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Author Topic: Thirdysaur's OS Collection (WMatsui, KojiYuu)  (Read 11694 times)

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Re: Happiness (WMatsui OS) Part 2 -END-
« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2015, 09:25:12 PM »
Jaja poo Jurina
well thanks that she really apreciate
how much she love Rena  :heart:

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Re: Happiness (WMatsui OS) Part 2 -END-
« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2015, 09:47:11 AM »
Still wondering why rena love jurina in the first place....
She's a playgirl etc....why rena choose her???

Hope there's an story about this,the behind story how can matsui rena fall in love with jurina

Offline Thirdysaur

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OS - Why Do You Love Me? [KojiYuu]
« Reply #22 on: January 11, 2016, 04:05:41 AM »
Why Do You Love Me? [KojiYuu]


"Did you hear? Kojima-senpai ranked the lowest again at the exams." -Girl 1

"I heard that too. I can't believe she's dating Oshima-senpai. They're like two opposites. What did Oshima-senpai ever see in her?" –Girl 2

"I bet Oshima-senpai is just going at her because of her body." –Girl 1

"Right? Haha. I mean aside from her body and looks. Kojima-senpai has nothing to offer." –Girl 2

"Yeah. I mean she's really lucky to be even liked by Oshima-senpai. Yuko-senpai is like the epitome of perfection. Smart. Rich. Good at sports. Beautiful. Nice. Funny. Seriously. There's nothing more you could ask for. She's perfect, why is she even going out with someone like Kojima?" –Girl 1

“Well, Oshima-senpai’s type are sexy and beautiful girls. Kojima-san just falls to that category. Even if you two won’t admit it. Kojima-senpai has a body of a goddess.” –Girl 3

“Yeah but do you think Oshima-senpai is serious about her? Oshima-senpai was a player before she met Kojima-senpai right? She even made out with that sexy Science teacher before. Wasn’t there a saying that ‘Once a playboy. Always a playboy?’” –Girl 2

“There’s no way Oshima Yuko is serious about someone like Kojima-senpai. It’s impossible. Yuko-senpai is just probably bored with her other girls.” –Girl 1

“I don’t think Oshima-senpai is that kind of person. She’s not that cruel you know. She doesn’t treat girls like toys. She never even went out with anyone seriously before. She just flirts with them. And I’m 1001% sure that she’s serious with Kojima-senpai.”  -Girl 3

“How can you be so sure about that Mayu? Just because you’re part of the student council with Oshima-senpai and the smartest girl in our grade doesn’t mean you know everything.” –Girl 2

“I just know okay. And stop bad mouthing Kojima-senpai. You don’t even know her.” –The Girl 3 named Watanabe Mayu said.

“Whatever Mayu. Momoka lets go.” Said Girl 2 and left Mayu alone in the bathroom.

“What a Grinch those two. Tsss.” Mayu said as she starts washing her hands. “You can come out now Kojima-senpai.”

A certain cat-looking-like girl came out in one of the cubicles with really puffy red eyes. As this girl named Mayu handed her a handkerchief.

“Don’t mind those two Grinch Nyannyan. They’re just bitchily jealous about you and as of why Oshiriko-chan is head over heels for you.”

“Thank you Mayu. You didn’t really have to defend me. After all, everything they said was true.”

“You know that’s not true! And if Yuko ever heard of this she’ll definitely bitch slap those two Grinch back to Bitch Island where they came from.”

Kojima Haruna smiled a bit hearing her kouhai and close friend Mayu say those things. It was enough for her to hear someone talk positively about her despite the harsh truth and even for just a little it made her feel a little bit relieved and glad. If Mayu wasn’t here she probably would’ve lost it.

“Mayuyu please don’t tell Yuko about this.”

“What? Why? Oh hell no. You’re my friend Nyannyan and I don’t like seeing or hearing any of my friends being bad-mouthed like that.”

“I know. But I don’t’ want to cause trouble again like last time.”

Ah yes. This is not the first time Haruna have encountered things like this. It was even worse than before as these girls say those things straight to her face. Typical bullying.

When her girlfriend found out about it though. The said girlfriend was furious and started scaring those not so innocent-looking girls. Being the president of the student council and one of the most popular students in the school has its perks. And Yuko knew damn well on how to use them.

The last time Yuko knew about something like this. She literally stormed at the juniors’ classroom in the middle of class hours and started shouting and glaring at those poor girls who verbally hurt her Nyannyan. Some friends from the student council even have to literally hold Yuko down. And it wasn’t a pleasant sight to watch. A cheerful and happy-go-lucky Yuko is cute. But a furious one is something you never want to see.

