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Author Topic: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread  (Read 435357 times)

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #940 on: November 02, 2010, 04:53:36 PM »

Offline youjok

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #941 on: November 13, 2010, 03:19:28 AM »

Offline tru_harmony

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #942 on: November 13, 2010, 03:59:16 AM »
what's happening behind that door?!??!?!?
 :otomerika: :yossi:

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #943 on: November 13, 2010, 03:59:34 AM »
^....mmmhhh..only GOD knows what they were doing behind there!!!  :nervous XD
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Offline diav

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #944 on: November 13, 2010, 04:53:15 AM »
lololol that was from Tsunku's blog!  I find it really weird how his wife's pregnant again.. THAT ASIDE, LET'S GET BACK TO 1444.
Company meeting and la la la the IshiYoshi combi make an appearance (I guess they wanted to say hello).  It makes me wonder how much interaction they have with Tsunku now since they're soloists.
I am hoping Tsunku will give them the 'OK' to make a h&A version of Mr. Moonlight. *_______________*  :yossi: :otomerika:

diav's strange fantasy...
Rika: Heehee heehee, let's say hi to Tsunku since he's here.
Yossy: B-butttt I wanna keep playing~~! >3<

Playing = I'll leave it up to your imagination.

Offline Jeshu_1444

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #945 on: November 13, 2010, 05:08:58 AM »
^ O.O  "PLAYING"!!!!!!!!!!!! jojojojojo  :fap XD
OMG a H&A version of Mr. Moonlight!!!!...that'd be AWESOME!!!!....I'm looking forward for a YESSS!!!  :twothumbs
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Offline Beecubed

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #946 on: November 15, 2010, 07:10:22 AM »
For the show with Yossy's message to Rika, Sara Sara Salad~
Translated by liLcazza and tackey over at HH~

Quote from: liLcazza + tackey
Male host: Actually, we have a message from Yossy.
Rika: You’re kidding, right?
Male host: We have received an actual message.
Rika: Eh?
Female host: Okay!
Male host: Let us read it now. Go ahead.
Female host: I’m reading it now!
The message: Rika-chan is the oldest one in our generation and she always pulled us together. She always arrived on scene earlier than everyone else, she’d properly check the videos after recordings and she’d properly remember the new songs’ choreography at home. She’s like that but on her days off, she’d always catch a cold. So does that mean you’re worrying even then (on your days off)? You don’t really show it on TV but Rika-chan is really a hard worker. From now on, in private and at work, continue to be my good friend. I hope you wont get sick on your days off anymore. –Yoshizawa Hitomi
Female host: What a great speech!
Male host: She’s really a good friend.
Rika: We’re really good friends! That surprised me though!
Male host: Oh, really?
Rika: This is quite shocking, I’m so happy. What should I do?
Male host: Well it’s because you’ve been with each other for 10 years.
Rika: I’m happy.
Male host: That’s why you’re such good friends with Yossy.
Rika: And now we’re adults so we can go out drinking together.
Male/Female host: That’s right.
Rika: Thankyou Yossy.

 :luvluv2: :nya: :k-inlove:

Thank you cazza for all your translations!  :bow:
Translations of IshiYoshi are even better than translations for just Rika alone, you know. xD

I so loved this... watching Rika's reaction to the message from Yossie... while it was read out and after, her response to it. OH MY GAH!  :wub:
Kawaiiii... all that smiling and the glint in her eyes; you could totally tell how much it meant to Rika! How much Yossie means to her!!!  :yep:

This is quite shocking, I’m so happy. What should I do?

^LOL. How you would respond to a sudden date proposal from a crush or something.  :grin:

Quote from: liLcazza@HH/JPHiP xD
My partner, Yossy is...

Doing muscle training

I smile whilst seeing the thing I must do when I think about it in my heart

That would be...

Whilst doing make-up...

My routine of...

Drinking Starbucks

The both of us are so contrasting (lol)

Well, both of us do things at our own pace

Those people coming to the event,

We're waiting~

I loved this entry!  :w00t:
Can totally imagine macho Yossie just training up those muscles while Rika watches on by with her Starbucks drink  XD

Rika seems to love to point out the fact that they go drinking. Heheee...

