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Author Topic: YuiParu's OS - Sorutabe 24/08/2015  (Read 11532 times)

Offline abcari

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YuiParu's OS - Sorutabe 24/08/2015
« on: February 12, 2015, 01:49:03 AM »
Well, I'm posting those OS in tumblr but I though it would be a good idea to put them here too, all are yuiparu, some of you maybe know my tumblr account because I write in spanish and have a Wordpress with another two authors with a lot of Fanfics, but as I said we write in spanish, so a person asked me if I could translate the Yuiparu ones, and I said yes, so here are the ones that I have at the moment, hope you like it and sorry if there are grammatical errors.

Yes, is what I think - Sorutabe

"Nobody choses to become alone by choice, everyone would hate to be lonely"

"What are you trying to say?"

"I pity you"


"We can’t become your partner… forgive us…Salt"




"Thats what I said… but… Why I said that?" Otabe was talking with herself as with her hand was ruffling her hair, with that action her hair was now disheveled and was falling to her shoulders, "I know that she’s not a bad person like it seems, and I know I need to take her for a better way, be a lonely person isn’t good, but I shouldn’t say it in that way" she said exasperated.

Otabe paced for and back by the now empty club room, berating again and again why she said such things, although probably Salt had not paid attention to her or perhaps now she doesn’t remember it, meanwhile, she couldn’t forget it.

"All I want is to help her and be with her, but surely although I said that I will go away from her, she wouldn’t pay the attention that I pay for her" She said as her hand ran trough the red couch of the president "Haruka…"

"Oh… Otabe think that" Said a voice surprising Otabe, which jumped backward moving away fro the couch and putting on a defensive position "I don’t think it’s a good idea to fight with me, right?" Said the same voice in which she rebelled against Otabe

"Salt…" Otabe whispered seeing the president in front of her, her expression is the same as always and her arms crossed "Since when…"

"That’s what Otabe think of me?" Salt asked not letting Otabe say anything else. "Or… Is what Yui think of me?"

"I didn’t know you were still here" Said Otabe ignoring the question of Salt, to which, Salt ignored the lack of respect for her companion and said nothing, just walked to the red couch and lay down covering her eyes with her arm.

"I was about to leave, still…" Salt said gaining the attention of Otabe which was a little surprised by the behavior of Salt, who never responds to what she says "Only the words of a certain person can make me think deeply on the meaning of them"

"Something told you the transfer student for what you are so thoughtful?" Otabe asked with a tone of jealousy, lately, Sakura was the only person to whom Salt paid attention

"No" Salt replied curtly "I just thought that I wouldn’t like to be alone"

With that words Otabe realized that the person to whom she referred was her, surprised by the words of Salt, Otabe couldn’t say a word, gaining a time in silence between the two.

"Yui" Salt said breaking the silence "Are you planning to leave me alone?" She asked without leaving Otabe even see her eyes, which ere still covered by her arm

"No, you know I will never leave you alone" Otabe answered with full confidence

"Will you stay with me no matter what?" Salt asked in an uncertain tone

"I will always be with you either is for the sake of Salt or for the sake of Haruka"

Otabe doesn’t understand why the sudden change of the quiet and always secure Salt, but it was something that made her feel that she could now be even more closer to her, without losing the opportunity that life offered and challenging her own luck, she took the weakness that was having Salt and slowly approached her until their lips met.

Salt didn’t have reaction, so it make Otabe felt rejected.

"Surely she doesn’t care that I have kissed her" Otabe thought to herself, after a moment in which Salt doesn’t reacted at all, decided to leave her, but to her surprise Salt was watching her intensely.

"Sorry" was the first thing that came up to Otabe to say, separating further more of Salt and taking a few steps back, but those steps were stopped for Salt who took the hand of Otabe.

"You did nothing for which you need to apologize" Salt said voicing her voice with a hint of shyness, to the surprise of Otabe, Salt pulled her towards her, making her stay lying above her " I’m not expecting you to ask me permission to do it again"

Otabe couldn’t believe what was happening, Salt was showing many expressions that in her life would have thought to see someday.

"And neither I will wait for you to give me permission" Salt said and moved to steal Otabe’s lips which doesn’t put resistance

Now Otabe could feel that Salt doesn’t rejected her, now not only Salt was accepting her, she was claiming her as own.

After feeling that the air was required, the long kiss ended, Salt motioned Otabe to take off of her, to which Otabe had to obey, still unable to hide her feelings of opposition.

Salt stood in front of Otabe, and as it were a day of endless surprises to Otabe, Salt approached her and hugged her warmly

"Thank you" was all that was heard by Salt

"I hope you understand my feelings Haruka" said Otabe corresponding the hug

"I understand them and sorry for not be unable to tell you my feelings in a clear way, I hope you can have the patience to wait for the day when I can say those words"

"If I wait long enough to even hear you talk so much in a short period of time, I can wait a little longer for you to tell me you love me" concluded Otabe with a smile on her face, she could feel how Salt’s face snaked into her shoulder, imagining how red could be the face of Salt, she couldn’t avoid an even bigger smile.

"I hope someday you let me see the expression that you are having now" Otabe said mockingly, Salt separated from her without any expression on her face

"Otabe" said Salt returning to her expression and tone of voice that always have "Wait for your punishment" she said in a scary tone, causing a shiver throughout Otabe’s body "I think I will enjoy to give it to you" Salt said as she took Otabe’s chin causing her to see her directly to her eyes and then she steal another kiss "See you tomorrow"

It was the last thing the president said before leave the room

"And to think that I was here thinking that she doesn’t pay attention to me… Salt sama, I hope that the punishment for me doesn’t end being something else… or maybe I’m waiting that" Otabe said as she watched the door through which seconds before had left Salt.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2015, 05:43:56 AM by abcari »

Offline abcari

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What I feel
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2015, 01:50:58 AM »
What I feel

AKB48… Team A… Yokoyama Yui!

The people get excited, Yui was in thirteenth place, two more higher than last year, I turned my eyes to see her, I almost stand up of my place to help her stand, I imagined that this would happen, even before going on stage, all of us were saying how would be Yui’s reaction this year…. we weren’t mistaken about it, it was a spectacle, but while all laughed I couldn’t stop worrying that Yui will fall to the ground at anytime.

When I saw Yui had calmed down and began to speak normally I returned to my own thoughts… if Yui is in the thirteenth place and I’m still not mentioned… that meant that I’m not in the senbatsu? I got so much haters?, I was really happy that my beloved Yui had stayed in a better place this year, but I promised that if I was in the senbatsu this year I would tell Yui how much I loved her…

Yui finished her speech, and the silence between members became again…

AKB48… Team B… Shimazaki Haruka

What? It’s me? eh? I lift from my place and started walking toward the stairs, surely my expression didn’t show what I was really feeling, I don’t like to show my emotions, when I was in the stage i gave a small look to where Yui was, she was smiling at me, I was happy, I didn’t know how to express that happiness so I couldn’t talk much in the microphone…


Haruka was named! I couldn’t be more happier! my loved Haruka is in the senbatsu! but besides all were together, she was very happy, and I saw how she turned to me a little as she walked to the microphone, I sar her serious expression, but I knew that she was happy, I know all her expressions and she was holding her happiness, I could only smile as soon as I realized she was watching me, then she went to give her speech.

Well… it’s normal in her, almost no one knows when she’s feeling this class of emotion, but… what happens with that idiot? fu… presenter! let go my Haruka! perhaps you want me to go and hit you! she doesn’t want to talk!! you don’t understand?, I saw one of the screens and saw how the eyes of Haruka were trying to hold back her tears, I curse the idiot who doesn’t let go my Haruka… finally Haruka is free to leave, I wished both of us will be side by side as were our places…

As time passed from time to time I turned to see her, her expression more lost than normal, I’m concerned, she doesn’t like her place? she wanted to stay above or… maybe she think that she isn’t good to be in that place?… Haruka… why you look as if you were a broken doll?…


I don’t know how I could do it, but I could contain my tears, I’m really thankful to my fans, for those who voted for me, I don’t think I’m worthy of being in this place, I need to improve a lot, but sill they voted for me… I had wanted to say all that when the presenter asked me, I wanted to assert what I really felt, but couldn’t, I’m not good at it, I just couldn’t

I went to where I was supposed to sit, now that I was in the senbatsu, I had to take courage to tell Yui what I feel… since I sat I couldn’t stop thinking about the many ways that I could it, I was so lost in my thoughts that I almost didn’t pay attention to when Mariko-sama announced her graduation, or when Mayu remained in third and Sashihara san beat Yuko san, all that happened to take a back seat in my thoughts, suddenly, when I realized the staff were saying that we needed to go out of the stage, I followed the orders almost like in automatic mode, I was still thinking how to tell Yui how I feel…

- Haruka…- I hear Yui’s voice and then felt how she took my arm

- Yui? - I replied puzzled, I don’t know if she was calling for me for a while now or if was the first time she did, but when I turned to her I saw her face of concern

- Can we talk for a minute?- She said as she turned to see where the other members were heading

- Ah… sure… - I replied still something missing, I wanted to talk to her, but I wasn’t even sure about what I want to say, but hey, it’s she who want to talk to me

- Come with me - she pulled my arm and leaded me to a corridor through which was alone, just suddenly went running one or another staff

- What happens Yui? - I asked a bit puzzled, if she wanted to tell me something she could do it even when we were surrounded by the others, although if we stay like this it gives me more opportunity for my confession

- That’s what I should ask - she started telling me even more concerned - are you not happy to enter in the Senbatsu?

- What? - how I will not be happy? finally we will be together again!, but why are you asking this? why I can’t ask her all this directly?..

- don’t ask “what?” - she sighed and continued talking - Haruka, I know you and I know that something is bothering you, what happens? you didn’t want to be in the senbatsu? or you wanted to be even in a better place? - she asked in a worried tone

- What makes you think that? - I asked in return

- Or… maybe you think that you aren’t ready to be in this place? - she finally asked as she took me by the hand, why are you thinking that, Yui?

- Why are you asking me this? - I need to know why she believed that

- By the way you act, I know you’re happy, I saw it when you were giving your speech, but then… it seemed that you were not yourself, even right now, I know you’re a little distracted but not at this extend - now her expression of concern doubled, to think that you are worried about something like that. but it’s not that Yui… Is because I love you, but I don’t know how to tell you that… I don’t know if I have to say it…


I was waiting for Haruka’s answer, why she was acting like this? she stared directly into my eyes for a while, her beautiful eyes, long ago I realized that I love her, but I’m too coward to say something, and it seems that is a one side love as she doesn’t show any romantic feelings towards me, I’m just her best friend…

- Haruka? answer me… - I talk again, she was missing viewing my eyes - Haru…Woah! - My voice was cut when Haruka took me by the shoulders and pushed me against the wall, I saw how she turned to either side as if she was looking for someone, but no one was there - Haruka? what happens? - I asked strangely and exalted, what was that make Haruka do that?

