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Author Topic: Overwatch  (Read 9731 times)

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« on: August 21, 2016, 12:23:28 AM »

Released earlier this year, Blizzards new class based multiplayer shooter has captivated players and the internet by storm. At it's heart it's just a very solid first person shooter with the unique premise of playing as different characters rather than the now default practice of letting people choose their own classes. There are 22 playable characters and they've done such a good job at making them all not only fun to play but really useful to your team's success. You start to learn characters that can counter others and that can be really important in turning the tide in a match.

But what really makes it stand out is that the art style if bright, cheery and colorful and the cast of characters are so well designed with defined personalities and have different playstyles that there will always be one character somebody will like. The character designs have really taken off with people and pushed the game to another level, with tons and tons of amazing fanart and even searches for Overwatch porn shooting up 817%

If I had any mains it would be Zarya, Soldier 76, Roadhog and Zenyatta. I wish I could be good with Genji, Widowmaker and Hanzo but I need to practice more I think. Who are your mains? My best match so far has been on a competitive game as Roadhog. 46 eliminations and a 30 kill streak, hooking Tracer's and Genji's for days!!

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Re: Overwatch
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2016, 01:36:29 AM »
I just got this a a few weeks ago. I've been a console FPS player for I dunno how long and now I've moved into the PC realm. The transition from controller to mouse and keyboard was a bit difficult but now I'm getting a little used to it. I can now actually aim closer to where I'd like to actually aim Lol. Anyway I've had a really good time playing this game especially when playing with a few friends.

I don't know if I have any mains but I really enjoy playing Mei. She might lack the tools for DPS, but I like her toolset and it's fun freezing people. Reinhardt is another character I like to play because I love swinging that hammer. I too wish I was good at Genji but I think his playstyle is just not fit for me. I've been using Mcree these past few days trying to improve on my aim and I feel like it's getting a bit better. I still struggle when stunning an opponent and lining up a shot though >_<.

A POTG, of my very few POTG, as Mei that I actually liked. Sneaky little Mei :)
« Last Edit: August 21, 2016, 01:54:15 AM by storyboard »

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Re: Overwatch
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2016, 12:10:46 AM »
I can't mention the game without also including the animated shorts. They're absolutely beautiful and full of charm.

Bastion's short came out earlier this week and it is probably my second favourite next to Hanzo's. Says so much even when there's no dialogue at all. Almost feel bad about killing Bastion's now.

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Re: Overwatch
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2016, 12:47:34 AM »
( ・e・) :heart: marimari  ● 川o・-・) :heart: Jabronisaur :heart: (・o_・`川 ● ノノl∂_∂'ル :heart: ChrNo ● Never Forget.

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Re: Overwatch
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2016, 08:09:28 PM »
Have a better time lately on Competitive mode then on Quick play. Yeah I may lose matches, but at least people take team composition seriously. Had some amazing matches on it too, particularly playing as Torbjorn or Lucio (see below). Also in Platinum rank which I'm quite chuffed with! Have a new found appreciation for Mei too, really like playing as her recently, as you can also see below (second video)

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Re: Overwatch
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2016, 01:56:54 AM »
The Halloween update is out! Reaper, Roadhog and Junkrat all have Legendary skins but Mercy's witch costume is just the best. Some other cool things in there as well, the Halloween sprays for each character is really cute and I love Mei's highlight intro! I'm Lvl 94 at the minute so I'm definitely going to try and play each day so I can get free lootboxes pretty quickly when I level up after going over lvl 100. The new Brawl mode is fantastic too, a really welcome change of pace from the usual PVP multiplayer. It's really fun to work together and kill hordes of enemies. The level of charm really helps too like Reinhardt's narration and dialog which changes depending on certain actions. Cleared it on Medium but I doubt I'll clear it on Hard, you need a really solid team and I've just been working with randoms with no headset so far. Don't know what the reward is for clearing it on Hard, I 've heard it's currency. The feedback has been really positive so far so I hope they will include a similar game mode further down the line after this event is over, maybe flesh it out a bit more and make it more involved?

