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Author Topic: All Aboard! [Chapter 26! --sorry for the wait]  (Read 101495 times)

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Re: All Aboard! [Chapter 20]
« Reply #300 on: April 26, 2007, 11:52:04 PM »
So Aya is pimping both Keita and Eiji at the same time? Awesome! :D But of course Miki >>> Tachibanas or Eijis :lol:
A not-so-subtle reference to the rumours that she was dating both Tachibana and Wentz Eiji from WaT last year, which is total bull since we all know she's meant to be with Miki. ;D

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline orangesocks

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Re: All Aboard! [Chapter 20]
« Reply #301 on: April 27, 2007, 02:21:16 AM »
Gah! So who's threatening the Matsuura clan, if it ain't Tachibana or his buddies?  :'(

But, YAY! TaGaki!!! eheh  :D This seems like a good set-up for them defending each other and acting all lovey-dovey.  :heart:

 :) And more Eri and Tanaka! haha.

Plus, Yuuki's two-cents on NatsumixGocchin... :hee:

Offline Ren

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Re: All Aboard! [Chapter 20]
« Reply #302 on: April 27, 2007, 01:09:22 PM »
A not-so-subtle reference to the rumours that she was dating both Tachibana and Wentz Eiji from WaT last year, which is total bull since we all know she's meant to be with Miki. ;D
Thanks! I've heard of that before :D, a friend of mine who is a w-inds fangirl keeps cursing Aya into my ear when she first heard of that rumor. :lol:

Oh and by the way:
So they both leave their life and starts a new life together, happily ever after! *smacked* XD
... as pirates. So I was kinda right! :lol:

Offline iacus

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Re: All Aboard! [Chapter 18]
« Reply #303 on: April 28, 2007, 07:01:44 AM »
iacus: Actually, the wars I described in the footnotes were when the Empire was formed. This story takes place quite some time after all that initial history, like a couple hundred years or more.
Uh... I knew that. I was just testing you. Honest.

Some muttering from that unknown person, and Eri caught words like "potatoes", "stupid", "scary cleaver" and notably "I hate rain".


It was little Aria, her small body cold and rigid
"Who...who did this?!"
*points finger at Estrea*   J'accuse! 

This was only the beginning of their own private funeral,

Oh man, the melons aren't going to go on a really sad trip to Italy now are they?

What a wonderful pair of chapters. action packed, yet there's enough set-up for twenty more chapters. I would give you a thumbs-up but I don't think we have that smiley anymore.

Offline Tinnygy

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Re: All Aboard! [Chapter 20]
« Reply #304 on: April 28, 2007, 08:12:31 AM »
I kind of feel that Tachibana boy is not that innocent. He and his family might be behind the burning of Matsuura Mansion.

I don't think the Tachibana boy has anyreason to burn down the Matsuura mansion, he had no reason and I can't find anyreason for him to do that ><

"There are more fish out in the sea Fujimoto. No need to go chasing after someone on death row."

But seem like Fujimoto already loved that on death row  :D

Humm... I started to think about how could Aya meet the pirates when she was on another board and planed to return to her family??? And where is the Amiral. Aya must be mad when She knew Aria died...  :'(, she would blame herself  :(
GAM= Great Aya and Miki

Offline Estrea

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Re: All Aboard! [Chapter 20]
« Reply #305 on: April 28, 2007, 08:47:09 PM »
Comment reply time~

Yuu: You were the one who mentioned offhandedly that Eri seemed to be afraid of Sadako, so credit to you for that! :P Hmm I wonder who burnt down the Matsuura mansion too. XD And yeah go go Melons!

Fimmy: Haha just try to keep up with the commenting next time. <3

Sancho: Thanks for the bandages, I needed those. Glad you liked the scenes. ;)

C60533: Slightly shorter chapter here...which is still pretty damn long. XD Manipulation is fun indeed. And wtf at your twisted Miki-Aya-Maki logic. XD I guess that sort of makes sense...o_o;;; Have I told you how much I love your babbling? XD

JFC: Yeah poor Aria. ;_;

rndmn: I'm glad I managed to pique your interest. Not much plot advancement here, at least not as much as in 20. But fluff and insanity abounds, so yeah. XD

Ren: Haha everyone doesn't like Keita. XD Don't worry, he gets some reality shoved in his face in this chapter. XD As for Eri and Reina....XDDDD Yeah poor Aria ;_; *is shaked and dizzy* @_@

orangesocks: Who is the villain?! That is for me to know and for the rest of you to find out. XD And yes, you get more Tanakamei here...of the wrong kind though. XDDD

iacus: Haha yeah that was a reference to OTN1's fic. XD Glad you caught on to it, and no, there won't be any long trips to Italy. XD This story does have many more chapters to go, yes. XD

Tinngy: Finally someone who doesn't accuse Keita of being evil enough to burn down the Matsuura mansion, just because. XD And you're right about how Aya will feel when she finds out about her family.

