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Author Topic: If only you could see what I see - chapter 1  (Read 3223 times)

Offline takagil

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If only you could see what I see - chapter 1
« on: December 30, 2015, 05:56:05 PM »

So as I was listening to a song I remembered an old fanfic I read a couple of years ago about a tv show that was never finished. So I decided to take a chance and transform that fanfic in an AKB fanfic  :lol:

I changed some storyline and of course, the characters name, and I'll try to give it a proper end, since I was so depressed it didnt have one.

So, hope you like it. However, 90% of the credits goes to FrogsRcool.

Enjoy  :wub:

If only you could see what I see - chapter 1

I’m not really sure what makes people who they are. Or what makes people say the things they say. Or what makes people love the people they love.

I love my sister. She's younger than me. That's not why I love her though. My mom told me once that because I was older than my sister she looks up to me, and I need to be careful with what I do and what I say, so she doesn't pick up on bad habits. So if I ever have another bug picnic in the backyard I need to tell her specifically not to eat the bugs. The worms are only pretend pasta and the rollie-pollies are not black beans for the tortillas. Then again, I think ten years of growth and experience might have taught her that.

So age has to be involved when it comes to feelings for people and reasoning for things. But what happens if I don't admire all of the people that are older than me? Or what happens if I admire dome of the peple that are older than me, but I don't want to be like them? That'd be totally weird if I did. You go girl Kim Kardashian, but I'm confident in saying I won't be making a video like that anytime soon. Let's just say the Charter bundle my parents bought was a little... shocking. Channel surfing is now scratched off of my list of hobbies. Maybe it cost extra for parental control. And whose ida was it to name a movie "The Hills Have Thighs". Totally not what I was expecting it to be. I probably would have watched it if I wasnt worried someone would have walked in the room and caught me. That would have been stressful. I'm sure my sister would have been too oblivious to notice at first and I probably could have gotten away with it and changed the channel quickly. But my dad. Oh God. He would have pretended not to see anything, I would have quickly changed the channel, and then he would have sat on the opposite couch and pretended like nothing happened by striking up a pointless and random conversation. But if my mom would have walked in. Terrifying. I don't even want to think about it..

There's no way I want to grow up to be like my parents. They're good parents, but my mom smokes like a chimney and my dad laughs at things that aren't even funny. And it's not a normal laugh that makes others want to laugh along with him. It's completely opposite of contagious. One second it's dead silent and the only thing you can hear is your ears trying to find something to listen to, and then the next second he's laughing like I imagine an elephant would laugh. It's kind of scary. Don't get me wrong though, because that's probably the only semi-negative quality he has.

Anyway, my sister admires me yes, but she's nothing like me. So admiring someone doesn't mean that you do what they do and say what they say. I can watch the same movie every night, but she can't watch a movie more than once. Her room looks like it exploded and I have to keep my room clean or I'll lose things. I have a dresser with three small drawers in the middle. At first I thought about just using each drawer for a different type of underwear, but then I only ended up having two types of underwear. So then I just organized my undergarments by color. Light. Medium. Dark. My sister keeps her underwear and bras on her floor. She also has two super good friends and I have a whole bunch of people I know. I think it'd be weird to have a best friend. How would a best friend be any different from the other friends I already have? Do I have to tell them secrets?

I don't have secrets.

I'm pretty sure I would just tell people whatever they asked, if they asked.

As for other family that I could admire, there really isn't any. They live out of town and I haven't seen my grandparents, aunts, and uncles in over ten years. My aunt invited me to visit during the summer in a birthday card, but I couldn't bring myself to show my mom the invitation. It'd be awkward. My aunt is like a complete stranger to me. What would we have even talked about? Instead I stayed in town, hung out with friends and worked.

"Hey." Someone tapped my shoulder.

The interruption scared the shit out of me. I whipped around so quickly that the gallon of milk I had been clutching to my chest slipped out from my arms like a bar of soap.

When it hit the ground, it looked like the milk was vomiting. The cap shot off and nearly half of the gallon exploded onto my boots and onto the bare toes and flip-flops of someone standing near me.

"Oh my God." I gasped and dropped to my knees. I reached for the milk, but when I tried to stand it up, it sloshed and more milk slipped through a crack near the handle.

My knees started to get cold. The milk was already soaking through my sweats. For a second I considered sitting on the milk with my butt and letting my pants soak up the rest of the puddle, but I don't think my sweats could hold that much liquid. And then I'd get milk in my car and it would rot my seat. It would rot just like it had done when I left a bowl of milk under my bed for Nyaa-chan and it spilt it. And then my room had started to smell like tuna, because I had never gotten the chance to sneak the bowl out of my room without someone noticing.

