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Author Topic: Jealousy Fight (Yuki, Haruna, Rena, Mayu, Acchan, Minami & others)  (Read 8653 times)

Offline blackcold

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Hello all , now i came with new fic
actually this is not mine
this is @ Wmatsui fanfic and what i write together
hope you like it

(Kojima pov)
As always the life is boring, nothing is new, everything is old.

Wake up in the morning, take shower, brush teeth, eat breakfast, wear uniform and run to the school, and in the school meet many kinds of people, some students are Yankee they can fight very well, some are bullier who bully Every weak, some are crazy, who do strange stuff, some are handsome and player, who can make everyone fall at them without any problem, and some are like me sexy beautiful and love eating spicy food.

Anyway, hi my name is Kojima Haruna, my friend calls me Haruna it Kojiharu.

"Oi,Kojiharu why the hell your midget always clinging on my midget!!" My enemy friend Atsuko yelled at me look like she has the same problem as me.
"That's what I wanted to know why the hell your midget always clinging on my midget, you know because of your midget I can't get  time to talk with my midget!!" I glared at her.

"Why didn't you guys become friends and work together and get your midget back!!"

"OMG you scared me!! Where the hell you come from??"
Micchan or Gachapin is her nickname she can appear from anywhere like a ghost sometimes I wonder if she is a ghost.

"Well, I saw you two fighting so I thought give you a little advice, two of you should work together and make your midget jealous." Gachapin smirk.
Acchan raised eyebrow and looked at me. "Good idea!!" She giggle."Ok Kojiharu-san from now we will going to work together in purpose to bring our midget back."
I nodded and shake her hand.

( Takamina pov )

As always the weather is cold and foggy, I miss the spring, hehehehe.
I looked up at the sky, little drop of rain was falling on my face.

"Please let me go!! "
I hear someone pleading voice I looked at the building corner, I saw some guys disturbing school girl.

"What a cute girl." One of them said.

"We will going to have some fun!! " Another one said.

Geez, can't I pass my day without getting into a fight, I throw my school bag on the ground and walk toward them.

"Oi, you bastards leave the girl alone!!" I glared at them.

They looked at me from the moment and start laughing. "Look like we are going to have two birds in one day." As he comes close to me. I give a strong kick into his private places he screamed in pain and fall on the ground.
"Oi, how dare you hurt my friend!!" He run to me as he come closer I give him strong punch and broke his nose, the blood was coming from his nose, I kick his stomach and make him scream in pain too.

"Such weak!!" Saying this I take my school bag from the ground and walk toward the school.

I looked at the watch OMG I'm going to late, I run with all my power and enter into the school. As I was about time reach my class I looked at Acchan and Kojima, who were talking or fighting may be.
"Hey, what are you doing??" I asked. As they saw me their reaction change and they smiled at each other.
Kojima put hand around Acchan shoulder. "Nothing much, just friendly talk." Kojima smiles.

A friendly talk!! Since when they become friends. Well, I don't have much time, so I smile at  them back and went to my class.

Wait, I forgot to introduce myself, hehehehe silly me. My name is Takahashi Minami and I'm the daughter of the richest family in the Japan, but I don't show my richness to anyone I behave like a normal person, that'd s all please look towards my story.

Have a nice day.

(Mineghishi pov)

 Hello guys how are you hehehehe.
My name is Minagheshi Minami, my friend calls me Micchan or Gachapin.
I'm  like a ghost I can appear anywhere anytime. Let me tell you my secret I'm a spy in the school no one knows about it beside one person. Well, see you guys bye bye.

(Mayu pov)

I wear my uniform, take my school bag and went outside. "I'm going." I said as I put my shoes.

"Take care, and don't forget about Rena , she is going to attend in your school, take good care of her, OK." My mom said, ignoring her I went outside.

Rena, Rena, I'm tired  of her every time my parents ask me , do this for Rena, do that for Rena in tried, what is good about her, she isn't even my sister or anything.

I will not going to leave you like this Rena, you take everything from me everything.
As I reach into the school, I looked at Jurina and called her. "Jurina I need your help, not for free I will pay for it, " I said in a serious tone.

"What it is??" Jurina asked.
I give her Rena photo. "This girl is coming to our school, I want you to play with her, make her your girlfriend and in the end  broke her heart." I said.

Jurina looked at me with a confused face."Why, what she did to you??"

"She took everything from me, I need your answer you are going to do or not??"

"Calm down, let's talk first!!"

"I said you were going to do or not??" I raised my voice.

"OK, I will do." She smiles.

"Good, that's what I wanted to hear."