- I’ll tell you what is happening - Haruka said looking straight into my eyes - This… - Her hand began caressing my face, her gaze was fixed on my eyes and I couldn’t help but to see into hers - This is what is happening… - she said as her hand pushed my head towered her until our lips met, I didn’t know what was happening, my dream had come true, but I wasn’t understanding, I tried to separate myself to ask what was happening, but she put more force on my waist bringing me into her body

- Don’t ask anything, okay? - She said in a quick way after separating her lips from mine, she doesn’t give me time to answer when she was kissing me again, don’t ask anything? what is the meaning of that Haruka? after a few seconds I decided to not ask anything, after some seconds more she released my lips.

- This… this is what is happening to you? - I asked as I was trying to regain my normal breathing - you wanted to kiss someone?

- Hmmm… - she was wondering for a few seconds - Yes, I wanted to kiss someone


- EH?! - Yui said with an angry expression it isn’t a normal view to see her like that, she looks so cute… - So you wanted to kiss someone, and as I was the first to talk to you I became that someone? - she asked with the same angry tone pushing me to the other side of the corridor

- Of course not - I replied in a seductive tone, at which point I learned to talk like that?… I approached her and took her by the waist, I pulled her towards me and whispered in her ear - That someone only had to be you, I can’t kiss someone that isn’t you - I bit her ear when I finished speaking which made her let out a moan, it sounded so cute

- What means all of this Haruka? - she asked in a weak tone, she is in my mercy

- That I love you - I replied as I kissed her neck - I want you - I kept talking as I began to bite her, causing more moans from her, it reminded me how Bisu purred when is patted

- And… you will not wait to hear my answer? - she asked faltering, her answer? her body was answering for her - What happens if I don’t want this?


- You think I’ll believe it when I see how your own body ask for more? - she said with a smile that I hadn’t ever see, she had the control of the situation… - When I kissed you I didn’t know if you were going to reciprocate me, but doesn’t matter if you would do it or not I would take you Yui, I love you and need to prove it, but after the second kiss - She took my waist and pulled me towards her - I noticed that you love me too

- You are very perceptive Haruka… to think you look so distracted normally - I said with a playful smile, trying to control my breathing - So… the way you looked some while ago…

- It was because I was planning how to tell you all this, but it went better than anything else I had planned - she stoped what she was saying and kissed me again, in that we hear voices approach, she took my hand and we ran down the hall coming to a door, as we opening the door we saw the room was like warehouse


- Now that I know is mutual and after kissing you in that way - she started to talk while we were trying to breath normally after running - I think I want all of you - I said to her and then I pushed her on the wall and started to kiss her neck

- I always… thought that I would be the one on the lead… - I said between moans

- That’s only your imagination Yokoyama san - I said in a seductive voice as I removed her blouse….



- It seems that I leave you exhausted - she said with a playful smile

- But I’m happy - I said trying to catch my breath

- It’s not to pressure you but… - she started to say - I wanted it to last more than this, but someone is been calling to my cell as the moment that I began to remove your blouse

- What?! - that’s a good way to break the atmosphere Haruka, I sighed and began to dress again - you are an Idiot - I said without looking at her, but I know she was smiling, I felt how she kissed my head and stood before me, she helped me to get dressed, I was somewhat weak after what happened but that was plus all the pressure from the sousenkyou, I was about to fall rendered

- Let’s go? - she said taking my waist to helping me to walk

—— With the other girls~ ———

- You two finally arrive! - Yuko said as she was bothering Sasshi - You don’t see that we should celebrate the new center?! - she said with a smirk on her face

- Yuko san!! please stop bothering me! - Sasshi said trying to break free from the playful Yuko

- Sorry - Haruka said as one of her arms was around my waist

- Oh! I see! Yuihan still doesn’t recover from the impression and she can’t walk! - Mariko san began to tease me

- Oh! that’s why took so long to come! - Yuko said while she was watching us, I couldn’t help but to blush for what they said. more to remember what was the real reason

- Yes, Yui couldn’t move much so she need my help - Said Haruka while we were going to sit somewhat distant from they - stay here Yui, you should rest, you look very tired - she said with a smile, I know well that smile Haruka, is a perverted one - I’ll go tell the other that I will accompany you to your house

- Thanks Haruka - I said with a smile, at least she will take some responsibility for my current state

- Sure, but tomorrow you will pay for the favor - she said as she stood

- What?! - I couldn’t say more because she was far away now, I never thought Haruka has this side, well I think from now on we will have plenty of time to meet other sides from each other…

Offline abcari

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They are not jealous
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2015, 01:51:52 AM »
They are not jealous

The team B had just finished his presentation on stage and everything had gone as always, fine… or at least that was on the scene, but the members realized, or, rather, had realized from days back a depressed attitude of a certain person.

- Paru~ - Miruki called and hugged her, causing obviously no reaction from Paru - are you okay? - Miruki asked in a whisper

- Yeah… - Paru answered as she released from the hug, a “normal” act thanks to the carefree and “salty” attitude of Paru, still she was noticeable rare, which caused Haruna to also approach her

- If you want to talk you can count on us - Haruna said in a calm tone, Paru observe them a moment

- C-can I talk to you a little, Haruna san? - Paru asked with a hesitant tone, causing surprise to both, Haruna and Miruki, it was’t an ordinary view

- Eeeeh? just with her? - Miruki asked while pouting

- Yeah… sorry… - Paru answered apologetically, Miruki couldn’t resister stay “angry” with her after seeing that expression

- Oka~y but you should tell me after - Miruki said and after a hug she left the place

- And what happens? all of us have realized that you’re not yourself these last days - Haruna asked

- Is about Yui… - Paru started to say, Haruna nodded waiting for Paru to continue talking - I don’t know what it is, I don’t know how to say it…

- Take your time, I’m here to hear you - Haruna said, since they are together on Team B Haruna learned to take affection for Paru and she looks her like a little sister, although sometimes she behave like the little one.

- As you know I don’t use much G+ but I always watch what Yui write, and ultimately she upload and write about Kawaei… - Paru doesn’t have to say anymore, Haruna knew what was all this

- Paru… are you jealous? - Haruna asked with a smile on her face, this is something that happens very often with Yuko, she knew very well how Paru felt

- E-Eh?! no! I’m not jealous! - Paru said in her defense, jealous? she? never! Yui and no one was going to cause that feeling in her

- Tsundere - Haruna said in a very low voice, so Paru couldn’t understand

- Eh? what are you saying? - Paru asked

- N-Nothing, you are a lot like me - Haruna said nervous

- So, what can I do? why I’m feeling this? - Paru asked looking for the solution to her problems

- Well… I don’t know how is Yuihan, so… I can tell you what I do with Yuko when this happens… maybe it works with Yuihan too - Haruna answered thoughtful

- Okay! I will try whatever you say! - Paru said animated

- But first try to talk to her… maybe is not necessary to use this method - Haruna advised before telling her what she do with Yuko when she felt those “Not jealous”


It had been several days since that talk with Haruna and Paru looked more “normal” in her behavior, but today was the day she would see her beloved Yui again

Paru had decided to see her at the end of the Team A stage, this to take her by surprise, they are girlfriends, yeah, but there are occasions where their schedules doesn’t match

- Yui! - Paru said with a big smile

- Haruka! - Yui said at see her and ran to her to hugger her - What are you doing here? - she wondered excited causing a smile from her girlfriend

- I just though if maybe we could go out to dinner - Paru answered expectant

- Oh… - Yui said with a sigh - Today? right now? - she asked causing confusion in Paru

- Eh? you can’t? - Paru asked tilting her head to one side

- Eh.. hmm… - Yui was interrupted by the voice of a certain person

- Yui chan! I’m ready, sorry for taking too long! - Kawaei said as she approached Yui, even without realizing that Paru was there - Oh! Paru chan! - Kawaei said, Paru’s expression change to a serious one, again that weird feeling was there

- Sorry Haruka… today I promised dating Kawaei… - Yui said apologetically, but Paru didn’t answered - Haruka? are you okay? - Yui asked

- Eh? yes, yes… we can’t do anything then - Paru said after leaving her little trance and forcing a smile - then you should go now, it will be more late if you wait more - Yui saw the change of Paru and couldn’t help but to worrying

- Eh? if you want you can also come Paru chan! - said Kawaei when she felt that the atmosphere had become a strange thing

- We wouldn’t mind at all if you come Haruka - Yui said with a hopeful smile waiting for her girlfriend to say yes, actually she wanted to be with her, but she had been going to dinner with Kawaei several days ago and she doesn’t like to break promises…

- No… it’s okay - Answered Paru faking her smile again, although it was better than the last one, still Yui felt her different - Go and have fun, I’ll see you later - Paru said as she give to Yui a kiss on the cheek to say goodbye - See you later, call me when you’re at home

Paru doesn’t let Yui give an answer when she had already begun to move away leaving her girlfriend with concern

- Maybe… she’s just tired… - Yui told herself to avoid feeling more concern


Paru was at home watching TV, she’s trying to distract herself with shows that were passing, but none caught her attention and apart of that she had that feeling in her chest that doesn’t leave her alone, to finish to ruin her night every time she remembered with who was Yui she felt more oppression in her chest and a strange feeling to wanting to cry.

- I don’t understand what is this… - She said to herself, but then she hear the sound of the door - Eh? who can be, it’s too late… - said as she neared to the door - Who is? - Paru asked

- I’m Yui - Paru heard the voice of the person who most wanted to see, without missing a second she opened the door and hugged Yui - Wow! I will come more often, If I will be greeted with this much love - Yui said smiling as trying to keep her balance

- Yui~ I wanted to see you… - Paru said in a sweet tone, one which, even for Yui was rare to hear

- Haruka? what happens? - Yui asked worried, but Paru refused to leave the embrace - you can invite me to enter at least? - Paru broke the hug, but she turned away quickly, grabbed her hand and pulled her inside going to the room, one they were there, Paru pushed Yui to the couch and hugged her again hiding her face in Yui’s chest - Haruka… tell me what wrong? are you okay?… - now the tone of Yui’s concern was more big

- I don’t know… - Paru said

- how you don’t know? Haruka, you know that you can tell me all you want, don’t you trust me? - Yui asked as she took Paru’s face and forced her to look into her eyes.

