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Author Topic: White Lies ( GB Kojiyuu, Atsuyuu, Atsumina) Chapter 40Update/ May 27, 2018  (Read 88314 times)

Offline midori lime

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Re: White Lies ( GB kojiyuu, atsuyuu, atsumina) Chapter 32part 2 Update
« Reply #200 on: June 08, 2016, 01:28:57 AM »
ne,author san.. for the first ever time, sorry to say.. I upset with Acchan.. :bleed eyes:
 kekekekekekk (in fact, I admire her voice and charismatic face..and her smile..brings peace) :wriggly: 
 :smh: why did she kiss Nyan Nyan's Yuuchan in singapore???!  :frustrated:
 :banghead: it was such a dirty and I hate this scene.. xoxoxoxoxooo but I read it many times..
to make sure that Yuuchan didn't do that with acchan.. :k-thrilled:
sorry.. I want yuuchan's love and skinship only for his lovely nyan nyan forever.
Kaiboy.. I hate his stupidity.. his weakness.. his aarrrggghhhh  why did he hack Yuuchan's computer?? he supposed to be alone for a long time.. even acchan doesn't deserve him.. if only he could be true to himself n acchan.. Iam sure acchan would be touched,but he just give acchan away to yuuchan.. he die before war.. kekekekkekkkk 
and jurio only makes yuuchan another and anytime superhero for acchan..
please complete and finish this story ASAP ne
but I think about acchan too.. how could she handle herself knowing the fact that kojiyuu has been dating for 8 yeas? beside her but without she's knowing? such an ironic..such a huge pain in her heart knowing kojiyuu's secret lies beside her daily loving Yuuchan one sideline.. she will smile with tears flowing.. and feeling how silly and ridicules she was all this time.. she would feel so much embarrassing.. I would got heart attack if I were acchan hahahahaaa
and yuuchan..don't be a good son too much, betray your parents for your nyan nyan is not a mistake kkekekekeeee 
at the end, I wish yuuchan marry nyan nyan with a huge wedding party, and the guests are business partners of Oshima Group's.
proudly give wedding kiss to his nyan nyan in front of them.
and they live happily ever after,fin.


thank you but it is not complete yet so I wait for the big big end.  :hip drool2:
ganabatte kudasai :brucelee:
« Last Edit: June 10, 2016, 11:13:06 PM by midori lime »

Offline arawche079

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Re: White Lies ( GB kojiyuu, atsuyuu, atsumina) Chapter 33 Update
« Reply #201 on: June 08, 2016, 06:38:35 AM »
White Lies

Chapter 33

“ Oshima Yuu!!!” My father’s voice roared across the room but I only replied him with a look of determination… In this case, I know he will not be favorable to my business plan but to gain other board of director’s permission to finance and acquire Maeda’ Corp. I have to bargain my position as president… And will be a chance for director Tanagawa who is really interested in getting my position.. Whispers and small debates started … I breathe heavily knowing that I’m luring my enemies to get what they want and would end our family’s reign in the company… After some time of discussion, I got their permission my father allies vote against me and Director Tanagawa’s allies voted on my side then. But an in dependent board of directors like my proposal giving me permission to stop the South East Asian project and use the fund to Maeda corps.

“The war has begun… “ As I am heading back to my office.

I mumbled while walking back to my office… My father’s executive assistant stops me and asks my presence in the chairman’s office. I was quite hesitant to enter feeling that my father will scold me with my decision. I put my right hand on my left chest and smile.  Why am I feeling this happiness inside? Now I can say that I did the right thing.

I walk in but  I stop on where I’ am standing, surprised seeing my girlfriend waiting on the couch.She smiles nervously and lowers her head… I roam my eyes around searching for my father’s presence then walk towards my girlfriend who is nervously waiting on the couch… I squat in front of her and her hand she was shaking and basing from her breathing I know there’s something wrong...

“Nyan nyan, baby?” She looked at me with sadness…

“Why are you here?"She tucked her lips and shook her head…"I don’t know your father just called me and demands my presence on his office…"I hugged Haruna to calm her and look into her eyes lovingly…

"If this will not turn to be what we wanted just hold on my hands tightly, okay…"Haruna nodded.

"Let’s go to New York…..” she said and hug me I nodded brushing some strand of her hair on her shoulder.

“I won’t let anyone take your happiness..” I feel a nod on my shoulder…

“I know" She replied

"It’s only You…” Her words become source of my strength, however, our conversation was halted with the sound of opening door..I stand up beside my girlfriend not letting go of her hand… My father was silent and walk to the couch across us he bowed his head and we do the same…His eyes are piercing to me if only you can kill a person just by simply looking at them I should be dead by now…My father gestures us to sit that we complied.Nyan nyan tightens her grip that caught my attention and smiles to me…

"So that was your answer Oshima Yuu…"I remained silent not wanting to clash my father wrath… "Using your position as a bargain to other board of director’s agreement…"My father looks to Haruna… "For year only part of Oshima family inherits the presidency and now you’ve used it as a bargain to gain board if directors permission…"His calmness is killing my consciences and the more he talks this way the more terrifying it became.

"I apologize for doing so.But this is the only way to have the majorities’ votes and gain their permission of using the budget allocated it of rebuilding Maeda Corp project…”

“Smart is in it? Totally rebellious tactic Yuuchan.."I gulped hearing my father sarcastic comment…

"Maeda Corporation will be under Oshima group who has not successor…”

“I’m sorry…”

“Kojima-san tell me did Yuu…I mean Yuuchan did a great decision?."Haruna almost jumps on her sit as my father cold voice seeks her attention…

"He did not…"I look at Haruna with a query…"But he..” She paused collecting her own words. Haruna put my left hand in her lap and started rubbing my knuckles.


“It’s fine,” I whisper. She looks at me and breathes deeply…

"But my Yuuchan is a smart and very dedicated person if you are going to ask me if he did a right decision I’ am totally disagreeing with it. But I think he did was a clever decision and not accepting your proposal and choose the other way around … He did not believe in using anyone’s help rather Yuuchan believes in his self and his business plan … I believe in him. "She tucks her lips… With both his brows curved upward my father tapping his fingers on the armrest of his couch… his mannerism whenever his controlling his temper.

"You still believe in him even if he's not the president of Oshima group? ”

“Haruna smiles and shook his head… "The person who is seating on the thirtieth floor of this building is  a totally different person with my Yuuchan.."I smiled hearing it from my girl… "The person on this building is smart, rich, responsible, mature and elegant… But Yuuchan is pervert, stupid, lazy, stingy and always act like five years old kid but I trust my Yuuchan…"I mentally facepalm hearing my girlfriend answer…My father my speechless and my hand are getting numb and pale with her grip.

"Yuuchan is not the person who will choose to marry  a girl  to make his life easier but he will put hard work on top of hard work that’s why his business plan will be successful…"You can hear conviction in her voice … I admire Haruna’s strength… I’ve never heard anyone talk like this to my father.

My father’s executive assistant entered and said my father’s next appointment with that he let us leave his office… I dragged Haruna on the highest floor if our building until we arrived at our helipad… I face her lovingly…She held my arms breathing hard and was about to lost her balance.

"Baby, are you okay?” She shook her head fast and looks at me…

“What did I just do?”

“You talk to my father…”

“Eh, Nani? No way… O my god what did you just do Haruna? “She held her head with a confused face. I chuckled seeing how adorable her reaction is… Haruna started walking back to the door… I held her shoulder as I want to know what is on her mind…

"Where are you going?”

“I need to go back and say sorry…”

“Eh, seriously baby?”

“Yuuchan I think I disrespect your father…"I envelop my girl and rest my chin on her shoulder…

"You just answer my father with your heart and you did great baby…"I cupped Haruna’s face eyeing her with admiration. "You’re the best @girlfriend baby you’re so strong…" and returned hugging her.

"Really ?” She said with disbelief…

I held her hand and make her turn around watching the sun setting in its place.I envelop her waist from the back living kisses on her temple then I rested my chin on her shoulder…

“Nyan nyan , do you even know my business plan?”

“No.." I chuckled while intertwining my hands with hers.

"Then why are you so sure that I will succeed?”

“I don’t have to know everything to trust my Yuuchan…”

“Thank you.But I need to go to New York as I need Mario to be Maeda’s corporation new fashion consultant…”

“But we just get back together and now you’re leaving?”

“I have to..”

“But before that, I need to talk to Atsuko..” Haruna turns around and looks at me worriedly.

“Are you daring a total war with your family?”

“Nyan nyan should stop suffering,” I said while fixing some strand of hair in her shoulder.

“You should talk to Kai-kun first..I know what Kai did but without his help, I should be crying alone and broken…Baby forgive that monkey already ..please…"Nyan nyan hugs me tightly here she goes again with her pleadings.

"Haruna?” I call her name objecting her plead she rolleedd her tongue to hiss me.

