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Author Topic: Dance : Rewrite by Jyurination48 (Jurisaku) and Sayamilky FanFicVid(?)  (Read 38918 times)

Offline akbdaisuki48

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@genki kid
apparently it can't, that poor kiddo would forever cursed with bad puns 
« Last Edit: May 25, 2016, 02:08:58 PM by akbdaisuki48 »

Offline akbdaisuki48

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Dance : SSK appeal Video (Jurina matsui x sakura miyawaki ft. AKB G)
« Reply #101 on: May 25, 2016, 01:53:10 PM »

Joy and laughter filled the studio, everyone are exciting for the day, showing up their choose of uniform, telling each other about the concept they come up with, and gossiping about the senbatsu members video

Its almost the time for that thing again; a thing that would assured fans to cry whatever the results would be

AKB48 general elections

The anticipated event that has brought the group to what they are now.

And for that so called AKB48 Sousenkyo, every members are allowed to take a short appeal video to promote themselves to fans.

Following the great nyan2kamen senpai teaching (that self claimed-came from the future to make AKB a fun place again), a lot of members realize that the best way to enjoyed the freaking nerve-wrecking sousenkyo are trolling around

Shimada haruka, abe maria and hirata rina go ahead and just eat in the entire video

No copy right could stop annin from totally ripped off 'Amelie' on her whole SSK campaign (not to mention she also eating around ...why is everyone so hungry? are the management don't even feed these girls?)

Paruru elevate her whole existence alone as a new legit career path by making a video of how she cant be a doctor or any other profession, so she'll just be 'a paruru'

And finally, Sayanee put a whole different level for the word "trolling around" by making an entire video of her just looking at the Camera, then end it up with suddenly wearing a monkey mask

Some mainstream idol like Mayuyu, sakura or yukirin choose to hold their horses and just being normal cute instead of dorky cute (mayuyu almost slip to the other side when she throw those flowers around..but well...saveeee)

but theres also a certain member that could not catch up with all the joyous that spreading in the air that day...

she could not...

---few hours ago------

"Again??! are you sure?!"

"...Yes...ske48 would not appear with the rest of akb group on the next universal summer fest"


"...Sorry Jurina...thats hows it is"

Jurina clench her fist, again? after kouhaku, and several events after ... again... SKE48 would not participate with the rest of AKB group

"Its okay.. thank you for the info." said the sakae ace

Kitagawa Ryoha and Goto Rara are there too, the two SKE next gen ace looking at Jurina... obvious uneasiness painted on their beautiful brownish eyes

And what else could Jurina do...than smiles

"Hey guys!! whats up with the long face, cmon..its nothing! we'll be fine!" Jurina beamed the two with her dazzling smile "we just published an exclusive magazine remember? we should focus on increasing the magz sales" she said while pat the back of the two young girl "now cmon, its time! lets get ready for sousenkyo video appeal"

An elite idol smiles that has been forged for 8 could be cloudy..raining..or even storming...and Jurina smile would still make you see a dazzling sunshine

 Rara and Ryoha release a weak smile as they following Jurina's order, walk out the room to start preparing, and another girl with a resemblance of bird approach the young ace


"churi...we'll be fine...i know we would" Jurina shared her smile to the other girl too...only the two of them left in AKB48 senbatsu from SKE

In addition of her smiles, she shone the older girl with a sharp gaze...put every will power she had on every single digit of the next word she said

"We'll be fine"


"Hey Ju"

A soft tone greeting her by name . its a mentally and physically tiring day for Jurina, but still, when she turn her body around, and found a smile forming on the lips that called her name...she find it is impossible to not smile back... a bit weak...but still... the sakae ace smiles back as she greeted back

"hey sakura...hows your video shoots ?"

Jurina gently pulled that Hakata girl to plant a light kiss on her cheek, as sakura casually take a seat beside her

"it went well... i guess..i think I am able to conveyed my gratefulness towards fans that allowed me to ranked 7 last years...and my hope for more HKT members to ranked this years too...i guess.. its okay " said sakura cheerfully "hows yours"

"still waiting for my turn " said Jurina while smiling

An idol smile that has been forged for 8 years, oh yes its perfect...

But when you love someone know... what their smiles means ..

You would know...just like how sakura knows from the perfect smile on Jurina face, theres a tiredness on her eyes, a tardiness on the corners of her lips curves, and a weariness on the words she spoke

" okay?"

"Of course I am" Jurina Smile


Jurina stop for a while and look into sakura eyes, find nothing judgmental, or angry nor pity...a clear ...demanding eyes... filled with pure worrisome

"Jurina-san, its your turn" the staff san said

Sakura help Jurina tidying her chosen uniform... her debut uniform, and while doing so, once again sakura look at the nagoya ace face

Jurina still give her a smile, and sakura still find the same angst feeling linger in there, its still there, but the sakae ace stand up still... and walk briefly to the shooting frame.

Matsui Jurina, 19 years old, SKE48 team S. Sit behind that white clothed table once again, as she always do for the past 7 years, and once again...begin her Sousenkyo appeal speech

With every words she said...her pressure as the lone SKE ace that left comes to her...the urge for her to ranked as high as she pulled the group she loved so much from cruddy situation they had motivate her show the world that SKE still there...

All those behind every words that 19th years old girl smiling lips spoken

sakura watch in her love talk about the 8 years she spend in SKE, about SKE48 in a pinch after a lot of their main senbatsu graduate

 talk about how she canceled her kennin position in AKB…about how she wanna make everyone knows more about SKE, clench her fist, gritted her teeth ..and forced her smile…but failed to fool anyone who watch...that she about to cry

and as soon the green light in the camera turn red, and the sakae ace walk out of the frame, a certain girl welcoming the sakae ace into her tiny but warm arm ...