- I don’t know what happens Yui… - Paru answered diverting her gaze, Yui said nothing she just approached her and kissed her on the lips, with that Paru finally turned her gaze to Yui with a surprised expression

- Only in this way I can see your beautiful eyes - Yui said with her calm voice, the voice Paru loved to listen - Tell me what is going on in that crazy head of yours, okay? - Yui asked as she kissed Paru’s forehead

- I can’t stand to see you with Kawaei - Paru said turning her look down and with a reddish color in her face

- E-eh? - Yui was surprised to hear that revelation - Why?… you’re jealous of Kawaei? - Yui asked trying to make Paru to see her again, but she refused to look up

- T-they are not jealous! - Paru shouted on her defense - I don’t know what are they - at this point Paru was watching Yui directly at the eyes - Lately you only talk about her in your G+, you go out with her and you take pictures with her!

- Haruka… that is called jealousy - Yui said with a smile, trying not make fun of her jealous girlfriend

- IT’S NOT JEALOUSY! - Haruka shouted angry, causing surprise in Yui, she didn’t expect to see her like that - Whatever! I don’t want to talk about it! - Paru said before go to her bedroom

- Haruka! wait! let’s talk!, come on… it wasn’t my intention! - Yui said as she was following her, when she was in Paru’s bedroom Paru was in her bed covered by their blankets

- I don’t want to talk more! - Paru shouted in an annoyed tone, Yui smiled openly upon seeing this, her girlfriend was jealous, very jealous and was acting like a capriciously kid, it was something that she had never seen before and was happy to see it, sometimes she felt that Paru doesn’t feel the same love that she feel, seeing her like this had demonstrated that her relationship was progressing

- Haruka, you don’t have to feel jealous of Kawaei - Yui said as she sat at the edge of Paru’s bed

- I’m not jealous! - Paru said again, Yui sighed at the childish attitude of her girlfriend, she lay aside the bulk of blankets that was her girlfriend and hugged her

- Okay… you are not jealous, but you shouldn’t feel those “Not jealous”, Kawaei and I are only friends, today I went to dinner with her, but I didn’t enjoy anything of the dinner at all, because I was more worried about you, if you had said this before… I wouldn’t have gone with her, I would have gone with you, It doesn’t bother me if you are a little more selfish and possessive with me - Yui said in a whisper - Haruka… - Yui took the blankets to could see her girlfriend, who was giving her back to Yui - I love you and only you, nobody else, you can see me go out with the others, but that doesn’t mean that I will leave you

- Haruna san told me not to do this if everything was solved - Paru broke the silence and won the full attention of Yui - but also said that it could be used as a reward - Paru turned to see Yui and kissed her passionately on the lips - You are only mine Yui, don’t forget it - Paru said as she kissed Yui’s neck, Yui was surprised about all this

- H-Haruka?… - Yui asked surprised

- I just wanted to say that~ - Paru said with an innocent smile, then stood of the bed and walked to the kitchen - You said that you didn’t enjoyed the dinner, what you want to eat? - Paru asked as if nothing had happen

- E-eeeh?!! just that? you will not continue the… ehem… you know? Haruka!!!! - Yui shouted trying to bring Paru back to bed

- Haruna san said that with that would be enough, so you have to endure it - Paru said remembering what Haruna said

- Now I see why when I was in Team K I saw Yuko a few times frustrated in the morning… - Yui said defeated

- I don’t know what are you talking about~

Offline abcari

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They are not jealous: The revenge
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2015, 01:52:59 AM »
They are not jealous: The revenge

- Haruka?…Haruka~… Haruka~ - Yuihan called her girlfriend but this was ignoring her - Oh come on! why are you angry? - Yui asked surrendering after the lack of attention, dropping her head in Paru’s legs

- I’m not mad - Paru answered while reading a magazine, which honestly, doesn’t have nothing who attracted her attention, so she just was watching the pictures and turning the pages.

- Of curse you are! all the afternoon you were ignoring your cute girlfriend who only ask for a little of love - Yui claimed as she purred like a kitten

- I think you should stop spending so much time with Bisu, or you will become like him… an animal - Paru said as she left the magazine aside and pushed Yui out of her legs to then go to the kitchen

- Oi! I’m not an animal! - Yuigan cried offended, but then she said in a calmer tone - calling Haruka from the land of love, girlfriend trying to be gentle here! - Yui said as she followed Paru to the kitchen - Haruka~! why are you like this? what I did to you? - she asked desperate, she wanted to feel Paru’s love which she doesn’t felt since the kouhaku

- Yui did nothing, but now you ask… why you don’t go with your best friend and vice captain Sayaka?, yesterday you looked happier with her than when you are with me -Paru said as she served a glass of water and returned to the room

- Eh?… Shimazaki Haruka, are you jealous again? - Yui asked incredulously - you are not repeating like when you were jealous of Kawaei, right?

- NO! and as I said, those wasn’t jealous! - Paru said pouting

- Come on Haruka! I told you that you’re the only one I see, with Sayaka is like she was my sister, you don’t have to do this - Yui said as she was trying to make Paru see her at the eyes - It’s time for my revenge Shimazaki Haruka san - Yui told to herself as she approached Paru, her hand retreating hair of Paru’s back to can see her neck and began to kiss her -  To my eyes you are the only one Haruka - Yui whispered between kisses, causing a kind of electricity throughout Paru’s body

- Y-Yui… - Paru whispered in the time she felt Yui’s lips

- Yui don’t have to feel those “No jealous” I told you that the last time - Yui was sensually whispering still kissing Paru, she began to make a trail of kisses until she was now in front of Paru - understand? - She asked a few millimeters from Paru’s lips

- O-okay… - Paru said breathlessly, just waiting for her lips to feel the lips of her girlfriend

- ALL RIGHT! - Yui said taking a few steps back leaving Paru waiting that kiss

- E-eh?… - Paru was stunned to see that the kiss never came

- What? you expected a kiss? of course not! it’s my revenge! - Yuigan said taking the glass of water that Paru has in her hands

- AAAH!? - Paru said surprised

- Yes, after ignoring me all the afternoon, this is your punishment, Yuko told me that this is good sometimes to keep the thunder girlfriends in line - Yui said laughingly

- Yokoyama Yui… I will take revenge of this! do you hear me?!  do you hear me?! - Paru said in frustration as she went to her room

- Well… I will make her happy in a while - Yui said to herself as she watched Paru’s back who was retreating to her room - What can I do to please her?… maybe is a good idea ask Yuko about this… yep, it’s a good idea ask her~

Offline abcari

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Small details
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2015, 01:53:49 AM »
Small details

A loud sound was hearing around the room, which was a room full of noise caused by various conversations was silenced in a second by the loud sound, worse than that, the attention was now focused on two figures, one covering the cheek that a few seconds ago had been slapped by the hand of the other figure, her eyes showing tremendous confusion and surprise, while on the other hand, the other figure, maintained a serious expression, yet that expression seemed collapsed by tears that flowed from these, seemingly, serene eyes.

No one dared to make a sound, it seemed that in the place was created a rule in which dictated the absolute silence in the room, no respiration was heard, all were expectant in understand the scene in front of their eyes, but the silence was not broken at any time, the figure who cried left without saying anything.

- Y-Yuihan? - asked Minami with some hesitation, Yui hadn’t withdrawn her hand from her cheek, her expression remained the same as it was when she received the slap, disbelief, she didn’t know what happened, in what time their relationship get to this point, and what made her feel more lost, Why she didn’t realized when they reached this point?… - All go out of here, you don’t have nothing to see here - Minami ordered, Minami’s voice could make that the members who were more surprised could react, without saying anything and in silent, all gathered their belongings and left the room - Yuihan… - Minami moved Yui’s body gently, but she doesn’t had an answer, in the same position, Yui began to let out tears from her eyes, everything was just like a dream…

"Were done"

Was the only thing that Haruka said just after the slap, everything happened so fast that Yui couldn’t say anything, why was happening this? what could make Haruka do this? why Haruka didn’t say anything? why all have to end like this? what have done to deserve this?… many questions were formulated in her confused head and the pain in her chest doesn’t make the process of all this easier to understand

She doesn’t realized in what moment, but she was in the floor and with her Minami giving her a hug as she patted her back, she was crying uncontrollably, she was so deep in her thinking, that she didn’t realize about her depressive state

- Yuihan… you want to tell me what happens? - Minami asked realizing a little the hug and seeing Yui’s eyes, she nodded slightly

- H-Haruka… she ended our relationship… - Yui said in an almost unheard whisper, Minami just keep silence - I… I don’t know why… I don’t understand - Yui said and started to cry again, the pain to say that Haruka had finished their relation was too much for her, it was something that didn’t want to think

- Something must have happened, you know that Paru doesn’t say what normally feels, but she can’t hide when something bothers her, something should have happened, I don’t think that she forgot from one day to another what she feels for you - Yui just nodded at what Minami said, so yes, something must have overlooked, something that didn’t realized that could make her avoid this, but what was? and was really her fault? or was Haruka’s fault?… - I think you should try to talk with her, try to calm down and try to talk about this with her in the morning

- Thanks Takamina san… - Yui said trying to calm down a bit

- Good, go home, if you don’t feel well don’t come tomorrow I will understand, but don’t took long to talk with Paru - Minami advices with a warm smile, Yui corresponded the gesture

Yui wasn’t itself, she didn’t realized how but she was already at home, and was in her bed, it seemed that since the conversation with Minami she started to be in automatic mode, without paying attention to anything around her, the only thing that occupied her thoughts was Haruka and what had happened in the afternoon…


- Haruka! please! listen to me! - Yui was chasing Haruka down the hall trying to not rise much her voice, but Haruka didn’t give her any attention, she was trying to walk more fast to lose Yui, but something which was famous about Yui was for her perseverance, she followed Haruka everywhere, but even though she was trying to talk, Haruka doesn’t listened - Haruka… TELL ME WHAT I DID WRONG!? - Yui shouted no longer controlling her emotions, tears ran on her cheeks again as she closed her eyes, she waited for Haruka to say something, but she hadn’t an answer, it passed a few second and still nothing, Yui opened her eyes expecting to be alone in the place, but what was her surprise to see Haruka standing in front of her, still giving her back, but it was a step forward, she heard her and stopped

- Yui… - it was heard, which for Yui, was the most beautiful voice in the world - I know that I don’t usually show much how I feel, but you are different - she said in a soft voice, if it wasn’t because Yui know her so well, she wouldn’t understand that Haruka was trying to control her emotions - I showed you a thousand of ways how I felt, but you took me in vain… - Haruka turned her body towards Yui, now both face to face, Yui was crying trying to listen and understand what Haruka was saying and Haruka was trying to control her emotion at last to not cry - I don’t know if you took me like a game, but was how I felt… look… think about what you did Yui, it may seem that I’m the one that are wounding you, but I suffered a lot for you.

