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Author Topic: Another day at H!P  (Read 92803 times)

Offline erink

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Another day at H!P
« Reply #40 on: July 22, 2006, 11:02:43 PM »
Night Day 2

"Oi! the doctor told you to rest!" Nacchi yelled at Tsuji.
"I'll rest after this, I swear!"
Nacchi shot Mari a questioning look.
"You better."
Tsuji had grabbed her crutches and went with Mari towards Fujimoto's room. She was still adjusting to using them, but she was moving good enough.
"Nono , I swear, I'm gonna kill you" Mari yelled back to her as she stormed down the hall.
Tsuji let out a high pitched whine.
"You'll have to beat Miki to it."
 Finally the reached Miki's door. Which was good because Tsuji probably couldn't have went much farther.
"Miki!" Thud. Thud. Thud.

Offline erink

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Night Day 2
« Reply #41 on: July 22, 2006, 11:07:42 PM »
Miki didn't respond. She hoped there was some off posibility that they would leave her alone. Miki was furious, and the last thing she wanted to do was something she couldn't take back. She knew she had to stay in control. The knocking and yelling continued.
"Hi, this is Miki. I'm not home right now but if you leave your name and message after the beep, I'll be sure to get back to you."
Miki paused.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2006, 11:14:33 PM by erink »

Offline freya86

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Another day at H!P
« Reply #42 on: July 22, 2006, 11:21:03 PM »
Wow, what did Tsuji do???

// renai revolution ~ a j-pop/h!p slash community~ // yuko . kei . aika . koha . kanna . nacchi //

Offline erink

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Night Day 2
« Reply #43 on: July 22, 2006, 11:23:29 PM »
" Hi Miki, it's Nono. I was just AHH"
Tsuji was elbowed very sharply by Mari.
"You are absolutely ridiculous. You know that?"
Mari looked back at the door.
"Miki! Open up! We need to talk!"
"Miki!" Knock. Knock."Open the door!"
Mari realized this wouldn't get them anywhere. She looked at Tsuji.
"We need to get in."
"Lets just climb over from the balcony."
"Yeah, thats a good one. Better yet why don't we just teleport."
Tsuji was staring back at. The gears were turning but she still couldn't figure out why her idea wouldn't work.
"How are we gonna do that? It's high. I'm not plumiting to my death before a solo release! You can barely move like it is. You can't climb over!"
Tsuji paused in deep thought. She looked at Mari, and then at the door. She repeated this about 3 times.
"Lets kick it down."
"under 150cm, but were gonna kick the fucking door down. Tsuji! come on, work with me here. The door is twice the size of us, and you can't! You shouldn't even be up out of bed!"
Mari put her hands on her hips.
"Promise me you won't elbow me again."
"I'm not making any garentees. But I'll try."
"The storage room."
Mari smiled. She lifted up her arm. Tsuji pulled back. Mari patted her on the head.
"Thats what I'm talking about! Come on!"
Mari started off down the hall. She stopped and turned around.
"Er...on second thought. Stay here."
« Last Edit: July 22, 2006, 11:44:20 PM by erink »

Offline erink

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Night Day 2
« Reply #44 on: July 22, 2006, 11:43:33 PM »
There was a knock on the door.
"Coming!" Niigaki yelled as she hopped up from the couch. She opened the door. When Niigaki looked up she was shocked. Actually she was a lot of things. Shocked, worried, confused, a little hungry. The list went on. All she could do was hold the door and look at the two of them with wide eyes. Tsuji was in her wheelchair. Under normal circumstances Niigaki would have imediately asked her how she was and if she needed something. But Niigaki had the feeling this wasn't a normal circumstance. The feeling came from the fact that Mari was holding a saw.

Offline erink

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Night day 2
« Reply #45 on: July 22, 2006, 11:50:54 PM »
It was quiet. Too quiet. Miki felt uneasy. This couldn't be good. They gave up to quick. Miki's anger was quickly being replaced with nervousness as time ticked by. She wasn't the type to get nervous. But this was different. Miki looked around the room. After another 10 minutes of waiting for something to happen she gave up and sighed. Things'll be fine she told herself. She eased up against the wall and rested her head and back up against it as she sat on the bed. A mechanic hum started coming from Niigaki's room. Well thats a little soothing in an odd way Miki thought. The hum continued to get louder and louder. There was a war cry like yell.
"Oh, fuck." Miki said quite calmly.