I blamed it on my sister, because milk gives Nyaa-chan the runs and my mom told me to stop feeding it to it. How else am I supposed to get it in the room when I want to watch a different TV show than my mom, and they're all out in the living room eating spaghetti? But I lie bad. And my sister is lactose intolerant. So it couldn't have been her bowl of cereal in my room, under my bed.

As I stood up I craned my neck to see whose feet I had covered in milk. A girl was staring at me. I glanced back down at the girl's feet…They were drenched. She needed a towel. I looked around for a second, then remembered grocery stores don't usually hang spare towels in random places. I'd have offered to sit on her feet and let my sweats soak up the milk, but I didn't do that for obvious reasons.

But now that I was standing, the milk that had already soaked into my sweats was starting to drip down my shins and pool at the part of my sweats where they had been stuffed into my boots.

Stupid rain boots are useless.

"I'm so sorry." I looked up from my milk-stained sweats and made eye contact with the girl. I couldn't tell if she was annoyed, sad, or angry. Now both of her eyebrows were lifted and wrinkling her forehead.

I glanced back down at her feet just to gawk at how much milk she was standing in, and as my eyes ran back up her body, they dragged across a cheerleading uniform. "You're a cheerleader?" I asked once I made eye contact again. Her eyes were so pretty. Bright and dark at the same time. People have told me that I have pretty eyes, but she has me beat by a long shot.

"Yeah." Finally she smiled. Or maybe it was a smirk. "Sort of." Was that sarcasm?I can never tell.

I was a little startled when she answered. I had wanted to only think the question, but I guess I actually had said it.

"Shit Kojima." A girl walked up next to us. She worked here. She had an apron on and one of those silly green poloshirts that make all the employees look like they belong to some sort of golf-worshipping clan. Then they stock shelves and purposely stand in front of the ketchup when you need to grab it, or put their cart of yogurt in front of the yogurt cooler so you're not sure whether to grab the yogurt from the cart or from the fridge behind it.

Except this guy had really cute dimples, so maybe she wasn't as weird as the rest of the clan. She looked like she would at least step back from the ketchup so there wasn't an awkward pause and an awkward 'excuse me'. "What'd you do?" Her attention and eyes remained on the tall cheerleader. Was she going to get in trouble? Was she going to kick her out? Make her pay for the milk?

I looked down at the puddle.

"I'm so sorry. I dropped it on accident. It was slippery." I immediately jumped in and spoke up. I didn't want her thinking she dropped it. She was probably already mad enough that I got milk all over her.

I could feel my face heating up. From embarrassment. From the thought of getting in trouble. From her calling me stupid or clumsy or something like that. At least the store wasn't busy, and at least the only people in sight were right in front of me and had already seen what I had done.

The girl with the dimples shot her fist up to her mouth and laughed.

"Knock it off Yuko." The girl slapped her shoulder.

She stopped laughing right away, but pinched her lips and crossed her arms. "Well you break it you buy it." Her eyes trailed over my body.

I could feel my cheeks burn even brighter. In any other circumstance it would have looked as if she were checking me out, but I highly doubt that that's the case since I'm wearing milk covered sweats and rain boots. My sister told me I looked like I was going to smash cranberries as I was walking out the front door. And to make things even worse I neglected to fix my hair so I at least had a normal ponytail.

My mom had asked me to run to the store right when I had finished getting ready for bed. Now I could feel the weight of the bun bobbing at the top of my head. Sumo-hair. It drives me insane when my hair touches my neck when I'm trying to go to sleep.

"Uhm. Okay." I looked down at the magazine in my hands. I had planned on buying three things, and now that I had to pay for two milks, I wouldn't be able to afford the magazine. That's okay though. I get paid soon so I could get the magazine after my paycheck. Except I'm going to be super bored on break at work tomorrow.

I stepped toward the magazine rack I had grabbed the magazine from and set it back into its spot.

When I turned back to the spilled milk, the girl (Yuko?) was setting up a wet floor sign and the girl was taking a step back from the slowly growing puddle. Had she called her Kojima? That's a weird name. Yuko’s a weird name too.

She looked up at me. "It's your turn." She gestured to the open check out counter with a nod of her head. That's when I noticed her hands were full. Alcohol? She was buying beer? But she's a cheerleader.

I turned toward the check out counter before she caught me trying to analyze her and her ability to buy beer. But it was my turn. The cashier had been staring at me, but when I looked at her she pretended to be looking at a crossword in front of her.

They were so lucky their boss let them do crosswords during work. But I guess it's almost midnight, and kind of slow right now. At my job we can't read anything or even have our phones out around customers. But it's a little busier at Akihabara Theater than it is here and I doubt I would even have time to do a crossword at work.

"You can go." I stepped back. "I need to get another milk."

