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Offline Owaranai_sLaVe

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Going once, Going twice, SOLD!
« on: February 14, 2007, 11:26:52 PM »
Valentines Day special (cheesy, yes, I know.)

PT. 1

“…and because gorillas have such similar characteristics to humans, we, well scientists, believe that we evolved from these large primates…”

‘Humans evolved from primates’ uh huh…

“Psst,! Rika…”

“ Some of the similar characteristics are how primates stand up almost completely and use their fingers to help them with daily routines…”

“Hey! Pst, Rika! Listen,” Miki tapped her friend with eagerness to get her attention, but Rika tried hard to concentrate on her notes. “Come on, I just need to ask yo-“

Lalala, not listening.SIMILAR CHARACTERistics,” talking a little louder to herself now, while trying to concentrate on the lesson “ARE HOW BOTH HUMANS AND primates stand erect…”

For one final push, Miki shoved her zombie like friend, who was trying to concentrate on passing the class, so hard that Rika hit her forehead on the table. Slowly lifting her head, like the zombie nerd she had become, hinted that she was fed up with Miki’s stupid antics.

“WHAT. THE. HELL, Miki?!” Rika stared back at Miki with rage, it looked as if her eye sockets could no longer keep her eyeballs in.

“Excuse me! Ishikawa,” Rika turned her head quickly to the front of the room. “that’s about all I’ve wanted to hear from a foul mouth, get over here.” Rika’s teacher pointed to the front desk especially reserved for misbehaving students. Students like Miki, who did similar acts to one she just committed.

“But, but! Tayama-sensei! It wasn’t my fault, Fujimoto made me hi-“

“I don’t care, it’s not appropriate for young ladies to be yelling in the middle of someone else’s talk. I have no time for your excuses, hurry up and take your seat in the front so I can get on with the lesson for the students who actually care about tomorrow’s chapter test.”

Rika couldn’t believe this! She has never sat at the front before. She felt so ashamed. Feeling that someone was watching her, she turned to Miki and glared at her. While the teacher was turned to the board, she mouthed out “You owe me, BIG time.”

Miki nodded her head at Rika and felt her forehead secrete sweat once her friend turned around. “Oops.” Never letting anything bother her for too long, Miki shrugged it off and just thought of buying her something nice later to make up.

“Sorry about that, I didn’t know you were paying attention, eh heh.”

“I was writing notes! How can I not pay attention?!” Rika was till upset about earlier. She took things seriously. Getting placed in the front of class, next to the teacher, was like a delinquent being sent to the principal’s office. She’s obviously never done anything daring in her life before.

“Hey, cool it, okay? I just wanted to know what you were doing tomorrow.”

“What the- you stopped me from learning, interrupted me and the class, and got me in trouble on your count- just to ask me what my schedule was?”

“Uhhh…. Yeah… It is Valentines tomorrow….” Watching Rika’s facial expression calm down and turn blank set an alarm off in Miki’s head. “Wait. PLEASE don’t tell me you forgot. What, have you been living under a rock for the past two weeks?!”

Continuing to walk at a slower pace now, Rika answered, “Well, would it be still believable if I lied?”

“Ugh! Whatever. Anyway, I was thinking of asking Yoshizawa out to be my Valentine. What do you think?”

“You mean the soccer player Yoshizawa? Why her?”

“Yeah, the rich one. You know, I figure, since we’re both rich, that we’d totally be perfect for each other. Plus, she’s hot.”

“Are you sure? I mean, I don’t know. She looks stuck up, she thinks she’s the star of the soccer team ever since Gotou-san quit to focus on Student Council presidency.”

“Yeah, well Yoshizawa-san is the star of the team, and she’s second Vice President.”

“That doesn’t make a difference Miki…” Rika, not surprised but dumbfounded, stared back at Miki while walking to the cafeteria.

“Yeah it does. It totally does. Makes her more popular, and that’s just what I need.”

“I don’t get it, why do you want someone popular? What if they never give you as much attention as they should because of their fans?”

“…yeah, I think I’m ready to tell Gotou-san how I really feel! Ack! I can’t wait for tomorrow, I’m so nervous, but I feel so excited!”