“Nyan nyan."She said disappointedly as I call her with her first name.. then leave some kisses on my neck. “ Nyan Nyan” then answer me with a sweet hum.  “ How can I ever retort with this,” I said in surrender that was the answer with giggles.

Atsuko’s POV

The main reason why I returned working is that I want to help him… But I guess it’s the other way around still Yuu-kun is helping me and I remained useless and just waiting for the acquisitions progress..  I was blinded by love that all I see hear, think is my love for him, and how can he notice my love… Now, look what happened Atsuko..I wasn’t really regretting taking the position of Head of planning departments but I feel bad as I do nothing to help my father on saving Maeda Corp. with bankruptcy. I’m his only child now but I choose to love and never have the interest to enter Maeda Corp… I chuckled as now it completely turns to reality, Are you kidding me? I bit my lips as I remembered my father’s comment about the acquisition when I tell him the news…

“It’s been a long time since I see Maeda Corp be under Oshima group now I will retire putting all my trust to you and Yuu-kun…”


I’m relieve that he believes in me and Yuu … Atsuko what will you do? This too much. this is the reason why  I’m not reminding him about his answer to my confession…and also Maybe the reason why his agitation and being short tempered is because I’m not helping him with work and because of his feeling indebted in my confession… In my mind, I was expecting an answer but in my heart, I know he can’t do it now it’s because he still doesn't how and what to answer … Ah, wait for no It's in my mind that I know that in my I know that he didn’t know how and what to answer but in my heart, I was expecting…

"Ahh!!!” I exclaimed as I’m holding my head…  confused… Atsuko!!!You know the reason why….That the more you get closer to him the more you're complicating it for Yuu.. That’s the reason , Why I’m always looking for Kai-kun company just like in high school he is the only person I run to whenever  Yuu-kun is not around well both of them are my best friend but the way I like Yuu-kun, no I love him… So what the difference is between too I love Yuu-kun and I like Kai-kun… These past days I always want to talk to him he might not have Yuu-kun’s sense of humor but I find Kai-kun as sensible person… Maybe that’s the reason I’m comfortable talking to him but that guy keeps on excusing that his always busy even if I offer that I will pay for our meals…My lips curved upward that even if we grow up together there are still a million things that I don’t know.I think each day I’m learning something new about him.. I bit my lips thinking about our shared memories the time he almost kisses me and passed out on Yuu’s home warming party. Then he passed again bumping his face on the door never thought that he is that clumsy…Then being helpful as he tried to me when I got stuck on the elevator… Then his douche bag attitude when I gave him my souvenir and keeps on complaining how cheap it was…… I snap out of my thought hearing voices outside… Oh shit, I stuck myself in side this cubicle for long but I halted my plan of going back to my office hearing my name involved with two girls conversation…I stayed inside and listen to their conversation…

“It’s really true our company will be taking over Maeda Corporation…”

“I told you so…Do you think marriage between Director Maeda and President is true you know?..”

“I’m not really sure but I know that Chairman will be helping President if he proposes to Director…”

“I see that might be true then..,”

“I told you they are perfect match…”

I cupped mouth hearing the rumors spreading in our company and I’m not happy hearing it. I want him to be with me but I know Yuu-kun he doesn’t like to be commanded in his personal life…. Then why did the chairman do this? I’m searching for answer…

Blag!!!! a loud thud from other cubicle startled me.

“What is your problems miss?” The other girl said with shaking voice…

“I see you in the magazine…” I hear another employee in shock.

“Hey don’t you know that rumors like that are prohibited in this company..”

“How could say tha-that but I- I know you yes… You are Kojima Haruna Japans top model…”

“Le-lets go.”

“Haruchan ?” I whisper..

“I’m relieved that Kojima defended plan of exiting the restrooms cubicle as I hear Haruchan phone and mumbles Takahashi-kun outside…

"Yes, Kai-kun I’m at Oshima group office building…No really? Thank you for everything… Yes, I’m a lot better now… "Then later giggles.."Stop saying that!!! Are you here too? Okey, I should buy you dinner then….Ok, let’s see.."So Kai-kun must be really going out with Haru-chan…Then I recall how Haruna on that night again talking to Mario-kun”

Her voice is getting weaker

“I love that…thanks a lot…"Stop it .. !!” as I can’t hear her voice anymore…

Going back to my office I keep on sighing as I trying to figure everything out…

I should be doing something productive and should not be affected by Kai-kun and Haru-chan’s relationship… Maybe that’s the reason why Kai-kun acts little different these past days… And since when they started dating? ..  Then I remember Haruna’s conversation to other lines…. Now I have no choice but to wait for him and with this unknown mood…. resulting canceling my meeting on him as I’m not the mood of seeing him…I pushed my door seeing him standing in front of the curtain glass watching the sun rest on his place the guy was resting his butt on the couch backrest… Why is he here? ..I walk carefully behind him so I will not disturb him from watching the sun…

“It’s beautiful…”

Shifting my head fast “ Eh!!!Yuu-Yuu Kun?”

“Oh, Atsuko you’re here…"I cupped my lips in disbelief as I can’t hide the resemblance…Yuu’s hair color change because of the sunlight…

"Why, Atsuko? Do I have dirt on my face?"I shook my head fast… I was looking at him in disbelieve … "I thought you are Kai-kun… Yuu smile but I notice his worried eyes… I walk beside him and watch the sun melts in the sky…

"Lovely…” I said that was replied with a nod… time passes but none of us are breaking the ice…

“Atsuko…."My body jolted hearing his voice.

"Do you really have to bargain your position for that…”

“That’s the only way….”

“Thank you "His gaze shifted to me but I remained looking at the sky as looking at him and asking that we be harder for me.

"For what?”

“For always saving me my life…"The guy chuckled while rubbing his chin then his eyes become sadder… "Yuu-kun is like a wall that I can always lean on… "I bit my lips collecting all the things I want to say…

"Bargaining your position to gain directors vote  instead of forcing yourself to accept the engagement."Yuu mouth hanging open and return his eyes return mesmerizing the sky while letting out a deep sigh.

. "You- You know?”


“Yes I know that even if I’m part of board of directors Yuu still need half of their votes for the budget…And bargaining your position? I’m glad that you did not force yourself accepting your dads offer..but"I can no longer utter as I can’t hide the fact that as I will be laying because deep in my heart I expected that somewhat if he chooses to engage with me I can finally expect love from him.. i also like the idea of my parents company will be under the Oshima group it hurts a little but this company is the best place to sold Maeda corp.. the other is even if I love this guy beside me I now Yuu so well that If he got forced into something that he really didn’t like doing he will be completely out of control… And I hate seeing that person again…Yuu’s eyes are fixated in the sky and hid his hand in his pocket.

"So you also know about the marriage thing?” I look down and nod my head.

“I overhear it to some of our employees…"As our conversation become deeper my heart is quenching too, making me want to burst.His lips curve upward but I cannot count it as a smile.

"A-atsuko” His voice becomes shaky… I did not look up as I don’t have any guts of seeing his eyes…

“Yuu-kun I’m sorry”

“Shhh…Let me talk before I can no longer have the courage to do this…” hearing that my eyes connected to him… what is it? Does Yuu-kun going to confess… but why is his facial impression says differently.

“I’m sorry…"I held his shoulder for support as I can’t understand what he saying…

"So-sorry for what?”

“I- I cannot take your love because I’m in love with someone…”

“I step aback filling all the air in my lungs as his words suck all the air in my lungs…


"Who-who?"My brows are twitching and I can no longer fight the pain that escapes on eyes…Yuu was standing in front of me. I barely lose my balance but he held my arms for support…


“Yuuboy!!!!” Our attention was caught with the guy catching his breath while holding his knees for support on the doorway…

“Yuu”, He shook his head but my eyes are blurry with crying…

“Am I a bad person Yuu-kun? Do you hate me because of what I do with your relationship with Miichan?? I’m sorry for always giving you problems but this… ”

“Aatsuko no!! A-actually-”

“Yuu!!!” Kai cut for explaining himself further.

