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Author Topic: Another day at H!P  (Read 92771 times)

Offline erink

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Another day at H!P
« Reply #20 on: July 16, 2006, 09:09:16 PM »
 Mari stood in the hallway holding Miki's soccer ball in her right hand. Tsuji was a little bit behind her leaning up against the wall. Miki strode towards them and took the ball of of Mari's hands. Miki continued walking down the hall towards the stairs. She didn't look back but could tell that they where all staring at her. Mari and Tsuji with delight, and Ishikawa with confusion.

Offline erink

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Another day at H!P
« Reply #21 on: July 16, 2006, 09:29:51 PM »

 Mari and Tsuji were left with Ishikawa after Miki's departure. They both looked her up and down, and then went on down the hall towards Tusji's room.  All while smilling of course. Tsuji paused for a moment fumbling with the handle. The two walked inside.
"Just be a sec." Tsuji said as she made her way to her bedroom, dodging piles of clothes and other various objects. She put her one hand against the wall to balance herself as she steped over a particularly large pile of magazines.
Mari took a look around the room.  She moved over to the sofa. It didn't particularly look like a sofa, in fact the only reason Mari knew it was there was becuase she vaguley reacalled the layout of the room from a time when it was clean. She shoved various food wrappers and containers over to one side of the couch. With a look of mild disgust Mari started to swat away some of the crumbs with her hand.
"Tsuji!" She yelled.
She heard some random thuds and general sounds of movement coming from Tsuji's room.
"It looks like a bomb went off in here!"
The sounds stoped momentarily.
"No, just that M-80."
The sounds started again. Mari chuckled as she lowered herself down onto the cushin. A few minutes later Tsuji returned.
"Lets go!"

Offline erink

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Another day at H!P
« Reply #22 on: July 16, 2006, 09:57:33 PM »

 Miki stood in the parking lot, about 12 feet away from the wall. She was kicking the soccerball so hard that the repeated force off hitting the concrete was starting to deform it. It had only been a few minutes, but she was already working up a sweat. "Damn!" Thud. "You!" Thud. "Tsunku!!" Thud. Bang. Crash.  In Hello Pro it was commonplace to blame Tsunku for all your problems. Because in one way or another, he was essentially responsible. If he passed you in an audition, then he was the reason you were here. If you were here and encountered a problem of some sort, therefore it was his fault. Looking back on it, this morning was pretty much all Miki's fault. But Miki wasn't going to blame herself anytime soon. So Tsunku it was. Miki stood with her hand on her hip. She knew what she was going to see if she turned around, but did none the less. That last crash, that followed the bang, was the soccer ball hitting a car's windshield. She put her arms up in the air and brought them down on top of her head. She sighed. Out of the corner of her eye she realized she wasn't alone. She turned her head a bit to see Korenaga. Unfortunately for Korenaga, she was the plain Jane thrown into life with the idols. But sometimes, she managed to look quite attractive. This was one of those times. She stood at the other end of the parking lot, with a pair of jeans on and a grey longsleved shirt. Her messenger bag was hanging off her left shoulder, filled with books and various other supplies a university student would need. Korenaga essentially just played on the futsal team, but the management had given her the option to live in the building. She took it. It was just logical. University was expensive enough, and not having to rent an appartment and buy meals was a great thing for her. Some how Korenaga managed to stay normal even though she lived with all of them. She kept the mindset of your average girl, which was a breathe of fresh air. The ball made its way to the other end of the lot where she poped it into the air and caught it. She started lightly tossing it into the air and catching it. Miki looked away from her.
"You okay?" she asked as she made her way to where Miki was standing.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"Oh, alright." There was an awkward pause. The one Miki knew that she was lying but didn't know if she should push the subject, and the other Miki didn't want to talk about what was bothering her.
"Well, I'll be around. I only have one class later if you want to get a game started."
Korenaga tossed Miki the ball and made her way into the apartment.Just as she was about to step inside Miki called out to her.
"Hey, how many lesbian jokes do you know?"
Korenaga had a look of sheer confusion on her face. The question completely threw her off and she made no attempt to hide it.
"Um, what?"
"Nothing, you'll find out soon enough."
With that Korenaga closed the door.