Fun times for the both of them, I bet  :nervous

Sorry, digging up past stuff again...

Sometimes I wonder we're all overanalyzing their "relationship" when they say certain things, but I'm convinced something was/is up after watching that episode of Shabekuri 007.  XD  I mean, Rika tells them that Yossy called her cute and Yossy is so unfazed by Rika telling them.  DID THEY OUT EACH OTHER?  It makes me wonder. ;D

I was too.

The most SUSS thing to me, was that whilst on the topic of Rika and boyfriends, WHY was there the need for Rika to bring up Yossie calling her cute? I didn't quite see the link... I felt like she was almost trying to divert the topic from boyfriends to Yossie and her, or at least back to the fact that Yossie appeared to like girls, as they had been investigating just earlier.

Rika probably trying to say: "Yossie, time to spill!" xD or... "Yossie's actually mine, girls!" .... hohohooo...

But rather than being unfazed, I think Yossie had a blank moment.. almost like... DID RIKA JUST TELL THEM... ??!!  :rofl:
I don't know, that's how I interpreted the initial lack of reaction from her... that might be just me though  :twisted:

This episode of Shabekuri was amazing. The entertainment value and the IshiYoshi value.

Did you also notice how while they were discussing the 'monster' children (Tsuji and Kago), Rika and Yossie had these looks...


Rika looking like she wanted to hide... Yossie bringing a hand to her neck like that... xD
It just made me laugh watching it for the first time. Papa and Mama feeling responsible for the kids?

Do you remember that Utaban episode where they had to write down the names of the people they wouldn't want to work with if MM was split into 2 groups (I think this was before Sakura and Otome gumi)?

Yossy wrote down Rika's name and Rika was so heartbroken by it.  Yossy's reason was that Rika was too girly and that Yossy's more suited for something in her own style (clothing- and personality-wise).  If I ever had the chance to meet them, I'd actually want to show them this clip and then ask them what's changed in so many years and why they're ok with working as a duo unit in hANGRY&ANGRY.

I don't think Yossie was EVER serious about all the Rika teasing. It was exactly as it was - teasing. I think many of us also speculated that after those tabloids came out about them 'dating', they then tried to maintain a distance from each other... at least, Yossie did openly. And the teasing came as a part of the deal to reinforce the fact that Yossie couldn't like Rika. Something like that?  XD

But I don't buy it. The main thing Yossie teased Rika about was her girliness, and how that would never work with Yossie; so during that Utaban episode (and also another time during a FUN episode, if I recall correctly) Yossie pretty much said they couldn't be together (work together) because they were too different and had different values and such...

And then we have...

Q: You two look like you always get a long, is there any times you don't get a long and how do you get over it?
A: Rika: "Ahhhhh....." Yossi: "NEVER FIGHTS. We been together for such a long time, so we really understand each other. It's more like a family."

So notice as the years went by and they matured, they went on to talk about how they never fight and that they really understand each other. If that's the case, then their apparent differences never were a problem to begin with. Yossie was just being a meanie because she could. XD

I actually think that Yossie is the type who won't get into any confrontations anyway, she seems like the kind of person who would try to avoid conflict as much as possible, and never argue with anybody because it's not worth the effort. Hehe.  :)

Offline Jeshu_1444

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #947 on: November 16, 2010, 01:05:57 AM »
^ I agree with all your ideas Beecubed!!!  :twothumbs
I fell in love with this :) ....I hope the owner doesn't get angry!  :nervous
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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #948 on: November 16, 2010, 10:13:04 PM »
I love your post Beecubed xD
and totally agree with everything ^^

There was such a fun time back when Yossie teased Rika and denied completely the fact that they're totally compatibles.
Yossie was only been a guy girl of her age at that time, instead of showing her love to the girl she liked by doing some thing nice to her or just been nice to her she just bug her XD   
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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #949 on: November 17, 2010, 03:07:27 AM »
I was too.

