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Author Topic: Justice, Death and the Fool  (Read 18063 times)

Offline jafeijai

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Justic, Death and the Fool
« Reply #20 on: October 11, 2006, 01:28:49 AM »
sugoi....this is getting quite interesting, considering how sad it was right at the beginning of the story...ganbatte :thumbsup

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Justic, Death and the Fool
« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2006, 08:26:39 AM »
Quote from: rndmnwierd
“Makoto was her closest friend! We just shared the apartment.” The youngest flinched when the mystic reached out and grabbed her wrist, bringing her hand closer to the dagger.

I burst out laughing when I read that! MUHAHAHAHAH and HAHAHAHA again :lol:

Quote from: rndmnwierd
Can you guess what happens next?

And Nono LIVES!!! :P

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Justic, Death and the Fool
« Reply #22 on: October 13, 2006, 07:41:30 PM »
Short little chappie here, cause Innocence isn't gonna be up for a few days.

“Nono!” the three surprised yonki exclaimed, nearly tackling the hapless girl. Nono just huffed, the air leaving her lungs quickly.

“Man, the last thing I remember was… Holy crap! I died!” She pulled Aibon into her lap and buried her nose in the younger girl’s shoulder, the memories overwhelming her mind. They cried together for a minute.

“It worked.” Rika examined Nono and it felt as though the girl had just been on vacation for a couple days. Except for that scar on her forehead, Rika lightly traced the round mark, wondering absently if there were other marks under her shirt.

Wait, shirt?

“Hey, you’re not naked.” Rika’s statement earned her three raised eyebrows. “Well, it’s true.”

“I thought everyone involved might appreciate that little trick.” Madonna winked from where she was mixing some more ingredients together in a green plastic cup.

“Man.” Yossui’s already wide eyes looked like they were going to fall right out of her head, “Nono, you’re back. What the hell are we going to do?! How are we going to explain this to her parents? Or the people who were at the service? I mean, damn!”

“Here, drink this.” Madonna handed her concoction over to Nono, who sniffed it cautiously before gulping it down.

“Mmm, raspberry.” She still seemed a little out of it, “Oh, you’re the one Dori was talking about.”

“You mean she still hasn’t risen?” The older woman seemed concerned.

“No, but she says it’ll only be a few more years ‘til she works off her debt. She was really nice, showed me around too.” Nono blinked lazily, knowing that she’d be understood.

“What are you talking about?” Aibon’s brows furrowed cutely.

Well, understood by one person, at least. “Dori said that she made some bad choices just before her end and couldn’t go straight up. Since she was devout most of her life though, she was given a chance to repent. In The Middle. It’s not a bad place. A little foggy, though.”

“What are we going to tell the others?!” Yossui started pulling at her hair.

“Well, that little potion should make sure that only the people who need to remember, will. It is how you will recognize your companions. And good luck on defeating the Dark Ones, all fourteen of them.” Madonna smiled sarcastically.

Everyone was silent for a moment, “You know, there’s really nothing to say after that.” Aibon shifted in Nono lap, wrapping her arm around the older girl’s shoulder.

-----Everything kinda seems to be happening at once....

Offline jafeijai

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Justic, Death and the Fool
« Reply #23 on: October 13, 2006, 11:13:58 PM »
sugoi~! Tsuji's alive!!! [insert Frankenstein music] [cough cough] ehem...moving on...[gasp] 14 Dark Ones got released?! and it'll be up to the Yonki + 6 others...who might these 6 others be??? :confused: anticipating a great continuation to the story :D

Offline Mikan

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Justic, Death and the Fool
« Reply #24 on: October 14, 2006, 04:50:31 PM »
Im sorry, I havent been reading this but I decided to read it all now. And My god!! I started to cry!! Im such a weakling. Imagining Yossui breaking down really got to me. I starting sheding tears and thinking of Aya and Miki crying together made me feel completely unhappy.

