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Author Topic: This One Time at School... SasshiRie Chapter 4 8/27/2014  (Read 4329 times)

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This One Time at School... SasshiRie Chapter 4 8/27/2014
« on: August 20, 2014, 03:55:23 AM »
Chapter 1

“Rie-chan, what time is it?”

The first question of the day was that from her roommate, Sashihara Rino.  Kitahara Rie slapped her head before turning her body to find the cell phone connected to the charger.  She pressed the nearest button to the amusement of her. It didn’t turn on her phone.  Turning her head, she sighed with the sight of the plug away from the outlet.

“I’m sorry, Sasshi.  My phone is dead.”  Rie apologized as the other woman turned to her side rubbing her eyes gently.  She reached out to the table and reached out for the item as she smacked the area three times before letting out a groan.

“I think I lost my phone.”  Sasshi fell back into the bed with her eyes closed.

Rie rolled off her bed and plugged in the connector with her head fogged from the previous night as the phone had turned on, blinding her immediately.  With her eyes narrowed, she could adjust her sight and immediately dropped her phone.  “We’re late!”

Sasshi hearing her voice shot up from her bed and jumped off before entering into the bathroom.  Rie cursed the fact Sasshi had gotten in first and could shower off the night as she sat there looking at the outfit she had picked out for the day, a blue shoulder-length shirt with the black thigh-length skirt and the charcoal-colored two-inch heels.  Rie thought about the heels with a grin before turning back to the clock as she grabbed her nearly empty perfume bottle that was a gift from her parents and sprayed it onto her body before it sputtered and threw the plastic container into the rubbish can.  She stripped off her pajamas and placed in a neat pile on her bed as she threw on her selected wardrobe, leaving off the heels in case of emergency.  Rie jogged over to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

“I’m coming in.”  She announced before charging into the foggy room.

Rie felt the steam escaping from the shower.  She grabbed her items and headed out the door before closing the door behind her.  Rie headed to the mirror and grabbed the foundation container to quickly place the thin layer before grabbing the brush and running it through her semi-tangled hair.  She fought it off but the brush took a bit of the patch as she eventually had gotten it under control before a scream took her attention from the mirror.

“Where’s the brush?”  Sasshi screamed as Rie grinned when she saw the brush owner’s name.  Rie pulled out the hair and tossed it away.  Sasshi rushed out with the towel wrapped around the body as she pointed toward her roommate.  “You!”

“Here.”  Rie sighed loudly as Sasshi grabbed the brush and scurried back into the humid bathroom.

Once Rie had prepped herself, she found the keys to the car under the discarded towels and sat on the bed as Sasshi rushed through her selections and chose a t-shirt and jeans ensemble with a kid’s face sticking out its tongue.  “Are you planning to wear that?”

“It’s easier to tell I like kids, right?  Or at least kids will like me.”  Sasshi replied with a shoulder shrug as Rie threw the jacket from her closet to her.

“Just wear it and let’s go!”  Rie instructed with Sasshi following the woman, grabbing both their phones and closing the door behind them with the doors opening of the elevator.

The two smashed the buttons to the parking lot below their building before rushing out into area as they scanned through for the blue Toyota.  Rie ran towards it, opening the doors for both of them at full speed they entered and put on their seat belts as they each looked around before pulling out.  She slowly pulled out of the stall and turned the wheel to the loud low-pitch sound as they saw the white of the car before pulling away from the lot and out into the streets.

Rie sped up through the back streets with Sasshi keeping her eyes on her phone.  Sasshi grew excited as they made up the time but the parking being horrendous felt the traffic of the teacher’s lot.  Rie weaved through to the secret area where a white car parked parallel to the street had been.  Rie back up blocking the car as the two jumped out and jogged onto the school’s grounds.

“One more minute.”  Sasshi muttered as they pushed the door to the teacher’s lounge with the twenty heads turning toward them.

“Ohayou Gozaimasu!”  Rie breathed out her greeting as the two got to their desks on the left side of the room next to each other as they stood as usual with the rounded man had stood in front of them.

“Welcome everybody to a new semester!”  He said to a loud applause.  “As you know we at IDOLS, we take in students and at times teachers.  We are here to welcome Yokoyama Yui from Kyoto.”

“Ohayou!”  She greeted in a soft voice while bowing.

“Thank you, Yokoyama-san for joining us.”  He pointed toward the empty seat and like a student she kept her head down with her vision at the table before turning to her desk.