“Okay. But talk to Yuko. Even if she acts like a perverted old man around you and well, you might call the way she shows her love kind of a form of sexual harassment but still, she cares about you a lot. She loves you more than anything else. Don’t be affected of what everyone else is saying. Believe in Yuko. I really don’t have to say these things to you as I know that you knew too well already right?”

“But, we’ve been dating for a while now and I still don’t get it why she asked me out despite of a lot of girls fawning over her. What did she even saw in me? Maybe it’s just because of my body.”

“Nyannyan. Don’t think of yourself that lowly. You love her right? And I know you love her not because she’s Oshima Yuko the student council president. Just talk to Yuko about what’s happening. About your insecurities. I know she’ll have an answer to all of your questions.”

“Okay. Thank you Mayuyu. That really means a lot.”

“Come on. Let’s go. Yuko’s probably crying in a corner missing her beloved Nyannyan.”


“NYANNYAN!! Where have you been? You’re late. I was waiting for you. I MISSED YOU!!” A certain squirrel like girl tackled her beloved Nyannyan.

“Sorry. I did something before going here.”

“That’s okay. I forgive you since I love you soooo much. Let’s go home.”

“Yuko. We need to talk.”

“What is it? Sounds serious.”

“Please Yuko. I’m serious. Let talk when we get at my house.”

“Okay.” Yuko said as she held her Nyannyan’s hand and started walking off happily knowing too well that something is bothering her Nyannyan’s mind but decided to wait until her Nyannyan is ready to tell her about it.

They reached Haruna’s house and went straight to her room after briefly greeting Haruna’s mom who’s busy preparing dinner. Yuko is really close to Haruna’s parents and vice versa.

After closing the door to Haruna’s room. Yuko dived in her girlfriend’s bed and suddenly starts hugging the pillows.

“Hmmm. Smells like Nyannyan. I love it.” Yuko said still hugging and sniffling the said pillows.

“Yuko. I—Uhmm.”

“What is it? You’ve been acting strange lately……… Wait—Are you being bothered again? Seriously. Those girls never learn.”

Haruna have to hold Yuko from storming out of her room. As Yuko was now pissed off knowing her Nyannyan is being bullied again. And it’s all because of her.

“No it’s not that. Please calm down.” Haruna had to do her best to calm her raging girlfriend now as they sat down at Haruna’s bed.

“Then what is it? You’re not breaking up with me are you?”


“What? Are you kidding me? No Haruna. You can’t do that.”

“Yuko please calm down first and listen to me.” Haruna is slightly terrified as Yuko now starts calling her her real name instead of the nickname she always use.

“I’m sorry. Whatever I did. I’m sorry. We can talk this out. Please don’t break up with me. I can’t lose you Haruna. I’ll do anything.”

Yuko now starts crying. Haruna still can’t understand Yuko sometimes. Sometimes Yuko acts like a child. Sometimes she acts like a really really mature adult. Yuko acts really cool and mature but when she’s with Haruna, all of that just crumbles down. And that’s one of the many things what she loved about her.

After a while of soothing. Yuko finally stops crying and they begin they’re serious talk.

“Yuko. Do you love me? Like really really seriously love me?”

“Of course! I love you Nyannyan. More than anything else! More than anyone else! I love you more than I ever love myself!” Yuko answered almost instantly.

“Then what do you love about me?”

“I love Nyannyan’s great body.” Yuko said with a proud smug in her face.

“Is that all?”

“Yeah. I mean Nyannyan’s body is great. And I’m lucky to be even near you. And oh did I mention your boobs are great too. It’s like it’s specially made for me. Haha.”

Suddenly Yuko felt her head spin and a loud slap was heard.

“I HATE YOU!! STOP PLAYING AROUND!! Stop toying with me. Stop playing with my feelings. Let’s just end this Yuko. I can’t take it anymore.”

Haruna can’t take it anymore. She almost ran away from Yuko but Yuko held her tight.

Yuko suddenly went silent. Haruna’s room was now dead silent. And the more silence that passed the more it hurts her. ‘I knew it.’ Haruna thought and without even noticing. Tears started falling off from her eyes.

After what it felt like an eternity of silence to Haruna. Yuko finally faced her with a weird grin on her face and held Haruna’s face using both of her hands while wiping the tears that’s running down her girlfriends face.

“I love you Haruna. I love you so much that mere words can’t even explain how I feel. I love you to the point that I would leave everything and anything behind to be with you. I really don’t know what I specifically love about you but I’m sure that’s it’s every single little thing you do. How do I say this? It’s like. You always make me laugh, in a good way of course. I miss you when you’re not here. You always know the right thing to say to make me smile. I cannot imagine my life without you being part of it. And whatever it is that you’re bothered about, I know we can always handle it better together.

