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Author Topic: Acceptance 5.0 (AtsuMina) - COMPLETED  (Read 13533 times)

Offline thelonewolf48

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Acceptance 5.0 (AtsuMina) - COMPLETED
« on: October 04, 2014, 08:44:39 AM »
Okay, so I wrote the first part of Acceptance when I heard the first news of Acchan dating this man. At first, I wrote a kind of angst Os from the news. And made Takamina suffer the most, in some way.

After that, I reflected and went into a deep thought of what would be more realistic? Knowing my Kami, even though I don’t know her at all, except what she show us, I decided that IF Takamina loved Atsuko very much then she would let her be happy. If she is happy, Takamina is happy too. Sort of what she did when Atsuko announced her graduation.

So, that’s why I wrote ‘Acceptance’ in first place.

Now depending on how well it goes with the first part, I will post the second one. Even though if you read this part only it's also okay, since the "second" part is not really related to the first one  :on lol:

Either way, I will post the second part eventually! So I hope you enjoy this one too!  :on GJ:

PS: Maybe some people already read this one in some other site! Lol but who knows! xD


-Takamina… Are you really going?

I snapped from my thoughts in the instant I felt Yuko’s hand on my shoulder.


She sighed and added –Good luck, then-


The news was already old to me. Nothing was really ‘new’, at all. She confessed it herself one night a few weeks ago.

She had invited me to eat, in one of those rare occasions she and I had a short free time. She came, wearing that smile I always loved to see. We ordered food and ate. We talked about everything and nothing at all. The topics were diverse, from the weather to AKB48, from “How are you” to “You should take care of your health”, from scandals, graduations and fake rumors to the topic I always feared the most.

I was prepared though, I was thinking about it long time ago. I never expected the time, it was too soon. Or maybe I was just thinking about that promise she made on her blog and an old TV Show.

-I’m seeing someone… – she said cautiously – He… is a good boy.

I was surprised and at the same time not surprised at all. If that even makes sense.

-Is he?

She nodded.

-Does he make you happy? – I asked her, feeling my heart beating fast.

- I am happy. But… – she looked at me, staring into my eyes – It’s not the happiness I was expecting.

Those words had a double meaning, I knew it. But I can’t. Not right now, not at this moment in which AKB48 has some troubles. I… just couldn’t.

I nodded and pouted.

-I don’t like tomatoes… – “Why did I even ask for this?”

She smiled. That kind of smile she always had when I accepted all her requests. She then, took the tomatoes form my plate and ate them.

-You really should eat your veggies, Takamina. This is the reason why you never grew up – She laughed.

-Mou… Atsuko!


Some days ago, I got a text message from her.

“From: Atsuko.

Let’s have dinner together! After the theater show, if you don’t have anything else to do. I want you to meet him; he’s excited and a bit scared though LOL. Say yes, please?”

How could I even say no?


And so, here I am. In the changing room, preparing myself for the most shocking event of my whole life; meeting Maeda Atsuko’s boyfriend.

The whole trip towards the restaurant was slow. Too much traffic, but I was glad for it; it gave me time to think on the many things I could say, even knowing that I will forget half of them.

It would have been troublesome to have us 3 on the same table at bare sigh of everyone. So, Atsuko opted for a private table. I walked inside from the staff room.

I counted my steps. 50 was the magic number. 50 slow steps. I sighed and after contemplating the door for some minutes I knocked.


I looked up; in front of me there was a sight that I most feared.

Atsuko was holding hands with him.

I smiled and waved at her; but my smile vanished when I glanced at him. There was a tense atmosphere the whole night.


-How was today’s show, Minami? – Atsuko asked, trying to break the ice.

-Umm… As usual, I guess. – I couldn’t think in anything else. I have to act all tough; I have to scare him, to let him know that this won’t be easy only because of Atsuko.

-There wasn’t anything new? – She insisted.

-Not really. Oshiri sisters with their usual teasing, Mocchi all over my ears, Paruru and her salty responses, Haruna being an airhead, me failing…

-I get it, I get it! – She laughed – Just like always, right?

-Except. – I looked at her – You weren’t there…

The guy removed in his seat. “Feeling uncomfortable?” I smirked.

We ate in silence.


Dessert wasn’t sweet at all. It was bittersweet, at least for me. The two love birds were enjoying themselves way too much and it was starting to make me feel annoyed. I cleared my throat quite loudly.

-So… He is…?

-I’m Onoe Matsuya, nice to meet you. – He bowed.

Good manners. At least he has it.

But that face… That FACE! I… Why him, Acchan? Why? I’m even more handsome than him!

-Takahashi Minami, ni—

-I know! …

Is he nervous now or something?

-When is her birthday?

I kept eating the piece of cake I ordered, without even looking at him. The unexpected question made him more nervous.

-I-i-it’s 10th… Ju-july 10th.

I glared at him.


Atsuko giggled and I barely could contain a smirk. Onoe-san looked at Atsuko and then at me. He was thinking.


I frowned. He desperately looked towards Atsuko. “Looking for help now?” I saw her eyes movements. She looked at me.

-I-I’m kidding! I-It’s of co-course, Takahashi-san.

I narrowed my eyes.

-Her talents are?

