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Author Topic: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread  (Read 308965 times)

Offline Tundra Wind

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1400 on: October 18, 2010, 09:43:58 AM »
@Estrea  :lol: It doesn't have to be your fault for me to shake my head but I do like blaming people so :smhid .

do songs give you ideas to write? and if so how? by the lyrics, or the pv, other?

Half the time, it's lyrics that give me ideas to write. The other half, it's the flow of the music? I like to listen to pure instrumentals sometimes. Acoustics, piano, violin, etc.... so songs can give me ideas without any lyrics.

Damn, I can't even remember all the questions that have been asked and I'm not about to scan this thread for questions so here's more questions. XD

How do you like to end a chapter? Cliffhanger or resolution? Details, dialogue, action, something else?

How do you like to end a story? Giant cliffhanger, happy ending, sad ending, other types of ending?

How long does it generally take for you to write one chapter?

And now two questions stolen from the writers thread at H!O.  :lol:

Do you make some kind of "tag line" to your story?

What are the things you usually do before/while you write?

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1401 on: October 18, 2010, 03:39:20 PM »
lol i dont think u did dra dra XD

How do you like to end a chapter? Cliffhanger or resolution? Details, dialogue, action, something else?
it depends but its mostly a (fail) cliffy and if not dialouge XD

How do you like to end a story? Giant cliffhanger, happy ending, sad ending, other types of ending?
well i havent really ended a fic^^; minus this fail one on H!O XD but i think i ened it with dialouge XD

How long does it generally take for you to write one chapter?
depends can take up to half an hr to a coupple of days XD mostly a coupple of days cus i get stuck alot lately^^;

Do you make some kind of "tag line" to your story?
tag lines? like what? :?

What are the things you usually do before/while you write?
absolutely nothing~! XD some times i'm just reading or litsenong to something and BAM! insperation^^; XD

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Offline StephanyLee

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1402 on: October 19, 2010, 07:22:35 AM »
comes again from the shadows.. Hi v(^^)


So let's see. My first fanfic... can't remember u.u' (can't remember what i did yesterday) I think it was in H!O, and i think the author decided that it wouldn't continue it. Or maybe it was in here u.u'

How do you like to begin a story/chapter? Detail, dialogue, action, something else?
It totally depends, lately, and most of the time I stared with dialogue.

do songs give you ideas to write? and if so how? by the lyrics, or the pv, other?
Absolutely, personally music is my inspiration. I often heard a song and i pay attention to the lyrics and the feeling of the song and start to think a "story" that fits the song but mostly all those ideas get like that and can't write them down u.u'

How do you like to end a chapter? Cliffhanger or resolution? Details, dialogue, action, something else?
I like to do cliffhanger but... I'm not good at it  :nervous So far since i have only write one story, I try to give some sort of conclusion to the chapter but trying to let out still doubts and wonderings about what's going to happen. Also I really like to end in a sort of confrontation.

How do you like to end a story? Giant cliffhanger, happy ending, sad ending, other types of ending?
I'm wondering about it xD Since I only write one story and it's unfinished, i guess it all depend on how the story will developed and how i felt xD but i have to say that i have like 3 endings so far xD

How long does it generally take for you to write one chapter?
Recently...  a life time u.u', but I remember someone saying back at H!O that my chapters were really long but since I post every month it was OK. So i guess pretty much that was what it took me.

Do you make some kind of "tag line" to your story?
mmm i don't think so
What are the things you usually do before/while you write?
Well, I usually think about the story so i can return to the "feeling of it" and heard some music that inspired me (meaning sad korean OST :lol: or any sad music for that matter xD) and while reading do the same exactly thing keep listening to that type of music so the inspiration doesn't leave, although finding that inspiration is the hard part u.u'
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Offline Estrea

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1403 on: October 19, 2010, 07:47:09 AM »
How do you like to end a chapter? Cliffhanger or resolution? Details, dialogue, action, something else?

Usually cliffhanger, but it really depends on what the story needs at that point in time.

How do you like to end a story? Giant cliffhanger, happy ending, sad ending, other types of ending?

Either sad or bittersweet. Yeah I know I'm a depressing bastard. :lol:

How long does it generally take for you to write one chapter?