Im interested in the Occult. Its cool and this story is cool. Whats with you and writing cool stories?

On other news, how are our kids :D

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Justic, Death and the Fool
« Reply #25 on: October 15, 2006, 07:55:19 AM »
I really had the urge to do a Frankenstein cliche, but I didn't have the heart to kick that movie while it was down.

Oh, Mi~chan, the kids are happy that you're staying. :heart:

Offline lil_hamz

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Justic, Death and the Fool
« Reply #26 on: October 15, 2006, 08:09:25 AM »
Quote from: jafeijai
sugoi~! Tsuji's alive!!! [insert Frankenstein music] [cough cough] ehem...moving on...[gasp] 14 Dark Ones got released?! and it'll be up to the Yonki + 6 others...who might these 6 others be??? :confused: anticipating a great continuation to the story :D

I wanna know who the others are too. Please don't keep us in the dark too long. I've been going crazy about who the walkie bits group consists of. I can't handle another suspense XD

Offline Yuuyami

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Justic, Death and the Fool
« Reply #27 on: October 15, 2006, 03:14:51 PM »
And so the journey begins! <3 Can't wait til we know who the rest are :D

Offline rndmnwierd

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Justic, Death and the Fool
« Reply #28 on: October 17, 2006, 07:59:47 PM »
Here you go! *throws out chapter*

“Wait, what do you mean?” Rika was the sensible one for once, with Yossui freaking out in the background.

“I told you there would be danger and that the Dark Ones might get loose, it happens every time there’s a resurrection. Fourteen Dark Ones escaped and fourteen must be returned. Your powers will manifest when needed and so will those of your companions. Like I said, expect six.” Madonna held out a hand to the girls on the altar and helped them slip off of it, steadying Nono when she stumbled.

“Um, well, what now?” Rika rested her arm around Nono’s shoulders, pulling her close.

“Go home, get some rest. I assume you don’t have work today?” three nodded, one just blinked. “Well, you’ve been up all night and once you sleep the spells will take affect. Tomorrow is a new day after all.”

Yawning, the girls all realized that they really were tired, even at nine in the morning. By unspoken agreement, they headed to Yossui’s apartment, saying a heartfelt thanks to the mystical proprietor on the way out the door.

The car ride seemed to take forever with no one speaking, Aibon and Nono conked out together in the backseat, but eventually they all filed into the bedroom and collapsed on the bed together, not even bothering to change clothes.

Quite a few hours later, Nono stirred from her place between Rika and Aibon. Just opening her eyes, she took stock of her body parts, relishing life again. Something occurred to her and she removed Aibon’s hand from its compromising position on her chest, lifting her shirt up and looking down at her own torso.

Two pink, round scars stared back up at her, confirming her adventures in The Middle. Something tickled at the back of her mind and Nono slipped quietly out of bed, tiptoeing into the living room.

“I’ll be here when you need me.” Dori’s parting words to her echoed in her mind, but they sounded different. Almost as if, instead of being a memory, they were being repeated. Standing in front of the window, for a second, someone else’s reflection looked back at her. Then she blinked and it was gone.

“Wow, that was weird.” Nono mumbled to herself, touching the scar on her forehead.

“What was weird?” Aibon spoke up from behind her.

Surprisingly, Nono wasn’t the least bit startled. She wondered if that was an after-effect of being dead. “My scar is really pronounced.” she lied, not fooling her friend for an instant.

Staring at Nono intensely for a minute, Aibon just nodded, then reached up and cupped her chin, “Let me see.” The older girl obliged, tilting her head down so that Aibon would get a better view.

A sudden instinct came over the girl and she gently pressed her lips to Nono’s scar, sighing against her forehead. Something passed between the two and when Aibon pulled back, the bright pink mark had faded to a barely-noticeable-unless-you-know-what-to-look-for scar. It was quiet for a minute.

