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Author Topic: Dance : Rewrite by Jyurination48 (Jurisaku) and Sayamilky FanFicVid(?)  (Read 38919 times)

Offline Genkikid

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Re: Dance : Taboo No Iro (Jurina x sakura ft. AKB G)
« Reply #80 on: April 21, 2016, 07:47:11 PM »
Just watched the mv. God, it's.... :on bleed: applause for possessive Ju :onioncheer:

Offline akbdaisuki48

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Re: Dance : Taboo No Iro (Jurina x sakura ft. AKB G)
« Reply #81 on: April 23, 2016, 04:30:54 PM »

yeah yeah,, those people in AKS..they really know how to tease the fans aren't they ( not protesting AT ALL)

i hope whoever made the concept of that video will get promoted ..and bring moarrr of it!! why stop on katamoi finally !

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Dance : Taboo No Iro (Jurina x sakura ft. AKB G)
« Reply #82 on: April 25, 2016, 08:31:06 PM »

I loved this chapter.
Of my favorite chapters of the saga.

Offline akbdaisuki48

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Re: Dance : Taboo No Iro (Jurina x sakura ft. AKB G)
« Reply #83 on: April 26, 2016, 04:18:19 PM »
hee..really.. I kinda curious why is that..

thank you for read

Offline akbdaisuki48

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Dance : jurina's house (Jurina matsui x sakura miyawaki)
« Reply #84 on: April 28, 2016, 11:02:11 PM »

Sakura stand quietly in front of a two-story house on a nice and calm neighborhood, the house is slightly bigger than the houses around, with a classy look attached on it.

Just a normal  house, it just a normal house and yet sakura find her hands clenched nervously as she look at the building, followed by a slightly dizzy on her head, and a sudden dry on her throat.

The hakata girl throw a seeking-for-help glance at the figure that stand beside her

" do i look?" Sakura said as she fixing her hair for the hundreds time again that morning

Jurina take a look at the hakata girl beside her and smile "perfect...just like, cmon!" Jurina takes sakura hand with her and sakura just silently following that nagoya ace entering the house.

It is matsui Jurina house.

Sakura didn't think too much when she agreed on Jurina offer to visiting her house, never though it would be this nerve-wrecking

And no, it is not the house that maddening is someone ..someone that she would have to met in there

"Ju...what is your moms like? is it fine for me to talk with her? is she had something she really dislike?" the usually calm Sakura could not help to being fussy due to her nervousness

" should i say better not talk to her sakura....and whatever you do, don't look at her in the eyes, and never ever give her a food or you'll lose your finger ! keep your distance at 5 meters, she is super wild and dangerous!"

Sakura glared at Jurina but Jurina only laugh at her

"Hahaha ...she is cool ! don't worry, cmon!" Jurina open the front door "Tadaima!" she said cheerfully


a stylish elegant lady, with a strong resemblance of Jurina come to the greet

"Jurina, you are losing weight again? are you eating properly?? why can't you came home more often??" the lady then start to pouting, and the way she is pouting only makes her looks more like Jurina

"I am okay mom, don't worry" Jurina said "i have someone that i want to meet you today"

And for the first time, the beautiful lady take a look at sakura who fidgeting on her spot this entire time, the second their eyes meet, sakura could feel an ice blocks running through her spine

"H-Hajime Mashite, matsui san. I am miyawaki sakura" sakura said while bowing

"she is my girl friend" Jurina said lightly

and sakura couldn't help but to drop her jaw

 'J-jurina ?! just like that??! isn't that a bit too sudden?? don't you need to introduced me more properly??? t-theres so much need to be explianed-- I am dead now! thank you ju, your mother going to hate me forever now!!'

Sakura is lucky she is bowing, that Jurina mother don't have to see how stupid is the look on her face now.

sakura take a scary peek to see ju's mom expression, but the lady just smile at her

"Nice to finally meet you sakura chan, Jurina always talk about you, but she do not told me that you will come today, I could cook something before hand if I know"

eh? Jurina ....already told her mother about me? s-since when?? what is she told her ??? *doki doki doki*

"Ah..n-no, its fine matsui san...and um..we happen to buy this on tokyo before we got here...I heard from Jurina that you like this cake "

"My, my... thank you, come in."

Sakura following Jurina and her mother inside, the hakata girl looks around curiously 'so...this is where Jurina grow up...'.

There is some astonishing buildings miniature from paper on one corner, sakura notice that it is probably one of Jurina's mother unfinished project (who work as a contemporary artist). On another corner, stood an upright piano, sakura wonder if Jurina could play it, She kinda want to heard Jurina played the piano for once...

Sakura, jurina and ju's mom eat the cake together in the living room, both matsui are very cheerful and warm, and jurina is right, her mother is super cool, She is charming, smart, funny and wonder is that how Jurina would be in the future, and cant help but to chuckle a little.

The three are having a fun conversation, and the nervousness sakura felt earlier slowly fading. the cake and the tea quickly finished, ju's mom then take the empty glass and plates on a tray

"Nice to chat with you sakura, please enjoy your visit" Jurina mom said while stand up with the tray.

"Ah, please let me help you with that!" despite ju's mom tried to stop her, sakura insisted, sakura then following ju's mom to the sink and help wash the dishes.

while on the sink, sakura eyes accidentally bump into a framed picture on a table; an old picture, quite in the back and rather concealed from the sight .

