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Author Topic: rndmnwierd's Closet (Granite 9/6)  (Read 75029 times)

Offline gracula

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Re: rndmnwierd's Closet (Nightmare 2/15)
« Reply #200 on: February 16, 2011, 11:00:49 AM »
Ahh- I see you too, have been infected with the affliction of the crack. I hear there is no turning back after this.  :mon misch:

I'm beginning to enjoy Sayu more and more. Out of everyone in MM, she will be the one most likely to bay for nudity. If Mittsi were there, she'd be making an unimpressed face.

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: rndmnwierd's Closet (Nightmare 2/15)
« Reply #201 on: February 17, 2011, 07:37:36 PM »
hahaha!!  :shakeit:

LoL , great

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Re: rndmnwierd's Closet (Nightmare 2/15)
« Reply #202 on: November 02, 2011, 06:46:32 AM »
Holy cow, how long has it been? Wait, don't tell me, I've been bad, neglecting my thread like this. I almost couldn't find it. XD

Anyway, even though I'm a little bit late, I wrote something for my favorite (only lol) padawan's birthday. And also Risa's XD

Memories of Tomorrow

“Gaki-san~!” Risa turned at the whine to encounter a pouting Reina and a shifty looking Sayumi, “Sayu took my headphones and now she won’t give them back!”

“I didn’t take them! Reina said I could use them today!” The bunny protested. Risa just rolled her eyes.

“What are you, ten? Share the headphones and stop making a scene. You’re setting a bad example for the juukies.” She scolded them, watching as they wilted with pouts. Giving a half grin, Risa couldn’t help but pat their heads, “Though with those expressions, you do kind of look like kids.”

Sayu brightened and brushed her hand away, making a quip about her hair. Reina just pouted harder, but tolerated the affectionate touch a moment longer. Then they scampered back to their own dressing room.

Looking around the familiar room, Risa was reminded of a similar incident that happened only a little over a year ago.

“Ai-chan~!” Both gokkies looked up from their make-up at the sound of the whine. Lin Lin walked in and complained loudly, “Jun Jun took my headphones and she won’t give them back.”

“You know she’s just trying to rile you up.” Risa observed; the banana loving girl had a mischievous side to her that usually manifested itself childishly.

“But, but, my headphones.” Lin brought up again.

Ai smiled indulgently and patted her lap, “I’ll share mine with you, okay? And in return, you can help with my make-up.” The younger panda looked torn for a moment, still fixated on her lost property, but eventually, the thought of Ai’s warm embrace lured her over to cuddle against the leader.

Risa watched all of this with a smile, those two had become so close over the past couple years. It was kind of nice to see Ai motherly over someone and Lin Lin was just so loveable.

Shaking her head, the current leader felt a sharp ache in her chest. Their little group had changed so much so quickly, she felt like she was still getting over that triple graduation and now Ai-chan was gone as well.

Before she could dwell on those thoughts too long, another voice demanded her attention, “Niigaki-san~!” Ikuta bounded over to her, grabbing onto her shoulders to keep from falling over, “Let’s take a picture!”

“Eh? But the play’s over now, we don’t have to keep up a blog.” The girl had made it a habit that Risa had thought would end with that work. From the way Eripon’s face fell at her words, though, the bean realized that the play had just been the excuse the girl was looking for to interact with her like that. “I-I suppose,” Risa backtracked quickly, “I could post the picture on my blog if you sent it to me.”

Ikuta’s smile was back full force and she wrapped an arm around Risa’s shoulders, “Cheese!” After they examined the shot, Eripon gave her middle a quick squeeze and galloped off, leaving Risa chuckling at her energy in her wake.

“Gaki-san~” Eri drawled as she slumped over, draping her upper half on the unsuspecting bean, “I’m tired~”

“Kame~” Risa mimicked good naturedly, “Take a nap then, we won’t be in Osaka for a few more hours.”

“But I’m cold, too.” She proceeded to try and crawl into the bean’s warm jacket with her.

“Where is your coat, silly?” Risa asked, already shifting around to accommodate her friend.

“Somewhere in my suitcase…” Eri murmured against a fluffy shoulder. Looking around, Risa saw that most of the other members were asleep as well, even Ai-chan and Lin across the isle, handheld games laying limp in their laps.

Resigned to her pillowy fate, Risa began to gently stroke Eri’s hair, a smile tugging at her lips. Really, now, the girl was almost 22 and yet she still acted like such a child. She sometimes wondered if some of that wasn’t her fault for the way she babied the turtle, but if that was the case, then it wasn’t going to stop anytime soon. No one could resist Eri’s aho charm.

