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Author Topic: All Aboard! [Chapter 26! --sorry for the wait]  (Read 101575 times)

Offline rndmnwierd

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« Reply #60 on: March 14, 2007, 05:48:07 AM »
An update! :ONwriggly: <-- This little guy shows just how happy I am for this chapter just because I took an extra ten seconds to put him there.

Again, though, I must say that I love the Twins! I can only imagine the havok they could wreak on a small port.

Offline Blizzard

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« Reply #61 on: March 14, 2007, 06:26:02 AM »
Wooo!  Awesome tavern brawl!  I hope there's more!  I just can't get over how well you write fight scenes, which is a very good thing being that that's what pirates do!  Arr!  

Interesting way for them to first meet.  Yossui better remember Maki's tackle for the next time they fight, so it won't happen again!

Offline orangesocks

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« Reply #62 on: March 14, 2007, 02:52:10 PM »
"Makoto was brandishing her cleaver"

gaH! This made me laugh and cower at the thought of an angry Makoto.
Hmmm, now that Ai-chan is present, will there be TaGaki?? XD
Poor Ayaya... Maybe Miki can relieve some of that stress of hers. XD

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« Reply #63 on: March 14, 2007, 09:09:23 PM »
Hehe so the tavern brawl was appreciated then? Heck, if you guys like fight scenes, go check out the side stories. The latest one has fight scenes again. XD

This one took a while to write. Fight scenes can be a real pain. Haha. Oh, and no one maim me too quickly when they read the first part...just keep reading before you do anything! :P


Chapter 7

While the two different crews had been busily trashing the Sea Coconut with their brawl, a certain troublemaking duo were out prowling the back alleys of that stinking port town at about the same time, moving like twin shadows that were too elusive to be seen easily.

It had been a productive evening, by their standards. They had preyed on their usual type of targets, lurking as they did earlier near the outside of one of the several whore houses that serviced the visiting sailors to the port. Both of them had nothing but contempt for men who indulged in their carnal desires like this, Aibon in particular. She had had bad memories in the past about such places, and had Nono not intervened back then...

The man was huge, looming like a shadow of terrifying doom over a young girl, barely more than 12 years old. She was shivering in fear, cowering back and hoping against all hope that her mother would come in time to stop this...brute from coming any closer.

But no. Mother was dead. Driven to death by her monster of a father. The same father who had sold her into a brothel to help clear his debts.

No one was going to save her.

Too close...he was too close. The little girl could smell the stink of alcohol permeating his breath, feel the heat radiating off his much larger form as she tried to evade his searching hands, by backing away still more...until she hit a wall behind her.

The lecherous sneer on that unknown male sickened the already terrified young girl. She could feel the bile rising in her throat, the panic making her muscles seize up and move sluggishly as she tried desperately to think of a way out.

But there wasn't going to be a way out. The man wasn't going to let her get away. He had paid a good price to claim the tender young girl before him. He was stronger than her. There was no way she could escape or even fight back.

His touch repulsed her. The little girl tried to scream as he roughly ripped the thin cloth of her smock, but her throat felt strangled. Her skin crawled as he pushed her against the wall, leering sickly at her utter terror, savoring the fear and pain emanating from her as he tightened his grip painfully around her arms, digging into the soft skin and leaving ugly bruises behind.

She was shaking and crying, her mind screaming at him to stop. His hands...touching her...roughly squeezing and sickened her.

She struggled futilely in his grasp, scratching and kicking and biting, managing to inflict only minimal damage. She did manage to sink her teeth into his arm though, making him yelp in pain and loosening his grip on her shoulder. She took the chance to wriggle out from under him, trying to make a break for it, but the man only growled and pulled her back by the ankle.

She was slammed back into the wall with great force, the impact jarring and making her dizzy. Through her woozy vision, the man came closer, undoing his pants as he did so, clearly tired of just playing. She tried to get back up, to run away or something, but her body had been too dazed by that meeting with the wall, and could only stare on in horror as he came closer to her, lowering himself down...


A vase, or rather, the shattered pieces of what was once a vase, clattered to the ground. The man slumped forward to the side of the young girl, unconscious, blood trickling down from the back of his head. Behind him stood a flushed Tsuji Nozomi, age 13, panting heavily from running all the way.

