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Author Topic: Guilty Pleasures  (Read 9985 times)

Offline Aioros

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Guilty Pleasures
« on: July 14, 2006, 01:14:02 PM »
"Ai-chan, why don't you go visit Aibon later?"

Ai was busy memorizing her script for the upcoming musical and wasn't paying attention to what Yossi just said. Yossi asked her three times already but she still didn't answer. Yossi then approached her and grabbed the papers from her hand to get her attention.

"Go visit Aibon later." Yossi now ordered her to do it, handing her keys to Aibon's apartment.

"But..." Ai wanted to say that she had to memorize her lines but Yossi gave her a look that told her that she wouldn't take no for an answer.

As Ai walked towards Aibon's apartment, she remembered the feelings she had for Aibon that she was keeping inside. Even before she became part of Morning Musume, she already looked up to Aibon. Even if she was younger than her, she always thought of her as a senpai. Admiration, yes. But there was something else. When she became part of Mini Moni, she thought that she could get closer to Aibon but someone was always in her way. Ever since, she's been trying to hide these feelings, for even she herself didn't know how to express them. And now she had the chance to be alone with Aibon. And maybe even get intimate.

Ai has been knocking on the door for quite sometime but no one answered. She used the keys Yossi gave her earlier. She's been to Aibon's apartment before and in her eyes everything looked the same. She didn't notice the pair of shoes that didn't belong to Aibon when she removed her own.

"Aibon, I'm here. I knocked but you didn't answer so I used the keys." She called her out. But no one still answered. The TV was on but nobody was on the couch. Ai turned it off and proceeded to Aibon's bedroom. Again she failed to notice something unusual. There were two sets of clothes scattered on the floor.

The door of Aibon's bedroom was slightly open. Ai entered and cautiously went to her bed for she wasn't sure if Aibon was asleep. She saw that her entire body was covered by her white blanket. Ai slowly pulled the white sheet down. She saw Aibon's gentle face, her eyes closed and sleeping peacefully. It looked like she wasn't affected at all by what happened to her. She pulled the sheet down and was surprised with what she saw. Aibon didn't wear anything beneath the sheets. But that wasn't the thing that surprised her. It was Nono, who also was under the blanket and wearing nothing. Her arms were wrapped tight around Aibon's nubile body, as if she was saying that nothing can take Aibon away from her. Ai didn't want to wake them up for she knew that they must have been spent with what they have done. She felt that she wasn't needed.

Ai walked out of the room like they way she entered and gently closed the door behind her. With her back against the door, she slowly sank to the floor. Tears were about to fall but she didn't let them. She looked at the ceiling just to keep them from falling. She has been jealous of Nono all this time and she knew that she couldn't replace her in Aibon's heart. Part of her is telling her to give up but another part of her is telling her to pursue what she wants.

Ai couldn't do anything right now so she pulled out the script from her bag and started memorizing her lines for the musical...

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

Offline Aioros

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Guilty Pleasures
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2006, 05:21:23 PM »
Are you familiar with this number Mako-chan? I keep getting messages from it." Risa asked.
"Let me take a look Gaki-san." A smiling Makoto said and Risa handed her phone to her. She took a long, hard look at it and gave her answer. "Nope. I don't know this number. What do you get from it anyway?"
"I keep on getting romantic quotes from time to time. When I send a message, he doesn't reply."
"So you're assuming the owner's a guy?" Makoto said with a sly smile painted on her face.
"Probably. And I think I'm starting to develop some feelings for him."
"Falling in love with someone you haven't even met? That could be dangerous."
"That's why I asked him to meet me later. See ya Mako-chan, I might be late for our meeting." Makoto's eyes were wide open when she heard Risa say those words but Risa was already gone before she could stop her. Mako-chan quickly reached for her phone and saw that she had a new message.
"Meet me at Sabishii Cafe at 4PM."
Makoto looked at her watch and it was 3:45 already.