I glanced again at the puddle. That dimple girl was still standing by it. My face started to burn again. I could feel my cheeks begin to flush and heat lick behind my ears. Nineteen-year old girls aren't supposed to drop milk at the grocery store. Five year olds are. And old ladies who open the cooler door when the milk is leaning against the glass and not sitting in its spot properly. I hate when I do stupid things.

"Yuko," the girl snapped her head toward the girl. "Grab her another milk." She turned to me. "And don't listen to her. You don't have to pay for it. She's just being stupid."

I wasn't sure how to respond. I just stared at her, waiting to see if she was serious.

"Hey Mayu." Yuko looked up at the girl behind the register. I looked up at the cashier and she set down her crossword. "Ring her up for a gallon of milk. I'll be right back."

The cashier nodded, gave a dorky smile towards me, and pushed a few buttons on the register. She pushed the buttons almost like she was expecting a gumball to roll out after she finished.

I stepped towards her. It kind of felt like I was walking up in front of a classroom full of students and the teacher was going to pants me in front of everyone. Except I was just walking up to a check-out counter and the only person looking at me, and the only person who I'd seen in the store besides the employees, was the Kojima girl.

The cashier had her hair in a weird way. Cute though. In a shy kind of dorky way.

I glanced back at the Kojima girl just as she stepped over the puddle and moved closer to me. She set her six-pack of beer on the counter and I snapped my attention away again, before she noticed me staring. My face was still burning and I wanted to say thanks to her, but I wasn't sure if I was supposed to or if I'd look stupid for saying thank you.

"Mayu hand me a paper towel." She mumbled.

I peeked to my left and saw her tapping and shaking her feet against the linoleum floor.

"Yeah. Of course." She ducked under and into the weird little cashier cove she was in and popped back up with a roll of paper towels. She extended the roll in front of my face and the Kojima girl snatched it from her.

Again from the corner of my eye I watched her tear a few sheets of the towel off, set the roll next to her beer, and lift her feet to wipe them off.

"You're not allergic to milk are you?" The thought triggered faster than I could wake up from a bad nightmare.

She took a second to answer and I started to think she hadn't heard me. But she answered as stood straight up and finished drying off her feet. "No." She hushed her answer and I swear I could almost hear a subtle laugh behind her answer.

I snapped my attention back to the cashier when I saw a smirk start to form on her lips.

"Oh wait," she spoke again. She grabbed for the magazine I had set back on the rack and handed it to me. "Don't forget this."

“Thanks.” I took it and handed it to the cashier. “This and…” I held up my palm and read the words scribbled across my hand, “Basic Menthol Light 100’s.”

She looked up from the magazine I'd handed her like I'd said something I wasn't supposed to. "You smoke?"

I held my palm back in front of me. "Basic Menthol Light 100's." I read the purple gel ink for a second time.

"Are you even old enough to buy cigarettes." The cashier questioned me. Her eyebrow rose with the corner of her mouth.

I dug into my sweatpants pocket. My fingers brushed damp, milk coated, fabric at the bottom of my pocket before I pulled out my I.D. and handed it to her.

She started to read over my I.D. It looked like she didn't even know what she was looking for or how to tell how old I was. Finally she handed it back. "All right, Minami." She smiled. "You know you kind of look like you're buying it for a friend."

"Oh, I'm not." I shook my head.

She pinched her lips and held them to one side of her mouth. "Well, I'll be right back. The cigarettes are up at customer service." She stepped away from the check out counter and headed in the opposite direction that Yuko girl had gone.

She left me alone. With her. With the cheerleader and her ruined flip-flops. I had been a cheerleader in high school. I know how they are. I know how they think, what they say when their friends aren't around, and worse, what they say when their friends are around. And seeing as how there's only one high school within a few hundred miles of here I don't want her somehow finding out she goes to school with my sister.

I turned toward her before she had a chance to say something to me. "I can get you a new pair of flip flops. My boss owns a shoe store across from where I work. She usually gives me a discount on stuff." And I had a gift card, but she doesn't need to know that. It doesn't count as buying something for someone if you get it for them with a gift card.

"Does she?" She responded. That smirk returned.

"Ye-ah…" I spoke in between a gulp so the word broke as I said it. "I really am sorry. If you want to meet me on my break tomorrow. Or whenever."

"You work at Akihabara’s Theater?" Her smirk grew.

“Yeah.” I was a little taken aback, but thankful I hadn’t stuttered when I had said yeah this time. How’d she know that I worked there? Maybe she’d seen me before. “Do you know where it is?”

"Definitely. I've been there a few times." She said. Her smirk was starting to unnerve me. I probably had milk on my face. Or worse, on my shirt and it was now see-through. I stole a glance at my shirt…no milk. Good. "When's you're break?"