Were the last words of Haruka, she turned around and left, Yui doesn’t followed anymore, which Haruka told her had leave her thinking, she’s the culprit, but why?…


Weeks passed slowly, the YuiParu relationship completely distanced, it was like they were complete strangers, for Haruka’s part no one could tell if she was sad or not, she doesn’t was showing how she feels, but something was secure, she was like her old self, hardly spoke to anyone, just enough and no more, for Yui’s part, she was demonstrating her feelings, raising concern among her mates, her mode was bad, she couldn’t concentrate at all, all in what she thought was Haruka and in her words, but still didn’t understand the meant of what Haruka said…

- Yuihan, can we talk? - Asked Minami at her fellow team mate, Yui nodded and followed Minami - I’m worried about you, I know that I shouldn’t get into this, but situation doesn’t only affect you and Paru, if not all Team A and B plus you are Team A’s captain - Yui nodded, she knew that this was affecting the mood of the entire team, but even she didn’t know what to do - Let me help you, can I?…

- I don’t know what to do Takamina san - Yui answered trying to control her tears.

- First, you can tell me what happened? - Minami asked with a sympathetic smile, Yui decided to tell everything that happened the other day that she talk with Haruka, Minami listened carefully to everything Yui told her - and you thought about what you do wrong?

- I’ve thought a lot and nothing comes to my head… I don’t know what I did wrong - Yui answered

- I’m not good on these issues, you know that my relationship with Atsuko was difficult to achieve for me, but I know when something is wrong with all of you because I’m watching you, and I can tell you that even though Paru is difficult to decipher, I noted some changes a few months ago - Minami said thoughtfully

- changes? I didn’t notice anything like that… - Yui said confused

- Paru is somewhat similar to Atsuko in several things… I only will say this so you can think about it, it isn’t a fact, try to remember to confirm what I think, okay? - Minami asked, Yui nodded affirmatively waiting for Minami to continue - I think Paru was jealous…

- W-what? just for that? - Yui asked surprised

- Yuihan, don’t be like me, for do that I almost lost my relationship with Atsuko - Minami scolded Yui - Don’t subtract importance to these things, they are small details that just surfaced but you ignored them, just think about it, I don’t have nothing more to say, I hope everything turns out for the better, meanwhile, as Soukantoku, I command you to leave and go home, you only make the environment feel depressed, when this is resolved, I will let you back, understood?

- Understood…


Yui back  home, jealousy?, Minami said that, but why Paru would be jealous, she always showed that the only one for her was Haruka… thinking about that she began to remember certain things…




" Yui what you want for dinner tonight? - Haruka asked with a smile, certain days a week Haruka stay at Yui’s home and other days Yui stay in Haruka’s home, for several days they didn’t sleep together since they had been busy, but today they could, so Haruka was excited

- Eh? dinner?… - Yui asked confused

- Today I will go to your house, you forgot?… - Haruka asked worried

- E~h… I’m sorry Haruka… Kawaei and I planned to dinner for days ago… - Yui answered with a pleading expression

- I-It’s okay… - Haruka say trying to hide her disappointment

- But you can come to my house tomorrow - Yui said downplaying the disappointed expression of Haruka

- I have work tomorrow… I was looking forward to today - Haruka answered saying the last in a very low voice

- Oh… then it will be another day - Yui said without paying much attention to the last thing Haruka said”




" - Haruka, I hope you don’t mind that I invited Sayaka - Yui said with an expression of forgoveness

- Today was supposed to be the two of us all the day… - Haruka said in a tone of annoyance

- Come on Haruka, I hardly see her, you don’t have to be mad… - Yui said also in a somewhat annoying tone

- Well… - Haruka let out a big sigh and continued - she can come, I… I don’t mind…”




Yui closed her eyes tightly trying to take away those scenes, but one after another kept appearing, Haruka with pained expressions, jealousy, anger and disappointment, and she just downplaying or taking like a whim all those expressions and words, Haruka not only had just endured how Yui canceled moments and important appointments, otherwise she’s swallowed jealousy and pride on many other occasions…

- It was all my fault… why I didn’t realize it?… - Yui had finally understood the words of Haruka…


Team B’s rehearsals were finished and Yui was waiting for Haruka, one by one she saw her fellow Team B member pass, until a familiar figure appeared

- Haruka… can we talk? - Yui asked by standing in front of Haruka plugging her way

- Since you are covering my way, I guess you don’t leave me much choice - Haruka answered sure that if she denied something like the last time would happen.

- I thought about what you said the last time… - Yui began to speak - I downplay our whole relationship…

- No, you were downplaying me - Haruka interrupted upset

- I was so sure about you that I started to downplay the time we spent together, I see you every week for work, I had you at my side, but I didn’t think about our time alone, for me, only to have you with me, it doesn’t matter if we were alone or not, it was enough, to know that you were mine, for me it was enough, I didn’t think about how you felt… - Haruka still didn’t change her semblance, Yui began to feel more and more insecure as she saw that there was no change in Haruka - I’m only asking for one more chance…

- I’m sorry - Haruka said and undertook her departure, Yui thought that saying what she felt and admitting her mistakes was enough, but it seems that it wasn’t

- W-Wait! - Yui attempt to call her but there was no answer, when she tried to stop her Haruka was already in a taxi - D-don’t… I don’t want it to end like this! - Yui said trying to chase the taxi, and calling the attention of several passersby, no matter the little scene that she was making she stopped a taxi and headed to Haruka’s home - I know you still love me…

The taxi in which was Yui went a little further than where was Haruka, Yui saw Haruka stepped out the taxi at the distance and how she was heading to her home, Yui hasten the taxi driver, at the time she was out the taxi she ran full speed as if her life depended on it, which was something like that, her life depended on it like her happines.

Haruka sighed bitterly before taking her key

- Yui… idiot… - Haruka whispered as she opened the door, she turned the knob and opened the door to enter at her apartment

- Wait! - Yui said interposing her hand before Haruka closed the door, causing surprise in Haruka, but the surprise disappeared in seconds

- W-What are you doing here!? Get out of here! all was clear between us right!? - Haruka said screaming, something strange in her, speak out in this way, even more surprising was how she was using her strength to try to close the door, but Yui is stronger than her…

- I will not let finish this in this way!, I know it’s my fault! but I will learn from my mistakes! in that way it will not happen again, I will protect you and our relationship - Yui said managing to push the door, and pulled Haruka into a hug, Haruka wanted to free her from the hug but Yui wouldn’t let her - Please… don’t reject me… - Yui whispered trying to control Haruka, but she was still resisting

- L-Leave me! I- I don’t want… - Haruka said

- I know you still love me… how I can prove my love for you? - Haruka stopped resisting the hug

- Don’t leave me… - Haruka whispered

- It wasn’t me who leave you… - Yui said, Haruka pulled away from the hug and gave her a murderous glare - B-But it was my fault you l-left me…

- Yokoyama Yui it will take time for me to forgive you…. but like you said, I love you… - Haruka whispered the last part, but Yui could still hear it and couldn’t help but to smile like an idiot

- I will make you to forgive me - Yui said as she approached Haruka’s lips , but before sealing the kiss her lips were stopped by the index finger of Haruka

- Sorry, but for this relationship I must make some changes - Haruka made both of them were face to face, but they were still in they embrace - I thought you were more attentive to me, but I see that it wasn’t the case, I think now I will take the relationship otherwise… - Haruka started watching Yui as a predator watches his prey causing surprise and fascination in Yui, now she realized that effectively she wan’t attentive, she didn’t know that Haruka could have this kind of expressions - You… must take responsibility for what you did

- I-I don’t understand what you mean - Yui said nervously

- I don’t like talk much - Haruka said ignoring Yui, her expression a little annoyed - So shut up - Haruka ordered with a sensual smile on her lips, if You wouldn’t shut on her own, with that smile she would do it undoubtedly, Haruka pushed Yui by the shoulders, causing Yui to walk back, Haruka went to her room until Yui’s legs touched the edge of the bed causing nearly lost her balance, but stopped Haruka by taking her waist and passionately kissing her lips, Yui carried away by the kiss closed her eyes, so she didn’t notice the perverse expression of Haruka, with a smile Haruka pushed Yui towards the bed, causing surprise in Yui, then placed above Yui and formed a tie in the arms of Yui….

*Ups…censored *

- You…you’re evil… - Yui said after a few seconds with shortness of breath

- Not really, I’m a girlfriend who endure and has a lot of patience, but when all of that runs out… - Haruka said thoughtful

- It will not happen again Haruka…

- Okay, but if it will happen, I liked being up - She answered with a smile of satisfaction, Yui just sighed with a smile

- I hope you don’t do this every time you get jealous…

- And I hope you don’t give me reasons to make me jealous

Both looked at each other for a few seconds and then they kissed again

- If I make you feel jealous again just tell me, whatever you say are orders for me

- Well… I’m jealous right now… - Haruka said thoughtfully

- Eh? I haven’t done anything… - Yui answered concerned

- I’m jealous of myself… - Haruka said

- From yourself?.. - Yui asked trying to understand

- Yes, because I get carried away and played a lot with you… I’m jealous of myself from a few minutes ago, so I will do the same to you again and again until I can stop to feel jealous

- Don’t! don’t be cruel! - Yui said scared

- Yui said a few seconds ago that what I say are orders to you… so fast and you throw those words away… - Haruka said making a small pot

- At the end you will do what you want… right? - Yui asked defeated

- Prepare for all those time you cancelled me Yokoyama san

Offline abcari

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A salty proposal
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2015, 01:55:39 AM »
It's the last one I have, wait for the others, and sorry for the spam YuiParu OS lol

A salty proposal

Today is the big day, the day that can change my life to the extreme happiness or a tortuous future…

"Yuihan… are you sure you want to take this step?" Is one of the questions that I most heard, if I was ready? hell! of course not! more because I don’t know what thinks that Ponkotsu, but I have spent a relationship for the last two years with her, it’s time to make the big step.