That’s who Ikuta reminded her of! Now that she thought about it, the girl resembled Eri a lot personality wise. Thoughts distracting themselves’ from her melancholy, Risa grinned, watching the kyukies shriek with laughter over something the KY girl said.

Risa decided right then and there that no matter how much her beloved Morning Musume had changed, she wasn’t going to feel down or lament about the past. She was going to love this incarnation of the group as much as she had loved every incarnation of the group. And she was going to smile, dammit! Whether people liked it or not.

At just that time, the door burst open to admit the remaining rokkies holding a medium sized cake with candles lit on top, “Ha~pi basu~day to yuu! Ha~pi basu~day to yuu~! Ha~pi basu~day dee~ah~ Gaki-san~!” by now, the rest of the kyukies and juukies had gathered around the stunned birthday girl, chiming in along with the original singers in barely legible English, “Ha~pi basu~day to~ yuu~!”

Risa was vaguely aware of herself babbling uncontrollably while trying to wipe away her sudden tears and blow out the candles at the same time. She knew Reina and Sayu’s grins were more due to how silly she looked rather than pleased with themselves at the successful surprise, but she didn’t care.

“Happy birthday, Leader~!” The younger girls all chimed together, apparently having decided to say this before hand, with the rokkies echoing a second later. When voice wouldn’t pass through the lump in her throat, her two current longest lasting companions patted her on the head, they way she had done to them many times before.

Remembering her promise to herself, Risa smiled widely, beaming her mega watt grin at her group mates. This was definitely going to be among her most pleasant memories. I love Morning Musume!

Offline aussie

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Re: rndmnwierd's Closet (Memories of Tomorrow 11/2)
« Reply #203 on: November 02, 2011, 08:52:54 AM »
That was a really sweet one-shot. Maybe a tinge of bittersweetness mixed in there as well, with the criss-cross of fond memories which reminded Gaki of her former group mates, as she watched her juniors.

I always liked the GoRokkies interaction, especially since Aichan took over as leader and the five of them (until Eri's graduation) pretty much formed the core of the group and shared a close bond with each other, having been alongside for so long. Aichan always said the support she got from Gaki as her sub-leader and fellow generation member, and the three rokkies when she took over as leader was huge, and no doubt Gaki would receive the same support from Sayu and Reina. At one of the after-talk shows from the Reborn musical which concluded recently, they were talking about how half the group are now new members, and Gaki draped her arm around Reina on her right, and her other arm around the empty space to her left and said she couldn't do it without Sayu and Reina by her side. I love the idea that there is no official sub-leader appointed (while it would have been cool to see Sayu take on an official position and the impact it has on her), and that the remaining three 5, 6th gen members are now the senior leadership group. I keep dreaming of seeing a GoRokkies unit one day, it would be even better if Eri could return for it too :lol:

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: rndmnwierd's Closet (Memories of Tomorrow 11/2)
« Reply #204 on: November 02, 2011, 03:42:08 PM »
 :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco:

i'd put more hearts but i think thats enough lol thankies so much for this b-day gift rndy~!*glomps and huggles* i got the same bittersweet yet fluffy feeling...i see what you ment by how yoy were trying to not make it deperssing ^^; but i'm happy nonetheless^^ thankies again~! >3< :deco:
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Offline gracula

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Re: rndmnwierd's Closet (Memories of Tomorrow 11/2)
« Reply #205 on: November 05, 2011, 06:19:58 AM »
I teared. One more flashback scene and it would've been all over for me. Ahh, Rokkie love. As much as I would've loved Eri in the group still, I might not have been introduced to the lovely concept of TanaShige as playmates.

And the GakiKame. I couldn't resist- your scene was perfect for this. How f*cking cute is this?

(And it's available on a t-shirt too!

« Last Edit: December 27, 2011, 11:21:18 AM by gracula »

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: rndmnwierd's Closet (Memories of Tomorrow 11/2)
« Reply #206 on: January 05, 2012, 05:50:19 PM »
:mon waterworks:

This one-shot is just B.E.A.UTIFUL. And so darned adorable. I laughed and I cried (just a little). Eeeeek, and you managed all that with something that can't be over 1000 words.  XD

I adore GoRokkies - Ai/Risa/Eri/Sayu/Reina. They are the best combination of members ever. K4 is definitely my top, but when you have little Reina doing things like this:

Reina just pouted harder, but tolerated the affectionate touch a moment longer.