-… Acting…?

I sighed.


He now looked all desperate.

-… Me…?

-You wish…


-Yes, Atsuko?

-Stop it.

That glare; that sweet voice; that smile…. I gulped. She stood up, walked towards me and hugged me tightly.

-Just say yes… – she whispered on my ear.

-He needs to study hard… – I sighed hugging her back, possessively while looking at him. The message was sent.

-You will be my number one forever. Just stop looking at him like that. He might faint… – she said still whispering and giggled.

-Just this time, Atsuko. Just this time.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2017, 09:04:28 PM by sophcaro »

Offline Pdpond

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Re: Acceptance (AtsuMina)
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2014, 12:56:06 AM »
Update ~~

I want to know More what's will happen next!
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Offline Haruko

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Re: Acceptance (AtsuMina)
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2014, 04:50:10 AM »
oh!! i like it.. minami has a rival..

Offline taenylove

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Re: Acceptance (AtsuMina)
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2014, 04:58:37 PM »
Ooh, this fanfic looks good!
Please continue...

Offline JennyAJ

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Re: Acceptance (AtsuMina)
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2014, 11:07:00 PM »
Its a good story. Very good start. Please update soon :twothumbs

Offline miayaka

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Re: Acceptance (AtsuMina)
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2014, 03:23:11 PM »
That rival feeling, nice intro please continue  :thumbsup

Offline thelonewolf48

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Acceptance 2.0 (AtsuMina)
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2014, 03:14:00 AM »
Since there was comments here it is the second part.  :thumbsup


It started with a phone call from Atsuko.

It was quite late at night and I was returning from a recording in a radio show; I was tired by my day schedule, half conscious I flipped my phone open and answered. I didn’t check the caller ID, at this time it only could be the staff, some of the members or even Akimoto-sensei. But when the other person spoke, all my tiredness went away.


-Atsuko? What’s going on? Are you okay? Why are you calling me at this hour? – hearing her voice surprised me, it’s been months since the last time we see each other and for her to call me at this hour, it wasn’t normal.

-Now I can’t call a friend? – I imagined her pouting

-No! It’s not that and you know it! – I sighed – It’s just… it’s rare for you to call me at this hour, that’s all.

I heard her giggle.

-I can’t sleep – she said in that sing-sang voice she used when she was bored – Can you come here?

I blinked. What? Why? All this questions started forming in my mind. I really wanted to go, I wanted to see her; check if she’s okay or if she needs something, but my time… My excuse was my busy life, but in reality, I also was jealous and hurt.

-You can’t… – she sighed- I understand…

I could hear disappointment and sadness in her voice.

-I will call my manager – was my last statement before cutting the line and calling my manager.

Honestly speaking, I was nervous. Why? I don’t really know; maybe it was because it’s been so long, maybe it’s because I know she has a boyfriend and me going  her apartment sounds weird, maybe it was my own feelings towards her. I’m seriously so confused, as to why I was nervous. I hesitated for some minutes, before inhaling and knocking the door.

She greeted me as usual, grabbing my hand, pulling me inside and launching herself against my body in a bear-crushing hug. I had my back against her closed door, as usual, my arms were on my sides and my hands turned into fists when I felt her nose against my neck.

-I’m glad to see you too, At-Atsuko… – Stuttering was the norm for me.

She giggled and planted a kiss on my neck before pulling away. Chills ran from my neck. She smiled at me, that beam smile of hers. Was she really that happy to see me? I wondered.

In silence she grabbed my hand and guided me towards her room; once inside she took my bag that was on my shoulder and placed it randomly on the floor. She removed my scarf from my neck slowly and then threw it to the side, falling on the floor too. She continued with my hair, it was a bit longer than the last time we met; she removed the hairpin and started stroking my hair. It was like a little massage and I couldn’t help but close my eyes and enjoy it.

When she stopped and I opened my eyes, she smiled at me sweetly.

-Do you want to take a shower? I still have some of your old clothes in here.

And I remembered that, since I used to spend so much time with her in here, we decided to bring some of my clothes. I smiled and nodded. I really needed a bath right now.


Once inside the bath, filled with warm water, I started remembering the old days when we spend our time together. I smiled.

Once out, and with a t-shirt and one of my old pajama pants, I was ready to sleep. I walked closer to the bed, slowly and trying to not make much noise, as I knew that Atsuko was already sleeping. I didn’t feel bad, actually this was normal. It was as if, knowing I was with her, she suddenly relaxed and fell asleep faster than she wanted.

Slowly I lifted the bed sheets and went inside. I removed for a bit before finding a comfortable position. I sighed and looked to my side. Atsuko was really a beauty when sleeping, she was simple perfect.

I smiled and closed my eyes, ready to have a night of good sleep.

And, then, I felt Atsuko’s arm around my waist and her head on my shoulder.

-Minami… – she whispered still sleeping.

I couldn’t sleep that night.


I don’t know when I fell asleep, but I guess that it was maybe around 5 in the morning, but the sound of my cellphone alarm woke me up, as usual, at 7. I tried to grab it and turn it off but I couldn’t reach it.