Miki watched as Takahashi Ai talk to her kohai, Niigaki as they passed by the two. “Really? I think Yoshizawa-san is a lot dreamier than Gotou-san. Don’t get me wrong, both are gorgeous, but Yoshizawa-san… Sigh~ I don’t know, she’s so… dreamy!”

Rika and Miki both watched in disgust at the Second year and the First year popped hearts in their eyes as they day dreamed and talked about their fellow Third year classmates.

“Attention everyone! Attention! We would now like to start this year’s Valentine Special. With last year’s mishap, we are no longer doing the Kissing Both. Seems like some of you youngins’ don’t know what a three second kiss was and got too carried away!”

Among the girls, you could hear the chatter, “Yeah, poor Shibata-san and Mika-san. They were attacked by Takahashi!”

“HEY! I heard that, dim wit!” Takahashi shot back at Kamei with glaring eyes. “It’s not my fault I had enough money and they just happened to open up a perfect oppurtinity!”

“Ahem! Ladies, calm yourselves, let me talk. Now, this year, our academy is holding an 'Senior Valentine : Please Take Me Out' auction for the two most voted Third years, Yoshizawa Hitomi and Gotou Maki –“

The room went wild. All the girls turned to each other and squealed their little pigtails off. It was like every girl’s dream come true. “Omigosh! Did you hear that?! Yoshizawa-san and Gotou-san!!”

“Ahem. Yes, exciting, I know. All the money that is accumulated will go to this year’s festival, now remember…”

Miki had all she could bare and turned to Rika, “Did you hear that Rika?! An auction! WOOOH! This is going to be a piece of cake! It’s gonna be sooooo much fun!” Miki shot her first in the air and pounced on her best friend.

Rika, obviously not caring, turned to the lunch lined and said, “Yeah, party, woo. But what if someone bids higher than you, dummy?”

“Like who?”

-To be continued-

Sorry for the lame dialogue. This is just what happens to a bored person ^_^; Yeah, this is just gonna be a short story. Why am I doing this? Do I have anything better to be doing tonight? HA! I wish. This year is different *dammit all*. So yeah, I'm gonna be making a short special. Probably not lasting anymore than 5-10 chapters. The second one doesn't seem that long either :) *but counting on how this one wasn't supposed to be long... who knows?...

« Last Edit: April 02, 2007, 12:27:20 AM by Owaranai_sLaVe »
>>LIFE ~is just another story~2008/12/26<<
Please Spread The Love; Pervy Thinkers Association

Offline black velvet

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« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2007, 11:41:15 PM »
You just don't know how many times I was refreshing the fanfic section page. D:


Rika's such a nerd. xD (You didn't happen to get that information from your own Biology notes, did you? :P) This could turn out interesting: Will Miki, the richer one, win the auction or will someone else? Hmmm . . .

Speaking of Biology, it's time for me to study!! >.>

Offline len.chan

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« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2007, 11:51:49 PM »
uoh, nice begining.
I wonder if Rika has a hidden interest on Yossi and she's going to bet too XDXD

Offline haidokun

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« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2007, 06:33:52 AM »
ooh interesting chapter. i'll wait for the second one. i wonder who will win the auction?    :ONhee:

Offline stefy

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« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2007, 07:07:57 AM »
Like me!..... Just kidding, No MONEY!! drats...

cute chapter, who will win Yossi and who will win Goto?! next chapter plz !! lol take your time to write tho no hurries..

Offline rndmnwierd

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« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2007, 07:09:14 AM »
I kinda like the idea of Rika not caring about Valentines Day. Hmmm....

Offline Owaranai_sLaVe

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« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2007, 09:16:17 PM »
Thanks for reading everyone! I'm in quite a rush so I can't say personal thank yous'. I wouldnt have been if I were able to post this last night or if I didn't waste three hours doing yard work on a SCHOOL DAY. But I did. And now *twitch* I'm pissed *twitch* and tired *twitch*.