My name is Watanabe Mayu, and I'm also from a rich family, I engagement with Rena she is my fiance, but I don't like her, not even a bit.

(Rena pov)

Little drop of the rain was falling on my face, I closed my eyes and looked up at the sky and smile. I love the rain more than anything, I can able to forget my pain and my tear in the rain, rain is my best friend who comforts me without knowing me. I love the rain and she loves me.

Today is my first day in the school ,I'm not nervous or happy or sad, just normal, I always normal.

My name is Matsui Rena, I'm used to be the daughter of the richest  family who died in an accident, now I live with my father's friend Watanabe-San I engagement to his daughter Mayu.

I hope I meet nice people in my new school

(yuki pov)

'What a non-peaceful school is this?' that's what everyone will say when they saw this school for the first time , some of my friend from other school always say that this is a bad school and blablabla..

However, i love this school because this school, because I have very cute, dangerous, playboy, sexy friends,i can able to meet them after coming in this school, not every rich people are bad.

Anyway, my name is Kashiwagi Yuki i really like a spicy food , come and find me to have an eating spicy food tournament.
Okay, leave that, too much spicy is no good for your tummy.

I don't know what to say anymore so , have a good day all.

(Yuko pov)

Okey , days go on like always. Seeing the same face at school everytime , seeing someone fighting and i will go to calm them. Seriously, i don't like to see someone fighting!

Takamina and I are  a bestfriend , we are double midget afterall. Maybe there's not have any connection about midget and bestfriend, haha.

And i'm Oshima Yuko , yeah , you may say i'm a good fighter. But , i'm better when i fight together with Takamina , maybe there is a link between the midget!

*takamina: Yuko, please stop with the midget thing!*

*kay, i will stop about the midget thing , go back to your place*

Have i tell you? actually i'm really poor , some might think that i came from rich family , but the real is the opposite. And somehow i think i fall in love , but she's from a rich family. I'm no match for her.

anyway , enjoy your life~.

(Jurina pov)

Hmmm..... this is boring! all the girl are really easy to catch , my handsomeness is a poison to them. They will fall for me everytime the saw me , and i will play with them , it's funny to play with them.

Well, of course i never fall for them , NEVER!!
But something weird happen , Mayu ask for my help ,  but she still going to pay me.  Why did she want me to play with that girl? Is she a bad person? What did she take from Mayu? Seriously , i may not think to much , now i get a headache.

But , The girl look like a good girl. Why did Mayu want to do this? The girl look really innocent and cute.

Oh, I forgot that not every cute girls have cute heart , and i'm Matsui Jurina. The Playboy at school (but i'm a girl, don't worry) , playing with the girls heart is my hobby , that's all.

(Acchan pov)

Hi! i'm Maeda Atsuko or you may call me Acchan , all my friend use to call me that.
Arghh , you won't believe it but i fall for a midget , and she is hard to reach.

It's hard not because herself but because her friend , they are always together everytime and they really good when they fighting together.

I didn't want to admit it, but i really jealous of her. I can't fight like she did , and i rarely talk with my crush!

What good is, I'm going to work together with kojiharu cause my enemy is kojiharu crush. We always fight for our midget but this time i will work together with her , thank's to Micchan idea's.

So, wish me luck!

(Mariko pov)

"God , i have to deal with these kids again , please lend me your strength."

Boring school , boring job, boring student. What i do everyday is teaching. Maybe?

Oh, today a girl going to my class , what's her name again....
Maybe it's Matsui Rena if i recall it and know i have to introduce her , hope i didn't said the wrong name.

"Minna , please sit down at your own seat. Today we have a new student treat her well. Please come in Matsui-san."

"H-haik" kinda nervous

"Ohayou gozaimasu. Watashi wa Matsui Rena desu , Yoroshiku onegaisimasu."

"Okay Rena , that one is your seat , please sit there"

"Haik , arigatou"

She is just too polite for real , but at least she's not a yankee or whatever.

« Last Edit: October 22, 2017, 09:21:48 PM by sophcaro »

Offline black_maa

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Re: Jealousy Fight Yuki:Haruna:Rena:Mayu:Acchan:Minami:Jurina:Yuko chp 1
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2015, 01:15:02 PM »
Ahahaha... each of their introductions are funny.. :lol:
..and double midget.. poor and rich.. but  good friends.. that's good.  :)

Sounds like interesting story.  :roll:
Waiting update!  :)
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Re: Jealousy Fight Yuki:Haruna:Rena:Mayu:Acchan:Minami:Jurina:Yuko chp 1
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2015, 01:27:22 PM »
WOOOW nice fic.