Offline erink

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Another day at H!P
« Reply #23 on: July 16, 2006, 10:19:41 PM »

It was a nice day in the city. It was quite warm out, but a nice breeze was present. Most of the windows in the building were open, and sunlight shone into Nakazawa's room. She was just doing various things around the apartment when she heard some thuds on her wall. She paused for a moment realizing that it couldn't be a drunk member stumbling home. Becuase she wasn't out there drunk and stumbling home. She didn't give it much thought, and didn't care enough to check. She took a look around her apartment. It was clean and modern. Mostly what you'd expect from her. She figured she would leave a little early for the practice of Tomadoi no Nichiyoubi to enjoy the weather. On her way to the parking lot she ran into Kei. They made plans to go out drinking later with some other girls, most likely Kaori, Nacchi, and Mari. In the middle of their conversation she heard a crash. After saying goodbye to Kei she passed the futsal pkayer and they exchanged 'Good mornings'. She seems like a nice girl Yuuko thought as she opened the door the to parking lot. When Yuuko looked out she saw Miki standing next to one of the cars, which had a smashed windshield, holding a soccer ball. Yuuko surveyed the scene a little bit more but found nothing of interest. Yuuko started walking towards her.
"If anyone asks, an egg did it." Miki said still looking at the car.
Yuuko clicked her tougne.
"Yeah, just last week one of those bastards broke my toaster.'
Yuuko stared at the car with Miki for a minute. Then she turned on her heel and walked out of the parking lot.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2006, 10:22:26 PM by erink »

Offline erink

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Another day at H!P
« Reply #24 on: July 16, 2006, 10:43:27 PM »

 Yoshizawa finished dressing. After her rude awakening earlier she imediately got something to eat and jumped in the shower. After puting on her adidas, she closed the door and headed off to Ayaka's room. When she was closing her door she saw Miki walking towards her room.
"Hey" she called out.
Miki returned greeting.
"You okay?" Yossie asked.
Miki looked up at her. Her hand was resting on the doornob. For a while she didn't say anything and they just looked at each other.
"Yeah, I'll be fine."
"But you're not fine now"
"Well, yeah, I guess thats implied when you say 'will be''
"Listen," Yossie started but was cut off by Miki
" everything will be okay, they'll forget about it in a little while, they're just doing it to get me angry, give me a taste of my own medicine, I shouldn't let it bother me, and I could talk to you about it if I need to."
"Actually, I was going to tell you that those pants make your ass look huge, but yeah okay. The other stuff works, I guess."
Miki looked at her and then burst into a grin. Yossie did too. Yossie was pretty sure everyhting was going to be okay, and the truth about all of this would come out and people would move on.
"Later." Yossie said as she started walking down the hall.
"Yeah, later" Miki closed the door.

Offline erink

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Another day at H!P
« Reply #25 on: July 16, 2006, 11:03:50 PM »

 Mari and Tsuji made their way around Tokyo. The two had hit some of their favorite stores, and only fought over one pair of earrings. It was a good day. They stopped for lunch sometime around 3.
"So how's practice been?"
"Not bad. Hard to get Yossie and them to show up with the play. Mighta lost because of it."
"Ah, it happens."
The two were oddly calm disscussing subjects like this. Usually it was off the wall, all the time. But lately, Tsuji had been uncharecteristically mature at sometime. Sometimes.
They paid the bill inbetween the conversation. After sharing a laugh, at Miki's expense of course, Tsuji started talking.
"Hey Mari..."
"Huh?" Mari looked up, a little shocked to see Tsuji's serious expresion.
"Thanks for hanging out with me lately. I know I can be annoying and stuff but..." She trailed off looking back down at the table.
"Non, listen, I really want you to know that"
Mari was cutoff. Tsuji stood up, shedding the serious tone and look.
"Come on, we need to get supplies before the movie."
"Ah, Nono, I"
"Let's go, we need to hurry!"
" for what?"
"I've been thinking, its been awhile since there was mass confusion and all out war at home. So we need to go get some supplies."
Mari stood up and followed Tsuji. Mari realized why Tsuji cut her off. She knew what Mari would say to her, and obviously didn't want to talk about the subject anymore.