" love okay?"

the girl voice gently whispered to her ear, and the warm well as the warm arm that softly wrapping her body... kindly telling the tears in the corner of Jurina eyes...that it's okay to falling down

And so tears escaping from the edge of the sakae ace eyes

But as fast as the tears escaping from her eyes, that fast too Jurina's finger erased the tears from her face, and glued her smile back to her face

"I'm okay okay" said Jurina, she pulled herself from the younger girl

" dont have to forced yourself"

"I am not"

" can always cry "

"I can..but I decide that I will not"


"last year...I cried a lot on SSK....I really frustrated ... I really wanna make more people know about SKE by making it on the first position " said jurina, her eyes were red... but she smiles...

"but then...after fans come to me.... and the members come to me...and they are crying...they crying more than I do...because of me" said Jurina, and she smiles

"and I decide...that I would try my best to not cry...i might slip up a bit on the way...and cry a bit...but i would try my best to smile..because with smiling..I can make other people smiling with me " and she smiles

Sakura look at Jurina smile...a smile with a shaking fragile on every curve it bends

" are right...lets smile" sakura says "lets smile Ju...lets smile through out this maddening general election"

The hakata girl pulled Jurina she can warmed the uneasy smile that plastered on the sakae ace face with her lips ..cupped it gently..make it last

Jurina pulled Sakura closer, deepening their kiss . if anything she need right now, its their kiss... their young passionate kiss,  and the delicate way sakura moves her pink flesh against hers. If they could stay forever kissing...then so be it.

There is something about kissing someone you love...its burning everything inside you, and made it born a new. Revolving every feeling in your heart, to one word only nothing sane about it

So when sakura pulled her self, and Jurina chuckled a bit when she do. A tiny insanity spark on Jurina eyes as she look at sakura deeply, a real smiles has back to her face ...her snobbish proud charming smile

"yeah...lets smile thought this crazy sousenkyo"

"hmm...wanna try appearing wearing tiger mask on sousenkyo?"

"Such a nice idea sakura...and why don't you use that sexy poodle uniform you wear on kouhaku while giving your speech ?"

Sakura could not help but to punching Jurina's arm, instead of inflict any damage, its only make the nagoya ace laugh

"Gosh...lets just smile trough this crazy sousenkyo... Sousenkyo 2016!!! here we go!!!!!!!"


blog version
« Last Edit: June 08, 2017, 05:15:59 AM by akbdaisuki48 »

Offline Genkikid

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Re: Dance : SSK appeal video (Jurina matsui x sakura miyawaki ft. AKB G)
« Reply #102 on: May 25, 2016, 06:22:48 PM »
It's already SKE's 8th year. I'm happy when Ju said that she will still be in the group at least untill the 10th year. But somehow it worries me about the years after the 10th year. Will she graduate as soon as it's SKE's 10th year

Offline akbdaisuki48

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Re: Dance : SSK appeal video (Jurina matsui x sakura miyawaki ft. AKB G)
« Reply #103 on: May 28, 2016, 03:07:35 PM »
@genki kid
hmmm...i would lie if i said i am not worried, i think it would depend on the situation... she could grad on the 10th anniversary.. or just announced it there and grad  some times after, and since its not an official announcement yet...she could also totally postponed it even longer or cancel it, but its if it happens..means ske48 two years from now are still in a pinch and....*sigh*..i don't want that neither....

i think why Jurina hinted that she would grad on ske 10th anniv is to motivate her junior...that they have to be ready to take her place in less than two years from now...

and i really hope rara and ryoha or maybe even tani or someone we never expected, would be ready to taking Jurina place at the time she grad... whenever it'll be.. i want she had a happy graduation 
« Last Edit: May 28, 2016, 03:13:00 PM by akbdaisuki48 »

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i think i need more CD_SSK preliminary results (Jurina x sakura ft. AKB G)
« Reply #104 on: June 01, 2016, 05:44:56 PM »
" there? sakura chan?"

Jurina knocking the door, gently, but hard enough to be heard. still... no one answered

" coming in okay" Jurina use her spare key, and walk inside.

 Its Miyawaki Sakura apartment

"Sakura chan?" Jurina walk slowly... looking around... she then reach Sakura's room, and slowly... Jurina open the door, find sakura molding on her blanket

"sakura...." Jurina slowly throw herself to the mold sakura's in, wrapping it with her body, and kissing the place that seems like where sakura's head is

The sakae ace then gently pull the blanket down, to find sakura, holding on her knees...crying...

"baby girl" Jurina reach her hands to sakura face, and gently showering it with little kisses " okay...its just a preliminary result okay...its okay..." Jurina said from between her kisses

AKB48 SSK 2016 Preliminary result

Mayu 1#, Jurina 3#....okada nana break into kami #7.... Sakura Miyawaki ... #12

"baby..." Jurina look at her love



"conrats on your third rank" sakura says, try to smiling... but her tears streaming again... and she back to her crying face

...erm...this might not be a right time .. but... sakura is extremely cute when she is crying

and thats what exactly on Jurina's mind right now, and its ignites a complicated feeling inside the young SKE ace

As now, Jurina tried hard not to laugh foolishly to the cute crying girl in front of her

"thank you ...its still preliminary" Jurina said, while gently brushing sakura's hair back "now cmon, have u eat yet? you haven't aren't you? wait here" Jurina tried to stand, but Sakura hands stoping her

"...dont go"

"lol, sakura, just going to your kitchen"

"don't go!"

Jurina scratching her head, and back sitting on Sakura's bed again

"okay ...sure...whatever you wanted"

Jurina then put her phone out, and dialing some numbers "let just have a take out hungry" said Jurina, despite that she just having a meal and still very much full

Jurina ordered food that would enough to feed the entire AKB48 kenkyusei

She ordered chinese foods, pizza, shushi, and a bunch of desserts, cupcakes, ice creams, chocolate mousse, strawberry cakes, and many others.

