remote control of a bomb. “If I can’t have Rena, then no one else can too! I’ll blow us to pieces, HAHAHAHA-croak-HAHAHAHA!”


The world played in slow motion as I kicked my foot off the ground. Flying like Superman, I landed just in time above Rena, engulfing her in my arms as the bomb exploded.


I tried opening my eyes. I can only hear the sound of Rena crying.

“Jurina! Don’t leave me!”

“R-Re… na…”

“I’ll do anything you want, Jurina! Please, don’t leave me!”

Anything I want? But… I only want to be with you.

“Oh, really? I think you want something else.”

What? No! Why would I?

“Just admit it! You want to kiss her lips!”

E-eh? N-no I don’’t!

“Pfft… you’re stuttering.”

I’m not! Wait, who are you?!

“I am who I am, not like it mattered. Now… Come on, just kiss her. You’re dying already.”


“You know you want to kiss her, Jurina…” 

Those words keep playing in my head, but I know that wasn’t my voice.


I perfectly know that familiar, high-pitched, nasal voice…

Barely opening my eyes, I tried to focus my sight… only to see the hideous face of Tani trying to smooch me. I raised my hand high above her head to give her a smack.


“Ouch! Hey! What was that for?”

“I’m not dead yet, you punk.”

“I’m not saying you are! I’m just reading you a storybook made from my own imagination.” Tani grinned proudly.

“Why?” I raised a brow.

“Yui said it might help you have a wonderful dream instead of nightmares. Oh! And to let you sleep peacefully… if you’re not waking up or something.” Tani whispered the last sentence which only managed to gain another smack from me.

“Hey!” She retaliated, trying to hit me back on my head.

“Ouch!” Touching the place, that’s when I realized there’s some sort of clothing wrapped around my head.

“Oopps… forgot about that.” Tani grinned innocently. She was about to run away but I managed to sneak a weak punch on her arm.

“Ow…” I winced in pain, the hand I’ve been smacking Tani is casted in white plaster. I gave her a look, “What happened?”

“Oh my god! Don’t tell me you got amnesia, Jurina-san?! Oh no! Wait, I forgot to call the doctor... Wait here and don’t you ever dare go anywhere!”

Even before I can say anything, Tani had run off out the room to find the person in charge of me. I let out a deep sigh. It seems like I’m in a hospital right now. Great… Just how bad was my injury actually? I even had that weird dream, courtesy of Tani’s horrible story telling. Well, it’s not like I have anyone to ask for since Tani had to panicked before I can explain. Ugh… I need a drink. If only someone is here to help me. Who would leave a patient all by herself, damn it?!


Eeep! Oh god, I thought it was a ghost. Thank god I keep my calm… barely. When did Rena got into the room?! Her eyes looked tired but I can see a glint of relief in there. She stood by the door in silence. I was about to ask her for some water when she suddenly gasped.

“Oh, right! I need to call the doctor since you’ve already-...”

“Don’t bother. Tani’s already on her way.” I cut her off with my groggy voice.

Rena nodded weakly before silence enveloped us again. Seriously, I need water right now but since Rena is awkwardly standing guard by the door, I guess it’s up to my own effort.

“What are you doing?” She quickly walked to my side, stopping me from reaching the glass.

“I’m thirsty.”

“You should’ve asked.”

“It’s not like I’ve lost both hands.” I shrugged before reaching out for the glass from her. “How long did I passed out?”

“Almost a day.”

“Oh.” I nodded, handing back the glass to Rena. Seemed like no words are coming out from our mouth. Weirdly, I wished Tani would appear from the door just to lighten up this awkward air surrounding both of us. Seriously, where did that punk go? Is she reporting a missing doctor or something?

“How are you feeling?”

“Fine, I guess.”

“What about your hand?”

I looked at my bandaged hand, trying to move it. I was about to grimace but since Rena’s here, I tried to hide the pain and shrugged. “Painful, but I’ll manage.”

“You really shouldn’t do that.”