It is a picture of little Jurina with a firm-looking man, smiling happily under a bright sun on a yacht, in the middle of blue ocean. 'huh? a yacht? '

"That is Jurina's father"

"?!" sakura turn around and find ju's mom who drying the plates beside her, catching her obvious stare

"ah..Im sorry..I didn't mean to-"

"its okay...he is a successful business man, allowing him to buy anything that he like with all the money he got...well...almost anything"

"..." a bittersweet smile on the lady signaling sakura to not asked more, so she is not.

Sakura then just quietly washing the dishes, that is when Jurina come and gently hugging sakura from behind

"hey...are you done yet sakura?? " Jurina said while snuggling on sakura's neck

"J-just a bit more" sakura really wished Jurina would stop doing that, her mother is looking for Heaven sake!

"ah..just leave it sakura chan, ill finished it . just go with Jurina, you two rarely have a time off don't you?" Ju mom said


"yeyy!! thanks mom! cmon sakura!! "

Jurina dragging sakura with her to her room, and close the door behind them

"finally...we can be alone" the nagoya ace smirk, Jurina sit on the floor, and pulled sakura to sit on her lap.

Jurina really living her titled as a kissing monster, not restraining herself at all with her girlfriend sitting on her laps, her smirky lips fast to find a way to the other girl lips, gently raining sakura with a playful kiss

But something still bothering sakura, distracting her from Jurina kiss.

"... is something wrong sakura?"

" really love your mother aren't you"

"I do!"

"But...i never heard you talked about your father..."


"...J-just forget it! sorry i asked a weird thing!" sakura tried to stand up, but Jurina stoping her and pulled her back to her laps

"No..its fine..I want you to know everything you want to know about me"


"You know that my parents are divorced right?"

"...un" sakura slowly nodded " you hate your father?"

Sakura could clearly see how her question makes that nagoya aces slightly taken aback



"I saw my parents fight...and my mother cries...I see my father left her...and despite all the hell he makes me see...I ...don't...hate him...well at least..Im no longer hate him "


"Maybe because I cant forget the panic in his eyes ,when he carried me to the doctor in the middle of the night when i catch a fever....his smile, when he teach me how to set a bait on a fishing rod...his laugh..when I jumping around, found out that he bought me a birthday present that i really don't hate him...I cannot hate my own father"

Jurina is smiling the whole time, but maybe its something in her voice, or something in her eyes, or something in the way she look straight at sakura eyes all the time as she told her all of that, a single tear escaping from the corner of sakura's eyes...

"hahaha why are you crying? sakura?!" looking at sakura miserable face, jurina only kindly laughing, slowly erasing the tears from the hakata girl face with her finger "cmon! isn't this weird?? isn't i am the one that supposed to crying ? " jurina said playfully

But even couldn't stop the streaming of tears from her eyes

"hey ..hey..ssh...its okay..its okay" jurina said, wiping the tears from sakura face gently "I'm okay now...i have you here with me" Jurina whispered to sakura ears

 And it is all nice... and calming...and warm... but sakura cant find it how to stop her cry, so Jurina lift her face, and look deep into sakura teary eyes "I'm okay now...but I'm not okay seeing you crying Sakura...please..stop crying okay?"

Sakura nodded, tried to pull her self, but her tears start escaping from her eyes again.

Jurina take a better look at sakura face, find that the girl who is crying over something that she herself don't really find sad anymore, are kind...and amusingly cute. The thought draw a smile on Jurina face

"...really...what should i do with you sakura..." Jurina then lay sakura down to the floor, and slowly... kiss her.

 Wiping sakura tears gently with her lips, and kiss her again, until the girl stop her cute sobbing, kiss her until her tears dry, kiss her, until the other girl find her way to kiss Jurina back, an so they stay kissing for a little while, a little while until sakura find her self back

--- ---- ----

"Do you know why i want you to come home with me?" Jurina finally said after a while

" can meet your mother?"

"yes...I am an only child, and she is everything I have...I want her to know, that I also have you now".


"so please don't cry, this supposed to be a happy day...okay?"


They spend the rest of the day cuddling with each other. Play a massive collection of old video games that Jurina have.

 Sakura find the old AKB date simulation game on one of Jurina's console, and madly hitting Jurina with a pillow when she saw the memory data "o-ouch! it was years ago!!! and it just a game!! o-ouch!!"

The sun almost set when finally they both heading back to tokyo

"You two should just stay over " ju's mom said

"Maybe next time mom, we had a morning photoshoot at tokyo tomorrow, and sakura had a rehearsal for HKT new theater opening too"

"Thank you very much matsui san, i had a very pleasant time" Sakura said as polite as she can

"Make sure to visit again okay sakura chan...i can cook you a meat sauce spaghetti that Jurina likes "

"I want to!! I want to!! we will come back!!" Jurina said brightly regardless the offer was not intended to her, she then give her mom a big hug and a kiss "take care until then mom"

"We will matsui san, take a good care"sakura said, Ju's mom then lean closer to give sakura a hug, while she hugging the hakata girl, jurina catch that her mom whispered something to Sakura

"huh? what are you whispered to Sakura mom?"

"Nothing" said ju's mom while throw a smirk thats so Jurina-like to sakura, and sakura blushed a bit

"What is it? hey sakura what is my mom said?"