Risa waited for her text mate at the cafe. She tried to imagine what he would look like.
"I hope he's cute and tall." She thought. She waited patiently, reading the quotes she received from his mystery admirer,
not aware of the time.
But she waited in vain.

"Miss, we're about to close." One of the cafe's staff told her.
"Can I stay a bit longer?" Risa begged.
"Sorry Miss, but we really have to close now. Why don't you come back tomorrow?"
Risa looked at her watch. "Ehhh?" she said and then stood up.
"Sorry, I didn't know it's this late." Bowing to the staff and then speeding to the exit.
Risa walked home defeated, but still hopeful that she will meet him someday.
Then she suddenly remembered something,
"I forgot to pay my bill!" She then ran back to the shop and thankfully she got back on time.
But now she had to walk back along the lonely path of defeat...


"So how did it go, Gaki-san?" Makoto, with a concerned look on her face, asked her .
"He stood me up." Risa said with a smile. But a smile is the only thing that can conceal what a person really feels. Makoto knows Risa's disappointed and she didn't know how to tell her the truth.
"I'll try giving him a ring." Risa said as she dialed the number on her phone.
The room was filled with the sound of a midi version of Roman ~MY DEAR BOY~. And it was coming from Makoto's jacket.
"What a time for me to forget to put it in silent mode." Makoto thought.
Makoto looked at the pocket of her jacket and then looked at Risa.
As Risa pressed the cancel button, Makoto's phone stopped ringing.
The smile on Risa's face disappeared the moment the phone stopped ringing.
The cheerful atmosphere a while ago suddenly turned gloomy in just a blink of an eye.
Risa wasn't good at holding back tears so as soon as one fell, a few more followed.
Neither of them was able to talk for a while. Makoto tried to look away but Risa's tearful gaze was locked on her eyes.
"How could you, Mako-chan?"
"I'm sorry Gaki-san. I wanted to tell you before you left yesterday but you were in a hurry. And I was afraid that telling you the truth would."
"You can make fun of anything can you? Even my feelings?"
"I didn't mean to, Gaki-san. We can work this out."
"No. We can't." Risa turned her back and was ready to leave the room. But as she was about to turn the knob, Makoto held her hand and pressed the lock.
"Gaki-san. The messages I sent you. Those were my real feelings for you..."
« Last Edit: July 26, 2006, 07:50:20 AM by wordsworth »

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

Offline Mikan

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Guilty Pleasures
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2006, 07:26:43 AM »
Am I the first reply? I will say what everyone wants then - POST MORE!
I like where this is going. You're signature banner makes me laugh, btw

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline smoothee

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« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2006, 11:57:53 AM »
wow wordsworth!! these are awesome!! hehe lol you make it seem like half of momusu are lesbians!! not that im complaining.. wahahaha

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Offline huggumwuggums

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« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2006, 08:00:46 AM »
Quote from: smoothee
wow wordsworth!! these are awesome!! hehe lol you make it seem like half of momusu are lesbians!! not that im complaining.. wahahaha

They ARE lesbians!! :drool:

Offline smoothee

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« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2006, 09:50:25 AM »
Quote from: huggumwuggums
They ARE lesbians!! :drool:

sigh.. now i need to save money to go get a sex change.. :evil:

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Offline lil_hamz

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Guilty Pleasures
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2006, 07:27:51 PM »
YAY! to inter-gokkies love :D

Offline Aioros

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Guilty Pleasures
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2006, 12:56:58 PM »
Miki couldn't sleep well that night so she decided to go out for a walk.The air was cold. But Miki felt the opposite for reasons she didn't know.She stopped by a convenience store to buy a drink. As she payed for it on the counter, she saw that this guy, probably a two to three years younger than her,was checking her out. Miki gave him the stare but it didn't stop him.Miki signaled the guy to follow her outside.