Yeah I really shouldn’t, it hurts like hell, but she asked about it! How nice of her to worry about me… But of course I played it cool by being nonchalant. “What?”

“Hitting Airi-kun.”

Oh. Yeah… of course, she’s talking about that. Who am I kidding. Great. Just great! Just when I thought she was nice… Way to ruin the moment, Rena. I just woke up and she just had to mentioned that jerk name. Can’t she be considerate and grateful for once that I had just saved her life? If only I know what all these machines are, I bet the loud beeping sound indicates the rising of my blood pressure.

“After what he was trying to do to you? Serves him right!”

“But he’s not at fault.”

“Oh, so it’s my fault then? That’s what you’re trying to say, right?”

“No! Listen, Jurina-...”

“Why do you have to defend him?”

“I’m not!”

“As if I’m too blind to see that! Tch… I shouldn’t have followed you that night.”

“Exactly! What were you guys thinking? Following me around like I’m on probation… you should mind your own business.”

“We’re worried, that’s why! What if something happened to you? What if he did something to you? What if… what if you got raped by him?!”

“Nothing’s gonna happen! You think I’m that retarded?”

“Oh yeah? What made you so convinced that he’s just being a friendly ass jerk that’s not trying to take advantage of you?”

Before Rena could answer, the door opened. Sayanee and the others got in with a doctor. Yui and Tani pushed Sayanee forward with silly grins and snickers on their faces. She approached me with a lopsided grin while rubbing the back of her neck,

“This might come as a shock for you but Airi is…” She exchanged glances with Rena, sighing deeply before looking at me with an apologetic eyes.

“He’s gay.”


I keep my stare on the ceiling above me. I wonder why I never find it fascinating to watch this spot before…

Oh yeah.

Because it’s white.

You’d think it’s an unreasonable answer. Heck, there will never a reasonable answer as long as you live in this world. Except for science. They do all those provings and theories which, I still believe all of them happened because of magic, even if they give a 1000 pages of explanation. The same with what I’m feeling right now. I feel like slamming my head on that white ceiling or maybe merge my body in it. Oh… I feel like I’m already becoming one with the wall. Why, you ask? No reason.

“Why are you staring off like that?”

Ah. Now I know why. Because, unfortunately, I’m currently standing inside Airi’s room that I freakingly don’t ever want to step in. EVER. But the sound of Rena clearing her throat made me remember why the hell I am in this place in the first place.

“Hurt my neck, can’t look straight.”

“Oh god… Was it because of me? I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to...”

The dude… that freakishly red-haired dude with the face of a bird (don’t imagine it please) dramatically gasped like it was the biggest mistake of his life while I’m here bitching out in my mind of every little innocent thing that’s happening. I was about to lash at him, maybe exaggerate about my condition a bit just to make him feel more miserable than he is now when an abrupt pinch on my waist caught me by surprised.

“Ow! What the…”

“You don’t even wear neck braces.” Rena glared at me. I was about to whimper with her stare but thankfully I didn’t. Gosh, I’m so whipped when it comes to Rena. I need to do something about this peculiar behaviour of mine.

“But the doctor did said I was lucky enough to have survived the attack.” I retorted.

“Oh my… was it that serious?” That dude, Churi was his name I think, asked with pity.

Rena rolled her eyes, “Of course not! Airi-kun got it worse…”

Uh-huh... You’re really making things harder for me now, Rena.

“I’m going.”


“Anywhere but here.”

“But you haven’t-...”

“I’ve seen that he’s as perfectly gay as they said he is.” I glanced at Churi and the bastard. “There’s no more reason for me to be here.”

I turned around, expecting Rena to shout at me for leaving without hearing his explanation. I don’t care. I had enough of all this. If Rena wants me to apologize, fine. I will but not right now. Not when my heart is burning with rage from seeing the sympathetic look Rena gave to that bastard just now… Yeah. She’s just too blind to see that I’m hurt too. Both physically and emotionally.

“Wait, Jurina!”

God, the jerk dare said my name so easily.

“I can explain. No… I MUST explain everything to you, Jurina.”