Aibon still had nightmares from that time, once in a while. Sometimes in those nightmares, Nono had not been in time to save her. She would wake up shaking and crying, wanting to throw up, scream, do whatever.

But Nono had always been by her side, holding her like she did that time, whispering words of comfort and just being there for her. That was why they always slept wrapped around each other, because the nightmares didn't come as often when they were sleeping together, and even if she did have a nightmare, then Nono could calm her down quickly. She felt safe around her older "twin", drawing a sense of comfort and security whenever they were together.

They had run away together back then. Nono never had a home, being orphaned early and living on the streets. Nono remembered how it was then, 11 years old and nearly half-dead from starvation, before collapsing in the alley next to Aibon's house. The younger girl had been out running an errand for her mother, and seeing her crumpled up helplessly, had given the older girl the bread that would have been her own dinner. Tsuji had survived the night because of that act of kindness, and had pledged to protect the younger girl, always staving off bullies, helping her out with her chores, and just generally watching out for her.

Then that incident with the brothel had occurred, and they had been forced to flee, far from that town. Life on the run had not been easy on the two young girls, who were forced to resort to all sorts of means just to stay alive. That was when they had picked up their ruthlessness and viciousness, the harsh ways of surviving the streets moulding and shaping what would have been innocent girls into borderline sociopaths. Life had dealt them a cruel hand, but they had survived it...together.

The two of them were now back aboard ship, relieving guard duty from Kei and Kaori. They sat close together, Aibon between Nono's legs, the older girl's arms enfolded loosely around the other's waist. They didn't say anything, but then again they never had to. They just stayed close together, enjoying the proximity and the comforting warmth of the other's presence.

Tsuji watched as Aibon dozed off, once again using her chest as a pillow. The older of the self styled "twins" smiled down indulgently, pulling her best friend closer to her and trying to make her more comfortable at the same time. The soft glow of the moonlight from a nearly full moon cast a strange luminescence over the innocent features of the girl asleep in her arms, and Tsuji was struck once again by the surge of possessive protectiveness that hit her whenever she looked at Aibon like that.

It was a strange feeling, that surge of fierce heat in her chest, that dizzying euphoria whenever the younger girl smiled at her...

Nono knew only that she had to protect that smile. Protect the girl who had saved her life. The girl who was her reason for living, the center of her whole existence. The girl who she had grown to love after all these years.

Her arms tightened around the sleeping Aibon even as she swore a familiar oath to herself.

I'll protect you and never let go of you ever again.


It was an exceptionally quiet night along the waterfront in Miki's opinion. A few drunks, that was about it. No thugs, no brawls spilling out into the streets, no fun.

Maybe she should go join the others at the Sea Coconut. Get drunk maybe. Probably get a chance to grope that pretty barmaid. Ai-chan had such delectable reactions to her harassment, Miki remembered with a smugly self-satisfied grin. Even after all this time, the girl still hadn't gotten used to all the innuendo Miki enjoyed throwing her way, just to see the other girl squirm and blush like crazy.

It baffled Miki, really. Most tavern wenches weren't as...innocent as Ai-chan apparently was. But then again, Ayaka was extremely protective over her staff, so that might have contributed to it. In any case, it only added to the fun whenever Miki teased the poor girl.

Her mind made up, Miki was about to head on down to the Sea Coconut when the sounds of raised voices further down the waterfront reached her ears. Squinting in the darkness, since the light from the sporadically placed torches didn't offer much illumination, she saw a quite a few large figures crowding around someone who was apparently much smaller than them, since she couldn't see clearly who it was.

She was half tempted to just leave it alone and walk away. But the draw of a possible fight was almost too much to resist. Miki had too much pent-up energy inside her after having been confined to bed for the whole duration of the last voyage coming here. Almost 3 weeks had nearly driven her insane with too much stored energy, and Yossi had barely escaped being turned into a walking pincushion several times whenever she walked into the quarters they shared onboard ship.

A nice fight might just be the thing to loosen her nerves before she could go ahead and fully enjoy the results of harassing that pretty barmaid again. Nodding to herself, Miki slipped closer, sticking close to the shadows to avoid alerting them to her presence too early.