"i-its nothing! cmon ju! the train will leave soon" said sakura while dragging jurina

"cmon! tell me! sakuraaa chan"

Ju's mom keep looking at the young pair who fought cutely as they walk away

"Sakura...Jurina is the only thing I have in this world..but I am glad that she found a nice girl like you...if she ever hurt you..tell me okay...ill smack a common sense out of that kid"

Jurina keep bombarding sakura with her curiosity all their way back to tokyo...and sakura keep avoiding it.

 Just when jurina finally asleep on the train, and sakura alone, look at the dark scenery outside the window, ju's mom words come back to her...and she find on her reflection in the window... the biggest smile she ever has for a very long time.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2017, 04:10:05 AM by akbdaisuki48 »

Offline Genkikid

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Re: Dance : Jurina's house (Jurina matsui x sakura miyawaki ft. AKB G)
« Reply #85 on: April 29, 2016, 06:49:36 AM »
Sakura Jurina Kawaiiii!!!! I want this story to have never end. I love this story how Ju always have her way into kissing Sakura :luvluv1: :luvluv1:

Offline akbdaisuki48

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Re: Dance : Jurina's house (Jurina matsui x sakura miyawaki ft. AKB G)
« Reply #86 on: April 30, 2016, 01:17:59 AM »
@genki kid

LoL ,
thank you for reading this happen to be series up until now from the very beginning
and its Jurina we talk about...she would always do whatever she feels like to  :on roll:

Offline eel_96

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Re: Dance : Jurina's house (Jurina matsui x sakura miyawaki ft. AKB G)
« Reply #87 on: April 30, 2016, 03:55:42 AM »
Don't stop writing this fic.. It's so fun to be read and the pairing is really rare but actually cute too..
You're good author.. I want to know what happen next  :D

Offline shanju

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Re: Dance : Jurina's house (Jurina matsui x sakura miyawaki ft. AKB G)
« Reply #88 on: May 01, 2016, 05:30:40 PM »
I wonder, is jurina parents was divorced? I mean i knew that ju rarely talk about her father and always with her mother, but the speculation, i dont know which one is true lol
I love jurisaku because of you, before i just jurina fans
And i think we have same nogizaka oshimen haha
Update soon
« Last Edit: May 01, 2016, 05:39:06 PM by shanju »

Offline akbdaisuki48

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Re: Dance : Jurina's house (Jurina matsui x sakura miyawaki ft. AKB G)
« Reply #89 on: May 01, 2016, 08:15:31 PM »

wow thank you flattered .. i just though Jurisaku really cute together in 356 nichi when i start write it
now its kinda make my hearth skip when i see them together in concert or something..and before i realize it..this fic became this long  :nervous

but yup...since its somehow fun...ill try to keep up..even if this series somehow long as the main character still around..i think ill still gonna write some drabbles or OS of jurisaku  :jphip:


now you said it...
i do-kinda-did some research before write this...and as you said.. theres a lot of debates regarding Jurina parents, are they even not married? are they just not living together?
i understand japanesse but i can't read kanji at all, so unfortunately japanesse fandom (which is the most reliable one) are off limits
what i do instead is gathered data from english and indonesian (i used to live there and trust me.. indonesian wota's are really all out) speaking fandom,
and top ... theres this super Jurina wota there that said her parents are most likely divorced.. and so i wrote it as that

if anyone think that it is otherwise..please tell me.. and ill change it r
 i kinda wanna make this fic as a good read

and if you mean ikuta erika sama


ikuchaaaannnn  :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
« Last Edit: May 12, 2016, 04:33:26 AM by akbdaisuki48 »

Offline shanju

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Re: Dance : Jurina's house (Jurina matsui x sakura miyawaki ft. AKB G)
« Reply #90 on: May 02, 2016, 12:52:35 AM »
Ahhh indonesian,
Dont worry i got the same information too.. but i remember i ever read that jurina parents maybe never get married so i confused.
Yes, i mean erika sama..
Don don ikudon ikuta don

Offline akbdaisuki48

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Re: Dance : Jurina's house (Jurina matsui x sakura miyawaki ft. AKB G)
« Reply #91 on: May 06, 2016, 07:52:12 AM »
-------------- Tsubasa Wa Iranai ---------------------------

"Jurina...maybe we should stop seeing each other"


" I too naive hoping that you would at least ask why..."


" still can't forget her don't you..."


"...Im sorry Ju... I'm giving up on you "

"... don't are not the only one"

"....Good bye jurina"

The girl left Jurina alone, but Jurina couldn't careless...just another girl from many other that she had juggled ...just another girl that she wished could filled the void in her heart

 Watching at her back as she walking away, all jurina could see is the shadow of another person who said exactly the same word ...but change her whole world forever after

'good bye Jurina'

....don't go

Jurina tried to said the words but it all caught in her throat ... the fair skinned girl keep walking away

....don't leave me alone

Why can't she said it? why can't she stop her ?

'good bye jurina...'



Matsui Jurina open her eyes... its super shining

 'a day dream?'

Jurina had to adjusted her sight before catch the scenery surrounds her. Once she do, Jurina wonder whether if she was dreaming, and whether she is still in one now? everything around her looks so oldies, makes jurina feels like she having a time leaps to 50 years ago

"Ju...are you okay?"

Jurina find the source of the sweet voice that wakes her up and found a girl just not less -if not more- sweet, with worries glued on her cute face


"You were mumbling in your sleep...are you okay?"