Halloween items, if you're wondering:

And the brawl:

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Re: Overwatch
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2016, 12:52:17 PM »
Mercy skin is definitely the best in this update :). I immediately used up my credits to get that Mei highlight intro. It was too cute to not have but I'm not sure when I'll get a Mei POTG again to see it outside of looking through my own highlights D:

Loved Junkenstein's Revenge and as Tuffty said, it's a nice change of pace from all that PVP. Two buddies, a random and I beat it on hard a few days ago. Everything just went perfectly. Ana was hitting all her sleep darts, hanzo and 76 clearing out the mobs. By the time we reached the final battle our door damage was pretty good that we could ignore it for the the most part. BUT our other friend was busy at the time we beat it so we decided to help him beat it another time on hard and well it took awhile, but we eventually got through it again!

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Re: Overwatch
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2016, 11:10:20 PM »
I managed to beat it on Hard! Pretty satisfying to find a group of randoms who know what to do. Always get Ana to boost McCree's deadeye when the bosses start coming in. Makes it so much easier. Here's my my successful attempt if you're interested:

Managed to get Mercy, Junkrat, Frankenstein, Reaper, Pharah, Soldier and Ana's skins so far. If I can get Zenyatta's skin and Mei's highlight intro, I'll be happy.

The Sombra ARG stuff has recently picked up again and you can follow the findings on the Overwatch subreddit. Personally, while it's interesting, it's gone on for far too long now. I imagine they're saving the reveal of Sombra until Blizzcon but they should have saved this ARG stuff until a few weeks ago rather than drag it out over months.

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Re: Overwatch
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2016, 10:22:03 PM »
Sombra FINALLY revealed

She should be out on PTR this week but for now you can check out her abilities on the official site

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Re: Overwatch
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2016, 11:09:22 PM »
Here's a video showing off her abilities too. She seems pretty strong but I felt the same way about Ana when I saw her. Still, having her ult break shields and barriers and abilities and ults is pretty crazy. Must be limited to a short range surely. Would be a massive counter to a team making a push popping all their ults. Imagine a Tracer without her dash abilities. Or if you can stop Mercy's rez. Will be interesting to see gameplay footage! Boop!

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Re: Overwatch
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2016, 12:38:18 AM »
Some gameplay footage! It looks like she'll be annoying to kill with that teleporter. Her hacking ability, I'm not sure if it was mentioned anywhere, but it looks like once you hack an enemy and if they have ult, you can see that. So that seems pretty useful. Also it doesn't seem to be as broken as I thought it would be, as you can sorta run away from getting hacked. Once hacked though I feel it lasts a bit long, I counted around 7 seconds. Her emp thing lasts about 5-6 seconds. The range of the EMP is also HUGE! Welp looking forward to playing her on hopefully Tuesday, she definitely looks like a fun character! And also 6 sombra teams here I come! lol

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Re: Overwatch
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2016, 01:30:55 AM »
So Sombra came out today on PTR on the PC! Obviously had to try her out and definitely had them 6v6 sombra games lol. She doesn't feel too OP at the moment. I hardly notice her when she's on the other team EXCEPT when she hacks those health packs. That is the worst. I think they should reduce the cooldown on hacked health packs because it feels like it lasts forever. You can also hack it again to reset the cooldown so it's possible that it CAN last forever. Her uzi feels pretty strong, I think she'll be annoying for tanks. Teleport is annoying when you're trying to kill her because you don't know which direction she's headed. She can practically never die if you're smart about it. One of the tactics I used was hack a healthpack place my teleport thing there and if I'm low health just tele out and regen health. Then rinse and repeat.

The new arcade game modes were up too. I played a game of 1v1 which was intense. I almost gave up a 4-1 lead >_< and I lost a Mei v Mei battle D: (she's my most played character) . I was up 4-3 at that point and the pressure was getting to me! I closed it out though with a Sombra v Sombra battle.
3v3 game mode is fun too. It's an elimination style game mode. Once you die, you dead. It was pretty funny when the last man standing on my team was lucio. All he was doing was skating around and hopefully hitting someone with his primary.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2016, 12:26:31 AM by storyboard »

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Re: Overwatch
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2016, 08:51:33 PM »
Sounds like the hacking on the health packs needs to change for sure. A minute seems far too long. I'm looking forward to seeing someone play as Sombra and use your strategy of using a teleport next to a health kit, because I'll switch to Junkrat and place a steel trap there :D She sounds really interesting, she could even break the meta game in some ways if she can break shields/barriers/abilities with her EMP so effectively. They didn't say when her and the new modes would make it into the official release have they?