Don’t say my name, dumbass.

“I don’t need your forgiveness, Jurina. I just need you to hear me out.”

I swear. If he say my name once more, I’ll make su-

“Please, Jurina…?”

Warmth suddenly enveloped my free hand. I looked down at our joined hands. Somehow, the gesture managed to calm the beast in me. Rena gave me a gentle look, making me sigh as I reluctantly pulled my hand away from her. Crossing my arms, I nod for Airi to start his reasonable explanation, whatever it is. He took a deep breath, his lover (ugh) sit by his side probably to give him support. This does makes me look like I’m the villain, the one causing everyone’s miseries. Fortunately, I don’t give a damn. I’m already immune to all of this blaming thing.

“Well… What happened that night was not what you seemed it is.”


“Have you two made up yet?” Airi asked as they sit on the table reserved specially for them.

“No…” Rena shook her head, “I didn’t talk to any of them.”

“Why not? You guys are living together right?”

“Yeah, and that makes it more impossible for me to speak to Jurina.”

“Well, just give her some time. Things are so messed up for her right now.”

Rena give Airi a small smile which the latter gladly return. Airi is so understanding and patient, it makes Rena wonder why Jurina is so angry with this kind person. A waiter came to their table, his smile reaching his ears.

“Hey, babe.”

“I miss you!”

They shared a kiss, not caring the judging looks they received from others. But it was the opposite for Rena. She can feel her heart flutters, wishing and hoping someday this scene might happen to her with the love of her heart. But by the look of things, it might be impossible for them to even be together.

“Hey, what’s with the gloomy face?” Churi, the waiter aka Airi’s lover, asked Rena with a hand on his waist.

“You guys look so good together, I felt a bit envy... “ They shared a look, “But that’s okay! I’m fine really. Don’t worry about me.”

“Well, I know just the thing that’ll cheer you up. FREE FOOD!”

They shared a laugh before ordering dinner. Rena felt like a bad person for leaving the house without informing Jurina or Tani, but hey… it’s not like they’ll let her go out with Airi anyway. She didn’t want to lie to them and the best way to do that is to just leave! Okay, that didn’t sound so good.

“Seriously, Rena… stop frowning. You’re making me frown too.”

She gave him an apologetic look, “Sorry.”

“So, are you looking forward for tonight?”

“Yeah, of course I am!”


“Churi will come later after they close the cafe.”


Rena gave a small greeting as she stepped into Airi’s shared home. It’s just a simple and cozy place, just perfect for a couple to live in. Again, she can’t help to feel the J word from this place Airi and his lover is sharing. It feels like a home already.

“It’s a nice place, Airi-kun.”

“It is nice, if not for the birds she kept everywhere.”

“Eh? You guys have a bird?”

“Birds, actually. They’re so noisy, I’ve even thought of grilling them for dinner. Without Churi’s knowledge of course.”

“That’s so cruel!”

“Yeah… don’t tell Churi I said that!”

They keep on talking about all sorts of things. The main reason Rena came was because she was invited by Churi to watch his personal bird show, something he’s so proud of even Airi can’t say no to it. Even if Airi is allergic with the birds, but for the sake of his enthusiastic lover, he’ll just have to give in to Churi’s eccentrics.

“You know… It feels weird, but relieving at the same time.”

“What is?”

“Seeing you with Churi.”

“Because I’m too hot for a guy like him, eh?” Airi wiggled his eyebrows which Rena responded with a gag.

“If I didn’t know Churi is gay, I think I’d fall for him.”

“That’s surprising since you’ve been crushing on me during high school.”

“Don’t remind me of that!”

“Hey, you were all over me at that time! How can I forget that?”

“That was just a puppy love.” Rena rolled her eyes, “But really, I felt relieved. Because I finally know who I really love in the first place.”

“I’m sorry with how things are right now.”

“What are you apologizing for? You’re not to blame. We were so foolish back then.”

If only Rena knew, Airi thought. They sit in silence; Rena reminiscing of the memories she shared with a certain someone, Airi feeling guilty for keeping a dark past from the girl in front of him concerning the same person. He stood up from the couch.