"" jurina stroke her perfect hair, try scraping her consciousness . She look around once again, and still felt like having a time leap "where are we?"

"We are in the middle on making music video...for tsubasa wa iranai,  remember? you sure you okay?"

Slowly, jurina conciseness come back at her "ah..yeah..sorry"

Sakura handed a glass of water to Jurina, and Jurina do kind a thirsty after day dreaming, she quickly emptying the glass

"...errh...this single not really my jam, but they keep playing it here drilled in my head...makes me start to like it and now its makes me sleepy. but dont worry I'm fine" said jurina, while gently stroking sakura hair, try to ease that worry from her beautiful face

although both are part of the kami7, the most elite frontline of the biggest Idol group in the planet; AKB48, for this single music video, jurina and sakura not having too much scene to be worried that day.

 Its mostly mion, sayanee, mayuyu, and yukirin. so both of them spend the day just watching on everyone else


Nothing shines more than gorgeous person in white,  and it would double the effect if it wore matching with another gorgeous person

Everyone who saw Jurina and sakura that morning in the location would absolutely agree, as that SKE48 absolute ace and the team A recent chosen Ace for the new single, sitting next to each other in the far corner...a bit secluded from the rest... wearing that matching lacy white blouse and red hot-pants ...

gorgeous... as if the words were invented just to describes them.

With mukaichi Mion as center and a lot of fresh members in the senbatsu line, AKB48 group 44th single 'tubasa wa iranai' takes revolution era as it music video theme,with strong autumn-ish atmosphere attached on it.

Jurina and sakura watch the staff prepared to take the main scene for the video. Sayanee, the NMB48 icon and one of the most noted musician in the whole group, tried to give Mion a basic tutorial on how to play a guitar-- ah --- I'm sorry ---it's actually more like how to hold a guitar tutorial.

A former famous child actress, mion, spend 12 years in her young life on show business (thats makes her awkwardly more senpai than even akb first gen), Mion has rarely had a chance to touch a musical instrument.

"Is this how I should pl---Kyaaa!!"

"Mion!! watch out!"

Mion tried to sling the guitar that looks gigantic on her mini feature, but her small arms almost drop the bass guitar, she tried to catch it, and so is sayanee.

The guitar, sayanee and Mion fall triumphantly.

The guitar is saved on sayanee hands, but now Mion and sayanee are watch each other face in awkward silent., as sayanee now pinned down the small girl beneath her due to her rescue

"I-im sorry!" sayanee quickly stand up, and help little Mion to get back on her feet

"u--un, is the guitar okay?" said mion, blushed...anyone with a right mind would blushed after being pinned down by that super cool namba ace that more suited to be a rocker than an idol.

"yow sayanee! thats Mogi waifu there! just because milky is not here don't think you can flirt with others wifey!" Jurina shout to that namba ace, loud enough for all the people in the location to turn their head to sayanee

 Sayanee throw a seriously dangerous look to Jurina, only to amuse Jurina and make her laugh harder

"Mogi should work harder and aimed for senbatsu to watch over her waifu...mion are cute"

"Not as cute as you mayu *smile*"

Jurina and Sakura turn their head, to find two akb queen standing behind them since who knows when...glued on each other...wondering were the Mayuki even use the toilet together like that? it so hard seeing one without another these days

"Mayuchan...dont worry...I will work hard so we can always work together and stay beside you"

"Me too yukirin! I will work hard so I could be compatible with you....but will had a kissing scene with mion don't you" mayu pouting to her yukirin

"almost-kissing scene...I'll give you a real one right after we finish this job *throw super hot wink*"

" two.. get a room already!" Jurina said to the pair, but completely being ignored as the mayuki probably think that every second they not spend looking at each other face are a wasted moment

"..." sakura scanning Jurina with her eyes, remind herself to also work hard so she could be in the place where she could watch that inhumanly gorgeous sakae ace closely. She had too many love rivals already

Just then jurina catch sakura intense stares on her

"hem? what is it sakura?"

"nooothing!" *blushed*

Sakura try to look anywhere except jurina, but Jurina don't feel the same and just lay her eyes on the younger girl

....."good bye jurina"......

"i-im going to take a drink" sakura stand up...escaping her self from the heat of jurina gaze

.....don't leave me alone......


Jurina taken aback as she find her own hands are grabbing sakura, stoping the hakata girl



"...stay with me"

"I just going to get some dri--"

"I love you stay with me...dont leave me alone"

Now its sakura who is taken aback with the seriousness in Jurina's like she is begging for her life

Sakura don't really sure why ...but she is back to Jurina's side...replying the longing gaze jurina throw at her with a questioning eyes...totally confused, yet sakura just let it when Jurina pulled her close...and gently kissed her

" guys are the one who seriously need to get a room now" mayu said while throwing them a morbid glance

Jurina takes her revenge and just ignored that akb queen. Sakura feels seriously embarrassed, but the way jurina look at her, and the fragile in her kiss felt so demanding. Makes her heart beat not only twice, but thrice faster..or even more ... makes sakura just stay there

tsubasa wa iranai

I don't need a wings

I don't need to fly away...not anymore....

I've find you

« Last Edit: June 08, 2017, 04:26:47 AM by akbdaisuki48 »

Offline Genkikid

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Fragile heart inside a strong character. What was Ju dreaming??