After kissing, swaying, and hugging sakura, tried to convince the hakata girl to let her go to the front door for a minute, and take their order, Jurina bought all the foods and cakes in one big tray to Sakura's room

"You want some sushi?" asked Jurina, sakura shakes her head

"How about this delicious double cheese pizza?" Jurina said, while biting pizza and stretch the cheese like she do in the Pizza commercial she starring , try to tempting sakura, but sakura just shakes her head

"wow! sakura look! this strawberry cakes! so many strawberries on it!" Jurina tried her best, but still sakura shakes her head.. and back sulking

" need to eatsomething at least.." Jurina let out a sigh, almost running out of ideas... well... almost


"sakura..." Jurina called, and when sakura lift her head from her knees, Jurina pick one of the strawberry in the cake with her mouth and gently stuffed it inside sakura's mouth

 sakura, in her surprise, try to make the strawberry out, but Jurina pushed it slowly further into sakura's mouth with her tongue, and clean bite the strawberry carefully with her teeth into two , take one piece with her, and push the other half to sakura.

A sweet tangy liquid flooding in sakura's mouth right away... Jurina pulled her self to let sakura eat the strawberry

Sakura stare at Jurina like a lost little kitten, before slowly munched the half bitten strawberry in her mouth

"Eat something ...itll make you me" said Jurina while eating her part of the strawberry

"....I drop my rank too once... to #14 .. hahaha.. and I was the so called ace of SKE48"

sakura lift her head to look at Jurina, calming eyes awaits sakura gaze when she met Jurina eyes

 "and its motivate me ever since, to always tried my best. To never..ever let my ranks drop again. It help me grow, and sakura, this is still preliminary okay...dont need to stressed up this much"

Jurina landed one kiss on sakura's fore head before added " at least yet...well if your rank drop in the real SSK you can go ahead and have a real frustration there"

 sakura bend her face again, and tears start flowing on her face again

"whoa babe!!!! I'm sorry !! I'm sorry!!! haha I'm sorry!!" Jurina take the younger girl into her arm and swaying her to calm, but still can't resist to laugh a bit... sakura crying face.. just too uberly cute

"hey...Im sorry okay...I would be happy if you could rank higher...but even if you don't... ill still love you babe...nothing would change my feeling to you...I love you"

"no matter what happen... I love you sakura"
« Last Edit: June 08, 2017, 05:25:44 AM by akbdaisuki48 »

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Re: Dance : i think i need more CD_ SSK preliminary results (Jurisaku)
« Reply #105 on: June 01, 2016, 06:10:15 PM »


Offline Genkikid

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Re: Dance : i think i need more CD_ SSK preliminary results (Jurisaku)
« Reply #106 on: June 01, 2016, 06:20:17 PM »
It's still the prelim yet the tension is already high :depressed:
And here I am reading fanfic in the middle of the night instead of studying for my two exams tomorrow :fainted:

Offline akbdaisuki48

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Re: Dance : i think i need more CD_ SSK preliminary results (Jurisaku)
« Reply #107 on: June 01, 2016, 09:40:36 PM »

Pizza?? euh..i don't eat pizza ... said no one ever


Offline akbdaisuki48

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Re: Dance : i think i need more CD_ SSK preliminary results (Jurisaku)
« Reply #108 on: June 01, 2016, 09:48:33 PM »
@genki kid
i know right
im super happy for mayu and naachan 

but yuiparu pre-rank killing me
and sakura pre-rank stab my death body with a pile and hang it in the open  :depressed:

exam ..well..its might or might not good to refresh once in a while in the fanfic world best of luck anyway!

« Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 02:39:06 AM by akbdaisuki48 »

Offline akbdaisuki48

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Dance : universal studio date (Jurina x sakura ft akb group)
« Reply #109 on: June 11, 2016, 01:26:27 AM »
NB : contain some Harry Potter and Universal Studio References

The sun gleams super brightly , adding more heat and sparkles to AKB48 performance at universal studio that day.

 Beautiful girls, in colorful outfit, dancing energetically under the summer sun, following a happy up beat song... what a view

AKB48 bind a project with Universal Studio this summer, and so here the girls are, smiling brightly and dancing happily on the stage, in the middle of Universal Studio Japan.

The performance that day went great, audience, members, everyone are happy, especially the akb members, because apart of performing, they had a rare chance to play and enjoying the universal studio japan themselves!

AKB48 is the most famous idol group in the world, they were busy, and uberly famous.

Its impossible for the front members to even walk around without any disguise, and now, as they are given opportunity to play around in USJ, in a broad day light, without any suffocating mask... or stupid glasses.. everyone extremely happy and joyful

"Lets go!!"

"I wanna see ride the terminator!"

"lets try all the attraction!!"

Everyone are so in high tension, as so is one sweet Hakata girl, who smiling looking how the other member are so hyper.

 sakura Miyawaki, one of akb48 young senbatsu from HKT48, would lie to said she isn't in a high spirit herself. Sakura ready to take her leave when she saw a certain NMB ace, just stood silently in her place

Sakura following sayanee eyes, find it looking at AKB queen pair, Mayu and Yukirin, that -like seriously...all the time- lost in their own world

"....I wish milky were here..."

"...sayaka... san?"

Found sakura stand beside her, sayanee jump a bit "s-sakura??!!! since when are you there???"

"Just recently"

"D-did you...did you heard what i said before?"


"No! never mind!! forget it" sayanee drive her eyes away, tsundere as she always be. sakura felt that she mustn't eavesdrops sayanee earlier. now the air between the two kami7 are a bit awkward

"...hey sakura... wanna try some attraction?"

Sakura super glad, seems like sayanee not angry at her "sure!"

Sakura go with Sayanee, not long after, takahashi juri, AKB48 team 4 captain, also joining them both.

They having fun, taking some pictures together, while try to stray themselves from the annoyingly sweet mayuki couple that looks like on their private honeymoon, probably believe that the other people were there just to witness their undying love

"Sayanee san, please go ahead. i need to take the restroom" sakura said after a while, and excuse herself from the herd

Sakura use the restroom quickly, can't wait to go back to the theme park. when sakura finally go out and try to find the others, she realize ... she is been followed by someone

'eh? this place suppose to just for members and staff only now' she think to herself, the figure are wearing a black glasses and a cap that hide her face, but even so, sakura sure she did not see any staff dress like that before... the figure keep following sakura

Sakura steal one and two quick glance to the shady character, 'a stalker?' 'out of control wota?' her minds went to the recent stabbing case of former akb member by some crazy wota and sakura spines chills right away

But even so...