Waiting for updates xd

And yeah black-ma it's comedy fic that's why they are funny

Offline Raizel

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Re: Jealousy Fight Yuki:Haruna:Rena:Mayu:Acchan:Minami:Jurina:Yuko chp 1
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2015, 02:58:55 PM »
Wow.. awesome fic.. :thumbsup
Really interesting,..  :deco:
Oh Rena with Mayu?? But Mayu hate her, why? :banghead: :banghead:
Please tell me each pair, I'm really confuse..  :sweatdrop:
Or is it still mystery?  :?

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Re: Jealousy Fight Yuki:Haruna:Rena:Mayu:Acchan:Minami:Jurina:Yuko chp 1
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2015, 04:25:52 PM »
Oow Haruna&Acchan's pursuing their midget, thats surely rare these days. :inlove: :lol:
Eventho Mayu's quiet the mean one here, im still curious for more.  :grin:
Cant wait to see Haruna & Acchan next moves to get their midget :cathappy: :peace:
      :twothumbs :deco:  :twothumbs

Offline Eryx

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Re: Jealousy Fight Yuki:Haruna:Rena:Mayu:Acchan:Minami:Jurina:Yuko chp 1
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2015, 06:52:29 PM »
My favorite WMidget  :cow:
For once, it would be great to see Haruna trying hard to win the heart of the squirrel  :wub:
Can't wait to see Acchan and Haruna take action to win their midgets  :twothumbs
Please update soon.

Offline jhom_09

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Re: Jealousy Fight Yuki:Haruna:Rena:Mayu:Acchan:Minami:Jurina:Yuko chp 1
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2015, 05:08:50 AM »
interesting.. :twothumbs

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Re: Jealousy Fight Yuki:Haruna:Rena:Mayu:Acchan:Minami:Jurina:Yuko chp 1
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2015, 09:43:52 AM »
Oooooooh cant wait

But poor rena

Bad mayu

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Re: Jealousy Fight Yuki:Haruna:Rena:Mayu:Acchan:Minami:Jurina:Yuko chp 1
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2015, 03:33:55 PM »
Wmidget!!!! :cool1:

Offline vivinardisa

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Re: Jealousy Fight Yuki:Haruna:Rena:Mayu:Acchan:Minami:Jurina:Yuko chp 1
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2015, 06:31:16 PM »
Wow *speechless*  :O

Evil Mayu  :twisted:

Want more update soon  :cow:  :cow:

Offline Koyumichan~

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Re: Jealousy Fight Yuki:Haruna:Rena:Mayu:Acchan:Minami:Jurina:Yuko chp 1
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2015, 11:07:34 AM »
Looking forward to the next chap!!! XD XD XD oooohhhh wmidget is bestfriend! That's rare for me because usually in some fic I read they are just friend and sometimes like to arguing about their heights but I like it~ :hip smile:
Their introduction are unique :twothumbs lol Mariko how come you almost forget the new student's name :lol:
Please update soon!!! :fap

Offline blackcold

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Re: Jealousy Fight Yuki:Haruna:Rena:Mayu:Acchan:Minami:Jurina:Yuko chp 1
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2015, 02:38:05 PM »
chp 2

"Mayu , is that the girl?" Jurina whispered


"She is really a beauty"

"I don't think so"

"No , she is really one and I would be really glad to playing with her heart even without you pay me"

"That's what I want to hear from you" grinning

"I would be really happy if she is different from other girl"

"I'm sure she's different"


"YUKI-CHAN can you please stop sleeping in the classroom!!" Mariko hit Yuki's head with paper.

"Ah, sorry Sensei, I can't help but sleep in your boring class." Yuki yawn and looked at  the beautiful girl who was sitting beside her, Yuki shocked because it's the first time she saw her.

'Look like she is transferred students that Kojima talked about, But she is damn so BEAUTIFULL!! 'Yuki thought.

Yuki cannot help but stare at her, slowly she moved her gaze at her thighs Yuki can't help but drool, her thighs are so sexy.

* "Do you like it??" The girl asked.

"Eh, what are you talking about??" Yuki shocked.
The girl moved her hand and touched Yuki thighs slowly."That you just saw."

"Eh, what are you doing."
The girl moved her hand up and down slowly making Yuki shiver. *

"Ano, excuse me, but why are you staring at me like this." Rena asked as she felt Yuki gazing her.

Yuki comes to her senses and looked at Rena eyes, it was so beautiful.

"Ano, are you okay your nose is bleeding." Rena gives Yuki a tissue paper.