“Please pick up your schedules in the front and that will be your room assignment.”  He instructed with his rosy cheeks blooming to everyone.  “Well, here we go.”

The people rushed up to get their assignments with Rie and Sasshi waiting at their desk when they glanced at Yokoyama, who decidedly had sat observing the crowd.  Sasshi elbowed her roommate in the ribs as she swung her head toward her.  “What is it?”

“She looks rather traditional for a first day.”  She noted as Rie rolled her eyes at her when the two walked up with Yokoyama behind them.

“Yossha! 1-B homeroom.”  Sasshi shouted as Rie saw 1-A on her paper with Literature typed at the top.  Yokoyama gave a small smile as she folded her paper.

“Ah Yokoyama-san!  What is your assignment?”  Rie asked the woman turned.

“1-C homeroom.”  She replied.

“Are we the new three amigos?”  Sasshi asked as they felt an instant rush coming from behind as the two spun around as the wide smile from the P.E. teacher.

“You two haven’t changed a bit.”  The short woman glared at the two.

“I guess not… Oshima-san” Rie spoke with annoyance still in front of them.

“Lucky! ~ I don’t get homeroom.”  The P.E. teacher announced as usual.  “I can now peek at the girls.”  She left as Yokoyama grabbed her bag, glancing at the two.

“Yokoyama, we’ll show you where your class is?”  Rie smiled as Sasshi followed behind Rie with Yokoyama kept up with their pace.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 07:58:15 AM by kuro_808 »
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: This One Time at School... SasshiRie Chapter 2 8/20/2014
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2014, 11:53:21 PM »
Chapter 2

Rie held her grade book under her arm as the bell had rung with the hallway emptying into the classrooms.  She loved the smell of the school hallways and it reminded her of how school was for her, a battle of the best.  She had held a near-perfect grade point average and her test scores made her eligible for Todai but insisted on teaching with the many great teachers she had during her time as a student.  Rie achieved her license and degree at the same time and was eligible for any school.  That’s when she decided to go back as a distinguished alumnus.

Being her second year, she was still on the bottom of the totem pole and was wet behind the ears with high school students.  Despite all the challenges, she was brought back because of test scores with the second-year students.  She was relieved that her job wasn’t in jeopardy but surprised she wouldn’t be teaching them the following year.

She gripped the door and pulled it open.  The classroom had gone quiet as she closed the sliding door behind her and walked up to the desk.

“Ohayou~” Kitahara greeted the class as the male near the door stood up.

“Stand up!  Bow!”

“Ohayou Gozaimasu!!!”

“Welcome to a new semester!  1st year students.  I’m Kitahara-sensei, your homeroom teacher.”  She wrote her name up on the board before clapping for herself as the rest of the class stood frozen looking at her.  “Ah the usual 1st year students.”  She commented.

“Anyways, I’m also your literature teacher.”  She smiled seeing thirty faces with blank stares returning back to her.

From the pool of students, a hand had appeared as Rie pointed the person out as he stood up with his back arched forward with thick glasses and he towered over the rest of his peers.

“Is it true that Sashihara and you are more than friends?”  He said in a low voice as the rest of the class turned to her.

“Well… we are roommates?”  She replied with the class turning to the guy in the corner as they laid a pile of cash onto his table.

Kitahara showed a smile as the familiar face with the thick, short hair on his chin laughed at the rest when she came up to him with her hand in his face.  He placed the money into her hand as he shook his head towards her.

“Kitahara-sensei, you know where that money goes?”  He smiled as she gathered the coins and placed it into the plastic bag.

“Fukumoto-san, please go to 3-A.”  Rie responded as the male got up and exited the class.

“So… what do you guys know about traditional Japanese literature?”  Rie asked the class, seeing the thirty pairs of eyes staring back at her.  “Twilight?”

The class erupted into chatter as she saw a person’s head poke through the open door.  He handed her an envelope with Rie feeling the weight of the package and dropping it onto the table.  Rie grabbed the piece of chalk and wrote out a word onto the board as the class slowly quieted.  She turned to the class with her finger sliding under the flap with the feeling of the adhesive on her fingers.

“Anyways… we are taking a test for literature competency.  So I’ll hand it to the front person and hand it back until everyone in your row has it and we can begin.”  Rie explained as the classroom had the heaviness of a test on the first day.