Even in the middle of her worries ... sakura could not help but to notice that the figure behind the dark glass and caps are...gorgeous ...

The body is slim but firm, the hair is shine and silky, falls perfectly every time the figure moves, her skin is pearly white, with a bit trace of healthy pinkish color

And just then, noticing sakura are stealing glances, the figure smile

oh my... even the smile is wonderful. Its kiddy and prideful at the same time, but also looks kinda like a puppy smile---wait a minute, sakura turn her head and pinch her eyes.... she think she knows that smile

The figure dashing towards sakura, breaming with even wider smile, and throw herself to sakura in a big warm hug

"You look cute with that minion t-shirth sakura!"


"Hi there" Jurina open her disguise, and slashing the air with her dazzling smile

"But--why?? how? you are not supposed to be here!"

"I am *sigh* well... not my fault that ske are currently in contract with nagashima spa land, and cannot join you guys"

"And you shouldn't Ju! what if- what if someone find you here??"

"hahha, chill out, they won't, and its not like I breaking a law or something, its okay! beside..."


"I think it'll be cool to have a universal studio date with you"

*blush* "you are crazy"

"hahaha I am! now lets go!"

Jurina and sakura roaming free and happily in the universal studio, while once or twice avoiding the other akb member that also having fun.

Jurina totally refuse sakura invitation to try the rides, biting her lips and shake her head vigorously, almost crying in the spot, said she almost died when she recently rode the roller coaster as fulfillment of her last year ssk campaign.

So instead, they play around the real-size attack on titan statue, get sprayed a bit from the Jaws lake attraction, and strolling along the Jurassic park river

They also go to the wizarding world of Harry Potter.

They stop at the place that rented a wizard robes. Jurina tried the hufflepuff robes right away "because its orange!" she said cheerfully (well.. ju... its actually canary yellow.. but ..well), after spend some times choosing between gryffindor and ravenclaw, sakura end up with the ravenclaw robes, and try it on herself.

"Avada ke darva!" Ju shout to sakura, swirling the magic stick she just found around

"Oh Ju...its avada kedavra...not ke darva" sakura said, pretend angry and rolled her eyes cutely just like hermione did to ron Wesley, makes Ju wonder if its possible to fall in love even deeper with the girl than she already are

They also find some broom stick, and Jurina play around with it right away (*sigh*...kiddo)

"If I were to play quidditch, I would totally be a seeker! " said Ju, while pretend flying with the fire bolt

"I bet you would " sakura said, brushing her finger along the other broom stick there

"but I think I could be an amazing catcher too" jurina says

"because you are so fast?"

"no, more because you are here with me, and you were such a catch"

"hahaha, then I hope you are a good keeper too"

"don't worry, I'll keep you forever"

"sleazy!" sakura beat Jurina lightly with the broom stick, pretend angry, but forget to not smiling.

They then goes to Hogsmeade cafe and order some butter beer, sakura almost drop her glass when Jurina daringly kiss away the butter bear foam from her unsuspecting lips

After take a deep breath, Sakura also bravely put a pale-green bean from Bertie Botts every flavor beans into her mouth... and regret it right away

"...It...taste like kitchen garbage..."

"hahaha its Durian flavor sakura chan! you okay?" Jurina really don't restrain herself from laughing whole heartily, she then handed the butter beer to sakura

"euh... I dont understand how they named this the king of fruits..."

"its very popular in south east asia, I guess, we just don't get used to the taste... maybe like how it takes some time for foreigner to like sushi "

"Maybe..." said sakura while gulping the butter beer, try to ease the sharp flavor from her mouth

" I'll still named you my queen even if you taste like durian"

" and your smooth talk"

"No I am not" Ju said, smiling, and catch sakura's lips... slip her tongue in... and tangled it passionately with sakura's


Jurina pulled herself "see... I'll still kiss you like that, even after you eat a ton of durian"

"s-stupid Ju!!" sakura rained Jurina with her fist

"hahahaha" Jurina catch sakura powerless punch, and kiss the girl once again, gently this time, calming the girl

There is just something magical with their kiss, like every nerves in their body agree to dance a little the moment their soft lips touch... so

Jurina chuckle a bit when they are done with each other, always find sakura after-kiss face are amusing, and sakura shift her eyes away, try to defend the last of her pride, and to cover the fact how Jurina always easily find the way to make her heart beat like crazy

Jurina warp sakura with one of her arm, seeping the rest of their butter beer leaning on each other

" is your preparation for sousenkyo next week?" Sakura asked

"You want to talk about it now??" Jurina raise her eye brows to sakura

"You don't want to?"

"well...hem... I still working hard aiming for a highest rank possible, and work harder to make sure its not even fall down from the prelim" said Jurina ""

"...dont really wanna talk about it"

"You are the one who bough the subject!!"

"hehehe" sakura giggle a bit, and shift her head to sink deeper on Ju shoulder"but ...well...i really glad to spend this time with you just before SSK...i need it"


" you remember what you said to me on Takamina-san graduation concert?"

"...I do"

" You were right... one thing about having a dream is...if we are not try to chase it, it will chase us back...we may fall in the way...and scratch our knees...but i guess...stop is not an option isnt it?"

Jurina only smiles, while slowly twinge her finger with sakura's finger "lets chase our dream"



« Last Edit: June 08, 2017, 05:36:52 AM by akbdaisuki48 »

Offline akbdaisuki48

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Re: Dance : universal studio date (Jurisaku)
« Reply #110 on: June 11, 2016, 01:31:57 AM »
the next chapter would be updated a few days after SSK, and it'll be the last chapter of this series  :grin:

because of the setting, this series would be very much affected by the SSK ranking, especially Jurina and sakura rank so, it has to be ended

but since a lot of fun things happen since i start write fic, i would try to make another series hopefully until the next SSK, but even so.. it would not updated weekly (this one was such a journey)

thank you very much for reading until this far!
happy sailing  :jphip:
« Last Edit: June 11, 2016, 02:10:25 AM by akbdaisuki48 »

Offline Genkikid

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Re: Dance : universal studio date (Jurina x sakura ft akb G)
« Reply #111 on: June 11, 2016, 08:00:30 AM »
 The Sousenkyo is coming!! Hope for the best for everyone. Their rank will reflect how they are trough the year.