It's impossible not to love her too.  :wub: totally reminds me of that haromoni ep where we get to see Risa petting a puppy Reina - that made me squee. TanaGaki is surprisingly adorable, gaaaah.  :heart:

The flashbacks of AiLin and GakiKame were so heartwarming and believable. You captured those moments so wonderfully!

No one could resist Eri’s aho charm.

NOBODY, I TELL YOU, NOBODY!!!!!!  :farofflook:


Shaking her head, the current leader felt a sharp ache in her chest. Their little group had changed so much so quickly, she felt like she was still getting over that triple graduation and now Ai-chan was gone as well.

:cry: that really tugged at my heartstrings. And now Gaki-san set to leave in a few months...

Ikuta’s smile was back full force and she wrapped an arm around Risa’s shoulders, “Cheese!” After they examined the shot, Eripon gave her middle a quick squeeze and galloped off, leaving Risa chuckling at her energy in her wake.

So cute. I love Eripon. She is definitely an image of Eri, though I don't think anybody will quite be as awesome as our turtle. But Eripon's still got a lot to offer, and I'm so looking forward to watching her grow and flaunt her personality. She gets bonus points too, for showing off her Gaki love, what with all the merchandise she got and the constant nagging for photos!  :love:

Risa decided right then and there that no matter how much her beloved Morning Musume had changed, she wasn’t going to feel down or lament about the past. She was going to love this incarnation of the group as much as she had loved every incarnation of the group. And she was going to smile, dammit! Whether people liked it or not.

That goes for the lot of us!  XD

Every time a grad announcement is made, we have people weeping and whining and throwing threats to abandon the fandom altogether - what is up with that?!  :smhid if you love your idol enough (any of the graduated members!), you'll show your dedication by continuing to support the group she's worked her friggin' ass off for. That's the only logic I can follow anyway... -____- (that's not to say I haven't cried over losing my favourites either...)

And the last little birthday scene was absolute love.  :k-inlove:

Remembering her promise to herself, Risa smiled widely, beaming her mega watt grin at her group mates. This was definitely going to be among her most pleasant memories. I love Morning Musume!

So do bloody I!


Thank you for writing this rndy! Hope to read more greatness from you soon!  :love:


... grac, that picture is so darned adorable and I can't believe you managed to find something like that  XD

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Re: rndmnwierd's Closet (Memories of Tomorrow 11/2)
« Reply #207 on: February 25, 2012, 05:44:17 AM »
just cus i can imma post on here that you need to do that thing that we talked about yesterday~ im sure everyone would love to see it~ :deco: but than again you've been working really hard ;3; so think as your padawan just giving u a gentle push~ :deco: lol
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Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: rndmnwierd's Closet (Memories of Tomorrow 11/2)
« Reply #208 on: February 27, 2012, 02:07:14 PM »
^So, this isn't what we talked about the other day, but it is something I may (or may not have?) spoken about earlier. Talking about the math drama that Reina and Sayu star in, I got to thinking, just who would play her sister. The answer seemed obvious, (Ai-chan) which brought about another question; doesn't Risa's character seem a little too familiar with one of the students? I mean, she supposed to be, what, the nurse?(counselor?) Come on, now, plot devices. But I got to thinking some more, if Ai-chan was Reina's sister, how could I fit some Takagaki into this storyline? (Cuz I'm a loser, that's why...)

Fate of the Math Boss

Nagisa chewed on the end of her pen, lost in thought when she should be hard at work. This inattention was unlike her, but she couldn’t help it as worry gnawed at her mind. Her head was filled with thoughts of Machida Aki, oldest daughter of the Machida family and someone whom she had grown very close to over her three years at this school.

Recently, the girl had been reported missing, gone with hardly a trace. Nagisa felt responsible for it in some way, as she’d been unable to prevent this, even being so close to the younger girl. Finally pushing her work aside, she reached into her bag and pulled out an ever present envelope, containing Aki’s last message to her. She’d been given it the day after the missing person’s report had been filed.

Opening up the paper, she read over that familiar handwriting as she had a hundred times before, “Sensei, I hope you never have to read this, but if you are, then I’m no longer around. I can’t really explain what’s happened, as I’m not sure I know myself, but I have to account for all possibilities. I’ve asked Nina to deliver this to you for a reason as well, because I’ve instructions regarding my beloved younger sister.”