"Eh, ah yes, I'm fine, thank you." Yuki takes a tissue and wipe the blood. 'OMG what's going on since when I become pervert, I can't believe what's happening to me, relax Yuki, relax.'

•••••••••Lunch time ••••••••

Yuki brings her Bento and sit front of Rena.

"Hi, I'm Kashiwagi Yuki desu."

"Matsui Rena."Replied in simple and start eating her lunch.

Yuki also opens her Bento, as she about to eat her lunch her eyes moved at Rena's lips, Yuki can't help but stare at her beautiful and sexy lips.'The way she is eating and moving her lips make me want to kiss her and suck her tongue.'

*Rena stand up from her chair and walk toward Yuki, she put her hand on Yuki shoulder and touch her lips with her thumb, slowly she moves her face close to Yuki and lick her lips.*

"Yukirin what are....... Eh Yukirin are you okay your nose is bleeding!!??" Kojima said.

Yuki comes to her senses and looked at Rena who were eating peacefully.'Not again.' Yuki wipe her blood.
"I'm fine, nothing is wrong with me, I'm fine." Saying this Yuki quickly stand up from her seat and run to the bathroom.

'What's with her!!.' Rena thought and continue eating her lunch.




"Hi too"

"My name is Matsui Jurina"

" I'm Matsui Rena"

"Yep, I know you , we are in the same class"

"I see. "

"Call me jurina"


"Are you free?"


"I mean , do you have someone?"


"Is that Mayu? Watanabe Mayu"

"How can you know ?"

"She is my best friend, of course I know "

"I see..."

"So, do you want to be my girlfriend?"


"Forget about Mayu and be mine , you will be happier if you are with me"

"I'm not interested " saying this Rena walk away.

"Seem like innocent girl"  Jurina smirk

"What's wrong with that girl? She is Mayu friend right? And what she did just now is not what a friend should do." thought Rena

As she walks , Rena lost her way. She is still not familiar with the school place and decide to just keep walking around. But she just really don't find her way back to class. She gives up and bump into someone.

"Ah, I'm sorry , are you okay?"

"Don't worry, I'm okay" stand up, "Eh? Where's the person?" Rena looked left and right, but she didn't look someone anywhere.

"Hey , I'm here , you can't see me? I'm not a ghost" The girl said.

"Eh? Gomennasai!!" she's too short that Rena can't see her

"Why can't you see me?"

"G-gomenasai" trying not to laugh

"Okay , you are not hurt right?"

"H-haik" still trying not to laugh

"I'm Takahashi Minami , What's your name?"

"Ah, I'm Matsui Rena"

"Are you a new student? I never saw you before"

"Yes , I just come today and kinda get lost"

"You lost? No one shows you the way"

"I don't know anyone here , the only person I know is Mayu and I don't know where is she"

"Mayu? Guess I will show the school for you"

"Honto ni? arigatou gozaimasu Takahashi-san"

"No problem and just calls Minami or Takamina is okay"


Takamina go showing Rena all the school places, the school club and told her to choose one club.

"I'm not sure to take which club, all the club is amazing , what club are you in?"

"Me? The Yankee club"


"Eh? You don't think I'm scary?"

"No, why should I?"

"Most of people will get scared with Yankee"

"Well, I'm getting used for something like a gang or whatever, so I'm okay."


"By the way, Takamina-san you look familiar, have we ever met before?"

"Hmm, you look familiar too, but I don't remember meeting you before."

"Eh really, but I'm sure we met before."


"What room is this?"

"This? What room is this?" confused

"You don't know?"

"I'm sure I have never seen this room before"


"Let's take a peek" takamina open the door a little and saw what is inside then hurry close the door back.

"Forget it, Let's hurry go to another place"

"Ehh? Well, okay" confused

"Hey, do you think there's someone open the door?"

"Really? i don't hear anything" continue what they do

"Takamina , what room is that? why did you want to hurry go?"

"Forget that room and don't ever try to go there!"

"Ehh? why?"

"Just do what i said"


'Fortunately she hasn't go in , i really forget about that room , seriously , i'm really stupid now' Takamina thought

"Ah, the bell is ringing , i should go back to class, thank you Takamina-san for the school tour"

"No problem , tell me if you have something to ask , you can search me at the club room"

"Okay , arigatou" Rena bowed and went away.

"Now , I should go back to that room and beat them to hell"Angrily go back to the room.

"So, can you play with her?" Mayu asked

"Ummm..., i think i can , but i need a longer time"

"How long?"

"Longer than you expected"

"What? that long? just not till we graduate from this school!"