PT. 2

Later that night, a mandatory sit in was held in the auditorium.
“This so pointless, I’m not even bidding! Why do I have to be here?” Rika slumped back in her chair and folded her arms in frustration. Not only was she ticked off for taking time from studying to raise her B-average to an A, but she was forced to sit in the front section labeled ‘BIDDERS.’ “Ugh, and how embarrassing, I have sit here with you and look like I’m taking part in the insanity. Tsk, Why can’t we just sell candy and have car washes like normal school?”
“Because it’s mandatory to see your best friend win the hottest girl in school for a date, duh!” turning to Rika she added “Oh, and how can we be normal? We’re an 'all girls' school for one. Two,  half the population in this school is gay, and the other half is all sluts once they step out those school gates for Holidays. You want me to keep going on how normal we are?”
“True… but still... It’s like… It’s like they’re whoring them off! What kind of school conduct is this?” Rika slouched down in the auditorium seats some more and covered her face with her hands.
“Can you shut up and live for once?! It’s a school auction! They’re raising money; they’re not telling us to pay them to have sex with the prize! It’s a Valentine date!” Miki couldn’t stand Rika’s constant whining and
“Oh yeah, calling them a ‘prize’ makes it sound oh-so convincing.” Rika rolled her eyes and slouched in her chair. “Whatever, just make sure you bid the highest so we can leave here as soon as possible. How much do you have anyway?”
“I don’t know” Miki pulled out the stack of Yen she had hidden in her Roxy jacket and looked at it. “But hopefully it’s enough. You never know!” Quickly examining the money some more, Miki thought out loud, but not loud enough to make sure Rika didn’t hear it. “Hmm, I wonder if you can bid for the both of them…”
Trying to pretend not to hear what Miki said under her breath, “What the hell! How much money did you bring, your whole savings account?!” Rika grabbed the money that Miki was holding and started to count it. “Jeez, you can buy all the Nuclear weapons in the world with this!”
“Quiet down girls, quiet down.” Principal Nakazawa tried to calm the chatting girls to start the event. “Now, before we start, we just want to ask if there are any questions to make the rules clear.”
“Uu! Uu!, Nakazawa-sensei, over here!” A First year eagerly raised her hand to be called.
“Yes, what is your question?”
“Um, if we bid, and we win- is the date free?” The young girl must have felt embarrassed for such a cheap question because she no longer asked with such an excited tone, but instead with shyness.
“Yes, the date is payed for with this special card,” Nakazawa retrieved a red Visa card that was to be used during the date from her pocket, “which has a reasonable amount. We trust you that it will be just a normal teenage date and nothing serious. More over, we assume that none of you will be going all out to bid…”
“Hah, I don’t think she’s met Miki’s rubber band bank yet…” When Rika scuffed and said this too loud, Miki elbowed her in the ribs. Not from embarrassment of course, Miki never gets embarrassed, but from a possible blow of her cover.
Through gritted teeth, Miki leaned  back and whispered, “Shut up, if someone hears, they might bid more than me. Like you said, you want this thing over with, well just let me bid higher and,” Miki moved her hands like she was doing a magic trick, “viola, we’ll be out!”
“…so the money in here should be no more than what your bid is. If, in any case it is, we then assume you have all the money in the world to pay for the other expenses.”
On the other side of the auditorium, Ai whispered back to Risa “What is she, mentally challenged? OF COURSE we’re going to bid all out here. They just proposed the best idea yet since they opened this school. And not to mention that we’re all rich.”
Speaking a little to loud for comfort, Risa used her outdoor voice to reply, “Yeah, watch them be cheap again and deposit like 2,000 Yen in there, hahaha!”
“OI! Niigaki! I heard that. Meet me in my office tomorrow morning.” Nakazawa has just about enough of being Ms. Sunshine.  She was quite pleased when she saw Niigaki bow her head in shame. “Damn, these brats. They’re the age in my beauty.” Nakazawa sighed and regained her energy when she noticed Gotou and Yoshizawa become restless backstage.
“Okay girls! It’s time! Get your biddy voices ready and make sure you have just enough to outbid the other little monsters! Let’s begin! Will Yoshizawa Hitomi and Gotou Maki please step out…”
Once the curtains lifted and out came the two stars, the crowd went wild.
“Gotou-senpai! We love you!” Someone from the back of the auditorium clearly couldn’t tell the difference between a school and a concert.
Kissing her hands and lifting it into a wave, “Yeah babe, love ya too.” Gotou winked to her fans and grabbed the microphones that were being handed to her and Hitomi.
Yoshizawa stayed beside Gotou and put a fake smile on. She moved her vision to the right and saw a group of girls gawk at her like she just descended from the heavens. “Oh boy, this is gonna be one crazy day tomorrow” she muffled under her breath.
“Ah, just smile and wave m’dear friend, smile and wave. The girls are diggin’ it! Don’t you just love all this attention?” Gotou said quietly to Yoshizawa who looked just about the opposite of her excited spirits. “Okay Ladies! Are we ready to start pulling them bills out?!” Screaming into the mic, Gotou just couldn’t contain her excitement. “Alright, that’s good to know! First we’ll start with me. Yoshizawa-san will be bidding me off and vice versa.”
Hitomi threw in an obligatory “Woo!,” As a signal from Gotou when she nudged her. “Ok we’ll start the bidding at 2,000 Yen shall we?” Hitomi ignored the glare she caught from Gotou who was most likely offended by how cheap it was.