Offline erink

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Night Day 2
« Reply #46 on: July 22, 2006, 11:58:20 PM »
Niigaki stepped aside. Mari and Tsuji made their way into the room. The both stopped in front of the right wall. Niigaki was freaking out, but tried to play it cool
"Uh, Guys" any chance of playing it cool was completely thrown out the window when she opened her mouth. Her voice was shaky and lacking in confidence.
"why do you have a saw?"
The pair ingnored her. The three of them stood there for a few minutes. Mari and Tsuji gazed at the wall. I should do something shouldn't I? Niigaki thought to herself. As she was trying to throw together a plan of action, Mari calmly crouched down and pluged the saw into the socket. Niigaki couldn't do anything but watch as Mari calmly flicked the switch on. Slowly she moved the saw closer to the wall.
"Gggguys" Niigaki wondered if they could even hear her. Suddenly Mari let out a yell, like a soldier about to make a charge into enemy lines in one of those epic movies.

Offline erink

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Night Day 2
« Reply #47 on: July 23, 2006, 12:04:16 AM »
Miki imediately jumped off the bed.
"Holy hell!" Miki could do nothing but stare at the wall in shock as a saw made its was through. Miki stood there randomly yelling out and throwing a cruse in there every now and then for good measure. Soon a crude rectangle about 2 feet wide and 3 feet long was being cut out of her wall. Miki jumped back and fell on the floor as the square came out of the wall. On the other side was Mari, the upper half  of Tsuji's hair, and an absolutely terrified Niigaki, who looked like she was going to be sick.

Offline erink

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Night Day 2
« Reply #48 on: July 23, 2006, 12:24:20 AM »
"We need to talk" Mari stated calmly.
"I own a phone you know! The fuck. My wall!"
Miki was still in shock. This had to go down as one of the most ridiculous things that had ever happened. Even higher than ecomoni. Nobody could explain that. Especially not Miki.
"Miki. We're a group. It's like a family.  So you need to tell us what's wrong right now."
"Well, why don't we start with Nono." Miki yelled up at Mari. She was still on the floor. After Miki said that, part of Tsuji made her way into the recently installed window. She had both her arms on the bottom, trying to lift herself into veiw. Miki felt a little bad seeing the injured girl struggle, especially with her casted arm in clear veiw.
"I'm really sorry Miki. I am. Honest." Miki looked at her. It was true, she did look sorry.
"Good. You two are o.k." Mari said. "So now can we  get to whats really bothering you. Ever since yesterday you've been werid. It's not like you."
"Listen, I'm okay. And I could have told you that through the door."

Offline erink

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Night Day 2
« Reply #49 on: July 23, 2006, 12:29:10 AM »
Yossie was beat. Rehersals and concerts were starting to take a toll on her. She tossed herself down on the couch. Just as she was closing her eyes and relaxing she heard something."You know, thats funny. Kinda sounds like a saw or something." Yossie got up. There was probably a 5% chance that this was a good thing.

Offline Elle_Driver

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Another day at H!P
« Reply #50 on: July 23, 2006, 12:53:06 AM »
HOLY! What's going on there? What did Tsuji say and what did Miki do? :o
This is so suspenseful, you really tease us!

Imo one of the funniest parts:
"Even higher than ecomoni." <--- Bwahahaha :D :lol:

Offline erink

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Night day 2
« Reply #51 on: July 23, 2006, 01:59:10 AM »
Yossie stepped outside her room to see an obviously distressed Niigaki sitting on the floor. Takahashi was trying her best to comfort her, but she wasn't getting anywhere.
"And then they just just"
Yossie went over to them.
"Whats going on?"
"They cut a hole in my wall"
Yossie put her arms on her hips.
"Did you get a permit?"
Niigagki looked up, absolutely horrified.
"Its in the contract, you need to get it approved if you're going to make a change like that to your appartment. You got one righ? Don't tell me you didn't get one"
"What!? I didn't know! I didn't even..The wall!!"
Sometimes it was just too easy.
"Relax! Relax! I'm just kidding. What happened?"
"There's a hole! There is a huge hole in my wall! Right there in the wall there is a hole!"
Yossie brought one hand up to her chin and stroked it.
"So this hole, you're trying to tell me its in your wall,correct?"
Niigaki looked like she was about to combust.
"Relax. Relax. I'll go take care of it."
Just as Yossie was about to open the door Mari and Tsuji came out.
"Whats going on?" Yossie asked calmly.
"Nothing" Mari said, saw in hand."Everything okay now. Or at least it will be in a little while."
"Well, alright."
"Come on Nono, you need to go rest."
The three watched them disapper. Yossie paused for a moment and then walked into Niigaki's room. She stopped infront of the hole and put her arms back on her hips.
"So where's this hole I'm looking for?"
« Last Edit: July 07, 2007, 01:43:17 AM by erink »