"Don't worry , i will not take that long but i just need a longer time , that's all."

smirking, "I will wait, let's go back to class"


"Nee Minami , where did you go to ? you didn't enter the class" Yuko whispered.

"beating some trash"

"What? who?"

"The one that always go to that blank room"

"Blank room ?"

"yes, you don't know?"

"No first time I hear about it, what is it in that blank room?? " Yuko rised eye brow.

"I see, why didn't you go there by yourself and see it."

"Eh, tell me, tell me!!" Yuko start rofling Takamina.


"Geez, those stupid midget why they didn't see us??" Acchan sighed.

"So Acchan did you got any idea what should we do first??" Kojima asked.

"Let's see,hmmm, how about we pretend to be sick and ask their help." Acchan said.

"Hmm, idea is not bad, OK, roger." Kojima did high five and waited for perfect timing.

"Marikooooooo~." Micchan jump on Mariko.

"What you want?? " Looking at some paper.

"I misssss youuuuu~."

"I'm busy!!"

"Come on stop being cold toward me." Micchan pouted.

"....." Mariko sighed.

"What happened, again that students, don't worry they will become good child, you know how does child behave, once they become adult they will understand." Micchan praised.

Mariko looked at her and smile." I hope so."
*Knock *knock *

"Come in." Mariko said.

The door opened, Yuki comes Inside, she  greeted Mariko." Sensei can we talk." She said in a weak voice.

Micchan smiled at Mariko and went outside 

"Yes what you want to ask??"

"Anoo, Sensei I don't know what happened to me, suddenly my mind starts to think Prevert thought."

"What kind of thought??"

"Etoo, I can't explain to you in word."Yuki blushed.

"Since when you are like this ??"

"Since I meet Rena." Yuki answered sobbing.

Mariko laughed." Don't you think it's because you fall in love with her??"

"Eh, fall in love!!? I never fall in love before so I don't know how it's feel."

"It's feel same that you are feeling now."Mariko patted.

"Then what should I do??"

"Make her your girlfriend."

"What if she didn't accept??"

"Don't give up, if she is an important person in your life."

"Sensei Arigatou, I'm so glad to meet you, how can I repay you?? "

"Welcome no need for it, just don't fall asleep on my boring class. "Mariko giggle.

"Haik, Haik."

Acchan come inside the bathroom and looked at Takamina who were washing her face. 'OK, Acchan it's your time now, ready 1 2  3 Action.'

"Aaaaahhhhh, my head!!!" Acchan fall on the floor. " Aaaaahhhhh my head!!!"

"Atsuko !! " Takamina run to her and hold her in her hands."Atsuko what happened?  Are you okay Atsuko!!! "

"My head is hurting so badly, I don't know what happened to me Aaaahhhh!!"

"Hold on I will take you to the doctor." Quickly Takamina hold her in bride style and run to the emergency room.

Kojima hiding beside the wall waiting for Yuko to reach, after waiting half hour she saw Yuko is coming not far from her, Kojima cleared her throat and walk toward her, as she reached enough close to her she moved her right foot and fall on Yuko while screaming.

"Kyaaaaa, my foot!!"

Yuko was strong enough so quickly she catch Kojima in her hand.

"Are you okay?? " Yuko asked worriedly.

Slowly Kojima opened her eyes and looked at Yuko their face was so close, their heart start beating fast. Yuko comes to her senses and put Kojima down.
"Sorry about that." Yuko bowed and walk away quickly, Kojima tried to call her but from shock she can't.

'Plan A failed!! ' She murmured in her breath.


"So doctor how is she?? " Takamina asked

"There is nothing be afraid about, maybe it happened because she didn't sleep well for Two days, if she takes rest she will be OK."

"OK thank you so much." Takamina bowed."Ah by the way I have something to do, so please take care of her. "

"Don't worry you can go back I will be with her." The doctor smiles. Takamina bowed and went away.

'Arrrrgggghhh Plan A failed.' Acchan punch the bed.

••••••••••••Next day••••••••••••

Jurina come inside the classroom and sit behind Rena seat.' Ok, let's see, how should I catch the lovely bird, first thing, Rena is an innocent and cute and also cold girl, so to make her fall for me I need to become a heartbreaking person, and I have to show that I'm not that kind of person how I look, I have to cry front of her, fake cry, I have to make her feel sorry for me, arrggghhh I hate all these things, but I have to do this.'

Yuki also come Inside the classroom and sit beside Rena, she looked at Rena who were reading book quietly, Suddenly Yuki's eyes moved at Rena neck her shirt buttons was open she can see her tasty colar bone,  Yuki can't help but drool.