Once outside, she confronted him.
"You were checking me out." Miki said.
"Why not?You're hot." The guy said.
"How much would you pay to do me?" said a flattered Miki
"What?" The guy asked. "Aren't you an idol or something?"
"So? I asked you a question and I better get an answer."
"I only have 5,000 yen right now but I think you're a lot worth more than that."
"How much more?"
"Probably 20,000."


"How much do I need to pay you to do me?" Miki asked.
"You serious?" The guy couldn't believe what he just heard.
Miki didn't answer him. But she started to unbutton his shirt.
"If you let me, I'm willing do you for free."


"Let's do it." Miki said as she dragged him into a dark alley...


Miki felt a lot better when she reached her apartment. She lay down on her
bed and sent a message to Ayaya.
"Guess what? I'm worth 20,000 yen."
A few minutes later Ayaya replied.
"Good for you. I was worth  30,000 and Rika said she was worth 50,000 last night.Beat that!"


"Damn! I have to work on my charm." Miki said to herself.

« Last Edit: July 28, 2006, 02:59:01 PM by wordsworth »

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

Offline Mikan

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Guilty Pleasures
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2006, 02:03:24 PM »
AHAHA! I didnt expact that! Totally didnt see it!

Cant wait to see the next one. Have you got drafts or do you just write when you feel like it?

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline smoothee

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Guilty Pleasures
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2006, 02:44:00 PM »
jeez wordsworth!! you dont write enough!!! i want more of your short stories!!! wahahahahha!!!! and add some more to "too young"!!

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Offline rndmnwierd

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Guilty Pleasures
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2006, 07:01:11 PM »
Lol, Guilty Pleasures indeed. I like the last chapter. Random Miki sex. Also poor Takahashi but yay AibonxNono! I'm not sure what to think about the Gaki/Mako pairing, though. It's definitely new.

Offline Aioros

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6th Gen Knows Best
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2006, 05:40:08 AM »
Eri: My Mom's weird. She bought me a game for PSP even if she knows I don't have one.

Reina: You're just like you're mom. You gave me a game for PS2 on my birthday even if you knew I didn't have a PS2.

Sayu: You know who's weird? Goto-sempai. I saw a couple of these in her purse. How's she gonna use it anyway? Unless...

Eri and Reina look at each other.

Eri: Then Yossi is twice as weird! I saw two packs of those in her bag the other day.

Reina tries to hide her stuff but it falls on the floor and Sayu and Eri saw it.

Sayu: Reina! You too?

Eri: My shock!

Reina: It's not mine! It's Ai-chan's!

« Last Edit: August 02, 2006, 10:02:37 AM by wordsworth »

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

Offline Mikan

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« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2006, 09:32:01 AM »

the colours are trippy! I like it!

How could you stop right there? Lol. I want to know exactly what's going on! ahh i wont be able to sleep!

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline smoothee

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« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2006, 09:54:48 AM »
first thing came to my mind was condoms.. ahahaha

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Offline rndmnwierd

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Guilty Pleasures
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2006, 05:23:30 AM »
OMG! Koalas!
Eri: My shock!

Lol, 69th Post. W00T!

Offline Aioros

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Shooting the Lights Out
« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2006, 03:57:48 PM »
Risa couldn't sleep that night so she decided to shoot some hoops on the nearby court.
"It's been a while since I last touched a basketball." She said as she stood in front of the 15th parallel, dribbling a Spalding basketball. She took aim and released. The shot was straight, yet it rimmed out. Risa ran after the ball which rolled to the right side of the court but stopped when it hit a pair of feet.

*Clap,clap,clap* She looked up to see who it was.
"Nice shot, Gaki-san." It was Yossi. She picked up the ball, walked to where Risa was and prepared to take a shot.
"You should bend you knees more." She said as she took the shot. Swish. Nothing but net.
"Wow! You're great, Yossi!" An amazed Risa said.
"Wanna take me on?" Yossi challenged her.