The actual writing process takes me anywhere from 3-6 hours. Preparation for writing can take days. XD

Do you make some kind of "tag line" to your story?

Not necessarily. Though there are times when I get tag lines added on just because. :lol:

What are the things you usually do before/while you write?

Find the right song on my playlist to accompany me while writing. XD Open up a million tabs on my browser for info, is a must, and I usually have a ton of maps for Gegenschein. XD


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

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Offline Tundra Wind

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1404 on: October 19, 2010, 09:38:16 AM »
@waiiwai A tag line as in a line that can embody the main concept of your story. Wait, you don't think I did what now? That I haven't asked these questions before?

@Essy Awww, I love you for being a depressing bastard. :heart: I'm just kidding. I really don't think you're depressing though.  :P

Offline Beecubed

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1405 on: November 02, 2010, 10:00:11 AM »
I should be a lot more free now to catch up with fanfics... ^___^ I sure missed reading them...  :(

Answering questions time!::::

Question: Anybody remember the first H!P fanfic they ever read? If yes, what was it?

I'm pretty sure it was some random, now incomplete IshiYoshi fanfic... but the first one I ever read to the end was wings4dreams' Whip Cream & Handcuffs.
In terms of pure entertainment, this fic stands right at the top. It's amazing. And it made me a Charmikitty fan.  :inlove: I think anybody could enjoy it though... especially if you love the OGs. ^___^

How do you like to begin a story/chapter? Detail, dialogue, action, something else?

The beginning of the story for me is really important. It's what either reels a reader in or leaves them uninterested... I usually begin stories with action, or something mysterious/puzzling for the readers to ponder and what to find out about. Establishing the interest is no.1 priority at the start! Not all writers are like this though... stories don't have to begin with a bang or anything, but if you can plant the foundations for good story-building/introduction of all the good stuff later, that's fine too. ^_^

As for beginning a chapter, I like to begin with detail or dialogue. The simpler stuff.

do songs give you ideas to write? and if so how? by the lyrics, or the pv, other?

Yes, very often. Not lyrics per se, though they can help. But since I listen to Asian music and I don't understand a damned thing, the music itself; the melodies, the atmosphere that they conjure.. these often really help. If I'm writing a sad scene for example, listening to haunting/pensive/mellow music always helps me to play out scenarios in my head, and to form words to describe these.

I have to say, music really does make me fall in love with the characters I write about!

How do you like to end a chapter? Cliffhanger or resolution? Details, dialogue, action, something else?

I used to go with cliffhangers, but not really lately... I like to end chapters with the character in conflict, thinking about things, despairing... that kind of thing. xD
But seriously, I'm not fussy about chapter endings. I'll end it any way just to get the chapter over and done with.

How do you like to end a story? Giant cliffhanger, happy ending, sad ending, other types of ending?

I don't know. It depends on where the characters push the story, as well as the genre of the story itself. I'm not the kind of writer who likes to shock her audience or anything... so if my story is a romcom, then it will most likely end very happy and sappy... if it's a sad and rather dark kind of story, it's most likely to end bittersweet.

Yeah, I'm pretty predictable and I'm fine with it. I think it's the journey that counts anyway, more so than the destination. Though there will be complaining readers. xD

How long does it generally take for you to write one chapter?

Again, this depends. If there are no distractions around and a really good idea has just hit me, I can get all worked up and write one in a few-hours sitting. Sometimes, I'll write up bits and pieces over days, so that's different, and that'll take much longer...

Do you make some kind of "tag line" to your story?

Only if I make a fanfic poster for it... then usually I will have a tag line to accompany ^__^
But usually it's a few sentences of summary only, to give readers an indication of what the story is about.

What are the things you usually do before/while you write?

Listen to music. Before and while writing. Yes, music is important! OST music is especially helpful.

Offline Beecubed

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1406 on: November 23, 2010, 04:28:02 AM »
I say I don't think I'm very good because I can't express what I really want to in a comment. I feel I left out so many things I want to point out.

That's fine; I mean, if I were to type down everything that goes through my mind while reading a fic, I'd be sitting for hours and typing up essays-worth of comments.  :bleed eyes:
What's important is that you be selective  :P

I try but because of it, I tend to rant a lot and do random fails at English lol.