What happen to Sayanee and Juri? Sakura left the to have a date with Ju

Offline akbdaisuki48

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Re: Dance : universal studio date (Jurina x sakura ft akb G)
« Reply #112 on: June 12, 2016, 01:44:30 AM »
@genki kid

don't worry, they are on universal studio, of course they are having fun  :lol:

but you are right, still sayanee a bit worried, so when they had to go back, and sakura finally back to the group (skipping, smiling and humming a song when she do), sayanee asked her where did she gone? and sakura (a bit nervous) answered "i..err..i was a bit l-lost h-haha-ha ha" , "lost?" sayanee said, raising her eye brow, just then, behind the nervous sakura, sayanee spotted a shady character with a cap and dark glasses, tip toeing to the exit ... if those get up were meant for a disguise, well...its not working for the mamba ace, how could she not recognize her number one rival in the whole AKB group... sayanee then throw sakura a teasing smirk and 'the look' ,

 "get lost huh?" 

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Dance : sousenkyo 2016 (Jurina x sakura ft akb G)
« Reply #113 on: June 19, 2016, 03:18:47 AM »



She didn't flicked

Of course she jumped and happy for all her friends when their name were called, but soon, she find herself back immerse on her own thought

She did bursting with everyone else when her team mates, kojina Yui, magnificently level up her narcism from last year, and even leave to the restroom in the middle of her speech

Or when the senbatsu members announcement just started and the first name called, Nyannyan kamen (who appears to be kojima haruna! gosh! what a shocking revealed!) made the most grand entrance scene ever

Multiplied by surprise appearance of wan wan police yuko oshima, or even when that NNK made her graduation announcement after, the most kind and well accepted graduation announcement ever... with everyone smiling... Like she always wished (except one puppy from ske that probably too busy with SSK preparation and didn't get the hint from weeks before, look so lost)

But the more names were called, the more she stoned in her place, the more it is hard to force a smile once or twice, or to moves her hands to claps twice and thrice

Her minds were hijacked by the thoughts of the nightmares she had the nights before... nightmares about the day she is in now

Suddenly ... the thought of her grandma, who raise her when her parents too busy with works hit her, adding up the already unbelievable pressure on her young heart

 The named next center candidate for the most gigantic Idol group in the world, akb48, and her nasty prelim rank two weeks ago

Miyawaki Sakura could only sit in her seat, as one by one name of friends she knows being called, waiting for her own turn to be executed In one of the most sophisticated and heart wrecked show in the world is not one of those 'reality show', where everything are frustratedly-obvious were being arranged

With those fake camera setting that desperately wish to forged our logic and yell "yow, I'm placed in a secret place so this is legit" , and with all those low paid actors that try so hard acted like they couldn't acting to look natural, despite that they could not act , either way.

This is real ... the sweat these young girls has spilled for the whole year are real, theres nothing fake with the tears they shed, just as their smiles for that day are genuine

And the voices of their fans, in the stadium, in front of their tv at home, in the middle of the night somewhere in the other part of the world (tortured by their housemates who don't understand anything about the majestic event, desperately told them to shut up and stop screaming maniacally in the middle of the night)

Voices that slashing the air, as their oshi name were called, are super real... a quite sadistic stage of young girls being push to exceed their limits... to break their shell .. to dare to dream, and chase it with all their might

Its AKB48 General Election

Sakura Miyazaki could not even feel her hands anymore, the drops and the raise of this years SSK ranks are so gargantuan, adding her anxiety.

Just so... by reflects ... her eyes went to the only thing her hearth knows could give her a little sedative just by looking at her, to the other and the most legit future ace candidate of the giant idol group, to Matsui Jurina

Sakura scanning every bits of Jurina beautiful face, and found the exact same pressure-or even more-printed there

 Just how much she wish she could sit beside Jurina now, and not by these per-group seat arrangement, let their hands tangled together, share the warm that might still resides there, comfort in each other heat

But as much as she wanted it, she know that they both should not. That they both should be strong, that the future of the groups are rest in their shoulders, and their feet has to train themselves to be strong to stand alone, even with those burdens on their shoulders

"#9 with 60.591 votes, HKT48 team H/AKB48 team K ... KODAMA HARUKA!"

The announcement has break the big 10, and sakura best friend has magnificently ranked in

"#8 with 68.125 votes, AKB48 team A... HARUKA SHIMAZAKI!"

Sakura melon pan alliance senpai just being called, the salt queen who has signed a peace treaty with the Mr.announcer are slightly sweeter this year on SSK

Not even forget to mention in her short speech, how she was thinking of graduating, but her waifu, the soukantoku, were asked the salt queen to stay with her just a little bit longer, and just as a good waifu the salt is, there she are.

"#7 with 69.159 votes "

Its finally Kami 7 ... and sakura name have not yet being called ... she do not dare to wish a higher rank, after that prelim rank... if her names are about to be called, now is just the time....but still... still she hopes

"SKE48, team E ...SUDA AKARI"

Sakura suddenly find it hard to breath , what just happen? it is not her?? tears start round up on the corner of the young Hakata girls

"#6 with 78.279 votes"

"HKT48 team KIV/AKB48 team A"


And tears just cannot be stop from her eyes anymore, sakura pulled all the strength she had left, to walk and take the microphone

Her grandmother face just flashing in her eyes, and she just cant help but blurted out, with all the cracked voice ... again .. this year ... her voice might be small, almost whispering, but her determination are not reduced, #1 is her next goal

Take her seat, now can finally breathing, sakura could concentrate completely on the Sousenkyo, but still, the hakata girl caught off guard as the next name were called

"#5, with 92.110 votes, AKB48 team B ... YUKI KASHIWAGI"

The stadium filled with uproar immediately, and so is Sakura's head

Her Kagoshima onechan, the black queen, has lost her top three seat, she also lost 7ok more votes from last years

Even with the prelim results, no one think that this could really happening : that someone new has break the top three invisible wall.

