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Author Topic: Miki's Valentine's Day  (Read 4784 times)

Offline haidokun

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Miki's Valentine's Day
« on: February 12, 2007, 06:03:28 AM »
okey, this is my first time writing a fic. i usually do SD fan arts. hehehe
i'm sorry for the bad english and grammer stuffs like that. English is my weakest subject during my school days.

it's a YoMiki fic. i hope you guys enjoy reading mine as smuch i enjoyed reading yours. =^^=


Miki's Valentines Day

She hated Valentine's day.

Miki sat at the farthest corner of the dressing room. Away from her fellow members all that giggling and mindless chatter. She never like this time of the year. It was a waste of time. Then she hated it more when all she could see red hearts all around the building, as if it was such a big event.

She wanted to shout in frustration. Now, she was glaring at the girls who are making all those noise. Taking out her Ipod and placed the headphones on her ears, as she tuned out their festives. Taking out her book and her reading glasses as she began to read.

Miki was left alone for a few minutes, until her leader sat beside her. Turning off her Ipod as she listened at what Yossie wanted to say.

"What are you doing tonight?" Yossie asked as she smiled at her sub-leader.

"Go home and sleep."

"Ehh? Come on. It's Valentine's Day, have fun."

Miki gave Yossie her usual glare, "I don't like going out on Valentine's Day."

"Ehh? You don't like Valentine's Day? Why?"

Miki shrugged her shoulders, "it's just waste of chocolates and time."

Yossie laughed, "I'm sure you gave some chocolates to someone when you're in school."

Miki snorted, "I don't waste my money on such trivial things. Besides why should I give chocolates to a boy?"

"Feh, you know giving chocolates is not only for boys. I'm sure you gave chocolates to Aya. I gave one to Ayaka, Mai-chin, Rika-chan, and Gottchan." Yossie said as she began to think who else she had given her mother's homemade chocolate cookies.

"Giving chocolates to a friend is different giving it to someone you like." Miki said as she turned her back on her leader and resume her reading, indicating the end of their discussion.

Yossie shook her head as she chuckled at Miki. She knew it would be a waste of time arguing on how fun valentine's day is.

A knock on the other side of the door of their dressing room interrupted the girls from their noisy chatter. It was one of their staffs, holding a medium sized box filled with small stuffed toys, letters, and chocolates.

"It's for Yoshizawa-san." The staff said.

Well, that is not a surprise.

Miki raised an eyebrow when she heard Yossie sighed before standing to recieve her gifts. 'Does she sound disappointed?'

Yossie looked inside the box, as usual, all of them are from her female fans. She smiled faintly as she read one by one their letters and valentine cards. She laughed softly that made Miki looked up from her book, curious at what made Yossie laugh.

"Miki, look at this. This one is proposing her love to me." Yossie said as she shook her head, "Can't they see that I like someone else?"

Miki looked back to her book and realized that she couldn't concentrate, she had been reading the same lines over and over again. What distract her? Maybe on what Yossie had said. She wondered who Yossie liked. The she slowly lowered her book and looked at her leader's profile.

Lovely big eyes for a Japanese girl, thin lips, cute smile especially her high cheek bones, and those moles around her flawless face. And that short hair, made her look boyish and yet feminine. At first Miki thought it was just a rumor that almost everyone in the Project are falling for her boyish charms. Years of working with her, she had become one of the Project falling for her boyish charms.

Oh, how she hated, denied, and even ignored that feeling. And now, she felt defeated, knowing that it was just a one-sided love.

Yossie must have noticed her looking at her, she turned to Miki, "what is it? Is there something on my face?"

Miki blushed in embarassment as she was caught looking at her. Shaking her head several times as she covered her face with her book to hide her embarassment. That gesture made Yossie smiled softly.

Another knock on the door echoed the small room, it was the same staff, and on his hand was no longer medium-sized box, but a smaller box. A red box with a matching pink ribbon around it. The card was addressed to someone unexpected.

"Fujimoto-san, sumimasen, I almost forgot to give you this."

