Chapter 10 – The girl and the woman
WHEN THEY ARRIVED at the mentioned place in the evening, Maimai didn’t have any second doubt that she loved the urban life better, at least they have more trees than stressful people itself. “Do you live here?” Mai asked, a bit contemplated upon seeing the tall building, the price might be as high as the height too. Mai didn’t mind at all when her question left unanswered by the girl, somehow she has gotten used to it already.
Unbuckled her seatbelt, Nanamin stepped out from the car, turn her way to the said building, brows knitting as she tried to squeeze out memories or information of this place, however, she has none. Seeing that, Mai rushed out too, chasing the girl.
“Chotto! Don’t think you can go just like that!” Mai ran after the girl with a first aid kit in her left hand then grabbed the girl with her right. Using more strength, Mai forcefully spun the girl around so she could face her properly. There, she could see a cut on the girl’s jacket with blood stain around it, just how it acquired her attention. Last night event might be blurry and bit dark to her, but she didn’t miss the sound of pain hissing and the smell of blood she has grew up with. And being a responsible doctor to her patient, she would never let it slip away easily.
Squinting her eyes, find this is so funny, she snickered. “I can, and you better get lost now, they might come back..” Nanamin wandered around before landed on the ruined yellow car. Her gut telling her that they might find the car by now or sooner... “You better dispose that car,” she suggested in low voice, pulling away her arm as she said so.
“You’re injured.” Grabbing the wounded arm, Mai soften. Plus, “I’m not afraid of that guys..” Mai added, actually glad that her thought coming out loud. Glanced up, they meet in the eyes for about thirty second. Nothing spoken but she knew the girl doubt her words.
“If I am, I would not come this far when I know you will try to kill me too?” That’s sound more convincing than Mai thought it would be, honestly she didn’t think of it either. Putting an end toward this argument, Mai smirked as she heard exasperate sigh from the girl, she won this conversation when the girl end it with she won’t care anymore. Casually, she tried to stripe the jacket off the girl.
“Don’t!” Distressed by the sudden movement, Nanamin pulled away, never have this kind of intimacy while she was aware but before she could, the grips strangely feels tighter that she incapable to escape or because she started to feel pricky pain at the back of her head and her wounded arm?
“Don’t be too stubborn, Nanamin-san. Soon, the painkillers from last night will lose its effect too and you might feel pain at any moment now” A glance at her watch, Mai estimated the time range of last time she gave the girl the pills. The accuracy shuts up the protest off Nanamin.
Hearing no response, Mai looked up. “Or, are you scared of disinfectant?” She giggled at the typical joke she said to any kids who came to her clinic, they usually concede after that. Just like this girl. A bit nervous, Mai pulled down the jacket halfway so she could have a better view of the injured area.
Nanamin stiffen, eyes roamed wildly around the public, for the first time she care about what would they think about them. Tapping her foot, Nanamin wish this woman could end her silly treatment quicker, plus the sudden blow of wind that blew up the woman’s hair to her direction also kind of off-timing, couldn’t decide whether the mixture smell of sweat and vanilla scent from her hair is appealing or distressing.
Applying the disinfectant while they were standing in the crowd are a bit enjoyable to Mai honestly. Who ever thought that she would appreciate the way her trained fingers brushing the girl’s arm, like they have some sort of power to tame the wild female tiger, or how she intentionally take more time to dress the small wound using bandage rather than a plaster so she could have more time with the girl. Reaching three layers of strap up the wound, she strangely feel the urge to have more skinship with the girl too. Knowing how weird her inner thought has gone, Mai hurriedly finish her treatment over almost called nothing like deep injuries.
“Its done,” Putting down her first aid kit, Mai try to be sounded as cheerful as possible, trying to deny the sudden sadness, because this might be their last time meeting each other. Wipe off her weird thinking for dangerous girl, Mai pulled up the jacket to where its positioned. But before she could finish, the girl swivel away, leaving her.
“Hey,” Again, she chased her after two steps away, but this time a bit hesitated. Yesterday she just wanted to help this girl to get home then return to clean her messy clinic. And how she feel disappointed right is not part of her plan.
