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Author Topic: Recommend me some Anime that focuses on our relationship with future technology  (Read 6252 times)

Offline jimmycrackcorn

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Basically what I'm looking for is cyberpunk, but I'm not sure.

I'm watching Gasaraki right now.  I've seen Akira and Ghost in the Shell (the original), and Cowoby Bebop.  All pretty good.

My favorite so far, and really what I'm looking for more of, is Bubblegum Crisis (the original).  It's such a great mix of mecha, sci-fi, post-apocalyptic or dystopian future, and just fun.  I've also seen AD Police Files and Parasite Dolls.

Note that I'm not into Mecha just by itself.  I tried watching Gundam stuff, and I couldn't get into it.  It has to be about more than just big robots blowing shit up.  I mean, I like cool technology and explosions as much as the next guy, but I get bored of it after a while, if that's all that's going on.  Thanks. :deco:
« Last Edit: April 20, 2015, 05:43:31 AM by jimmycrackcorn »

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Checking the stuff you described, they sound like all the stuff I rented on video, and rewatched a lot...  :D

Here's a few new shows:

Psycho Pass - future cops with Dominators, guns with sensors that scan people's probablility to commit crimes. It has 2 seasons, and both are good. The 2nd season is especially polished.
In this list, this one is probably the most gritty and fits your theme the most.

Koukaku Kidoutai Arise - Yeah. Its just more Ghost in the Shell so just continue on.  :)
There was an OVA a few years back, and a new anime series "Alternative Architecture" just started this month (KK: AAA).

Suisei no Gargantia - It does have a future-y robot in it. But just one that gets black holed during the war against aliens, and stranded in what looks like present day. Except there's no land, anywhere. So ppl live on a ship built from many many ships. The story gets damn interesting as it goes along. I totally recommend this one.

Tiger & Bunny - Kinda futur-y super heroes show thingy. Its a little more kiddy but its fun. Check what it says on wiki, and decide for yourself.

Rakuen Tsuihou: Expelled From Paradise - This is a movie from last year. High-tech robot pilot girl, low-life scavenger guy. Facing off everyone. With rich ppl having a holiday life on cyberspace, while the poor live on earth and eat dust. Should get a few ticks from what you're looking for.

Offline Kakashi-tan

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If I were you, I'd watch the other Ghost in the Shell-stuff. This includes another two movies and two series. I don't recommend you to watch the remake movies for the two series.

You also should watch the Appleseed-movies, tho, the Appleseed Saga: EX Machina is the best one. They are all in glorious 3DCGI, except for the very first one from the 80's. Other good series you should watch, are: Ergo Proxy, Black Magic M-66, Aria the Animation, Bubblegum Crisis/Crash, Dominion Tank Police and as winner said: Psycho-Pass.
Oshi: Mayu, who else?7

Offline jimmycrackcorn

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Small Update. 

I finished all of Psycho-Pass season 1, and it was pretty good.  :thumbup   Surprisingly interesting characters; when I first saw Kogami, I was expecting another typical pretty-boy, too-cool-for-school hero, but he turned out to have some depth.   I also thought Akane was going to be your typical Naive Girl Who Is Overly Emotional, be she turned out to be much more relatable.   

Season 1 asked plenty of interesting questions about what it means to be human and justice in society.  There wasn't much action, but it was good when it needed to be, to bring the story along and add good pacing to the drama.  Overall, a solid pick.  Bring on Season 2!


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Ergo Proxy

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Just watched Appleseed Ex Machina (2007).  The 2007-era CGI artstyle was interesting, and the action was decent.  There wasn't anything else going for this movie.  The story was a joke, the scf-fi was unoriginal and not creative, and the characters were one-dimensional.  :yawn:  And what is with John Woo and birds, man?  :smhid  As always, this is just my opinion. 

I recall watching Appleseed Alpha (2014) before.  I'd have to rate it slightly better than Ex Machina, although I still can't remember what it was about, so obviously it wasn't all that good either.