Offline akbdaisuki48

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@genki kid

a certain bittersweet memory in a certain past that would stay with Ju forever


Offline Minami-chan

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Very Good chapter.
Thanks a lot shanju san.

Offline akbdaisuki48

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Dance : AKB48 : team A (Jurina matsui x sakura miyawaki ft. AKB G)
« Reply #95 on: May 12, 2016, 07:16:32 PM »

Miyawaki Sakura take a deep breath before entering the AKB practice room that day, she tighten her fist and so her nerve, and then walk in.

As she expected, the atmosphere in the room are heavy ... eyes... piercing to her sole presence. sakura takes another deep breath

Sakura Miyawaki is the youngest of the elite frontier member known as senbatsu in the most historical idol group in the world, AKB48, and her team, happen to be the most respected team in the whole group, AKB48 team A.

The oldest and the very first team from all the 24 team in the whole giant group, team A is "The Team", team that said is the face of AKB48, its where the aces, future aces, famous and influenced members are dwelling.

With such members said, it is also the group with the strongest individuality and competition, it is simply hard to shine when you are amongst diamonds .

And so here she is, ready to practice with the so called team for the akb 44th single team A coupling song "set me free", as that so called team

Well.. a wcenter with paruru actually, and this is even her fourth time doing wcenter with paruru,  two of it are even for team A.

But because of her poor health condition,and although she is here today, Paruru almost could never appear these time around. and really, a center pressure isnt something that anyone could ever get used to.

Sakura carefully look around, most of the team members are her senpai, most just have fun and chills around, but some are obviously looking at their new young kouhai center from hakata in not-so-fun way... sakura gulped

'I can do this' she chanting to herself, just like in kibouteki and kimi wa melody  'I can do this'.. she keep chanted, yet those unfriendly eyes are so oppressing. 

She looks around, unhappy eyes...agitated eyes ... and then... a smile that so bright it burns all those cold gaze around from the view

Sakura fazed in her spot as she watch the owner of that blazing smile walk from the middle of the crowd towards her,

"Hey beautiful" that lips with the smile spoke, before landed a light kiss on sakura's cheek

"J-Jurina?! what are you doing here!??"

"I had some business with management, and I heard team A practicing, so I came to see you" said that Nagoya absolute ace brightly "maybe...we could had lunch together? after?"

gosh...that smile ... how could sakura said no to that "okay...I guess"

jurina's grin became wider "great! I'll be waiting in the corner"

"eh!?? you'll be watching???"

"yeah, they said you guys only need to settled some moves, so it won't take long right? why?"

"N-nothing" gosh, why the panic? sakura asked her self.

she always practicing with Jurina anyway since both are in senbatsu, maybe because different from when they are dancing and practicing together

Sakura knows that this time...this time ... that horribly super gorgeous nagoya ace could watch her... and her only

"Okay everyone lets start!" shout yuihan, the new soukantoku. Sakura and everyone else then moves to their position

Sakura stood in the very front of the formation,the center position.

 Just like dancing in that position itself not already so mentally crushing, from the big mirror in the room, sakura could see the super beautiful first gen senpai nyan2kamen, the soukantoku yuihan, and the salty beauty who known as one of the most beautiful face in the world, shimazaki "paruru" haruka, dance right behind her.

A bit further, she could she Iriyama Anna, the ultimate cool beauty whom titled as the smartest idol in the group, wearing gloves as usual, covering a scar on her hand from the unforgettable handshake incident some years ago. not far, theres also the osaka beauty, shiroma Miru, one of the strongest candidate for NMB48 future ace, also dance behind her

dancing in front of these super beauties and famous members, sakura felt like dancing in front of a group of enormous giants, not to mention those sharp glare still feels piercing her back

'I can do this' sakura chanting 'i can do this!' she keep chanted to herself as she dance, but her anxiousness wouldn't stop, her dance move became heavy and heavier

 Everything started to blurred ... when a bright smile once again.. find it ways to sakura

From the mirror in front of her, sakura takes a glance at the owner of the smile, Jurina smiling at her every move ... with eyes so warm'll melted even the most hard chocolate bar under it glare

Noticing sakura looking, the nagoya ace raise her hand to her own smiling lips, stretch her thumb and her point finger there, while throwing a beckoning look to the hakata girl

Sakura raise her eye brows, a bit in confuse, try to figure out what is Jurina want, sakura move to the side as the dance coreograohy demands

 She lose sight of Jurina for a moment, but as soon as she back to the front again, sakura take a look at Jurina once again, and once again the sakae ace give her a same signal

When sakura look at her own reflection in the mirror, she finally understand what is it that Jurina tries to tell her...


Smile sakura

And for the very first time since she entered that practice room, sakura smiling.

With her smile, suddenly her step became lighter, her view became brighter, and her hearth became warmer, sakura don't know how the most simple things just as smiling, can change so many things...big times around

Sakura take a glance at Jurina again, find that nagoya ace still smiling at her, but now not only smiles, the nagoya ace throw a thousand kisses and winks and even stand up to give her a princely bow ...makes the hakata girl had to throw a cold glare to stop that nagoya ace from acted so cheesy-ly stupid

Sakura finish the training, with a smile on her face

"Okay ! thats it for today!" said yuihan, and the crowd disbanding

It really just a short training. paruru immediately cling to Yuihan with a big sweet smile, it is amazing how sweet a salt can be when they are in love.