And done. Slightly shorter chapter than 20, but still long enough, hopefully. Insanity abounds. XD



Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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Re: All Aboard! [Chapter 20]
« Reply #306 on: April 28, 2007, 08:48:01 PM »
-prances about the wedge-

Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: All Aboard! [Chapter 20]
« Reply #307 on: April 28, 2007, 08:48:13 PM »
-sig is undah construction because it needs to be pimped out-

Offline Estrea

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Re: All Aboard! [Chapter 20]
« Reply #308 on: April 28, 2007, 08:59:07 PM »
Chapter 21

The rain had slowed a little, but didn't stop. Outside the safety of the harbor, the sea was churning, foaming white like the spittle of a giant monster, ready to consume any foolhardy sailor who dared to challenge it.

Most sane sailors wouldn't dare to leave port under such conditions, but Yuko was far from being sane. Of course, she did have the skill to back up her apparent disregard for the elements, but it was never wise to challenge the forces of nature and expect to win all the time.

They were busy at work to ready for departure. Fortunately, most of the annoying little details had already been taken care of by Kaori the night before, and Mari had overseen the repairs to the hull earlier in the morning. Makoto had also taken inventory for the supplies, and all they had to do was to load up the barrels of fresh water before they were more or less ready to leave.

Makoto had been thrilled to learn that Ai would be joining them, but was slightly less enthused by the new person that was attached to her friend. She found it a little shocking that things had progressed so rapidly while she had been away from the tavern, which was a perfectly normal reaction, since it was certainly unusual for such a thing to happen so quickly. Ai promised to give her more details after the ship had set sail, seeing that Makoto was busy with her own chores at that point.

Yuko had assigned the new additions to work immediately, alongside the rest of her original crew. Yossi was given the slightly unenviable task of having to play referee to Maki and Miki, who were having their own private little war via verbal and non-verbal jibes. Maki didn't like Miki, and Miki knew that Maki didn't like her, and it appears that the knife throwing pirate enjoyed taunting and baiting the taller woman, even as Maki subtly got revenge in between each barrel they were lifting. It didn't pay to be short at this point, as Miki discovered when Maki "accidentally" bashed her over the head with an elbow...repeatedly.

An amused Mari was working with the twins on another part of the ship, with Risa helping them, even as they watched Yossi trying to separate the two under her charge by standing in between them. Other spectators were Rika and Kei, who didn't really have anything to do, and were standing under cover from the rain even as everyone else got drenched outside. Reina had been sent below decks to fetch some supplies for Makoto, and was still down there seeing that she hasn't emerged yet.

"Will you two 5 year olds quit playing and get down to work?!" Yossi asked in exasperation, throwing up her hands in the air even as Miki stepped on Maki's foot deliberately, earning an elbow in the side from Maki in return. They seemed to be completely oblivious to Yossi's demands that they stop their childishness, and the boyish pirate gave up at that point. If those two wanted to leave bruises on each other, that was perfectly fine with her as long as they continued moving those barrels onto the ship. Surprisingly, despite all the underhanded scuffling between Maki and Miki, they still managed to do their job quite satisfactorily.

Even as the last of the barrels was being moved on board, Yossi paused a little and pushed aside her wet hair from her face. Glancing around, she met Rika's smiling eyes, and she found herself smiling back unconsciously before looking away self-consciously due to the fact that Kei was smirking from behind Rika. As she faced away, she noticed something...strange out of the corner of her eye. Blinking the water out of her eyes, she rubbed at her eyes again and stared.

Was that a......hand? A hand twitching spasmodically. A twitching hand reaching out helplessly from the hatch leading down to the lower deck. Yossi blinked again even as the hand swiftly disappeared from view, as if the arm it was attached to had been yanked down in an instant.

