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Author Topic: Past Or Future - chapter 2 (WMatsui, Mayuki & others)  (Read 3478 times)

Offline 4WID desu

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Past Or Future - chapter 2 (WMatsui, Mayuki & others)
« on: June 20, 2015, 04:35:21 AM »
Hello everyone this is our first fic that we wrote together hope you enjoy it, sorry for grammar mistakes.

Jurina POV

The sun rise, and the morning come, everything is shining with sunlight.

But why everything look dark for me? Something is missing. My heart keep telling me this, but what is that? What is the missing part of my life that’s make me feel like this?

"Sweety are you awake?" My mother knock the door of my room. I didn't replied her,or i don't want to reply.

"Oh, sweety you are up" My mother enter in my room and smiled at me and i replied her with fake smile.

"Hurry up take shower breakfast is ready, you will be late if you didn't reach the airport in time."

I replied her with a nod and walk toward the bathroom to take shower and brush my teeth. After i took shower, I quickly get dress with a pair of jeans and a plain t-shirt, I take my luggage and went down stairs, I  quickly eat my breakfast and say goodbye to my parents as I start to head to the airport. When I got to the airport, I go to the assistant desk to check my ticket and go to my respective seat, as I wait for the time, I take out my earphone and listen to the music, soon I fell asleep while hearing my favorite music. As I closed my eyes I found myself in the car with some people, It was blurry I can't see their face clearly, but I can feel we are very close to each other, somehow they look familiar to me, I wonder where I saw them, we were talking and fighting about something. As I tried to hear their conversation a truck come from aside and hit the car.

I jump on my seat with sweat appears on my forehead, my heart is racing, I looked around and found myself inside airplane, I wiped my forehead with my handkerchief. I land my head on the top of seat and take long breath while thinking about my dream, I wish if I can remember about my past. I wish I can. A girl with a well dress suit look like air hostess offered me coffee and I  gladly took it from her hand, she smile and continue her way to the other passengers, I keep staring at her as she disappeared from my sight, I looked at my coffee and take sip.

The coffee was warm and it somehow calm me down, I try to forget about the dream but it still bothering me a little. Is the dream mean something? was it a part of my past? My parents didn't tell me anything about my past life, whenever I ask them about my past, they always say the past isn't important, the future is.

“Urgggg i hate this!! I wish I remember my past.”

not trying to keep my mind about it, I relax on my seats, and I try to find something else to do.I take another sip of coffee, I try to distract myself with the ipad on my hand and start to play some mini's game somehow, the game make me kinda forget about what happen.

END Jurina POV

"Yukooooo!!!" Micchan come running while holding a piece of paper in her hand.

"I bring you a big surprise, our team are going to sing in sakura club, the club manager accept our request, he said he love our song so much!!" Micchan said and happily jump in the air.

Yuko ignored her and keep staring at Minami who were looking at Atsuko picture.

"EH..What happened? Why you guys aren't happy??" Micchan asked as she looked at their sad expression.

"Atsuko resigned from the band." Shashi replied

"Eh?!? why Atsuko resigned from the group without telling anyone her reason of resignation??” Kojima spoke as she enter the class

"Don't know, she didn't said anything, she didn't." Minami hit the table angrily.

"What are we going to do? After they accept our request to appear in sakura club, but we don't have an electric guitarist." Micchan said as she sit on the chair.

"Guys! we can't sit like this, we have to find someone, just because Atsuko leave the band, it doesn't mean we will give up that easily." Yuko stand up of the chair and said like boss.

"But how we will find someone who is good in electric guitar?" Sasshi asked.

"We should post paper saying that we need to recruit a new electric guitarist" Yuko said

"Good idea, but when is exactly we will perform Micchan?" Takamina asked.

"We only have one week, what if we dont able to find anyone before it." Micchan asked.

"Then let's find someone from college now." Yuko nod, and they went to the canteen, looking for someone who can play electric guitar.

All of them walk to canteen and started staring at the students.

"What about love-tan?? " Micchan asked.

"Errr... Love-tan can't even stay awake in class so how she going to play electric guitar!" Minami scratched her head.

"I think Sayaka is good for something like this." Kojima point at Sayaka.

“No way she is already popular in college, beside she is captain of basketball team so i don't think she have enough time for it."

"How bout Rina?"

"Rina?...she is the most baka person in here, how is she going to learn or even play the electric guitar."

"Etoo, what about Rie I think she good for something like this." Shashi shattered.

Everyone moved their gaze on Rie body from top to bottom.

Rie felt someone is staring her like a pervert, so she turn around and throw them a hot coffee.

"Hot hot hot!!!" Yuko cried as she jumping around like a monkey.

"Why we being throw by coffee when all we do is just staring" Sasshi ask confused

"Kyaaaaaaa!! What they hell, why she throw hot coffee and food to us!!" Minami screamed, while all of them cleaning themselves.