“Think you could do that to the other two?” Nono lifted her shirt up, revealing everything up to the valley between her breasts, but still not indecently exposing herself. Aibon blushed.

“Um, yeah, I guess.” Resting her hands on Nono’s waist, Aibon bent forward, first gently blowing her breath across the exposed mark, then lightly kissing the area on the older girl’s chest, feeling Nono’s heart racing in her ribcage.

Emboldened by that last response, Aibon dropped to her knees in front of her friend, blowing across the scar on her belly. Just the breath itself made the scar disappear but, her eyes never leaving Nono’s, Aibon kissed the place just below the older girl’s naval, well below where the scar used to be.

“Aibon.” Nono whispered, placing her hands on the kneeling girl’s shoulders. Aibon leaned forward to bite the waistband of her jeans.

“What are you guys doing?” Rika whispered from the doorway, sounding a little freaked.

Scrambling for an excuse, Aibon said the first thing that came to mind, “I’ve got healing powers!” Nono pulled her to her feet.

“What, really?” her vague horror forgotten, Rika came fully into the room. The two proceeded to poke and prod Nono, ignoring any protests she might have made. Her giggles woke Yossui in the other room.

“We don’t have to be up for another hour! Keep it down.” Looking like an angry bear, Yossui stumbled into the room.

“Look what Aibon did!” Rika, heedless of any danger, waved Yossui closer.

“What did Aibon do?” Yossui squinted at Nono’s torso, not seeing anything.

“Watch!” Aibon dropped to her knees again and leaned forward, sinking her teeth into Nono’s hip until she drew blood.

“Ow!” the older girl’s hand smacked the top of Aibon’s head, forcing an apology out of her.

Unimpressed, Yossui just stared, “Congratulations, you have functioning teeth. So what?”

Not bothering to answer verbally, Aibon gently blew a stream of air across the wound and they all watched it disappear. Yossui kept staring, the act not seeming to register. Finally, she straightened up and met all their eyes.

“Okay, that was cool. Guess that’s what Madonna meant by powers. Wonder what mine is?” the last was said mostly to herself.

“You didn’t have to bite me.” Nono sulked near the window, Aibon hanging onto her shoulders.

“Aw, I’m sorry. It was the first thing that came to mind.” Nono jutted her chin out with a ‘hmph!’ “If it’s any consolation, you don’t taste half bad.”

“It’s not!”

“Sorry we woke you.” Rika followed Yossui into the kitchen, watching her dig through a cupboard.

“You want breakfast?” Yossui started pulling out pans and setting them on the stovetop.

“Breakfast?!” Their fight immediately forgotten, Nono and Aibon nearly trampled Rika trying to get into the kitchen. The older girl didn’t really move, but her eyes slowly got huge.

Yossui tried unsuccessfully to fend them off, but was overwhelmed and forced to stand next to Rika, still in shock. Yossui watched in horror as her kitchen was turned into something from a disaster movie, “Hey, you two better not set yourselves on fire; I’m not putting you out!”

Aibon laughed but Nono turned around and threw a piece of cardboard at Yossui’s head. It fluttered right past and landed gently on the ground.

Surprisingly, the cooking went without incident and they all sat down to pancakes and omelets, discussing what they were going to do about Nono today.

“Well, assuming the potion worked, we won’t have to worry. And it will help us to find and keep the ones that do remember close.” Rika motioned with the fork in her hand.

“I think we should be more worried about what to do with Aibon.” Nono drowned her pancakes in syrup, only Aibon wasn’t disgusted.

Yossui raised and eyebrow, “Hmm, you know, I think I have a fishing pole in my closet if you need it, Non.” the girl in question looked up at her confused. “Anyway, all Aibon has to do is keep a low profile and she’ll be fine. She wasn’t dead yesterday.”

“Oh rub it in, why don’t you?” Nono stuck her tongue out, before snagging a piece of omelet off of Aibon’s plate.