Offline erink

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Night Day 2
« Reply #52 on: July 23, 2006, 02:20:09 AM »
Yossie had left Niigaki's and went into Miki's room. As she walked in she saw a garbage bag come flying at her.
"Oi, make yourself useful"
Miki was in the process of cleaning up the mess from the wall. Yossie crouched down to help her.
"They should have filmed this, you know. Used it on Hello Morning. Mari and Tsuji's suprise rennovations."
Miki smirked.
"So.. umm. You seem to be handling this well."
Miki looked her straight in the eyes.
"Yeah, I am."
"All of this. You, um." Yossie was to shocked at Miki's calmness to handle this. She had only prepared herself to intervene Miki trying to kill somebody, and her speech was only fitting if she needed to be calmed down. Which she didn't.
"You're suprised right?"
"To be honest yeah. I kinda figured you woulda jumped straight through the wall and killed them."
Yossie picked up a chunk of wood.
"So it's okay I guess?"
"Yeah it is."
"Umm, what excatly is okay? I mean, all of this. Frankly I don't really get it. I just kinda wake up and there is stuff going on but nobody really knows whats going on. And if they do know whats going on, they don't tell me whats going on. So I don't know whats going on." After she finnished saying that Yossie looked up and stared at Miki, eyes wide, with a look of uncertainty.
"It doesn't matter now. It's just water under the bridge. Everything's fine between me and Nono, so there's no need to talk about it. Cause it's not a big deal anymore."
"I didn't even know there was anything wrong with you and Nono."
"Yeah. There was, but it's cool now."
"When the wall fell did it land on your head?"
Miki chuckled.
"This is really werid. The way you're acting. It's trippy. Kinda like watching the Te wo Nigitte Arukitai pv when your drunk."
"There was something that was bothering me, but I realized that I just need to fix it. So thats what I'm gonna do. I can't just keep everything to myself anymore."
"Good.Thats good."

Offline Sukoshi

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Another day at H!P
« Reply #53 on: July 23, 2006, 02:39:09 AM »

Wow so many new chapters!  lol yossie has so got to sleep less XD

Offline erink

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Morning Day 3
« Reply #54 on: July 23, 2006, 02:51:20 AM »
Breakfast was here once again for the girls. At the long table Yuuko, Nacchi, and Goto were all eating breakfast.Soon they were joined by Mari, Tsuji, Kaori, and Kei. A few minutes later Miuna walked in holding half a shoe.
"Ah! Thats whose they were." Goto said.
Miuna made her way over to the table.
"Um, Gottsan, what was part of my shoe doing taped to the fan in the lobby?"
Nacchi hid her face with her hand and turned away from the table. Yuuko put both hands up in the air on her head and looked back and forth in the least subtle way possible.
"Size 6 right?"
"Yeah" Miuna said calmly."See if they have 'em in red this time"
Goto nodded and Miuna left them.
Goto turned to Nacchi.
"get 'em in red. size six"
Nacchi nodded and looked back down at her breakfast.
"So what'da guys say? Wanna hit the bar again tonight?" Yuuko took a sip of her coffe after she asked.
"Like a want a ecomoni reuinon!"(rule#46 in the  unofficial HelloPro hand book: Make fun of ecomoni at any given opprotunity) Kei yelled.
"The only thing I wanna hit is you for letting me get that drunk!" Kaori proclaimed.
"It's been a day and I just started to feel a normal again." Kei said.
"Really? I feel fine." Yuuko stated, as if doubting how they could not be fine after a days rest.
"You know, that food is really far away" Tsuji said, looking away from the table at it.
"Wouldn't be so far if you rolled your dumb ass over there and got some." Yuuko pointed out.
"Yuu-chan!" Nacchi said giving her a look."I'll go get some. What do you want Nono?"
Tsuji placed her order and Nacchi went off to get it. When she turned back to the table everyone was looking at her. Yuuko was shaking her head back and forth.
"What?" She asked inoccently." I'm hurt.I took a day of pain and suffering and  now its time for stage two. Using my painful injury, it's painful you know, to my advantage."
"Tsuji, if there wasn't a test that proved it, sometimes I think I'd find it hard to belive your really that stupid." Yuuko told her.
"Hey, it's all about using the system to your advantage." Just as she said that Nacchi returned with her plate.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2006, 08:08:54 AM by erink »

