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Author Topic: Welcome to 48 Bar! P.I Blues (SayaMilky) — Only A Small Lead  (Read 42681 times)

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Tree Stumps in the Winter - YuiParu (Prologue)
« Reply #40 on: September 04, 2016, 02:45:48 PM »
Oh why someone have to die when the story is just starting  :gyaaah:

Offline hackata48

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Tree Stumps in the Winter - YuiParu (Prologue)
« Reply #41 on: September 04, 2016, 04:19:29 PM »
Reminds me of the time I murdered Acchan and made Takamina cry and fall in love with an AI.

Good times telling people I really did ran her over...

Good f******* times!

 :hip smile:

Offline Soysaucee

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Tree Stumps in the Winter - YuiParu (Chapter 1)
« Reply #42 on: September 05, 2016, 04:49:14 AM »

hackata48: Link please  :)

Also chapter one! Yaaaaaaaay! :twothumbs

Chapter 1

Yokoyama was reading her book again—silently scanning the pages—and looked for information regarding the topic at hand. She sat at her desk—surrounded by a myriad of medical books—and diligently studied for the med class she was taking. Her eyes were red and tired—effects from hours of studying—but it was nothing to her; she'd would study till they were bloodied and mangled. A blanket was wrapped around her, protecting her from the cold, and she wore a bunch of sweaters—since it was winter.

Her phone chimed—indicating a text—and she glanced at it but ignored the sender. She wasn't sociable—having lost interest in social interaction ever since she was 15—and preferred to be a wallflower, off to the side and forgotten. But ever since she got to college, studying to be a doctor, people started talking to her out of the blue—whether it was just out of custom or they actually want to be friends. However, she just wanted them to leave her alone.

But even so, she made the assertion to start anew—new friends and a new life—but with the goal to reach her dream in mind. She sighed—thinking that it was her chance for a new life—and picked up her phone to reply to the text she just got. It was from this girl Mayu she met in her class. Apparently, Mayu was dating her teacher—Ms. Kashiwagi—but she only ignored the rumor, having a distaste for gossip.

Do you want to go out tonight? ~ Mayu
Sure. Where are we meeting? ~ Yokoyama
At the cafe. I'll see you in twenty.~ Mayu
Got it. Goodbye. ~Yokoyama

She put down her phone, got up, and proceeded to dress accordingly. She didn't care what she wore—usually just throwing something together worked for her—and exited her dorm. It was chilly outside—remnants of the snow storm from last night still lingered—and she could see her breath when she breathed. She closed her jacket to keep out the cold and proceeded to go to the subway. It was far away–the subway was—because she didn't have much money to get a dorm closer to the main campus. And so like her, the building was also a wallflower—off to the side and forgotten.

When she got to the front of the cafe, she could see Mayu talking happily to her friends. There were 5 other people there with her and she couldn't help but feel a bad premonition. Mayu liked doing this sort of thing—hooking her up with friends—since she noticed that she was usually alone. Yokoyama opened the cafe door with a chime and all their heads turned towards her—except for one.

"Hey guys! It's her!", Mayu declared much to Yokoyama's dismay. Mayu's eyes were bright—almost as bright as the moon outside–and it seemed to invite her to the festivities. She didn't know Mayu had this many friends—usually she was alone studying or talking with Ms. Kashiwagi, which to her was very suspicious but trivial.

Yokoyama sat down and greeted Mayu's friends as always—shy and awkwardly. Her eyes surveyed the usual faces: Yuko, Rena-san, and Jurina. The fourth was Milky, her sister, although most of the time she didn't act like it—usually acting as best friend or a trusted acquaintance—but she enjoyed her company nonetheless, even though sometimes her flirting was unbearable. The fifth one, though, was a new person but she couldn't see her face since it was covered with a hoodie.