"Did you two see that?" She asked Miki and Maki, who were currently carrying a barrel together and trying to drop it onto the other's feet. Since they were rather distracted by their "games", they could hardly be aware of the phenomenon that Yossi had just witnessed, so the answer was a "What?" in unison. Speaking of which, the simultaneous reply got them both glaring at each other...again.

Yossi frowned. A hand? A ghost? That wasn't plausible, right? Maybe she was just seeing things. The rain, probably the rain. Yeah, that was it.

Behind her, Miki got a grope in on Maki's chest, causing a ferocious growl to emerge from the latter.

Miki ended up with the barrel rolled squarely on top on her stomach, with Maki standing triumphantly over her. Yossi rolled her eyes and went over to try and rescue Miki, who was currently gasping out "my back!!" while flailing about wildly with her arms.

And round one of the Maki versus Miki wars goes to...Maki.


When the preparations were finally complete after much work, they were ready to set sail. Miki had retired to her bunk bed, whining about how she probably sprained her back. Maki was silently gloating about the other pirate's misery the whole time. Really, rivalry was one thing, but causing severe bodily harm was quite another case altogether, Yossi mused. Things might get out of hand without some kind of restraining influence on one or both combatants.

Speaking of restraining influences, one of those was currently rushing up towards the about-to-depart ship. The twins, who were in charge of pulling in the mooring ropes on one side, suddenly exclaimed out loud as they both recognised the running figure in the rain. The outcry from them got the attention of Maki and Yossi who were on the other end of the ship, and both trotted over to take a look.

To say that Maki was surprised was an understatement. Stunned, shocked, flabbergasted, whatever. Just knowing that Nacchi didn't really ditch her in favor of duty was comfort enough. Even better when the small woman clambered up the rope that had been left hanging on one side and practically tripped and fell right over on her. Maki staggered back, slipping all over the wet deck, but managing to retain her balance, her arms automatically reaching around to hold on to Nacchi's back, pinning the older woman close to her.

"You came? I thought..." Maki started, still slightly disbelieving of the situation. Natsumi beamed up at her, before adding teasingly.

"If I didn't come along, who would take care of you?" Maki looked embarrassed for a moment, and Nacchi laughed, tweaking the taller girl's nose.

"Besides, you wouldn't know how to start looking for Aya in the first place." That was true, Maki hadn't really thought about how she was going to go after the other ship, given that she had never seen it, and didn't know who was in charge. Natsumi, however, did know the people in question, and would recognise their vessel on sight. The older woman had thought of that of course, which was part of the reason why she knew she had to come along despite everything.

"And Yuuki?" Maki asked.

"I left him and old man Kinjou in charge. They'll bring the others back home first." Maki nodded in understanding, putting Nacchi back down.

Yossi coughed. "Ahem." Maki turned to look sheepishly at the other pirates.

"Um, you have room for one more, don't you?" Yossi spread her hands and shrugged. "Gotta ask the captain about that."

"One more is fine." Yuko interrupted abruptly, appearing behind the group without warning. "Just do your share of the work and you'll be alright."

"Of course. Thank you." Natsumi inclined her head in acknowledgment. Yuko then clapped her hands together.

"Come on everyone, get to work! We got a ship to chase down!" She paused, looking at the two ex-navy girls. "You two, come with me, we have to figure out where your friend went with that ship." She raised her voice again. "No slacking off! Get to work!" The rest dispersed to their stations at the command, while Yuko led her new crew members back to her cabin to discuss their route.

"Where's Tanaka?" Yossi asked as she helped Mari with the ropes, even as Risa clambered up easily (with Ai watching a little anxiously) to unfurl the sails. The Second Mate had been looking around for quite a while and had yet to see her wonky eyed shipmate appear on board to help with the preparations. The girl was usually more enthusiastic about putting out to sea. The First Mate tied on another rope absently as she answered.

"Um, Mako-chan sent her below decks to move some supplies up, but I haven't seen her since." The tiny pirate tugged at the ropes, making sure they were secure.

"Below, you say?" Yossi recalled briefly the twitching hand she had seen. Was there any connection to that? Making a mental note to go check it out later, Yossi slipped back over to where Rika was standing in the shelter.

"Hi." The pirate greeted her friend, noting how she was dripping water all over as she stepped out of the rain. Rika reached out to brush her dripping forelock out of her face, making Yossi blush slightly. "You're all wet." The noblewoman scolded gently. Yossi shrugged nonchalantly. "Rain does that."