There's nothing wrong with 'ranting' (or rather, I think we ought to call it 'raving' ^__^), it can be really good for lifting a writer's spirits! Most writers seem to fall down the hole of doom known as writer's block, and I think good comments can really help with that. :)

Your English is really good. Are you a native speaker or... ? Because native speakers don't usually talk about their failing English   :P

I'm agree 100% with the "writers put effort on writing, commenters should put effort on theirs comments too" <3 so you are like my idol commenter here in this forum.

Ranting too much again....

I actually said something that meaingful?  :lol:
Amidst all the fangirling I've done as a reader, I'm glad I managed to say something like that. xD

But yeah, as a passionate reader, I believe it is my duty to make sure I let my writers know that I appreciate all the effort they put into their writing... it is my way of saying thank you for sharing too <3
I've written fanfics for other fandoms before, and I often felt that all the hours and days and weeks of dedication and effort I put into my fics were being ignored >.< So I became a little put off writing for a while. Hoping to change that now, because writing can be just as fun as reading.  :)

Thank you for your compliments! They really mean a lot  :cry:
I didn't know there could be idols in this world of commenting, but you learn something new every day  XD

Are you a writer too? Any ideas in mind or?


Offline Tightrope

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1407 on: November 23, 2010, 11:40:41 AM »
Hi, I arrived here stalking Beecubed. I hope it's ok  :lol:

That's fine; I mean, if I were to type down everything that goes through my mind while reading a fic, I'd be sitting for hours and typing up essays-worth of comments.  :bleed eyes:
What's important is that you be selective  :P

Your comments are pretty entertaining to read, so I wouldn't mind that lol But yes, we can't make the comment longer that the fic itself, can we?

... No, wait. We can XD But yes, is important to be selective. Sometimes I get lost in my own rant, so I'll try to do my best here  :otomerika:

Your English is really good. Are you a native speaker or... ? Because native speakers don't usually talk about their failing English   :P

Oh, thanks :heart:  It's important to me at least to know  I'm not doing a major failing. I am definitely not a native speaker, so if I write something strange or something you guys can't understand, tell me anytime. I usually have to put a lot of time in each comment, I'm painfully slow at writing in English :bleed eyes: So bear with me please. Studying English seriously (along with Japanese) is still in my to-do list.

I've written fanfics for other fandoms before, and I often felt that all the hours and days and weeks of dedication and effort I put into my fics were being ignored >.< So I became a little put off writing for a while. Hoping to change that now, because writing can be just as fun as reading.  :)

That's exactly what I don't want writers to feel. I admire writers, because I found writing quite difficult myself. So while I battle with my own writing skills I try, at least, to let people know that their efforts are not in vain and that I'm very grateful for the time of free entertainment and fangirling they provide XD. I don't know if I have the right to say that, after being a lurker myself for such a long time  :nervous  I had never really made a comment in English, so...  :sweatdrop:  But well, from now on expect a lot of comments from me.
I think that's why you are my idol commenter, because you do what I try to do.  An idol can be found anywhere, even among commentators.  Don't forget that XD If I write something someday, I'm totally asking you to read and comment at least once  :heart:

Are you a writer too? Any ideas in mind or?

I'm more the reader type. I have some ideas, yes, but... I can't quite put them into words. I'm trying, though, little by little. So maybe one day I'll surprise everyone (especially myself) and post something. But well, first I would have to write it in my language and then translate it. Seems  like tough work~
And to not feel like a total spammer let's answer something ~

Question: Anybody remember the first H!P fanfic they ever read? If yes, what was it?

I think my first fic in English was Destiny Love.I don't even remember how I found it. I think it picked up my attention because I love the song. And well, since then I blame Estrea for my ReinAi addiction. I was happy workshipping only TakaGaki (in Ai-related pairings I mean)... but then she and her fics made me change my opinion. I still love TakaGaki the most, though :heart: Now that I think of it,  I became fan of various strange pairing thanks to fics here..

That reminds me, now that I have delurked I owe her some comments. I totally love her writing.  In fact I owe a lot of comments to people here...