The group talked and ordered some drinks to last a few hours. The two stayed silent the whole time—listening to the ramblings of Mayu or the lectures of Rena, since she was a teacher also—and while Jurina was telling stories of her adventures as a mercenary, most notably the one with her girlfriend, Rena, Yokoyama fell asleep from exhaustion. Hours and hours of studying seemed to have caught up to her—finally accumulating into a collapse.

When she woke up, only two people were there with her—Mayu and the mysterious girl—and Yokoyama reached for her back, feeling the pain of sleeping in a bad position. Her eyes surveyed the area around her—most notably the shopkeeper, who was visibly fuming at the group—and the view outside. It was early morning—most likely 5 or 6—and it was the perfect time to study for her. She yawned and stretched out her limbs—feeling her bones crack and muscles stretch—as she got up to go home to study.

Curiosity killed the cat. Yokoyama was curious. She walked around the table towards the mysterious girl who wore a hoodie. She slowly bended over—her heart beating fast with anticipation—and when she finally took a glance at her face, she gasped. Yokoyama Yui was speechless—her hands shaking with fear. And as she was looking at the hooded girl, two brown orbs opened, and looked back at her.

Yokoyama fell back—nervous sweat poured down the side of her face—as her eyes widened in shock. She pointed a finger at the girl who just removed her hood—revealing the full glory of her appearance—and spoke in a weak voice,"Y-You're n-not real!"

A wry smile was implanted on her face as her lizard-like eyes looked down on the terrified Yokoyama Yui. Her brown hair gently caressed her shoulders while she—far different from the sickly appearance Yokoyama knew—contemplated talking to her or not. But the girl just stayed silent—enjoying the agony of a traumatized Yokoyama—and sat back while Yokoyama cried.

"What's going on?",Mayu said while rubbing her eyes—waking up a few moments earlier."Huh? Where's Kashiwagi?",she said while she looked around.

Mayu noticed the scene before her—her friend,Yokoyama, on the floor crying while her old acquaintance looked on with a smile—and wondered what was happening. But before she could ask, Yokoyama got up and ran out of the cafe. Mayu—having a bad premonition—ran after her, feeling another running figure behind her but ignored it.

"Yokoyama!",the girl from behind Mayu cried as she had a hard time running. Yokoyama slowed down—even more sweat populated her face—and looked at the pair that was running after her.

Mayu could feel the hoodie-wearing girl looking at her—chest heaving up and down from running. The hoodie-wearing girl clutched at her heart—Mayu knowing exactly why—but fought through the pain, finally focusing her eyes on Yokoyama's tired figure. She straightened herself out—wiping the sweat from her face with her hoodie.

"You can't be real!",Yokoyama cried out—pointing accusingly at the girl—and shed more tears from her eyes.

"It's okay. I'm not dead.",the girl softly whispered as eyes—full of conviction—confirmed what she said was true.
But Yokoyama was stubborn, feeling as if she was 15 again, and denied the truth profusely.

"I-I saw you! In front me y-you you—"

"But I'm here now am I not?",the girl interjected.

Yokoyama went silent—mind confused—and only stared at her, wanting to confirm if what she said was true. Her eyes surveyed the figure behind Mayu—only for her heart and head to hurt, wondering which one was more painful.

"You're not going to get away from me Yui.",the girl said as she smiled.

"What do you mean?", Yokoyama's voice trembled—struggling to find words—and the pain only got worse with the next words that the girl said.

"You left her to die. I'm here for revenge."



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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Tree Stumps in the Winter - YuiParu (Chapter 1)
« Reply #43 on: September 05, 2016, 10:18:08 AM »
Yaay!! THANKS!! SAVE MY DAY From BoredoM!! :D  :cow:  :cow:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Tree Stumps in the Winter - YuiParu (Chapter 1)
« Reply #44 on: September 05, 2016, 11:10:01 AM »
Who? Who? Who? Someone with a face like Paru? Or Paru get resurrected?