"...claim the reward!" Miki caught the tail end of a sentence. Her interest definitely piqued now, she edged still closer, eager to see what was going on.

"Why don't we have a little fun with her first? I don't think anyone cares as long as we just deliver her..." One man suggested lewdly, and his companions started grinning as well, moving closer to what had to be a woman within their circle.

"I would suggest letting her go." A low voice purred silkily from the shadows beyond the group of men. Miki blinked. She hadn't said that, although it was close to what she would have picked as an opening line.

"What the..." One of the men managed to get out before a strange-looking blade cut him down. The others drew their weapons instinctively, but a couple of them were too slow and fell to the mystery rescuer. One man made a move to grab the woman that they had been threatening earlier, but the sharp bang of a gun halted him in his tracks, a hole appearing in his chest and felling him in an instant.

"Run back to the ship! I'll take care of them!" Barked the rescuer as that strange blade clashed against the cutlasses of two men at the same time. The voice was feminine, Miki realised, as she observed from the shadows. The sword the mystery woman was using reminded Miki a standard cutlass but somehow different, the blade not quite as wide, but not as narrow as Yossi's saber, and slightly longer than a regular cutlass as well. Of course, the most startling difference was the fact that there appeared to be a revolver integrated into the sword, near the hilt. She had never even heard of that before.

The woman who had been trapped earlier nodded and took off, evidently trusting the lone girl to do the job. The men however, had by now reorganised themselves, and they had numbers on their side. The swordswoman was slowly but surely being forced backwards.

The clouds that had been gathering overhead finally shifted, spilling moonlight down to reveal the small, slim figure who was valiantly standing against 5 men all bigger than herself.

4 men. The woman had spun gracefully away from the wild slashes, shifting her grip slightly on that gunblade, and fired off two quick shots, downing one man and wounding another. The light of the moon overhead gave an almost ethereal quality to the woman, an impression enhanced when the hat obscuring her features fell off, letting her hair fall loosely to frame that beautiful face.

She's about my age. Miki realised with a jolt. The level of skill had initially given her the impression of someone a bit older. But then again, Yossi was her age and she was one of the best sword users she had seen thus far. But this girl could give Yossi a run for her money, or so it seemed.

Wait, why am I standing here admiring the view when I wanted to fight?
Miki kicked herself mentally for that oversight. She had been too caught up in admiring the skill (and ok the beauty) of the swordswoman. It was almost like watching a dance, really, rather than a battle.

The men had been trying to surround their opponent in order to attack her from all side, but evidently the girl knew that as well, since she kept moving around to make sure that they didn't outflank her. To that end, she had maneuvered herself to have her back facing the edge of the waterfront, so that they couldn't get behind her. It was a bit risky, since they could conceivably force her back until she fell backwards into the deep waters of the harbor. She wouldn't drown of course, but it would certainly free the men to go and chase after their target, something which was completely unacceptable to the young woman.

But the men were unskilled buffoons compared to the warrior they faced. They weren't inept or anything, but they simply weren't good enough compared to their opponent. Had they had a few more people on their side, they would have overpowered her, but as it was, they couldn't overcome her at all.

Miki stepped out of the shadows even as another man rushed the cornered girl, but she tripped him instead, sending him flying into the water behind her. But in doing that, she left an opening in her side, one which the men did not hesitate to exploit. The girl tried to recover and turn her gunblade around to block the incoming strike, but was a fraction too late, the cutlass leaving a deep cut across the top of her right shoulder.

To her credit, she didn't drop her weapon even as she hissed in pain, instinctively backing up to avoid the follow up stroke, but she had run out of space behind her. Losing her balance as she teetered on the edge, her foot getting caught within a coil of rope, knocking it loose as she plunged backwards into the harbor.

The men smirked in satisfaction, turning away...only to see a smiling Miki holding out 3 knives in between her fingers of her left hand.

"Hello boys."

2 seconds later, 3 corpses thudded to the ground.

Miki strode over casually to the edge of the waterfront, looking over curiously to see if that woman had managed to drown or something. To her surprise, the woman was climbing up somewhat slowly and awkwardly via the coil of rope that had fallen with her, as the other end had been secured to a point. The gunblade was now sheathed and slung across her lower back.