Offline Kakashi-tan

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Just watched Appleseed Ex Machina (2007).  The 2007-era CGI artstyle was interesting, and the action was decent.  There wasn't anything else going for this movie.  The story was a joke, the scf-fi was unoriginal and not creative, and the characters were one-dimensional.  :yawn:  And what is with John Woo and birds, man?  :smhid  As always, this is just my opinion. 

I recall watching Appleseed Alpha (2014) before.  I'd have to rate it slightly better than Ex Machina, although I still can't remember what it was about, so obviously it wasn't all that good either.

I haven't watched Appleseed Alpha yet, but I recently placed a order on amazon for it, so I'm gonna watch it as soon as I get. I hope.
Oshi: Mayu, who else?7

Offline jimmycrackcorn

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Update: Just finished Rakuen Tsuihou: Expelled From Paradise.  It was almost good. 

The animation was certainly gorgeous.  It used technology, in this case the ability to store human consciousness electronically and upload it at  will into artificially-grown human bodies, to ask what it means to be human.

I would have liked them to explore more about how this process worked, though, or maybe how DEVA came to be, or perhaps more on how the cyber world of DEVA functioned.

And then there was Angela Balzac.  Now, I'm a total perv, but even for me she was superfluously-sexualized and hyper-objectified.  This hardly seemed necessary.  At least when her 16-year-old body was used (really Japan?  she was 16 because she wanted a jump on the competition, and couldn't wait for her body to fully form?  lol.), her breasts were reduced from comically enormous to ridiculously large.  And what was that outfit supposed to be, a combat thong leotard?  Yeah, I'm totally gonna send my operative on a critical mission in that.  Seems legit.

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You checked it out too. cool. :)

they didn't really touch up on explaining DEVA. It was just a club for people to "get away" from scrappy earth. and basically go to digital heaven for the right entry fee.

As for the unnecessary "fan-service". its ok in current anime standards. :P
Not to the level of "Breaking the roof Cross Ange" high (that show probably made the entire women's population of japan into its enemy). :twisted:
but there are a few blushes and facepalm scenes. Once you get past it though, both have a lot to give and string up interesting worlds.

I wanted to see more of the robot. I can picture the trio having crazy adventures all over the place. :heart:

Please comment if you ever try watching Suisei no Gargantia. It isn't as gritty as those two, but I think you'll like it. :)

Offline jimmycrackcorn

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I forgot to mention that I finished Psycho Pass Season 2 as well.  Like Season 1, it was good.


Initially I was annoyed at how jarring the transition to Season 2 was. I mean, where did Kogami go?  Sure, he was a fugitive, but he and Akane were practically in love, so it was hard for me to believe that he just fucked off.  Akane also seemed a little too calm about Sibyl system, after everything that happened.  I got over it eventually, and it turned out quite good again.

They brought back everyone's favorite coffee-slurping intellectual, which was good.  They seemed to spend more time discussing the philosophy of law and order, which was good, but sometimes they were too upfront and obvious with the ideas they were discussing.  I usually don't like it when a character literally explains concepts to another character for the audience.

At times it seemed like they were trying too hard to be clever and didn't have much they left to talk about with Sybil, but they managed to squeeze out a clever ending again.

Offline Kakashi-tan

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I forgot to mention that I finished Psycho Pass Season 2 as well.  Like Season 1, it was good.


Initially I was annoyed at how jarring the transition to Season 2 was. I mean, where did Kogami go?  Sure, he was a fugitive, but he and Akane were practically in love, so it was hard for me to believe that he just fucked off.  Akane also seemed a little too calm about Sibyl system, after everything that happened.  I got over it eventually, and it turned out quite good again.

They brought back everyone's favorite coffee-slurping intellectual, which was good.  They seemed to spend more time discussing the philosophy of law and order, which was good, but sometimes they were too upfront and obvious with the ideas they were discussing.  I usually don't like it when a character literally explains concepts to another character for the audience.

At times it seemed like they were trying too hard to be clever and didn't have much they left to talk about with Sybil, but they managed to squeeze out a clever ending again.

I don't know if you have watched it yet, but you should watch the Psycho-Pass movie. It's out now for us non-Japanese. There you will get your answers about Kogami.
Oshi: Mayu, who else?7

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