Offline hackata48

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Tree Stumps in the Winter - YuiParu (Chapter 1)
« Reply #45 on: September 05, 2016, 04:16:46 PM »
My link to that Time I killed Acchan:

Offline Soysaucee

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Tree Stumps in the Winter - YuiParu (Chapter 1)
« Reply #46 on: September 05, 2016, 04:24:55 PM »
My link to that Time I killed Acchan:

I just read it. Lol Takamina. No continuation?

Who? Who? Who? Someone with a face like Paru? Or Paru get resurrected?

This is not a supernatural fic (hint for you :) ). Have fun reading!  :heart: :heart: :heart:

Yaay!! THANKS!! SAVE MY DAY From BoredoM!! :D  :cow:  :cow:

I'm so glad I could save you! Come again!  :D :D :D
« Last Edit: September 05, 2016, 04:32:12 PM by Soysaucee »

Offline hackata48

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Tree Stumps in the Winter - YuiParu (Chapter 1)
« Reply #47 on: September 05, 2016, 04:27:25 PM »
lost the time....

Maybe you can take over?

Offline Soysaucee

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Tree Stumps in the Winter - YuiParu (Chapter 1)
« Reply #48 on: September 05, 2016, 04:31:30 PM »
lost the time....

Maybe you can take over?

No thank you. My writing style is different (it might break the mood you've made) and I don't know where my writing can take me—as in Takamina could die any second and I'd be here laughing about it. So I don't wanna ruin your story with my horrible mind. Thank you though! :shakeit: Come back again!  :twothumbs

Offline Soysaucee

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Tree Stumps in the Winter - YuiParu (Chapter 2)
« Reply #49 on: September 07, 2016, 12:56:40 AM »
Chapter 2

It was winter—cold and uninviting—and Yokoyama hugged herself, protecting herself from the cold. They were still there on the streets of Tokyo with the words fresh in their minds. Yokoyama looked at Haruka curiously—her words cryptic and confusing—and got closer to her. She passed by Mayu—who wondered what their relationship was—and stood face to face with an old friend.

"You look similar.",Yokoyama said— closely studying the face of Haruka, or who she thought was Haruka.

Haruka smirked—confirming Yokoyama's beliefs, "So you've noticed? We've spent the night together. I at least hoped you looked at my face.", she said mockingly.

"Don't make it something it's not. Who are you?",Yokoyama interrogated—her voice filled with malice.

"What do you mean? I'm your old friend! Haruka!",she said happily as she kept mocking Yokoyama.

"Don't screw with me!",Yokoyama angrily screamed—her voice full of pain—and pointed a finger accusingly at Haruka,"Don't act like her in that body. You imposter."

Haruka's once cheerful face turned serious—eyes filled with an indiscernible emotion,"You don't know anything.",she retorted,"You don't know who I am or what I've been through.",she paused for a moment,"And it's all because of you.",she ended—her voice breaking at the end.

Yokoyama took a step back, feeling the presence of Mayu who watched them with inquisitive eyes, and spoke definitively,"Whoever you are. Don't show your face to me again." She turned around and left with decisive steps.

"Remember Yokoyama Yui. You left her to die!",Haruka called out at the retreating figure—who flinched at the words.

Mayu broke from her trance—still confused of what unfolded—and followed Yokoyama, mouthing an "I'll talk to you later" at Haruka before she left. She was riddled with questions—wondering what the answers were—but her only goal, at the current moment,was to chase after her classmate before she lost her. Two years ago, her life changed when she got back together with Yuki, and truthfully—she couldn't be happier. But things took a turn for the worse this morning, and she knew that it was going to be a difficult road ahead.

Mayu was still following her—not too close and not too far—and watched her closely from behind. But before she knew it, Yokoyama bolted out into a full sprint, running towards the subway. Mayu immediately matched her speed—having a slight idea of what was going on in the other girl's mind.

Mayu pulled out her phone and speed-dialed the number 1 on her phone before putting it close to her ear. She was still running when the phone clicked—signaling a connection to the other line—and came a tired voice,"Hmmm Mayu? What do you need? It's 6 in the morning you know?"