Offline erink

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Another day at H!P
« Reply #26 on: July 16, 2006, 11:36:39 PM »

 Asami was in the parking lot. It was such a beautiful night that she went out to skateboard. She decided to just stay in the parking lot seeing as most of the cars were gone, and she had a perfect veiw of the stars. After she got going, Asami fell into her habbit of looking up at the sky while riding, she then fell onto the ground. While on her back she continued looking up at the sky.
"You're not in the middle of Hokkaido anymore. Don't act like a bumpkin!"
She stayed on the ground, but sat up wrapping her arms around her knees and looking over to the group of people. It was Kei that had spoken.
"You keep doing stuff like that and you're going to get hurt!" she continued.
"She's going to get hurt? It was me she ran into!" Kaori protested.
"Sorry, bad habbit. It's just so nice out."
"You sure you ok? You got this really space-y look on ya. Making me thinking you went star gazing one to many times." Yuuko added.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Honest. What are you guys up to?"
"What we're always up to." Yuuko said.
"Making life hell on the younger girls?" Nacchi ventured.
"No." Yuuko denied flatly.
"Fading into obsucrity?" Kei asked.
Yuuko crossed her arms.
"Planing to overthrow management?" Asami questioned.
"No. We're doing that Thursday."
"Using Koharu as target practice?" Kaori wondered.
"No. Lost the bat."
"Ah! Trying to get girls from other agencies Friday'd?"
"No. Although, maybe later."
Everyone was out of questions. Jokes like this were best and most common with this group.
Yuuko unfloded her arms. She then took on the voice of a typical, rowdy teenager.
"We're gonna get wasted!" She threw her arms up into the air and leaned back. The girls laughed and were on their way. Asami stood up, brushed the dirt off of her, and looked back up at the stars.

Offline freya86

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Another day at H!P
« Reply #27 on: July 17, 2006, 10:53:38 AM »
Quote from: erink

"What we're always up to." Yuuko said.
"Making life hell on the younger girls?" Nacchi ventured.
"No." Yuuko denied flatly.
"Fading into obsucrity?" Kei asked.
Yuuko crossed her arms.
"Planing to overthrow management?" Asami questioned.
"No. We're doing that Thursday."
"Using Koharu as target practice?" Kaori wondered.
"No. Lost the bat."
"Ah! Trying to get girls from other agencies Friday'd?"
"No. Although, maybe later."
Everyone was out of questions. Jokes like this were best and most common with this group.
Yuuko unfloded her arms. She then took on the voice of a typical, rowdy teenager.
"We're gonna get wasted!" She threw her arms up into the air and leaned back. The girls laughed and were on their way. Asami stood up, brushed the dirt off of her, and looked back up at the stars.

Seriously, that last part had me absolutely cracking up!!! Best . thing . ever!!! *giggle*

// renai revolution ~ a j-pop/h!p slash community~ // yuko . kei . aika . koha . kanna . nacchi //

Offline Mikan

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Another day at H!P
« Reply #28 on: July 17, 2006, 01:20:03 PM »
Quote from: freya86
Seriously, that last part had me absolutely cracking up!!! Best . thing . ever!!! *giggle*

You're a Yuko fan, arent you?

Yeah that bit got me too!

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline freya86

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« Reply #29 on: July 17, 2006, 01:57:37 PM »
Quote from: Mikan
You're a Yuko fan, arent you?