“Uu! 2,500!” Someone in the front started the competition. A tall girl, with the badge of a second year threw her hands up.

“2,500, do I hear a 3,000? Going once go-” Before she could finish, someone to her right leap from her chair.

“3,500 Yen!” Ai flew from her chair to get Yoshizawa’s attention.

“Wow! 3,500, do I hear 4,000? Anyone; going once going twice…”

The bidding went on between Ai and the mystery second year. No one could identify who it was, but she was looking for one hell of an expensive date.

Niigaki whispered to Ai as the two went on to bidding, “Does she even go to this school?! I’ve never seen her before…”

“I don’t know and I don’t care,” Ai replied to her under her breath with a hint of determination, “all I know is Gotou is MINE.”

“6,000 Yen! MY  Final offer.” Everyone’s attention altered to the tall girl in the front of the auditorium. With one death glare, Ai knew she had some serious competition. But of course, she was no match.

“12,000 Yen, CASH. And I can keep going baby, anyone else?” The second year looked around and caught all the shocked faces. All the early bidders sat down quietly in defeat. The mystery giant, not turning around to face her match, admitted to defeat and took hear seat. Even Gotou, caught in shock, stood motionless and looked up from picking at her nails.

“Damn,” Nakazawa whispered to Vice Principle Murata from the left side of the stage, “these little brats are serious!”

“Yes, it appears so Yuko. But hey, we’ve been running this school for over six years, if you couldn’t judge that from our Talent Shows alone, then you really missed out on last years ‘Series of Broken Bones and Chopped Hair’ hall of shame.”

And so the show went on. “Ahem… Uh, 12,000… Do I hear a 12,300? Anyone?”  Hitomi looked around at the room full of girls and no one moved “Okay… Going once, Going twice, SOLD to… er, sorry, what’s your name?” Hitomi furrowed her eyebrows from seeing an unfamiliar face.

“Takahashi Ai, Gotou-senpai’s number one fan and Valentine date.” Gotou took a glimpse of Ai’s wide grin and shuddered.

“Oh shit. Not even the devil can get me out of this one… It’s the chick from the restroom, and the P.E. lockers, and the one who keeps baking those horrible cookies that I swear gave me dia - a stomach ache for a week!” Gotou grabbed on to her dear friend’s arms and clawed on it, hoping it would save her from this situation she was held in.

Heh, this isn't even finished yet. but i decided it was way too long already. so Yossui's bidding and part of the first date will be written/added later *hopefully*.