“Yuu your dad was looking for you. He said that he needs you in his office immediately…”

Yuu was holding me tightly and closes his eyes… “Atsuko be strong, please… I hope you’ll find happiness…I’m sorry I can’t return your love but it’s completely unfair for you to hope for me…Atsuko promise me you’ll be fine”


“How could you ask for that? I’ve waited for you for long and every day it was Yuu…”

“Yuuboy!!! I said stop it!!!” Kai punch Yuu in front of me I can’t understand why Kai had to punch you but all I can do was to stare blankly and cry “Your dad was looking for you…"He said in a cold tone…

Yuu was frozen bit his lips crying in front of me… "Promise me that you’ll find your real happiness and not to stack yourself in a box again…"He closes his eyes and exited my room leaving me kneeling on the floor crying in pain…


Yuu’s POV

Part of my business plan is to hire a fashion consultant who will be helping me to manage the Maeda Corporation malls …Until we found the suitable person to take over the company… I still feel bad about confessing the truth with Atsuko but Kai totally ruins my plan… Now I can’t see her as she has to visit the completion if the project in Osaka as my representative… I know that this will have a bad impact on her..She locks herself after knowing Maeda’s Corporation Bankruptcy what more on rejecting her but I need to do something… I will be leaving my executive assistant and my team the documentation and legality of the acquisition but for now, I have to find someone to help me to the Maeda mall…Though I work for the company back in college and helping my girlfriend to study that made me learn how fashion industry is working but I still need a lot of things to learn… 

"I   was checking on my files in the living area. Then Nyan nyan sat beside and open the television …She pulled my arms asking for my attention… I did not bother and continued reading my emails…

"Yuuchan can I ask you a question?”

“You already are baby…”

“You’ll be living the day after tomorrow to New York…” Still not looking to her…

“Ne, Baby what is the time of your flight…”

“3:15 pm….” Haruna stands up leaving me clueless on my sit while my sight is following her trails to our room. Yes, I returned living in her flat since last night…

“Haruna I’m going to turn off the television not hearing any response from the room I decided to turn off the television as the sound is making me distracted almost an hour past Haruna sat beside me and open the television again…

"Turn off the television before leaving…"Still not looking at the girl beside me.

"Ne Yuuchan how many days are you going to stay?”

“I still don’t know but I won’t be staying there for week…”

“Yuuchan, do you already have room to stay in?”

“My executive assistant already settled it… ” I look at the girl beside me holding a paper on her hand…

“I’ve already book a flight to New York same as yours…"She happily said to me I took the paper out her hand then return my gaze on her…

"I still have a visa to go back to America so it will not be a problem all I need is a place to stay…”

“I’m not going there for a vacation Haruna I will be there for business…”

“I will help you and besides you have a misunderstanding with Mario-kun, right? ”

“So If I let you stay in my hotel room you will help me talk to Mario…"Haruna enthusiastically nods her head…




"No…”  Her smile fades rejecting her idea.

“But Yuuchan…”

“You’ve already ruined my plan of going back to you when I settled everything…”

“How could you say that? All your employees are talking about your marriage with Atsuko and you just want me to relax and do nothing!!” I close my eyes she explains her side half shouted…

“It's just rumored Nyan nyan….”

“Rumors or whatever I will not let you fly alone in New York… We just spend a little time together aren’t you feeling sad leaving me here.."Completely stop my work as Haruna rest her legs in mine and burying her face in my shoulder…

"If your thinking that I will be bored in New York I promise you I won’t…”

“I know ..”

“I won’t be bothering you when you’re busy..”

“You’re doing it now…”

“Ok fine I will let you stay in my place but remember your promises..”

Nyan nyan nod like a five years old kid I lean over for a kiss that she complied… Haruna grab my arms and rest her nose on my cheeks…

“I’m busy…”

“I know…I just want to snuggle with you…”

“Kawaii nyan nyan …!” kissing her temple.

I remained on my place letting her sleep on my shoulder while I’m reading my document…

Kai’s POV

Do you know how it feels likes sitting on the floor with the girl you love but definitely cursing you for what you’ve done with the man she cherishes… From the time Yuu walk out of the door, Atsuko remained sobbing on the floor… I close the door then sat few feet beside her… Now the sun already rests on its place but both of us are restless.I  worried about her and Atsuko who was broken… I did not talk just watch the lights of the other buildings and the sky who seem also going to burst like the girl I'm with… I look to her for hundred times…

"Why do you have to hurt him?” She finally speaks..

“Because Yuu hurts you-you were crying…”

“You know nothing…”

“Yes and even you do not know everything…"Atsuko laughs bitterly. "You might know who Yuu’s love.

“ Is it Miichan…”

“I’m sorry I cannot say her name… Let Yuu tell it to you…”

“Why because I might do again what I did with Miichan…  Am I that bad person in your eyes…”

“Could you!!!"My voice raises as that making her flinch…"Could you stop blaming your self about everything…”

“Now you’re the one who is mad at me…”

“We need to protect the girl… Atsuko for years my friend has been suffering ….”

“You mean he was going out with someone for years? And protect the girl … of course with me, right…”

“No!! You know What happened to Miichan and Yuki.Yuu was protecting the girl, your not the villain here It's his parents..”

Atsuko seems not processing what I said…

“If you really love Yuu then set him free”

“Do you think is easy you know my feelings for him…”

“Of course I know..” I was now the one looking at her in pain… “This bullshit but I know what, and the same pain that you’ve been into…


“Because just like the time you’ve been yearning for him I was loving you Atsuko…"Atsuko glared at me…

"I love you Atsuko…"Then she laughs sarcastically.

"Stop saying that!!!"I bit my lips as she is now insulting my feeling…

"How could you say you love me? When?…  No…No… So what do you want me to answer you? Is it because I got rejected by the man I like your thinking I will accept you…”

“I’m not expecting anything I just want to say how I feel…”

“Kai kun please… ”

“I love you Atsuko for long just like how you loved Yuu.."She puts both of her hand in her ears and shaking her head not wanting to hear my confession..

"Stop!!! Please…What do you want, so- some kind of merit that you’ve finally confessed to me? Please..”

“No, I actually not expecting anything this is just too heavy for me to carry… But I can’t help it wanted to explode but I-I can’t take this anymore  …”

Atsuko stands up…“I’m done I still have a lot of things to do… Goodbye Kai -kun…”

“Goodbye, Atsuko because Now that I told you about my feelings then there is no more chance for us to be friends..” Atsuko head fasts to the door not looking back, however, she suddenly stops hearing what I said.

“What are you saying?”

"I wish that this will be the last time I’m going to see you Atsuko…”

I walk passing her.

“Now I can say that I’m free…” I mumbled loud enough to hear me…

Just like I expected she didn’t even want to listen…

“Goodbye, Atsuko…”

I bit my lips ....fuck.


too busy to edit...

 No post for long sorry guys... I have been really busy lately... But even if I update this slower than before I will surely go to finish this... Thanks for your support...

@jhom09: o sige pa.....basta maka kojiyuu parin ako... Anyways long time no talk...

@hippchan: lol... So cuuuuuute... Anyways hope you will enjoy this since you ask me to update... Sorry for late post,you know the reason...

@buciq: thank you for the comment..and i hope you update your saeyuki fics too...

@ringd: hi kouhai... LoL... Where is your fan fiction?
Yes kojiyuu no life... About yuu's parents... Hmmmm !!!!

@minami_24:  sorry for the long wait here is my update...thank you for dropping a comment...

@midori lime: thnks for long comment i really appreciate it... Hmmmm..... Jusr enjoy my fic....

To all silent readers and who hit thanks .....
 Thank you
« Last Edit: July 07, 2017, 08:13:03 AM by arawche079 »

Offline ryu201

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Re: White Lies ( GB kojiyuu, atsuyuu, atsumina) Chapter 33 Update
« Reply #202 on: June 08, 2016, 11:16:38 PM »
so everything is come to the truth now?
atsuko must be really shock to accept yuu's rejection and kai's confession in the same time  :(
but from acchan reaction to kai's farewell,i smell atsumina moment is around  :on woohoo:
i will keep waiting the update,please continue ache-san ^^
and thank for awesome update!!!!

Offline midori lime

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Re: White Lies ( GB kojiyuu, atsuyuu, atsumina) Chapter 33 Update
« Reply #203 on: June 09, 2016, 05:48:05 AM »
thx for updating.
thx for setting kaikun free from all his suffer loving one sideline acchan. no more abundance in his heart,good. you seems to be the most painful person but if you only knew each of day behind your happiness being with yuuchan, there's nyan nyan with all her suffer,struggle for her yuuchan. wish you find real happiness,but not yuuchan.
kojiyuu..sometime, yuuchan is the tsundere one, esp.when he was busy with his papers.
author san.. can you promise us to save our kojiyuu??  :deco: and also save yuuchan from his disease ne.
thx again.
wait for the next chap. :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline jhom_09

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Re: White Lies ( GB kojiyuu, atsuyuu, atsumina) Chapter 33 Update
« Reply #204 on: June 12, 2016, 07:12:25 AM »

edit ko pag nabasa ko na

Offline Hipchan

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Re: White Lies ( GB kojiyuu, atsuyuu, atsumina) Chapter 33 Update
« Reply #205 on: June 13, 2016, 08:03:41 AM »
poor Kai  :(  I feel you Kai.. brokenheart is really hurt..

but dont worry.. there are many pretty girls out there.. you can easily get their heart more than goose-flirt-kun (  :lol: )

thank you author-san... thank you for making atsumina suffer..  :mon whine: :mon whine: :mon whine:

I hope my kojiyuu will marry soon and have babies then the babies will have girlfriend/boyfriend when they were 10 years old..

actually I hate you for making atsumina suffer author-san  :smhid  :smhid
but dont worry, you still be one of my favorite author.. eventough I put you on the last number.. dont be sad..