Micchan quickly run toward  the water basket and pour all the water on her.

"Haaaah~, much better" the students look at Miichan with a weird expression

"What? I'm just cooling myself down" Micchan innocently said to them

"Look, she turn into a real gachapin now" one of the student said as the whole cafeteria laugh.

While Yuko take out her handkerchief and start wiping the coffee off kojima face.

"Nyanyan, are you okay?? Yuko asked.

"I'm okay what about you?"

"If NyanNyan okay then I'm okay too." Yuko smiled

Takamina and Sasshi who were staring gone
"Awwwwwwww" toward the the couple while Minami glared at Rie for what she have did.

"What was our mistake!!" Shashi asked

"Pervert!! You guys was staring at me with a pervert eyes!!"Rie said.

"Guys, lets just ask them." Minami said.

"Hey people, we need help, can anyone here play music instrument with us." Micchan asked

Everyone looked each other and nodded, they took their food and start throwing it at them.


"OI, OI,OI WHY YOU GUYS THROWING PLATES WITH FOOD AT US!!”’ Micchan asked while avoiding the plate.

As they were avoiding all the plates that being thrown, Sasshi accidentally fell as she grab Takamina, thus making Takamina grab Miichan and Miichan grab Sasshi making all four of them fall, but they quickly stand, Takamina grabbed Micchan colar and drag her out of the war battle. While Yuko hold Kojima with bride style and run outside.

As they come out safely, they sighed in relief.

"Phew that was close...what's wrong with them" Miichan said madly

"Are we on the wanted list or something?"

Sae who were walking on her way to class stopped and stared at them with confused expression.

Sasshi pointed at her. "She used to play electric guitar."

"Eh, really! Let's ask her to join." Yuko said as she run toward Sae.

"SAE!!! I want to talk with you” Yuko yell.

As Sae looked, she see 5 dirty zombie come running toward her, she spit her juice that was in her hand and run for her dear life.

The 5 zombie quickly run after Sae, but Sae who was in sport club and this made her run fast, Kojima who were not into running already fallen behind from the group, as they were closing to Sae, they saw Sae stop and take a girl to run with her.

"Why are we running?" A girl asked

"Don't ask, just run!!" Replied Sae

Not minding other people who were looking at them, the 4 zombies run for Sae and the girl, as they were closing in from the two, Yuko make a jump and tackle Sae from behind.

The moment have made Sae and the girl fall, Yuko give a loud cheer as she manage to stop Sae from running, and for the three, they abruptly stop but because it was too suddenly, Miichan accidentally  fall to Yuko who fall to Sae and the girl, Takamina and Sasshi joined miichan when kojima who were late appear at the scene while wearing a mask that manage scaring the two off.

"Ouch,itai..itai itai..get  off me" Sae and the girl said.

"Hey, what did you do that for" Sasshi and Takamina asked to Kojima.

The principal come from aside and glared at them.

"All five of you, follow me now!!" Saying this, she walk away.

"Where she want us to follow her? On twitter or instagram??" Micchan asked.

"On principal office!!" Takamina shouted, replied Miichan question while smacking her at the head

"Why is my fault, what did i do to receive all of this treatment." Miichan dramatically said.

The five lazily went following their principal footsteps to her room.

They  knocked on the door and walked in before Miichan started shouting again

"Principal!! We are here,where are you?"

"Baka miichan, can't  you see principal is sitting on her chair"

"Ohh sorry, my mistakes, I don’t see her, since she is too short and Sasshi block my way"

"Oi!" The principal and Takamina glare at them while Miichan only smile, the principal took a deep breath cooling down before she start lecturing them.


Takamina walked to the classroom after cleaning the bathroom for their punishment, she was tired and all she needed was a warm bath. she entered the class to take her bag, when she walked toward her table, she notice someone is also in the class, It was Acchan who still sitting on her chair not getting up and went home. She look very exhausted, so Takamina went to Acchan, she was staring at photo which she takes with Yuko, Takamina and other team members in their band.

"Why did you resigned from the band?" Minami asked in sad voice, which shock Acchan.

"I get tired of it." Acchan replied.

"What! Do you think I'm dumb? Acchan, everyone knows that you treat our band more than family."

"So what? Everyone can leave their family if they get tired"

Acchan took her bag and stand up, as she was about to walk away Minami block her way.

"You can't go without answering my question, why did you resigned? Acchan please tell me! Am I not important person to you, whom with you can share everything?"

Takamina said as tears start to roll on her cheek, Acchan was devastated, she wipes Takamina tears away

"It's not true, you know that how much I love you, you are the most important person in my life."

"You just love me, just love me, nothing more, just an empty love." Takamina took her bag and run outside while shedding her tears.

Everyone getting up off their bed as the morning come, after taking warm shower and brushing their teeth, they wear their uniform, ate breakfast and run to their school.