"Yuki get dressed. I think Yokoyama's going to do something stupid. Go to Shimbashi station now!",she said urgently.

"What are you talking about?! Do you know what tim—"

"Now!", she said before closing her phone—running with it in her hand as they got closer to the station.

It was a good thing it was early in the morning. There were barely any people, making it easy to spot the wallflower that was running. But Mayu still struggled to keep up with the pace—realizing that Yokoyama is more than just a bookworm. And before she knew it, she lost her in a small crowd of early-bird tourists. Mayu searched around for a while, took out her train pass, and scanned it. She guessed what train line she'd probably be in and saw Yokoyama dangerously close to the tracks—waiting for the first train to come. She was about to go up to her and stop her until she heard a voice from the other side of the train tracks—where the other train arrives.

"Yokoyama!",Mayu heard. She looked over and smiled; it was Kashiwagi.

The sudden break of silence startled Yokoyama—causing her to back away from the tracks. She looked around for the source of the voice and locked eyes with Mayu. Mayu pointed at Kashiwagi—gesturing it's not her—and Yokoyama looked at the figure across the tracks; Yuki was waving around like a dork. Mayu smiled. Her girlfriend was such a dork.

Mayu went up to Yokoyama, slung an arm across her shoulder, and invited her to her apartment—technically it was Yuki's apartment but she didn't dare say it was. Some time passed as they talked until they heard steps behind them; Kashiwagi joined them, putting her arm around Yokoyama also.

"Ms. Kashiwagi.",Mayu started,"We're going to MY apartment. Want to come to MY apartment?"

"Yeah I'll come.",Yuki said nonchalantly but Mayu gave it a few seconds.

"Wait YOUR apartment?!", Yuki exclaimed. Mayu gave a death stare which caused Yuki to give a nervous laugh.

"Yeah ok. I'll go.",Yuki said meekly. But then Mayu smiled apologetically when it was Yuki's turn to give her a death stare.

They arrived at "Mayu's" apartment at night—although they left in the morning (I'll tell why in a side story.) Yokoyama looked around and saw in a frame—a picture of Mayu and Yuki together. She raised an eyebrow—believing the rumor more and more—but as she was looking at it, Mayu's hand pushed down the frame, blocking the picture to be seen. She awkwardly smiled at Yokoyama and led her to the couch to talk. And in the back, much to Yokoyama's ignorance, Yuki was hiding all the frames in the kitchen pantry frantically.

"Sooooo Yokoyama.",Mayu said—trying to distract Yokoyama as Yuki tried to hide all traces of their relationship. "Are you doing well in school?" Mayu knew it was a stupid question—asking the smartest person in her whole class if she was doing well. But it somehow worked! Yokoyama kept talking about assignments, quizzes, and tests. Well it worked until...


Yokoyama heard a ruckus behind her—wondering what it was—and saw Yuki running to and from the kitchen, collecting picture frames. She noticed a bruise on Yuki's elbow—she probably fell. So clumsy. But as soon as Yokoyama stood up to treat it, Mayu pushed her down on the couch and started another conversation.

"B-But I-I saw Kashiwagi-san—"

"Hey did you know that Sayanee's getting a solo album? Because I aaaaabbbbbssss...",she glanced at Yuki who was about to be done with hiding things,"...olutey adore her!",she quickly finished since Yuki was done.

"I'm sorry Mayu but Ms.Kashiwagi is hurt right now!",Yokoyama said as she pried herself from Mayu's grasp and went urgently to Yuki—who sat on the dining table next to the kitchen nonchalantly drinking some tea.

"Hey Yui! Want some tea?",Yuki said as she pushed tea towards Yokoyama—confused on why Yuki used her first name. But she took the cup and sat down across Yuki, followed by Mayu who came a few moments later. They sat in silence drinking tea while Yuki stole glances at the pantry overflowing with evidence. Mayu couldn't take the silence and broke it.