"Hey sakura , you do a good job for today" said the soukantoku, smiling

"yup, sorry I kinda leave you, but good job" said paruru too, sakura not sure if its really meant for her, because the salt only keep looking at otabe yuihan and yuihan only

But still, their words warmer her really does

"Thank you yuihan san, shimazaki san" sakura said with a big smile on her face

"Oii sakuraa!!" the sweet high pitched voice caught sakura on surprise as she knows whose voice is it, she turned around and find a girl that emitting sexiness from every pores of her skin

"y-yes kojima san?"

"Whaddaya do after this? lets have lunch together!" nyan2 kamen really takes her by surprise

 It is Kojiharu! the legendary kojima haruna just ask her for lunch,that first gen super senpai usually just came and go as she likes

But actually, despite her looks, she really is a nice senpai, and maybe since takamina graduate, she made her mind to take even more responsibility ... is she? ah but...jurina....

Sakura eyes immediately searching for Jurina and find the nagoya ace surrounded by some other members

She forgot that even in that most respected team of akb48, Jurina admirers still exist. Sakura throw a blazing glare to Jurina that being pulled around by her team A mates, and Jurina who is laughing stop her laugh right away as she sensed that her life is in serious danger

Jurina make her way trough the small crowd, and walk straight to Sakura and nyan2 senpai

"hey sakura.. nyannyan" jurina gives a warm hug to kojiharu before positioned herself beside sakura

Sakura still find herself a bit surprised every time she witnessing how casual Jurina could be even with the legendary senpai. Sakura need to constantly reminding herself how many years that sakae young ace has been in senbatsu

"hey ju, I saw you before, whatcha doing here?"

"Waiting for sakura, we gonna have some lunch together " Jurina said lightly

"eeeehh?? but I just asked her to have lunch with me"

"eh you did? hmm, we can go together! the three of us"

kojiharu tilted her head, and think for a while " asking sakura out so I can advised her and be a good senpai, since she is our new team center

 But you are going to makes fun of me if you are tagging along aren't you ju !" said nyan2 while somehow angry cutely " I'll go with sakura chan later, enjoyed your lunch"

"hahha, well...if you said so "

Sakura bow politely and jurina waving her hands as that one of the only two first gen senpai that left walk away

"so shall we go now?" Jurina said as she lightly pulled sakura closer in her arm and sakura could clearly sensed an obvious jealous stares from some other members as she did,

"You did a great job today btw, you look dazzling" and just when that sakae ace casually planted a hot kiss on Sakura pink lips, sakura don't even have to take a look to know hows those envy eyes on her just blazing with even more dangerous fire

But different from the heaviness she felt from the gaze when she is stood in the center, these kind of gaze, other way around, give her a somewhat sense of confidence

As those gaze telling her, that she had something precious that they wanted

Usually sakura would be angry when the kissing monster stole a kiss from her, especially when other people around

But she remember about the smile that she taught her...and so she just let her...tried to chase away her own thought that she actually also craving for Jurina's soft lips


"So, what do you want for lunch sakura?"

" you mind if we go to my place and I cook for you instead? your mother just give me the recipe for her meat sauce spaghetti that you like "

" EH?! REALLY!! suree!!! lets go ! lets go!!!" sakura could almost see a tail wagging from behind puppy Jurina

 "as much as I like cooking for you, I love your cooks the most, and I love you so much sakura! " the last words really makes sakura hearth skip a beat

"but you know...they said there is no free lunch Jurina"

"for your cook? I'll give you my whole month salary !"

" thank you, it just that... I have an early job tomorrow, I wonder if you could give me... a wake up call... perhaps" sakura said while looking away

Not that she can't wake up by herself... she just want to heard the sakae ace voice when she wakes up .. and the thought really makes her embarrassed

"hmm...for the meat spaghetti you cook? thats under priced sakura chan" the nagoya ace look at the fidgeting hakata girl

"how about I stay over...and I can give you a morning kiss to wake you up"

sakura blushed and the sakae ace grinning wider

"lets go!" Jurina said

Sakura don't know what to say, don't really want to accept the fact that she would be happy for it, but too embarrassed to said anything...and so the hakata girl just smile shyly. and when she do, she found the sakae ace...automatically smiles back to her.


blog version
« Last Edit: June 08, 2017, 04:41:29 AM by akbdaisuki48 »

Offline Genkikid

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Re: Dance--- AKB 48 : team A (Jurina matsui x sakura miyawaki ft. AKB G)
« Reply #96 on: May 13, 2016, 05:08:51 AM »
I want a wake-up call from Ju too :luvluv1: :luvluv1:

Can i know where did you get that jurisaku gif at the end of tsubasa wa iranai chapter?

Offline akbdaisuki48

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Re: Dance--- AKB 48 : team A (Jurina matsui x sakura miyawaki ft. AKB G)
« Reply #97 on: May 14, 2016, 03:26:19 PM »
@genki kid

LOL Jurina would be like "morning beautiful...have you wake up yet?" with voices so gentle you thought you still dreaming, No Way the rest of that day gonna turn out bad!  :on roll:

that gif? its from kuchibiru be my baby long version MV,, and i got the Gif from tumblr, i believe its owned by either  "derpduck-100" or "kwangJESS308". typed jurisaku on tumblr or google images and its there
« Last Edit: May 14, 2016, 07:57:18 PM by akbdaisuki48 »

Offline akbdaisuki48

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dance : handshakes event (Jurina matsui x sakura miyawaki ft. AKB G)
« Reply #98 on: May 18, 2016, 05:11:47 PM »

Sakura just finished taking shower when she find her phone ringing, dried her hair in one hand, picking up the phone with another

J : "Hello babe, How are you, what are you doing now?" a gentle sweet voice ringing in sakura's ear once she put the phone there

S : "hey Ju, just finished shower, what are you doing?"