"Sayaka-san! Sayaka-san! Do you want to hangout with us after school?." Some of the girls who were a fan of Sayaka asking her out again, they always disturb her, but Sayaka is kindhearted so she never reject them.

As for Sasshi, she is stalking her crush, somehow looking her like this broke their friends heart, she always do her best to get close to Rie, but always end up failing.

While takamina still look sad from yesterday, she were singing some sad song in low voice. She is really heart broken. Not only Takamina but all the person will be heart broken when the person they love the most, not sharing their feeling to them.

"Hey, hey, did you guys heard, we have new a student who transferred from England?" Micchan appear like ghost and splash her juice at Yuko. All Yuko can do is glare at her and wipe the juice off her face.

Kojima smiled and licked the juice off from Yuko face making her red like tomatoes.

"A new students at this time? That's rare." Kojima said while licking Yuko face, like a cat

"Guys, forget about the new student and let's find Sae, don't forget our performance." Shashi said remind the members.

"Yeah she is right, let's go." They went to find Sae.

 As they looking for Sae, they saw Sae were flirting with some students

"Sae!!" Yuko yell.

Sae shocked and looked at the voice direction. As she saw yesterday zombie who were running toward her like hungry vampires today.

"Waaaa!!" Sae shout as she run away for her dear life.

"Why are they keep following me??"

Sae jump on the window and start walking on the wall like ant.

Micchan took her water gun out and keep shooting on Sae with it.

As for Yuko she also clumping on the wall, and follow Sae

Minami jump on electric pole and start climbing on it as she reached at the top of it she jumped off, and land on the rooftop and run down stairs.

"OMG, god please help me." Sae keep running from those hungry vampires, as she reached in the canteen, she took food plates and throw at them while running all over the canteen.

They run toward her with a lighting speed and dodge everything that been throwing on them.

Now the canteen has become a food war,well it's more like one side food war while Sae try to lost the hungry vampires, and Yuko accidentally slipped and fall on the ground, as she try to catch something she accidently grab a girl nearby and it's removed the girl skirt

The girl screamed and slapped Yuko, Kojima got angry and slapped that girl, Kojima and the girl continue slapping each other.

Yuko who stand up and try to break the fight but instead on stopping it, she got slap instead. Yuko eyes start to get teary "Nyan nyan slap me."

Nyanyan stopped and go to Yuko "I’m sorry, Yuuchan I didn’t mean to." she cupped Yuko face and kissed her.

"KILL THEM!!!" The girl boyfriend get angry and ordered everyone to kill them, everyone took everything that they can grab like plates, table, chair, water and any other possible things, they start throwing at them angrily.

"You pervert get out!!"

Like yesterday  they start to dodge everything and run for their dear life.

"Thank god we're able to escape." Micchan sighed in relief.

Mayu POV

Every time I wake up in the morning, there were a weird feeling I have when I wake up from the hospital until now, what is this feeling? I came to my new college and sit on my respective seat, listen to the teacher and scribbles down what the teacher have wrote on the board.

Soon it's lunch time, the other student gather together and go somewhere else to have lunch, while me eating in the canteen, as I peaceful eat my lunch I heard a lousy voice at the door, and there is this group of girl shout out that they need an electric guitar player, and pfft they got reject.

Next moment i saw, everyone have start throwing food at them, they’re really having fun, secretly I took one plate of cake and as about to throw at them as well, but one of my senpai appear from behind and looked at me, I quickly hide the cake and smiled at her, she just avoid me, and walk away, I looked at the cake and about to throw at them but they already gone, I guess I can’t join the fun today.

When lunch time finish, I went back to class, it's really boring, soon the class end without me noticing, I go to my favourite spot behind the school where there is a big tree, I walk to the tree and sit down and lean my back to the tree as the wind breeze I relax.

I open my manga read it, while reading it, my heart have a strange feeling, no matter how much i try to understand them, i can't. It feel like something is missing, something important, but what is this something are?

Today is also passed like any other days, same feeling, same dream, same pain, I hope something change in my life, I want to see something new, that will make my pain go away. As I drip into my dream land, I feel myself playing the guitar, but there is someone playing with me, but why I can't remember her? I can't see her face clearly, I can only feel her hands and hear the song that we were playing. Who are you? Why you always come in my dreams?. What you trying to tell me?.

Another sleepless morning, as I drag myself to school, when I got there the band girl from yesterday was running around the school seem looking for someone, ah.. it was Sae, they looking for the playboy girl, I wonder how can the girls fall for her? She look dumb to me to be honest, as the short girl look like a squirrel yell out Sae name, as soon as Sae turn and look at them she ran away, like saving her dear life.

I got interest so I follow them, they ran all the way to canteen, they sure run fast, I cant keep up with them so I walk, when I got there i saw the squirrel girl slipped and pull the girl close by skirt down, 'nice oshiri'. The girl slap the squirrel girl and the cat girl like slap the girl back and so it go back and forth like that, the squirrel try to stop them and the slap competition but she got slap instead and start to get tearing, the cat-like girl stopped and swooning the pain away for the smaller girl.