( excuse me author-san I edit my comment = for Kai.. I warn you dont date 10 years old girl..remember!! )

« Last Edit: June 13, 2016, 08:28:10 AM by Hipchan »

Offline LuckyMatsui

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Re: White Lies ( GB kojiyuu, atsuyuu, atsumina) Chapter 33 Update
« Reply #206 on: June 19, 2016, 07:51:18 AM »
Grabe bat ngayon ko lang binasa to?! :dunno:
I almost missed a great fic.
Kai why not fight for your love?  :err:
Btw, can I have the password sa Chap 32.5 meheheheh  :wahaha:  :hehehe:
I really like your fic Author-san! I'll wait for the next update.  :hee:
Matsui Rena + Matsui Jurina =

Offline arawche079

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Re: White Lies ( GB kojiyuu, atsuyuu, atsumina) Chapter 33 Update
« Reply #207 on: June 19, 2016, 02:37:19 PM »
Grabe bat ngayon ko lang binasa to?! :dunno:
I almost missed a great fic.
Kai why not fight for your love?  :err:
Btw, can I have the password sa Chap 32.5 meheheheh  :wahaha:  :hehehe: 
I really like your fic Author-san! I'll wait for the next update.  :hee:

Pm mo ako...

Thank you for reading...

Offline arawche079

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Re: White Lies ( GB kojiyuu, atsuyuu, atsumina) Chapter 34 Update
« Reply #208 on: July 06, 2016, 08:22:57 AM »
Chapter 34

Have you tried watching television but your mind is traveling somewhere that you only do was change the program. In the end it landed on the program which my girlfriend loves of course it’s all about fashion.. Nyan nyan won over the remote control without throwing a fit.. I shifted my view of the girl who finds comfort on my left arm while resting her head on my chest. I rested my neck on the headrest adjusting my body low... Haruna lift her head and kiss my jaw line...I replied with a smile and rubbing her head to return to its resting place  but she lift her head upward to claim my wounded lips.....

"Does it hurt?" She asked worriedly as she brushes my bruised cheeks lightly...

"No "Our eyes are talking more than words...

"It's my fault I should not tell Kai-kun about your plan of turning Atsuko’s love confession down...I'm sorry baby..." I smirk thinking that she's feeling this bad that's she's not protesting about my control over the television..." If only I did not tell Kai-kun it about then..." I kissed her lips to stop her.... She lovingly smiles cupping my cheeks as I’m rubbing her back... Now our heartbeat is louder than our voice. Nyan nyan kiss my lips I whimpered feeling the sting as she sucks my wound then give few more kisses on my lips. I move aback and remove my arms that envelop her I stand up but Haruna stop me by holding my hand...

"Where are you going? "

"I'm thirsty. I will drink water." Haruna still holding my hands firmly but I let it go... And went to the kitchen, hovering the refrigerator. I sigh seeing her almost empty fridge, lifting bottles of pickles that she doesn’t like... Why does she have something like this? Then other bottles of unknown food. Then finally I see four cans bear that I've been thirsty of...

"I missed you!!!" I was caught with a pair of arms hugging me from my back. 

"I'm not even gone for a minute..."

But she rested her chin on my shoulder then started swaying our hips together.. I bit my lips remembering that used to do this every morning... I open the bear and turn my body around but before I can chunk on it Haruna pulled it and sip sexily.

"Why are you running from our conversation squirrel?" Then again my girl caught me...She continued moving her hips and moving her right hand to my butt... "You can't hide things from me, baby!!!" She really knows how to make me smile as she is imitating me on seducing her that completely turns like some comedic scene on a variety show.  She puts the bear in her chest raised her brows lightly... I was caught in the moment of watching her that I pulled the bear on her hand after taking her second gulp and unexpectedly stealing a kiss on her lips savoring the bittersweet taste on her tongue... Haruna was pushing my head to take it deeper but I move aback and drink on the same bottle earning a giggle from my girl... I carry her and make her sit on the counter top then finish the bottle of liquor... I put it on her side... I was about to claim her lips but she maneuvered and give a gentle peck on my cheeks then hugged my head...

"Yuu say it?"

"I kiss Atsuko in Singapore and we -"

Haruna release from her hug and bulged her eyes.I averted from her gaze as I don't have guts of looking it..."I thought it was you I miss you so bad and I was drunk I kissed her and almost do it but she called me Yuu-kun... Then I know I'm doing it with a wrong person..."I rested my nose on her cheeks while Haruna is not saying a word...

"Yuuchan.... I only can sleep with a girl who can call me Yuuchan... And baby I know you will not believe in or this would totally ruin everything but I can't continue hiding this... I cried hard in her cheeks for the first time I show my pain to the girl I love... "Doing that I said to myself that we are over..." I'm gasping for air... "I can go now if you want me to but I can't continue to hide this on you...I'm sorry... I'm sorry that I can only stand with my parents now... I'm sorry that I can that I'm glad that Kai-kun was there to stop me from saying that you are my girlfriend because baby I'm so scared of losing you again... I was so scared of everything but in the end, I'm more scared of losing you again..."Haruna with her head down then I punch the counter top so mad at myself... Haruna flinched hearing it.

"Are you stupid hurting yourself?"

"I need to tell you everything because keeping it inside is hurtful... This will heal with days but you not in my life... I can't. I will fight for you... I don't mind if my parents will hunt me but I will not be going anywhere without you.."

"You almost fuck Atsuko?"

I nodded and now my to turn my head down...
"We just kiss..."

"Yuu?"She rested her head and lean her face on my shoulder...

 "If you’re saying sorry for telling Kai about turning down Atsuko's confession then how can you forgive a stupid person like me..."

Haruna hugged me tighter..."I' m so-so-sorry Haruna.."Then her hand landed on my cheeks... Now Haruna was intensely glaring at me eating my conscience...

"Kissing her, I thought of things more than that.I was thinking, will I be able to take it when you've totally had sex with her... I cursed you for making me love you so much that I'm still willing to accept you just don't leave me... I hate myself for loving you this much... But I was relieved that nothing happened and your love for me snap you out of that. I'm not happy about it but is it grateful be a right word that you cannot lie to me... I worst every day is torture for me every time I see you with her... "
I hugged her tight and rub her back while she sobbing on my neck Nyan nyan was so broken that she even finish what she wants to say but us clear we are both miserable without each other...

I slip my hand on her legs and back carrying my girlfriend to our room Haruna is hugging my head tightly still sobbing I laid her down on the bed and slip myself to the other side... I rested my arms on my head but Haruna hugged my chest and continued crying...

." Nyan nyan, stops crying baby your eyes will be swollen on our flight tomorrow.."

"I will wear glasses..."

"I will miss your eyes!!"

"It’s your punishment for making me cry..." she moves up and rests the tip of her nose on my cheeks...

"I'm sorry " I moved aback and held her cheeks...She's pouting adorably while crying...

"Don't leave me, please.... Don't marry Atsuko..."She said and hugged me tightly

"Baby I just turn her feeling down remember.."Now I was like asking some five-year-old child to stop from crying...

"I'm scared because I think I disrespect your father..."

"I already said that I will leave everything but not my Nyan nyan..."She nodded.

"No breaking up again ok? You will never say that you will break up with me..."

"But you’re the one who said it..."

"Shut up, You don’t even argue and accept it like that you know me when I know I cannot say it again..."

"Ok, then I should listen to your heart and not with your words next time..."

"I told you that there are two things that can completely hurt me it is you saying you do not love and leaving me Yuuchan...And you making out with Atsuko..."

"There is a proper punishment for that right?" She shook her head "I will let it slip for now but never do that again and you should not drink when she's around or if I’m not around...

" New rule...” I sigh

"Fine whatever my hime wants..." Then rested her nose on my cheeks again...

"Ne Yuu-chan I still have your assets right?" I answer with a hum...

"Then if you hurt me again I will hide and spend everything.."

"It's fine baby because I'm still rich..." She pushed my body and slap my shoulder.

“How can you not even feel bad about it" She pouting again and cry.Hitting my chest nonstop..Geez, I won't be getting any sleep for this.

"I'm just kidding right I told you that I will not leave you again and I won’t marry anyone.."

"And who are you going to marry?"I shrugged

"I probably am a bachelor forever.."Another smack landed on my chest...

"That’s better than other girls could have you. "Haruna hugged me tightly a peck on my lips.

Atsuko’s POV

My feet were forcing me to come in the same place where Yuu rejected my love. I was hesitant about coming to work but then Is remember how Yuu bargain his position just to help my family in rebuilding our company. I can' t be selfish at this rate. All I can do was to walk inside the same spot where the boy I love for so long breaks my heart. But I can’t hate him for doing so my tears automatically fall on my cheeks whenever I remember him.. ", Yuu-kun, why" I mumbled.