It’s not like if I have decided to do this to one day to another… well… maybe it was like that, from the moment that I saw her at the auditions something made a “click” in my heart, which one started to thump every time that I saw her, without her in my range of vision is as if time stood still and only with her close to me I can say that my time goes, I can say that I’m living.

Two years of relationship sounds short, right? It have been difficult, not for my fault, of course, it was for her, the woman of my dreams, the “Ponkotsu” the woman with the personality that is like salt, yes, that woman with eyes that can give an expression of pain and tenderness one moment to the next, a look of a serial killer, Shimazaki Haruka, aka, Paruru.

Two years ago I asked her to be my girlfriend… I would like to say that’s true, but surprisingly it wasn’t me who confessed, it was her, It’s why I said that I don’t understand her, let’s say that in a 70% of the time, I succeed to understand her, but in the other 30% is lost in the limbo, waiting for me to someday understand, but getting back to what I was saying, rewind two years ago…




”- What?! -With a surprised expression was the only thing I could say, that because the strange situation that was presented to me

- I asked you if you want to be my girlfriend, I have to repeat it for you to understand? you want me to explain to you in a easier way? although I think that’s not possible, more clearer couldn’t be or… you expected something more romantic? - Paru… just wait for my answer could be enough, you hadn’t to say so many aggressiveness together, to hear that made me wonder if you was serious about what you just said or if you just made fun of me, I have not more choice but to venture to ask

- No, you don’t have to explain more clearly, but… is this a joke? - I asked with nerves, come on, it was Paru, it made me afraid just to tell a joke in from of her, that for fear of seeing their salty reaction, you can get off the spirits of a horrific way, but thank God she always laugh with my jokes…

- It sound like a joke? - How am I supposed to answer that?… I answer her with another question?… I have not idea how to answer…

- No… but honestly… - I think this could make me to bury 50m below ground my friendship with Paru… it’s a possibility… - I don’t know if I should take seriously what you say or not… not with the way you are saying the things… I don’t understand if you are saying that serious or not

Silence… is normal the silence between us, but this silence around us was tortuous, Paru’s gaze turned in those looks that make the lizards when they see their prey at a few seconds to leap at them and cut their life…

- I’m serious - It was all she said, if she had left the things like that I think the silence would reign again, but she didn’t finish there, her words were just that, but her actions were more, she approached me with a clumsy movement, but with determination, she leaned toward me and placed her lips on mine, was a tender and full of honesty kiss, Paru isn’t good with words, but she often show her feelings with actions, this is one of these actions, actually, before the kiss I just felt a certain attraction to her, something more related to a close friendship, but after that kiss, my thoughts sprang the thin line between the friendship and the pink side of love.”




After that confession somewhat out of place, since it happened in a random day in a random week and in a random moment that the team 4 and team K were in the same place, it was almost as if the planets have aligned to create the situation, our relationship remained the same, let me clear that, we had kisses, hugs, took of hands, but the warm words were never found, Haruka isn’t the type to say “I like you” or “I love you” from nothing, and I… I could say that but it doesn’t inspire me much… not knowing that her react will be as it always is… neutral…

Two years were not easy, we spent several situations, but thanks to these situations I could understood that Haruka really loves me, I remember that one year ago more or less , when Sayanee invite me to diner, that time I didn’t notify Haruka because she was busy with work and those things and because not all the times I need to say what I will do, right?… and Sayanee is just my friend almost my sister…




”- Hi - Interrupted our talk a familiar voice but colder than normal

- Oh.. Paruru san, good night, didn’t know Yuihan had invited you - Sayanee greet with a smile, Haruka was standing right behind me but I could feel a sense of chills ran through my body

- She didn’t invited me, I didn’t know, I have a work dinner just a few tables from here, I though I see you so I decided to come here and greet - Haruka answered with a neutral tone, but I knew she was angry… I’m in troubles…

- I see… you will return with them? - Sayanee asked ignoring the danger that was Haruka right now

- I guess… Do you mind if I take MY Yui with me? - Haruka asked in a bossy tone and making the “my” sound aggressive, I only saw the surprised expression of Sayanee, and it’s clear that that was the same expression that I had, even more when I felt how she took my arm in a way very firm - No, I think you don’t mind, with your permission - It wouldn’t need for Sayanee to say something to approve or not, Haruka pulled my arm and made me to stand up from the table taking me with her to the other table

- W-Wait… - I achieve to say

- Yui, you must understand that I’m a person who doesn’t show much what I feel, but don’t do that doesn’t mean that you doesn’t mind me, I trust you, but if you don’t say me things like this and I found you in a situation like this it could give me opportunity to think bad things - She said me in a low tone of voice and walking in a quiet way but still holding my arm

- Y-you are jealous? - I asked in a tone of disbelief

- Of course I’m jealous, that is a silly question, do you wouldn’t be if you were in my situation? - She replied in a quiet way - Is because I love you…

She doesn’t say it in front but she said it, she told me that she loves me, her face pointing straight ahead, but with her eyes taking a little pick on my direction, her cheeks flushed and her hand loosening the grip on my arm, but that touch wasn’t lost much, she realized my arm but intertwining her hand with mine…”




Situations like that were what made me realize that she was the perfect person to spend the rest of my life, maybe it will be difficult, there were be many bad understandings, but she knows when to be honest with me and knows when to say important things

- Can I know why the mystery? - wondered my aforesaid girlfriend as I watched the luxurious restaurant I had invited her, everything was planned, it was our anniversary, a great time to ask her the big question, it would be very cliche, but with all my feelings in it

- It’s our anniversary, sometimes it’s good to do things like this, don’t you think? - I replied in a calm way, trying to hide my nerves , I would ask her after the dinner, just in the time the dessert were here, in her dessert would be written with chocolate “You will marry me?” and I will sink in front of her, pull out the ring and would ask her aloud

- I guess theres no problem with that, but you know that whatever you do, whether at home, would be enough for me, you don’t have to demonstrate in this way how you feel about me, with you by my side is more than enough - She said in a fluid form, no tone of nerves, as calm as ever, how does she say such things so easily? I wouldn’t stay with the doubt

- How do you manage to say such things so easily? it’s hard to me to say things like “I love you” without be red as a tomato and you said things like that like if was nothing - I said with a tone of awe and a little blush on my cheeks after say the part of “I love you”

- I don’t know, to have you in front of me, knowing that you are only mine, is what makes everything flow, sometimes I feel I should tell you more often that I love you, but I know that you know it and that’s enough - She answered in the same way , she doesn’t stop to surprise me… - By the way… - she said breaking the conversation and pulling her purse in the table

- What? - I asked puzzled

- This - she said as she stretched a black box to me… don’t tell me… oh no… Shimazaki Haruka don’t you dare to ruin my precious plan…

- W-what is this? - I asked nervously, come on Haruka… don’t ruin this…

- An engagement ring, will you marry me? - And just like that she dropped the question, nothing romantic, unplanned… so like… her…

- It wasn’t supposed to happen like this - I said in a disappointed tone

- Is that a no? - She asked surprised - well…. I was expecting all but anything like this…

- Eh… NO! it’s not that! - I stopped her thoughts before anything more happened, I think my reaction wasn’t correct

- So? - she wondered with a expression that broke my heart in two…

- Ah… it was supposed that in this dinner… after the meal - I started to say what as I took from my pocket the little red box with the ring - I would be who ask you to marry me - I said looking at the box in my hand as I let out a small sigh

- I just ruin a romantic moment right?… sorry… - Haruka get up of her seat, come to my side and made me stand of my place, took the box of my hand and opened watching the little ring that was in it - you doesn’t plane to make the big question?

- E-eh? b-but… the time has already ruined… you already…- Haruka silenced my words with a kiss

- I already asked the question, but you didn’t answer yet, do the question and it would be like if you had answered - She said closing the box and returning it to my hand - Besides, you should put that beautiful ring on my finger - she finished with a smile, I love her smile…

- Okay… Shimazaki Haruka… will you marry me? - I asked as I knelt in front of her spreading the box with the ring

- Yes… - She replied with a smile even wider than the last, I took the ring and pose on her finger, after that she took her little black box, took the ring and put it in my finger - I’m so sorry that I ruined your plan

- Don’t worry, it doesn’t matter… that reminded me of when you told me if I wanted to be your girlfriend - I answered laughing - I guess that’s one of the things I like about you

- And how you accept me how I am is one of the things I like about you…

If I was ready to ask the big question, I should rectify what I said, if I was ready? Of course, it was never any doubt about it, more with this Ponkotsu that I don’t know what thinks.

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Re: Some YuiParu OS
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2015, 02:38:17 AM »
agh no me ilusiones con que será un nuevo yuiparu.... U_U hasta que vi que eras tu

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Re: Some YuiParu OS
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2015, 09:53:46 AM »
Do MOAR PLS!!! :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

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Re: Some YuiParu OS
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2015, 11:09:21 AM »
this is great, keep them coming  :twothumbs
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

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Re: Some YuiParu OS
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2015, 12:26:03 PM »
finally, the translated version~!!! :w00t:

now, excuse me as i go grinning to myself in a corner... :inlove:

Offline abcari

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Because you were always like that
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2015, 07:46:00 PM »
Glad you like it :3 I'll keep translating the fics I have and news <3 meanwhile here another one


Because you were always like that

You were always like that…

Your attitude…

Your nature…

The way you talk…

To show me your love…

To get angry…

To loving me…

But even with all the faults you have, with all I can come to hate about you, even with all this, I can’t stop loving you, right?, and thanks to those things I fall madly in love with you.

Being with you I feel that I can be good at everything, but even staying by your side I miss you… I don’t know what I can do, we can’t be real…

The distance between the two of us become more and more bigger,  will we ever approach as before?… Every time I have these thoughts, my heart cries, I feel pressed…

If we only discussed about it, it could tell me that in fact you care about me, that you still have some feelings for me, but discussions are nonexistent, there is only silence that fill our conversations, when before they were laughing… we’re only a couple toghter, but that doesn’t feel.

My feelings only grow more strongly, and it’s hard for me to say… because we can clearly see how will end, but that doesn’t matter, I have my love for you, but still…. if only I could forget you…

The more I think about such things, the more I realize that it’s impossible, although you don’t admit it now, if I were to separate from you, without a doubt, the two will wish that this night could last forever…

"Haruka… I can be by your side if you wish"

It’s what I always say when we were in silence, after my words you always disappear from my sight, but you never tell me no.

From the beginning, if we had wanted to avoid this, I should never be in your heart, neither the time we spent together…

And I want to tell you what the truth is, the love I feel for you that doesn’t allow me to hate you… but sometimes it makes me feel so sick this situation, I can’t say to you, I can’t.