Soon the girl boyfriend get angry and start to throw food at them, and so like yesterday they ran away. They really are a funny group, they always end up with many troubles, as I continue walking toward my classroom, I heard a sounds coming out from one of the room, I slowly walked toward it and peeked in the room.

A raven haired girl sitting on the chair and playing piano with her warm hands, her hands look similar to me. She is my senpai who always give me strange feeling whenever I look at her. I ignore the feeling inside me as I continue to look at her, she look like an angel from heaven come down from earth.

'oh crap did she saw me? our eyes meet'. Senpai walk toward the door and open it fully

"Do you need anything?" she ask.

Gosh, right now, 'm just standing here like a statues. 'come on brains work!!'

Right now I was screaming inside my head trying to answer her question "I-I-I it's nothing" I ran away leaving her standing, 'I'm an idiot'. i keep on running , when suddenly i bump to someone and fall on top of her, accidentally our lips meet, her lips were warm and soft. My eyes widen and I quickly pulled away,  I quickly stand up " I'm sorry about that." I bowed my head and looked at her, our eyes meet, I felt the pain in my heart like someone stab me, what is happening to me? Why I'm feeling like this? Who is that girl, do I know her?, I run away.

End Mayu POV

Takamina POV

We were trying to escape from the gang, suddenly , while avoiding the plates and all of the things that they were throwing at us, one plate hit my shoulder and my shoulder start to bleed, it’s did not stop bleeding so I quickly run to the exit. I can feel my shoulder started to hurt more so I decide to go to the nurse room. As I reached the nursery and about to open the door, i heard a voice, I realized that it was Acchan who were talking with the doctor.

"Doctor, can I still play the guitar??" Acchan asked in sad voice.

I get shocked, everything make sense, now i understand the reason Acchan resigned from the band, it was her hand.

"Yes but it will take time." The doctor replied.

"How much time it going to take??" Acchan asked.

"Six months."

"What, six months are too much."

I get shocked, I can't believe that Acchan hide this from me why, I can't stand it anymore, I opened the door and glared at her, I walked toward her and slap her.

"I hate you! " after saying this I walked away

I can heard she calling me but I ignored her..I quickly run away but she managed to surpass me and tackle me down

End Takamina POV


Acchan POV

I heard the door being open, I was about to turn around and see the person is and before I even manage to ask the person, i feel my face being slapped, i looked and saw Takamina face and there were tears on her face, she was crying, she said she hate me, then she run away.

I tried to called her but she ignored me. So i run after her, ignoring the doctor called.

For a midget, she is quiet fast. When I feel I getting near to her, I tackle her down and due to impact, I fall on top of her. I can hear a soft thud when we fall, she must be hurt from the fall.

"Oww" Takamina groans from the impact of the ground Acchan weight

"I-is it hurt, Im sorry Takamina

I rub her head and wipe her tears.She looked at me with her teary eyes and start punching me on chest.

"I hate you! I hate you!" She keep repeating the words.

While avoiding her punch I hug her. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please forgive me, I hide it from you because I don't wanted you to feel sorry, I don't want you to feel guilty, I don’t want you to left me, i love you, i can't live without you."

I tighten my hug when I feel takamina was struggling to get out from my hug, I can feel Takamina stop her struggling, so I slowly pull away and face her. I can see she stopped crying but there still tears dropping.

"I’m still mad at you but at least, please tell me, don’t keep it by yourself" Minami said sobbing.

"I promise that i will not hide anything from you, i promise." She nodded, I smiled as we look at each others with full of love, we slowly move our head closer, I can feel her breath on my lips as I locked my lips with her.

To be continue

Please leave the comments.

« Last Edit: October 22, 2017, 09:37:09 PM by sophcaro »
This is 4WID account that being used by 4 Author

Wmatsui fanfic: Taro

Kuro-black29:  Foixe

Kirozoro:  Kim

Blackcold: Erin

You will find all kind of old pairing here.

Offline Raizel

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Re: Spider Vs Snake (Wmatsui:Mayuki: other pairing:) Chapter 1
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2015, 10:32:27 AM »
Wow.. 4 authors together.. Its awesome.. :ding:
Especially the main pairing are wmatsui and mayuki, and the other famous pairing as well.. :inlove:
The first chapter really make me curious.. about Jurina and Mayu's POV..  :hehehe:
There is a lot food war make me laugh really hard, I can imagine their zombie face.. :on lol:
Are Jurina and mayu both have amnesia? :?
I think the person that mayu accidentally kiss is Jurina? :luvluv1:
I'm sorry if I'm wrong cz I smell Jurimayu and Yukirena as well.. :farofflook:
Author-san.. I'm waiting for the update..
I'm really excited.. :on GJ:

Offline NamiRay!!!

