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Author Topic: FenxMiki adventures  (Read 36232 times)

Offline Fenrir

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Re: FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #120 on: June 06, 2007, 05:23:42 PM »
So many boring
meetings that are finally
done. Hallelujah!  :D

I can now go back
to lovable Miki-chan.
Oh Fujimoto! :heart:

She has quit Morning
Musume, but I will still
cheer for her a lot. :heart:

I will go to a
GAM concert again; this time
with crazy Commie.  XD

My own Miki sig
also tempts me very much.
Miki is so hot. :heart:

Offline JFC

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Re: FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #121 on: June 06, 2007, 11:59:46 PM »
^ OMGASS! Now there's Fen haiku spam too! :imdead:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #122 on: June 07, 2007, 08:20:03 PM »
Why must I sing lots?
I now must do a solo
I wish I sung Thanks!
If Helen Keller falls in the woods and no one is around, does she make a sound?

Official [WHOA] member, master and commander of the Tokunaga Chinami branch.

Offline Comrade

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Re: FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #123 on: June 22, 2009, 10:20:23 PM »
Asleep for one year.
Now this dead thread is back up.
Return of ComFen.

 :heart: :tama-mad:

Chaptah 1,509

The day that Commie decided to travel to Los Angeles was the greatest day, for it renewed the spirit of the ComFen Duo.  The GFC - Great Fen and Commie (or Gam Fan Club).

Tsunku said, "Let there be Morning Musume in L.A.", and there was.  And Tsunku saw that it was good.  ComFen also saw that it was good.

"Hurry up and arrive!  I need a distraction.  My work is sucking my soul out through my eye sockets, which are hollowed out due to an unfortunate incident involving a virtual elf and a hot poker fashioned from the jaw of a pre-natal squirrel."

It was this statement by Fen that almost made Commie change her mind.  She didn't want to be involved in any strange virtual murder and mayhem, even if Morning Musume was to be performing in the same convention her dear Fennie was working at.  But being Comrade the Brave and Comrade the Logical, she threw logic out the window and sneered in the face of fear (while her knees secretly shook... but shhh, don't tell anyone I wrote that here).  Comrade would go to L.A. if it meant selling her right kidney (and believe you me, it almost came down to that).

"Do you think we should write some crazy story about our adventures in the City of Angels?" Commie wondered aloud over the phone, taking in the view of the frozen Canadian landscape from the window of her igloo.

"What do you mean?" Fen asked, fanning her sweaty self with a 2-inch thick binder full of work notes.  "Like a detailed description of the craziness that we non-Japanese H!P fans get up to when we meet?"

"Mmhm," Commie said, suddenly in a puddle (her igloo had melted in record time (1.5 seconds), but we can blame that on global warming, which always strikes at the most inopportune of times).

"Well..." Fen deliberated aloud as she struggled into a sweatshirt.  It had suddenly turned chilly, and while she was adept at multi-tasking, putting on a sweatshirt while one hand held a phone was no easy task, especially since it was a phone with a cord (a relic, I know!).  She dropped the phone.

"Ow," Commie said pointedly into the phone, but Fen did not hear her.  She was struggling, her hands somehow twisted in the arms of her clothes, the phone hanging out the back of the opening for the head.

"Aerghghg!  It burns!  It buuuurrrns!" Fen screamed as she struggled, twisting her whole body and bumping against a desk, knocking everything on it to the floor.  Papers, CDs, pens, pencils, a bowl of half-eaten pecan pie ice cream... All of it fell to the beautifully clean (oh, so happy and clean) floor.

"*$&#^@%*!!" Fen screamed, and even the seasoned Commie cringed at the colourful expletives that emerged from her friend's mouth.

"I... oh... uh..."

"*&%$^#%^$^&!  #%&ing $@!%!" Fen screeched for good measure.

On the bright side, she got her arms untangled from her sweatshirt and was now in complete control of the phone.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, fine," Fen grumbled back, trying to figure out what was wrong with the way her sweatshirt felt.  "Just got tangled up in-"

"Yeah, I know.  I read the narrative," Comrade said, adding under her breath, "I wrote the narrative."

"But it just doesn't feel-"

"Did you put it on backwards?"

There was a pause.  Fen reached her hand just down the neckline and felt for the tag.  It was there.

"&^%$#!" she said, this time much calmer.

"Listen, how 'bout I call you back in a few hours once you've gotten dressed.  I have a flood situation here anyway," Commie suggested, watching her family scramble to save their caribou and beaver pelts from the deluge of water created from the walls of their former home.

With an agreement to speak later in the evening, the two hung up and proceeded to deal with their personal traumas.  Sadly, a polar bear raided Commie's family's food supply and ate everything, leaving the family to starve.  And in other unfortunate news, while Fen wasn't paying attention, a swarm of locusts ate the entire state of California and she and her family were forced to give up any hope of making any profit from orange exportation.


But... I bet you're all wondering what happened to the great chase!  Ah, ancient history.  Chasing after the criminal Aya, trying to locate Miki by honing in on her pyjamas, being fed orange juice by Ayaka, the double agent... Yeah, I had to re-read the story, too.  Be damned if I could remember what I wrote.  When we last left our fearless duo, they had acquired a car from a hapless doctor who had merely been trying to help them, and they were in hot pursuit of the other awesome duo, who were in their own car and out in the countryside of Japan.