“Take care of her for me while I’m away. Guide her with your good sense the way you’ve always guided me. Watch over her through the tough times ahead.”

“That’s the first part of my wishes; the second is for you. Don’t beat yourself up about this. If I’m gone, then I promise you, there was nothing you could have done to prevent it. In fact, I fear if you had tried to step in, things might have turned out badly for you. That is not something I could live with. Take care of yourself in my absence. I know we’ll meet again.

“Wherever we are in the world, remember, Nagisa, you are always in my heart, the way I’m in your’s.

Love always, Aki.”

Giving up on keeping her composure, the young sensei removed her glasses and wept silently. She never meant to feel such things for another woman, much less one of her students, but she’d never felt joy the way she’d had in Aki’s arms.

She couldn’t help but wonder just how much the girl had known about her own eventual disappearance, her mind wandered back to their last meeting. She’d seen that something was off about Aki, but the younger girl had reassured her that she was fine, chalking up any lethargy to late night study sessions, “And maybe you’ve been wearing me out a bit too,” she’d joked, grinning at Nagisa’s blush, “Keeping me up all night two days in a row. I’m surprised you’re not tired as well.”

The older woman had always found that crease in her upper lip when she smiled endearing, “You were the one that insisted we go back to my place for ‘coffee’ at ten o’clock at night.” she’d murmured back good naturedly, feeling the girl shift closer to her. They had taken the whole day as a date, now they were walking through a beautiful park in the chilly afternoon, going to get some time in shopping.

Nagisa looked over at her companion when her hand was suddenly seized, but Aki was just looking straight ahead. It wasn’t like the girl to show her affection in public like this, although it was something the sensei enjoyed greatly, “Hey, let’s go get matching necklaces!” The younger girl suddenly exclaimed, dragging Nagisa forward with a jerk. Laughing, the sensei tried to keep up, gently chiding her lover along the way.

Touching the shiny metal at her throat, Nagisa sighed, a sad smile coming unbidden to her face. They’d played all day and at night, they’d made sweet, tender love. It was as if Aki’s been trying to leave her with a good memory of them so she could weather the coming storm. With a sigh, she pulled out her compact and began to fix her make-up, she may have been alone, but the school day wasn’t over yet.

No sooner had she made herself presentable did the door to the workroom slide open to admit a small familiar figure. “Sensei.” The girl announced herself quietly and Nagisa was surprised, face contorting naturally.

“Machida-chan.” She greeted, getting her eyebrows under control, “What brings you here? Shouldn’t you be in your own school?”

“I asked for the day off.” The girl said seriously, “I wasn’t going to learn anything today anyway. I’ve decided to conduct my own investigation.” She didn’t have to specify of what.

“And so you came to me?” Nagisa asked curiously, “I would have thought her friends would be more helpful.”

“They have been. They told me that Nee-chan had been seeing someone, but they didn’t know who. Whoever he was, though, she seemed to be deeply enough in love with him that they had no problem covering for her when she wanted to spend the night at his house.” Nina hopped up on the desk across from Nagisa.

“You mean that they…?” The sensei questioned gently, wanting to find out how much was known.

“Yes, they said she wouldn’t give them any of the juicy details, but they knew that Nee-chan and her boyfriend were intimate.” The younger girl sighed, “That’s why it’s so important for me to find him. If Nee-chan would let him get that close, then he might have some information regarding her disappearance. Even if she hadn’t told him directly, maybe he noticed people around her acting suspiciously. Anything that could give me a lead.”

“What if he doesn’t know? Would you be angry at him?” Nagisa pressed, “What will you do?”

“I don’t know, but I have to try until I’ve exhausted every resource I have. She’s my only sister…” Nina looked down at her lap and frowned.

“So why do you think I’ll be any more helpful than her friends?”

“Well, because you’re older, more mature than we are. And she was so close to you, if she would have gone to anyone for advice on this kind of thing, it would have been the adult she respected the most. She definitely didn’t go to her younger sister…”

Nagisa stared intently at the girl for a while, trying to gage her heart. Even after their few brief meetings, she could tell Nina was very different from Aki. The girl adored her sister, obviously, so how would she feel about her lover?

“Please, if you have anything, anything at all! Please tell me.” Nina begged, climbing off the desk to come in closer to convey her sincerity, “Any small thing she’s mentioned that might lead me to this guy. He may be all I need to find her…”

Moved by the look in her eyes, Nagisa reached into her bag and pulled out the familiar envelope, “I’m going to warn you now, though,” she said seriously before handing it to the girl, “You may be disappointed by what you find.”