This distance between us achievement that I couldn’t reach your hand anymore, we have released…. will I be able to love again? Will I be able to find that happiness again?…

Among the picture I saw in my mind, where I couldn’t reach you for more although I run behind you and the reality, in which I have you in front of me talking about our separation, your eyes rested on mine after so long.

It’s as if’d stop to run and could finally have a chance to catch up with you.

The expression in your eyes, showing more than words could express, could make me understand with the tears that dropped, what you really felt…

"Only with you I can feel that I can be good at everything, I didn’t know what I could do, I felt it so unreal, I didn’t know how to act or what to say… but still being like that… Can I be by your side… Yui?"

Without a second thought, and a smile that both wanted to show again, I come to you to make our lips touched, because, after all this time of uncertainty, my answer to you would be always give you a second chance, if we need it I would give a third or all that you asked.

I can say this so securely because since I met you, you were always like that, your attitude, your nature, the way you talk, to show me your love, to get angry, but mostly… to loving me… because thanks to those things I fall madly in love with you.

Offline kahineechan

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Re: Some YuiParu OS
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2015, 06:38:27 AM »
Ships that make me weabo

Offline Kairi65

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Re: Some YuiParu OS
« Reply #12 on: February 13, 2015, 07:22:57 AM »
that's right, keep the YuiParu~!!! :cathappy: :cathappy: :cathappy:


you tank you? reminds me of Kojiharu's answer on Mechaike, lols :lol:

Offline abcari

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Noting matters more than you
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2015, 08:41:29 AM »
Here one more, sorry if I'm taking long, I have another one, but the theme of the fic is about the tsunami in 2011, I don't know if is a good idea to post it...

Note: sorry for the bad orthography


I have seen many people that make the impossible to achieve their goals, either by having someone to love, even to achieve something in work or school that had been proposed.

But I only realized those people because they were in front of my eyes and I was too bored to find something else to see, what they do around me doesn't care, unless it happens to affect me directly, as long I'm still fine it doesn't have to mind me.

Even being so, keeping me away from all, I can say that I have friends, although more than friends they are people who follow me, talk and treat me because they want, I never asked them to talk or be with me, but it's not like I'm ungrateful, I thank them in a certain way that they are for me there every time I need them.

Days pass and I do the same old routine, I get up in the mornings, get ready for school, breakfast, ignore everything around me in my way to school, greet my annoying "friends" and hear everything they say… but I noticed something different today in our class, a young girl, Yokohama Yui I think she was called like that… it was Yokohama?… anyway, it have "Yoko", she was alone, now that I think about it, she is always surrounded by people, right?… is she the girl who was always surrounded? or was this other girl…. Yamoto… Yama something… anyway, she was alone and she was somehow occupied with something, the conversation of my friends had no sense and I had completely lost interest in them, so I decided to focus my attention into this young girl.

She wasn't bad looking, let's say that she was a clear representation of a beautiful japanese girl, I hasn't realize, but I had been spellbound for her, for not say that I was "idiotic" just seeing her, but my vision of Yui, let's call her like that because I don't remember her surname, was interrupted by my dear friend Nagao, who was standing right in the middle.

"What are you watching Paru?" she asked using that nickname which I had won with them, my real name? Shimazaki Haruka, alias Paruru or Paru for shorter, without paying attention I turned my face to the window ignoring her like always, "As cute as always" she commented laughing as she resumed the conversation with the others.

Realizing that they doesn't pay attention to me, I turned my eyes towards Yui again, just as busy as a few seconds ago, but everyone in the class room were distracted from the sound of the bell, taking all their places, the teacher made appearance and at the sound of "Stand" with Yui's voice all of us stood, oh right she's the class representative , who would have say it… I never paid attention to her and we're in mid-year.

After the respective greeting, the professor began his class, as boring as ever, and I was so bored as ever, and likewise I started to distract myself with anything, until my eyes alighted again on Yui, she was the opposite of me right now, paying full attention to the class, for more boring that could be art history, who cares that romanticism was actually a group of emotional, depressed artist who want to suicide?.

Without realizing again, I stayed watching her, the time step as if it were only a few seconds, and the bell rang again, all stood in their places and I saw how Yui took her things and left the room.

"Oh, why are you looking so intently at the president? is who you watched before, right?" Nagao asked observing the direction that Yui had taken

"President?" I asked without any tone of curiosity

"She's the student council president! Yokoyama Yui!" she answered surprised

"OH!" I yalled surprised at hear her, ignoring the way she had answered, for my reaction  she was watching me like if I was crazy "She's called Yokoyama! not Yokohama!" I yalled as I gathered my things

"you reacted like that, just because of that? nothing else? God, you must pay more attention around you…" she replied as she sighed, but again I just ignore her, well at least now I know her name, without listening Nagao's attempts to stop me, I took my things and started to follow the way by which I saw Yui had walked, but thinking well, if she was the president she should be in the room where the council is… without thinking twice I headed there.

But at arrive I though that it would be weird just stay in front of the room… I left the building and began to look around, walking to the back of the building I found a place under a tree, which where I could observe the room where was Yui, and better luck that from there I could see inside through a window that was there, my view was perfect in a perfect place.

I finally found something to entertain me, from the days after that I made a habit, at the end of classes I would go there to watch her, maybe was because of my boring life, but it was awesome see the different facets in Yui's expressions, from fatigue, anger, stress, frustration, serenity, thanks to all the things she had to do, and again, without realizing it, I began to observe her more and more, not to the point to follow her everywhere like a stalker, but just when she was in my field of vision.

I could see how she worked to improve the school, helping others and all this without asking anything in return, to observe her I also discovered that it was she who I observed with a lot of people surrounded her, but not because they were her friends, if not because they needed her help, I think that her only friend was that Yamato Sayeka.

She was the contrary of me, I think that in part, was because she can do things that I can't, I didn't try or just surrendered to do it, and therefore, was the why I was more attracted to her.

Seeing her made me want to do more than I do, but knowing me I will forgot at arrive to my home.

One of those day where I was observing my product of entertainment,  I could see changes in the way she walk and move, even she looked distracted, but still remained entertaining to watch, I followed her like always, it was supposed that today all the activities of clubs, and also the student council, will end earlier, but when everybody was gone, Yui was still busy with her duties.

I was sitting in my usual place, giving a read a book I was carrying and from time to time turning to see what was doing Yui, when suddenly I notice how she stumbled at standing, I don't know what got into my body, but it made me to stand of my place and within seconds I was standing in front of the window, which was open, at arrive there, I saw how Yui attempt to step but began to lose balance, without a second thought, and without knowing how the hell I jumped the window so fast, I ran to her and stopped her fall.

After all that fast movement, I realized that I had her embraced, surprised at my own actions I spread her a little from my body to observe her.

"S-Shimzaki san?" she asked surprised, I wasn't surprised that she knew my name, same class and apart that she is the class representative, rare would be that she doesn't know my name, but that of say who are our names to the other wasn't important right now, my curiosity was bigger,  so I watched her carefully and as a result I could observe a blush on her face at the same time that she was sweating a little.

"President, it seems that you are sick" I commented ignoring her surprised reactions because she was in my arms and if I let her go was a risk to her of falling, I bring my forehead to hers to feel if she had a fever or not, and indeed she has, "I think that we should go to the infirmary" I commented on the time I was separating from her.

"Shimazaki san, what are you doing here? and at this hours the nurse is not longer here" she commented in what she was trying to stand

"I see, then I accompany you to your home" I answered at the time I was letting her, but then I hold her waist, causing surprise in her again

"W-what did you say? you don't see what time is? you shouldn't be here" she said as she was trying again to separate from me

"Said the person, who likewise, is still here at this hour, and your opinion is something that I don't really care, if you accept or not, still I will accompany you to your home" I answered at the same time I took her waist stronger and started walking obviously doing her to walk beside me "Oh… your bag and mine, you better don't move from here… but in your condition I doubt you will do it anyways" I commented as I was running to get my bag, which I leave under the tree, so again I had to jump the window, and then return to take hers

"You're not someone who hear opinions… " she said more to herself than to me

"It's not like I care about the opinions of others" I replied likewise we were only the two and be silent would be uncomfortable

"You can say me why you are here at this hours?" she asked with an almost inaudible voice

"You can stay quiet? I can see you are not very well and if you talk it makes it worse, and I must say that if you pass out here I can't carry you all the way, plus I don't know where you live" I answered exasperated, it's not like it was her fault but I don't like answering questions, unless I'm in a good mood, without saying more she stayed silent, feeling a little guilty for my way to talk, I stopped

"What's happen?" she asked at see my action, I don't know what got into me again, but I leave her waist and I did something more that wasn't normal for me

"You can keep up?" I asked in a serious tone, she just nodded slightly but I notice how she staggered, her eyes were tired, as it were to be closed at any time, "I don't think you can, let's go" I said as I was in front of her giving a sign to go up to my back "If you're thinking to say something in negative, You know that I will force you at the end, so hurry up" after a few seconds I felt her hands on my shoulders and then how she leaned on me, after that I started to walk

The silence was again there, I've never been a sport girl, much less with resistance, but I said, I don't know what the hell got into me this day that made that I could walk as if I was carrying feathers.

We left the school in complete silence and began the real way to her home, her weigh wasn't much, I was waiting to feel more burden, but until now I wasn't tired, who knows after a while how I will be…

"Thank you" I hear her voice

"No problem, but you should tell me where I'm going, I don't know where I'm going and I don't want to be lost" why I have to be always like this? I don't know how my friends can still be with me…. but, more than a bad reaction or something like that from her part, I could hear her laugh

"I never thought you were such an interesting person" she said still laughing

"For someone sick almost to the point of fainting you talk too much, just tell me where I have to go" I answered in a rude way, but again, and to my surprise, I hear her laugh

"On this way" she said as pointing the way, saying nothing more I kept walking, but she doesn't took time to break the silence again "Whenever I looked to where you were, I saw you with your friends, but you never talk or was rare, I never imagined that you were like this" she commented laughing a little

"How is that? you have a problem with me? I could easily leave you here in the street, to see who helps you… but having walked all this way my pride wouldn't let me do that" I answered without stopping

"You're always so honest? you say the things so frankly" she said between laughs "You're definitely more than I expected" she said in a more serious tone, but I didn't answered, not because I don't wanted, but because I started to feel tired, and if I kept talking it could make me more tired

We were in silence the rest of the way

"This is my home" she said when we were in front of a house, a normal one, two floors, not very big

"That's good… I was starting to get tired…" I replied a bit low, I let her down, when she was there I step on her side and took her by the waist again.