“What now?!” Almost yelling, Nanamin gritted her jaw, held the anger just below her breath. If she is not mistaken, she saw a indication of sadness in the woman, confusingly reflect her own feelings.
“Whatever is happening, just please..” Mai reached down to the girl’s finger, bring it up close to her face, tracing and memorize every old scar the girl had in her mind, wonder how much dirty work the girl have done yet she didn’t care anymore. She is not interested in her past.
It is not an imagination that Nanamin quietly pay more attention to what the woman wanted to say yet she act like she didn’t care at all. “Just please go away..” She mumbled, acting the contrary to her perplexing desire. Its better this way.
“No, just please come back one piece, I will treat you anytime.” Mai didn’t have any nerve to look up anymore as she heard a hard sigh. They both fell into deep silence, a silence that not even the hustle bustle metropolitan could break. Mai link their pinky fingers together, as if sealing the promise she made on her own.
Feeling annoyed, Nanamin cut off their fingers, spin her heels towards her original destination before a girl with baseball cap incidentally push the woman from her back, making her off balance and tumble to her direction with a yelp.
Trained with quick response, Nanamin swiftly intercept her from falling, but with weird stance, their lips unexpectedly landed on each other. Again, the evening breeze greeting them, blowing the woman long hair so close to her, fully covered their unexpected kiss. Thanks to that, Nanamin finally could decide how it actually smell so alluring to her.
While she was thinking of another way to prevent their nose from roughly collide each other so she could enjoy her first kiss more, the woman pulled away in rush, regained her balance. Nanamin grumbled inwardly, walked away in response. That probably will be regretted.
Cracking her own knuckles, Nanamin’s expression hardened. Come back one piece or not, she didn’t plan to fail either, its not her nature. So, there’s no need for that promise.
Sauntered her way into the appartment, Nanamin overlooked Maiyan silver Porsche in the parking, climbed the stairs as soon as she found her destination on the first post box, avoid using full elevator though her head banging hard inside. What she knew is, she wanted to finish this soon, no matter how complicated it is.
So when the door crack open slightly after two knocks and Akimoto Manatsu, the person she expect to see after noting the name on the post box at the lobby before, she push the girl onto the wall and closed the door behind. The informer jolted upon seeing her, failed to close the door after sensing the danger all over the killer’s body.
“Tell me where she is!” Closing the distance, Nanamin strangled the informer stronger than she should have, almost choking the already weak small girl. But without she realized, Maiyan by now standing right behind her with shining knife aimed behind her neck. Only when the knife touching her skin through her ripped cloth then she back off, guessing that it was who she was asking for is now behind her.
“Maiyan,” her lips twitch in amusement after a moment of shock, didn’t expect to meet her friend, Maiyan this soon much more in this place. “What are you doing here?” Quivered, Nanamin knew it was a stupid question to ask at this moment.
“What ever you’re thinking doing, stay away from her,” with knife pointed to Nanamin’s face, she pulled Manatsu to her back protectively. “If you’re searching for Waka, she’s not here.”
“So you knew..” All the pretense is gone, her lips pursed to one side as she lean to the wall, acting calm though all she lose is her balance.
“Yes I know” The scenery she witnessed this morning; the picture of Nanamin and Waka as if most wanted person and the halfway video of shooting event which she guess happened last night considering from Nanamin’s state, was the basic to her accusation, nothing was sure, not until she heard from Nanamin herself.
“You know, we are all partner in this business.. why the need of killing each other?” Snarled at her friend, Maiyan is breathless, actually found herself being doubtful.
“She failed her mission, you know how much it cause to us,” it came out as a mocking scoff, weird when Maiyan herself doubting her action. Maiyan know the rules, know how the games carry on. “It’s not your business, I’m just doing my job.” pushed herself off the wall, Nanamin lost balance, silly mistake but she quickly recover, not the time to look weak.
“You’re not fine” but enough for Maiyan to notice the paleness on Nanamin face, the latter laugh at herself, as if denying the obvious fact that she almost fall and Maiyan quickly hauled over, bring her friend into her embrace.