Nina took the paper almost reverently, “Isn’t this what Nee-chan left for you? The only note she left behind…” this was said a bit bitterly, but she eagerly opened the letter anyway.

The sensei studied her as she read, watching her face change to match what she was feeling, like a silent film. She wore her heart out there for everyone to see, unlike Aki who was very guarded and calm. Nagisa smiled sadly at the thought of her lover.

“It’s you?” Nina mumbled, eyes glued to the bottom of the page, rereading one line, “You’re the one my sister was seeing?”

“Un.” Nagisa responded quietly, watching the girl slowly look up and begin to stare at her with new eyes. The sensei could see the wheels turning in her head, watching the girl mull over this information along with what was probably any memories she had of seeing Aki and Nagisa interact.

Finally, the appropriate response clicked visibly in her brain and Nina let out a breath, “Do you know anything?”

“Not really. I suspect that she had an idea of what might happen, though. She had been fatigued, quieter than usual. Maybe even a little bit jumpy. …It all started not long after she became the Math Boss…” Nagisa mused.

“Math Boss…” Nina repeated quietly, sharp mind working overtime with all the information she already had. A determined look settled over her face again. “Well, if her disappearance has to do with that, as indicated by what others have told me, then it seems the best solution is to become the Math Boss myself.”

“Does that mean you’ll be transferring to this school next year?? Nagisa inquired gently, getting a firm nod in response.

Every one in school strived to be the Math Boss, so it wasn’t the first time someone had made such a vow. Nina had never seemed to be the type to do anything half heartedly, though, and if she was anything like her sister, then becoming the Math Boss would be almost a sure thing, especially since she seemed so determined.

And if it would get her one step closer to finding her lover, well, then Nagisa would do everything in her power to support the youngest Machida sibling. Nina met her eyes fiercely and Nagisa smiled, “Well, then I’ll be behind you every step of the way., Machida-chan.” She held out her hand and Nina shook it firmly.

“Call me Nina.” The girl replied, reminded the sensei yet again of her absent lover. A renewed sense of resolution settling over the both of them; it seemed like the beginning of something great.

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: rndmnwierd's Closet (Fate of the Math Boss 2/27)
« Reply #209 on: February 27, 2012, 05:30:48 PM »
AH! why you no tell me you finished this??!?!!? :panic: XD as usual, its epically well written :deco: i really hope that ai's the sister in this drama XDD

seems like their last day, those two had a really sweet and relaxing time~ ;3; if only nagisa notice sooner~ :cry:
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Re: rndmnwierd's Closet (Fate of the Math Boss 2/27)
« Reply #210 on: February 28, 2012, 01:05:44 AM »
I also kept thinking and wishing that Nina's sister is Aichan in the show .. .
Especially whenever Nina mentioned about the sister, Gaki will have the very sad expression in her eyes, which will automatically linked me to Aichan . .

Hehehe . . .

Thanks for writing this ^.^

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Re: rndmnwierd's Closet (Fate of the Math Boss 2/27)
« Reply #211 on: March 01, 2012, 07:25:24 AM »
Umm....are you in my mind?  Cause this is totally like something I've imagined for Suugaku Joshi Gakuen!  TV-style TakaGaki ftw!~ 

Their sweet...and cute.  Rini loves <3

I love your writing rndmnwierd.  You need to write more (and continue BLack & Blue cause it's epic beyond all belief.  In fact, I may go  read that now o.O

Yup yup you should update soon cause you have fans and secret stalker/lurker fans :

P.S:  Lol, I love who accepting Nina is  "Screw nee-chan and sensei's forbidden relationship, I just wanna know where nee-chan went!"

You should totally write a sequal...or write Suugaku Joshi Gakuen in YOUR style :D
Hi~iiya!~  (>^_^)>
I support T a k a G a k i
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Re: rndmnwierd's Closet (Fate of the Math Boss 2/27)
« Reply #212 on: March 13, 2012, 09:18:02 AM »
Rndm-chan!!! :wub:

Funny how there is mutual consensus here on the identity of Reina's mysterious sister :lol: Your story is exactly what I imagine everytime Reina had talks with Risa in that drama. Not to mention, in episode 9, Risa sensei doesn't seem to have any interest in that Waka sensei (or male species lol). Hmm...suspicious... 8)2

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Re: rndmnwierd's Closet (Fate of the Math Boss 2/27)
« Reply #213 on: March 30, 2012, 07:50:46 PM »
Need to watch. How is it that you have time to watch it? *whines*

Will return happily to reread this when I get to know the characters better.