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Re: Past Or Future (Wmatsui:Mayuki: other pairing:) Chapter 1
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2015, 03:58:52 PM »
This first chapter was great!!!  :twothumbs
The slapping moment with Yuko and Haruna was the best!! Too funny really!!  :on lol:
I can't wait to read more!! Especially from Mayu's POV!! She's my Oshimen afterall!!  :luvluv1:  :luvluv2:
Keep it up and update soon please!!!  :on GJ:  :on woohoo:

Offline Pokotan

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Re: Past Or Future (Wmatsui:Mayuki: other pairing:) Chapter 1
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2015, 01:13:10 AM »
past: jurimayu future:mayuki wmatsui

im curious about jurina and mayu,yuki too and with the band,
well its chapter one.. and still need more chapter to see their relations ne..
just keep my prediction in my mind :P2
update soon :)

Offline Redyta_Sas

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Re: Past Or Future (Wmatsui:Mayuki: other pairing:) Chapter 1
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2015, 05:08:39 AM »
Woww :shocked
That's quite interesting,,,   :drool:
Please update soon,,,

Offline junrena

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Re: Past Or Future (Wmatsui:Mayuki: other pairing:) Chapter 1
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2015, 05:36:55 AM »
please update :bow: :bow: :bow:

Wmatsui  :deco: :deco: :deco:

Offline niineechan

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Re: Past Or Future (Wmatsui:Mayuki: other pairing:) Chapter 1
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2015, 06:10:46 PM »
It's so funny..
Seems like whenever the band is around, there'll be chaos.. LOL. :P
Thnk u 4 the story anyway. I like it. :D
Keep it up, author-tachi..

Offline 4WID desu

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Re: Past Or Future (Wmatsui:Mayuki: other pairing:) Chapter2
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2015, 08:02:56 PM »
Hello everyone we are back with new chapter, hope you guys won't forget us, thanks for the comments and for leaving thanks.

Any way sorry for bad grammar and mistakes Also don't forget to tell us how you feel.

Yuko hide beside the tree and give signal to 4 of them.

"Someone is coming out!! Get ready." Yuko speak to the Walkie-talkie.

As the house door open, someone come out. Micchan is the first one to jumped on the person while holding a super long bag, as she cover the person body with it. "I got her!!!" She yell.

Takamina took a rope and start tie her with it. On the other side Sasshi take a stick and beat her with it to stop the person moving like ghost.

Meanwhile Kojima drive the van, they put her on the van and went to safe place. The place is where they always practice in the CVS collage.

"YEAH, FINALLY WE DID IT!!" They high fived.

As they returned to their practice room, they took the person they kidnap and make her sit on the chair. Minami grab her hand tightly to stop her from running.

Yuko giggled while taking clothe out off girl face. As their eyes meet Yuko frozen.

She realize that it was not Sae but It's Sasshi crussh. Sasshi  come inside while holding drink, as she looked at the Rie, the drink fall off her hands and she fell on the ground. Rie glared and at them, the tears start fall off her eyes.

"Calm down Rie-san this is misunderstanding we thought we capture Sae, but we didn't know we capture you instead.

We are sorry!!" Sasshi cried.

"please don't tell anyone about it." She begged.

"Okay, i won't tell anyone, but in one condition." Rie smirked.

"You guys have to do what i will tell you."

"Eh, no way...." Sasshi put her hand on Micchan mouth to silence her and nodded. "I accept it."

Rie bring five bowls of noodles and put front off them. They gulp at the sight of the red bowl of noodles in front of them.

"Are we seriously gonna eat this??" Sasshi ask looking at Rie who nods with a gentle smile with evil thought.

"C-can anyone please eat my portion. I-I beg you" Micchan teary up.

" have to eat your own noodles" Rie smirked.

"If it take like that, can i write my will first, i am too young to die like this" Micchan took white paper out and start writing on it her last message. 

"Okay, guys start eating now and make sure you finish it before time end up." Rie clicked on the stopwatch.

"Oi!! Stop that we don't want to look for another member" Minami said.

"Guys we will survive this" Yuko said.

"Beside if anyone find out that we kidnaped cute girl, we will be kicked out." Kojima said.

They looked at each other and swallow their saliva before take the chopstick and start to eat the super spicy noodles.

Rie smiled evilly as she saw their funny reaction.

The members was suffering from the spiciness of the noodles and you can see two roll of tears on their face.

"This is what you got for being pervert."

"Hey, we are not, only yuko the pervert one" Takamina retorted.

"Hey stop saying pervert to my innocent squirrel." Kojima smack Takamina.

"If I manage to survive, i'm going to make Rie suffer one day, wait for that day Rie when I will make you moan my name." Shashi angrily said in her mind while eating spicy noodles

Rie Somehow get little scared of Sasshi reaction, she was angrily eating the noodles while avoiding spiciness. "Why she look like she will take revenge on one day." Rie thought.