“Wanna see the birds?”

Rena’s eyes immediately lit up, “I’d love to! But shouldn’t we wait for Churi?”

“I guess he’s running late since it’s the weekend.”

“Oh, but will you be okay?”

“Already got my meds here.” Airi grinned as he showed a small transparent plastic filled with white powder.

They proceeded into a room. It looked like a huge bird cage with all sorts of colorful birds hanging around on the lone tree.

“Oh god is this a dream? Can you really keep all these birds here?!”

“Not really, but it’s Churi we’re talking about. He has his ways.”

Airi whistled, one of the birds flew to his hand. “Let’s take this guy out. I can’t stay in here for a long time.”

He carefully walked out with the bird in his hand. They sit at the couch, with Rena clearly gawking at the bird. She made a face, asking for Airi’s permission to touch it.

Airi giggled with her reaction, “Be careful, though. This one bites!”

Rena tried to poke the bird. Surprised by her action, the bird squawk, making Rena shrieked from shock. It seemed like the bird was shocked too as it started flapping its wings.

“Darn it!”

Airi attempted to calm the bird but it was getting a bit feisty, suddenly attacking him with its beak. Rena tried to help but it just makes things worse. Caught in a tangle, they both fell on top of each other.

“Uhmm… sorry.”

Airi tried to get up from Rena when the door suddenly slammed open.

End of flashbacks…

I give him a deadpanned face, “Is this a Marvel story you made up with birds as the villains?”

“It’s the truth!” Churi yelled, his face showing a deep scowl.

“I know it’s ridiculous, but that’s what had actually happened.”

I keep my glare on Airi, the asshole trying to fight my stare but failed when I raised a brow at him.

“Fine. Is that all?” I looked at each one of them for confirmation before turning around towards the door.

“Are you… umm… you’re not gonna apologise to them?” Rena asked carefully, afraid if the question might ticked me off. Thankfully I’m still in my right mind to avoid causing an uproar in the hospital.

“His sin is bigger compared to mine so why should I?” Those words flowed left my tongue without restraint. My eyes widen with the sudden slip of my mouth, but oh hell… I don’t care anymore. I breathed out with my head held down. I grip my fists tightly, holding the tears about to run down my already hot eyes.

“Jurina…? Just wha-”

“It’s fine, Rena. At least she already hear the truth. No need to push her more.”

Tch… yeah right. I bet he’s feeling guilty. I would have give him the glare of my life if not for my vulnerable state right now. I don’t need to see his face to cut my wounds deeper than it is.

“I’m really sorry, Airi…”

Hearing those words came out from Rena’s mouth just breaks me even more. With heavy steps, I rushed out of the damn suffocating room and break into a run. I don’t care where my legs bring me, as long as it’s far away from those hypocrites. From those haters hating my hateful life.

“I’m really sorry, Airi…”

How I’ve longed for those words… for you to say those words to me, Rena. But I can’t. I can’t cause I know I’ll be the first to say it to you.

Forgive me for falling so hard for you, my angel.
Let me be the devil holding on to our sins.
For I longed to see you smile for the rest of the day.
The wounds are deep, but never too deep like my love for you.
I’ll survive this, like I’ve survived those countless tortures of my soul.


“Another day?!”

“Yes. We still need to observe your condition since your head was hit pretty badly. You might have a concussion from the blow and amnesi-”

“FOR THE 10TH TIME TODAY, I DON’T HAVE AMNESIA! Christ… why can’t anyone believe me?”

“GASP! Now you’re a christian?!” Tani gasped dramatically. I tried to give her a smack but she’s out of reach since the doctor stood in between us. He looked at me with her wary eyes.

“Careful, Jurina-san. Your blood pressure is rising.”

I glared at Tani with gritted teeth, “ALL BECAUSE OF YOU.”

“EEEK!!!” She quickly hid behind Sayanee who just sighed from my uproar.

“Jurina, just calm down. It’s only for a day.”