"One." I answered quickly.

The cashier returned. "Here's your smokes. Better tuck those in your pockets before Yuko returns with your milk or she'll make a comment about smoking menthols," she said and cringed her teeth in a way that said she was completely serious, but trying to play it off as teasing me.

I took the cigarettes and did as she said. I stuffed them into my pocket, and for the second time brushed my fingers against the bottom of my milk soaked pocket.

“Oh come one.” The tall girl scoffed. I turned to her and saw her roll her eyes. “You guys are ridiculous. Especially Yuko. At least they smell good.” She pointed to my pocket when she said they. “Better than those trashcan things she smokes.”

Was she standing up for me? I barely know her. Who knew all you had to do was spill milk all over someone and they'd support cigarettes. It was weird. Being in the middle of their conversation. Or argument. Or random statements. Whatever they were. Did they forget I had a sumo bun and rain boots?

"You and your nasty little cigarettes."

"Hey babe. I'm not picky." She defended herself. Suddenly I felt less like a part of the conversation and more like they were talking about things only a group of friends could understand. Not things a weird ass girl in the grocery store could understand. "If it's cheap then I'm whatever about it. Besides I'm not the only one who smokes. You have no problem hanging with Acchan."

I turned back to the cashier and watched as she dragged the gallon of milk over the scanner. Now that they were talking about someone else, I felt even more like a creepy eavesdropper.

“First of all,s he’s not a chain smoker like you are.” The girl behind me continued. I handed the cashier a ten dollar bill. She kept smilling at me, tight lipped and cheeks lifted. It was kind of cute. She was kind of cute. “And she smokes things that smell good.” The cashier handed me a few coins as my change. I held my hand like a bowl as she poured the pennies and nickels into my palms. “And second, no, you’re not picky. I think you’re right when you use the words cheap and whatever.”

“Here’s your receipt.” I glanced at his nametag as Mayu handed me the receipt. That tall girl had called her that before like she had known her. So had that Yuko dimple girl. At least Mayu wasn’t involved in their conversation, and as awkward as her staring is, it’s better than her ignoring me and talking about cigarettes.

"Did you just defend and talk shit about Acchan at the same time?" Yuko questioned.

I glanced back at the two. At the tall girl. I was right. All cheerleaders were the same. "So I'll see you tomorrow at one?" I confirmed with her and interrupted their argument.

Her eyes drifted toward me. She looked a little dazed, as if she had forgotten I was there. My cheeks started to heat up again.

"Oh," she nodded her head. "Yes." Her smile returned. This time it was less of a smirk. "What'd you say her name was again Mayu?" The girl peeked over my shoulder at the lanky cashier.

"Minami." She and I had said in unison.

Her chest rose with a short laugh as her eyes moved between the cashier and me. Her smile grew. "I'll see you tomorrow Minami. Should be fun."

"Okie do…" I stopped myself. "Okay." I grabbed the milk and magazine, hugged them to my chest, smiled, and then scurried away.


so here it is. hope you like it :)
Happy new year!
« Last Edit: December 30, 2015, 08:21:51 PM by takagil »

Offline sasshirie

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Re: If only you could see what I see - chapter 1
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2015, 11:30:24 PM »

So as I was listening to a song I remembered an old fanfic I read a couple of years ago about a tv show that was never finished. So I decided to take a chance and transform that fanfic in an AKB fanfic  :lol:

I changed some storyline and of course, the characters name, and I'll try to give it a proper end, since I was so depressed it didnt have one.

So, hope you like it. However, 90% of the credits goes to FrogsRcool.

does the original author knows about it? if they know then its okayv  :thumbsup if they dont its plagiazed then because its 90% as you said... i hope writer knows... :)
« Last Edit: December 30, 2015, 11:45:14 PM by sasshirie »

Offline Saint0angel

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Re: If only you could see what I see - chapter 1
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2016, 01:28:41 PM »

So as I was listening to a song I remembered an old fanfic I read a couple of years ago about a tv show that was never finished. So I decided to take a chance and transform that fanfic in an AKB fanfic  :lol:

I changed some storyline and of course, the characters name, and I'll try to give it a proper end, since I was so depressed it didnt have one.

So, hope you like it. However, 90% of the credits goes to FrogsRcool.

does the original author knows about it? if they know then its okayv  :thumbsup if they dont its plagiazed then because its 90% as you said... i hope writer knows... :)

Offline Drakon

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Re: If only you could see what I see - chapter 1
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2016, 01:54:05 PM »
Good story.


Hopes on TakaHaru - crumble...

Offline cisda83

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Re: If only you could see what I see - chapter 1
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2016, 04:24:44 PM »
Well it will be atsumina I think

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the nice start

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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