What happened next was quite simple, actually.  The duo in hot pursuit hit a subspace anomaly a la Star Trek (Don't worry, Fen's not the Trek geek here.  Com is.) and were transported back to North America instantaneously.  They lost all memory of the accident until quite recently.  Once they pieced together what had happened to them, they'd already settled into their respective lives in their respective countries, Facebook and Livejournal their main methods of communication (in addition to the occasional telepathic conference, but that's a classified matter that I can't talk about here).

It probably goes without saying that when it was announced Morning Musume would be travelling to Los Angeles to perform, ComFen were all over that.  An excuse to reunite presented, they started to make plans.

And now back to our regularly scheduled programme.


Several weeks passed after that telephone call.  Both Fenrir and Comrade had to battle the elements and Mother Nature, and as a result, were not able to contact each other that evening as promised.  However, once they had come to terms with the fact that humans always lost and Nature always won, they calmed down enough to realise that there was certainly time in the 24-hour day to contact each other.  

Commie called Fen on her cell phone, but Fen missed the call, so she sent a private message on JPH!P to Commie.  Sadly, Commie's internet was acting up, and after reading the PM from Fen, she couldn't reply.  She sent a message via Blackberry to Fen's cell, but just after Fen read the message, she was startled by a 20-year-old panda wearing a monocle and being chased by a raccoon in a tutu, and so she dropped her cell phone into the pond she was absorbing harmful UV rays by.  She quickly made use of her transistor radio and sent Commie a message on their own private frequency.  Right when Commie finished listening to the message, her radio blew up, and as she dove for cover, she pulled out her cell phone and posted a status update on Facebook, indicating for Fen to call her as soon as possible.  Fen logged into Facebook to stalk her friends, and upon noticing Commie's status update ("Comrade is: fEn callk me"), she grabbed her home phone and dialled Commie's cell.  Commie, however, was riding on the subway, and she only received an alert once above ground.  She raced for high ground, and once on the roof of the downtown office building, she proceeded to send Fen smoke signals.  However, due to volcanic activity over all of America, the smoke signals were obscured, and to Fen, it looked like Commie was signalling for her to get in contact via the random thread at JPM.  So Fen found a computer and logged in, posting in the appropriate thread.  However, all she got was a bunch of replies (14, to be exact) basically saying the same thing (if she wanted to get in contact with Comrade, she should send an e-mail or a PM rather than spamming the random thread with pointless dribble).  After a brief (12-page) spam war with her accusers, Fen gave up, which was just when Commie logged in to see the mess.  Just before the moderators erased the argument, she posted her own reply chastising all parties (because she knew Fen would understand that she bitched because she cared).  That done, Commie logged onto the H!P tracker at H!O and attempted to contact Fen by uploading a fake torrent entitled "Mikitty Mentions How Awesome Fen & Com r".  She was forcibly logged off, however, because she dropped her computer on the floor.  When Fen started to download the torrent with excitement, she realised it was a fake, and after cursing the uploader for 10 minutes, she soon enough also realised that it had been Commie, and checking the file names, she saw a message intended for her ("Fen.avi", "Call_me.mp3", and "On_home_phone.doc").  So finally, at 9:30pm California time (which is a few hours later Ontario time), Fen called Commie's home phone.

"Hello?" yawned a sleepy Comrade.

"Commie?" Fenrir asked.

"Hey, Fen."


There was not much else to say, and so unanimously agreeing that it was late and they were sleepy, they said goodnight and hung up.


This chapter was brought to you by the words "Excited", "L.A.", and "Ai-chan" (even though she had nothing to do with it).
« Last Edit: June 22, 2009, 11:28:24 PM by Comrade »
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

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Re: FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #124 on: June 23, 2009, 03:01:04 AM »
Awesome crack! XD

Love how you two work together. XD


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline Fenrir

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Re: FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #125 on: June 23, 2009, 03:51:55 AM »
What have you been smoking Commie?! XD

<3 You will have to share when you come. <3 XD

Offline JFC

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Re: FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #126 on: June 23, 2009, 06:15:12 AM »
:banana: :yossi: :rockon: :pepper:  :canada: :usa: :hipheart: :akachin: :cokecat: :otomerika: :cow: :jphip: :bow:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #127 on: July 14, 2009, 11:13:45 AM »
I know I'm late but what the hell was that??? LoL Commie is a neo-neo-surrealist writer. Dali couldn't even paint that imagery you've written there. XD Ah man, what am I doing reading this at 5am anyway? XD

Offline Comrade

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Re: FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #128 on: July 14, 2009, 03:27:01 PM »
Gooo toooo beeeeeed.
Lol, NOS.  You revived the thread while I was writing more of it.  But it'll be posted in the main fanfic forum place thing, cuz damn, the Retired Fics Library?  I wasn't done with this one yet, dudes!!  Just took a, er, year long "break"... :lol:  But anyway, I am honoured by your compliment. Commie: 1.  Dali: 245982745.   It's a start... XD :cow: (lol, a dancing cow)
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

Offline Comrade

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Re: FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #129 on: July 16, 2009, 05:47:06 AM »
Dunno where to post it.  For tru_harmony

An Uncomfortable Situation

Clickity typitty type type

Dear anyone/
\ am stuk in a chair. tiedf down by tru-harmonery. plz senn help imeditely. am hungry.  been 5dasy.


Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

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Re: FenxMiki adventures
« Reply #130 on: July 16, 2009, 05:55:23 AM »
* tru_harmony unties Comrade from the chair

i totally forgot about tying you to a chair... oh well...

* tru_harmony will runaway(sic) from here...

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