"You should take better care of yourself. " She chided softly. Behind them, Kei backed further away to give the two more space, but not before giving Yossi a "go for it" glance that made the younger pirate flush. Deciding that it was just too complicated to deal with now, Yossi purposefully ignored the pleading look in Rika's eyes for her to stay and accompany her, instead excusing herself to deal with other matters. She did have to check on Tanaka after all. It was a responsibility of sorts.

Nodding briefly at Kaori, who had taken the helm and was steering them out of the harbor, Yossi hunched a little, pulling her outer coat further up her neck and trying to ignore the chilly feeling from being wet. She would have to change clothes later, but it didn't make sense to do it until after the rainstorm had passed, unless she was planning to hide in her bunk and stay nice and dry.

She also conveniently ignored the fact that with additional passengers, they would have to either figure out a way for everyone to sleep properly, or make some people take the floor instead. Despite the fact that were empty bunks, given that the ship was indeed undermanned as Reina had mentioned, it wouldn't be quite enough for everyone to get a bunk of their own. Yossi was pretty resigned to give up her own bunk bed to Rika, seeing that the latter would be more used to having a better sleeping arrangement than the floor. She could only hope that there wouldn't be any rats, or else she would sleep on the top deck, rain or not.

Pushing up the half-open hatch, Yossi climbed down the ladder, ignoring the first level where some of their bunks were located, and went down to the lowest level in the belly of the ship, where most of the supplies were kept. Even as she descended, she noticed a piece of torn fabric caught on a protruding nail in the ladder. That was odd. The crew all knew about that nail, and most wouldn't be careless enough to catch their clothes on it. Feeling faintly suspicious for some reason she couldn't quite pin down, the Second Mate shuffled downwards, but not before snagging a flickering lamp to light her way below.

The first thing she heard, other than the creak of timbers and the crashing of the waves against the planks outside, was a soft moaning sound. The pirate froze immediately, the small circle of light that illuminated a short distance around her not giving her enough to figure out just what exactly was causing the sound. However, what the light did show was disturbing enough.

Blood. At least, what looked like it. Dark red spots, splattered in uncertain patterns across the worn timbers. Yossi cast her glance around, noting that there was a bloody handprint at the very base of the ladder she had just climbed down from, and it looked as if its owner had tried desperately to clutch onto it before being torn away violently. Yossi shuddered and reached instinctively for her saber with her free hand, drawing it slowly for fear of alerting whatever monster that must have taken residence in this place.

A few more cautious steps forward revealed Reina's ever-present harpoon lying at an angle on the deck. There were reddish stains on the bladed end, but not that much. Frowning, Yossi tightened her grip on her saber. Reina never let go of her favorite harpoon unless she absolutely had to. Apparently it was a memento from her late father, so the wonky eyed girl treasured it greatly. She even went to sleep clutching it, so nothing short of violence or absolute necessity would separate her from it. Clearly, something was going on here.

Apprehensive, Yossi moved forward again, fearing what she might find. What she saw shocked her.

Reina was flat on her back, with more bruises than Yossi had ever seen her with at one time, and sporting a black eye like a panda to boot. Her already wonky eyes looked even wonkier than usual, and her dazed expression clearly explained why her eyes looked more off-center than usual. The front of her shirt was slightly ripped, and there were bloodstains splattered on it, as well as on her hands. To put it bluntly, she looked like crap that had been beaten the hell out of.

But all that wasn't the main reason why Yossi gasped at the sight. That was reserved for the person on top of Reina, pinning the wonky pirate down.

Eri was panting heavily, her hands still gripping Reina's shirt collar firmly. She too, sported a few bruises, but nowhere near the level of Reina's injuries. The worst of her wounds appeared to be a gash near her forehead, over her left eye, and it was bleeding freely. The blood left crimson trails down one half of her face, lending her an almost demonic visage as a result. The small cut on her lip clearly indicated the time when Reina had managed to get in a shot during their scuffle earlier.

"What the hell?!" Yossi blurted reflexively, her saber pointed at Eri even as the turtle girl half turned her head, revealing her bloody face. There was an odd glimmer in her eyes, but fortunately the glow wasn't as intense as it had been earlier during the brawl. All that pent up frustration had mostly worked itself out through beating the shit out of poor Reina, and now Eri had mostly calmed down. Mostly.

Let's briefly recap what happened during that time.