"Yui we need answers. What happened this morning?",Mayu said much to Yuki's confusion. Mayu then realized that Yuki had no idea of what occurred earlier that day. She mouthed an "I'll tell you later" as she egged Yui on for details. Yokoyama fell silent from the question—collecting her thoughts to somehow give an answer. She opened her mouth to speak but closed it a few moments later—much to the disappointment of Mayu who was waiting with bated breath.

"Yokoyama say it calmly and clearly.",Yuki advised.

Yokoyama gulped and took a deep breath. She then told them about it all. She told them her relationship with Haruka and how they were best friends. She told them how each morning; she would be walking towards the hospital and visiting her. She told them about how Haruka just couldn't wait to see her each morning and sneak out sometimes—despite Yokoyama's concern and worry. She told them about it all, down to the last bone. She let out her heart and soul into her words and by the end of it, she was crying the arms of Mayu—who also let out tears along with Yuki.


"In Kyoto where you first met, by the sakura tree, is it still there?",Mayu said—breaking the ice from the silence after the story was told.

"I don't know. I don't want to see it. I want my last memory of that tree to be beautiful.",Yokoyama answered with a quiet voice.

"You know Yuko lives in Kyoto. I could as—"


And she knew the conversation was over.


Yokoyama was back in her class alongside Mayu as they learned together. Apparently, the topic today was diseases. Yokoyama knew all about diseases—she'd study them every night without fail. They took notes and compared them—seeing if they missed something or not. They also gave each other pencil lead and erasers. In truth, they were the greatest study combo in that class.

But as they were learning and taking notes in the lecture hall, the seat beside Yokoyama was pulled back and sat a figure also learning and taking notes. Yokoyama glanced over at the person's notes. They were beautiful. Organized and clean compared to Yokoyama's scribbles and haphazard notes. Yokoyama looked up.

It was Haruka.

And she was smiling.


Offline Genkikid

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Tree Stumps in the Winter - YuiParu (Chapter 1)
« Reply #50 on: September 07, 2016, 01:54:05 AM »
Sayanee's an idol now? That was fast. She was the one bothering Mayuki's relationship in the previous arc. Or is that another Sayanee?

I still don't understand why is Haruka still alive :dizzy:

Offline Soysaucee

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Tree Stumps in the Winter - YuiParu (Chapter 1)
« Reply #51 on: September 07, 2016, 02:24:30 AM »
Sayanee's an idol now? That was fast. She was the one bothering Mayuki's relationship in the previous arc. Or is that another Sayanee?

I still don't understand why is Haruka still alive :dizzy:

Sayanee is an idol. Remember! She is pretty and rich!

And are you sure Haruka is still alive?  :shakeit:

With regards,


Offline Genkikid

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Tree Stumps in the Winter - YuiParu (Chapter 1)
« Reply #52 on: September 07, 2016, 02:34:54 AM »
Sayanee's an idol now? That was fast. She was the one bothering Mayuki's relationship in the previous arc. Or is that another Sayanee?

I still don't understand why is Haruka still alive :dizzy:

Sayanee is an idol. Remember! She is pretty and rich!

And are you sure Haruka is still alive?  :shakeit:

With regards,


Then who is she??? Twin?? :err: :dizzy:

Offline Soysaucee

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Tree Stumps in the Winter - YuiParu (Chapter 2)
« Reply #53 on: September 07, 2016, 11:30:59 PM »
Chapter 3

Whenever she saw Haruka each day, sitting and taking notes, she'd always mistake her for the old Haruka. A brief smile would always be on her face but then a frown would always be replaced right after. She sighed, thinking it was hard to live like this. She tried to move seats, but Haruka followed her—disturbing her by just sitting there, so she just sat by Mayu as normal.

She thought she was hallucinating—but she quickly denied it.

She wasn't crazy.