When the drenched and bedraggled woman finally reached the top, Miki surprised herself when she offered the other a hand up. The startled look in the other girl's eyes must have said the same about her reaction, although she did accept the hand, wincing as her right shoulder cried out in protest.

The two stood facing each other in semi-silence for a few moments, the drenched girl shivering a little as she stared suspiciously back at Miki's appraising gaze.

"What are you looking at?"

Miki, who had been eyeing the other woman, suddenly had a slow, lazy grin spread out on her face. The combination of wet seawater and a white shirt on a very generous figure was...interesting, to say the least. She stepped closer to the other girl, too close, and whispered in a husky tone.

"Nice figure. Can I touch?"


Annnnd that's it for Chapter 7. God I'm tired. 4am in the morning. What am I doing? Gah! Lol.

Hope you guys liked! XD


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline Yuuyami

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« Reply #64 on: March 14, 2007, 09:19:29 PM »
Aibon sold to a brothel? Oh my o___o; But I'm glad to know where the twins' slight insanity came from, haha.

Loved the fight scene, and glad to know that the gunblade isn't too hard to write about <3! Gunblade looooove <3!

MIKIANDAYAMIKIANDAYAMIKIANDAYAMIKIANDAYAMIKIANDAYAMIKIANDAYA!!!! -cough- Glad to know they finally met, and Miki's last line made me spit out tea in laughter xD! Wonder how Aya will react to that, haha xD!

Looking forward to the next chapter!! <3~!

Offline rndmnwierd

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« Reply #65 on: March 14, 2007, 10:51:58 PM »
The twins back story! I was excited, and yet, I felt bad for them, even if they had each other. But the end of that part made me feel warm fuzzies. :D

And the great Aya and Miki introduction. Yay for groping demons.

Offline orangesocks

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« Reply #66 on: March 15, 2007, 12:28:51 AM »
Wahhh, poor Aibon and Nono! Such a dark backstory they have...
Yossie=Miki's punching bag(?!) hah!
Aya x Miki XD   That last line made my day. XD

Offline Amarghetta

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« Reply #67 on: March 15, 2007, 12:47:16 AM »
Miki PWN'd the chapter, yay! XD

Offline black velvet

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« Reply #68 on: March 15, 2007, 01:24:48 AM »
Finally got to catch up with this, and fuck, is it good! :o

I'm loving the gropey Miki, shy and cute Eri, royal Ishikawa, smart and hot Aya, whorish Maki (xD), etc. etc.

Also, you absolutely killed me with the last line! It would be nice if Aya gave a bit of a reward, but I have a feeling that she's "too good" for that. xD

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« Reply #69 on: March 15, 2007, 01:36:03 AM »
Quote from: Yuuyami;329311
Aibon sold to a brothel? Oh my o___o; But I'm glad to know where the twins' slight insanity came from, haha.

Loved the fight scene, and glad to know that the gunblade isn't too hard to write about <3! Gunblade looooove <3!

MIKIANDAYAMIKIANDAYAMIKIANDAYAMIKIANDAYAMIKIANDAYAMIKIANDAYA!!!! -cough- Glad to know they finally met, and Miki's last line made me spit out tea in laughter xD! Wonder how Aya will react to that, haha xD!

Looking forward to the next chapter!! <3~!

Yuuyami pretty much said it all for me. But just in case that wasn't enough, here are some onions to go along with it...

response to the 1st part: :ONgyaaah: ... :tfr9a7wg:

response to AYAxMIKILURV *KOFF* I mean the 2nd part:
:ONshy2: ... :ONwahaha: :ONwahaha: :ONwahaha: :ONxD:

the last line made me go "OH YEAH!" aloud, which drew some odd glances, but the hell do I care. Damn this is just too good!

Offline iacus

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« Reply #70 on: March 15, 2007, 10:43:17 AM »
Good lord, you must be some kind of writing machine. By my count this makes for seven chapters of one story (and three side stories), plus two chapters of another completely unrelated story that you've written in just the past nine days. :shocked:

:Start fic comment time: I like pretty much everything about this fic. The setting, the chacterizations, the plot, the humor. I pretty much like it all. :End fic comment time:

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« Reply #71 on: March 15, 2007, 03:03:06 PM »
Thanks for all the comments! ^___^

I see Miki's line is very popular. XD

And at iacus, wow, I hadn't realised that I had written that much! It's only been 9 days?! *is also surprised* Haha.

