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Author Topic: [Fic-Trans] Addicted (AtsuMina OS) - COMPLETED  (Read 2190 times)

Offline souchan48

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[Fic-Trans] Addicted (AtsuMina OS) - COMPLETED
« on: September 24, 2015, 08:22:53 AM »
This is my first fic, I wrote it in Vn-ese and then translate it into English to share on here. Sorry for my bad English m(-.-)m

Couple: Atsumina

“And now, the last song! Everybody! Let’s blow this freaking place up! ‘Something New’!

“I see the dawn of the new beginning, this time, this time, we can’t go home…
…We belong to something new~!”

The cheers. The music. All the voices from the audiences mixed with this crazy rhythm are sucked in the tornado created by my goddess voice. The colorful lights from the stage. Waves of people dancing. Yes! Those fabulous and glorious things are for me. They belong to me. This awesome glory of music is created by this famous singer – Takahashi Minami.

“Minami~ Kakkoi~”

“How do you like it? I’m sooo cool eh~?”

“Yes, you are~ My Minami is the best! Here your reward~ Chuuu~”

“N—No, no! Yada~! Let’s go home first. Too many people here..” – Minami blushed

“Mou~ You’re a lioness out there and now you turn into a kitty?”

“N—! Baka! Just go home first then we deal with it.”

“And now, a tsundere kitty eh~? Minami kawaii ne~ Chuu~”

“I..I..Baka!! Baka~~~!”


This troublesome girl is my girlFRIEND. Yes. I point out the word ‘friend’ here because in public,  we’re nothing but mere friend. However, in private,…she’s hella troublesome girlfriend. Our relationship is a secret. Well, actually, it is me who don’t want to reveal it. I’m a public celebrity, the most successful and famous singer. What if they found out I am an L? Everything would be over. All the things that I gained would be ruined. So, my trivial life is completely a question to public. No one can ever know about my relationship and my girlfriend, this Maeda Atsuko.

About Atsuko, she truly understands me. Atsuko is a really kind girl. Nothing exists in this world can be cuter than Atsuko. She always smiles. A unique nose-crunch smile which is warmer than the sun can melt any men’s heart. Well, though I’m not a guy, that peaceful shining smile has already killed me since we first met.

Atsuko is a common 22-year-old student of academy of theater and movie. She’s quite popular with guys in school but she’s a little shy and quiet so no one ever has a chance to ask her out. However, when she’s with me, Atsuko becomes a completely different person. She’s open, funny, and loves teasing me. You can say that her most favorite hobby is making my face turn all red, like her lovely tomatoes. And she only doesn’t stop until she’s got a sweet kiss on the lip. Well, it’s also kinda funny because, even she teases me like that but when I kiss her, she blushes like crazy and buries her face into my shoulder. And..damn, I’m shorter than her so I can’t get her bury her face into my chest!

Saying Atsuko understands me is not wrong. However, keeping this relationship a secret quite upsets her. We hardly argue but when we do, it is always because of this. You know, who the heck ever want to avoid showing others that she is in love and really happy? No one. Atsuko is not an exception. She puts up with this all the time for me but one day, the time comes. Her endurance reaches its limits and explodes like a volcano.

At that concert, after she kissed me, my manager suddenly came in. I explained to him but he was really mad. Akimoto-san is my manager since the day I made my debut. He is a teacher, and also like a father to me. He shows and teaches me everything on my road to success. However, he is extremely strict. He is the type of person who will do anything it costs to exterminate anything that may damage my road to success.

And, a stubborn girl plus a devil teacher, you can easily imagine the outcomes…A great war.

Akimoto-san got mad at me, Atsuko got mad at Akimoto-san, and I was in the frontline. But at that time, that decisive moment made everything disappear.

“Such a forbidden love like this is so wrong. A failure of the Creator. It is nothing but a delusion. Your career is the real thing here, Takamina. It exists and makes you become “you”. It love, a real love: love your work, love yourself. If Maeda really cares about you, she should get out of your life from now.”