Opening my eyes, I moved a bit away from under Atsuko’s, still sleeping, body and I turned the alarm off. I could feel part of my body numb due our position and I tried to change it, so I could stretch. But it didn’t work. Even sleeping Atsuko had a strong hold.

I sighed and opening my phone again I checked my schedule for the day. I called my manager to tell him to come to pick me up later that day and, when I was hanging up, Atsuko hugged me tighter.

-Do you have to go? – She said in a still sleepy voice.

I nodded.

-Would you come back later?


-I just really miss you, Minami. Don’t you miss me too? – She pouted and I suppressed a smile.

-I do miss you, Atsuko. But I’m busy… – It was always the same excuse.

-Fine then! – She then got up from bed – Don’t come back if you can’t. I’m sorry for disturbing your busy schedule.

She spoke in a soft, almost apologizing, voice. But, her actions spoke louder than her words. She walked out of her room and closed her door shut.

And that brings me to my actual situation. Sitting in Atsuko’s living room and wondering again why I am here. Oh wait, I remember. Since I didn’t want to make her angry I just moved my schedule a little bit and before leaving her apartment I told her I would come back at around 6 in the afternoon.

-Do you really only wanted me to drink tea with you? – I asked in disbelieve.

-I really want to spend time with you. Is that wrong?

-No. – I looked at her with an eyebrow up – But really? I don’t think you just wanted me to drink tea with you. – I just knew her too well.

She sighed.

-Alright – after placing her cup of tea back in the small table in front of us she continued – I want your help in something.

I frowned a little bit and turned my “serious” switch on.

-My help? In what exactly?

-This is going to be like, the first time, Onoe-san is taking me to this fancy restaurant and I TOTALLY can’t decide what to wear. Can you help me? – She brought both hands together and made a cute face.

I really couldn’t refuse. But, I tried.

-Why didn’t you call Tomochin or Haruna or even Yuko for this? Don’t you have like also your own stylist or something?  – I was just playing hard to get at this point.

-Haruna? – Her eyebrows went up, clear signal of annoyance – Now you call her Haruna?

-What? – She’s always changing topics – I have always called her Haruna though.

-You used to call her Kojiharu, not HARUNA.

I blinked. Okay, fair enough. All this “me calling Kojiharu, Haruna” was to make her jealous. But… maybe I should just answer and not make her angrier.

-Well, she and Miichan are the closer people I have now inside AKB48… so, I don’t really understand why this is a big issue. – She made a movement with her mouth. That was a clear sign that she was upset. Well, damn! –Look, just tell me why you didn’t called any of those 3 in first place. You were agreeing with everyone that my clothes were ugly in the past. So…

She sighed.

-Tomochin was busy; Haruna is busy, actually with Yuko. And my stylist has her own life too. I just wanted you to tell me how I look, you know, the male perspective.

-The male perspective… I see… – I sighed again. She’s mocking me, I know.

-At what time will he pick you up again?

-At 8.

-He’s late – I looked at the time on my cellphone – he has to be here at least 30 minutes before the according hour!

-Could you stop? You are starting to sound like my father.

I looked at her, very beautifully dressed, and we had this staring fight, which I lost.

-I just want him to treat you well.

She came closer and hugged me.

-He treats me well, don’t worry – she giggled.

-Really? – She nodded.

Her scent was making me go crazy. Having her so close after god knows how long was making me go crazy.

-Atsuko… I … – And I was interrupted by the doorbell.

We separated and she was going to open the door, but I grabbed her hand and walked towards the door. It really didn’t surprise me the shock in his face.

-Ta-Takahashi-san. Ni-nice to see you aga-again – He stuttered. “Isn’t he cute?…. Nah”

-Nice to see you too. – Flowers, he came here with flowers – Oh, those are for me? – I grabbed the bouquet before he could even answer – Well, thank you! Come inside she’s waiting.

I gave him my biggest fake smile.

-I’ll just grab my purse and we can go – She announced to him before she went back to her room.

-Before you go – I said – I have some rules. – He looked at me and I really wanted to laugh at him – Don’t touch her more than necessary. No holding hands in public; many paparazzi are following her movements and I don’t want any scandal, adding to that, definitely no kissing, not even in the cheek. Don’t call her names. She’s not a kid. Be a gentleman and pay for her meal too even if she refuses. And I want her back here at 11. Not later. – Many years of being Captain and now General Manager prepared me to this day – Do you understand?

-Ye-yes, ma’am.

-What did you said?

-Yes, ma’am!

-Minami~ – Atsuko suddenly said – Stop~

Again that smile and that voice, well… She came closer and hugged me again.

-You don’t have to stay here and wait for me tonight. – She said in a sweet slash I am annoyed voice.

-But I want to. – was my firmly reply. What can I say? I’m stubborn.

-Don’t you have a schedule tonight? – She added.

Well, damn, again.

-I’ll call you after I finish the radio recording – I said feeling defeated.

She smiled again and walked towards her boyfriend. At least I’m glad that they didn’t kiss.

-Let’s go – she told him while smiling and he only nodded.

And before they walked through the door Atsuko looked back at me. I smiled and wished her good luck, by bringing my thumbs up, even though I wanted to kill that man. She smiled again and waved good bye.