“Hey!” Nono offered a bite of pancake on the end of her fork, watching Aibon happily take it into her mouth. Even though they weren’t physically touching, something still passed between them, making them look away from each other.

Choosing to ignore the younger girls, Rika and Yossui continued discussing their plans. Eventually, breakfast was finished, they all took turns freshening up and then headed off to work.

“Ow!” Nono rubbed her shoulder where it had slammed into the wall, it was gonna be a long day.

----And the romance rears it's ugly head. I might make it a perv later...

Offline lil_hamz

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Justic, Death and the Fool
« Reply #29 on: October 17, 2006, 08:28:04 PM »
Quote from: rndmnwierd
----And the romance rears it's ugly head. I might make it a perv later...

Do I wanna read that....*thinks hard*....nah....well maybe....oh....hmmmm..........YES!  XD

Offline jafeijai

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Justic, Death and the Fool
« Reply #30 on: October 17, 2006, 11:37:35 PM »
SWEET!! AIBON'S GOT HEALING POWERS!! wait for the unveiling of the other 9 powers...and the other 6 power-wielding...people o.O

Offline Tanachan

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Justic, Death and the Fool
« Reply #31 on: October 18, 2006, 12:30:56 AM »
I'd gladly be healed by Aibon...XDDDD
If Helen Keller falls in the woods and no one is around, does she make a sound?

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Justic, Death and the Fool
« Reply #32 on: October 18, 2006, 01:37:19 AM »
Healing powers for Aibon eh? Is there a specific reason for doing that? Or you went random? XD

I look forward to Yossie, Rika, and Nono's powers. Definately Yossie's powers :L____

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Justic, Death and the Fool
« Reply #33 on: October 18, 2006, 06:34:20 PM »
I'm sure that I picked the powers for a reason, I just can't remember what it was at this second. I'll probably work it into the story...

Offline rndmnwierd

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Justic, Death and the Fool
« Reply #34 on: October 28, 2006, 09:41:07 AM »
You know, since I'm here, might as well update this poor neglected story...

Walking into the building felt like a normal day, with the addition of an incognito Aibon, and they all greeted the staff like they usually would. The first ones to say anything about Nono were, surprisingly, the last two thirds of Biyuuden. Erika just kind of gaped and pointed and Yui’s expression was hard to read past her thick sunglasses, long coat, and big hat.

“What’s with that?” Rika gestured at Yui, completely ignoring Erika’s flailing.

“Tell me why I see the recently deceased standing in perfect health in front of me and I’ll tell you what I’m hiding.” Yui reached over and smacked Erika on the arm, instantly snapping her out of her shock.

“Oh, we resurrected her, what’s your story?” Aibon waved dismissively, making the other two squint at her.

“Aibon? Since when were you coming back?” Erika reached out and lifted the younger girl’s hat, revealing her eyes.

Again ignoring Erika, Yui spoke up, “I woke up a cat girl today.” She dropped her disguise, showing off her fluffy ears, golden eyes, and gently curling tail. The others all made noises of understanding.

“You probably shouldn’t do that in the open-“ Rika began, only to be cut off by a keening cry.

“Non-chan!” Makoto came in from somewhere and tackled the hapless Nono to the ground.

“Jeez, Mako-chan, I just came back, are trying to kill me again?” Nono patted the crying girl on top of her.

That started a chain reaction of reactions. Eri and Reina, who were walking around the corner together, saw the commotion and rushed over with shouts of their own. Their yells got Miki’s attention and she wandered over to question the group. The noise alerted the manager who called Tsunku to get permission to yell at them, then told them all off and sent them to their dressing rooms like little kids.

“Well, that was fun.” Miki plopped down in a chair in the group dressing room, “So what’s going on?”

Rika opened her mouth to respond, but suddenly thought better, “Um, I doubt you’d believe it.” Though she was pleased that they didn’t have to search for their help, Rika remembered that normal people were skeptical of the supernatural.