"I don't think that I will fall…" she said almost in a whisper

"I don't want you to blame me if you fall, so better this way, so go on open the door" I ordered ignoring her protests, after a few moments she opened the door "You live alone?" I asked as we entered, as we passed she turned on the lights, allowing me to observe better the house

"No, I live with my parents, but they are doctors and work late into the night" She replied as we headed towards the living room

"I see" I said as I helped her to sit on the couch "You have something to prepare tea? medicines? or something to treat your fever?" I asked as I looked around to find the kitchen

"I think you have done too much for me Shimazaki san…"

"Just call me Haruka or if it's easier Paruru" I interrupted her words "And I'm not leaving until you look better" I continue saying as I headed towards the kitchen

"I don't understand why you do so much for me, being that we never crossed a word" she commented laughing

"Neither myself understand, but it's in vail if I question myself about it, you should be happy for my good mode and hospitality" I answered as I was searching tea in the kitchen, managing to find some, I put to boil some water and as I was doing that she turned on the Tv, when the water was ready I took 2 cups that I found and took everything to the living room, when I was there I poured the tea into the two cups and offered one to her

"Thanks Haruka" she said as she took the cup on my hands, I don't know why I felt heat on my face, something that never happened to me

"F-for nothing" Perhaps I just stutter?… talking about weird things, I inadvertently let out a long sigh

"I'ts something wrong?" Yui asked

"It's nothing, don't worry about me, you should worry about you, being sick and staying in school at this hours…" I said as I was watching the television

"I keep thinking, what were you doing there at this hours, even more behind the building" she replied rhetorically

"Honestly, I was watching you" I answered without a shade of guilt, after a few seconds of silence and lack of reaction on her part, I turned to see her, only to find her surprised expression

"R-Really?" she asked surprised

"Sure, you're someone interesting to watch, but relax, I'm not a stalker, I don't follow you everywhere, just at the end of class I observe the activities of the student council and when we are in class" I answered as it was a common response

"I wasn't expecting an answer like that" she replied laughing, leaving her surprise

"I didn't expect you to take the things so easy even I being who do this, I admit that if someone came to me and said it to me I would run from that someone" I said as my view was in the tv again and took small sips of my tea, watching the tv I could see in the corner that was passing the 7, my father will kill me at home…

"You just help me a lot to just say to you to go away, and I don't see nothing malicious in you" she replied still laughing

"It's getting late and I think it's prudent to you to sleep even if is so early, I'll help you up to your room" I said as I left the cup even with tea on the side, she doesn't objected this time and let me help her, once on her room I leave her sitting on her bed

"Thanks for all Haruka" she said again

The next day I felt heaviness to get up, but duty calls me, and my father will not allow me missing class just because of nothing

Accepting my destiny I woke up and did everything in my normal routine, getting ready to school, see my group of friends, which greeted me as always, my continuous yaws caught the attention of my friends but after several attempts to make me tell them why I was like that, they decided to give up and change the topic

I didn't realize at what moment, but I fell asleep, I didn't notice anything, or when the teacher get into the class room, or when the class finished, but by the time I woke up was already time to lunch, my friends had gone to eat and I assume that since I was asleep, they didn't inform me

After scrubbing my eyes I saw a little sideways at Yui, who chatted animatedly with Sayeka or Sayaka?… but suddenly she turned a little her eyes to me, I was still leaning in the palette of the bank, so surely couldn't see my face very well, but when she saw that I was watching her, she turned her eyes towards her friend again, I could see a reddish color in her face that made me think that she was still sick, without waiting a moment I stood from my place and walked towards her and ignoring her friend which was standing aside with surprised expression, I approached Yui and put the palm of my hand on her forehead

"I thought you were still with fever, caught a glimpse of a reddish hue on your face… maybe I just imagine it" I said as I separated my hand from her forehead "Don't strain much yourself president" I told her as I leave the room

After that day I followed my normal routines, I still had an interest in Yui and I began to notice strange things….

1.- I don't know since when, but I started to talk to myself a lot, I had never paid much attention to something for so long, but Yui had broken records in many things, but most importantly, my attention was hers

2.- I feel the need to rush to her side and keep away that Yamamoto or whoever who is at her side when I see her laugh with her or another person, I don't know why I feel that, it's not like I had some right over her

3.- Each time we cross words, which is nothing more than a "Good morning", I felt warmth in my face

Those 3 things are one among many that I have noticed and have remained strange events or changes of mind on my part, if I didn't realized what those meant.

As I said, I don't pay attention to things or people unless they have a direct effect on me, and Yui was a person who already had the privilege to affect me directly, I don't know from what moment began to happen, but I realized that not in a very good way.

That day I couldn't follow Yui when she went to the student council because I was ordered to take some papers to the director, finishing my duty I returned to the classroom to pick up my bag to go to my usual place to observe the council work, but when I was entering to the classroom I saw two silhouettes there, someone was still there.

Normally I would have gone without even knocking, but I could notice that they were embraced, with a stealthy step, and my curiosity at 100%, I approached a window to observe, and to my surprise, I could see Yui and Yamamoto embraced, but more surprising was to see Yui crying

As I said, I couldn't bear to see then together, less so close and now much less seeing Yui crying, without even taking a moment to analyze the situation I opened the door abruptly, I stepped briskly gaining the attention of both, which quickly spread, ignoring their reactions, I took Yui's hand and pulled out of the classroom, I walked a fast speed, but over the road, and as I ignored Yui's voice which demanded explanations, was when I realized what was really happening to me.

Nerves to see her and talk to her, jealousy at see her talking or smiling at other people other than myself, could only mean something… I had fallen in love with Yokoyama Yui.

That's why she had so much effect on me, and now that I know, what I was going to do?…

I was so deep in thought that I hadn't realized that I was stopped and that Yui was in front of me, with a worried expression, leaving my personal dialogue, I observed her face

"Haruka, are you okay? I've been talking to you several minutes ago, you take me by the hand and pull me out of the classroom without explanation and now you just stop and stay in silence ignoring me, what happens?" she asked with a more worried expression

"I don't know since when…" I started to talk a little slow, it's the first time that happens to me, but at least I understand why my nervousness, was because what I will going to do "I don't know since when… I started to pay more attention to you, I don't know since when I began to get nervous just to cross a word with you and I don't know since when I began to feel jealous of all who approached you, but that doesn't mind, the only thing that mind is that I just realized why"

I noted that what I was saying wasn't easy to understand, and that expressing myself wasn't my forte, so taking worth of no where, I just lean towards her, closed my eyes and kissed her….

Waiting rejection, a slap, bad words towards me, or any negative reaction, I kept the kiss a few seconds, but such negative reaction didn't come, I opened my eyes with fear and I could see her eyes in surprise

So that's why there was no reaction… when I realized it I separated from her lips and observe a couple of seconds, after that I noted how she returned to her senses, and now had her eyes on mine

"In short, I fell in love with you" I said breaking the silence, well, I had kissed her, what more I needed to make her understand what was happening?… Oh right, my spoken confession "In what I wait for your answer, I just hope not to see you near that Yamamoto, or I'll make a scene of jealousy as just happened a few moments ago, before I was ignoring you because it was just the time I realized that I was in love with you"

Well, I had answered her questions and declared my feelings, her expression was very funny, or so you would think if you were seeing it from another perspective, her eyes and mouth open wide and a reddish color all over her face.

"You could at least say something, a reaction a sound? explain to me why you cried in Yamamoto's arms?" I said waiting a different reaction from her

"You just confessed that you love me, right?" she asked in an incredulous tone

"If you want I can repeat that I love you and I want you to be my girlfriend" I answered honestly

"You just make a scene of jealousy because Sayaka was hugging me" she said more to herself than to me "I was just telling her that I had fallen in love with you, but it seemed that you didn't pay me that kind of attention…"

"You just could tell me that you love me and everything would be easier" After my words I heard her laugh

"I think you're right, I fell in love with you since you took me home, that day I began to follow you with my gaze, I realized when you watched me, but I thought you only looked at me because I looked entertaining to watch and not for something else" she said as she held me, didn't know how to react, yeah I just kissed her a moment ago, but I'm not used to this kind of affection

"Then we're a couple from now on, so keep some distance with Yamamoto or I will make her keep it by other means" I said in a serious tone, earning another laugh from her

"Okay, but you know that's she's my best friend, I think that will be difficult" she replied still laughing

"I'll have a long talk with her and will be long if is necessary" I said as I thought what would be good to threaten her

"Relax, Sayaka has a girlfriend, I don't think she want something more than friendship with me"

"Still I'll be watching her closely" I answered and before I could keep showing my jealousy, Yui kissed me, she knew it was more than anything else to shut me up, but her lips had an awesome taste

Since that day my life changed, maybe not 360º, but it changed, Yui made the difference, she accepted me as I was, and she understood me although I didn't say anything, something that had never happened with anyone before

Maybe I'm not perfect, I'm distracted, I don't care much about the things around me, but if it's for Yui, I would put attention to everything she told me.

Not because I want to, but because I really love her and for her I will do anything

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Re: Some YuiParu OS
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2015, 04:46:54 PM »
I didn't know you have a thread in jphip!  :nervous

But I've always been a fan of your works, I read it all on tumblr  :lol:

Keep up the good work and please don't stop writing more of yuiparu fics :D

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« Reply #15 on: February 19, 2015, 05:17:27 AM »
Akibastar: yup it's me xD the thread is new so don't worry xD you read the spanish ones? o.o

Well here another Yuiparu, hope you like it C: and thanks for read <3


Always so peaceful, so serene doing anything you did, even just to see you how you watch the leaves fell from the trees in autumn, you can make me feel calm and peace.

This is how I represent you in words, that's the way I saw you and for that reason I fell in love with you.

When I met you it wasn't in the best time of my life, we had only 15 years, we were so young, but my parents were separating, and maybe that's not the great life drama, but for me it was, more because they argued all the time, for possessions, material things, they fought for everything… but they didn't fought for me, it was as if I had been just a mistake that was best to ignore.

That day I had left my house after hearing them argue, not because I was directly affected by they, I was just tired of seeing them and hearing their stupid fights, I just slipped out and left the house, they didn't realize it… sure, they wouldn't notice me.

I met you that day, but was not the first time that I saw you, I liked watching your figure, and how you saw the skyward, as crazy as it sounds, with just watch you, it made me forget my problems, but I never dared to get close to you and that day wouldn't be the exception.