“Nanamin!” But the girl already unconcious. The knife bounce on the floor, away from them three.
It took Maiyan and Manatsu five minutes to carry Nanamin from the floor at the entrance to the long couch near the glass wall. After giving the girl a painkiller, they slouched on each other back, both sigh before drifted into pregnant silent until Maiyan smartphone beeping, indicate new mail. Maiyan briefly read it.
-I’m sorry, we couldn’t save her, she passed away this evening. From Dr. X-
Out of curiosity, Manatsu glanced over, unintentionally saw the text, she looks up to Maiyan and notice the pool of unreadable emotion in her face. She wanted to ask but nothing seemly proper came out and before she could do so, Maiyan abruptly jerked up, pulling her hand together, feeling the insistment she followed right behind.
“My mom died today,” they already in the main bedroom, heading towards the closet, Manatsu unable to hide her surprise, gasp as response. Mai just smiling at her, knowing what running in Manatsu big head.
“I never kill her in the first place, we lied. Me and Nanamin. She saved me that day, I’m so grateful to her that day..” Her hands rummaged inside the closet; her official closet in Manatsu’s appartment, the latter just watching her, face deadpan, baffled at what she just heard.
“I want her to suffer, just like me..” Mai smiled as she took her cloth out, one brow arched slyly as she asked Manatsu which one is good. Without knowing the reason the informer nod at whatever Maiyan shown her, never doubt Maiyan fashion sense.
“When she finally died today, its like.. I’m free from my own regret, that’s why I don’t want Nanamin to feel the same.” She give up on asking Manatsu’s opinion, drawing out typical white jacket instead of many colors and style she have presented before. White is better than black, she thought as she pulled Manatsu out of the room.
“Maiyan,” Manatsu halting, forcing the taller to turn to her with smile on her face.
“Why you tell me this story, you know who am I, right?” Is what keep ringing in her head, the fact that Maiyan killed her parent not a new thing to her, its all in her record, however not the lie she just told. She fathom of how important first kill is to every killers in their organization. Thus, Maiyan telling her this story is quite confusing.
“Aren’t this obvious?” She let out involuntary laugh before pulling the informer into her embrace, too sudden for Manatsu to response. Carressing the hair on big head, she whispered. “When she finally died, I want to live my life, have the love I couldn’t. Let’s live together from now on, will you?”
Stiffen in Maiyan warm but firm embrace, Manatsu almost lost all her insanity, it felt like she is the only thing matter to Maiyan. She never thought Maiyan actually took her this serious, she always think of herself as Maiyan toys, place to vent out all her lust. But this, is out of her imagination. When Maiyan released the hug, she felt unexpected emptiness inside, craving for more.
Before Manatsu able to say something, Maiyan already release her firm grips on her, attention to her friend. Nanamin has woken up, squirms around sluggishly before sitted on the couch, narrowing her eyes toward two people, sniffing something she don’t recognize before. Manatsu jolted back.
“What are you?” Her gaze paced back between her friend and the informer. She might be unconcious before, but she is Maiyan’s friend and she knew Maiyan never be this close to the first informer. Now she recalled the way Maiyan try to protect the girl earlier, its annoy her in some way.
“Don’t you know romance?” hand out the jacket to Nanamin, Maiyan returned the question with a sneer, somehow felt like she has won over the superior girl she ever know. Nanamin snickered, sounded like she seriously entertained by the word, none of the action concerned Maiyan who just give Manatsu a deep unexplainable look, the informer look away instead.
Feeling awkward with only her laughing, Nanamin stand up, change her black jacket into Maiyan’s white jacket. She grumbled as she do so, unsatisfied with the choice but its better than her ripped one. She then limping toward the glass wall and lean on it. Looking at almost setting off sun outside, it gave her internal peace, great view here. She make a mental note to herself.
“How is she?” Maiyan asked after seconds of quietness, judging from Nanamin’s tattered cloth, she wondered how much injuries had other side bears. She knew the two, the fight over the rank before is a prove of how far they could go, and this time she realized that the two already so near of killing each other. And she might lose the only treasures she have right now.