Again Rena felt Yuki staring at her she moved her face and looked at Yuki, two of them continue staring without saying anything.

'What the...... Why is she staring at Rena like that?? Don't say that Yuki has feelings for her too!! No way it can't be true, no no no it will be troublesome if I have rival, Arrrrgggghhh why all of this happening with me.'

"So what happened? " Acchan asked in weak voice.

"Plan failed." Kojima replied in sad voice.

"Same here."

"What should we do now??"

"Think  another idea."

"Hmm......... Let's see.......... Hmmm........ Nee, what about you go in school roof and say."

"TAKAMINA!! I love you, I can't live without you, why can't you see me, why can't you feel me, Takamina if you don't love me or care about me I will jump from this building ,I don't care all I need is you!!!"

And Takamina will say.

"Acchan don't, I'm really sorry that I can't understand my feelings, but please don't jump, if you died what will going to happen with me, I can't live without you. "

Acchan rised eyebrow." Do you think it will work??"

"Yes, why not!! "

"I don't think so, and this kind of drama is too old  it doesn't work now a days!! "

"Hmm you are right." Kojima nodded. "Than what about this, I will bring some scary guys and wait for Yuko when she come, the scary guys start to hurt me and than Yuko will come running and says."

"How dare you touch my princess you bloody @$#:$@€¥%."

Acchan faceplamed." Kojima, those kind of tricks are too old, it didn't work now a days. "

"Seriously? aren't there's something we can do?"

"There is"

"What is it?"

"Something we can do together"

"What is it?"

"Not Hard to do"

"Just tell me already!!" lost patient

"Okay, okay don't get mad , this is a good idea"


"kay!! i will tell you"

"So what is it?"

"Let's skip school, and don't tell anyone where we go, they might miss us when we are not there"

"Bad idea! Do you think they will miss us for no reason?"

"Eh? right..." gloomy aura around

"Acchan , you are really useless at this kind of thing"

"Can't help it , who know i will fall for Takamina"


"So , what should we do?"

"I don't know this is a good idea or not , should we just go and confess?"


" I have an idea!!! " Micchan come Inside Acchan table.


"How many time I had told you stop scaring us like this." Kojima glared.

"Sorry, sorry, I just wanted to say that how about you get drunk and go to Takamina house and say... "

"Takamina I don't know what kind of feeling I'm having now, Takamina I feel like you are my everything, you are my life, you are my world, I can't live without you I love you."

Acchan and Kojima rised eye brow. " Hey, hey, are you crazy?  We are underage so we can't drink alcohol, and what if someone finds out, who will going to accept the punishment?? " Kojima glared.

"Yes, what if Takamina hate me because of it, it's not good idea."

"Ok, I have another idea hope it will work." Micchan smiled.

"What it is?? " Two of them asked at same time.

"Bring your ears here. "

"Hmm?? "

*Whispering *" I hope it will work."

"let's do it, what if it failed like before?? "

"Then I will give you another one." Micchan wink.

that chapter two , how is it?
please comment
thank you

Offline black_maa

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Re: Jealousy Fight Yuki:Haruna:Rena:Mayu:Acchan:Minami:Jurina:Yuko chp 2
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2015, 03:08:49 PM »
 :mon lmao: 
Yuki's pervert imagination is so funny.
Ah.. those two midget attentions is so hard to get.. but I am  curious, what Miichan suggested .  :roll:

Waiting next chapter!  :)
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                                                                             Then never try to stop.
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Offline yuuchans

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Re: Jealousy Fight Yuki:Haruna:Rena:Mayu:Acchan:Minami:Jurina:Yuko chp 2
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2015, 08:29:08 AM »
Cant wait for their next moves on midgets  :cow: :deco:
Hopefully Rena wont fall into Jurina's trick  :smhid

Offline Dianalrs

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Re: Jealousy Fight Yuki:Haruna:Rena:Mayu:Acchan:Minami:Jurina:Yuko chp 2
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2015, 09:14:54 AM »
I don't get fir what is the blank room?  :?
Waiting for more Atsumin  :heart:

Offline cisda83

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Re: Jealousy Fight Yuki:Haruna:Rena:Mayu:Acchan:Minami:Jurina:Yuko chp 2
« Reply #15 on: April 15, 2015, 01:15:08 PM »
Atsuko and Haruna plans were failing...

Both Minami and Yuko were very helpful and caring but nothing else...

Oh... Rena was chased by Yuki and Jurina

Who would win?