I closed my eyes with a heavy feeling of entering the same room.  I' m still too broken can’t help to stop bursting into tears again.. I open my eyes and all I can remember was Yuu standing where he was and holding my arm.  Can I run from this? Please for at least one day I don’t want to be in this place.I held the couch backrest for support, making me remember the person I hurt.... Kai... I mumbled his name with pain.  Why? Why?  How could you say you love me when there is also Haruna in your life. Now losing Kai slowly sink in now Yuu is no longer on my side then Kai... Kaaai ..   Wha-What did I do?

Knock... knock...

The sound from the door caught my attention.

"Is this Director Maeda Atsuko's office" I hurriedly wipe my tears of but doesn’t have guts of looking g on the manly voice seeking for my attention.
"Ye-Yes" I answer hoarsely.

“I’m Furukawa Seiji will be the new Project Manager for O Hotel Osaka renovation project. " I look fast on the guy who introduces himself to me...

" Whe-Where is General Manager Takahashi?"

" General Manager Takahashi will no longer be part of Osaka project.."

" I apologize but I don’t know why general manager quit his account. "

I flopped on my chair as his word is floating in my head.

“ Kai- kun”

Haruna’s POV

Again his twenty-five minutes late with the time we agreed meeting at the. I think there are things I can't change but I'm glad knowing that he doesn’t really have a plan of marrying Atsuko instead using this situation to have his freedom that I guessed I'm was ruined with my impulsiveness... But I cannot handle it. No, he could just let me go too, I smile stupidly while staring on my blankly on my inbox, thinking my squirrel really loves me that he cannot handle whenever I'm crying... He loves me that’s all I know even if Atsuko is in his side his eyes are looking at me with love... I remember Jurio’s new restaurant grand opening his cool jealous expression that I like and the moment he played the winning piece of my heart. I've been watching his video that was uploaded with Mayu... Mario might win the battle but you win me... I never understand everything but analyzing the whole battle Yuu was actually trying to send me a message that even if he can actually win the fight with Mario he submits and choose to play river into you that totally means that he is going to sacrifice his position just to win me...So stupid that my boyfriend has to explain it to me before putting everything together... I'm putting my irritation tapping my phone over and for it not to lock...geez that squirrel... Did he forget the flight? I've been so excited about this travel that I only slept for three hours and now he is ruining my mood...

"Excuse me miss waiting for someone?." I never bother answering the guy who sits beside me, I ‘am in no time of flirting... He cleared his throat that pisses me more.
“Are you flying somewhere? Vacation"

"No...Honeymoon...."I bit my lips as but I do not want to turn my anger with a stranger...He cleared his throat for the second time but I remained to tap my phone...

"Oh, my bad but I guessed you are not yet eloped with anyone I don't see any prong on your finger..."Haruna calm down you are a public figure and creating a scene will bad for your image...

"I'm sorry mister but as I said I'm already married..."I lift my head noticing my boyfriend with his brows twitching and grinning being pissed with my answer... "Eh!!!Yuuchan!!!"

"Honeymoon? Waiting for someone other than me?"I look around finding the owner of the voice but I guess it is the man who was not in a good mood now...

"O-of course not ..." Yuu stretched her arm on the backrest of my chair and lean his head asking for more explanation...

"How could you change your tone and flirt with me... Do you know that you are late..."The guy rests his back on the chair and glance at his watch

" I still have two hours..."

I stamp my feet and folded my arms over my chest looking on the other side..."You are not even answering my messages and call.."

Then I feel a pair of arms snaking around my waist... "Ne, it’s my fault. ne, gomen Nyan nyan..."I pushed him and remove his arms on my body...

"Yuu..."But before that, the boy already pushed his finger on my waist making my body jolt and giggles... The boy grinned satisfied with my reaction... I slap his arm pushing him back to his chair... "Yuu-chan I already told you not to be too clingy in public what if we got caught?"

"What's the matter? I'm no longer scared Haruna" His orbs meet mine and I can no longer see fear but the more his determination is making me more scared of the possibilities of what his parents will do.

"But still.."I bit my lips and looking on the floor "Yuuchan!!"

"I love you miss who is waiting for his husband on their honeymoon..."He teasingly said I eyed him with disappointment I never could understand why I fell in love with a person who couldn’t even stand a serious conversation... He chuckled and steals a kiss on my lips that pisses me more... " You really can't understand that we cannot do it in public...What if someone from your family knows about it and I got called up with your parents again..."

"I freeing you Haruna..."Now, this conversation is not getting anywhere. I bit my lips suppressing my pain...

"Are you using my love to get what you want and now you're breaking up again with me?"Yuu scooted his body...

"No, that is not what I meant..Nyan nyan you are my girlfriend and people that surround me should acknowledge that.."Yuu tucks some hair strand on my ears...

"But I'm still scared I don't want to lose you again..."

"So do I, baby...."

"Can we be more like this until I'm ready..."

"Whatever my Nyan nyan wants.  "

I mouthed the word thank you and I love you... That I replied with quick nod.

Kai's  POV

I need to do this that’s all I'm thinking... Now that I had confessed my feeling to Atsuko I'm feeling lighter now...  But before anything else I have to find my best friend before he boards to New York... "Now I'm seeing him with his girlfriend dragging his suitcase and holding the girl's hand with the other.
"Yuu!!" I call his attention...

"Kai-kun..."His girlfriend noticed me first, walking towards me the guy scowl his face not pleased with my appearance...

"I put my hand and my knees supporting my own weight while catching my breath...

"Why are you here monkey ?"

"I know this all sudden but please, forgive me..."

"Tell me Kai, how many time do I have to forgive you so I can advise on it?"

"I'm sorry about everything...What I've done with your relationship with Haruna, for punching you... And for not letting you tell Atsuko who is girlfriend.." Yuu looks at the girl that replies with a reassuring smile to him...

"No, I can't do that..."

"Dude see I know I started it all the truth was I'm the one who suggested to Atsuko's parents that you should live and their house to take care of her..I'm sorry."Yuu eyes bulged with my confession...

"How could you?"He lets go of his girlfriend's hand and cupped his mouth anger is now evident in his face.

"How could you lie to me?"I can hear pain with his words...

"It’s because that’s the only thing I can do for her.." Yuu breathes heavily...

"Now I understand... "She looks to her girlfriend apologetically... Haruna rubbed Yuu back calming the squirrel boy.

"I also know.. I'm sorry Yuuchan... Kai was actually the one who explains the whole plan then your moms threaten me not to tell you about it and I should only say that she was the one who explains to me... "Yuu steps aback dismayed on his girlfriend, brows are almost touching...

"So do you have more, tell me now? Haruna!!"He raised his voice making the girl fidgeted on her place...

"Yuu it’s my fault I'm sorry ok...." I say

"If I do not only have important things to do right now I will go to Atsuko and tell her everything..."I walk closer to him but my friend steps a back and eyed me not to cross the line...

Then without a word, he drags his suitcase to the gate leaving his girlfriend..." Give him time...."

"  I know and can you tell him give me a little time... I should be the one who needs to tell Atsuko... "

"Don't bare everything Kai we all lied to Atsuko.."

"I'm sorry..."

"Wait for us...for now we need to find Shinoda-kun..."

"Take care. "

"You too... So it's goodbye for now...

Haruna’s POV

It's been five hours since our plane takes off from Tokyo airport but my boyfriend still not talking to me... Only a few people are in the business class but my boyfriend was still acting that I'm not with him.

"Yuuchan.." Nuzzling my face his neck... "Forgive me..."

"Not now Haruna..."I was hurt every time his calling me on my first name...

"I'm sorry..."He did not answer...

"Can we stop this?" I beg.

"You are always getting what you want because I love you but do you think you're being inconsiderate."

"Inconsiderate?  Me ? Have you asked that to yourself before asking me? Do you even hearing yourself?" Yuu glared at me that is like more eating me...

I seated back to my chair... "Is it the reason why you tolerate the engagement thing with Atsuko?.."

"Damn... Atsuko again..."He closed his eyes.

"You're getting impatient these past few days... You know it feels like it’s not you anymore... I want my Yuuchan back..."

"That person has to change Haruna..."

"You’re not even calling me Nyan nyan..."

"Stop this let's just talk in New York..."I compiled his demands...I sleep but then I feel his manly arms hooked on the back of my neck...Then I burst my tears in his neck...

 "Why I can't say no to your mom..."

"It's my fault too baby..."

"And, why do I feel like I'm alone..."

"You’re not that’s the reason why I have to be successful with this one..."

"If I did not lie do you even think I'm with you now.."

"That's why I'm madder “

"I want my Yuuchan back..."

