Wakaten: Glad to know I'm your favorite.

Also, Story Time is definitely going to be finished. I just got so enthusiastic about writing about Nogi that I couldn't bring myself to write it. Don't worry! Your fears will be alleviated! And your satisfactions satisfied! Have a good read!
Friends in High Places
She listened to the deep baritone voice coming from the radio as she drove on with her 1978 Honda Civic Hatchback, the sound quality poor and small bits of static pouring out. She found the CD in the glove compartment when she first bought the car and she had no choice but to listen to it. It was either this or Nickelback, and she didn't want to listen to Nickelback. So she's stuck with a voice that sounded akin to a more luscious-sounding Morgan Freeman, or God as she liked to call him.
She kept her eyes on the road, hands gripping tightly on the wheel, tightly enough that her knuckles were turning white from the pressure. She always hated driving, but she knew it was a necessity. It was either this or be lodged between two sweaty fat guys on the bus who always seem to find their way over to her. She didn't want that. She didn't want a lot of things.
Her destination came into view, a large facility able to fit in over a thousand people yet only about a quarter of it was occupied. The facility was like a wooden lodge because apparently the architect wanted it to fit in with the forest. She thought that was neat. She liked it.
"I.D please."
She smiled at the guard.
"Come on Noujo. You know who I am."
Noujo sighed and scratched her head.
"You know I have to do this Fukugawa-san. I'll get in trouble if I don't."
Fukugawa relented and gave her license to the guard, who only took a quick glance at it before giving it back. Fukugawa tried to keep her smile, since she didn't actually give her her license; she gave her a coupon for 7/11.
She drove on towards her parking spot, number 329. She got out and went through the back door, where employees entered. She reached the locker room and went to her locker to put away her things, a purse and a backpack filled with goods, food mostly and some basic necessities. She didn't notice the strange girl sitting at the far corner staring at her creepily. So when she closed her locker and turned around, she definitely didn't think her heart would make it through the day.
Fukugawa was on the floor clutching her rapid heart as she panted profusely from the unexpected guest. She soon calmed down and took a good look at the girl. She thought the girl was beautiful, the most beautiful girl she'd ever seen. Her wavy locks and her hazelnut eyes, a face so symmetrically on point that she thought it was artificially made; it got her heart to skip a beat.
"Who are you?"
The girl stood up and fiddled with the hem of her shirt as she spoke. "I-I am the new nurse." She bowed a full ninety degrees.
Fukugawa raised an eyebrow. She didn't hear of a new nurse coming and she's the boss.
"What's your name?"
"Shiraishi Mai."
What a nice name she thought. It wasn't everyday you'd find a girl with a model-like face and although Fukugawa couldn't see her body because of the loose fitting scrubs the girl had on right now, she could tell her figure was excellent.
Fukugawa was both furious and a bit blessed at the fact that this new girl came, mostly furious though. Who would just saunter such a girl to work here without her permission?! It's absurd!
But suddenly the other entrance of the locker room opened and came a woman in office clothing, whose prideful stare pierced Fukugawa's anger away. Her nose protruded, her short hair perfectly combed and treated, her fingers carefully manicured, and a posture so upright you'd think she was taught by a nun in grade school; Fukugawa gulped from sight.
Fukugawa looked cautiously at her best friend standing so proudly before her, never thinking she'd visit so soon. Is this girl why she visited so soon? Or was it to see her? Or...if her hunch is correct, it'd be because of a certain troublesome patient roaming around the ward.
"Gave you a little scare?" The woman in office clothing teased. She walked closer to the rundown Fukugawa on the floor and gave her a little kick. "Get up."
Fukugawa slowly raised, never breaking her sight from the woman, and gave her an apologetic look.
The woman smiled but Fukugawa could tell that it was fake, a deathly smile that she had seen a thousand times. The most recent was about three months ago, when the woman got so offended by a raucous couple in the movie theater they had often went to.
Fukugawa smiled too and said,"She just came out of nowhere."
The woman giggled before she gestured at Shiraishi who was watching the interaction with keen eyes. There was a slight tension in the air, a feeling Fukugawa never liked.
"This is Fukugawa Mai, your supervisor."
Shiraishi gave a smaller bow and said hi again.
"And I am the warden of this facility, Hashimoto Nanami."
"Hey there's a new girl coming in today. She was recommended by the warden."
"Oh really? She must be good then."
"She's beautiful. Like a Goddess!"
"Okay Wakatsuki. You—"
The girl detached her ear from the wall separating the two rooms together. She liked hearing the stories that came from the other room; Patient Seven never tells stories. Well..not since
that happened.
She looked at the girl sitting on her desk, writing furiously on a spiraled notebook filled with notes, pictures, and data that seemed more like gibberish rather than something important. Patient Seven always did this, wrote useless things endlessly before she got tired. She didn't know what she wrote about. She tried to take a quick peek but the notebook always shut so viciously before she could see anything. Even now, she could tell Patient Seven taking quick glances at her to check up on where she was and wasn't creeping up on her, ready to pounce for what's in the notebook.
"What are you writing about?"
"Something important."
"And what is that."
"None of your business."
She always got these curt remarks whenever she asked about what she wrote in the notebook. She didn't think it wasn't anything important since, of course, what else could you be doing in a psych ward. She was probably just writing down shit that nobody would ever look twice at, something just to keep her hands busy.
She didn't want to dwell on the notebook much; it gave her small shivers down her spine. Who knows what could be in that notebook? Instead, she looked at the small moss-like plant beside Patient Seven. She always liked moss, its shape and colors; the history and it's anatomy amazed her. She'd play around with the moss, feeling it's rough texture against her skin.
"Where'd you get the plant?"
Patient Seven stopped her writing, closed the book, and turned her head. She had glasses on, big round spectacles that seemed like they came out of a Harry Potter movie. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail and a small, red cut was healing on her face. She sometimes winced from the pain but she endured it nonetheless.
"The warden brought it to me when she visited."
"Really? When was that?"
"About three months ago."
"Was she nice?"
"Oh I'm sorry. Yes, yes she was very nice. She also gave me this notebook!" She held the notebook up for her to see.
The girl looked at the notebook, still wondering what the contents of it were.
"Hey what do you wri—"
"She also told me stories!" The girl knew what Nishino was trying to do; distract her from saying that question. She decided not to push and instead played along.
"What kind of stories?"
"Well she told me all about myself. Apparently I'm a pretty swanky artist."
The girl giggled at Nishino's choice of words.
"Apparently I have really good friend that used to paint with me. I wonder where she is now."
The girl gulped. She knew who that girl was. She even remembered how they first met. She was there.
"Did she tell you her name? Gave you a picture?"
Nishino shook her head.
"No. Nanamin never did that."
The girl didn't want to tell her, since it might trigger some bad memories. She was afraid that Nishino might remember what happened. She didn't want that. She loved Nishino too much to do that to her. But on the other hand, she wanted Nishino to remember. She wanted her to know about the good times.
The girl pondered and she made her decision.
"She's dead."
"Who? What are you talking about?"
"Your best friend is dead."
Nishino's mouth was agape, her heart beating as if she took four shots of adrenaline, and she couldn't believe what she just heard.
"H-How do you know?"
The girl paused for a moment.
"Because I'm your best friend and I died four years ago."