I was tired. I wanted to go to bed and sleep again. The recording went well and I had fun, but I was a little bit distracted by the fact that Atsuko hadn’t replied to my texts.

I closed my eyes, I just wanted to surrender to the tiredness I felt and sleep until I arrived home and then throw myself in my bed. But my phone had other plans. A new message.

“It all went well :D Thank you for helping me. Are you going back to your apartment? Why don’t you just come home?”

I blinked. My mind wasn’t working so well at this point. And then, after a few minutes, I realized.

-Kenji-san, could you turn around and leave me at Atsuko’s apartment again? – I asked.

The man looked at me from the front mirror of the car and nodded while smiling.

-Let’s just go home – I whispered.

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Re: Acceptance 2.0 (AtsuMina)
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2014, 03:53:40 AM »
First thing first... I WANT MORE!!! GIVE ME PART 3!!!  :lol:

I really like it, but I feel really bad for Minami having to help Atsuko for her stupid date  :angry:

I think jealousy Atsuko is always funny and needed in fics. Minami playing hard to get was definitely new XD and I always love it when Minami is commanding and being strict, it's very sexy to me  :inlove: She definitely needs to put Onoe back to wherever he came from because he is not needed for Atsuko  :twisted:

Anyway, I look forward to the next update, and you should definitely post this on tumblr too if you haven't already :)
Forever AtsuMina/TakAcchan/TakAtsuko <3 . Follow me ^_^ .
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Offline Haruko

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Re: Acceptance 2.0 (AtsuMina)
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2014, 05:28:23 AM »
Its so funny about Minami black mailing... we need part 3

Offline Tanchan

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Re: Acceptance 2.0 (AtsuMina)
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2014, 08:43:24 AM » when will this Onoe guy get kicked out of this story since he's obviously not needed :? ? And why did Acchan decide to date him in the first place when it's clear as daylight that she's no that into him :? ? Having said that though,I'm looking forward to you update  :P

Offline lossc

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Re: Acceptance 2.0 (AtsuMina)
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2014, 08:31:05 PM »
I'm definitely waiting for 3.0 XD

anyway, Minami really acts like a over-protective father here XD
the black mailing is great!
Onoe-san ... when can we say goodbye to you?
Jealousy is great!

Acchan and Minami's home~~ hmm~~ XD
looking forward ~

Offline thelonewolf48

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Re: Acceptance 2.0 (AtsuMina)
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2014, 08:20:43 AM »
First thing first... I WANT MORE!!! GIVE ME PART 3!!!  :lol:

I really like it, but I feel really bad for Minami having to help Atsuko for her stupid date  :angry:

I think jealousy Atsuko is always funny and needed in fics. Minami playing hard to get was definitely new XD and I always love it when Minami is commanding and being strict, it's very sexy to me  :inlove: She definitely needs to put Onoe back to wherever he came from because he is not needed for Atsuko  :twisted:

Anyway, I look forward to the next update, and you should definitely post this on tumblr too if you haven't already :)

Eh? Part 3? Umm I'll try to write part 3! I already have some ideas to continue, but... we'll see  :P And I guess I should post it on tumblr! I will later!

Its so funny about Minami black mailing... we need part 3

Already wrote some ideas! Soon!  XD when will this Onoe guy get kicked out of this story since he's obviously not needed :? ? And why did Acchan decide to date him in the first place when it's clear as daylight that she's no that into him :? ? Having said that though,I'm looking forward to you update  :P

I probably have to make a kind of flashback to why Acchan decides to date Onoe in first place. You gave me a new idea that I can use! thank you!  :lol:

I'm definitely waiting for 3.0 XD

anyway, Minami really acts like a over-protective father here XD
the black mailing is great!
Onoe-san ... when can we say goodbye to you?
Jealousy is great!

Acchan and Minami's home~~ hmm~~ XD
looking forward ~

I guess everyone wants Onoe out of the story but, I will try to kick him out xD there's a reason for why he's here xD

Ah and you noticed that ending! thank you for reading and I will definitely try to update soon!  :twothumbs

Offline thelonewolf48

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Acceptance 3.0 (AtsuMina)
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2014, 06:30:22 AM »
Okay so, it’s been a while. I was sick but now I’m better so ….

Since Acceptance got actually good reviews so… here is the third part! Now I wanna ask something.

Since I tried to make this fic as real as possible, at first I didn’t intend to break the Atsuko-Onoe pair… but Should I break them up and pair her with Minami or…? What do you think? Let me know!! xD (though I think it's really obvious)

So here is the third part, I didn’t review it or edit it. I don’t feel like it. Also I didn’t want that flashback to be like that but honestly I can’t think of anything else in the moment. I don’t want you to keep waiting so here is it!