Sorry, not an update yet. Chapter 8 is being really, really difficult to write. I'm about to go crazy (for various reasons that have nothing to do with writer's block). GAH. *slams head against wall repeatedly*


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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« Reply #72 on: March 15, 2007, 08:30:58 PM »
Back! This really took a LONG LONG while to write. The characters kept running away with the story. *coughAyaMikicough* Lol.

Anyway, just go read, ok? :P


Chapter 8

The first thing that popped into Aya's mind after hearing that shamelessly forward proposition...

'Sounds like something Maki would say...'

The next thing that followed that line of thought...

'But not even Maki would start groping me right after saying something like th--......WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!'

For indeed, a sneaky hand was already resting on her ample chest. Actually, doing a little more than just resting. And the owner of that hand was currently wearing her most infuriatingly smug grin, enjoying immensely the scandalised expression that her victim was sporting.

Quite suddenly, Miki felt a grip of iron encircle her wandering hand, snapping her wrist backwards almost painfully as her hand was forcefully halted in its "exploration". Despite the pain that the current awkward positioning of her hand was causing her, Miki grinned roguishly at the most recent victim of her groping exploits, who was currently glowering at her, just the faintest hint of a blush on her cheeks.

Aya pondered the situation she was currently in. One, she was dripping wet and injured, standing on hostile territory with a strange woman whom she had never seen before. Two, said stranger, who after helping her up, had proceeded to grope her immediately after. Three, she was on the verge of breaking said stranger's wrist for that infraction.

...and four, they were standing way too close to each other.

Aya was suddenly incredibly self-conscious about the fact that there was barely an inch separating their faces, and that their bodies were so close to each other that she could practically feel the heat radiate off the other's body. A faint dizziness assaulted her senses, but she firmly pushed it aside, calling on all the discipline she possessed to remain least outwardly.

Miki couldn't help but notice the flicker of something pass through the other girl's eyes, before those gorgeous orbs hardened dangerously, sending an answering spike of adrenaline through her own system. Finally, someone who wasn't a pushover. Miki unconsciously sent her tongue out to lick suddenly parched lips. Was it her, or did the temperature just rise a few notches?

Aya decided she had to leave immediately. The closeness was sending her senses into overdrive, and her vision was getting blurry. She would forget that this incident ever happen. Yes, that was what she would do. The rational side of her always logical mind was already nodding in approval of the decision.

She was going to let go. Really, she was. Why did that infuriating woman refuse to stop staring at her, damnit!

It was almost as if they were in a trance. The atmosphere was getting so charged that it was becoming hard to breathe. Both of them were frozen, trying hard to decipher what was in the other's eyes, simultaneously repulsed (mostly Aya) and fascinated (both) at the same time.

Which was when, of course, Miki's lack of a sense of self-preservation decided to kick in once again.

The already minimal distance between them vanished entirely in an instant, and Aya gasped at the completely unanticipated contact, her deathgrip on Miki's wrist loosening as the older girl pulled her in for a hungry kiss, plundering her mouth greedily like the pirate she was, taking everything without return or consent.

She tasted like the sea, Miki decided. Like the salt and brine from which she had just climbed up from, certainly, but yet there was something more. Like the sea, fierce and unpredictable, a raging ocean in a storm; yet at the same time comforting and safe, the motherly ocean to its children that lived in and upon it. There was the promise of something more, it seemed, of hidden depths and treasures undiscovered, and Miki drank it all in, desperately, as if trying to drain Aya of her essence, her very soul, in that one kiss.

Aya felt like she was drowning under the unexpected assault, the sheer ferocity of it driving her under, unable to breathe. It was brutal, demanding, unrelenting. She sensed the desperation, the anger, and the undiluted lust driving it, and felt her own will rise up to meet it, unwilling to submit or surrender in the face of the assault. She had just about had enough of being violated without consent.