« Last Edit: February 15, 2007, 10:28:04 PM by Owaranai_sLaVe »
>>LIFE ~is just another story~2008/12/26<<
Please Spread The Love; Pervy Thinkers Association

Offline len.chan

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« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2007, 09:37:37 PM »
Kissing her hands and lifting it into a wave, “Yeah babe, love ya too.” Gotou winked to her fans and grabbed the microphones that were being handed to her and Hitomi.

that image's has no price XDXDXD

I bet that Rika'll win the auction by mistake and she'll have a nice, unexpected date with Yocchan XDXD

Offline Blizzard

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« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2007, 09:44:35 PM »
Ai seems to be quite the stalker, huh?  Poor Maki, seems there's no getting out of it now.  Hopefully Ai won't bring her more cookies for their date though!

This is an interesting approach.  I'm looking forward to more!

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« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2007, 11:27:33 PM »
Quote from: len.chan;309584

I bet that Rika'll win the auction by mistake and she'll have a nice, unexpected date with Yocchan XDXD

I was thinking exactly the same!!!! XD

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« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2007, 01:04:52 AM »
I wonder who the mystery bidder was?

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« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2007, 05:38:00 AM »
Quote from: black velvet;308859
You just don't know how many times I was refreshing the fanfic section page. D:


Rika's such a nerd. xD (You didn't happen to get that information from your own Biology notes, did you? :P) This could turn out interesting: Will Miki, the richer one, win the auction or will someone else? Hmmm . . .

Speaking of Biology, it's time for me to study!! >.>

Me too!! I love you sLaVe for writing about them in school :panda_kiss: I've been wanting to read something like this for ages :yay:

Rika isn't a nerd... well not that big a nerd anyway :MKevil: She's just a super go-getter, like she always is.

Quote from: GeTaWay;309658
I was thinking exactly the same!!!! XD

Me too! Again :lol: But Rika isn't rich right? No wait all the girls are rich? Then maybe she would :panda_omg2:

I never imagined Ai to be the ditzy gal she is and XD at Sunshine Gaki. Did I tell you how much I love ya humor? The squealing their pigtails off, Takahashi's crazy stalker descriptions and all the wisecrack banter between Miki and Rika.

Bottomline... THIS FIC IS :heart: x infinity :) *refreshes page again*

Offline stefy

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« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2007, 04:55:15 PM »
Ai-chan? stalker? HAHAHA nice one... Yossi doesn't seem stuck up like what Rika says, so I'm gonna agree with Len.chan and say Rika will get that date and end up like Yossi knowing that she mis-judged Yossi

Offline rndmnwierd

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« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2007, 07:24:11 PM »
Lol at Stalker!Ai.

Offline black velvet

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« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2007, 09:50:04 PM »
Agressive Stalker Ai . . . :o It kind of scares me to see how Miki will act!

Gotou sounds more narcissitic than Aya! And, as strange as it sounds, I really wish my school would have this kind of auction or something! xDD

Offline Owaranai_sLaVe

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omg, wtf... its like an essay! what kind of rest is this?!
« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2007, 10:23:28 PM »
Wow, thanks everyone! Hmm, this story seems to be doing fairly well :) I'm glad. I'm writing the next one soon. But I wanna take a break and actually read the other fanfics *long day today. STUPID TESTS* ~~To everyone who is guessing on the future of Yossui and Rika : Hmm... I won't give it away since I'm still not 100% sure on everything in this story. To tell you the truth, this one is less planned, and more idea-ass-pulling than my other story! So who knows?!~~ Also, I would like to APOLOGIZE for a crappy ass and quicken story on the whole "stalking comedy" part and the ending. ^_^;;;

len hehe, I'm trying to work on my comedy. Like my other story, everything is an experiment for me to work on my writing skills. Really? You think that? I already have my plan on what's gonna happen. Not gonna say if you're right of wrong *of course* but just hope you stay tuned!