Rie set the stack to the front person and handed it back until everyone had it and Rie allowed them to start as she wrote down the start time and end time.  She looked over the attendance book, counting the students in her class as she had the right amount in her homeroom.  Rie took a seat and leaned back as she saw her students diligently working on the exam.
She walked around the room fixing certain things that had looked off in the classroom while keeping her eyes on her students.  Many began to mumble but the noise was coming as whispers to her ears.  Rie smiled as the classroom had gone quiet for a moment as many were writing quickly while glancing up at the clock.  She felt the test was more for skill and review compared to the actual college exam test where everything seemed to be important.  It wasn’t pressure that seemed to get to them as they were keeping their eyes on the paper when Rie had glanced up at the clock.

“Ten more minutes.”  She announced loudly as the students began to move their pencils quicker as Rie finished her round.

The class itself was quiet.  She could imagine that a test would throw a wrench into their plans of an easy period.  Rie grabbed the test and scanned through the questions which she began to smile to herself.  It wasn’t difficult but yet too easy.  Rie felt that many could pass it with flying colors if they used their brain to analyze the questions.  She glanced up again and held up her hand with her fingers spread out.

“Five minutes!”

Rie pulled out the last stack which had a plastic covering and pushed it to the side as her eyes became locked onto the clock.  She mentally counted down the time as her students began to push through until Rie stood and approached the class.  “Pencils down and flip over your test.”

The students did it with disappointment running down their faces as she looked down at her attendance book and one by one they walked up to her to drop off their tests.  Few were relieved as they approached her but many were exhausted from a simple test as they came back to their seats and waited out the remainder of the time for the class to be over.  Rie made quick work of collecting them and piled them to the side as the last one dropped it off.


Many began to mumble which she just smiled as the rotation would bring Yokoyama’s class to hers and her class to Sashihara which many had high marks for her.  Rie pondered to why she would get high marks despite teaching culture to the kids.  As she had gathered her thoughts together, the bell had rung for the class and they charged out heading into the hallway to their next class as the new set of students had filtered in with the tests in hand, she waited for the next bell for the same process.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: This One Time at School... SasshiRie Chapter 3 8/22/2014
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2014, 01:48:14 AM »
Chapter 3

Sasshi hate when people called her by her first name.  It was an ongoing practice unless you were her parents.  She didn’t hate the name but people calling her Rino-chan were annoying to hear.  So she went by Sasshi as people would call her in the neighborhood.  Then, she came to Tokyo and the atmosphere was a change that she had to get used to.  College was the uphill climb running through the basic classes with a C average until she had been paired with the Aichi girl.

Sasshi and Rie hit it off as they became interested in teaching.  The latter had the better grades but Sasshi’s instincts brought out the student’s potential despite being off the mark when it comes with test scores.  However, she had the experience in Japanese culture as her background and became the primary social studies teacher with the unusual agenda of getting her classes riled up for everything despite having her class fail during the exam.

She had been brought back because of the lack of teachers in the social studies area.  Many were against it but her stipulation was to help the children with their tests.  In the end, Sasshi had set up an education plan for the semester and had it set up for the class.  Sasshi remembered it on the desk at home as she stood outside her homeroom.

“How could I forget the plan?”  She moaned as she grabbed the handle of the door and slid it open as she stood in front of the class.  Sasshi had to find the right mask for her situation and came up with a smile as the class quieted.

“I’m your homeroom teacher, Sashihara Rino.  You can call me Sashihara-sensei or Sasshi and I know you guys are excited for the semester, right?”  Sasshi raised her arms with her voice as the students gave a half-hearted cheer.  Sasshi could see they were a bit tired and decided to bring out the weapon that she had remembered from her plan, a radio.

“We shall do some exercises!”  Sasshi announced as the radio was turned on, knowing that the classrooms had been soundproof through some experiments.

The students stood up and followed the teacher’s example of rotating their necks.  Sasshi needed some time to remember her plan and suddenly remembered that the textbook would be under her desk and turned off the radio before the next exercise when the class representative stood.  Sasshi glanced as he had the class to stand up again and bowed toward their teacher.  She smacked her head, realizing that the start of the class had that but went forward and introduced herself.

“Okay, we are going to do roll call so when I call your name, please introduce yourself and say something interesting.”  Sasshi announced as she was scanning through the text book and opened up her grade book.  “Akiyoshi!”