“It’s a FULL day of torture! I can’t do anything in here! They’ll tell me to stay in bed all day and give me those awful food and leave me alone without supervisio-…”

“Jurina.” Sayanee gave me a smile which is really weird. “It’s for your own good. And don’t think I’ll overlook what happened yesterday when you ran off.”

“The more reason why I can’t stay here!”

Sayanee squint her eyes before shrugging. “ If that’s what you want. I’ll just call Mayu and let her arrange everything, including the running off.”

Oh no! Not that hag! I can see small smirk forming on Sayanee’s face as she took out her phone to call the devil.

“Okay fine I’ll stay here! ONE DAY, OKAY? Then I’m out! Don’t you dare tell her about this or else…”

“Or else what?”

All eyes turn to Mayu who had appeared with Yuki by the door. God… just kill me now. I looked at the others, asking with my eyes how the hell Mayu knew about this.

“Are you an idiot? You think you can keep all of these mess from me? Tough luck!”

“It’s not anything serious.” I tried reasoning.

“Tell that to the management.” Mayu glared at me, shutting me up for good. She shook her head before greeting the doctor and asking him of all the things she needs to know.

“Hey, yo Jurina!” Yuki raised her hand for a high-five but stopped when I showed her my casted hand. “Ohhh… that looks bad.”

“Nah, it’s cool.”

“Yeah, right. She was whining earlier for having to stay another day here.” Tani snickered. I squint my eyes at her, motioning a slice over my throat.

“That’s my Jurina, alright!” Yuki tried to ruffle my hair but again, she paused when she saw the bandage on my head. “Dude, you really look like a mummy. How are you feeling?”

“Uhh… mummified?”

“Ahaha! Real funny, Jurina… Seriously, how are you feeling? Do you need me to kick his ass some more? You know, just to settle some scores in the past.”

I sneak a peek at the silent Rena. She’s been so quiet today, I can’t even acknowledged her presence in this room. She did gave me a short sneaky glance but quickly turned away when she caught me looking at her. She can leave if she wanted to, not like I need her here. I can read her face, telling me how she wish she’s out of this room… and go see that bastard. Okay, that was just my assumption but I can really feel she’s more concerned about that douchebag than me. Tch, that loser needs your sympathy more than me anyway. Besides, I got all my girls here.

“I think he had enough beating... for now.” Yuki smirked with a wink, knowing exactly what I meant when suddenly Mayu called her.

“Come on, Yuki. We need to settle some things.”

“Awww… can I at least leave some of my swag marks on Jurina’s cast?”

Mayu gave her a look before sighing in defeat. Yuki let out a small squeal with a “Yaay!” before taking out a Sharpie from her pocket.

“Aaand…. done! Here, Mayu. You write some too.”

“There are more important documents that need my precious signature than that dull-looking cast.”

Yuki shrugs before throwing the Sharpie without warning to Sayanee who tried to catch it like a happy monkey. I gave her a weak smile but soon shivered when Mayu turn to me. “As for you… I’ll deal with you later.”

Ooooh scaaaary… Okay, really that was definitely scary. Mayu really knows how to torture people with her crazy ways. As much as my pride can prevent me, I can proudly say now… I’m doomed!


Milky has been holding her phone for the past few hours, she should be sleeping right now. But no, she can’t close her eyes even for a second. Her mind is still wide awake, bugged by one thing at the moment. The thing concerning her crush...


Milky rolled her eyes, turning to her side to fake a smile at her annoying bestfriend. “Paruruuuuuu~!”

“Why aren’t you sleeping yeeeeet~?”

“Why are you still here yeeeeet~?” Milky’s upward lips quickly turned into a straight line as she glared at the grinning Paruru. “It’s already late, Paruru. I need to sleep.”

“I know, I’m tired too…” She lets out a wide yawn, not even bothering to cover it. “You know how I need to hibernate after having my full meal but I know you need me more than I need my beauty sleep.” Paruru wiggled her eyebrows, trying to look sexy while flipping her hair.