J : "I'm calling the most beautiful girl in the world"

S : "geez, cut it off" *blushed* *happy*

J : "yeah but unfortunately she is not picking up, so I called you instead"

S "... bye"

J : "WAIT ! don't hang up!!! I'm kidding!! I'm kidding!! my true and one love ! don't hang up please!!!"

S : "erhm...its late already, why do you called anyway?" *bad mood*

J : "...just miss your voice...and... just felt like saying I love you"

S : "" *blushed*

J : *happy* "hehe..but you are right..its late now...have a good night love, see you tomorrow at handshakes event"

S : "you too Ju... good night... "

J : "..."

S : "..."

J : "..."

S : " can hang up now you know"

J : "you first! you hang up first!"

S : "are we going to have a stupid fight about who would hang up first? thats not going to happen...ill hang up now, bye"

J : "...okay...bye" *sad puppy*

S : ".... and i love you too btw...night *beep*"

J :  *grin**singing "Tsundere"  Aloud *


AKB48 is an idol group that known best for two things : general election and handshake events.

Started out simply as a form of 'apology' for a sudden canceled stage performance, now handshakes event has became akb48 breath, that even now has spread and became a standard event for every other idol group

Such event of course is a must for the group front line girls or known as senbatsu members

Matsui Jurina and Miyawaki sakura, the youngest of the so called senbatsu of course are there too

Sakura herself is a stoic idol, in the handshakes event like this, she smiles normally, doing her catchphrases normally when asked, and answer questions normally, with her fans love her normally like that, normally interacting with her in that precious 10 seconds

But sakura is not satisfied, she determine to get better on handshakes event!

So that day, during her break, sakura decide to take a little detour before taking her lunch, walking around the other booths, hope she could "study" the other members "fishing technique"

Speaking of handshakes event, milky's name pop in sakura's head right away, but unfortunately, due to her up coming graduation, that handshakes goddess from west not attending that day event

So...instead... sakura go to the other goddess, the handshakes goddess from the east that would drag you into her yukirin world  in 10 seconds

*In Yukirin booth*

Yukirin : "hi ! how are you!" *sweet smile* *glittering eyes*

Fan : "..." *too nervous* *can't even look at yukirin**looking down the whole time*

Yukirin : "..."

Fan : "..." *why is she not saying anything??* *getting more nervous*

Yukirin : "..."

* time almost up*

Fan : least i wanna see her face once! * finally slowly looking up*

Yukirin : *smile* "finally our eyes could meet, nice to meet you! I hope you had a great day" *super hot wink*

fan : *get fished super hard*

sakura : *busy taking notes* *as expected from my kagoshima onechan!*

Sakura learn a valuable lesson.

The Hakata girl continue taking stroll along the booths, and happen to pass another booth with long lines of people, indicating how popular the member inside.

She decide to take a peek, probably able to learn any new handshakes techniques

*paruru booth*

fan : "Paruru! OMG! you are so cute!!!! "

Paruru : "...thanks...."

fan : "could you please do your catch phrase !!!??"

Paruru : "...sorry...dont have one..."

*the times up*

fan : "bye paruru!!!! ill come again!! love You!!" *waving vigorously with both hands*

Paruru : *raise her hand halfway* *salty smile*

Fans : "so salty!! love it!!!" *somehow...get fished too?*

Sakura : "..."

Sakura learn that human being is a complicated creature, with individual preference.

Sakura continuing her little venture, and once again, the hakata girl find a booth with a crazy long lines

 So once again, sakura decide to take a look, and her heart immediately skip a beat when she realize whose booth is that

she should have realize it right away when she saw the amount of people wearing orange in the lines...not too mention the amount of girl fans there

*Jurina booth*

Fan with apple t-shirt* : Jurina, i think I'm in love with you, what do you think of me??

Jurina : "I think you are so apple-ing"

Fan : "?"

fan with gloves on: OMG Jurina!!! i love you too much!! I can't touch you directly ! sorry I wearing gloves!! Im sweating so much.. I just.. I LOVE you! "

Jurina : "no problem, I 'glove' you too"

fan : "??"

fan with dolphin hat (yes its exist..its japan) : "Jurina...I--i am your big fans!! i will support you forever!!! do your best for sousenkyo!"

Jurina : "thank you! i will dolphin-ately do my best!!! "

fan : "???"

Jurina : okay these puns are not working *throw her super gorgeous smile plus winks instead*

fans : *get fished~* *almost faint**memories of bad puns deleted*

sakura "..." *blank stares**why do I date this kid again?*

Jurina : *Notice Sakura* "sakura chan~!! what are you doing here!!"

"Just take a break, I'm going to had lunch now"

"ah, I think its time for me to take break too, lets had lunch together"

-- --- --

"Here's your lunch" Jurina said as she handed a bento to sakura whose wait at their table, Jurina then sit beside her "I pick the sushi combo for you, is it okay?"