Offline erink

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Morning day 3
« Reply #55 on: July 23, 2006, 03:00:33 AM »
For the time being Miki and Niigaki had hung a sheet over the hole. Miki was a little upset over it. You could pretty much hear everything going on and it ment there was even less privacy than before. Frankly she thought she might fix the damn hole herself if it ment not listening to Takahashi and Niigaki. But it did have it's advantages.
"Oi! Risa, you got any milk?"
Miki was sitting at the table reading the paper. She picked up her glass, leaned over, and stuck her hand through the hole. A few seconds later she pulled it back.
"Thanks" she called, taking a sip of the ice cold milk.
"No problem."

Offline erink

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Another day at H!P
« Reply #56 on: July 23, 2006, 03:48:17 AM »
All the tsuji stuff, I wrote it when it sounded like she broke her arm and leg. I guess it's just a ligament, so I'm going to go back and change that eventually. Keyword being eventually. I also made a bunch of spelling mistakes which I appologize for. I felt the cursing in the past few updates was nesaccary for the diaoluge, sorry if it bothered anybody. To be honest I might be doing stuff like leaving out what some girls said to each other so I could move the story along. i.e not saying exactly what Tsuji said and stuff like that so I could end up with a hole in the wall to work with. Its kind of cheating you, but just beacuse it's not explained now doesn't mean it won't be later. Oter than that, I'm going to be going on vacation Monday so I might not be able to update for a while.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2006, 08:54:31 AM by erink »

Offline JFC

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Another day at H!P
« Reply #57 on: July 23, 2006, 05:48:13 AM »
Best part of this recent set of chapters...Miki, Risa, and the milk through the none. XD XD XD

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline erink

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Afternoon Day 3
« Reply #58 on: July 23, 2006, 08:18:34 AM »
The girls had just returned from play rehersals. Niigaki was with Takahashi in her room. Both of them were sitting at the table eating lunch.
"Ah, I'm really nervous. It just keeps getting closer and closer." Takahashi vocalized.
"Oh, you'll be fine." Risa assured her.
"Hey! I was thinking"
"Oh, now THATS scary"
Takahashi looked around the room. Was that Fujimoto? She could hear her, but she couldn't see her. Creepy, she thought to herself. Niigaki shook her hand in the air.
"You were saying?"
"oh, yeah, so anyway, I was thinking we should go out tonight."
"Maybe it would be best to get your mind off of the play" Risa agreed.
"So we will?"
"Yeah, it's a date."
"ohh oohhh I bet it is!"
Niigaki put her elbow on the table.
"So eight-ish good?"

Offline erink

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Afternoon day 3
« Reply #59 on: July 23, 2006, 08:42:50 AM »
A few hours after rehersals Miki was still in her room. Unlike some of the other girls she liked to stay indoors. She heard a knock on the door.
"One second" she called as she got up off the couch. When she opened the door she saw Ishikawa.
"Oh, hey." Miki opened up the door more to allow her to step inside.
"I'm glad you showed up. I've actually been meaning to talk to you."
"Oh, good." Ishikawa stated.
"About that night."Miki began. Without breaking eye contact with Rika, she crouched down and picked up her soccerball. Then she turned on her heel. The wind up, the pitch.
The yelling was followed by a thud.
Ishikawa was absolutely floored, while Miki acted as though throwing a soccerball through a hole in your wall into the next appartment where someone was listening in on your conversation was as natural as saying "good morning" to you seniors.
"So as I was saying" Miki continued, without missing a beat "I really appreciate what you did for me. Just to be able to talk like that. I needed it to get everything in order"
"WHY?! WHY?! AAAAHhhaaaaa...."
"So thanks. I'm sorry that a I freaked out before but everything's under controll. I'm going to talk to Aya sometime today and tell her exactly how I feel."
"oh, well that's great Miki."
"You know what? It is great Rika."
There was an awkward silence after that last exchange. It was broken by the sound of Niigaki rolling around in agony in the next room.
"So, what excatly did you want?"
"I was wondering if you had my skirt, the red one with the stars?"
"No, I gave it to Goto."
"Oh alright then. See you later"
"Yeah, later."
Miki waved as she left the room. She wondered why she was acting like this, weighing the possibility that Jacky D was stronger than she first thought.

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