“Oh god you’re impossible!” Milky laughed in fits of giggles. She pushed Paruru in a joking way before her eyes once again fall on her phone. She let out a deep sigh.

“Man, that thing got more attention than your bestfriend. Who are you waiting for?”

Milky shrugged, “No one, actually.”

“Matsui Sayaka, actually. Nee, nee~?” Paruru nudged Milky, “Seriously, you’re still waiting for him? Or her… or whoever that alien is.”

“Hey! That’s not nice, Paruru.”

“Since when have I been nice?”

“Since we’ve been friends~” Milky gave her trademark smile, Paruru responded by making a disgusted face. “Anyway, you should really go home.”

“Aww, you’re chasing me away?”

“Yes. Now, go!” Milky pointed at her door. Rolling her eyes, Paruru gathered her things before walking to the door. “I know you’re trying to be “nice” to me, Milky. Thank you for being considerate, but really… you know you can talk to me about anything.”

“I know, Paruru… but not tonight. I just need to rest my head for the time being. I’ll call you tomorrow morning?”

“Don’t bother. I might sleep till noon. Nyahaha! See ya~”

As soon as the door closed, Milky slumped herself into the comfort of her bed. She sighed and moaned, rolling around to find a good spot. However, her eyes automatically fall on her phone, her hand moving involuntarily to reach for the rectangle thing. She unlocked the screen, scrolling through her contacts before she stopped on a name.

Matsui Sayaka <3

She bit her lower lip, the name suddenly felt like a stranger. It felt different, so distant… like it was the first time she had ever heard of that name. The scene at the cafe earlier replayed in her head.

“Sorry Milky but the date is off. It’s an emergency.”

Milky closed her eyes tightly, hoping to stop the frustration and confusion building up from this one anonymous person. Of course, it might be a coincidence she met Sayanee and Yui at the cafe. That’s acceptable, but why would Yui knew about her date? About their double date with Matsui Sayaka?


No! It can’t be! Yui must be his acquaintance or something… There’s no way that Sayaka is… Yui is… No way! It can’t be right?


Milky buried her face in her pillow, letting out her annoyance with a loud groan. Sitting up straight with a determined face, Milky decided to just call the said person and ask him directly. Her finger hovered above the name, contemplating whether to call him or just give him a text.

“No. That won’t do. He’ll just avoid it like before.”

Milky shook her head a few times, taking a deep breath to calm herself. With a nod, she slowly lowered her finger to the screen. It was just only a millimeter away when her ringtone suddenly blared throughout the room.


She screamed in shock, jumping away from the abrupt vibration of the device. She looked left and right before peeking at her phone screen. Her eyes widen as she reach out for her blaring phone and hold it close to her eyes. Just when she thought of calling him, this person called her first.   


Extra unwanted scene

“It’s funny.”


“Everyone’s gay here.”

“So? The world is a colourful place... And Tani is a pitiful loner. No one wants her, sadly.”


“Wait… Jurina is gay too?”

“Uhh… Oh hey, Rena.”

“Why I didn’t know that? Who is she?”

“Uh oh Rena looked hot. I think Gekikara’s coming out any minute now...”

“H-hey I heard Yuki calling me. Gotta go!”

“M-me too… EEP NOO!”


“Let me go, Rena! Who I like is none of your-…”


“Oh no. Ohh no no no… god please save me...”

“... nee, okotteru?”


(I'll REPLY~ :D)

Please give some love to this fic and to the both of us too~ Don't forget to click THANK YOU~  :love: share the love~ :deco:

Offline nadiyahdz16

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Lmao the pokemon scene :lol: I laughed my ass off. That's a really weird dream you're having, Jurina! :nervous
Speaking of Jurina... Why do you have to be sooo stubborn? Why can't you just trust them? (Though I can kind of understand why she wouldn't trust them), still, have faith in Rena plss
Sayaka solve your own problem with Milky, don't make Yui solve it for you!! You made your own mess and you should be the one to tidy up your own mess!!! :angry: (sorry for the unnecessary rage lol, I just want them together and get married already  :shakeit: )