I’m sorry if I can’t explain it clearly and I probably sound like I don’t make any sense at all but the only thing I know and 100% sure of is that. Every day when I’m with you, my love for you gets stronger by the second. And I can’t wait until tomorrow comes. Hehe. Is that a good enough reason as of why I love my Nyannyan?”

Haruna didn’t say anything. She just burst out on tears and hugged Yuko tightly.

“Even if I’m not smart? Will you still love me?” Haruna said barely voicing out her words due to too much crying.

“I will always love you Nyannyan.”

“Even if I suck at sports?”

“I’ll still love you.”

“Even if I always hit you and push you away?”

“I’ll still love you even if you push me off a cliff.”

“Will you still love me when I’m not beautiful anymore? What if you get tired of me? What if you suddenly realize I’m not what you really want and leave me? What if--”

Haruna was silenced when Yuko pressed their lips together.

“Kojima Haruna. I will always love you. Today. Tomorrow. Next week. Next month. Next year. Forever. Forever and always. I love you. I accept you as you are and I hope you do the same for me. Stop talking like I’m perfect and I’m too good for you. I’m not okay? No one is. You are everything I want. Nothing more. Nothing less. We are perfect for each other and I hope one day, you see yourself the way I see you. You’re great Haruna. You are more than great actually. Don’t let anyone make you think or feel that you’re not. And besides you have something no one else in this world has.”

“And what is that?”

“Me. You have me. You’re the only one in this world who has this much control over me. On my heart. My soul. My everything. You are the love of my life Haruna. Everything I have. And everything I am. Is yours. Forever.”

Haruna kept crying while listening to Yuko say all of those things to her. Never in her life had she imagined that someone would look at her and love her like the way Yuko does.

Yes. Haruna is scared. She’s insecure. She worries about a lot of things. But despite all of that. As long as Yuko is beside her and keeps on drowning her with her love. No matter what the odds are. She will always and forever love this little hentai squirrel for as long as she can. For as much as she can.

After all, it’s Oshima Yuko and Kojima Haruna against the world.



I didn't know where it came from but the idea suddenly came up to me. Hahaha. It's been a while since I wrote something. I hope you guys like it.  :)
« Last Edit: January 11, 2016, 04:52:19 AM by Thirdysaur »

Offline ChibiRine

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Re: OS - Why Do You Love Me? [KojiYuu]
« Reply #23 on: January 11, 2016, 06:31:41 AM »
Spot! :squirrel:

The last line was familiar. :hehehe:

Anywho! Nice OS from a great author like you! :mon inluv:

Those bitches though. :frustrated:

More OS! :farofflook:
« Last Edit: January 11, 2016, 06:42:50 AM by ChibiRine »


君を見つけたらどんな言葉を掛ければいい?その姿 見とれて僕はきっと立ち尽くす人混みと喧噪の隙間愛する人と出逢えたことだけでしあわせになる


For more gayness and sweetness, visit the FuuMiru Thread and KojiYuu Thread!

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Re: OS - Why Do You Love Me? [KojiYuu]
« Reply #24 on: January 11, 2016, 07:36:50 AM »
Wow, what the heck that girls did? Bullying in 2016, really?
But its always be like this
When haruna down, she have yuko who will always held her hand
And like mayu said, those girl just jealous thats why they talk behind
And i love how yuko doing to make haruna feel better
And yuko sweet words? I cant handle >,<

Great OS author san,
Make kojiyuu again :D

Offline yocelin17

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Re: OS - Why Do You Love Me? [KojiYuu]
« Reply #25 on: January 11, 2016, 12:14:58 PM »
I really love this story, it makes me cry, but it also make me grin non stop. I really like how you describe their relationship

Why do you love me
I love how Yuko showed her love for Kojiharu, it was adorable, and how you potrait the insecurity of Nyannyan, it feel really well.

I would love to read your another story
Usually a silent reader.

Sorry for my broken english, english is not my first language.

Kami-oshi: Kashiwagi Yuki

Offline Korisu29

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Re: OS - Why Do You Love Me? [KojiYuu]
« Reply #26 on: January 22, 2016, 09:05:28 AM »
aww sooo sweeettt ....  :mon inluv:
thanks for your nice os ...  :mon XD:

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Re: OS - Why Do You Love Me? [KojiYuu]
« Reply #27 on: January 23, 2016, 02:58:24 PM » can yuko be romantic like that  :lol: i love the way yuko describe her feeling toward nyannyan  :inlove: :inlove: :cow:
i'm sorry for my poor english~
Matsui Jurina-Kojima Haruna-Yuko Oshima

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Re: OS - Why Do You Love Me? [KojiYuu]
« Reply #28 on: December 20, 2016, 09:32:57 AM »
And besides you have something no one else in this world has.”

“And what is that?”

“Me. You have me. You’re the only one in this world who has this much control over me. On my heart. My soul. My everything. You are the love of my life Haruna. Everything I have. And everything I am. Is yours. Forever.”