“Akimoto-san. I respect you and appreciate everything that you have done for my Minami. But…you know, Minami has her own life, too. You can’t just come in and decide everything freaking thing for her! I know her true self lying deep in her and I believe she will make the right choice. We should let her choose….Minami?”

Silence. A deadly silence spread through every corner of this room. Absolutely heavy silence but the sound of our breath.

Atsuko’s eyes look at me. I can see her eyes full of love and hope. The moment I looked into them, I was completely sucked into a perfect and full of pink world. But it wouldn’t last long due to the call of Akimoto-san. “Takamina.” His call pulled me back to reality. I can hear the sincerity and worry and maybe begging in his voice. I looked at him and turned to Atsuko. I “hesitated”.

“I get it.” Atsuko’s voice startled me.

“Akimoto-san. I’m sorry..I’m sorry for accepting her proposal to be her girlfriend. I’m sorry for causing trouble for both of you. From now on, this won’t occur anymore… I just hope you won’t go hard on Minami....Please don’t make her work too much..and please…help her make the way to the top of the world.”

“I know you are a thoughtful person. I will consider today doesn’t ever exist. I promise you I will take care of Takamina and help her with everything I have. And in return, I just want to hear from you that you won’t ever, ever appear in front of her anymore if you truly love her.”

Every single damn word from Atsuko is like sharp blade slashing straight to my heart. My tears bursted out unconsciously. I looked at Atsuko but couldn’t say a freaking word. Atsuko looked at me. She didn’t cry ,or put into right words, she tried her best to hold the tears in although her eyes were already wet. Atsuko smiled. The unique nose-crunch smile which I could never see again.

“I’m sorry, Minami….*sob*.. I’m not good. I shouldn’t have been your girl. You know…you are really flawless. You shines like a goddess when you are on that stage. Ganbatte, Minami. I’ll always support you.”

She left. Those words which she whispered into my ear when she passed by became a unfade scar.

“You hesitated. Love doesn’t wait, Minami. And, don’t ever regret with your decision because the circle of live only rotates one time… Take care, Minami…. I love you..”

I cried.

She also cried.

Everything collapsed, ruined.

After that day, I was like a different person, lifeless. All I did was bury myself in tons of work. I told Akimoto-san to make my schedule completely full without a single break, even Sunday. I tried to fill my heart with the crazy love from my fans, but it seemed it wouldn’t ever be full. I collapsed. Exhausted. During the time I was in hospital, Akimoto-san came and tried to pull me out of the pit of desperation.

“ long would you want be like this? It’s been over 1 year already.”

“I…I don’t know..”

“I know that you love Maeda. But don’t you remember your dream? Becoming the greatest singer in the world and beat all the legend such as Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Elvis Presley..I still remember.. it’s just like yesterday when I first met you. A 14-year-old girl with the eyes burning in passion and confidently told me about that great dream. I used to be like you. I had a dream like that too but it didn’t work out. It was my failure. That’s why I put all my hope and belief in you, Takamina, because when I looked at you, I saw myself.”

“I understand..but sensei,..I can't return to myself like this. Everything I did is just meaningless to me. I just..I..”

“I want you to listen to this. Few days ago, I happened to see Maeda and a boy. I don’t lie so don’t you look at me with those eyes like that. I stopped and had a small talk with her. She introduced her boyfriend to me. She met that boy when they were in a play. She told me she tried to balance her live though after break-up, she was depressed. She follows every news from you. She wants you to live well, and be yourself. I didn't tell her that you fainted and has been in hospital. I don’t want to worry her.”

“…” I stayed silent, looking into thin air.

“You heard me. You should be back to yourself. You should become a great singer so Maeda won’t feel guilty, shouldn’t you?

“I understand..”

“Well, anyway..Rest..I take my leave.”