With Blizzcon come and gone there was plenty of opportunity for voice actors to say their favourite lines. Lucio's voice actor meeting all the others is fantastic, I've come back to watching it multiple times and smile every time. No Mercy, Widowmaker, Ana, Pharah or Junkrat but maybe next year!

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Re: Overwatch
« Reply #13 on: November 14, 2016, 12:31:03 AM »
I've played with the enemy doing that teleport to health pack. I stood there as Mei and froze em to death :D. Junkrat idea sounds like a good plan too

I don't think Blizzard has given us a date on when Sombra and the new modes will be released, but I did download 2gb prepatch update a few days ago. So I'm expecting at the very least to see the new arcade mode up and running this coming Tuesday.

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Re: Overwatch
« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2016, 02:05:55 AM »
To my surprise they released Sombra today! Of course playing the no limit heroes mode means multiple sombras woo! So while everyone was trying out Sombra I decided to try out DVA again and this is what came about when faced against multiple sombras trying to hack me

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Re: Overwatch
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2016, 01:35:54 AM »
The 1v1 mode stresses me out too much to enjoy it :sweat But I also think that Winston/Symmetra match ups are terrible. Bit disappointed with it but sure it's not a serious mode anyway. I've more fun (and success) with 3v3. Sombra's a cool character too, but I'll need more time. I plant a teleporter by a health pack but I often move too far ahead looking for enemies that when I want to teleport back the timer had run out so I'm stuck. Plus I probably don't hack enemies as often as I should. It's all good though. The changes to the other characters are also kinda crazy, Torbjorn's passive armor generation, D.Va's movement, Soldier's damage. I don't feel like Zarya was nerfed too badly? I was able to go full charge fairly quickly in one match.

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Re: Overwatch
« Reply #16 on: November 20, 2016, 04:44:14 AM »
I'm really not the biggest fan of this game :nervous
Not that I'm saying it's bad or anything, it's just too similar to Team Fortress 2 which I got bored of years ago.

The thing that drove me away from tf2 was the payload levels. I'd spend most of my time running through the levels getting to the payload, where I would then die instantly, wait to respawn and run miles to the payload again over and over and over.

I was a bit worried before I played this that this would happen again in Overwatch, but I had no idea it even had payload as one of the main game modes, never mind slow moving characters who didn't have boosts.
Running through empty corridors all afternoon just to die, watch myself die again for 5 seconds, over and over really got to me I guess.

And yes I know there's a character with a teleporter, but I have to play as her every match?

I'm not whining, I swear :lol: I just wanted to have fun and didn't.

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Re: Overwatch
« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2016, 02:27:26 AM »
Christmas has come early! It comes with the usual number of cosmetic items and skins, redesigns for Kings Row (the payload is a sleigh 10/10) and Hanamura and the new winter brawl, a 6v6 Mei snowball fight. It's pretty fun, I'm kinda terrible at it but sure it's nothing to take too seriously.

In addition, the update also introduces the new changes to Symmetra so it's a substantial update all round!

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Re: Overwatch
« Reply #18 on: December 21, 2016, 02:43:49 AM »
In a cool little bit of character trivia as revealed by a comic that came out today, Tracer is actually a lesbian. Think it's pretty cool that it's given representation through the big face of the game and hilarious that the same people complaining about Blizzard taking away Tracer's butt pose from the beta because they feel Blizzard should do what they want and sexualise characters if they want, are now complaining because a character is shown to be lesbian.

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Re: Overwatch
« Reply #19 on: January 25, 2017, 02:06:18 AM »
Overwatch celebrating Chinese New Year with some new skins! And also Capture The (Rooster)Flag!

I've played a few ctf games and I'm not sure if I like it. The abilities can make it hard to capture and also make it hard to catch someone who has the flag.

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