"I'm here ..."

I hit his chest...

"I love you Haruna but I need to be serious..."

"Haruna? "

"Please, Nyan nyan just bare a little. "He kissed my temple...

"I love you Yuu.."

Yuu cupped my eyes and started our staring contest...

"I want my stupid and perverted squirrel back..."I sob in his chest...

"You missed him?"

"I 'am hating that serious side of you..."

Yuu hugged me tighter and bit my ears .. Earning a moan "Then wait to meet him in New York.."

"You really fast..."Yuu grinned perversely...

Kai's POV

I'm visiting the construction site in Osaka my team is checking the final stage of renovation of the new hotel for Oshima Groups.My job as the head of the team mediating between the Oshima groups and the contractors expectation of overall project and pushing the contractor to hit the expected deadline is not easy..This is the reason why I have short patience being the person finding the problems of delay... I roaming around the site with my team and documenting the updates regarding the project... I'm walking around the hallway noticing the scaffolding which is of not properly installed I asked the contractor to fixed right away as it will be very harmful to someone to walk in and got accident... after the inspection with my team, we part ways as I want to go back to Tokyo right away....My staff already go and have a drink. Ah shit, I forgot something I walk back to my office to get the documents I needed.... I see all the worker was heading home too.... I put the documents in my bag and exited my office. But I was surprised seeing Atsuko standing outside with serious expression.

"What are you doing here? It's dangerous being here and not wearing hardhat.."I said coldly...

"Take it back. "

"What are you saying?"

I returned to my office getting spare hardhat..But when I open the door to hand it to Atsuko she is not longer there.

"Atsuko!!"I shouted.We should get out of here...

I'm searching her...I need to find Atsuko fast as this is not the right place to talk...

I saw her staring at the painting that was about to be installed it's a sunset painting Yuu's request to be installed. I put the hard hat on her head and grabbed her hands wanting to drag her out of the site...

"We should go out now this is not the proper place to talk..."

"I won't go until you take it back..."

"How could you ask me to take back my confession?"

"Please, Kai... I am begging you... "

"I know you can't accept it but could you at least not do this to me.."She held my hand tightly...

"I don't want you to go so please take it back..."

"We can never be friends after that. I'm sorry.."

"How could you do this to me?"Atsuko started to tear up.."You promise not to leave me and now you're leaving me?"

"It's the best way for both of us...It will be harder for me to let you go if I did not confess."

"Please, Kai can we just be friends like before.."

"I can't because I love you. And I need to let it go..."

"No stay Kai...Take it back.."

"Could you stop being inconsiderate!!"I yelled. I shifted my view suppressing my emotion... “Give me time Atsuko.."

"I only have Yuu-kun and you. Yuu has been distancing himself and now your leaving me?"She pleads.

“We should go out of here I think we are the only people left here... “

“No, I will not.. Until you take it back and become my friend only...”

“Can't you see how dangerous is this place for us.... This is a construction site Atsuko even it's almost over uninstalling types of equipment is dangerous..”

‘’Then if you still care about me how you could not just be my friend”... Atsuko started moving backward...

“Atsuko lets go out and continue this outside...  “

“No!! “Acchan wave her hands on the side making the scaffolding shake.

“ Oh My”

The metallic tubes started to disassemble and fall one by one. I hurriedly pushed Atsuko on the side making her safe....

“ Kai No!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


@ryu201: thank for reading and dropping a comment... takaatsuuu hmmmmm lets see...

@ midori lime : thanks for reading here it is chap 34...

@jhom 09: diba hindi mo oa nabasa

@hippchan: i think you edit your comment anyway i hope you enjoy this..

@ matsuilee: i' m glad you like my fic..

I apologize for updating wl and my fics slower being to busy with
Work and personal life hmmmm... and i hope i can write tb again...
« Last Edit: July 07, 2017, 08:31:54 AM by arawche079 »

Offline Korisu29

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Re: White Lies ( GB kojiyuu, atsuyuu, atsumina) Chapter 34 Update
« Reply #209 on: July 08, 2016, 04:07:35 PM »
yash!! already chapter 34 huh...
long time not here..
nice update as always..
i will wait for the next..thank you..

Offline jhom_09

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Re: White Lies ( GB kojiyuu, atsuyuu, atsumina) Chapter 34 Update
« Reply #210 on: July 09, 2016, 04:08:50 AM »

Yow my friend basahin ko lang....  :shakeit: :shakeit: :shakeit:

Offline midori lime

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Re: White Lies ( GB kojiyuu, atsuyuu, atsumina) Chapter 34 Update
« Reply #211 on: July 11, 2016, 01:39:39 PM »
Tank Yuu

Offline rindg

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Re: White Lies ( GB kojiyuu, atsuyuu, atsumina) Chapter 34 Update
« Reply #212 on: July 11, 2016, 10:55:30 PM »
Eiiii, It's been so long since I last commented  :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well anyways, great chapter. I'm just really happy that Yuu and Haruna are so loyal to each other, makes my heart jump  :inlove:

Thanks for the update though :D
No one but Yuko,
Can touch Haruna's body.
Those who ships it, rules.

Check out my fanfictions:
The Only Road To Take
You and I

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Re: White Lies ( GB kojiyuu, atsuyuu, atsumina) Chapter 34 Update
« Reply #213 on: July 15, 2016, 01:33:24 PM »
I like this the most!!!!!  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

"Ne Yuu-chan I still have your assets right?" I answer with a hum...

"Then if you hurt me again I will hide and spend everything.."

author-san,,, are you really that busy?? I hope you can update the next chap really sooooooooooon!! thank you..... and dont forget kojiyuu sweet moooore hehehe...

Offline minami_24

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Re: White Lies ( GB kojiyuu, atsuyuu, atsumina) Chapter 34 Update
« Reply #214 on: July 15, 2016, 03:48:07 PM »
What happend with kai?  :O
I love the part kojiyuu in this chap :P
More kojiyuu please!!  XD
And I hope atsuko can accept kai's feeling  :D
I really really really love your fic author-sama  :twothumbs
Update sooooooooooooonnnn  :P i'm waiting for kojiyuu moment  :lol:

Offline Hipchan

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Re: White Lies ( GB kojiyuu, atsuyuu, atsumina) Chapter 34 Update
« Reply #215 on: August 14, 2016, 05:44:40 PM »
 :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow:

I miss this fic

 :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow:

Offline arawche079

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Re: White Lies ( GB kojiyuu, atsuyuu, atsumina) Chapter 35 Update
« Reply #216 on: August 25, 2016, 02:41:08 PM »
Chapter 35

Kai's POV

I'm visiting the construction site in Osaka my team is checking the final stage of renovation of the new hotel for Oshima Groups My job as the head of the team mediating between the Oshima groups and the contractor. The expectation of overall project and pushing the contractor to hit the expected deadline is not easy..This is the reason why I have short patience being the person finding the problems of delay.... When I'm walking around the hallway noticing the scaffolding which is of not properly installed I asked the contractor to fixed right away as it will be very harmful, after the inspection with my team we part ways ...My staffs decided to drink while I bailed as I still have lots of work to finish when returning to Tokyo. "Ah shit, I forgot something " I exclaimed as I walk back to my office to get the documents I needed.... I see all the worker was heading home too.... I put the documents on my bag and exited my office. But in my surprise to see  The girl who broke my heart standing outside with serious expression.

"What are you doing here? It's dangerous being here and not wearing hardhat.."I said coldly...

"Take it back. "

"What are you saying?"

I returned to my office getting spare hard-hat..But when I open the door to hand it to Atsuko she went missing.

"Atsuko!!" I shouted.."We should get out from here..."

I shout while searching her...I need to find Atsuko fast as this is not the right place to talk...

I saw her starting on the painting that was resting on the wall on the way out of the building.It is a sunset painting Yuu's requested. I put the hard hat on her head and grabbed her hands wanting to drag her out of the site...

"We should go out now this is not the proper place to talk..."

"I won't go until you take it back..."

"How could you ask me to take back my confession?"

"Please, Kai... I am begging you... "

"I know you can't accept it but could you at least not do this to me.."She held my hand tightly...

"I don't want you to go so please take it back..."

"We can never be friends after that. I'm sorry.."

"How could you do this to me?"Atsuko started to tear up.."You promise not to leave me and now you're leaving me?"

"It's the best way for both of us...It will be harder for me to let you go if I did not confess."

"Please, Kai can we just be friends like before.."

"I can't because I love you and I need to let it go..."

"No stay Kai...Take it back.."
"Could you stop being inconsiderate!!"I yelled. I shifted my view suppressing my emotion... 

" Give me time Atsuko.."

"I only have Yuu-kun and you. Yuu has been distancing himself from me and now you are leaving me?"She pleads.

"We should go out of here, I think we are the only people left here... "

"No, I will not.. Until you take it back and become my friend only..."