And lololol the extra scene!! :lol: Tani, you aint the only one who's a pitiful loner lol let's be pitiful loner together

Offline The Ray

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WOW, Miracle happen  :wriggly: :on lol:
And it is because you're back

I'm so glad you back
Thanks for update author-san  :kneelbow:
~WMATSUI forever~

Offline Kairi65

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Jurina's dream is rather imaginative for an adult, lol  :rofl:

as for tani... :nervous

thanks for the update, author-san! :thumbsup

Offline abcari

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Jurina's dream was the best lol

Offline りりかのはな

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Jurina's dream and Tani's commentary, haha. XD They're too imaginative, I don't know if I should laugh or face palm.  :lol:
Shimazaki Haruka Fukumura Mizuki Kojima Haruna

Offline Raizel

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Finally you are back author-san..
Jurina's dream really hard to believe.. Is she some an elementary kid?  :lol: :lol:
You lost me there.. I thought its a different story but its Jurina.. XD
Still Jurina is stubborn as usual, sometimes I'm angry with her and the other time I pity her.. :smhid
And love the song about Jurina, its perfect to describe Jurina right know.. :inlove:
Ugh.. Sayanee just get Milky already.. You are slow man.. :banghead:
Can't wait for the next author-san.. :bow:

Offline yuuyu

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If he really wants to help the situation, Airi should just tell Rena the whole truth behind Jurina's hate towards him; it'll be interesting to find out why he did all of that back then. I'm surprised honestly that Rena hasn't put two-and-two together about Jurina's feelings for her, seeing as Tani might have.

Oh my God, Churi is too cute! Wonder how he met Airi (i.e. Comiket, convention, cosplay cafe, Akihabara)...

Poor Jurina, stuck in the hospital for another day. Oh well, maybe she can sneak off and get some fresh air whenever the other girls let their guard down. It'll be hilarious to see their reactions, that's for sure.

How did Mayu-?! SCARY.

I seriously thought Milky figured it all out last chapter, but this is even more complicated! It makes sense why she couldn't say anything in front of Paru! Not to mention her theory on Yui being "Matsui Sayaka" makes too much sense...
Why is Yui calling? Is she going to take the fall and pretend she's "Matsui Sayaka"?


Offline niineechan

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I never imagined that Milky would mistake Yui as Matsui Sayaka instead of Sayanee.
And what r u doing Sayanee?!
Just tidy up the mess u made already...
Anyway, thx author-san (or author-tachi?) for updating this..
:-* :-*

Offline yuuri14

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I'm in heaven reading this
thank you for updating this

and those pokemon scenes are epic
I love it turn out to a comedy in Jurinas dreams
Y(^_^)Y <---- me posing for joy

[Shimazaki Haruka/Paruru]
[YuiParu Pair]
[WMatsui Pair]
> I love reading books and Fan Fics as my past time.

Offline Minami-chan

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thanks for the new chapter!

Offline gek geki

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I dont what kind if dark past here

Airi seems a good boy

He nice and knod person like rena thought

So what he do to jurina?

Why he not tell rena?

If he support rena to be with jurina he should hepl her right? Unless the past was too dark so he worried to tell rena

Offline xerone914

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Offline phoenix0i

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  • Aigoo! Hwaiting!
WMatsui please. Airi seems a good boy.
SayaMilky please. Let them solve their love story.
Yui's action here might result to a misunderstanding.

Thank you for the update.
Discovering the wonders of your vague imagination.
Taeny, Atsumina and SayaMilky <3

Offline Raven _faith

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*holding laughter.... holding laughter... TRYING TO HOLD IN LAUGHTER....* HAHAHAHAHAHA. XD This chapter is just so cute. Hahahahhaa. XD im literally melting. Hahahaha. Thanks for the update embee san and zhen san! ^^ really loved it a lot. Hahaha  Just like all the other chapters. And yeah embee san, ill do it to zhen san when possible. Hehehe... but a guy will still be much more.... enjoyable to punch. XD hahaha. Thanks again for the chapter~

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