Can't wait to see what's going to happen next

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline arawche079

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Re: Jealousy Fight Yuki:Haruna:Rena:Mayu:Acchan:Minami:Jurina:Yuko chp 2
« Reply #16 on: April 16, 2015, 08:14:44 AM »
Haruna seeking for Yuko's attention

it's different from usual kojiyuu stories..heheh..Nice

Blank room??????

Yo Update soon!!
« Last Edit: April 17, 2015, 12:07:25 PM by arawche079 »

Offline Korisu29

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Re: Jealousy Fight Yuki:Haruna:Rena:Mayu:Acchan:Minami:Jurina:Yuko chp 2
« Reply #17 on: April 17, 2015, 10:20:17 AM »
haha ... Yuki is a pervert in here ... it's so funny ...  :mon lmao:
aww ... Yuko ignore Haruna ...
thanks for the nice fic ...
please update soooooooonnn!!!  :mon lovelaff:

Offline blackcold

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Re: Jealousy Fight Yuki:Haruna:Rena:Mayu:Acchan:Minami:Jurina:Yuko chp 3
« Reply #18 on: May 28, 2015, 04:13:54 PM »

Sorry it took so long to update
Something happened and... Let's just start xD

Chapter 3

As the class finished, everyone went to their house, it was getting dark, the sun already set.
Takamina took her school bag and went out.

"Ah, boring life!Hmm..!!" Takamina stopped as she saw Atsuko standing beside the main gate, she slowly walked toward her.

"Are you okay?" Minami asked worried.

"My cellphone broke and the driver didn't come, I can't go home alone I'm afraid, please take me to my home." Atsuko said with crying face ,"Please! I beg you!"

"Oh, it's ok you don't have to beg for it, after all we are friends, I will company you to the home" Minami pat Atsuko head and walk her to the home.


"Ah, nice smell, I'm hungry! I forget to eat my breakfast." Yuki wash her hands and went toward the table she moved her gaze to the door as she heard door opening voice,she looked at Rena who where coming toward her.
'Wait! This is dream, yes this is a dream.' Yuki thought and swallow her saliva. Rena come close to her and stared at her with lovely eyes, that make Yuki melts like ice-cream.

'This isn't dream, she is real, I can feel her breath.' Rena slowly inching close to her face.
"R-Rena-chan don't you th-ink it's to ea-rly!" Yuki shuttered.

"I don't think so." Rena put her hand on the table, she smiled and took spicy noodles plate that were behind Yuki while giggling.

"Hmm..!!" Yuki blinked her eyes few times. ' what I were thinking??" She thought while looking at Rena who finished eating spicy noodles in 3 minutes, she wiped her mouth with handkerchief.
"Delicious." saying this she walk toward the door, as she reach the door she moved her face back. "Yuki-chan~ you are so pervert minded person." She winked at her and went outside while leaving Yuki blushing like tomato.


"I have to look inside the room that Minami talked about." Yuko cleared her throat and knocked at the door, when nobody answered she opened it and went inside, as she entered in the room she looked around with shocked face, she can't believe what she looking at.
"OMG, those %£#£&amp;*$¢$¥, how dare they do all this in our school and I have no idea about it!!" Yuko clinched her fist as she about to punch the wall she stopped.
"Hmm..! NyaaNyaa." Yuko giggled and took Kojima pictures, she hide it in her jacket pocket and run outside before anyone can see her.


Kojima take along breath and walk toward Yuki who were cleaning the table, she patted her shoulder gently.

"Hmm.. K-K-K-Koji-ma-Chan!!" Yuki blinked her eyes at countless time.
Kojima smirked, she put her hand on Yuki shoulder and move her body in sexy way that make Yuki nosebleed.

" tell me do you want to go out with me?" Kojima asked in lust voice. "Hmm! Yuki? Yuki? Did she fainted?" Kojima looked at Yuki who just fainted from shock.

'Good look like its work.' Kojima smile and went to the class.


"So Atsuko tell me what happened." Micchan appear inside the table. Atsuko giggled. "It worked she walk me to the home." Atsuko said dreaming.

"Oh, really? So did you guys talked?"

"No, we just walked silently."


"Hello class ~." Kojima waved at everyone as she entered in the class with her short and sexy autocuff.

Everyone in the class shocked, some of them fall from chairs, and some of their mouth stayed open. Yuko can't stop herself she start drooling at her sexy legs.

"It works." Micchan smirk.

"Yeah it does." Atsuko replied.

Kojima walked in way sexy and winked at everyone. Her wink make everyone blush and nosebleed. Yuko can't believe that Kojima can wear that kind if clothes in school.
"OMG, she is damaged so sexy!" One boy whispered to other one.

"Yeah, her leg is so hot." added other one.   "I want to date her."