With each name, she had half-heartedly listened as she read through the textbook until someone had given their answer as being a wota, which her head shot up and gave a smile to the boy.  Sasshi secret obsession was wotagei and when she was alone, she would do it unless Rie was occupied in the kitchen, which didn’t bother her roommate at all.

“Sashihara-sensei! What is the first lesson?”  The girl spoke out with her shoulder length black hair and with a pink bow on the top as Sasshi wrote down the word wotagei and pointed toward the word.

“We will do wotagei!”

“EHHHHH?!?!?!”  The said in unison as the radio was turned on and she popped in the only CD that was in the radio which was an enka song and managed to create a way to sway their bodies.  Once Sasshi felt compelled to stop, she erased the word and wrote up Japan onto the board.  The students were laboring to breathe as they said the word as Sasshi kept pointing to the word to get her students to say it repeatedly until another student raised her hand.

“What does this have to do with culture?”  She asked as her face started to stream black down to her chin.

“Culture is everything and it starts with Japan.”  Sasshi said out loud as the rest of the students nodded in unison.

“Why are we doing these ridiculous things, Sashihara-sensei?”  The girl asked again as she tried to wipe off the sweat making a black smudge on her pearl white uniform.

“Well, first thing is that your next class might be a bore.”  She nervously laughed.

“We have P.E. next…”  The boy replied when Sashihara felt her heart drop that Oshima probably had them running and she scanned through the class as many were ample on the top.

“Oshima-sensei is lucky…”  Sasshi said under her breath as the class had gone silent for a moment.  “What I’m trying to say is we all are lucky to have great students.”  She laughed at the top of her lungs.

The sense of relief came over them.  Sasshi was pretty sure Oshima wasn’t the only one looking forward to such things as many were lolicons personally including her but wasn’t the one looking for the little ones when a door had opened and saw the little with her hands on her knees.

“Gomennasai.  Is this 1-B?”  She breathed as she stood in front of the class.  “I’m Yabuki Nako.  Nice to meet you.”

“Ah… Yabuki-san… Please take a seat.”  Sasshi said as she walked to the second to the last row and placed her bag on the floor before climbing up onto the chair.  She climbed off and scurried over to the front before Sasshi could say her next word as her eyes were in the attendance book.

“Can I sit in the front?”  She smiled, asking the innocent question as the class watched Sasshi’s eyes and brought the girl’s chair to the front.  Nako climbed the seat as she plopped into the seat with a wide smile as Sasshi could only keep her attention on her.

“Okay, Yabuki-san… What do you like doing for fun?”  Sasshi asked as she went back to the book.

“I like… dancing and… pudding.”  She replied as Sasshi caught the last part when her dimples came full blast at her.

Sasshi felt her heart was ready to explode as she saw the beam of cuteness coming too quick for her to react and was stunned by the cuteness when the bell rang to save her from the chaos.  “Ah Yabuki-san!”


“I’m sorry but I think you might be in the wrong homeroom.”  Sasshi knelt down in front of her.

“No… I’m a freshman and they assigned me this room.”  She explained when the burly man came with a paper about her new student.

“Okay!  I shall see you tomorrow.  Early this time!”

“Arigatou, Sashihara-sensei!”

Sasshi couldn’t get her heart to stop beating like a drum when the next set of students came into the room.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline teru_fi

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Re: This One Time at School... SasshiRie Chapter 3 8/22/2014
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2014, 05:45:10 PM »
Your story is great as always ! Looking forward to the next updates.

Offline kuro808

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Re: This One Time at School... SasshiRie Chapter 4 8/27/2014
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2014, 07:58:53 AM »
Your story is great as always ! Looking forward to the next updates.

Well I hope to do it more often

Chapter 4

Yokoyama Yui hadn’t always dreamt in being a teacher.  Her first love was math and excelled before college came and gave her the path to become a teacher instead with a class that change her life.  She wasn’t in love with the class when it first started as just a prerequisite for other classes but Communications seemed to catch her attention as she could get ideas out much better than her classmates but to pursue the area, she had to give up her first love.

A year had passed as she tried to balance it out and the challenge was becoming difficult that she had made the decision to become a teacher instead.  She was hired quickly after graduation and seemed anxious as the class was probably the worst of the three that was usually given to the lowest on the totem pole.  However, they were raucous until she walked in with a stern expression.


“Ohayou!”  The class shouted back before the representative stood up and bowed to the class.