The most SUSS thing to me, was that whilst on the topic of Rika and boyfriends, WHY was there the need for Rika to bring up Yossie calling her cute? I didn't quite see the link... I felt like she was almost trying to divert the topic from boyfriends to Yossie and her, or at least back to the fact that Yossie appeared to like girls, as they had been investigating just earlier.

Rika probably trying to say: "Yossie, time to spill!" xD or... "Yossie's actually mine, girls!" .... hohohooo...

But rather than being unfazed, I think Yossie had a blank moment.. almost like... DID RIKA JUST TELL THEM... ??!!  :rofl:
I don't know, that's how I interpreted the initial lack of reaction from her... that might be just me though  :twisted:

This episode of Shabekuri was amazing. The entertainment value and the IshiYoshi value.

Did you also notice how while they were discussing the 'monster' children (Tsuji and Kago), Rika and Yossie had these looks...


Rika looking like she wanted to hide... Yossie bringing a hand to her neck like that... xD
It just made me laugh watching it for the first time. Papa and Mama feeling responsible for the kids?

So true.  It's like Rika purposely changed the topic to focus on Yossy more.  But yeah, the connection between boyfriends and Yossy calling her cute = ????  Or maybe Rika was making a point to tell everyone that, at 24 (at the time), she's still cute (take that, Sayu! lol).

However!  The other day, I came across this post on aramatheydidnt (LiveJournal community for jpop news) and it was basically about Gottsuan criticizing Tsunku.  Another member mentioned that Yossy said something similar about how she was put into the guy roles in Hello!Morning. In a way, I do believe that the "guyness" was thrust upon Yossy with the Mr. Moonlight single (and subsequently, the role of Ganko), despite the fact that Yossy is fairly girly (even by my standards... I am anything but girly ... sorta).  The thing with idols is that we rarely get to see what they're really like off-camera (even random candid videos don't necessarily depict what they're like -- as idols, as long as there's a camera, they'll probably put on an act).

Like Yossy mentioned in that Shabekuri 007 episode, given all those roles, I guess she was, in a way, thrust upon into this world of "liking" girls.  Whether it's a good or bad thing for her, I don't know, but, as idols, are they able to still be accepted in society if they "come out" (assuming their relationship is real)?  I am not familiar with homosexuality in Japan, but I doubt they'd come clean about it.  Why?  They have so many years ahead of them, career-wise.  Maybe one day, when they're old ladies (how cute, growing old together), they'll speak out about it.

//Sorry, I went off on a tangent, just something I thought I'd throw out there.

With regards to the 'monster' children, it seriously bothers me how they never say Aibon's name at all.  NEVER.  Why is that?  Everyone knows about her scandals, so clearly saying her name won't do anyone harm -- unless, they're not saying it to not bring up the scandals.  Either way, the monsters were pretty monstrous.  In a way, I think Rika and Yossy's reactions were more of a "Ehehe, let's move onto something else to talk about, ne?"

I don't think Yossie was EVER serious about all the Rika teasing. It was exactly as it was - teasing. I think many of us also speculated that after those tabloids came out about them 'dating', they then tried to maintain a distance from each other... at least, Yossie did openly. And the teasing came as a part of the deal to reinforce the fact that Yossie couldn't like Rika. Something like that?  XD

But I don't buy it. The main thing Yossie teased Rika about was her girliness, and how that would never work with Yossie; so during that Utaban episode (and also another time during a FUN episode, if I recall correctly) Yossie pretty much said they couldn't be together (work together) because they were too different and had different values and such...
What surprises me the most is the Yossy-Rika interactions, especially in the oogiri word games on Hello!Morning.  Even if they were keeping their distance in the public eye, their compatibility in oogiri amazes me.  It's not even scripted, yet their responses are so instant and natural.