Ps: I know it feels rushed, sorry for that but I really couldn't think of anything else  :smhid


-Why am I here again, Atsuko? – I asked
-I really want you to taste this meal I’m doing. – She smiled at me as she placed all the plates in front of me – I want your opinion. It’s the first time I’m doing all this, so…
Let me tell you something, the sweets she cooks are always delicious, but, when she tries to cook a decent meal the taste is simple... Not good. I looked at the meals in front of me, they didn’t have a strange color or smell, but I was more worried about the taste.
She called me hours ago, asking me if I was free and if I was hungry. Honestly, I thought we would go to a restaurant or something to eat, I never expected for her to invite me to eat and that she would cook. But again, even if she tells me that she wants me to jump off of a cliff, I would never say no. And so, since I had that night and next morning free, I decided to accept.
Once I arrived at her apartment and she again gave me a bear-crushing hug, I finally noticed the characteristic smell of cooking. I told her that I never expected she would cook, and at this point I was sweating, and she simple giggled and told me that she wanted to try cooking once again because she wanted to give Onoe-san a present on his birthday.
The boyfriend was named again and here I am being the laboratory rat. But I can’t deny her anything, not to her. I wonder what would have been of us if I would have accepted her proposal after her graduation party. Would she be cooking for me now? Shaking my head I decided to stop thinking about that. I always believed that once you made a decision you have to live with the consequences, no matter how hard it is.
I looked at her; she was looking at me with a big smile and expectation. I gulped and grabbing the fork I bravely tasted the first plate.
It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would… Or so I believed that in the beginning. The salty taste of the meat and then the sourness, all combined with all the random ingredients exploded after a few seconds of having them on my mouth. I didn’t want to hurt Atsuko’s feelings and I wanted that boyfriend of hers to taste this, so I just simple swallowed it all.
-Is it okay? – Atsuko asked me.
-Its… its… not… so bad actually… - I was trying not to make any gesture, but it was really bad.
And she noticed.
-Are you sure? – She insisted.
I nodded, fearing that if opened my mouth I would throw up. She wasn’t so convinced and told me to eat it all so she can be sure that everything had the right flavor. That didn’t end too well…

-You should have told me that it was bad! – She reprehends me as she passed me a cup of tea.
-I just didn’t want to hurt your feelings – “And I wanted for that man to suffer this instead of me” I added in my head.
Well, I guess that what people say is true… Karma is a bitch… I was half sitting, half lying down on her couch, she was next to me.
-Still! – She pouted.
I caressed her cheek, slowly, with my right hand and I smiled.
-It’s not like I’m going to die – I giggled – One more dish and I would have though…
She blushed and then slapped my arm. I liked that side of hers. The always shy and insecure Atsuko; that side that I wanted to protect at all cost, that side that I wanted to make happy; even if she wasn’t mine.
-Just let me recover for a while and I will help you out in the kitchen, okay? – I smiled, still feeling my stomach sick.
-Could you stay here till tomorrow? – She then asked – It’s just that I want to give it to him tomorrow because I won’t be around on his birthday.
And how could I say no?

I couldn’t sleep; for some reason I don’t feel relaxed. Maybe it’s because Atsuko is sleeping besides me, as usual, maybe is because I keep thinking about her and that man. Don’t get me wrong, I love the fact that she can experiment other kinds of love, that she is living her life, but what about us? What we are? I feel confused.
After her fail cooking of earlier, she told me that she had to work. She arrived home late and went straight to bed, without even changing her clothes, she didn’t hug me, so I feel free. I walked to her kitchen and made me a tea. The sounds of some cars roaming the streets and the characteristic sounds of the night relaxed me a bit.
I didn’t know what to do. If I keep coming to her house, keep half living with her, I fear that I could do something that I will regret and I don’t want to lose her. She’s my best friend above anything else. But my heart is just not happy with just that title. Sitting in her living room, in front of the TV, I just drink the hot tea as I let it warm my body in this fresh night. Sighing, I close my eyes and my memories come back to me, especially that day, at her last performance in the theater, her graduation.