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1408 on: November 23, 2010, 02:47:56 PM »
 :O Your English is quite good!!! If you hadn't said so, I woulda sworn you were a native speaker. Also, any way here is good as long as you've found it. :D Bee's stalker or no. :lol: Have a feeling she has more than one stalker actually...

Another ReinAi fan too!! Glad you de-lurked!!! Please keep making yourself known in the future, but at the same time don't feel pressured to comment, especially as epic as Bee does or JFC used to. :D

I really should answer those questions some day too...

Offline Beecubed

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1409 on: November 23, 2010, 03:37:27 PM »
Your comments are pretty entertaining to read, so I wouldn't mind that lol But yes, we can't make the comment longer that the fic itself, can we?

... No, wait. We can XD But yes, is important to be selective. Sometimes I get lost in my own rant, so I'll try to do my best here  :otomerika:

They are? I was thinking maybe only the author in question would appreciate my posts >.<

Other commenters might be like  ":roll: oh Bee~, here we go again... *scrolls down scrolls down*XD

But like I said before, I'm really glad to know that readers too appreciate my comments. Well, at least you do.  :)

I'm happy to hear that you're a willing commenter, but like rokun said, don't push yourself to write more than you like!
Because slowly, you may find commenting to become something of a chore. I had a moment of that actually, but that was during the time I was still studying at uni. >.>

I am definitely not a native speaker, so if I write something strange or something you guys can't understand, tell me anytime. I usually have to put a lot of time in each comment, I'm painfully slow at writing in English :bleed eyes:

I'm also really surprised... the first time I read your comment in grac's thread then in mine, I also thought you were a native speaker >.<
They must be teaching you very well over there  :P

Another reason why you shouldn't force yourself to comment... xD But knowing that, I have to thank you yet again for the time you've put into what you've posted so far. Makes me feel bad that I may be forcing you to type.  :lol:

Please don't feel obliged to respond to this response either...  :thumbsup

That's exactly what I don't want writers to feel. I admire writers, because I found writing quite difficult myself. So while I battle with my own writing skills I try, at least, to let people know that their efforts are not in vain and that I'm very grateful for the time of free entertainment and fangirling they provide XD.

YES!  :otomerika: :yossi:
You understand me! ;____;
We could've saved Puppy Love if more people had explicitly shown their appreciation!

I don't know if I have the right to say that, after being a lurker myself for such a long time  :nervous  I had never really made a comment in English, so...  :sweatdrop:  But well, from now on expect a lot of comments from me.

^^ what I said up there.

Your first time making a comment in English and you totally rock it like a native.  :rockon:

I think that's why you are my idol commenter, because you do what I try to do.  An idol can be found anywhere, even among commentators.  Don't forget that XD If I write something someday, I'm totally asking you to read and comment at least once  :heart:


Of course! If you ever write, it'll be 100% full-fledged support from me every step of the way, I'll get in a marching band and squad of cheerleaders and make sure to holler the love and egg you on regularly --->>> I feel like I need that to continue writing sometimes xD


I'm more the reader type. I have some ideas, yes, but... I can't quite put them into words. I'm trying, though, little by little. So maybe one day I'll surprise everyone (especially myself) and post something. But well, first I would have to write it in my language and then translate it. Seems  like tough work~

You sure you need to do that much work?  :sweatdrop:
Your English so far is perfectly adequate, couldn't you just write it straight in English?
Anyways, I'm looking forward to the day you release something of your own.  :love:

And to not feel like a total spammer let's answer something ~

Don't worry! General discussion thread means anything to do with fanfics, I'm pretty sure we're not... spamming...  XD

I think my first fic in English was Destiny Love.I don't even remember how I found it. I think it picked up my attention because I love the song.

Damn, reminds me I still need to catch up with that!  :nervous

The tiny ReinAi shipper in me kind of died down after I needed a break from reading to focus on work... and I haven't been able to click on Destiny Love to continue it just yet >.<

And there's really no need to respond to this, I'll never shut up if you make me continue  :lol:

Have a feeling she has more than one stalker actually...


If there are more stalkers like Ropy, please make yourselves known. We need to be friends.  XD

On another note, rokun!!!!!!!!!!!

It's been a while since you updated A Fukuoka Yankii in Fujiwara's Court.