What sorta bothered me is that during the very last Utaban (The Music Hour) ep, they didn't even bother to talk to OG much!  I mean, a nice "Oh Yossy, you haven't been on Utaban (The Music Hour) since 2007, how's life? What's up with you? What are you doing now?" "Oh? I'm in h&A with Rika now~~ And I'm jogging." would've been nice.  Instead, it was like, what 2 minutes of OG on screen. =___=;;

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #950 on: November 17, 2010, 03:59:23 AM »
about how much control Tsunku himself had in anything is still debatable now

some people say it's that other name i just can't remember right now who's in charge...

in Japan, as far as i know (meaning: as far as my students have told me) homosexuality is tolerated individually but not socially...

so like many individual people would say they accept it when they are with friends but when asked among more unfamiliar people, they would take an opposing stand.

i've been told several times ago that if IshiYoshi does come out gay, it would be career suicide for them... i'll talk more later


Offline diav

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #951 on: November 17, 2010, 04:27:56 AM »
about how much control Tsunku himself had in anything is still debatable now

some people say it's that other name i just can't remember right now who's in charge...

in Japan, as far as i know (meaning: as far as my students have told me) homosexuality is tolerated individually but not socially...

so like many individual people would say they accept it when they are with friends but when asked among more unfamiliar people, they would take an opposing stand.

i've been told several times ago that if IshiYoshi does come out gay, it would be career suicide for them... i'll talk more later


Oh yeah, I forgot about the controlling mastermind behind H!P.  I found the arama post about it, if anyone wants to read it.  I was pretty surprised by a lot of things in the article since I was late to the game, but it should be no surprise for people who have been into H!P since its beginnings.

In a way, I think that's how people normally react homosexuality, regardless of which country you're in.  It takes some time for the "news" to sink in.  But I was under the assumption that Japan was similar to China's conservatism when it comes to sensitive topics like this.  I could be wrong though.  (Note: my assumption is also biased because, although I may be Chinese, I don't care about your sexuality!  But my parents do... and they're fairly traditional when it comes to this sort of stuff, hence I just sort of assumed that's how most Asians are like.)

I would think so too, if they do come out, it'd be BYE BYE FAME.  Flipside is that if they come out, they'll get a popularity boost (well, depends on how you look at it, 1444 wotas will go nuts but the rest of the world? Not so much).

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #952 on: November 17, 2010, 06:31:32 AM »
also, i think although 1444 wota will be happy, not all Yossy fans and Rikacchan fans will be happy, i think

if i remember right, when hangry and angry first came out, even some english-speaking-netizens weren't very happy because of the lesbian undertones of the project...

of course as long as they're maintaining that the lesbian undertones are only within the project and not personally between them, their individual japanese supporters will be supporting them... when it moves out of that box, i don't know


i do think that there is a higher power in UF protecting rikacchan and yossy from scandals and shit like that... but IshiYoshi coming out would be like Aibon going out with that older man.

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #953 on: November 17, 2010, 07:01:42 PM »
also, i think although 1444 wota will be happy, not all Yossy fans and Rikacchan fans will be happy, i think

if i remember right, when hangry and angry first came out, even some english-speaking-netizens weren't very happy because of the lesbian undertones of the project...

of course as long as they're maintaining that the lesbian undertones are only within the project and not personally between them, their individual japanese supporters will be supporting them... when it moves out of that box, i don't know


i do think that there is a higher power in UF protecting rikacchan and yossy from scandals and shit like that... but IshiYoshi coming out would be like Aibon going out with that older man.

Yeah, I was thinking about how the individual Rika and individual Yossy fans would feel about that if the relationship was real.  It's interesting to see how the fanbase can be so divided over h&A, but be so collective when they worship the two individually.

Is there really a higher power out there in UFA?  I've heard rumours about Reina being in a relationship a few years back, but it was all sorted out because UFA couldn't afford to lose Reina as a vocalist in MM.  Regardless of who you are as an idol and what company you're part of, I think it's difficult for any of them to avoid "scandals" (however you define the term).

Given Aibon's case, I blame UFA for that.  To have two initially camera-shy girls become mischievous and rowdy, I can't help but think that UFA is the reason why Aibon "strayed from the holy idol path".  Tsuji is a different case with her shotgun wedding and pregnancy (less scandalous, in my mind, since society is more accepting of pre-marital sex).