Akimoto-san left. I stayed on the bed, staring at the ceiling with those teary eyes. What’s wrong with me? Atsuko.., she doesn’t want me to be like this. She wants me to be happy. Hearing about Atsuko having a boyfriend made me both happy and sad. I’m happy because she is happy but sad because that happiness doesn’t belong to me. I dipped my mind into thinking. After a long time not hearing anything about Atsuko, now my mind was full of her, every memories with her. Her cheers, her sneaky kisses, the moment we were in each other arms in the freezing winter, the moment we were having sex. I miss her lovely eyes, her nose-crunch smile, her blush face when I kissed her, her soft and sweeter than honey. All of those keeps popping in my head lively like a fire burning crazily.

I sat up, grabbed the pen and a notebook on the table next to the bed. The moonlight shined in the whole room. Images of atsuko appeared clearly as if she was by my side now.

“I really love looking at the moon because it makes me feel so relaxing and forget everything that makes me sad. When I was young, I came out the backyard to enjoy the moon alone. But now, it’s different. Do you know why?”

“Cuz’ you’re grown up now right? Or maybe cuz’ you’re not at home anymore.”
“Baka. Cuz’ I have you. *smile*. You’re even brighter than the moon. Being by your side makes me feel like I’m in the perfect world, no sorrow. Hihi.”

“Don’t say like that..baka..” I blushed.

“Hehe~ tell me, Minami. Do you love me?”

I looked at Atsuko with the eyes full of love, slightly kissed her and answer. “I love you.”

“You..stupid opportunist! Who let you kiss me? Mou~ //3//”

“Hehe. When I become a greatest singer, I will write a song about you.”

“I have your word. If you lie, the rabbits on the moon will be sit on top of you till death, ple”

“Well, being under is not bad, you know ^3^ hehe”

“Minami! Hentai! Kyaa~”

I smiled when I remembered that memory. I started to write.

“Since you went away
It's been
One year two months
But it just don't seem like yesterday
We were, we were still together
Time has passed and things have changed so
Why do I feel this way
Cause you're with somebody else
And I'm with somebody else but...”


The next morning, at Akimoto’s office.

“Akimoto-sensei, I need to talk to you.”

“Ah, Takamina. Feeling any better?”

“Ye..I feel better now.”

“Then that’s good. So, what do you want to tell me?”

“I…” I took a deep breath and look at Akimoto-san. “I will retire. I don’t want to continue like this. My life is nothing without Atsuko. Fame is nothing but illusion. From now on, even if I will lose everything and being looked down on, I can definitely handle that if I can be with Atsuko one more time. I know you will be really mad at me and disappointed when I decide this. But, sensei..You don't want to get a corpse without soul to the top of the world, do you? You are the one who really understand me, right? I can’t do anything when my mind, my heart, and my soul are not with my body here. I’m truly sorry, sensei.”

Akimoto was really surprised with his eyes wide open. While I thought he would explode at me, he just gave me a father-like look.

“Are you sure you fully understand what you just said, Takamina? Everything that you have built up would become 0. Are you sure?

“I’m absolutely sure, sensei.” I gave Akimoto-san a determined look without any hesitating or afraid.

“Good. Just do whatever you believe in. You’re grown up quite a lot, you know. That determined look is exactly the same with those when you were 14. I totally accept your decision.”

“Really? For real?”

“Definitely. I made a big mistake when I was young. I chose career over my loved one. But then, my dream was over after an accident and that put an end to my career. I lost everything. When I saw you 9 years ago, a light of hope shined in my mind. I want to completely my dream by helping you become the greatest singer. And, unfortunately, God tricked me again when he push you in the trail of my failure and I made you repeat my mistake. I’m sorry, Takamina. I’m glad that you found the way back to your own road. You are so much better than this old gramps, my little girl.”

Tears of happiness bursted out when I listened to his story. I just cried and hugged him. He smiled and pat my head as if he pat his own daughter. Then I sat back, wipe out my tears, grinned.

“I just wrote my first song. Will you have a look?”

Akimoto-san look at the notebook which I wrote on yesterday.

“Excellent! It’s so…you! A love addict! Haha. By the way, I have something good to tell you, are you ready?”