“Waka?” Blinking, it took Nanamin few moments to comprehend that Maiyan actually asking about Wakatsuki, not her. “Still alive, probably.” Honestly, she don’t remember the next event after she was knock out by that woman, but her stolen car at least could prove her belief. “Why do you care about her anyway? She just a failure,” she growled, annoyed.
“Its not about that,” Maiyan hesitated, she was in deep confusion, pressing hard her thumb on her wrinkle forehead.
“We’re just his puppet, staining our hands so he could live his life peacefully while ours so fucked up.. the life he fucked up..” Both Nanamin and Manatsu stunned over what slipped through Maiyan beautiful lips, but they didn’t bother to object her though. Manatsu silently agreeing with a nod, part of it is true.
“Indeed he is, but if not because of him, we might ended being even loser then we are now. I’m probably left dying in the river, and you..” eyes fixated at her friend, taking few seconds to mutter the word “prostituting for your whole life.. I got to revenge my parents and Asuka death too..” she stare outside, as her fingers touching the glass door, her lips pursed a bit.
Again, Manatsu didn’t found any fault to disagree, although she never directly kill people but at least she acknowledge that they are nothing if not thanks to him. Thus, she just stay still, hoping to understand this drama.
“I don’t want you to regret your action later, Nanamin” Maiyan said, without turning around and tear off her gaze on Manatsu, which making the latter blushing. “Just like me,” lifting her face, she found Nanamin eyes, gazing straight into her, effortlessly smashing her soul.
“What regret, you don’t even kill your parents, plus she is nobody” she scoffed.
“She finally died today,” Maiyan flatly announced. “I’m finally free” half-whispered, she set her eyes on Manatsu. The next five minutes was all silence. “Waka is like you to me, and I know you too..”
“I’m not,” breath away her shock, Nanamin mumbled; not convincing enough “and I won’t regret…” She whispered, slowly losing focus over a knowing woman figure down there. Somehow her lips crept into a smile, fingers started to draw random lines that later turn out to be that woman. “Romance…?”
As she enjoying the scenery with the woman as the main character, four black cars suddenly came into frame, the woman hasn’t realized the new guest arround her yet, too engrossed with her broken car probably thinking how she could go back to her clinic, Nanamin speculate.
Then, a girl with a mask and baseball cap exit from one of the car, talk with one of the man before approch the woman, easily gain her attention by pretend to ask question. From their gesture and how the woman kindly treat the masked girl, Nanamin knew the woman already in danger, yet her feet failed to receive command from her brain to just ran to the woman. Only when the masked girl cuffed the woman with a cloth which Nanamin knew will make her unconcious, she hastily dashed out, astounded both Maiyan and Manatsu which later follow pursuit.
Nanamin knew this was coming, she knew they would not stop chasing after her or Waka until they have what they want, and she also acknowledged her biggest mistake is she has risked the woman by dragging into her dangerous business. Why don’t she killed the woman before? Its not like her at all.
Once reaching the scene, the car already left, leaving no sign of crime at all except one obvious note on the car, a piece of the woman’s cloth.
SHIT!! SHIT!! Lashing out her anger on the car, Nanamin knew she has missed the chance to save the girl, it was her mistake at first hand. Desperate for any trace she look around, and realized she had no clue about the men at all or the woman whereabout other than what she was instructed to.
“Nanamin!” Maiyan and Manatsu arrived a moment after, a bit panic at Nanamin sudden rage.
“I know you know where she is, I want the information, whatever it is I need it, even if it means I need to kill you!”
(A/N: Its been while guys, I’m sorry for the delay, it supposed to be updated last month but my laptop broke down . But here it is anyway
So I check around this thread, somewhat I’m shocked at so many reads. Whoever you are, HONTONI ARIGATOU GOZAIMASHITA, I’m really happy and grateful for all the supports. Hope you all stay around longer too, and any critics are always welcomed..)
Woaaahhh..... My HashiGawa.. 
Maimai want to kiss Nanamin *I agree with maimai cause she's very cool. Lol* 
I'll wait for update. Thank you author-san. 
i'm sorry for the delay and thanks for the wait, glad you like it, and they kissed!
tell me what you think about this chapter too okay