Rie Ignoring her thought, she continue abuse them. "No time left, the time is ticking guys, better finish it fast." She giggle.

Yuko put her poker face like nothing happen, she eat the spicy noodle calmly without protesting or something. But inside, her tongue is really burning and she feel like she want to cry.

while Miichan slapping her hand on the table to reduce the spiciness in her tongue.

All of them quickly finish the noodles and run toward the water fountain and start drink water and fanning their tounge 

"Okay, how much you will give me??" Rie ask as she sit beside zombie who had glass of water and fanning their tongue look like a dog.  Everyone looked at her confused.

"I mean money for playing electric guitar." Everyone became silent, they never thought to give money for playing guitar."You want money??" Yuko asked.

"Of course, nowadays money is everything, if you have money you have everything." 

"I thought that friend don't ask for money, they help them whenever anyone need them." Micchan keep drinking water and fanning her tongue

"I wish if i can help you, but i need money, my mother is sick." Rie replied.

"How much you need??" Sasshi asked. Everyone moved their gaze to her.

Sasshi took her balance card out and give it to Rie. "This is all i have, i don't know if they are enough."

Rie smiled and took the credit card. "Meet me after the class in practice room." She smiled and walk away.

"You give her all your pocket money!! How will you continue the college now??" Micchan shocked.

"Its okay, her mother healthy is more important than college. about money when we will performance they will give us money, no need to worry."


"Yes, Yes, that’s right, If i know that it was you we will never kidnap you i swear." Sasshi explained.

"We wanted someone who can play electric guitar, we heard that Sae used to play electric guitar, that's why we trying to kidnap her." Takaiman explain

"Believe us, we aren't that kind of person, Acchan hand broke and she can't play guitar, and we have performance after two days ago, and we don't have electric guitar player." Kojima said.

"Then would you mind untight ME!" Rie glared at them.

"Ah, yes!!" Sasshi took a pocket knife and unite Rie.

Everyone sitting in their class like zombies, some are chatting, some are playing games, some are daydreaming.

Suddenly a girl come running like she saw ghost.

"Hey guys, you can't believe  what i just saw!!" She tried to catch her breath.

Everyone looked at her with confused expression. "I saw SPIDER!!" (P.S: SPIDER is a band in Japan)

(Second Author: "it's in England Baka." *Smack *. Ah please don't mind us hehehehe)

"SPIDER?!!!" Yuko murmured as she were listening that girl conversation.

"SPIDER!!" One of her friend jump off the seat.

"I'm not sure if it was SPIDER or not, but that person looks like her." She continued.

"If it is true that mean we can finally meet SPIDERS in person."

"Meet spider in person!!" Minami rise her eyebrow.

"I wants to get their autograph." All girls nodded.

"AUTOGRAPH!!! They want spider autograph?! How big the spider is that can even write and read??" Micchan shocked.

"I'm a BIG FAN of them since long time ago."

"Fan!! I think they are crazy let's go out." four of them nodded and walk out

As six of them were taking fresh air and talking about random things, they heard one girl come angrily and punch lightly on new student table while making her shocked.

"What you think you are??" She yell at new student.

"What are you talking about!!"
"I greeted you in the morning but you ignored me, how dare you ignore me after what happen between is?"

"I'm really sorry i didn't saw you." She bowed.

"You think you can run away after stealing my first kiss??"

Micchan spit her juice on Minami face with shock.

"First kiss stolen by a new student!!" Yuko giggled.

"I'm really sorry but it was just accident! We didn't kiss by purpose." She bowed again

"I don't care, it was my first kiss, you steal it now take responsibility." She crossed her arms around her chest and moved her gaze away.

"What should i do??" the new student scratch her head

"Go on date!!" As she was trying to say something Yuko interrupted her.

"Ehhh!!" Two of them shocked and looked at each other.

Yuko walk toward them. "Hello my name is Yuko and they are my friend."She pointed at her friends. "And what about you guys??"

"My name is Matsui Jurina." New student said.

"Mine is Mayu."

"Nice to meet you Mayu and Jurina. So Mayu Jurina stole your first kiss??"


"It was by mistake!!" Jurina defend

"Hmm....Jurina even if it's by mistake it was kiss and you stole her first kiss, you should take responsibility."

"Yeah right, you once you kiss her, you can't act like nothing happen." Said Takamina.

"I don't understand it was just kiss, it's not like I make her pregnant or something."

"Even if it was just kiss you have to take responsibility." Yuko glared at her.
"Okay, I will take responsibility." Jurina sighed in defeat

"Yeah, so go in date with her, and your first date will be on sakura club tomorrow." Micchan giggled.

"Whats good about sakura club??" Mayu asked.

"There is nothing good about in it, just we will going to performance there and you guys have to come." Micchan smiled.

"Yeah she is right you become our friends so we will invite you free, come and see our concert." Sasshi give them two tickets.