Miki wide-eyed. Someone gave her a box of chocolates? It couldn't be Aya since she had recieved her gift since this morning. Her fellow members? Nahh. And most certainly couldn't be from the fanboys, they usually give her gifts on White Day.


It was Yossie who stood up and took the gift, "She's still in shock."

Miki blinked as Yossie handed her gift. She took the gift and looked at it for a long time.

"Well, aren't you going to open it?"

Miki gently untangle the pink ribbon and opened the box. A small paper had fallen from the box. Miki took it as she read it.

'Will you be my valentine? Meet me at the park, near the fountain, tonight at 7pm. I'll be waiting with a rose on my hand.'

The girls squeeled aloud. Miki didn't realized that she had read it out loud.

"Oi! Miki has a date!" Yossie teased as she laughed.

Miki blushed as she read the letter for the second time, making sure that she had read it correctly for the first time.


Miki looked at Yossie, "well what?"

"Aren't you going to meet her?"


"Why not?" Yossie asked.

"I don't trust anonymous people." Miki answered.

"Aren't you a bit curious what is she looked like?"

"A little. But, she might be a stalker or something." Miki looked at Yossie with pleading eyes, "Can you come with me?"

Yossie shook her head, "Gomen ne, I have a date tonight too."

"Really? Who?"

Yossie winked at her, "it's a secret."

"Oh come on! We never have secrets from one another before." Miki whined.

Yossie laughed as she pinched Miki's cheek, "this time it's different, Mi-ki-cha~n."


Yossie smirked as she took one chocolate from Miki's gift and ate it, "Mmmmm. It's delicious. Definitely homemade."

Miki watched Yossie stood up and took her box of gifts as she left the dressing room. She sighed as she felt jealous on Yossie's date. She looked at the chocolates, it looked appealing to her, she took one chocolate and ate it. Yossie was right, it is delicious. Maybe she could give this person a chance.


It was thirty minutes passed seven. Miki in her usual disguise, a big hat, and light blue jacket, she even bought a face mask to cover half of her face. She peeked through the bushes, as she looked for the person with a rose waiting for her. She frowned as she didn't see that person. Maybe her date got tired of waiting. She did make herself late for the date.

"Looking for your date?" A deep voice asked beside her ear.

Miki screamed as she jumped from where she was standing. It was Yossie, in her usual baseball cap, torn jeans and thick brown jacket, standing behind her, laughing.

"You scared me!" Miki said.

"It's obvious that you've been hiding from your date." Yossie said as she pointed the hat and the face mask.

Miki blushed as she removed her face mask, only leaving the big hat. "Oh... uhm... yeah."

"So, where's your date?" Yossie asked as she looked around the park.

"I don't know. Maybe the person had already left."

Yossie looked at her sports wristwatch, "It's still early to leave."

"How about you? Where's you're date?"

"Oh, she cancelled the last minute. She had important things to attend to." Yossie said as she smiled faintly.

"She?" So it is a girl.

Yossie nodded. "Okaasan."


"You looked relieved." Yossie teased.

"No, I'm not." Miki glared at Yossie for stating the obvious.

"The night still early, why not let's go together since our dates cancelled on us." Yossie said as she smiled to Miki.

Ahh, that smile. No one can say no to that. Miki nodded. Yossie reached out a hand and Miki took it as they began to walk towards the busy streets of Tokyo.


They ate at the most secluded and cheap Yankiku restaurant they could find. Sitting on the farthest corner away from paparazzi and fans. Yossie is still amazed on how much meat Miki can consume in one sitting.

Miki couldn't believe on how much she had enjoyed Yossie's company. They could almost talked about everything, especially sharing funny stories about their siblings. They stayed there, talking, until the owner of the restaurant told them it was time to close. Yossie gave him a big tip, ofcourse. In which the owner could almost jump for joy at the extra income. Definitely, Miki and Yossie would come back to this place.

They strolled around the park hand in hand. Not talking, just enjoying each other's company. Miki glanced at her, her leader was looking at her feet as they walked. Yossie looked at her and smiled.

Miki blushed as she looked away.