Yep, guilty :P

// renai revolution ~ a j-pop/h!p slash community~ // yuko . kei . aika . koha . kanna . nacchi //

Offline erink

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Another day at H!P
« Reply #30 on: July 21, 2006, 09:56:37 PM »

"Where's Mari?" Yuuko asked looking into her beer.
"Out with Nono." Kei told her
"She's always out with Nono! We can't even go drinking together anymore!"
"Well she's just looking out for her." Kaori said.
"You know what pisses me off?" Yuuko continued. "Everyone thinks I'm mean. I'm not mean. I'm actually very nice. But people like Mari steal my opprotunities to show how nice I am. She's such a bitch!"
The girls at the table started to giggle as Yuuko chuged down the rest of her drink.
"It's not funny! I'm really really nice. I'm nice. Honest." Yuuko was pouting and looking down at the table. She seemed to have said what she wanted to say about that because her next statement was this
"Where! Are! My! Chicken Breasts!"
Kei, Kaori, and Nacchi just looked up at her. Nacchi put her face down on the table and Kaori threw her head back in laughter. The other people in the bar that weren't drunk yet were a little shocked at the well dressed womans angry yelling, but the regulars expected this and let it go.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2006, 05:18:05 AM by erink »

Offline erink

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Another day at H!P
« Reply #31 on: July 21, 2006, 09:59:17 PM »

Miki looked at the bottle in her hand.
"Oh, Jack. You're my only real friend. You'd never say those things about me."
At the end of this statement Miki took a large swig from the bottle of Jack Daniels. She had already finnished her stash of beer and had moved onto the harder stuff. There she sat in her room drinking herself into oblivion at 2 in the morning.

Offline erink

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Another day at H!P
« Reply #32 on: July 21, 2006, 10:31:00 PM »
Morning Day 2

The girls were down at breakfast like normal. Yuuko sat at the long table again with coffe. She wasn't doing much. Just staring at the coffee with a blank expression. Kei sat across from her holding both hands to her head. Neither said anything. About ten minutes later Kaori walked into the cafeteria. At least, it sort of resembled a walk. About three feet in the room, Kaori, in what was possibly her most graceful display ever, tripped on her own two feet. She landed face down on the tile floor. A moan, similar to one from those b list zombie movies, came from her, but other than that there was no movement. About five minutes after that Fujimoto made her way into the room. She paused momentarily at Kaori. It looked as though she was unsure how to get by the fallen leader. She stood there for the better part of 3 minutes and finally side steped. She then slowly sat her self down next to Kei. Yuuko looked up.
"u..." she trailed off and held up two fingers.
This small exchange caused both pain and all decided it was best just to leave it. Goto came in next. She surveyed the scene. She took a step over Kaori and went over to the long table. Before she even got there she could tell how extensive the damage was. Kei was gently swaying back and forth. Yuuko was wide-eyed and staring at nothing in particular, and Fujimoto had her arms dangling at her sides, head back, mouth open, staring at the celling with only one eye open. She leaned in and tried not to make any sudden movements.
"Nacchi. Where?" she whispered and kept her sentences short so not to hurt them.
The unintelligebile reponse cam from Yuuko.
"she was with you right? She" Maki was cut off by a high pitched sound effect that was similar to the sound a cat would make if it was trying to ride a flaming unicycle while playing a tamborine. Not like anyone would know what that would sound like.It came from Kaori. The cafeteria was filled with laughter once again this morning. Just as Maki was about to ask again, Abe stumbled her way into the room. She was wide-eyed and had some leafs and twigs sticking out of her hair and only had one high heel on.
"Where were you?" Maki asked.
"In a shrub about three blocks back."
she seemed to be pretty alert and was speaking clearly. Abe had found herself in much more ridicoulus situations previously after nights out with the girls. She learned to pace herself and got the ability to recover quickly.
"Stop moving."
"I'm not."
"You only have one shoe." Goto said pointing down to her feet.
"Yeah. I do."
They both looked at her feet in silence.
"Are they my shoes?"
"Yeah. they are. Well it is. The other one" she trailed off.
"Oh. They weren't mine anyways." Goto couldn't recall who the original owner was. Oh well.
"Why does Kei have a chopstick stuck to her forehead?"
"I don't know."
Goto decided it was best to let them get some rest, or food, whatever they needed to become functioning humans once again.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2006, 10:49:19 PM by erink »