“I’m staring at a girl who died last week and suddenly came back, while nobody else remembers her funeral but us. Try me.” the three graduated yonki cringed at her tone, but Yossui just took a seat next to her, gesturing the others to do the same.

“Well, it started out as a normal day," Yossui began, watching Nono sit and Makoto immediately clamber into her lap, “Then these two idiots woke me up.” she pointed at Rika and Aibon, ignoring their glares.

Yossui then proceeded to spin a tale the likes of which none had heard before, except as the plot in that book someone had once read. By the time she was done, Eri was convinced that the shadows were going to eat her, Reina was convinced that her leader had been replaced by an imposter and Miki was convinced that the nice men in white needed to be called.

Only Makoto, Yui, and Erika just nodded and accepted it, or at least didn’t go crazy about it. Yui and Erika were just those kinds of people, but Makoto was too overjoyed at having her friend back to really care how it had happened. Dark Ones? Psh! Powers? Double psh!

It seemed that a demonstration was in order. Aibon smiled toothily and brought out a deadly looking switchblade, watching everyone else cringe. “Okay, who wants to go first?”

Eri was shoved forward, whimpering quietly, “Nooooo….”

“Oh it’ll only hurt for a minute.” Aibon snagged her wrist and sliced the back of her arm, letting the blood quickly come to the surface and begin seep out.

’Itai!’ Nono heard in her mind a split second before Eri said it. Hmm, curious-er and curious-er

 The others all watched in awe as Aibon cupped her hand and blew into it, before placing it against the wound. When she removed her hand, the cut was gone. “Jyaan~!”

“Okay, that was cool.” Miki said monotonously.

Yossui laughed, “That’s what I said.”

“What do we do now, though?” Miki turned her bored gaze to her leader.

“Hmm, I don’t know, it’s not like this came with a manual. I figure Nono will be the one to find them, being as she’s the closest to them.” Everyone simultaneously turned towards the girl in question.

Slightly alarmed, Nono just raised her hand sheepishly, “Um, hey.” And it wasn’t even eight in the morning yet.

---I'm not gonna keep you guys guessing about who the six are, mostly because it's not realistic (I mean, if you saw someone who had died walking around, wouldn't you say something?) but I also don't wanna steal too many of Yuuyami's ideas. I'm not Nacchi.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2006, 09:48:45 AM by rndmnwierd »

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Justic, Death and the Fool
« Reply #35 on: October 28, 2006, 12:45:17 PM »
Yui's a cat-girl?


Don't worry, I'm fine with it XD

I look forward to Rika, Yossie, Erika and Mako's powers <3

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Justic, Death and the Fool
« Reply #36 on: October 28, 2006, 10:39:41 PM »
Wtf Yui wakes up a cat and Aibon cuts Eri's arm. XD
I like this story!

Btw, after a few weeks I'd only just noticed, is that a typo in the title? (Justic = justice?)
J'aime le fromage.

Offline rndmnwierd

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Justic, Death and the Fool
« Reply #37 on: October 28, 2006, 10:50:14 PM »
Quote from: cheesesticks;223369

Btw, after a few weeks I'd only just noticed, is that a typo in the title? (Justic = justice?)

OMG it is a typo! XDXDXD Lol!
« Last Edit: October 28, 2006, 10:52:37 PM by rndmnwierd »

Offline jafeijai

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Justic, Death and the Fool
« Reply #38 on: October 28, 2006, 10:55:24 PM »
lol...looks like Tsuji's got mind-reading abilities..sweet~! :thumbsup and Yui's a CAT-GIRL?! definitely not expected..awaiting another power revealed in the next chapter :)

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Justic, Death and the Fool
« Reply #39 on: October 29, 2006, 07:28:22 AM »
Quote from: rndmnwierd;222955
but I also don't wanna steal too many of Yuuyami's ideas. I'm not Nacchi.
Ouch. :lol:

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