There she was, with that radiant and big smile. She was trying to hold back her tears, but we were crying, knowing that we won’t see her as often as we usually do, that she won’t be there on special days, in the theater, that she won’t be there with us at concerts. But we all knew that she will be there for us.
Backstage was a chaos, the younger girls crying and hugging her while everyone else just cried alone, waiting for a moment as Atsuko assured that we are gonna be okay again and again. It wasn’t a heartbreaking image; to me she was an amazing example of braveness. And even though she said that she would be okay, I knew she was feeling scared. Soon enough she will be alone.
We changed our clothes and went out, to celebrate her graduation and her future success. I couldn’t see her; I was feeling worse than I thought. Nevertheless, I laughed and played along with all our friends. Mariko as always teasing and joking around, Yuko being Yuko and Kojiharu trying to control her; Miichan, however, was still crying while Atsuko spoke with her. For some reason I felt bad, I felt that the air in this private salon was heavy and I just needed to get out of there.
The rooftop had a good sight of this part of Tokyo. The bright lights and the busy people on the street, going home or to some kind of party; the workers that went out with their coworkers and the young people going to clubs and being young and stupid; and me, at my 20’s I wanted to be free, young and stupid.
I sigh; it’s so not like me to think like this but Atsuko’s graduation made me think about that freedom we get from this group. We are free to certain extent, but we have rules, and me, who’s at the very top I can’t just think like this. Though I would be glad to just do what the other girls do at this age. Young and stupid, for some reason it sounded great.
-Why are you here alone? – Her voice startled me and I jumped for a bit before turning back at her.
And there she was, still with that big and radiant smile, but with sadness in her eyes. What can I say to her? That I wish, even if it’s just for a second, to graduate too and follow her? I couldn’t say that, I needed to be strong. Feelings are just so hard to keep.
-I just needed some air – I laughed nervously – I think I drank a bit more than I should.
She raised an eyebrow, she knew me well.
-If you were drunk, you would be sleeping by now.
Well, that excuse will not work. I only had to be honest with her.
-I just… - she came closer to me – I just feel lonely… You’ll be gone soon and I…
She hugged me suddenly, hiding her face on my neck, and I could notice that she started crying.
-I will miss you too… - She whispered near my ear, making me shiver.
I hugged her back, tightly, trying to always remember how well we matched together; trying to always remember how warm her hugs are; and to remember that we won’t be away for too long.
-Live with me – She whispered suddenly.
I tensed right away. I knew what she was trying to say, I knew that she loved me; she already confessed it. I knew that I loved her too. But from knowing to actually acting as we were a couple, I just couldn’t. She noticed my change and pulled away, to face me.
-We can’t Atsuko… - I said softly.
-We already did – she said with a certain disappointment in her voice – What do you call to all these years and months together? Don’t tell me you don’t feel the same…
-Why Minami? Why is so difficult to agree? – She used that low voice that I hated.
-The love-ban rule… - I whispered.
-That’s stupid you know?! – She laughed bitterly – Either way, I’m free from that stupid rule now.
-But I don’t and I have to put an example and-
-Oh, come on! Every one of the members thinks we are together already! Don’t you see it?! You are the only one that it’s in denial.
Young and stupid. I wanted to be young and stupid and yet, here the captain in me totally didn’t allow me to just say “yes, let’s live together”
-I love you, Minami. Don’t you love me? – She whispered.
I gulped. Accepting that I loved her was like accepting the fact that I wanted to live with her and for some reason the words got stuck on my throat and instead other words were said.
-You don’t know that for sure – I said in a really low voice – You don’t know if you really love me. We’ve been together for a long time; this could be only confusion on your part…
-Don’t say that… I know I love you-
-How do you know? You don’t know anything else! Have you loved someone else? – I looked at her trying to put the serious face I always used with the members. I never used that face with her.
She looked at me for a few seconds and then she smiled.
-You’re right… I don’t know… - She cleaned the trail of tears from her cheeks and then smiled. – Just don’t regret it later okay?

I jumped when I felt a pair of arms around my shoulders.
-What are you doing here? – Atsuko asked with a very sleepy voice
-I’m sorry, I just couldn’t sleep… Why don’t you go back to bed? I’ll just stay here for a while and then I’ll go back…
She yawned and walked in front of me; she then sat on me and hugged me again.
-I can’t sleep without my pillow, remember? – She whispered and hugged me tighter.
Of course, this koala needed something or someone to hug every time she slept. I sighed again.
-Atsuko, let’s just go back to bed then… - No response and I frowned- Atsuko…?
I blinked. Great… She was sound asleep and not even an earthquake will wake her up… I wrapped my arms around her and tried to make myself comfortable in my current position. I sighed one last time and I let her characteristic strawberry scent fill my nose.

The next day I woke up feeling better and numb again, her hold around my waist was really strong. Opening my eyes, slowly as the sun made its way through the window of her living, I noticed, or more like the lack of feeling from my legs, made me realize that more than half of my body was still asleep. I looked at the koala I had still around my body and I smiled.
Her beauty was beyond the normal standards. Even when she said that she wasn’t cute and pretty, she was. Her bed hair and her natural look were even prettier. I wanted to wake up like this every day. I kissed her forehead and she then, lazily, opened her eyes. She looked at me, still asleep, and smiled; I smiled back.
-Good morning – I softly said.
-Good mor… - she yawned – ning
She stretched her whole body and deliberately slapped me.
She giggled and then placed a kiss on my cheek before getting up and walking towards the bathroom. She’s playing with me, I know. She likes it, playing with my feelings and having me in the palm of her hand. I am not complaining though.
After getting up, I went towards her kitchen. I wanted to prepare breakfast to her. Pancakes and fruit with orange juice to her and coffee to me; Atsuko never liked drinking coffee, saying that the flavor wasn’t made to her taste buds. I was so immersed in my own thoughts that I didn’t hear her coming until she was hugging me from behind and with her chin resting on my shoulders.
 -Pancakes! – She excitedly said – it’s been awhile since I ate them!
I was getting nervous, having her so close and yet not being able to honestly express what I was feeling was surely a punishment. So I just smiled and continued with my task. Atsuko didn’t move from her place, not even when I finished with the pancakes and started cutting the fruits. If I moved, she moved with me and giggled. I was getting nervous again. When finally I finished, she separated from my body and after giving me another kiss she sat on the table; just like a kid waiting for her favorite meal.
I laughed at this and teased her. She looked away and pouted, I could notice that she was blushing too. Finally, placing the breakfast on the table, we ate in silence. There was no need for words at this point; both of us enjoyed those times when we stayed in silence, in company of the other. I could see her enjoying her meal and I couldn’t help to smile again. I missed her so much and even though work keeps me busy and prevented me to think about her, at every opportunity I had I always thought about her.
I loved her, there was no doubt about that; but I wasn’t ready.