Miki staggered backwards in shock and pain. She bit me! The young pirate wiped at her throbbing lip with the back of her hand, and it came away bloody. Damn, it's really deep.

Aya was panting heavily, her eyes dark with anger as she gave Miki her best death glare, filled with more venom than she had ever tried with anyone else. Instead of feeling fear though, Miki only felt a strange surge of excitement and satisfaction. She's beautiful when she's angry. Miki smirked, then winced as her wounded lip protested in pain.

"Don't you dare touch me again." Aya spat, also wiping at her mouth, as if trying to erase the contact that had been made earlier. Her shoulder was killing her, it was hurting far more than it should, and a strange sense of nausea was welling up in her, her vision becoming spotty as she tried to stay focused. One hand went to clutch painfully at the shoulder, squeezing it tightly, as if to push the pain away. Her head swam, and a strange sense of vertigo was overtaking her.

Miki stared in stunned amazement when the other girl's eyes appeared to glaze over, sweating far more than was usual, and was just quick enough to catch her when the other's knees buckled, keeling forward.

Looking at the unconscious girl in her arms, Miki took a quick look at the deep wound on her right shoulder, then glanced at one of the fallen cutlasses of the men they had fought earlier. Reaching out to pick up a nearby one, she sniffed carefully at the blade, her keen nose picking up a faint scent of some kind of poison smeared on it.

Well, crap. What kind of waterfront thug uses poisoned weapons anyway? Deciding that it wasn't quite the time to be debating on such a question, she looked down again at the comatose girl, who had turned paler in the meantime.

Gah. Cursing her own softness, Miki grumbled as she carefully picked a surprisingly light Aya up in a bridal carry, more gently than she would ever admit to, and took off straight towards the Sea Coconut, reasoning that the others would be able to figure out what to do in the meantime.

Please be alright...


Ayaka didn't know whether to laugh or cry, when the closed doors of her tavern splintered and broke into pieces of firewood courtesy of Miki's boot. She settled for a sigh of resignation and mentally added the doors to the list of repairs she would have to make the next day.

She was surprised, however, when she saw the unconscious girl Miki was carrying. That would certainly explain why the young pirate eschewed knocking as a means of entry, and just charged in instead.

The drunken party at the Sea Coconut hadn't been going on for all that long, but some of the people with lesser alcohol tolerances had already been knocked off their feet by the copious amounts of rum that Yuko had randomly decided to pour down a few of their throats. Risa and Ai-chan had been the first victims, and the two were now pretty much comatose and piled up together in a corner. Yuuki had been next, and much to his dismay, his sister actually helped Yuko to pin him down, the two happily drowning the only male in the room in an excess of alcohol. Then Yuko had challenged Maki to a drinking contest, and they got pretty much smashed in short order.

Natsumi had ended up playing a drinking game with both Yossi and Mari, and all 3 were all only just somewhat tipsy when the party had been interrupted, since they were used to hard drinking in general and were not easily affected.

Reina and Makoto were a bit more sensible, carefully staying out of the direct line of sight of their drunken captain, and were playing cards while hidden behind an overturned table next to the doors, and so were showered with flying splinters when Miki had made her dramatic entrance.

"Oy what...Fujimoto, watch it!" Reina complained when a large chunk of wood had nailed her in the side of her head.

Miki was looking uncharacteristically flustered, her face flushed from the run, and she strode straight to Kei, who had been sitting with Ayaka at one of the intact tables, and spoke directly and flatly.

"I found her down at the waterfront. She's been poisoned."

Natsumi, who had caught a brief glimpse of the unconscious woman in Miki's arms, started over to check, and then gasped. "Aya!" She rushed to her captain's side, all traces of insobriety washed away by her anxiety. "What happened?" She drilled at Miki urgently, and the younger pirate scowled.

"Fight, injured, poisoned." She summarised succinctly, giving Natsumi a once over at the same time. "Who the heck are you?"

"Is that important? That's my captain you're holding!" Natsumi flared, her eyes flashing dangerously. Miki simply sneered at her and turned to Kei. "Well?"

"I can only examine her if you put her down, you know." Kei commented drily, turning to Ayaka. "Is there a bed somewhere?"

"Upstairs, I'll take you there."