Yossie stopped suddenly. Miki stopped and wonder what made her stop all of the sudden.


Yossie sighed as she looked up at the clear night sky. "You know, there is someone I like. But, she couldn't see that I like her."

"Who is she this time? Definitely not your mother."

Yossie shook her head as she laughed, "no, definitely not. I always give her hints, but she refused to see it."

"You're telling me this?"

"I need an advice."

"Oh." Miki said. Was she hopeful that it would be her? "I don't know what advise I'll give to you. I don't even know what she like."

Yossie sighed, "you're right."

"Maybe tell her how you feel."

"But I'm afraid she'll reject me."

"You? She'll never reject you."

"Really? Why?" Yossie was surprised at Miki's outburst.

Me and my big mouth! Miki coughed as she began to think the right words.

"Well, you're fun to be with. You flirt all the time. You certainly can take care the ones you love. You're great in sports. You're pretty when you smile. And... and that's all I could think of." Miki said softly as she looked away from her leader who was looking intently at her.

"That irresistable, huh?" Yossie teased the smaller girl. "This girl I like is sometimes cold, hard to get along with, but time goes by, I discover that she can be also sweet. Loving in her own special way. I like the way she sings, and the way she laughs. Her strong personality often times misunderstood by everyone. Sometimes, I found myself enjoying looking at her."

Stop it! I don't want to hear it anymore! Miki wanted to shout as she felt jealousy intensify inside her. She never felt this way before, damn Valentine's Day for making her sappy.

"And do you know what made her special?"

Miki shook her head.

"She hates Valentine's day."

Miki widened her eyes as she looked at her. Yossie smiled shyly as she took a single rose inside her jacket.

"Thank you for tonight, Miki." Yossie whispered as she took a step nearer to the shorter girl.

Miki took the rose and looked up, "it was you?"

Yossie nodded, "do you like the chocolates?"

Miki nodded.

"It took me a long while to perfect it." Yossie laughed. "Okaasan complained on how I almost burned her kitchen."

Miki laughed too, "Why the mystery gift?"

"I know you'll refuse to go out with me if I asked you directly. It was Aya's idea about the anonymous gift." Yossie said.


Yossie nodded, "all that mystery will make you go out tonight. And here you are."

Miki giggled. Aya must be tired of listening to her whenever she go on about Yochan this and Yochan that.  

Yossie was unsure what to do next. But, Miki placed her hands on Yossie's shoulder and stood on her toes to reach the tall girl kissed her on the lips. Yossie was surprised at first, then placed her hands on Miki's waist as she responded to Miki's kiss.

Miki broke the sweet kiss and smiled shyly at her, "Thank you."

Yossie chuckled as she hold her closer. "Happy Valentine's Day, Miki."

Miki closed her eyes as she savor the moment in Yossie's arms, for a girl who hated Febuary 14, this is definitely the best Valentine's day she will ever had.  


Offline Mikitty-saikou

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Miki's Valentine's Day
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2007, 06:51:48 AM »

So sweet~!! (lol.. sorry, had to say it. :D)

Loved it. and it's YoMiki:heart::heart: Which makes me love it even more.

Offline Blizzard

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Miki's Valentine's Day
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2007, 06:57:46 AM »
Wow!  Just, wow!  That was so sweet and heartwarming!  Really awesome for your first fic!  Don't worry too much about your grammar, this is very readable.  I hope you enjoyed writing this enough to continue writing!

I also just wanted to tell you that I love your fanart!  You're really quite good!  Plus there can never be enough Yossui or YoMiki! :heart:

Offline len.chan

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Miki's Valentine's Day
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2007, 07:32:31 AM »
I loooove it :heart: :heart:
I don't care too much about grammar and such things (mine's horrible too XD) so don't worry about that. I really enjoyed reading it. And as Mikitty said is Yomiki, that's enough! XDXD

Offline katatsumuri

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Miki's Valentine's Day
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2007, 10:06:04 AM »
I love it too!!!! :MKlove2: :MKlove2:
Nevermind about the grammar, the sweetness covers everything~
Definitely one of my favourite yomiki moments. XD