-At what time is he gonna arrive again?
-Don’t do this again, Minami! – She yelled from the bathroom – He will come soon.
Tsk… She learns so fast.
We spent the whole afternoon cooking. She made a few mistakes that I had to fix, nothing too bad though and in the end everything tasted fairly good.
It was 7 pm already. I had work at 9, so I wanted to stay there until the very end. Of course, Atsuko would not allow it.

-You okay? – Asked me Miichan.
The recording for that day was AKBSHOW and I was spacing out more than I should.
-Yeah, just thinking about…
I wanted to deny it but then again I couldn’t. I simple keep quiet. Miichan giggled and gave me a few pats on my back.
-You really should get married soon.
-I know right?  … OI! Miichan!
She just laughed.

-It went that good, huh? – I said softly as Atsuko hugged me again.
-Thank you, Minami! For always being there to help me! – She said and kissed my cheek.
-Always… - I whispered.
She smiled and snuggled closer to me. She fell asleep quickly while I, on the other hand, sighed again.
What am I doing here again? I told to myself. We were in bed at Atsuko’s apartment, once again.

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Re: Acceptance 3.0 (AtsuMina)
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2014, 07:11:56 AM »
I think you already knew the answer but I'll just say it out of courtesy :). The whole reason we like reading fanfics is that we do not like what's happening in real life; so...why still bother keeping what happens in the fic as close as possible to its real-life counterpart? That defeats the purpose of fanfic, won't it? I believe when Atsumina fans come here reading the fic, they do not expect reading Atsuko and that Onoe guy together so I think your question is not really a question since the answer - like you said too - is already obvious, plus the title itself gives off the impression on which pairing will be prominent.  Truthfully speaking, I get irritated every time his name gets mentioned especially from Atsuko while being lovey-dovey with Takamina - I hate that the most - I'd rather them being cold to each other and doing their own things, but the way Atsuko acts in this doesn't make me hate her, but you know what I mean. In short, he's not welcome here so you know what to do  :twisted:

Regarding the reason for Atsuko dating him, I don't quite get it, but I think Takamina is the one to blame for this. She brought it upon herself for rejecting Acchan after all XD.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2014, 07:17:16 AM by Tanchan »

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Re: Acceptance 3.0 (AtsuMina)
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2014, 07:13:37 AM »

Being a Minami oshi, I like for her to be happy, ya know? I don't want to see her staying in this situation any longer, so there's 2 ideas that I came up with, and it's up to you if you like to use them :)

1. Minami is getting tired of helping Atsuko with her boyfriend, so she decided to distance herself away by ignoring her. Of course Atsuko noticed and started feeling lonelier day by day. Even when Atsuko is spending time with her boyfriend, she wasn't really there, and keeps thinking about Minami. Eventually, she'll realized that having a temporary boyfriend is the same as having no boyfriend because she only yearns for Minami and only wants Minami.

2. Minami starts spending time with other members. Like sexy members. Mocchi or Milky or Sayanee, girls who likes/crushes on Minami that has a killer body like Atsuko. The more time Minami spends time with the other girl, the less time she spends with Atsuko, so of course Atsuko would also noticed that. She starts getting irritated because Minami doesn't have time with her anymore. The more days have passed, the more angrier and jealous she gets, to the point of forgetting that she has a boyfriend.

Both of those ideas of course will have Atsuko dumped the boyfriend lol

Anyway, I look forward to what you'll do next ^_^
Forever AtsuMina/TakAcchan/TakAtsuko <3 . Follow me ^_^ .
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Offline Haruko

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Re: Acceptance 3.0 (AtsuMina)
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2014, 07:55:33 AM »
I think you already knew the answer but I'll just say it out of courtesy :). The whole reason we like reading fanfics is that we do not like what's happening in real life; so...why still bother keeping what happens in the fic as close as possible to its real-life counterpart? That defeats the purpose of fanfic, won't it? I believe when Atsumina fans come here reading the fic, they do not expect reading Atsuko and that Onoe guy together so I think your question is not really a question since the answer - like you said too - is already obvious, plus the title itself gives off the impression on which pairing will be prominent.  Truthfully speaking, I get irritated every time his name gets mentioned especially from Atsuko while being lovey-dovey with Takamina - I hate that the most - I'd rather them being cold to each other and doing their own things, but the way Atsuko acts in this doesn't make me hate her, but you know what I mean. In short, he's not welcome here so you know what to do  :twisted:

Regarding the reason for Atsuko dating him, I don't quite get it, but I think Takamina is the one to blame for this. She brought it upon herself for rejecting Acchan after all XD.

Yeah!! I think almost the same.. BUT I really love the flavor of this "experimenting love" from atsuko for me it oks that she had a boyfriend so she can see that doesnt matter gender she gonna love Minami doesnt matter what happen.. and Minami being overprotective with her is funny.. for me its really ok BUT in the end need to be Atsumina.. cause.. ITS ATSUMINA!