Blizz Stalker Ai :) I  like the idea of stalkers *if you haven't guessed from my other story!* but this one on the other hand will be humor-ish. Thanks!~

GeTa (can I call you that?) like I said in  above and in Len's post, we'll see~ Thanks for commenting/reading~

glcorps The mysterious tall girl? xD I dont know either... *hmm I wonder also...* but since this is a school, and I'm sure schools don't only have X amount of girls in H!P. Also the fact that it's a highschool, and there's only three years in highschool, so that narrows down the numbers in H!P, I had to make it seem more realistic with other characters. Why I made her tall? I'll never know... guess 'cuz the majority of H!P is short already, so I just wanted to make the girl seem more like a regular person *as in not in H!P*

Hamz! :kwink: Thanks so much for your comment on my "humor" that I'm hoping is getting better! I'm so happy to read that, hehe. I guess I got the idea from reading "The high of 85" also. But mostly, I had the whole auction thing from my school! It's CRAZY! They had an Valentine thing during school, and while me and my friends were walking to class *during first lunch* I saw the auction. Automatically, an idea rang, and obviously, I cant use it in my other story, so I decided to make a small V-Day special.
EXACTLY! a Go-getter. not nerd parse, she just works hard because she's not that great of a student :)
I'll explain money, status, etc in future chaps~ I was waiting for someone to bring that up, thanks for reading my mind! *wait, thats kinda creepy...*
Eh, I wanted to try something new with some of the girls like

Ai the highly confident rich girl who thinks she's better than everyone who has a best friend she takes for granted (Risa who goes along with Ai's silly stalking ideas but still has a mind of her own and speaks it). Then there's Miki also a rich girl and likes to boast about it and use it to her advantage. She's not typically spoiled, she still thinks of getting Rika something as an apology ^_^;; but she just doesn't know how to do it in a more sentimental way! Rika is the hard working student, sorta reminds me of a ronin like Naru from Love Hina manga. But she's not overly nerdy, she's just a good girl who strives for the best because ('ll find out late ^_^). Gotou is of course, narcissistic as can be and loves her attention. But like all attention lovers, theres always one that she hates... and it happens to be "stalker" Ai! . Yossui on the other hand is actually more reserved and athletic. She became the star and captain of the soccer team when Gotou left. When I think of them from this story, sometimes even in real life, I see them as close friends that go way back. And despite their differences, they still get along and know each other very well *which we will see later one*

stefy Don't we all wish we can auction them all?! Hell, in my parallel universe, Miki and Rika are getting auctioned as well, and I'm buyin 'em all like an effing Collectors Item of the '85 girls! XD.
Of course, later, we'll see why Rika thinks of Yossui as sorta stuck up. I'm mad at myself for indirectly saying the  auction was on Feb 13 and the next day would be Feb 14 already. Now I have to make it seems like the next day after Yossui's auction is so damn long .... x_X

rndmn well this year, I didn't care that it was either... maybe I was putting some of my thought into her? Or I was just making a character that could fit my plot, etc. Thanks~

Velvet Oh man, if only you guys knew of what's more to come with Gotou and Ai. I have so many ideas.... it's crazy! I hope you guys don't think I'm a stalker too! XD!
Oh no, just about all the girls but Risa, yossui, Rika, and Eri are narcissistic. Who is the top? That's your decision. Even this fake character I have in mind just to settle something between *** and Miki is narcissistic as well!

 haidokun Salamat sa comment mo. Kase long time na ako hindi nag basa, *sulat at study at linise lang ang ginawa ko this week xD* babasahin ko ang V-day special mo... or more like i tatapos ko, tee hee.

Okay ya'll... break from writing *I will have the next chap tonight dammit :evil: because I might not be able to write/post till Monday >.>* and I will read your fanfics now!

EDIT :  You guys are really making me re-think of the story. Should I continue to make it longer than planned, or should I not? That is the question...
Velvet, oh and... Um... I got some of that evolution stuff from what I REMEMBERED in Bio last sem. I dont believe in evolution, but I wanted to start the story off with as school-like feel. I would have picked something like cells, but as you know, I hate explaining cells. And If I did anatomy/human body, I wouldn't know where to start! So, even if I'm not a believer in Evolution, my stupid self had no choice.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2007, 11:07:13 PM by Owaranai_sLaVe »
>>LIFE ~is just another story~2008/12/26<<
Please Spread The Love; Pervy Thinkers Association

Offline Owaranai_sLaVe

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« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2007, 07:46:43 AM »
Eh heh, not exactly the same night... But it's not my fault! Damn Korean stuff >.>

PT. 3

Quickly, Gotou ran to the side of the stage where Principle Nakazawa was residing loudly whispered to her “NO! I can’t do this anymore. Definitely not. Nope, no can do. Take me out, I want out. Ask someone else to do it-“ Gotou pleaded for dear life, something that someone as cool as her, would never do.