Going back to IshiYoshi, whether the relationship is real or not, I think they've got great chemistry "on-screen", but sometimes, as fans, we just tend to wonder more about it...

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #954 on: November 22, 2010, 04:09:23 AM »
^reminds me of the gackt story, how he married a korean chick and fans went ballistic, he had to ditch her

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #955 on: December 02, 2010, 05:48:12 AM »
Totally irrelevant to 1444, but I noticed I got 1444 thanks.  And Youjok was the one who made it reach 1444. XD  :theking


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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #956 on: December 02, 2010, 12:37:00 PM »
Totally irrelevant to 1444, but I noticed I got 1444 thanks.  And Youjok was the one who made it reach 1444. XD  :theking


:lol: good good 1444GJ :otomerika: :yossi: :heart:

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #957 on: December 13, 2010, 04:05:46 PM »
I meant to reply to this earlier, remember we were swapping replies about this scene? a bit of research for discourse, yeah?

Did you also notice how while they were discussing the 'monster' children (Tsuji and Kago), Rika and Yossie had these looks...


Rika looking like she wanted to hide... Yossie bringing a hand to her neck like that... xD
It just made me laugh watching it for the first time. Papa and Mama feeling responsible for the kids?

Rika, bent and curled up:
1) "Language of closure
Closure literally closes the body up. It may range from a slight bringing together of the limbs to curled up into a tight ball. Extreme cases may also include rhythmic rocking of the body to and fro.
When we feel threatened, our body language becomes defensive. We use closure to place the barriers of our arms and legs across in front of us to defend ourselves from attack. When we close, we also make our body smaller, reducing the size of the target. When we tuck our chin down, we are protecting the exposed throat.
We also may be signaling to the other person that we are not a threat to them. Thus the held-in arms shows that we are not attacking and looking away from them removes aggressive staring.
In a variant of this, particularly where the person is holding themselves, a closed position may indicate self-nurturing. The person is effectively holding or hugging themselves in an imitation of a parent or other caring person.
Closing also may serve the purpose of hiding something that we do not want the other person to see. Holding the body still prevents it from betraying our thoughts. Looking away prevents the other person from seeing our expression that may show dislike or lying."

2) "Rubbing the finger alongside the nose can indicate disagreement."

3) "Becoming small
One way of defending against attack is to reduce the size of the target. People may thus huddle into a smaller position, keeping their arms and legs in."

This is my basis for Yossie, hand clamped or touching back of neck:
"There are also major muscles at the side and back of the neck and rubbing or squeezing these indicates tension, which may well be anxiety.
Suddenly grabbing the back of the neck can be a displacement activity for anger, as if the person raises their hand to strike then has to do something to restrain it. A neck-grab can also be a sign of shock or surprise as if the person is pulling their head back and grabbing it to suppress the reaction."

Which brings us to the question of Rika in the Mr Moonlight fangirling vid:

"Neck stroking: The neck is one of a woman's most sensitive and erogenous zones and touching it will attract a man's attention. Why does this work? Well, apparently, men are attracted to soft smooth female skin and the neck is the most socially acceptable to display. Smooth skin is a reliable indicator of both youth and health - critical factors when a male is "hunting" a mate. The neck is also a very sensitive part of the female body and touching it stimulates a gentle, soothing and loving sensation."

So either she's annoyed, or attracted to the cameraman, or maybe those curled locks are just plain irritating and she was scratching.

« Last Edit: December 13, 2010, 08:36:09 PM by gracula »

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #958 on: December 15, 2010, 02:51:22 PM »
IshiYoshi and Morning Musume >_<

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Offline Jeshu_1444

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Re: [Misc] The Official ~Ishiyoshi is Love~ Thread
« Reply #959 on: December 15, 2010, 05:20:44 PM »
^ OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:
YOSSIE WEARING A THUMB RING???????????  :shocked
Has she come OUT for REAL?????  :shock:
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