'It couldn't be'

Sakura throw a quick glance to Jurina, never see the SKE ace more stone-like ever before

Not to mention, for the four seat that left, its each one for NMB, HKT, SKE, and AKB, anyone who ranked next, would be the one who ranked highest in their respected group, and thus determine the highest rank their group could represent in the sousenkyo

 Next is a pure battle royal among the sisters...the pressures could not be more colossal

"#4 with 110.441 votes" the number four alone has break 100k votes


And Sakura should remind herself to not jump to Jurina's lap right away... JURINA HAS BREAK INTO THE TOP THREE

The NMB ace slash captain slash icon, totally look cool and composed when she take the mic and start her speech

Not forget to reclaim her love to miyuki in the tsundere ways as she always been, and end it with a super catch phrase "minna.. Amore~", that super dorky Namba Ikemen, has break her personal best, ranked 4

And the next ...

"#3 with 112.341" sakura not even dare to simply inhale the air "SKE48 team S...JURINA MATSUI!!"

The puppy wide grin just so shining, they might have to distribute a shade glasses to the audience so they all not blinded by it

Jurina take a steady step to the microphone ... she remember her promise to not crying .. and so is she

Claimed that she would not stop, to only aim higher and higher , and drop a final bomb by her exclamation for another 5 years in 48G! (sakura raise her eyebrows, wait.. 5 years? did I misheard you Ju? but i tough you said---?? )

The puppy who has grown to a magnificent ranked 3 wan-chan now, take her seat right beside the crown gloriously

The next would be the main battle ... for the two seat left, for the special two seat left, the members were praying... especially the Hakatanian and the AKB-nist... its the battle between queens

"#2 with 175.613 votes...MAYU WATANABE"

"#1 with 243.011 votes ....RINO SASHIHARA"

Mayu really has to go to her waifu yukirin first, before take her second place seat

And sashihara rino has break 200k votes just like that ! crave a history of the very first member that ranked 1# twice ever!

It was rain confetti, and tears, and more dramas. but no blood was shed and it was such a wrecked-great-hearth warming sousenkyo day... just like it always been

Just like it always will


Theres a live show and endless interviews after, especially for the kami7 ... for sakura.. and moreover for the new top three from SKE

It was very late at night, but the two finally find a time for themselves, beaten up, tired, but happy ... sit side by side, drown on each other warmness

Sakura take Jurina hands that she longed to hold since hours ago into hers, and mold it gently, Jurina smile, take their tangled hands to her lips, so she could kiss sakura hands

"Conrats on six"

"Congrats breaking the top 3"

The two smile to each other, pure happy smile, and it just meant to be, that those cute smiles has to met, and do a passionate celebration dance together as they kiss

It is a passionate, but gentle kiss, with giggles and chuckle decorating in between... Jurina really could not help but to deepen their kiss, but not long after ... sakura gently push the sakae ace away

"Not here "

" ehhhh...why not?? cant this poor kid get some congratulation present from her girl friend??"

"Just what kind of present are you expected!?"

" you want me to said it out loud?" *evil grin*

*Blush* "i-its not time to celebrate yet! mayu san vote has break 170k, sashi votes even break 200k, and it's the giant walls we should climb next...we had to maintain the greatness of this group to at least that level!"

"..200k ... " the fact successfully dimmed the SKE ace smile


"But we can do it!"

"You and your optimistism ... " not that I hate it, sakura added secretly in her head

"Someone has to... for the future of the whole AKB group, right? Miyawaki sakura san... the next ace candidate of akb48 "

"Stop teasing me...please" sakura gently push the nagoya devil away

"Hahaha sorry...sorry " the sakae ace laugh, before turn her eyes to sakura eyes, and smile with her assured smile " but i meant it... lets do it.. its our dream isnt it?"

Jurina smile are just as contagious as its always been, irresistible to not smile with her

"so lets go sakura!"

"where ?"

"To the future, to our dream!"

"you silly..."

"so? we go or not?"



"To the future of AKB48"



blog version
with  a link to akb show 117 for a quick glimpse of akb48 SSK 2016


so ... well .. this is the last chapter

this fic has been a very pleasant journey ... and thank you very much for read it all this way

peace out
« Last Edit: June 08, 2017, 05:51:41 AM by akbdaisuki48 »

Offline Genkikid

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Re: Dance : the last chapter_ Sousenkyo 2016 (Jurina x sakura ft akb G)
« Reply #114 on: June 19, 2016, 05:14:11 AM »
The result!! Jurina is in the top 3!!! And she will stay for another 5 years!!!!!
And Sakura's rank not dropping yeayy!!! That means there still a sequel to this story Yeay!!!!
AKB48 Group to akbdaisuki48-san mo otsukaresama deshita!!

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Dance : the last chapter_ Sousenkyo 2016 (Jurina x sakura ft akb G)
« Reply #115 on: June 20, 2016, 12:35:54 AM »
Thanks a lot.
so good last chapter.

Offline akbdaisuki48

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Re: Dance : the last chapter_ Sousenkyo 2016 (Jurina x sakura ft akb G)
« Reply #116 on: June 30, 2016, 04:28:07 PM »
@genkikid and @minami-chan

thanks guys, stay awesome! :jphip:

Offline akbdaisuki48

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Dance chapter zero : her (Jurina, Rena, sakura)
« Reply #117 on: July 03, 2016, 08:03:22 PM »
hi, was making a wmatsui opv.... and end up with this one extra chapter
i remember  a request to make Rena appear, so here she is... but i am afraid this is not the kind of appearances that was requested  :nervous

NB : if the video stuttering try to watch in lower def (480p)



The rain drops tapping a steady rhythm on the window, slowly waken the solemn Ace of SKE48 from her slumber.

AKB48 special Van running smoothly under the pouring rain, Matsui Jurina are inside, even after decide to be a full time SKE, the young ace still have loads of jobs with the mother group as one of the kami7.