"Okay, as you wish." Two nodded lazily.

"Heheheh that's good we will wait for you guys."

"I never thought we will end up like this." Mayu facepalmed.

"Me too."

Sasshi knock the principal room door and enter inside she bowed and greeted her. "You call me principal? "

"Yes, i wanted to ask you about something!!” principal said angry

"What is that??"

"When was the last month when you pay the college fees?" Principal glared her.

"I'm sorry about that, I will pay you tomorrow." Sasshi bowed.

"That same thing I heard three weeks ago you said you will pay me, but you never did."

"I don't have the money right now, but i will pay it somehow, can you wait?" Give an awkward smile

"How many years I have to wait?" principal ask

"I promise that I will give you tomorrow, please wait for one more day." Sasshi begged.

"Okay, if you can't bring money tomorrow I will suspend you. You can go now"

Sasshi bowed and went outside as she open the door, she froze as she saw Rie standing there.

"W-what are you doing here?" Little shocked

"I come here to talk with the principal about something." Rie try to avoid her

"Un.." Sasshi smiled and walk pass Rie.

"Are you okay??" Rie asked without looking at her.

"Yes, I'm fine don't worry about me." Sasshi stop

"I'm sorry!!" Rie apologized.

"Don't say sorry."

"You can take the money back, I don't want it I will do it without any payment."

"Come on, i'm trying to help your mom right now, so use it for you Mom." Sasshi said

"What I give I don't take them back, so don't worry I will find money tomorrow, use them for your mother operations." Sasshi smiled.

"I can't take them." The tears slowly fall of Rie eyes.

"What about you pay me while going date with me??" Sassi said don’t want Rie to fell sorry.

"D-date!!" Rie shocked.

"Ah, never mind i was just joking, hehehehe." Sasshi walk away while laughing awkwardly.

"Jurinaaaa ~ Mayuyuuuuu~ Let's gooooo~." Sasshi and Yuko drag them outside of the school.

"Eh, where are you guys taking us??" Jurina and Mayu ask confuse

"It’s a surprise for you." Yuko giggled and continue dragging them.

As they reached the garden that was  behind the college. "Look at this beautiful honey bee house." Yuko pointed at the tree where honey bee house was hanging on.

"OMG it's so cute!!" Jurina smiled excited
"Is there honey inside??" Mayu asked.

"No there is Jam inside." Micchan replied.

"Ehh!!" Everyone laughed.

"It's honey bee house so of course there will be honey." Yuko smiled.

"Hey, guys look there is mango tree how about we pick some mango?" Acchan said as she climbs on the tree and start throwing mango to them, Sasshi catch one mango and ate it. "WOOOOW its sweet." As everyone focus at picking up some mango and others fruit Jurina climb the tree and pick up honey bee house.

"Hey!!!what you doing??" Takamina ask shocked.

"DON'T TOUCH THAT!!" Micchan yell as she saw Jurina coming down while holding honey bee house.

Everyone stop what they doing and look at Jurina with a terrified face.."ok ok..Jurina  listen to what i said.." Takamina said

"Huh what you talking about?" Jurina said confuse

"Just listen to me!..."

"Ok ok"

"Now slowly put that honey bee house..slowly  and gently" Jurina do as Takamina said, but in the middle of  process putting the honey bee house down Jurina hand slipped and the bee house drop down..

"OMG!! Everyone run to where there are water isl!!!!" Yuko shout as she the first one to run away follow by others..At the moment the bee house touch the ground there are bees flying outside. At the time Jurina realize what she just had pick's  not what she think it is.

Mayu grab Jurina hand and make her run as fast as she can she hold her hand tightly as they run side by side.

The honey bee got angry because of their house broke into pieces and moron human make them homeless.

"Kill those humaaaans!!"  The honey bee queen yell while all honey's bee follow her order and run toward them with missile speed.

"OMG why they are following us??" Jurina shocked.

"Because you destroy their house!!" Minami said while running.

They keep running for their dear life, none of them want to get beaten by Honey bee's.

"Sweetheart you are looking so sexy today!!" Sae were having lovey dovey moment as she heard large scream coming from behind, she moved her gaze back and say 8 zombie who were Vampire yesterday now running like Ghost their face was dirty and scary.

"Why they hell they always run after me??" Sae leave the girl there and run more faster than lighting.

They run to the caf, run to the gym, then finally run to the backyard where the principle is watering her  beautiful flowers while humming.

As Yuko saw water she run toward principal and try to take the water pipe from her hand.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOIN?" Principal yell.

"GIVE ME THE PIPE!!" She yelled back. Micchan looked back and saw honey bee's coming toward them like missile.

"THEY ARE COMING!!" Micchan yell.

Principle pushed Yuko away and make her fall, while other run behind principle and took waterpipe, they faced the water pipe toward honey bee's, but it was already late, the honey bee's already reached and start beaten principal because she infront of them.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" A loud scream can be heard all the over the college campus.