Yuko can't take it anymore, she angrily stand up from her chair and walked toward Kojima, she grabbed her hand and drag her out of the classroom, everyone blinked their eyes with shock, no one was sure what will happen next.

"Nyahahahah, it worked, I can feel her jealousy." Micchan smirked.

Yuko take Kojima to the roof and glared at her. "Kojima how can you wear this kind of clothes at school  it's against the rules!" Yuko said in angry voice.

"I'm sorry, but my uniform was dirty so I didn't find anything to wear other than these clothes." Kojima pouted.

"But everyone looking at you with dirty eyes, go change them now!" Yuko took Kojima to locker room and give Kojima her phd clothing.

________break time________ 

Yuki eating her bento while avoiding Rena and Kojima, she can't look at them, after what happened today, she is sure if she looked at them she will blush or will fainted, she already had nosebleed countless time. 

"Yuki-san are you okay?" Mayu asked.

"....." Yuki continue eating her lunch in silent.

"Hello Rena-chan, I'm sorry about yesterday! I was just joking." Jurina sit beside Rena and smile. Rena ignore her and continue eating her lunch. Yuki stopped eating as she heard Jurina talking with Rena.

'This player, did she planning to play with Rena now? I will never let you touch her.' Yuki glared at Jurina.

"Come on Rena-chan I'm not bad person as you think, let us become friends." Jurina forward her hand for shake.
"We were not enemy before, so no need to become friends." Rena replied in cold way, which make Yuki smirk.

"Eh? You are right... But, let's become friend" Jurina show her big smile.

"Why you are being that persistent?" Rena said as she finish her lunch.

"Cause i just want to be your friend" Jurina show her big smile once again, But Rena just ignore Jurina again and reading her book in silent.


"What?" Not paying attention to Jurina

"What are you doing?"

"Can't you see? I'm reading a book" Rena said with a cold voice.
Jurina just keep looking at Rena but Suddenly her phone is ringing and she put out her phone from her hoodie to see who is calling, Jurina face change to a scared one. Rena notice and ask her what's wrong.

"Just some family matter"Jurina said with a sad tone.

"Why don't you pick up the phone call?"

"I can't, they want to kill me, i may not meet them"

"Why they want to kill you?" Shocked

"My parents have a big debt with them, and now they are running away leaving their debt to me" Jurina start crying, "I don't know what i should do anymore, they say they will kill me" cover her face with her hand

"Jurina-san..." Rena try to calm Jurina, she is still crying

"Good job Jurina, i know you always can do anything to make girls fall for you, but fortunately i can't fall for you HAHAHA." Mayu said, she is on her seat right now while looking at Jurina and Rena.

"How dare she lie with Rena, everyone her know that you are daughter of rich family, I hope Rena didn't fall for Jurina trick,she is really a player.." Yuki said while looking at them from her seat too

There is only four of them at the class now, the other students already go to prepare for their PE class, but four of them didn't attend for PE class. Of course the teacher already know too.

"Jurina san, can i help you?"

"Rena-chan? Arigatou.. But.. I won't drag you on my problem, i won't let you be in danger cause me."


"Don't worry, i have so much part time job and i will save up much money, i will pay the debt somehow. But thank you for worrying me."

"Good! She fall for it!" Mayu murmur to herself

"No way, she fall for it..." Yuki said with unbelieving expression

"You may ask for my help if you want to" Rena give Jurina a smile

"Arigatou.." Smile back

"This is good!!! Keep your work Jurina!!" Mayu murmur to herself again

"This is really bad! Jurina should stop fooling Rena" Yuki murmur to herself again too

"By the way, Rena-chan, may i ask you something?"Jurina said

"What is it?" Rena close her book

"Do you really like Mayu?" Jurina ask her with innocent look.

"Mayu-sama?" Rena look at Mayu who is just sitting on her seat right now and answer Jurina with kinda sad look, "You may say like that."

"I see..., so we can become friend right?"

"You're really persistent, okay , i don't really mind" Rena give a smile for Jurina and somehow Jurina feel something weird on her stomach.

"Yoshh!! You have to call me Jurina-chan, okey?" Jurina have her puppy eyes

Rena just smile seeing Jurina who is really cheerfull, "Hai~"

« Last Edit: May 28, 2015, 05:07:41 PM by blackcold »

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Re: Jealousy Fight Yuki:Haruna:Rena:Mayu:Acchan:Minami:Jurina:Yuko chp 3
« Reply #19 on: May 29, 2015, 03:19:37 AM »
Kojiyuu was  :luvluv2:

waiting for the next

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