"Are you okay?",Mayu asked—her face full of worry. She was more aware of the situation after the story that was told to her the other night. But what is it true? Did this Haruka really look like the other one?

"Uh. Yeah. I'm fine.",Yokoyama assured less than convincingly.

"If you need anything, I'm here okay?"

Yokoyama nodded slightly.

Mayu sighed—frustrated that she couldn't do anything for her.

Yokoyama went back to work, listening to Yuki talk about diseases and mental disorders.


Yokoyama hasn't seen Mayu in days. She wondered why.

But she paid no more attention to it.

She was studying at her desk again—turning pages and writing notes. She kept hearing strange noises but when she turned around nothing was there.

So she paid no more attention to it.

Knock* Knock*

Yokoyama stopped what she was doing—dropping her pen and closing her book—before she took a peek in the eyehole of the door.

She could see Mayu waving happily with a smile.

Yokoyama smiled also—her friend was back. She opened the door and there wasn't only Mayu, but Haruka also.

Yokoyama shot a look at Mayu, who's face struggled to hold in her laughter. Yokoyama suddenly shut the door—much to the surprise of the pair outside.

Knock* Knock*

"Yokoyama! You better let us in!",Mayu yelled as she started banging on the door.

Yokoyama sighed. She had no choice but to let Mayu in. She would've kept banging on that door the whole night. She was that annoying. Or what Mayu would call it, persistent.

"What do you want Mayu?",Yokoyama said as she opened the door.

"Well! I haven't seen you in a while. And we have so much to catch up on!",Mayu said as she let herself in and situating herself on the couch.

Haruka just stood there.

Yokoyama signaled her to get in, much to her dismay, and closed the door when she sat beside Mayu on the couch.

Yokoyama sat on the couch also, sandwiching Mayu, and asked why they were there.

"Truthfully. I wanted to check up you because it's my jo–lly good friend's birthday!",Mayu said happily.

Oh right. December 8. It was her birthday.

"And Haruka here has something to say to you!",Mayu said as she got off the couch, leaving the room and also "them" together.

There was an awkward silence between them—both of them waiting for each other to speak. Yokoyama could see in the corner of her eye Mayu spying on them, but she paid it no mind.

"Ummm...",Haruka started. Yokoyama perked up.

"IM SORRY!",Haruka then bowed much to the surprise of Yokoyama. She didn't know what to do. So she answered the only way she knew how.

"No I'm sorry!",Yokoyama bowed back. They now were both bowing to each other at the same time. To others it may seem stupid, but to Mayu who was spying on them; it was the start of something new.

They glanced up at the same time—meeting each other's eyes. They first smiled at their silliness and then they started to laugh—as if they were old friends. It was a stark contrast to the confrontation a few weeks ago. But ever since the disappearance of Mayu, Haruka and her would be the only ones studying together and they got along really well. Even more so, Yuki wasn't there—which made Yokoyama even more nervous at the time. But she slapped herself on the face and put on a look of professionalism and dealt with it.

"You know we haven't talked about anything other than our classes.",Yokoyama said.

"You're right we haven't!",Haruka said surprised,"So what do you want to talk about?"

Yokoyama though about it for a moment.

"I remember you saying something when we first met...something about revenge.",Yokoyama said the last part in a low voice—but Haruka heard it nonetheless.

Haruka nodded. She gulped and spoke seriously,"I'm going to tell the truth."

Yokoyama waited with bated breath—her heart beating fast and heart rate rising.

"I'm her sister."

Yokoyama was stunned.

"My parents divorced when we were young and I went with my dad to Osaka, where I met Mayu. When I heard about it, I
couldn't believe it. I quickly packed my bags and went to Kyoto but when I reached the cemetery she wasn't there. She was buried in front of a sakura tree."

Yokoyama's eyes widened.

Could it be...that sakura tree?

"And so I heard she had a friend. You. And you moved Tokyo, leaving her behind."

"B-But that was to become a doctor! It was her dream!"