Jurina try back to sleep, but then cursing herself for choosing an empty seat just in front of the two AKB queen, the mayuki-as always- are currently deep in their own world and keep giggling to each other. J

urina put her earphone to block those two love birds noisy tweets, and play a song from her phone, but the song not just failed to help the SKE ace back to sleep, it also sway Jurina minds away, wondering across the pouring rain outside, to a certain memory, of a certain someone that keep shadowing her thought whenever she find herself alone

Her name, is Matsui Rena

Jurina was eleven when they first meet,

Matsui rena practically the first name she remember on the audition day of SKE48, this Rena girl has shared the same last name with hers.

Jurina remember how then she eyeing the girl who eat alone in the corner, while Jurina herself, having something like a lunch party on her table with all members that attracted right away to her magnetic persona.

Jurina kindly invite the girl who happen to be 6 years older, the girl- not even looking- just refuse politely, and continue eating her lunch alone in the corner

'what a strange girl' has became Jurina first impression on the one named Matsui Rena

not long after, Jurina found out the "freak unsocial girl" has assigned to shared Jurina sole center position into double center, double center? what is that?? and from all members, why it has to be that plain introverted girl?

Jurina couldn't be more skeptical, moreover after several training session later, the young SKE ace found out her supposed to be other half center, not only very bad at dancing, almost cant sing, but also has a very little stamina that she had fall occasionally during their harsh dance training

Jurina have a plan to make ske48 the best idol group in the world, and that plan would never come true with a double center that half limp.

Jurina decide to push away all the social barrier the other girl try to put between them, and start pushing her thought and ideas regarding their routine, to her surprise, matsui Rena, is very thoughtful and highly intelligent.

Days passed, Jurina also find how the other matsui is a very hard working individual, she might lack of idol talents to begin with, but there is no doubt that she work 10x harder than anyone else

Jurina know it, as the young girl has witness countless time the older matsui fall down in the dressing room after their harsh routine, struggling with her aching body.

Just watching how hard Rena gritted her teeth, Jurina could perfectly imagine how hurt it must be, but the older matsui would always refuse any help, slapping her own face, and then back to their routine like nothing happen

Jurina did not miss how the older matsui also a very caring person, and turn out to be... inhumanly cute.

Jurina has found a new hobby to kiss other member, and so she never think much when she mischiefly stole the other matsui first kiss. one reason why Jurina like to kiss, is because she like to see how the other react after she peck their lips, and to Jurina amusement, the usually quiet rena has given the best reaction ever, eyes widened, eyebrows twisted

 Jurina don't even know how to describe Rena expression at that time, but she swore on her hearth, that she would like to see that expression over and over again

Jurina was just a junior high school student, that happen to be the said genius idol and a center of SKE48, everyone pampered her, and she takes everything for granted... Rena is not an exception.

Rena always kind to Jurina, but as cute and kind Rena can be, Rena also has became one of a very few who could draw the line for the young ace, and this is very important, because Jurina has spend almost all of her time with the group, far more than with her own family.

During this time, Rena has became an exalted existence for Jurina.

 But she was just a kid.. a bratty puppy kid ... yet to understand the warm feeling on her chest whenever she is with the other matsui

 For Jurina, its all fun and game, of course also failed to notice that the other matsui, has long develop a certain feeling for the young ace

Matsui Rena, a very personal person, has never intend to do anything with her feeling towards the younger matsui

Mostly because of how much their age differ, but then the other matsui just keep growing up, more beautiful... more charming... and more bold with her hobby of giving affection, the whole wmatsui campaign don't help her at all either... and it just too hard... too hard...

Jurina was 15, when the wmatsui are alone in the dressing room, and the young ace as always, playfully tried stole another kiss from her favorite pair of lips, the one lips that makes her heart beat the most.

Rena don't know whats gotten into her when she suddenly pinned the younger girl to the wall, and return the kiss... not a playful cute kiss...a passionate kiss

Took Jurina by surprise, but somehow, its all feels so right... like it was meant to be. not taking long for Jurina to return the favor with even more passion

still after, Jurina still lost in defining her relationship with Rena.

Rena still as distant as ever, even more than before. Jurina has never given the chance to call Rena her lover, or her girlfriend, they could ignored each other for days, and then one day just end up with a raging kiss

They have 'cheated' on each other (Jurina not even sure if cheating is a right term on their relationship) but never long before back to seeks comfort on each other warmth, shares a bed on cold nights.

they fight, screaming words they know they would regrets to each other, crying, and then make out on the couch

 It's a roller coaster mess, but they keep rotating around each other, Jurina keep coming back, for no one else could makes Jurina feels like what she feel when she is with Matsui Rena

Its all complicated... so complicated....

But Jurina know ... that dawn, when she awaken by the call from the older matsui, and widen up right away to the news delivered... Jurina know, its not even worth to be spoken

 Its always there between the lines all these years they have spend together, that when Matsui Rena decide to graduate from SKE48, their complicated relationship would also ended without even ever being properly started

6 whole years of her youth, Jurina growing up with Rena always at her side, how she is suppose to life without her?

When its in a bricks of gone by, the young ace hearth finally realize, just how deep she has falling in love with Matsui Rena

--- ---- ---

Her name, is matsui Jurina

Its been more than a year, but Jurina still find it, especially on rainy days like these, when the rhythm of the rain easily sweep her mind to wander, Rena face would still draws perfectly on her head

Along with how much she has let her go wasted when she plays around with other girls, never too worried because she knows that Rena would still be there

And how now that she realize, that Rena never tried to tied her, because she knows exactly that the young ace are not ready to be tied, that the young ace still enjoyed seeking things, and it would just hurt them both

Jurina heart is aching, for regrets ...

For all the things she should have done when she still had the change ...

 If only she could turn back the time...

If only she could go back to the time she first kiss the older matsui, and do it right, to start over again, to convince the other matsui of her love, to give all her affection only to her

All of these thought has tantalizing Jurina ever since Rena gone, gone for good

Not even replying or answering her phone

Rena wishes are clear; for Jurina, for both of them, to move on with their life.