My feet took me to that place where I always watched you, at my arriving I didn't see you, trying to forget what happened in my life and curious to observe whatever you watch there, I went to the exact place where you always were standing, I looked at the trees and the sky, the same trees and the same sky that you always watch, but I saw nothing out of the ordinary, what was so interesting for you to see, that you spend so many hours standing there?

I just don't understand…

"It's a beautiful sight, right?" I was surprised by an unfamiliar voice, so I turned my eyes quickly to the place where the voice came from, it was at that moment that I saw you, your serene expression, the same that I saw at the distance, your eyes were watching the sky, and then they got to me, "We had seen before, right?" I was surprised for your question, and I shook my head "You maybe think that I didn't know, but I know, you know, the way you like to watch to where I am" embarrassed for being discovered I couldn't help to look down, now I couldn't even dare to show my face to you, "It doesn't bother me, you know? it was just and observation… Yokoyama Yui" you said in a gentle tone, and because of that I dared to see you in the eye "Your name?"

Maybe I will like to answer you "Shimazaki Haruka" at that moment, but, how I could?, I don't know my own voice…

Opening a little my mouth, I couldn't help but to try to get my voice that I had never been able to show, but as expected it didn't work, frustrated by my failure, which I knew would happen, I fixed my gaze bah to you, you were patiently waiting for my answer, an answer that you would never hear.

Pulling out a piece of paper that was in my pocket and a pen, which I always carried with me for reasons such as the one presented, I wrote my name and give it to you.

"Shimazaki Haruka" you said my name with that beautiful voice that I already love, "you are…" understanding how uncomfortable you must have felt, I showed my smile and nodded "Oh.. I see, sorry to hear that…. hear… well, you understand right?…" you said with a forced smile, even when my laughter can't be heard, didn't mean that didn't exist, at see me smile you let go a sigh, I guess you feel more relaxed to see that didn't offended me.

We were, if I can say it like that, talking all the afternoon until the sun fell, when the time came you said that you had to leave, having spent that time with you made me feel in a different world, and to hear you say that you had to go made me feel a deep loneliness.

Being alone wasn't something that I was afraid to be, I always have been alone, for my situation, which is present from birth, my parents never allowed me to attend school or congenial with more people, maybe for fear that they will made fun of me, which is what I want to believe they did, because they cared about me, and the other thing I think, is that was because they are ashamed of me.

"Don't be sad, we'll se tomorrow in this same place" you told me with a smile, is when I felt as if you had read my thoughts, it was when for the first time, that not being able to say a word, wasn't an impediment to be understood.

Since that first day, where our friendship began, our meetings were daily, being the nice person you are, you learned to communicate with me within a couple of days, with the passage of time, I learned about you, nothing out of the normal, that was you told me, just a girl of 15 years, which attends school, go out with friends, and have family who loves.

With that same passage of time, I was telling you about me, that I born like this, the insecurities I felt about the love that my parents had for me, if such love existed, you just carefully payed attention to me, saying something when was necessary or when you felt necessary, showing  interest in me and my problems, giving me advice, gradually turning your simple presence, in the only support which I would have over the next 3 years, 3 years on which day by day I was falling more and more for you, 3 years in where the divorce of my parents come to the end, where I ended living with you family, now comprising and falling into account about my worse thoughts, the lack of love they felt for me.

But thanks to you, I got to know and feel how was to have a family, and it's something for which I always will be in debt with you.

Being someone so close to me, and be the first friend I had in my life, I thought that maybe those feeling I had for you, were just admiration, gratitude, or something else, but I was trying to fool myself, since before, when I saw you in that place, I knew that I was in love with you.

But we were just that, friends… for you I was your best friend, but for me you were more than that, tired of me, of how weak I was, feeling that just for can't speak aloud turned me into a useless person, even since you gave me courage,  that you were always by my side, without consulting anyone, even without telling you anything, I decided to start to care for myself, traveling abroad, looking for a solution to my problem.


From that day I met you it's been 6 years, 3 years that I didn't see you, will you still remember me?… I sometimes feel like a complete idiot for not having said a word to you, surely you must be mad at me, but for me was also difficult to leave, and although sometimes the distance make love to fade, in my case it did  it just stronger.

Sometimes when I miss you, I close my eyes and imagine you next to me, your smile, your gentle voice saying that everything will be fine, I hope, that you do the same… but that desire is selfish at see how I disappeared from you life

But sometimes you need to overcome your fear, knowing that being weak is normal, although you feel you are a burden to those who support you, they don't think so and that's why they are by your side, although I took 3 years to realize and to completely be honest with my feelings, I hope you still remember me and while you feel or not the same that I feel for you, you can at least forgive me and remain my first and only best friend…



"Who is?"

"Do you remember me?…"

"… who are you?…"



"Long time we don't talk…"

Offline akibastar

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Re: YuiParu's OS 18/02/2015
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2015, 06:14:00 PM »
Nope sorry :( I really can't understand Spanish so I can only read the translated ones

Offline Kairi65

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Re: YuiParu's OS 18/02/2015
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2015, 08:54:46 AM »
I really can't understand Spanish so I can only read the translated ones

same as akibastar, had read the fic from tumblr but translated by google. so glad you had translated it! arigatou! :cathappy:

Offline abcari

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More than friends
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2015, 10:03:46 AM »
Based in YuiParu's song Tomodachi de irareru nara, hope you like it~

Kairi65 : well, it's a honor to know that you tried to read them in spanish with the help of the translate of google <3 thanks

Akibastar : Don't worry :3 if you are curious of one of all the fics I upload in spanish I can translate it for you


Hey… can we be more than friends?

The first time that I made that question was after a dream in which you were walking away from me, it's unimaginable for me to not have you by my side, in my desperation to keep you at my side, I selfishly remembered everything we've been through together, in that moment was when the question came to me.

When I woke up from that dream, where I didn't get a reply to my question, was when I realized that I had fallen in love with you, my best friend.

If I wouldn't discovered that, I wouldn't be feeling this pain, stay by your side hurts, it hurts because I can't tell you how I feel, because if I tell you, you will turn away from me.

It's better to keep as friends.

But as much as I try, I can't deny my feelings for you.

The day that we went with our group of friends, after we left the restaurant, It happened that both of us stayed alone at the end, our homes were in the same direction, so I continued with your company a little more.

Way to the station all between us were laughs and talks, it was much better to be alone with you, and that's when I thought that it would be good to be forever just with you, selfish, that's what I wanted to be, I wanted you just for me, perhaps, Was that a wrong feeling?

Now it's my last chance

We arrived at the station, if I take the decision now, there is no turning back, our ways part from here, it's my last chance, letting my emotions take control of my body, wanting to be with you, anywhere, at least for a little more time, I asked if you wanted to go to the Karaoke…

With a smile on your face and cheerful voice you answered me "yes", without singing a single song, we talked for hours, we were happy with any thing we talked, out similarities, our differences, and every smile I saw in your face, I felt like my heart was glad and beating fast.

We spent so much time together in that room, where the music played like a background, which made us late and missed the last train.

I must ask now

I can't be silence and hold these feelings anymore, walking down in the nearly empty streets, I stopped and called your name.

"Hey… Yui, can we be more than friends?" Now I can't go back, my heart beats fast, seeing your face I realized that you were confused, do you understood my feelings?… "Can we be more than friends?" I asked again, I come to you slowly, "I want to hold you in my arms, I don't need to be your friend, I want to be your special one" it seems that I took you by surprise, all  I could read in you face was surprise and uncertainty "Although I can't know the future, that you can't answer me right now, at least let me kiss you"

It was as if time stopped.

The feel of your lips, the taste, it was better than any dream I have had before, even if your answer is no, I don't regret my decision, I couldn't stand just being friends.

Separating me from you I wait your answer…

"If we continue just as friends, maybe we would avoid painful things, but even if either of us got hurt, we couldn't continue to deny what we feel for each other…"

Now there is no turning back.

Maybe we can't know what our future holds, but at least in our "now" we are together

If we stayed friends, maybe we could avoid future pain and suffering, but if we stayed friends, we wouldn't have known happiness.

Offline abcari

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what color is the dress?
« Reply #19 on: February 27, 2015, 06:57:22 AM »
So I was watching my twitter and this topic about the dress just pup up on my TL, this was too much to handle to me xD so I decided to write about it, hope you like it

Note:  I wrote this fanfic in english directly, so theres no spanish version lol


"Hey Paru, what color is this dress?" Yui asked her friend as she holds her phone with the picture, she asked with a hint of curiosity, if Paru said gold and white she wouldn't ask her to be her girlfriend, but is she says blue and black she would say it.

Paru watched the picture a few seconds, then watched Yui and then watched the picture again

"Why are you asking that?" Paru asked concerned, she knows about this thing about the dress and she already knows that the dress is blue and black, but at the same time she's already tired about all this stupid dress thing.

"Just curiosity, I want to know what color you see" Yui answered, she only want to use the dress like a excuse to say what she feels, but Paru doesn't make it easy

"Yui, I thought you were more intelligent than this, you are like those sheep's that run at the same direction, doing the same that the others do" Paru said with disappointment

"Oh come on Paru, you just answer me, you don't need to be this cruel with me" Yui said desperate

"Okay, I will answer you then" Paru said almost giving up to Yui, she can't say "no" to her for much time, Yui was waiting expectantly as Paru was watching the picture again

"Well? what color?" Yui asked at see that Paru wasn't saying anything

"Is pink and red" Paru answered with a blank expression

"Eh?! Thats not true!! you should see it like gold and white or blue and black, but not Pink and red!" Yui said exasperated, now what? she wasn't expecting this class of answer

"Okay, what color you want me to say?" Paru asked emotionless

"Maybe… blue and black…" Yui said in a low voice

"Well… I see the dress blue and black" Paru said as she watched the picture again

"R-really?" Yui asked surprised

"Y-yeah… why would I lie? I was just joking the last time" Paru said trying to convince Yui, she wanted to know the real reason why Yui asked her that stupid question

"Ehem.. okay, thanks to your answer I have something to tell you… will you be my girlfriend?"

Paru was watching Yui like a estrange bug or something like that, she used that lame excuse to decide to ask her to be her girlfriend?

"I don't know why I have to have this stupid girlfriend" Paru said as she walked away

"Hey! I'm not stupid!… wait… stupid girlfriend?…then  that's a yes! hey! Paru!! wait!! PARUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!"
« Last Edit: February 27, 2015, 07:03:58 AM by abcari »

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