"I know! I didn't realize it until after we met. But when I saw you at the time, I couldn't help but let out all the things I was thinking in my mind. Then I saw how nice you were and how you would help me with my work. And so I knew from that point on that you had no ill intentions!",Haruka said pleadingly.

Yokoyama sighed. She knew the truth now. But what she was about to do was really stupid.

"...You have to believe me Yui! I really want to be your fri—",Haruka was interrupted.

Mayu saw the scene and covered her mouth with her hand. Shocked.

Yokoyama kissed Haruka.


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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Tree Stumps in the Winter - YuiParu (Chapter 3)
« Reply #54 on: September 08, 2016, 12:54:16 AM »
Finally a guess it right :on gay: :on gay:
Ooh Yui, you haven't moved on from Haruka....

*p.s: the sisters have the same name?

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Tree Stumps in the Winter - YuiParu (Chapter 3)
« Reply #55 on: September 08, 2016, 01:13:39 AM »
WOOOT... SHE.. SHE... KISS... ehhh

Offline Soysaucee

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Tree Stumps in the Winter - YuiParu (Last Chapter)
« Reply #56 on: September 08, 2016, 04:02:45 AM »
It's a short chapter but it's the last one. I will be doing an epilogue. Then it goes to either WMATSUI OR YURIANNIN.


Last Chapter

Her smile was once again beaming—much to the concern of Mayu and Yuki who saw her everyday, thinking it's weird that the wallflower suddenly became the life of the party. She promised to meet the new Haruka, or so she thought, to go on a date. And once again, Mayu and Yuki became the parents of Yokoyama Yui; they were really overprotective.

Donning some sort of detective outfits, Mayu and Yuki set out to follow and "investigate" the pair who looked like they were going to the Skytree. They kept a close eye on them and sometimes made unnecessary movements that spies did movies—but it almost made them get caught.

"Yuki stop doing that! You'll get caught!",Mayu said to Yuki in a loud whisper. Yuki was doing all the unnecessary movements. Acting like a dork. Again.

"What are you talking about Mayu?! This is an advanced technique! No one can see me!",Yuki said as she did another combat roll—crashing into a food stand. She quickly got up and bowed perfect 90 degrees. "I'M SO SORRY!", she said before running out of there much to the dismay of the shopkeepers—leaving Mayu alone to spy on the pair, who seemed to not notice the ruckus behind them; they were off in their own little world.

They locked arms, Haruka's head on Yokoyama's shoulders, and walked along the marketplace. Mayu was taking notes. Why? Nobody knows.

But her number one enemy came again, blocking her line of sight.


Once they passed, she lost them again. Crap.


Yokoyama was having the best day of her life. She got up to a breakfast-in- bed, got a morning kiss from her new girlfriend, and now they were having a date! This is great!

They were now at the top floor of the SkyTree—looking over the city of Tokyo, in each other's arms. They were comfortable but of course they weren't getting comfortable because they were getting bored of each other. No, comfortable as in, they feel safe.

Yokoyama had overridden memories of the old Shimazaki Haruka—preferring happy ones over the sad ones. It wasn't hard, considering Yokoyama said they looked like each other, the old and the new. But the old Haruka was but a bittersweet memory, a memory she has looked at for many years.

But that memory should be closed soon. It's time for Yokoyama Yui to start living her own life and not for others. Sure she was still going to become a doctor—that's now her dream.

Not just the old Haruka's.

"Are you having fun?",Haruka said softly as they held each other—looking at the sunset.


They were still there, alone, and nobody else was. It was weird considering how popular the SkyTree was. Maybe there was some sort of event. Yokoyama didn't know and she was sure Haruka didn't know either.

"You know you have class tomorrow right?",Haruka said. Her gaze shifted towards Yokoyama.

"And you don't?",Yokoyama questioned—wondering why it sounded like Haruka was not coming.

"No I have to go somewhere tomorrow.",Haruka answered—confirming Yokoyama's beliefs.