“Ah! No, that’s a definite negative,” Yuko raised her finger to Gotou’s face and shook it from left to right; “We already announced your participation in this. Plus, look! You had quite a success with raising money. We’ll be sure to thank you when our school uses that extra pocket change. Now, if you’ll do the honors, I think it’s time that someone gets a taste of Hitomi, and for our pocketstogetfuller! Now shoo!” Nakazawa smiled at Yoshizawa and pushed the two off to center stage.

A sweat drop neared Gotou’s temple before she began her opening for Yoshizawa’s bid. “Eh heh… Sorry for the delay girls, I’m sure you don’t mind…”

“Hell no we don’t, cutie!” A first year who needed some serious help with cosmetics stood up and hollered from the back. Although any person with REAL taste would wince at the site of her, someone like Gotou, who was filled with too much charm, winked at her. Then which of course, drove the girl to a series of squeals.

“Like I was saying, it’s not time for me to introduce the bidding for my bud here, the captain and star of the soccer team, Student Councils’ Second Vice President, the girl you all dream about at night (except of course me) – Yoshizawa HITOMI!”

As the applauds and cheering died down, Yoshizawa managed to say a small “Thank you” and let Gotou continue with being fake.

“Anyway, enough with Yoshizawa, the focus is now on you girls.”  Maki kept smiling as the girls kept giving her what she wanted, a reaction.

Through gritted teeth and a hint of annoyance in her voice, “Can you just speed up the process, I still have practice in the morning.” She had just about enough of the charade since the spotlight focused on her.

“’Kay, I’ll start the price at five Yen. Five Yen, anyone, five yen!” With this start, no one noticed as they were laughing, Hitomi took a quick smack at Gotou’s head which made a thud on the microphone.

“Ah ah, just a joke you guys-“

“Three thousand Yen, Gotou-senpai! Kyah!”

“What the… that’s higher than my starting bid…” With a bit of irritation on her expression, Gotou tried quickly to move to the next bidder before Yossui could make note of the bid. But a simple chuckle and a nudge by Yoshizawa gave it away, even if Gotou decided to ignore it.

“No, Gotou-senpai, I bid 5,000 Yen!” Risa stood from her seat with a  big smile as she thought she would win instantly despite Ai’s famous ‘What the fu*k face’. “Woo! That was fun” she then exclaimed with a grin, still hyped from her actions… “Ahem… I mean… yeah, ok that was enough excitement for me tonight…”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought, Risa.” Ai leaned back in her seat knowing that that was going to be Risa’s last outburst.

“Five thousand Yen, do I hear a 6,000 Yen? Going once, going twice-“
“Six thousand Yen, cash.” Again the tall mystery girl stood from the front row.

Assuming that the numbers wouldn’t get higher, Gotou raised the numbers only slightly. “Ok 6,000. Do I hear 6,300 Yen? Going once, go-“

“Senpai, 8,000 Yen!” Eri stood up eagerly and admired Yoshizawa as she just stood emotionless through the auction. Eri’s posse cheered her on and wished her the best for winning. “Woo! Go Eri!”

The next series of bids went on and had little difference. This started to irrated Rika who kept nodding off in and out of sleep. “Dammit Miki, when the hell are you going to call your bid?! I’m falling asleep here.” She watched as the girl who sat beside her, who was supposed to be competing against the Hitomi-hungry girls, sat silently, leaning on the back of her seat and watched the bidding.

“Shhh… I’m watching.” Miki furrowed her eyebrows slightly from the small irritation of being interrupted from concentration.

“Gyah, well you’re supposed to be bidding! Hurry up plea-“

Suddenly, the numbers started to reach outrageous numbers. The prices exceeded even Gotou’s!

“Fifteen thousand Yen, Gotou. That’s my final offer.” It seemed as though even Yoshizawa’s team mates fell captive to her spell.