Offline Mikan

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Miki's Valentine's Day
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2007, 11:44:58 AM »
Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa thats so sweet. I was smiling the entire way through ^^

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline Gomaki

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Miki's Valentine's Day
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2007, 01:41:13 PM »
Your fanfic is like your drawings....AWESOME!!!!!!!^^
I really love it! :pen_clap:

Offline Carmenrous

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Miki's Valentine's Day
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2007, 02:58:51 PM »
OMG!!!!so sweet!!im almost crying!!!this will be one of my favourites yomiki fanfics.
Really i love it so much!!!
Yomiki...Real Love:heart:

Offline MyDearYossi

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Miki's Valentine's Day
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2007, 03:09:53 PM »
Uaaaah!!! This was so sweet and cute:inlove:

Love it :ONluvluv1:

Offline jenmoshka

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Miki's Valentine's Day
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2007, 03:41:43 AM »

Ahhhh....Really, really enjoyed this! YoMiki is win! :heart:  The way you wrote, the sweetness of the story, absolutely loved it! Don't worry about your english or grammar, you're awesome!   I hope you continue to write because that was pure goodness! Keep it up PLEASE!!! XD XD XD
:heart: :heart: Forever a Yossui Fangirl :heart: :heart:   

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Offline JFC

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Miki's Valentine's Day
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2007, 04:37:24 AM »

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline rndmnwierd

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Miki's Valentine's Day
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2007, 05:36:00 AM »
OMG cute to the death. I don't even really like Yomiki *lies* Nope, not a Yomiki fan <.< >.> <.< Not a fan at all.

Offline Yukari

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Miki's Valentine's Day
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2007, 12:08:42 AM »
awwwww kawaii

I love Yomiki!!

Offline KrazyForKamei

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Miki's Valentine's Day
« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2007, 01:48:08 AM »
Grammar doesn't matter :P It's all about the story and yours rocked.

It was incredibly cute <3 I love Yomiki as well and there's not enough of it at all.

Yossie is such a romantic~ ^.^

Offline Tanachan

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Miki's Valentine's Day
« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2007, 03:44:35 AM »
*melts from hotness/cuteness explosion*

*which ended up being a bigger explosion than Chernobyl and Three Mile Island combined*
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Offline stefy

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Miki's Valentine's Day
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2007, 01:15:08 PM »
AHha~~~so so soooo sweettt!!! Yossi's soo charming here!!! GREAT JOB haidokun... love it love it love it!! mann I wish someone did all that for me too... *meltssssss* I'm gonna read it all over again!!

BTW You keep saying your english is weak but it's not THAT bad... we still get the picture, so don't be so hard on yourself!

Offline Aioros

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Miki's Valentine's Day
« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2007, 04:09:30 PM »
I should have read this sooner :ONfarofflook:

They're right, no need to worry about the grammar. It's fine. :)

Hope to read more of your work soon. :thumbsup

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Offline haidokun

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Miki's Valentine's Day
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2007, 06:44:11 AM »

minna, doumo arigato! for liking my first fic. :ONkneelbow:

*rolls sleeves* :ONglasses: yosh! i'm thinking of another story. hehehehe

Offline Owaranai_sLaVe

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Miki's Valentine's Day
« Reply #18 on: February 16, 2007, 11:02:18 PM »
Quote from: haidokun;309129
yosh! i'm thinking of another story. hehehehe
Hmmm.... that's totally gonna be interesting. I only found a few minor mistakes.. COMPARED TO MINE! Damn, I suck at editing... because I like skim through my stuff when I "edit" xD So no worries man.

It was Yossie who stood up and took the gift, "She's still in shock."
That made me laugh really loud...

"I know you'll refuse to go out with me if I asked you directly. It was Aya's idea about the anonymous gift." Yossie said.
HA! BOOYA! I love it!... Yossui should take note of this since Miki seems to reject going out with Yossui alot (doesnt mean they cant do anything indoors... :D)

Thanks for adding to the collection of making the non-believers into believers *cough. cough. you know who you are!*

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