"But you'll come back right?",Yokoyama asked.

But she got no answer.

And she never did.


Haruka was gone. Gone from her class. Gone from the college. And gone from her life.

It was the second time she's lost someone dearly.

But what was worse is, she doesn't know who she cared for more.

Her life returned to normal. Studying was commonplace. She still met with Mayu and her friends. And her days were again, banal and boring.

Mayu was weird, she always questioned her health these days.

Yuki, though, tried to make her feel better. It never worked but Yokoyama appreciated the effort.

She never heard from Jurina or Rena for a while. She thought they were off in another adventure—and in some ways, they were.

Yuko also was gone. She was probably studying hard in Kyoto.

She missed Kyoto, wanting to come back to that tree where she met the old Haruka.

But she was sure it was gone, like all the other things in her life.


Yokoyama was in her classes again—studying hard and taking notes. Yuki was gone again but at least she had Mayu with her. But Mayu wasn't taking notes, she was just looking at her. Observing her.

It was weird. Maybe Mayu thought I was really depressed. But truthfully, I am not. This is how life is. People come and go and she can't change that part of life. It was normal for her.

But life again was about to change. Mayu's phone rang.

And she saw the date.

It was 2026.

Ten years from today.


Offline Genkikid

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Tree Stumps in the Winter - YuiParu (Last Chapter)
« Reply #57 on: September 08, 2016, 04:23:36 AM »
I'm getting more confused with the Yuiparu arc.. Oh Soysaucee-san, please enlighten me from this confusion  :kneelbow:

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Tree Stumps in the Winter - YuiParu (Last Chapter)
« Reply #58 on: September 08, 2016, 02:38:46 PM »
the ending still ambiguous and confusing for me, can you make some omake(?)
anyway, thank you for writing :twothumbs
just a simple otaku and silent reader

Offline Soysaucee

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Re: Welcome to 48 Bar! Tree Stumps in the Winter - YuiParu (Epilogue)
« Reply #59 on: September 08, 2016, 04:09:44 PM »
Yeah it was ambiguous but answers are here!


"Ah you're back!", Haruka said as she stood up from her seat. A figure just came in through the door—they were sharing an office together.

"It worked beautifully Mayu-san!",Haruka said excitedly as she held up a clipboard showing information.

"Shimada.",Mayu said as she took the clipboard and looked through it,"This is some good work."

Shimada smiled at her accomplishment.

"So we've got the data, do you want to present it?",Shimada Haruka suggested.

Mayu shook her head.

"What we've just done isn't exactly ethical. Or moral. I don't think they'd take kindly to it. We'll take it to our graves."

"But we've made a discovery! Isn't it worth it?!",Shimada exclaimed—her hand thrown up in the air in protest.

"I didn't became a doctor to play with people's lives Shimada! I became one to save them!",Mayu yelled—her nostrils flaring and fists clenching. She was carrying the clipboard, wearing a lab coat, and glasses.

Shimada looked down—ashamed.

"I don't know why I went through with this. This experiment will be closed down. Destroy all the evidence.",Mayu said as she gestured it to be done.

"B-But the—"

"Now!",Mayu screamed—her eyes full of anger.

Shimada left the room and proceeded to do her task hurriedly.

Mayu sighed and sat down at her desk—full of papers and books— and dropped the clipboard. She delete files from her computer—erasing all evidence of the experiment.

Man it was hard studying Pre-Med again. Thank god Yuki helped us out.

She sighed and picked up her clipboard.

Mayu looked through the information, on the clipboard, or more specifically—data. She sighed. It was really good data.
She looked at the page—just skimming through.

Yokoyama Yui —  Age: 33

Murderer of Shimazaki Haruka.

Schizophrenic patient.

Symptoms: Hallucinations and violent behavior observed so far.

Goal: Curb violent symptoms.

Results: Yokoyama Yui has been neutralized.

« Last Edit: September 08, 2016, 04:28:47 PM by Soysaucee »

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