But Jurina, over whelmed with regrets, has find a hole that just feels bigger and bigger on her heart

Jurina tried... she had tried so hard to filled the void in her chest, with countless other girl, with tons of new love... its useless is stupid and could never be forced

The rain has stop and the van has arrive, to a hotel near a coast line.

Jurina had a free time until the job next morning, and decide to take a stroll along the sandy beach.

Maybe because the night almost fall, or the strong wind, the beach is empty.

Jurina find a firm rocks and seat on it, find herself immerse on her thought watching the waves hit the sand in a constant relaxing beat.

The SKE ace play a song from her phone, and not even a second needed to drift the young ace thought back to a certain memory, of a certain someone

The sand grassing her feet, just like the last time she gone to the beach with SKE members, for rena farewell party

"Rena... please... I"




why cant she said it

'Rena, I love you, please dont leave me'

The words stopped at her throat, as the older matsui walks away from her sight

Jurina has crying for the whole week, doesnt even know how she is not die drying after all the tears she shed

And that day on the beach are not an exception, she has warned herself to not cried, to send rena with a big smile.

To deliver the words she has failed to said properly all the 6 years they have spend together, for all the love and the affection the older girl pouring on her, and that she had let go on wasted

"Thank you"


Jurina throw her gaze to the horizon in the far of the sea, wondering, will she ever be in love again? with a giant hole in her hearth, will she capable to love again with her crippled heart?

"you will"

Jurina jolted on her spot, is her mind has wander too far and now plays trick on her? just now, she could hear a voice saying--

"I said you will, don't worry"

Now Jurina find her self trembled, is she finally lost it?? Jurina could pictured a news paper front page " akb front line girl went crazy", she indeed hearing something---

"Yes grandma, i said you will get all the souvenir you asked, don't worry, i remember them clearly, see you soon, bye"

And matsui Jurina, dumb folded, with a mouth half open, gazing at a girl a walking a few meters behind her, putting her phone off

Realize being stared, the girl stop, then quickly bow politely

"M-matsui san?? sorry if i am bothering you"

"No no its okay..." Jurina return the bow

"Im glad if I am not bothering you" the girl bow again, and start walk away

But then to her own surprise, Jurina find herself catching the girl arms, stoping her from leaving

"Matsui...jurina san?" the girl could not hide her surprise from the sudden moves

Jurina, surprised with her own action, blurted words in return "...err .. where do you wanna go?"

"Back to the hotel, the sky start darken, it might be start raining again soon"

Jurina look at the sky, she might be right

"Do you mind if we back to the hotel together?"

"Of course not"

The two then walk side by side back to the hotel, the other girl taking some distant from her SKE senpai, Jurina tried to start conversation, but its also clear that the girl is a shy person

Just half way back, the sky suddenly brighten, the girl then unleash a very bright smile that totally contradicting her fidgeting self a minute ago who cant even look at Jurina eyes when they talk

"Jurina san! look, the sun !"

The beautiful sunset that was shadowed by the dark cloud, slowly appear as it gracefully shimmering into the ocean, pouring a magnificent reddened golden color into the sea

"Its so beautiful..." the girl said, unconsciously dance a little on her spot while watching the stunning scenery

"Yeah" but Jurina never know how beautiful was the sunset that day, as her eyes cannot stop gazing the girl face beside her, veiled by the golden ray , looks so magical

" beautiful"

--- ----

Almost a year has passed, when Jurina back to the same beach, a same job offer from the last time

Now that Jurina has became AKB48 top three member, her existence whenever the group perform has became more and more prominent.

The same rocks she sat on last year, Jurina sit there once again, with an earphone, and a same song, gazing at the same ocean.

A certain memory of a certain someone gotten into her immediately, the moment she spend on the beach with the ske members, saying a thank you that she really meant to say.

Same memories, same old song, same beach ... but somehow, a different feeling.

There is no such thing as unlove someone, once you fall in love, you are bound to always will, or you never did in the first place.

Just like today, Jurina would forever miss all the precious time they have spend together, just like today, she would always will.

There would forever a place in Jurina's hearth for her love to Rena, but as now she closed her eyes, all those memories has stop being something regretful, it has slowly became something to be grateful

The same girl that she met last year on the same beach, once again appear from behind her, only this time, Jurina has been spared from all the surprise

Jurina is the one who invited the girl to share the afternoon with her on that beach

Jurina moves a bit to give the girl some space to seat, and give the girl one of her ear phone, shared with her the song she heard, along with all the feelings within.

The two shared the upcoming sunset leaning on each other, the sunset indeed beautiful, but Jurina still missed half of it, her eyes has refuse to move from the face of the girl who lean on her

her name is Sakura, Miyawaki Sakura



blog version
 tumbler (nope its not a fanfic only account...its AKB group tumblr but yeah its shipping)
« Last Edit: June 08, 2017, 06:07:41 AM by akbdaisuki48 »

Offline Genkikid

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Re: Dance chapter zero: her (Jurina, Rena, sakura)
« Reply #118 on: July 25, 2016, 06:22:45 PM »
Can't believe I just read the chapter zero today. I missed this for more than a week when I always check jphip for almost every hour.

Oho thanks for remembering my request to have Rena appear even though it's not what I was expecting but still I like it.

So that explains Jurina's nightmare before and how she fall in love with Sakura even before the scene in the practice room

Offline akbdaisuki48

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Re: Dance chapter zero: her (Jurina, Rena, sakura)
« Reply #119 on: July 29, 2016, 03:09:58 PM »
@genki kid

glad you find the chapter then  :grin:

uh wow, lol yeah.. i don't expect even you to remember that ... yeah thats what Jurina dream about on tubasa wa iranai chapter. about when Rena leave her, and she is drifting after.

yeah, i just cant seems to brush out that one request  :nervous, and i feel that this series could not ended without any of Rena appearance so .. extra chapter. sori its end up kinda angst but super glad you not hate it

thank you for read


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