Offline erink

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Another day at H!P
« Reply #33 on: July 21, 2006, 10:40:24 PM »
Morning day 2

Yaguchi was skipping down the hall. She made her way into the cafeteria and piled food on a plate. All while singing.
"Oh!!! such a beautiful morning!" she was making lyrics up as she went along.
"woah waoh Takahashi! you're so boring" she got a confused look from Takahashi. Mari then spun around and did some fancy footwork until she reached the long table.
"Goooodd morning!"
"Aghhh, whats so good about it?" Yuuko put her head down on the table.
"Is that eggs, wit bacon, pancakes, donuts, and fruit?" Kei asked.
Mari looked down at the plate.
"Yeah it is."
Kei imediately fell off her chair and did what could probably be considered a run when  you are that drunk straight out the door. Mari shrugged. She moved over to Kei seat, pausing to stand on tiptoe and look at Fujimoto. She blinked a few times when she realized Mari was standing over her, but other than that, nothing. Mari sat down and dug in.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2006, 10:48:44 PM by erink »

Offline erink

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Another day at H!P
« Reply #34 on: July 21, 2006, 10:48:17 PM »
Morning day 2.

Yossie looked around the cafeteria. As leader, it was her responsibility to take care of them. Even if the had senority on her. She started with Iida. Her size made it somewhat difficult for Yossie to do anything, so she decided she would come back to her later. She got a glass of cold water, and made her way over to Miki. She threw the water up onto Miki who was still inspecting the ceiling. Some of the water went into her open mouth and she started to cough. Miki looked down.
"Pretty typhoon....pretty typhoon BAM!" Yuuko jerked her head up when she heard bam. Nacchi let out a scream.
Yossie smiled.
"You guys look better already."
« Last Edit: July 22, 2006, 10:47:37 PM by erink »

Offline Mikan

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Another day at H!P
« Reply #35 on: July 22, 2006, 06:29:16 AM »
Ah, Im gonna be sick. I laughed to much and I just finished eating. Oh god, Nacchi's entrance was fab!

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline freya86

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Another day at H!P
« Reply #36 on: July 22, 2006, 01:09:23 PM »
OMG, you actually included the chicken breasts!!! *rofl* I love you for that!!!
I simply couldn't stop laughing through all of this :D
« Last Edit: July 22, 2006, 11:15:11 PM by freya86 »

// renai revolution ~ a j-pop/h!p slash community~ // yuko . kei . aika . koha . kanna . nacchi //

Offline Elle_Driver

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Another day at H!P
« Reply #37 on: July 22, 2006, 01:33:27 PM »
Yeah, me too! While I was reading "chicken breast" and "pretty typhoon" I couldn't hold myself anymore and bursted out laughing. :D
Your story is awesome! ;)

Offline erink

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Another day at H!P
« Reply #38 on: July 22, 2006, 10:55:04 PM »
Night Day 2

"Mari!!! It's not my fault, its the meds. Got me all hopped up. I didn't know she'd react like THAT!"
"Nono! You're not supposed to be popping them like tic-tacs!"
"But it hurt!"
"What did you say to her?"
"Well I might have sort of"
 Mari's jaw dropped when Tsuji finnished telling her. She stared at her for a minute in shock.
"Tsuji! Why the hell would you say that!?"
Mari put her elbows on her knees and put her face in her hands.
"Well obviously we need to fix it."
"I know Mari."
"Agh, if the fall didn't kill you i just might! Now come on!"

Offline erink

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Another day at H!P
« Reply #39 on: July 22, 2006, 10:57:40 PM »
Night Day 2

Miki slammed her door shut and tossed her bag at the wall. She went over to her bed and threw herself down face first. She layed like that for awhile. To angry to do anything else.

"Miki!" Thud. Thud. Thud.

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