“Wow folks… it’s not that serious.” Gotou stated as she scratched the back of her. This was just her indirect way to stop the bidding because it’s already exceeded her bids by a long shot. Not only that, she hated that Hitomi was already winning, but it seemed like there were still strong bidders. Speaking rather quickly now, “Fifteen thousand, do I hear 16,000? Going once, going twi-“

“TWENTY THOUSAND!” Eri yelled quickly, she was quite exhausted from all the competition so she started to huff a little after calling out. She wanted to make sure that she would win that date tomorrow…

“Mother fu- What the hell people?! For Yoshizawa? I think I’m gonna faint!” Gotou was now frustrated from all the numbers she was hearing “Okay, 20,000 Yen. Anyone else, ladies? Going once. Going twice. SOL-“

“MIKI!” Rika pleaded for Miki to hurry the hell up. The suspense was killing the girl, and it was no longer just because she wanted to go back to the dorms.

“WAIT! Gotou-san, wait.” Miki stood with confidence and boldness. Gotou look towards her direction and actually waited. On the other hand, Eri watched from the other side with fear in mind.

“Twenty. Five. Thousand. Yen.” Miki said each word to savor the win. Almost the entire auditorium full of girls stood in silence. Yoshizawa on the other hand focused her attention to where everyone else was looking. By the time the had passed Gotou’s bid, she started to think about the game plan for next weeks’ tournament.

Still on stage, Gotou buried her forehead in her free hand. “Oh for the love of- Okay, 25,000 Yen? You GOT to be KIDDING me! Damn! Alright, that’s it, no one better bid anymore.” Now prepared to speak into the microphone, and determined to close off the deal before anyone else could POSSIBLY bid higher, she quickened her cue line. “We have 25,000 Yen. Goingonce.Goingtwice. SOLD! End! Finite! Good NIGHT!"

Gotou lowered the microphone in disgust, “No more, dammit.”

SOMEONE realllllyy needs to give me some sort of pill or resistance to watching Korean stuff... :ONdepressed:
Listening/Watching : the fact that this is live, makes me love you forever. No matter how old the video is... <3

« Last Edit: February 17, 2007, 05:15:02 PM by Owaranai_sLaVe »
>>LIFE ~is just another story~2008/12/26<<
Please Spread The Love; Pervy Thinkers Association

Offline lil_hamz

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Going once, Going twice, SOLD!
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2007, 04:33:39 PM »
I was :ROTFLMAO: at Risa's random outburst. It was like what da.... where did that come from??? :lol:

And wow Miki won with 25,000 yen. She's rich. But hey, its a one-on-one date after all so if I was there I'll go even further.... for Risa  :ONshy2:

So Rika didn't get that date with Yossi. I was half expecting everyone to look her way when she yelled. Hmmmm but I wonder if she's gonna end up going on the date for Miki anyway. Just gotta read on to find out. But first I have to do something...

*Steals away sLaVe's Kpop collection* :panda_shifty:

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Going once, Going twice, SOLD!
« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2007, 11:04:25 PM »
Quote from: Owaranai_sLaVe;310762

“’Kay, I’ll start the price at five Yen. Five Yen, anyone, five yen!” With this start, no one noticed as they were laughing, Hitomi took a quick smack at Gotou’s head which made a thud on the microphone.

hehehe, what an insult, starting at $0.05 cents. But it backfired on Maki in the end.XD

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Offline jafeijai

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Going once, Going twice, SOLD!
« Reply #19 on: February 17, 2007, 11:27:56 PM »
Quote from: lil_hamz;310901
I was :ROTFLMAO: at Risa's random outburst. It was like what da.... where did that come from??? :lol:

And wow Miki won with 25,000 yen. She's rich. But hey, its a one-on-one date after all so if I was there I'll go even further.... for Risa  :ONshy2:

Well said, fellow Risa lover!! :yay: Unfortunately, it'd have to best my [insert value greater than 25,000 here] yen in order for you to get that date XD

I'm really liking how this is going...LOL @ Maki's disgust XD Keep it up! :thumbsup

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