Writer's block?  :sweatdrop:

Coz damn, that is one atrocious disease this world could really do without.

The forum's been a little slow lately... probably going to sift back through the older fics now >.<
But yeah, just me saying I'd love to read a new update.  :heart:

That goes for a lot of the fics I'm following actually. To all my beloved authors, please find the inspiration to continue your darling stories that I've become so attached to  :bow:

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1410 on: November 24, 2010, 12:50:25 AM »
Aw, you two made my day *insert Rika's "Ha~~ppy!" here* Now I'm almost proud  of English skills thanks to both of you  :lol: 
 And do not worry, I won't force myself to type, and you aren't doing that either Bee. I enjoy posting and commeting a lot, it's just I'm a little slow at it.

And rokun! :inlove: You are one of the writers I admire here! I read Kimagure Princesses some time ago and you let me in awe  :heart:   And A Fukuoka Yankii in Fujiwara's Court is on my to-read list. I'll be sure to drop you a comment sooner or later in both. And then I will search for more  :lol:

You sure you need to do that much work?  :sweatdrop:
Your English so far is perfectly adequate, couldn't you just write it straight in English?

 :O ...

Can you believe I never thought of that possibilty?  :nervous I definitely going to try that, with a good dictionary at hand.  Know that you will be the first person to know if I succed in writing something. I'll be waiting for the cheerleaders and the eggs  :lol:

Oh, before I forget. I think I don't know Puppy Love, what fic was that?  My lurking for fic-reading here was a little chaotic, and most ot the time I don't know what I have read and what not unless I check the first page  :lol:

And I have a request too....  I read you earlier, talking about Whip Cream & Handcuffs. I have been searching for Charmikitty to read lately (I never read about that pairing before), and that seems like a good start, since you liked it and I love OG's. I tried searching for it in the forum, but I'm afraid my searching skills are not enough yet (translation = I FAIL at searching in forums, the stupid searching engine HATES me I swear) . If someone can provide me with a link I will be forever in debt.

And for all the lurkers out there... DE-LURK. You'll be happy afterwards, I promise!

And stalking  Bee is so much fun too!

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1411 on: November 24, 2010, 05:47:28 AM »
*strolls in* What did I miss?

*scrolls up* seems like, a lot indeed. o_O

First off, hi Tightrope! Welcome to the family! :D We have way too many dysfunctional siblings here, but hey, it's all good. XD

And :O Your first fic in English was mine? *stressed* :lol: I guess I should update more to feed the tiny ReinAi spark struggling to survive in this area... >_> As rokun says, there just isn't enough of us. XD TakaGaki is too well represented, and we need to STAND UP for ReinAi! *makes revolutionary pose and salutes*


Ok I'm crazy. XD

And to Bee, comments are always a fun thing to read, whether you're the author or not. :P It adds to your understanding of a fic by summarising what others drew from reading it as well, and it's always fun speculating about stuff. Now that you mention it, I kinda miss JFC. D: Epic commenter of the past. :/ Ah well, at least we have a competent successor now! :D

To add to the discussion, I'm not much of a commenter, because I don't really know what to comment about. I don't really want to talk about technicalities, because I automatically look out for stuff like that as a "serious" writer. I sometimes take writing too seriously, and I know not everyone in fanfic does (that's why it's fanfic!), so I'll save myself (and them) the aggravation of me being nitpicky. XD Though if I do comment, it's usually just to give the requisite Essy Stamp of Approval to let them know that they're doing good and that I want more. XD

Haven't been reading much though...rokun knows why. >_> Kinda distracted by a game at the moment (omgeveryoneshouldgoplaymountandbladelikerightnow). :lol:

I'll get back to writing...eventually.




Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline Tundra Wind

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1412 on: November 24, 2010, 09:02:49 AM »
 :mon huh2: Ah, somebody de-lurked.... :mon thumb: Welcome Tightrope  :mon hi: I always find it interesting to read other people's comments to fics so having a new epic commenter around means more to read.  :D

I really wouldn't have guessed that you weren't a native speaker if you hadn't said so. Oh and you wanted a link for Whip Cream & Handcuffs right? There you go

@Estrea :lol: There must be a couple lurkers out there that still think you're completely sane. You should show (or hide) your craziness a bit more.  *places ReinAi Revolution flag at Estrea's feet* I prefer the craziness. :D

When is "eventually?" After all, I'm a very impatient child that loves a weekly dose of fanfics. :mon cute:

 :mon dunno: Just wondering, did I ever get taken out of newbie protection?*shrugs*  :P
« Last Edit: November 24, 2010, 09:07:55 AM by Tundra Wind »

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1413 on: November 24, 2010, 09:47:51 AM »
de-lurking the next step to admitting to being a postwhore :lol: (sorry my inside joke)

Welcome Tightrope,

A ReinAi fan you say, wow everyone is pretty much right to the amount but we all have our choices, unless like me, you don't stick to one for a long period of time

@Essy  :lol: games are good too :)

@Tundra: I think you are out of newbie protection, its just where is everyone hiding :D
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Beecubed

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1414 on: November 24, 2010, 11:44:20 AM »
Aw, you two made my day *insert Rika's "Ha~~ppy!" here*

I'm so "Ha~~ppy!" you are a Charmy fan. Seriously.  :heart:

Now I'm almost proud  of English skills thanks to both of you  :lol:

You damn well should be, because I'd never be as good as that at a second language  XD

And do not worry, I won't force myself to type, and you aren't doing that either Bee. I enjoy posting and commeting a lot, it's just I'm a little slow at it.

And once upon a time, you were a lurker... I wouldn't expect a lurker to have so much to say. Why didn't you join us all earlier?!   :huhuh

Your replies keep coming though. Slow you may think, but at least consistent. I like. Keep up the good work!  :thumbsup

Can you believe I never thought of that possibilty?  :nervous I definitely going to try that, with a good dictionary at hand.  Know that you will be the first person to know if I succed in writing something. I'll be waiting for the cheerleaders and the eggs  :lol:


You goof, Ropy. xD It's common sense, isn't it? You can think in your language if it's easier, but definitely when you translate it into words, translate it right into English. That'll save you a lot of trouble. ^___^


Oh, before I forget. I think I don't know Puppy Love, what fic was that?  My lurking for fic-reading here was a little chaotic, and most ot the time I don't know what I have read and what not unless I check the first page  :lol:

Puppy Love by writerjunkie

AiEri?  :P
And for some strange reason, junkie-chan JUST UPDATED!!!!!  :w00t:
This is one of the cutest things I've read here at JPH!P. Puppy Eri =  :wub:

And I have a request too....  I read you earlier, talking about Whip Cream & Handcuffs. I have been searching for Charmikitty to read lately (I never read about that pairing before), and that seems like a good start, since you liked it and I love OG's. I tried searching for it in the forum, but I'm afraid my searching skills are not enough yet (translation = I FAIL at searching in forums, the stupid searching engine HATES me I swear) . If someone can provide me with a link I will be forever in debt.

Tundra Wind just posted the link for you... it's not hard searching, y'know. xD Just use the finder on your browser and go through the pages.  :)

If you're looking for Charmikitty, look no more. This fic will be your heaven for that.  :inlove:
Hope you enjoy. Actually, I know you will. It's impossible not to enjoy something this great!

And for all the lurkers out there... DE-LURK. You'll be happy afterwards, I promise!

I second this! Join in on all the fun and fangirling! xD
The more, the merrier.  :heart:

And stalking  Bee is so much fun too!


*strolls in*

*grabs Essy and says hi*

You've been MIA for a while  :(

And to Bee, comments are always a fun thing to read, whether you're the author or not. :P It adds to your understanding of a fic by summarising what others drew from reading it as well, and it's always fun speculating about stuff. Now that you mention it, I kinda miss JFC. D: Epic commenter of the past. :/ Ah well, at least we have a competent successor now! :D

Yeah, that's true.