“You’ve just got a “the best young female singer of modern music” award!”


“Yes! I was about to tell you but then you are faster then me. Haha. Now how about this? At the night of ceremony, you will announce your retirement and then release this last song. I’ll contact with the producer and studio right now to record today. If everything goes well, next week, the time of the ceremony, everything should be done. What do you think?”

“Deal! Let everything be under your arrangement, sensei. This is our last time working like this anyway. Teehee.”

“You..evil short girl!”


“And now, our brightest star tonight…Takahashi Minami!”

“Thank you, everyone. I’m really appreciate it. I’m so happy that I have been loved and supported by all of you all the time so that I could stand here tonight. For me, you, fans, are the most precious treasure that I’ve ever had. I’m so glad seeing my efforts has been rewarded. Hontou ni arigatou gozaimasu!”
“Also, I have one thing to announce. After today, I, Takahashi Minami will quit the entertainment industry. I know this is really shocked but due to personal matter, I have to do this. And now, this is my last single which I wrote by myself. Please, everyone, stay with me till the very end. This song I wrote for my loved one, a girl. Atsuko, I’m sorry for breaking your heart. This song is my promise with you. Please listen to it. Addicted.”

Since you went away
It's been
One year two months
But it just don't seem like yesterday
We were, we were still together
Time has passed and things have changed so
Why do I feel this way
Cause you're with somebody else
And I'm with somebody else but

Whenever I think about the love we had
(It hurts so bad)
Whenever I think about the love we made
I said that I'd be strong
Girl I really thought that I'd move on
But still I find myself asking

Do you still think of me
Like I think about you
Do you still dream of me
Cause I can't sleep without you
Tell me if time should make a change
Then why do I feel the same
Your love has got me addicted
It's been long enough
Don't know
Why I'm still holding on
If I had a wish babe I would turn back the hands of time
Cause you don't know what you've got until it's gone (until it's gone)
That's the reason why I'm writing you this song

Girl I'm slippin'
And I don't know what to do
Girl I admit it
I'm sick over you
I realize my mistake
My pride got in the way
I shoulda begged you to stay
If you ever lost someone you truly love
Let me hear you say "yeah"
Say "yeah"
(yeah) Let me hear you say
And if you ever lost someone you truly need
Let me hear you say "yeah"
Say "yeah"

Do you still think of me
Like I think about you
Do you still dream of me (yeah)
Cause I can't sleep without you
Tell me if time should make a change
Then why do I feel the same (Why do I feel)
Your love has got me addicted

The next day, my name appeared on every single news.

“Takahashi Minami QUIT!!”
“Shock: Takamina is a les!!”
“Takamina’s last single will be a greatest hit?!”
“The secret lover of Takahashi Minami, who is Atsuko?”

I just ignore all of them and focusing on finding Atsuko. At the weekend night, I go to the Coffee Connection, our favorite coffee shop, and have a seat at the table right at the corner of the outside yard with the view of Tokyo harbor. Tonight, the moon is so bright and silent which makes me feel nostalgic and think of my memories with Atsuko. After a sip on my usual latte, there is suddenly a voice behind me.

“That’s my seat.”

I turn back, my eyes become blurry.


“Good evening, my addict~”

I jump into her, hug her with all my strength and cry out loud. On the starry peaceful night sky, the moon light shine on us.

« Last Edit: October 22, 2017, 09:44:54 PM by sophcaro »

Offline black_maa

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Re: [Fic-Trans] [OS] Addicted (Atsumina)
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2015, 04:12:39 PM »
Oh... it was nice story. :)
Good to know, that in the end Takamina did the right thing..  :roll:
Hope to read more Atsumina stories from you author-san.  8)
                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
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Offline cisda83

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Re: [Fic-Trans] [OS] Addicted (Atsumina)
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2015, 06:26:57 PM »
Great OS there

Like the lyric too...

Takamina choose Atsuko in the end...

Thank you for the Atsumina OS

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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