"Can't you see how dangerous is this place for us.... This is a construction site Atsuko even it's almost over uninstalling equipment is still dangerous.."

"Then if you still care about how could you be friends with me..." Atsuko started moving backward...

"Atsuko lets go out let’s continue this outside... 

"No!!! Acchan wave her hands on the side making the scaffolding shake.."

"Oh my".The metallic tubes started to disassembled and fall one by one. I hurriedly pushed Atsuko on the side making her safe....

Atsuko's POV

Kai-kun I'm shaking his body after being unconscious as the metallic tube of the scaffolding fell on him.. I'm starting to panic as I'm seeing him laying down covered with his own blood. I look at his feet and see a tube pierced on his flesh...

"Ah!!!!!"I screamed seeing flashbacks of my accident with my sister...

"No!!!!!" I crawled away... Then I looked at him again... And see my sister bloody face... My body was shaking and sweating coldly I tried shouting his name but not even a letter come out... I covered my face and feel the heaviness on my chest... I breathe deeply and tried shouting still none come out.Then all the memories with him flushed in my head... The flower he gave when you were in Hawaii, The time he helped me to get my pen under the table, The time when we both got stuck inside the elevator. No... I breathe deeply.

"Kai!! wake up... I shouted..."I was panicky not knowing if I will stay by his side or run outside and ask for help...

"Help please.!!"I shouted...But no one was coming  I shouted for help.... Whenever my gaze returned to Kai the flashback of my dying sister returns in my head...
"Noticing Kai's face is turning colorless I run beside him... His left feet stub with the metallic tube was drying out his blood... I remove the other debris covering his body... tough the tubes are like two inches in diameter but the metallic platform hit Kai's back...

"Kai!!wake up.." I'm bawling as I might cause another life of someone important to me...

"Kai I'm begging you!!! open your eyes.."

"A-Atsuko!!?" He said weekly while opening his eyes slowly.

"Kai!!!!! Don't die"I let him lay on my legs and hug his body

 "Please don't leave me. I begging you.!!"


"Goooooo and find help.."

"No, I'm not leaving you to die here..."

"Who told you that I'm dying? I'm just injured..."Kai pushed my body but I shook my head...

"I will never leave you like this

so asked for help..."

"Promise me that you'll not leave.."

"Are we not done with this? Can't you see I'm injured..." Kai smiled reassuringly. "Go I promise I won't move an inch..."

I nodded and started walking fast searching for help until I reached the security guard who calls for an ambulance and does first aid to Kai...

Kai's left feet and right arm are castes and his head is banned too. The tube was removed and wounds are stitched. I was there not leaving him until his treat. His father rushed to the hospital after calling him about the accident...

"Go home Acchan... Kai might wake up in awhile doctor said there is nothing to worry.".. I shook my head with my head that enclosing his hands with mine.Again this is my fault... I will not go until his he treated...

"I'm sorry, Ojiichan but can I stay here..."His dad nodded and pat my shoulder...

"He is a tough boy... This is nothing on him.."His father seemed to believe on Kai's too much...His dad was staring at him sleeping

"You know he's tougher than me. When her mom died he was only six years old I never see him shattered tears... I'm always busy with our business so I can't his grows but despite he becomes little rebellious and involves in school fight I never am worried about him Kai can always get through everything by himself... He's so tough handling himself until he becomes who is now... I'm only worried that because of his too good with career his forgetting that he also needs someone to be beside him and take care of him.. Kai is the only family I have I wished that he can find a person and give cute little grandchildren..."


"They said when your young dreams are ambitious but when you aged it become shallow... Sooner Kai will be the president of Takahashi Corp but I won't retire until he already settled with the family.It will be troublesome If I handed it to him..."Ojiichan Laugh...Somewhat I see Kai in him... This is the first time talking to his that this serious... He said he is not worried... He actually does but he trusted Kai enough ... and still Kai becomes a good person even if his alone all this time somewhat I kind of understanding him now...

Kai's POV

The sun was blinding my eyes as I wake up lying on the hospital bed with my right arms and feet cast. I smile sat and grabbed my phone seeing a message from Yuu that he will fly to New York with Haruna...I answered emailing him to return safe and reminding him to work and not going there for honeymoon. Haruna might explain it to him. I chuckled imagining his grinning face while reading my mail..

My room doors open so I expected that it is a doctor or a nurse visiting me but in my surprise again it was Atsuko... She was wearing black pants with white long sleeve she might head here first before going to work.She entered the room with her head down she walks straight to getting the vase on my side and walking to the bathroom... I don't see flowers on her hand when she walked in so she might be here earlier than I wake up... I look out the window still the ray from the sun is blinding me I crawled out of my bed and tried to reach the curtain but doing it was harder than I expected as my right foot is little numb... Atsuko runs and helped me sat on my bed. Still not saying anything... My mind is still blank and can't comprehend what is she up to...Covering the window with curtain and returned helping me to return to my bed.

"Go home. "I said she played like not hearing me and sit on the chair near my bed.

"I don't need you here..." I said again....Atsuko remained sited and started tapping on her phone. I did not talk and closed my eyes...

"Though  I hear her sobbing I remained acting sleeping.

"I'm glad that you are awake now.."I open my eyes and shifted my view on her...Atsuko removes the tears on her eyes and look at me.."

"Now that my right arm and feet are impaired  I don't know how can I do my work.."

"I'm taking full responsibility for the accident..."

"Then go to your work... Don't ever come back to my room again..."I said coldly...

" Does reject you means I also have to cut our friendship.."

"Who said I got rejected? I'm not expecting for your acceptance anyway I said it clear I'm confessing because I wanted to get rid of this feeling...It's not because I want you to return my feeling... "

Atsuko remained silent...

I want you to go and leave me alone...

Thinking about Yuu and Haruna become together again I look at Atsuko.

I'm so sorry Kai...I can't return your feelings because I want to be friends with you.

"Can't you understand that I'm feeling another way around I don't want you to accept my feeling neither be friends with you...So get out"

"I will wait until you forgive me.."

"There is nothing to be forgiven because all I want is to get you out of my life.."

"Atsuko took her bag and left me inside my room.

I smiled thinking that this will be the last time seeing her...

After that Atsuko never return to the hospital... Now I should move on but I'm thinking of my promise to Yuu..I should have to tell Yuu that I've already given up Atsuko so he can tell her about Haruna and his relationship..What's the point of hiding anyways if he is already determined by turning over his position and living in New York... I feel sad that this has to end like this and the only person who is with me when I'm alone has to migrate.Yuu is old now and should be thinking of having a family.
Me too but the girl I like is still in love with Yuu... I got discharge at the afternoon clearing all the test results. my father suggested that I should stay in the mansion but I asked him to send me to my unit... I feel more alone now as I can't work.  Its dinner time but I can't decide what to eat.. Using my crutches   I walked alone to reach the kitchen searching for food  I sigh realizing that I don't have stacks on my fridge.Having no choice but to order easy to eat food as I can't use chopsticks.
After some time intercom buzzed a pizza delivery on that store should be this fast.. I walk and open my door without checking my visitor but in my surprise.

"A-Atsuko?"I dropped my clutch making her run inside my flat without my consent.

"What are you doing here?"

"I went to the grocery and buy something to cook for you.."

"You did not understand what I told you.."

"I do... I clearly do. But the words in your mouth is different with your feelings.."

"So what do you care about my feelings? And it doesn't mean you are   guilty with my accident to do whatever you want..."

"Who told you that I'm guilty?"I looked at her not knowing what to utter after that.

"Do whatever you want.."

I returned sitting on my couch then I see my phone vibrating on the couch..."

"Moshi Moshi!!"

"Dude I heard from my executive assistant that you had an accident? Did something bad happened how about Atsuko...Do Haruna and I had to come back.."

"Ok... Ok  take it easy squirrel I'm fine I just had my right hand and left feet caste, a little stitch on my feet and a headbanded but I'm still breathing.."

"How could I not be worried?  You've been in that industry for years how could you get an accident like that..."

"I'm fine and she’s fine too..."

"I will book a flight back to Japan tomorrow I'm not believing you.."

"Stop it!! you I said I'm fine.Actually, I got discharge and home bow"

"Then send me a picture... I hate when you’re saying you are ok but totally not..."

"Ok...I will.Just focused on getting Mario's approval ok?"

"Yes, I will we need him.."

Atsuko appeared in front of me with a tray of food but suddenly my intercom ring finally the pizza I arrived.

"Ok, I have to go..."

"Who is it Yuu.."I nodded and took my clutch...

"No, I will get it..."

Atsuko returned with pizza on her hand.

"Seriously you just dismissed from the hospital you should eat healthier food..." She paused and looked at me" Do you live like this surviving on fast food deliveries?."

"No, I'm not I always go home late so I always have meals outside.."

Atsuko then arranges the food in front of me.