Offline black_maa

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Re: Acceptance 3.0 (AtsuMina)
« Reply #16 on: October 29, 2014, 10:32:32 PM »
Can't waite the next chapter..  :w00t: 
From where you all get this ideas what to write.. they are great.
. :thumbsup
                                                                             Look at the sky,
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                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
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Offline thelonewolf48

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Re: Acceptance 3.0 (AtsuMina)
« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2014, 07:36:19 AM »
I think you already knew the answer but I'll just say it out of courtesy :). The whole reason we like reading fanfics is that we do not like what's happening in real life; so...why still bother keeping what happens in the fic as close as possible to its real-life counterpart? That defeats the purpose of fanfic, won't it? I believe when Atsumina fans come here reading the fic, they do not expect reading Atsuko and that Onoe guy together so I think your question is not really a question since the answer - like you said too - is already obvious, plus the title itself gives off the impression on which pairing will be prominent.  Truthfully speaking, I get irritated every time his name gets mentioned especially from Atsuko while being lovey-dovey with Takamina - I hate that the most - I'd rather them being cold to each other and doing their own things, but the way Atsuko acts in this doesn't make me hate her, but you know what I mean. In short, he's not welcome here so you know what to do  :twisted:

Regarding the reason for Atsuko dating him, I don't quite get it, but I think Takamina is the one to blame for this. She brought it upon herself for rejecting Acchan after all XD.

I know everyone wants Atsumina... though this is what I wanted. To know your opinions like this, so I can write the next one. I already have like 1/3 of it. I have a bit of work... so maybe it will take me like a week or too to finish it. But just wait for it! I promise some drama xD

Takamina is the one to blame indeed xD but Atsuko was quite desperate.... she wanted to make Minami jealous... but it backfired her xD Don't worry! Please wait for it! I will post the next part as soon as I can!

And thank you for the great comment!  :on GJ:


Being a Minami oshi, I like for her to be happy, ya know? I don't want to see her staying in this situation any longer, so there's 2 ideas that I came up with, and it's up to you if you like to use them :)

1. Minami is getting tired of helping Atsuko with her boyfriend, so she decided to distance herself away by ignoring her. Of course Atsuko noticed and started feeling lonelier day by day. Even when Atsuko is spending time with her boyfriend, she wasn't really there, and keeps thinking about Minami. Eventually, she'll realized that having a temporary boyfriend is the same as having no boyfriend because she only yearns for Minami and only wants Minami.

2. Minami starts spending time with other members. Like sexy members. Mocchi or Milky or Sayanee, girls who likes/crushes on Minami that has a killer body like Atsuko. The more time Minami spends time with the other girl, the less time she spends with Atsuko, so of course Atsuko would also noticed that. She starts getting irritated because Minami doesn't have time with her anymore. The more days have passed, the more angrier and jealous she gets, to the point of forgetting that she has a boyfriend.

Both of those ideas of course will have Atsuko dumped the boyfriend lol

Anyway, I look forward to what you'll do next ^_^

Both are great ideas. I will probably use a bit of both to create some drama action! xD I already started writing it! But I'm busy right now.... so... wait for it!

And thank you for the comment and the ideas!  :hee:

I think you already knew the answer but I'll just say it out of courtesy :). The whole reason we like reading fanfics is that we do not like what's happening in real life; so...why still bother keeping what happens in the fic as close as possible to its real-life counterpart? That defeats the purpose of fanfic, won't it? I believe when Atsumina fans come here reading the fic, they do not expect reading Atsuko and that Onoe guy together so I think your question is not really a question since the answer - like you said too - is already obvious, plus the title itself gives off the impression on which pairing will be prominent.  Truthfully speaking, I get irritated every time his name gets mentioned especially from Atsuko while being lovey-dovey with Takamina - I hate that the most - I'd rather them being cold to each other and doing their own things, but the way Atsuko acts in this doesn't make me hate her, but you know what I mean. In short, he's not welcome here so you know what to do  :twisted:

Regarding the reason for Atsuko dating him, I don't quite get it, but I think Takamina is the one to blame for this. She brought it upon herself for rejecting Acchan after all XD.

Yeah!! I think almost the same.. BUT I really love the flavor of this "experimenting love" from atsuko for me it oks that she had a boyfriend so she can see that doesnt matter gender she gonna love Minami doesnt matter what happen.. and Minami being overprotective with her is funny.. for me its really ok BUT in the end need to be Atsumina.. cause.. ITS ATSUMINA!

Yeah, exactly. Plus is a quite different side of the Atsumina pair don't you think?  Don't worry, it's gonna end being Atsumina! xD

thank you for commenting!

Can't waite the next chapter..  :w00t: 
From where you all get this ideas what to write.. they are great.
. :thumbsup

It's actually really difficult to get the ideas.... so I write several small scenarios and then pick up the ones that suits the fic better! HARD WORK!!

Thank you for your comment!  :whistle:

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Re: Acceptance 3.0 (AtsuMina)
« Reply #18 on: October 31, 2014, 07:46:14 AM »
Now thinking back about it, I have a feeling Atsuko actually just wants to test Takamina's jealousy and her own feelings at the same time, but more on the former.

Offline ubulubulbilu

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Re: Acceptance 3.0 (AtsuMina)
« Reply #19 on: November 04, 2014, 10:47:42 AM »
I love the story. But, I dont know.. I really want to see Acchan gets jealous because Minami with the other member. That will be interesting. Waiting for next chapter
And sorry for my bad english. Lol

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