Risa thought that it would be a great chance to bond with her. They were never that close since she became part of Morning Musume. She had a lot of respect for Yossi. Risa admired Yossi because of  her character, she was an idol and an athlete, all rolled into one. Sure. Rika, Miki and the other Gatas players were athletes too but there was something Yossi had that they didn’t. She acted like a big sister towards her, especially now that she's the leader of Morning Musume.  But that's not only what's on her mind. Risa thinks that she had a chance against her since she had basketball experience before but Yossi has height advantage, and probably even more.

"Why not." She said as she accepted the challenge. "Winner's out?"
"Sure. Race to three." Yossi said as she passed the ball to her. "You take the first shot."

Risa dribbled. Yossi's posture told her that she won't be able to pass her easily. Risa tried to go to the right but Yossi got in front of her. Risa was expecting this so she had something prepared. She dribbled the ball between her legs and went left and scored with a lay up. Yossi was left on her tracks.

"So you've got skills, Gaki-san. I'm impressed." Yossi said and gave the ball back to Risa.
"Thanks. But I'm just warming up." Risa replied.
"Me too." Yossi said. "That won't work on me the second time around. Go ahead, try me."

Risa dribbled slowly, trying to read what Yossi had in mind. She then changed the pace of her dribble and went left. Yossi got in front of her but Risa had another trick: she used a spin move to get around Yossi and dribbled towards the hoop. Yossi was able to catch her and got in front again but Risa stopped and took a jump shot over the outstretched arms of Yossi and got clipped in the arm but the shot went in. Yossi couldn't believe it.

"There's a foul, Yossi." Risa said as she treid to catch her breath.
"Yep." That was all Yossi could say. You could tell that she's a bit frustrated at the moment.

Risa picked up the ball and started dribbling.
"One more basket and I win." She thought.

She started dribbling close to the basket but Yossi stuck to her like glue, not giving her space to take the shot or drive. Risa posted against her, trying to inch her way closer but Yossi stood her ground. Risa made a sudden pivot and Yossi lost her balance and fell to the floor. Risa scores again and she wins. Yossi still lay on the floor. Risa rushed to her as she extended her hand to help her get up. Surprisingly, Yossi pulls her. Risa lost her balance and fell on top of her.

Their bodies never got this close. Never. There was an unexplainable feeling that Risa had. Sure she won the game and it was enough to make her ecstatic but what she was feeling right now was more than that. Yossi's skin was smooth and Risa felt that it was even smoother than her's. She knows the feeling of the other girls when they touch but there was something different and special in Yossi's touch. And their lips touching each other was partly responsible for that too. Risa broke the kiss but their eyes were still locked at each other.

"You're so beautiful, Yossi." Risa said as she got off her.
"You're beautiful too, Gaki-san." Yossi said as she sat up.

She put her hands on Risa and tried to pull her closer again. Risa seems to have been hypnotized by Yossi's alluring gaze and was willing to lock lips with her again. She closed her eyes and waited for their lips to meet. It was only for a few seconds yet the waiting seemed to last forever. Their lips didn't touch so Risa opened her eyes. She saw Yossi who was smiling, already on her feet and held out her had to help her stand up.

"But there was a foul in that last move of yours, Gaki-san..."


« Last Edit: August 27, 2006, 04:03:13 PM by wordsworth »

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

Offline rndmnwierd

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Guilty Pleasures
« Reply #16 on: August 27, 2006, 08:05:41 PM »
Yossi/Gaki? Hmm, interesting.

Offline lil_hamz

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Guilty Pleasures
« Reply #17 on: August 28, 2006, 06:28:09 AM »
WAT?!?! Gaki + Yossi?
Totally unexpected. I wait with anticipation :D

Offline Mikan

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« Reply #18 on: August 28, 2006, 08:27:18 AM »
Lol!! Yossui is a total player. A girl on a mission to spread the love. So I guess its no real shock who she pairs up with then ^^

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Offline Tanachan

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Guilty Pleasures
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2006, 02:14:48 AM »
Great FF! Keep it comin'!
If Helen Keller falls in the woods and no one is around, does she make a sound?

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