"She lifted a chopstick with tonkatsu.

"I can eat alone.."

"And how?"Glaring my right hand...

"I open my mouth letting Atsuko feed me after that she cleaned utensil...

"No need to come tomorrow I will hire someone to help me.."

She did not utter a word ....I was silent while she's feeding me... I always look down whenever Atsuko was feeding me hiding my blushing face... I feel awkward as she
know that I'm in love with her...

Atsuko put her palm in front of me.

"What is the meaning of this I asked?"

"Then pay me I will be your personal nurse.."

"Are you crazy? You're working at Oshima group..How could you attend my needs?"

"Then I will be filling a leave.."

"You are really stubborn..How could you file a leave? When Yuu is in New York finding a new design consultant for Maeda Corp."

"Then How about you?"

" I told you I will look for someone and besides  I don't want to involve you in this matter this is my problem..."

"No I'm the reason of your accident and I'm really sorry Kai..."

"I'm fine now.."

After feeding and cleaning my stuff...

"Kai I've already cooked your food for tomorrow I put it in the fridge just reheat it in the microwave.. ok. I look at her back while she leaves... It feels like she's my wife now...I smile while resting my arms on the couch....

A day for me become hard only having one foot and arms functioning i troublesome. Rena pays a visit and helps for on my lunch time but she has to return to her flower shop as her staff had a problem with delivery...

 "Haaaaa" I yawned for thousand times on this day... I never feel a day become so slow..I rarely receive calls for this day mandated by my father....Yuu also called checking if I'm doing good. Yah that his doing this to me I feel guiltier...

I grab my crutch and was about to head to my bedroom to sleep and not have dinner. But before I went to the intercom I received a mail stating my personal nurse is arriving... I told my father that I need it only on regular working hours....For the second time this day my intercom ring.  Using my crutches I slowly went to the door.
My mouth hung open after opening the door.

 My crutch fell on the floor seeing Atsuko with a beautiful long floral dress with suitcase ...

"Wha-what are you doing here?"

Yuu' s POV

I asked Haruna to help get Shinoda Mario as Maeda corp's new fashion consultant his expertise in this industry was well respected by Japanese though he is my friend way
back in middle high school it seems like he been playing hard to get as we need to fly way back here  just to have a meeting with him... I and Haruna went to his boutique in New York and arrive ten minutes earlier...

I am tapping my legs with my fingers, ah my hobbit being inpatient .. Haruna held my hand and smile.." Everything is going to be alright..." I reply with a nod...

"I 'm sorry Mario has an emergency he has to board to France... "I shifted my view on the owner of the voice recognizing a Japanese woman in pixie hair.

"Mii-Miichan?" I said in surprise.

"Yuu-kun!!?"Miichan hugs me tightly and pecks on my cheeks earning a deadly glare on my girlfriend when she parted her hug.

"I never thought we will meet again..."

"Ah. I-I" Miichan finally noticed the cat who I know that can handle her jealousy in public but not when we are alone this will surely be trouble..."

"You look familiar ... Oh yes, we are schoolmates but you seemed to be on the next class.."

"Oh Kojima Haruna desu"

"So why are you?" Miichan looks at Haruna then returns to me then looks back to my girlfriend intriguingly.

"She is my-g" But before I can finish..

"I’m his secretary. "Haruna bowed her head..Miichan rubbed the back of her nape realizing she guessed it wrong". Oh, I forgot to introduce myself..I'm Minegeshi Minami desu the Business Manager in the house of S.."

"WoW, you look great with short hair...Miichan"

"Does it suit me?" She said while clipping some strands of hair on her ears.

I  answer her with a quick nod then received a death glare from my girlfriend...

Miichan dragged us on the nearest cafeteria.

"So you need troll king's advice for Maeda's corp?"

"No, I needed him..."

"You never changed Yuu-kun still helpful as ever..."I blushed hearing her compliment..Miichan held my hand and stare in my eyes.I quickly remove my hands knowing that this will be trouble.

"How I wish I can change everything.." and smile sweetly.

"We can never do that now..."

"Are you in a relationship now?.."

I look at Haruna and answer "No-No.."

" I'm glad to hear that you know.. What happened years ago..." I look at Haruna who seemed to be really pissed hearing Miichan again...

"I'm sorry for everything that my family caused you.."

Miichan shook her head and held my hand once again...

"I'm sorry for interrupting but President Yuu still has an appointment.."

Knowing I don't have any appointment as my only reason for going here is Mario.

"Yes, we have to go.."

"Yuu-kun can we talk us two ... We really need to talk..."

Miichan hand me her card

"Yes, I will contact you..."

"Promise ?"

I nodded fast.

We bowed our head and exited the cafeteria...

Haruna POV
Why is that girl too clingy with Yuuchan I can't believe it... She's already his past. I tried talking to Yuuchan but he I never get any good answer with him...Why is he acting like this does he still have a feeling for that girl...

We entered our hotel room but he's still not talking properly to me that pisses me... In annoyance, I throw my bag to the sofa that finally caught his attention...

" Why is that bitch acting unprofessionally why is she suddenly bringing up your past on a business meeting..."

Yuu hid his hands in his pocket observing me without uttering a word... "Are you still affected by her?"

"I'm tired I want to take a bath."Yuu went to the bathroom..Why is he acting like this. Does Miichan still love Yuu...

"I went to the shower opening the glass door without my boyfriend consent his all way naked.

"Geez Nyan nyan what are you doing?"

"We need to talk..."

"Yes, we will talk but could you at least let me finish taking a bath.."

"You know what I'm feeling right now Oshima..."He shifted his view avoiding my gaze...

"Let me finish then let’s talk..."He said calmly that makes me hysterical why is he acting like this I waited patiently on the bed while watching foreign my favorite series. Yuu slide into the bed hugging my waist..I'm waiting for him to say something.

"Do you still love her?"

"Seeing her again makes me feel guilty... Her whole family had a hard time because of me... My parents are the reason why they have to leave Japan... Seeing her again all my selfishness resulted into this.."

"It's not your fault Yuu...Is this the reason, why you are being distant?"

"Haruna I only love you... " Yuu sat up and caress my cheek. I held his hand and kiss it...

"I know..."I said while staring at his eyes...

"Miichan's fate become like that because of me I don't want same thing happened on you..."

I hugged him...

"I'm sorry for being jealous and not understanding you..."

"Calm down...I'm glad that your opening up about your feelings..I love you Yuu.." Yuu kissed my lips...

"Talk to her and settle what you have if it's the only thing that could ease you.."

"I nodded.."

"Haruna I love you..."

"I love you too.."


@Korisu29: its been a long time..  Please update Look at me my love.. :pig cry:

@jhom_09: you still not reading :on grad:

@midori lime: wel come :on cny2:

@Hipchan: You know me well to ask this...  Enjoy :on drink: :on drink:

@ minami_24 : Thanks for dropping a comment hope you enjoy this :on GJ:

@Hipchan:______________________ :nya: :nya: :nya: :nya: :imdead: :prayers: :prayers: :prayers: :prayers: :prayers:
« Last Edit: July 07, 2017, 09:09:25 AM by arawche079 »

Offline midori lime

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Re: White Lies ( GB kojiyuu, atsuyuu, atsumina) Chapter 35 Update
« Reply #217 on: August 25, 2016, 04:06:13 PM »
salamat po  :D

Offline rindg

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Re: White Lies ( GB kojiyuu, atsuyuu, atsumina) Chapter 35 Update
« Reply #218 on: August 26, 2016, 01:08:12 AM »
Wow, Acchan as a caretaker for you? Who wouldn't want that?  XD

Well if Acchan wasn't so stubborn, Kai wouldn't be in that accident. But if that didn't happen, then maybe Acchan wouldn't have realized just how much she needs Kai in her life. She knows that she needs Kai, but she doesn't know that she'll be broken without Kai.

I'm guessing she definitely has feelings for Kai but she can't admit it because part of her heart still belongs to Yuu.. Yeah, that would be how I see things  :lol:

Acchan and Kai's relationship will definitely grow if they keep up the pretense, ultimately they won't be able to keep it in anymore and then...! They let out their feelings  :wub:

At least I think it would be nice.

Miichan appears!  :shocked

Yuu's ex-girlfriend has arrived, but so has the order of a jealous girlfriend  XD

I've been waiting for your update, keep fighting, Ache!  :twothumbs

(Kaya mo yan!)
No one but Yuko,
Can touch Haruna's body.
Those who ships it, rules.

Check out my fanfictions:
The Only Road To Take
You and I

Offline jhom_09

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Re: White Lies ( GB kojiyuu, atsuyuu, atsumina) Chapter 35 Update
« Reply #219 on: August 26, 2016, 04:15:19 AM »

Haha basahin ko na lang pag tapos kana... peace my Friend  :shakeit: :shakeit: :shakeit:

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