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: rndmnwierd's Closet (Fate of the Math Boss 2/27)
« Reply #214 on: March 31, 2012, 08:54:47 AM »
It makes me late for work, <.< >.> <.< lol

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Re: rndmnwierd's Closet (Fate of the Math Boss 2/27)
« Reply #215 on: June 14, 2013, 07:28:56 AM »
It has been over a yr since this was updated....I think u know what I'm trying to ask you lol I even reread a few of these and feel old now XD* patiently waits for an update *
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Re: rndmnwierd's Closet (Fate of the Math Boss 2/27)
« Reply #216 on: September 07, 2013, 03:20:04 AM »
I've had super duper bad Writer's Block lately due to many different circumstances which seemed to have been chipped away by my depression, of all things. So I'm just going to quietly leave this small thing here and run away very fast.


At fist, she was a little… overwhelmed with the affection the Michishige-san showered her with. Well, most everybody showered her with affection, she had a cute face and was extraordinarily talented in dance, a rising star in Morning Musume even before Takahashi-san left. When Michishige-san praised her, though, it was different.

Oh sure, they were the jokes about Michishige-san’s preference for younger girls, words that the older woman took in stride and with pride, but Riho could tell that Michishige-san wasn’t joking about her. It was in the way she would talk to her, the way she would look at her, the way she would touch her. It was enough to make any young girl a little bit scared.

Riho only put up with it because Michishige-san was her senpai. And because she knew that Takahashi-san and Niigaki-san would never let it get farther than teasing.

Then, Takahashi-san graduated and Niigaki-san announced her own. That’s when Riho began to suspect she might be in trouble. Especially with Michishige-san constantly reminding her that, even though she had grown, Riho was still her favorite.

Still, Riho grudgingly put up with the affectionate bunny until something strange began to happen.

Maa-chan came along.

The tenth gen member wormed her way into everyone’s hearts, but she was always close to the two rokkie members. She was younger than Riho and smaller and always with a cute smile. Naturally, Michishige-san began to dote on the girl. This was odd to the kyuki girl, but welcomed, at first. She began to get her own reputation as a bit of a hentai with her constant comments about Ayumin’s lip gloss and Fuku-chan’s everything.

The distance didn’t really bother her in the beginning. Then it hit Riho quite suddenly one day that it had been three full workdays since the last time Michishige-san and her had exchanged more than the required pleasantries. That was odd for many reasons, mostly because Michishige-san loved to snap photos of everyone during anytime she thought there was something worth blogging about and she normally asked whoever was involved if they were ok with the picture being posted.

When Maa-chan bounded over and began chatting up a storm to the leader, hands playing with her hair and massaging her shoulders with innocent ease while the older woman snapped a few pictures in betweens laughter, Riho felt jealous. She couldn’t even deny it because it wasn’t the first time in her life she’d felt this teeth clenching annoyance with someone else that brought a noticeable pout to her face.

A moment later, Maa-chan got called away and Riho was out of her chair and across the room before she could second guess herself, “Michishige-san? Can we take a picture together?”

Her senpai’s face lit up in pleasant surprise at the inquiry, “Absolutely!” and the bunny was quick to get them close together, nearly pulling Riho into her lap for the shot.

This time, Riho not only didn’t mind the firm grip around her waist, but she promised herself to cherish it from now on. She felt so delighted with herself that she couldn’t stop herself before she commented, “Michishige-san is cute.” when the older woman asked her about the picture. She decided that the blush on her senpai’s face was worth the embarrassment of the words.

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: rndmnwierd's Closet (Granite 9/6)
« Reply #217 on: September 07, 2013, 04:51:02 AM »

everything changed when the maachan nation attacked XD that's all I will say lol :deco: glad to see you're back in 1 way or the other~ :deco:
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline MsSmigge

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Re: rndmnwierd's Closet (Granite 9/6)
« Reply #218 on: September 07, 2013, 06:46:07 PM »
Maa-chan came along.

Maa-chan has arrived and something is definitely going to happen... XD Omg, jealous Riho is so cute~

Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.

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Re: rndmnwierd's Closet (Granite 9/6)
« Reply #219 on: September 09, 2013, 07:01:41 AM »

Everything I wanted the moment that pocket morning came out ㅠㅠ

You need.... the Hardhat Grande for your writer's block.

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