This reminds me of something~  :wub:

It's refreshing to have something to read again~
I love it how you write it and how you express those feelings.
Keep on writing, please  :)

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Re: OS - Maybe [KojiYuu] - 170728
« Reply #29 on: July 28, 2017, 03:49:21 PM »

AN: It's technically KojiYuu but I made it nameless so you can imagine any pairing you like. Enjoy~


We never hang out like we used to before so whenever there’s a chance I always try to take some of your time. And as much as I hate to admit it I really do miss hanging out with you and everything that we did together. For the two of us every day was an adventure. Whether it’s hanging outside or staying indoors to watch the things we like or staying up late talking about things only the two of us would understand. Most of our friends say that whenever we’re together we always got suck up on our own world. Everything was great. Everything was perfect. We were the best there ever was. I’m sorry I ruined it. I’m so sorry I ruined us.

There I was waiting for a chance
Hoping that you’ll understand the things I wanna say
As my love went stronger than before
I wanna see you more and more but you closed your door

Why don’t you try to open up your heart?
I won’t take so much of your time

You know me better than anyone else and I know you better than anyone else. You were always by my side even if I don’t want you to be. We were both awesome in so many ways that’s why we clicked together and we have the tendency to pull other people around us.  I never understood my feelings before. It took me a really long time to realize what it was and to accept it. But I hated myself for that though because I realized it too late. You were gone and happily with her when it all came crashing down on me.

Maybe it’s wrong to say please love me too
‘Cause I know you’ll never do
Somebody else is waiting there inside for you
Maybe it’s wrong to love you more each day
‘Cause I know he’s here to stay
But I know to who you should belong

I believe what you said to me
We should set each other free
The time you wanted to be

But my love went stronger than before
I wanna see you more and more but you closed your door

Why don’t you try to open up your heart?
I won’t take so much of your time

Because of the things I did and showed you were pushed to do the things you didn’t want to. I stayed ignorant about my feelings and I didn’t listen to my own or anyone else. People always told me before that if I keep treating you the way I did you would get tired of me and leave and find someone else. And eventually you did. I was never the one to express myself naturally or the touchy feely kind of girl. You forced yourself to move on because I never showed you my real feelings enough and eventually you did found someone else.

Maybe it’s wrong to say please love me too
‘Cause I know you’ll never do
Somebody else is waiting there inside for you
Maybe it’s wrong to love you more each day
‘Cause I know he’s here to stay
But my love is strong
I don’t know if this is wrong
But I know to whom you should belong

Maybe it’s wrong to say please love me too
‘Cause I know you’ll never do
Maybe it’s wrong to love you more each day
‘Cause I know he’s here to stay

I tried my best to patch things up for us but it was too late. I was too late. You two were happily together. I really wasn’t sure of what I feel that time. I was happy that you finally found someone that could make you happy, that could make you feel the all things I never did. I was rest assured every time you say you still love me. So there’s a small part of me that says I could still fix this, that I could make it right again for us. But the last time I asked you if you still love me you said you don’t know anymore. And for me, that was the end of the line.

Maybe it’s wrong to say please love me too
‘Cause I know you’ll never do
Somebody else is waiting there inside for you
Maybe it’s wrong to love you more each day
‘Cause I know he’s here to stay
But my love is strong
I don’t know if this is wrong
But I know to whom you should belong

I know things didn’t end well for us. But I want you to know that I really did love you. Maybe we really weren’t meant to be together but thank you for teaching me stuffs and letting me know what it feels like to love. This isn’t goodbye but I think it’s for the best, after all I’m the only one who’s hanging on and maybe someday somehow I’ll learn to completely let you go and move on like you did. I know that you’re happy with her and that she really is worth it. You deserve it. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be treated the way you should because you’re the best person I know. I never told anyone about this, about my feelings because I know no one will understand. I can already see everyone blaming me for what happened with us. I know it though, I’ve already accepted everything but sometimes the pain and agony and my still strong feelings for you are hard to deal with and to keep at bay. I have no choice but to suck it up and deal with it right? But after everything that happened I hope you nothing but the best and maybe someday I’ll get to find my own happiness to and hopefully not be stupid again to let it go and take it for granted. Thank you for a wonderful adventure, I had fun and learned a lot.

I’ll still be always here for you no matter what. Forever and always. I love you, I'm always gonna love you.

Kojima Haruna

I know to whom you should belong


« Last Edit: July 31, 2017, 04:20:43 PM by Thirdysaur »

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Re: OS - Maybe [KojiYuu]
« Reply #30 on: July 31, 2017, 02:33:12 PM »
thanks for your kojiyuu fic thridysaur san..
long time not to read my fav otp ..

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