The smoke were coming out of the principal ears, her face were look alike spicy ramen.

"You!You!You!You all of You!!" She pointed at 8 students her hand were trembling from anger. "ALL OF SUSPEND FOR TWO DAAAYSS!!" Everything start shaking even the picture that were hanging on the wall fall a down.

Eight of them bowed and run away before they got more scold by the principal.

"Ahhh!!.I got headache ahh by head." Principal hold her head and looked at the mirror.

"M-my beautiful face!!" She start crying.


Waaah I'm bored." Micchan said while eating a melon-pan.

"I didn't know that you like melon-pan." Ask Yuko.

"Who says I like them? I'm just hungry that's why I'm eating them." Miccha finish her fifth melon-pan.

Mayu looked at Jurina who were playing with necklace, she shocked as she saw spider necklace in her hand, she quickly put her hand inside pocket and take out spider necklace.

"Eh! Mayu-Chan you also have spider necklace?" She shocked.

"Yeah, we have same necklace how come?"

"Strange, did we know each other in past? Because some how I feel like I know you." Jurina ask.

"I don't know, I don't remember anything about past."Mayu put her index-finger and thumb on her jaw.

"Y-you don't remember? I also not remember my past?" Jurina replied absolutely shocked.

"Why I feel that something is missing in our life?" Mayu tries to remember. She touched spider shaped necklace with her soft and cold hands, suddenly her head start hurting,she start yelling in pain soon she passed out.

Somewhere there a raven girl come running while holding small box."Sorry guys for being late!!" She said as she catches her breaths.

"You are late!" Jurina scolded her.

"Yeah we are waiting for you more than half hour." Another girl in black jacket said.

"It's okay, at least she come so we should forgive her."

"I was just buying a gift for us so I get late." She smiled.

"Gift!!" Everyone said.

The raven girl open the small box and show them, there was 4 spider shaped necklace. "This is  our identity." She smile, suddenly everything went black.




Mayu open her eyes and looked around everyone staring at her worriedly, Mayu put her hand on her head and sit up.

"Are you Okay!!" Jurina asked.

"Yes!" Mayu replied in weak voice.

"You look tired, take a rest."

"Sorry for making you worry guys." She bowed.

"Don't worry, Jurina take her home" Yuko said.

"Okay, see you guys later." Jurina help Mayu to stand up, she put Mayu arm on her shoulder and walk her to the home.

Not far from them someone watching them through her apartment window, she smirked.

"Watanabe Mayu, Matsui Jurina!!" She took pocket knife and threw it on their pictures that we're hanging on the wall.
"It's time for you guys to suffer, lets see how does it feel when one of your precious friend will betray you, HAHAHAHAHAHA, I can't wait anymore to see your reactions."

"I'm nervous!!" Micchan said as her hand we're trembling. Everyone shake their head.

"Guys let's start, we can do this we are rainbow." Takamina cheer them.

"Yes let's show them who are we."Yuko said with her all power.

"Ladies and gentleman welcome to the Sakura Club, the show will begin and the first band is Rainbow" Everyone clap their hands some were whistling other are cheering them up.

"RAINBOW!! RAINBOW!! RAINBOW!!" fans start calling their name. As Rainbow appear on the stages everyone start screaming their name loudly.

"Why does it look Familiar to me." Jurina asked.

"Yeah, its like we saw this thing before!!" Mayu agree

"Hello Minna-san We are Rainbows." Yuko said cheerfully.

"Thanks for coming here and for supporting us." Jurina eyes widen as she remembered she moved her gaze to Mayu who looked back to her.

"We are spider."

This is 4WID account that being used by 4 Author

Wmatsui fanfic: Taro

Kuro-black29:  Foixe

Kirozoro:  Kim

Blackcold: Erin

You will find all kind of old pairing here.

Offline Raizel

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Re: Past Or Future (Wmatsui:Mayuki: other pairing:) Chapter2
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2015, 03:38:55 AM »
Wow slowly their past is revealed.. :thumbsup
So Jurina and Mayu use to be Spider member and I bet the other two are Rena and Yuki.. :w00t:
I wonder where they are now.. And who is the person that try to hurt Jurina and Mayu? :banghead:
Can't wait for the next chapter.. :twothumbs

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Re: Past Or Future (Wmatsui:Mayuki: other pairing:) Chapter2
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2015, 04:07:16 PM »
ahh... what make jurina and mayu can't remember their past?

who is the person that betrayed them?

where is rena? i want to see rena XD

and... where is the next chapter? haha XD XD

can't wait for next update :D
« Last Edit: July 28, 2015, 04:39:19 PM by key17 »

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

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Re: Past Or Future (Wmatsui:Mayuki: other pairing:) Chapter2
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2015, 04:22:22 PM »
I'm deadly curious about the person who planned to do something bad to Jurina. :?
Keep it up, author-san. :bow:

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