Later, Kei came out of the room, her face slightly worried. "There are faint traces of belladonna poisoning, but she's lucky since not enough went into her bloodstream to be fatal." The erstwhile doctor leveled a stern look at a pale Miki. "Did you try to suck out some of the poison yourself earlier?"

"Um...yeah..." The younger pirate's voice came out a little croaky, her throat dry.

"Well that might have just saved her life." Kei muttered, and then smacked Miki upside the head. "You idiot, doing that with a cut lip? Are you asking to be poisoned too?"

"Bah I'll be fine..." Miki was feeling woozy, trying hard to keep her eyes open...and failing.

The last thing she heard before blacking out completely was the worried voices of the other women around her, before she hit the floor and passed out.


What? What?

There, GAM fans, you got some action. :P The original scene was a lot more, umm, graphic...I had to censor it *cough*

Anyway, I have a lot of things I want to say, but am too lazy to type them. One thing I absolutely MUST put in though, is that Miki isn't in love with Aya yet. No way. There is an attraction, yes, but it's nowhere near anything that can be called "love". Just so you know that. :P Miki is curious and fascinated (and in lust, but nevermind that), that's all. XD

Ok, now tell me what you think. ^__^
« Last Edit: March 15, 2007, 08:41:22 PM by Estrea »


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- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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« Reply #73 on: March 15, 2007, 08:42:31 PM »
I freaking love you! -GLOMP- I somehow knew that their meeting would somehow be kinky <3 Well, wording it that way, but I somehow knew Aya was definitely not going to like Miki for first impressions anyway. Aya biting Miki's lip is hawt <3!

Nevertheless, I'm glad that Aya is alright <3! But now I'm simply just waiting for how Aya will act around Miki from now on. I sense a lot of disagreeing, arguments, and mini-fights from now :]!

But now I'm worried with Miki! I hope she's okay! ;_________;
« Last Edit: March 15, 2007, 08:47:59 PM by Yuuyami »

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« Reply #74 on: March 15, 2007, 10:12:43 PM »
Aya and Miki's anticipated first meeting! :ONhee:
damn the sexual tension could have easily gotten out of hand (being that it's AyaxMiki I'm sure their plans were very er, different from yours, while they were being written lol)-- but again you handled it so well!!

So well in fact that I shake my fist at that poison. DAMNIT XD

-hahaha I apologize for not commenting on anything else ^^;; but it was kickass writing as always :3

(listening to boa's moto afterwards just made everything 10x more intense than it was already ._.)
« Last Edit: March 15, 2007, 10:14:29 PM by magicnumber »

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« Reply #75 on: March 15, 2007, 10:35:25 PM »
Wooo!  Two chapters!  Poor twins.  Now we have a little more insight into their sadistic tendencies.  And with the first meeting of Miki and Aya, it starts (with a grope and a kiss none the less).

I am so looking forward to more of this!  Keep up the great work!

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« Reply #76 on: March 15, 2007, 10:45:55 PM »
Both poisoned! Lol, at least they'll both live.

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« Reply #77 on: March 15, 2007, 11:44:04 PM »
oh my, the hawtness... and to think this was only the censored version XD
I esp. loved their thoughts while kissing, Miki all pirate and Aya all... trying not to be dominated, hahaha.
And now their both out, looks like a good excuse to put them into that ONE bed together.

(*rolls out red carpet to the perv section* just in case that "more graphic" version is searching for a place on this board)

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« Reply #78 on: March 16, 2007, 03:01:49 AM »
They'll probably wake up next to each other lol

GAM hotness, with Miki's tongue and hands all over the place. :yay:

4th Pic of Eri courtesy of t-motion's gallery ~ Sangokushi Taisen anyone ? ~ Lame attempt at a personal blog ~

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« Reply #79 on: March 16, 2007, 03:07:29 AM »
Oh damn! AyaxMiki Contact!! <3

Hah! All I thought was "Give up, Ayaya and submit to the powers of Grope Kitty!"

I love how Miki was simply enjoying the moment while Aya was pissed for being violated. Aww, more of soft!Miki is showing. Maybe Aya can dominate Miki when she's feeling a bit better. XD

Can't wait for the next chapter! You're really pulling these out fast!!

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