I saw a lot of JFC's comments in the older threads, he was a great poster. He's still a Momusu fan, isn't he? It seems that he's moved on from the fics though >.<

Sankyu!  :love: (you were talking about me, right? xD)
I think we have Ropy in the works to become a lovely, comprehensive responder too.  :k-wink:

To add to the discussion, I'm not much of a commenter, because I don't really know what to comment about. I don't really want to talk about technicalities, because I automatically look out for stuff like that as a "serious" writer. I sometimes take writing too seriously, and I know not everyone in fanfic does (that's why it's fanfic!), so I'll save myself (and them) the aggravation of me being nitpicky. XD Though if I do comment, it's usually just to give the requisite Essy Stamp of Approval to let them know that they're doing good and that I want more. XD

You definitely don't seem like the excessively fangirly type, Essy, so I can understand where you're coming from when you say that. ^___^

And it does feel like most of the fanfic writers around here write more for fun than anything, so good idea not to spoil the party with technicalities.  :)

Kinda distracted by a game at the moment (omgeveryoneshouldgoplaymountandbladelikerightnow). :lol:


I tried playing that some few months ago, but couldn't quite get into it  :wth
Maybe I should give it another try if it warrants that kind of reaction from Essy.

I'll get back to writing...eventually.



*watches as Essy jumps right back into mount&blade*

I'll be waiting!
 :on gay:

When is "eventually?" After all, I'm a very impatient child that loves a weekly dose of fanfics. :mon cute:

I second this.

 :mon cute:

Offline rokun

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1415 on: November 24, 2010, 02:16:36 PM »
You definitely don't seem like the excessively fangirly type, Essy, so I can understand where you're coming from when you say that. ^___^
:rofl: It seems you haven't seen her when you get her talking about Aichan...  :thumbsup Although she can get rather... serious and technical about it, as with everything else. :lol:

On another note, rokun!!!!!!!!!!!

It's been a while since you updated A Fukuoka Yankii in Fujiwara's Court.

Writer's block?  :sweatdrop:

Coz damn, that is one atrocious disease this world could really do without.
Nah it's not really writer's block... Just haven't been up to writing much lately. Maybe I can blame it on my dad, maybe I can blame not having as much privacy at work as I've had in the past. :lol: I've been slowly thinking and working on Fukuoka Yankii, Kimagure Princesses, and the last chapter of Initiation >_> though, so I'm sure they'll be out at some point. :lol: Just gotta get around to writing out all the stuff I've been thinking of... Unfortunately I apparently tend to think way far in advance in these stories. :lol: Also gotta get my juice flowing again for Berryz stuff... They're still my top group, after all. Somehow I'm around friends who are generally all into MM though, so that's what I end up talking ideas about. >_< Not... that it's all that bad a thing, lol.

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1416 on: November 24, 2010, 04:31:18 PM »
^ I'd like to see an excessively fangirl Estrea.  :lol:

 :mon dunno: If I offered to talk about Berryz ideas with you, would that make you update? :mon sweat: I need my dose of fanfic but, more specifically, I need my dose of Berryz fanfics.  :mon whine:

At least you have H!P fans around you. I have about 0 around me.  :sweatdrop: 

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1417 on: November 24, 2010, 07:59:32 PM »
Hmm, perhaps. :lol: But I couldn't guarantee anything. :roll: I probably just need to watch more Berryz stuff... I just this week started reading the Berryz' mini-blogs, so maybe that'll help with inspiration too (as reading Reina's and Ai's seriously have). Definitely catching a lot of MiyaSaki going on... :grin:

As to H!P fans being around me... not really, lol. It's pretty much people I've met here. :lol: Although some I've known for years and have hung out with irl too like at HiP gatherings... Though really just one of those so far even. :lol: You should get to know us more if you wanna talk more though. ^_^ I don't know if you've talked with Essy or someone yet or not, but you should feel free to IM anyone~ especially if they give messenger info in their profile!

And that goes for everyone around here too!! Jphip is one of the friendliest communities I've been a part of; especially within H!P fandom. I think it's cause we're all true wota. :lol:

Offline Tightrope

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1418 on: November 24, 2010, 09:11:39 PM »
Thanks everyone for your kindness  :heart: Seriously, everyone is soo nice here :cry:  And thanks for the links too Tundra, Bee  :cow: I'll check them later ~

So, it was a game what had kidnapped Estrea? I know that feeling, I'm a gamer myself. But yeah, you draw me into ReinAi, so now I'm your responsibility >__>...  Not really  XD  Just remember to provide us with the addiction  once a while. Like tundra said, we are a bunch of impatients kids XD

I think we have Ropy in the works to become a lovely, comprehensive responder too.  :k-wink:

:nya: :nya: 

I'll do mah best ~  Count me in   :cow:

Jphip is one of the friendliest communities I've been a part of; especially within H!P fandom. I think it's cause we're all true wota. :lol:

That's SO true. It was one of the things that surprised me here. I mean, it's not that in other sites people are rude or something but they aren't as friendly as people here  :heart:

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Re: Fanfics Review / General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1419 on: November 25, 2010, 01:50:33 AM »
I love how this thread has come alive again. :D All it takes is new blood lol.