“Welcome to IDOLS!”  Yokoyama announced while writing her name on the board.  “It shall be a fun semester here.”

The students stared blankly at the woman as she dragged the white board from the side of the room to the front, writing up an equation onto the board.

“This is what we are planning to learn for the term.  Algebra!”  She pointed to the board as the students sat in their seats, nodding with her.  The class felt as stiff as she was and waited for the hand before trying to continue her thought.

“Yokoyama-sensei!”  She raised her hand up into the air as the teacher glanced at her grade book.

“Yes, Yamaguchi-san.”

“I think the answer is seven.”  She said in a soft voice which Yui smiled at as she wrote down the answer.

“Good job.”  She erased the board when another hand had risen above the rest.  “Yes!”

“Usually teachers say where they’re from or tell about their stories.  We want to know.”  He explained.

Yui had always thought that the word Kyoto never matched her personally.  She always said Kyoto to get certain expectations from them but those usually would crumble that Tokyo had now consumed her lifestyle and the past that had brought Kyoto up was only her parents and that even became a rarity.  Now, would she even dare bring up the fact that she was born in a traditional city to only be modern like every Tokyoite known to people.

“I was born in Kyoto and moved to Tokyo for schooling.”  She said in a monotonous tone.  The students nodded for her as she turned to the whiteboard and without considering what was going to be asked next, she had spun around and saw the hand pointed up.  “Yes?”

“Kyoto is a nice city…”  She commented as Yui hid a small smile creating on her face.

“It is… Now I can continue on my lesson.”  Yui nodded as she finished the problem on the board.  “Break into small groups and help each other solve this problem.”

She returned to her seat, slouching over as the students communicated among each other to get into their respective groups.  Yui hadn’t cared for anything except for getting the point across of helping each other without saying to help each other.  Seemingly, the noise came down as she glanced up at the clock to get them on a quickened pace.  Yui glanced at the book as she mentally wrote down the answer in her head as the red hand had passed the top.

“Okay, everyone take a space and write your answer.”  She instructed as she saw them come up in a group and took their positions.  As each started to pull away, many had the right answer and some missed certain calculations.  To her it was normal as she read off each of the numbers and announced who had the right answer before starting with another one with their excitement seemed to be growing among the groups.  Yui wrote it up as they started to work diligently on the problem.  Yui watched them intently as the time came and stopped them to write up the answer.

She saw the answers and confirmed they all were correct and started up on a lesson as they opened their books and started to scribble in their books.  Yui elaborated on every bit of the information with no one looking up at her as she wrote down everything onto the board before the bell ran and everyone had escaped out of the room.

Yui knew the schedule was a break next as she closed the door and sat in her chair as she looked over the grade book.  Her mind sourced on one thing and that was the fact that the students were not the best but they had potential.  She had confidence in others as she leaned back in the chair when a knock had made her whirl of her chair.  The door opened as the woman in a white dress stood outside with a slight smile on her face.

“Hello?”  The woman greeted as she walked into the room.

“Who are you?”  Yui asked as she gave a bow to Yui.

“I’m Shimazaki Haruka, the nurse for the school.”

“Ah, I’m Yokoyama Yui.  The math teacher I guess.”  She laughed as the nurse took a seat in the room.

“It feels weird that for the first day, I never had so many students sick.”  She laughed as Yui chuckled with her.

“Maybe because it is a cute nurse.”  Yui replied as her eyes widened.

“I can’t be cute, Yokoyama-sensei.”  She retorted as she stood up from the desk.  “Anyways, I’m just doing my rounds to introduce myself.”

“Okay, Shimzaki-san.”  Yui waved toward her.

“Call me Paru!”  She shouted back as Yui closed the door to prep for her next class.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline teru_fi

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Re: This One Time at School... SasshiRie Chapter 4 8/27/2014
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2014, 02:57:58 AM »
Author-san ! Please update. Please (>ω<、)

Offline kuro808

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Re: This One Time at School... SasshiRie Chapter 4 8/27/2014
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2014, 03:22:14 AM »
Author-san ! Please update. Please (>ω<、)

I would love to but i have no inspiration for this one :lol:
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: This One Time at School... SasshiRie Chapter 4 8/27/2014
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2014, 04:32:58 AM »
No choice then..I'll wait for it. Patiently.

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Re: This One Time at School... SasshiRie Chapter 4 8/27/2014
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2017, 10:49:43 AM »
Author-sama, continue the story please  :kneelbow:

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