"it is, thank you Ju"

The two peacefully taking their lunch when two akb queen appear

"Mind if we having lunch here too?" said the shorter one

"yeah, sure Mayu, take a seat" said Jurina lightly

Mayukirin then joining the young pair

"yukirin san, I happen to see you earlier, you were amazing! I hope I could have a 'godly treatment' like you, how can you became that good?"sakura says

"... I spend years tried to fished a certain tsundere heartless cyborg" said yukirin with her eyes on the girl beside her,  Mayu suddenly fastening her eating speed

"Sakura, all you need is be calm, and smiles to reach your fans" said Jurina "trust me! I am very godly myself you know"

"..." and where all that confidence came from, sakura wondered,remembering those bad puns parade on Jurina's booth

"I know! why don't you practice with me? "


"try to fished me"

from the smirk on Jurina's face, sakura knows its a bad idea

but ... as annoyed as that nagoya full of confidence smile could is also charming ....and hypnotizing. so yeah.. sakura find herself tag along with the sakae ace

"okay! lets try now. ill be your fans, fished me sakura" Jurina reach out her hand

after staring that nagoya ace for a while, sakura take Jurina's hand into her own" are you"




Instead of asking her question or requesting something like fans normally would do, that nagoya ace just lock her eyes on sakura, with her beaming smile on her pretty face, but also not letting sakura's hand go neither

The nagoya ace then purposely drowning her body slowly into her chair, makes her looks 10x sexier ... that eyes...that smile...

why am I getting nervous !! I am the fisher here! sakura said to herself "um...erm... are you?" she said finally, and then mentally face palming her self

"once again, I feel great" the smirk in Jurina's face grow wider " looks lonely btw..."


"your looks lonely...would they like to meet mine?"

Sakura blushed so hard, she immediately pulled her hand from that dangerous beautiful nagoya ace, try avoiding dying from over beating her heart

"jurina, stop teasing my kagoshima imoutou!!" protest yukirin. that black queen then rose and take the blushed sakura into her arm, and Jurina laughing hard

"forget that kid sakura, come with me...I'll give you some advice " yukirin then dragging sakura away with her

Mayu and Jurina look to each other ....

"you owe me from made my waifu away from me... on lunch... now go and fetch me a glass of water!"

as cute as that akb queen can be, jurina know better than argued with Mayu when her mood is bad, so she just quietly stand up to serve the queen her water

'...but...I want to have lunch with sakura too' *cry*

--- --- ---

Thanks to Yukirin help and Jurina annoyance, sakura able to reach her fans better for the rest of that day

Her mood are superbly great when the event finally over, sakura skiping a little on her step, and humming a bit as she walks hand in hand with jurina on their way to the parking lot

Jurina watch the happy sakura beside her, the bright smiles on sakura face makes her smile too

"you look happy sakura"

"I am~" said sakura, flashing her smile to the nagoya ace

A smile that made Jurina gulped a bit ... it cant be helped...she is cute

"...ehm...yeah..but looks lonely btw..."

"oh shut up"

Sakura suddenly pulled the nagoya ace, and kiss her...

Jurina raise her eye brows in surprise, but not taking long before she returning the favor

 Once they parting from each other heat, Jurina decide she would have to figure out how to make the hakata girl constantly on a good mood

 As their kisses are addictive ...and now as its over...her lips felt seriously lonely.

bog version and other fiction
« Last Edit: June 08, 2017, 04:57:07 AM by akbdaisuki48 »

Offline Genkikid

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Re: Dance--- AKB 48 : team A (Jurina matsui x sakura miyawaki ft. AKB G)
« Reply #99 on: May 18, 2016, 06:21:53 PM »

after staring that nagoya ace for a while,  sakura take Jurina's hand into her own" are you"




instead of asking her question or requesting something like fans normally would do, that nagoya ace just lock  her eyes on sakura, with her beaming smile on her pretty face, but also not letting  sakura's hand go neither, the nagoya ace then purposely  drowning her body slowly into her chair,  makes her looks 10x sexier ... that eyes...that smile...

why am I getting nervous !! i am the fisher here! sakura said to herself "um...erm... are you?" she said finally, and then mentally face palming her self

"once again, i feel great" the smirk in Jurina's face grow wider " looks lonely btw..."


"your looks lonely...would they like to meet mine?"

sakura blushed so hard, she immediately pulled her hand from that dangerous beautiful nagoya ace, try avoiding dying from over beating her hearth

In the end Sakura's the one getting fished :shy2: :shy2:
*Jurina booth*

fans with apple t-shirt* : Jurina, i think I'm in love with you, what do you think of me??

Jurina : "i think you are so apple-ing"

Fans : "?"

fans  with gloves on: OMG Jurina!!! i love you too much!!  i can't touch you directly !  sorry I wearing gloves!! I just.. I LOVE you! "

Jurina : "no problem, I 'glove' you too"

fans : "??"

fans with dolphin hat (yes its exist..its japan) : "Jurina...i--i am your big fans!! i will support you forever!!! do your best for sousenkyo!"

Jurina : "thank you! i will dolphin-ately do my best!!! "

fans : "???"

Jurina : okay these puns are not working *throw her super gorgeous smile plus winks instead*

fans : *get fished~* *almost faint**memories of bad puns deleted*

God, Jurina's suberikyara just can't be healed :hiakhiakhiak: :hiakhiakhiak: :mon lmao: :mon lmao:

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