@Estrea :lol: There must be a couple lurkers out there that still think you're completely sane. You should show (or hide) your craziness a bit more.  *places ReinAi Revolution flag at Estrea's feet* I prefer the craziness. :D

Haha. I generally show my craziness only at JPH!P. Or sometimes at work when I'm very stressed. :lol:

When is "eventually?" After all, I'm a very impatient child that loves a weekly dose of fanfics. :mon cute:

Now you made me guilty about not updating. :lol: It usually helps if someone talks to me about writing. But lately I haven't really had any outlets ('cept rokun, and he's not helping me by encouraging new plot bunnies :lol: ). He's right though, add me on AIM or something, I always enjoy talking to new people!

:mon dunno: Just wondering, did I ever get taken out of newbie protection?*shrugs*  :P

I think you still qualify as newbie. :P're partially out of protection at the rate you're going... :P

*strolls in*

*grabs Essy and says hi*

You've been MIA for a while  :(

Yes I know. XD I tend to do that ever so often. :lol: Only my fandom keeps bringing me back...ehe. XD

Sankyu!  :love: (you were talking about me, right? xD)
I think we have Ropy in the works to become a lovely, comprehensive responder too.  :k-wink:

Yes I was talking about you, and now we have Ropy, disciple of Bee?! :lol: Or at the very least...stalker of Bee. :P

You definitely don't seem like the excessively fangirly type, Essy, so I can understand where you're coming from when you say that. ^___^

And it does feel like most of the fanfic writers around here write more for fun than anything, so good idea not to spoil the party with technicalities.  :)

:lol: Rokun's right, you haven't seen me talk about Aichan yet. :P And actually, my excessive fangirly reaction generally come :lol: I'm a geek, what can I say. XD;


I tried playing that some few months ago, but couldn't quite get into it  :wth
Maybe I should give it another try if it warrants that kind of reaction from Essy.

I'm playing the Warbands expansion. Haven't actually played the original Mount and Blade. I like Warbands because of the fact that you can create your own faction and bid for kingship. I'm just not cut out to be anyone's vassal. I like being my own lord. XD At the moment I'm busily crushing one factionand subverting their lands for my own... :lol: It tends to take a lot of time, so...

*watches as Essy jumps right back into mount&blade*

I'll be waiting!
 :on gay:

Aha, you're only half right, really. Work is sucking up all my time other than my gaming. >_> I have this wonderful 13 hour shift to look forward to today...

So, it was a game what had kidnapped Estrea? I know that feeling, I'm a gamer myself. But yeah, you draw me into ReinAi, so now I'm your responsibility >__>...  Not really  XD  Just remember to provide us with the addiction  once a while. Like tundra said, we are a bunch of impatients kids XD

Work and game both. :P Between the two I don't have much free time. XD I have a few ideas, but it really helps if people talk to me about them, I think best while talking about my ideas. I can be drawn out of my game if someone offers good conversation. Lol. And good conversation leads to fics (at least for me they do XD)

Damn, what's with all the kids these days! *geezer voice* :lol:

Jphip is one of the friendliest communities I've been a part of; especially within H!P fandom. I think it's cause we're all true wota. :lol:

That's SO true. It was one of the things that surprised me here. I mean, it's not that in other sites people are rude or something but they aren't as friendly as people here  :heart:

Agreed. It's just so welcoming to all and sundry. Even to the people who annoy the hell out of me. :lol: I guess even I can close one eye and pretend not to see anything. :lol: It's just the way JPHiP is. XD

And gaaaaah I have to leave for work. T_T 13 hour shift....Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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