Eri was pissed. Call it a long term buildup of frustration over her circumstances and the subsequent craziness of her life ever since coming on this voyage. And now this crazy harpoon girl had yanked her out of her comfort zone, her safety net, her happy place. Eri was not one given to anger easily, but something about being pulled out of her comfort zone by a crazy harpoon-waving girl finally made her snap. Badly.

Reina had barely enough time to think "oh shit" when Eri's eyes began to take on a strange cast, and instead of her gripping the turtle girl by the front of her clothes, Eri was now returning the favor and clutching just as tightly onto her collar. Now who's the one who's caught? Her mind mocked. Reina reacted instinctively, swinging her harpoon-wielding hand forward and unintentionally clipping Eri over her left eye with the sharp end.

That pushed Eri over the edge. The stinging pain from the gash barely got to her in the least as she pounced, slamming Reina backwards and down onto the deck. Repeated slams of Reina's harpoon-wielding hand against the floor by a berserk Eri finally separated the weapon from Reina's grip, the bloodied harpoon sent rolling across the deck a few feet away, out of reach.

Of course, Reina didn't give up so easily. She gave it as good as she got, even as the two of them battered at each other, rolling around and wrestling like a pair of maniacs. Eri had the upper hand mostly due to her berserker rage, since it practically made her mostly indifferent to the pain from the blows Reina managed to land on her, while fuelling her strength. Very soon, Reina was bruised around her arms and torso, and she was about half certain that the mostly healed gash on her thigh must have ripped itself open again due to the intensity of their brawl.

Reina was not all that foolhardy, and the crazy glint in Eri's eye must have clued her in on the fact that, well, Eri was nuts. And it just didn't make sense to fight with a crazy person intent on ripping her limbs off. After another lurch of the ship rocking on the sea managed to dislodge Eri from on top of Reina, the wonky eyed pirate nailed Eri with a hard punch across the other's lower jaw, sending Eri's head snapping to one side and smashing her face into a crate. The splinters cut into the turtle girl's lip and scratched her cheek, while widening the already open gash on her forehead, making it bleed more profusely.

Meanwhile, Reina took the opportunity and ran, well, half-limped and half-ran, across to the ladder leading upwards, keen on summoning help. She was sure the others couldn't hear her over the sound of the rain outside, and so she had to resort to more direct means. Barely pausing in her stride to pick up her harpoon, she didn't quite notice that she had picked it up by the sharpened end, and the blade cut into her palm, causing her to drop the weapon with a quick hiss. She didn't slow down to pick it up again though, reasoning that speed was of the essence before that crazy turtle girl could catch her again.

Climbing up was a little difficult, since her injuries slowed her progress, and she couldn't really make use of her injured right hand. One-armed climbing was definitely a challenge. Even as she made her way up slowly and painfully, Eri was recovering from the strike, and the berserker rage only served to fuel her drive to catch and clobber a certain wonky eyed pirate.

Reina had almost just made it to the hatch leading upwards, her bloodied right hand reaching up to push at the hatch, managing to crack it open just a little. Rainwater filtered in through the gap, washing part of her bloodstained hand clean even as she reached up to pull herself out.

A grip of iron encircled one ankle, and Reina panicked when she looked down, seeing those creepily glowing eyes again as Eri yanked at her ankle once more. The rain seeping in made her grip on the rung slippery and difficult to hold, especially since her left arm was already mightily sore from the beating it had taken just now. Despite the pain, she clung on stubbornly with her left hand to the rung, the other leg kicking at Eri, trying to dislodge the other girl, who simply refused to let go even while being kicked in the head.

Not giving up, Eri tightened her grip on Reina's ankle, even as the wonky eyed pirate reached upwards helplessly to try and signal to someone to rescue her from the monster that had latched onto her. It was all for naught though, since when Eri mustered her strength and pulled hard, Reina's poor, abused left arm finally gave up the ghost and sent her crashing down on top of Eri, the two of them sliding down the shaft. During the fall, part of Reina's shirt caught onto the protruding nail, the fabric ripping slightly and leaving a patch of cloth behind even as they tumbled into a tangle of arms and legs at the bottom of the ladder.

Since Eri was on the bottom, she had gotten the worst of the fall, and Reina landing on her stomach caused her to exhale reflexively. The bump to the back of her head had her seeing stars for a few seconds, and Reina, also dazed from the fall, tried to scramble back upwards, only to have Eri cling on to her and haul her back. The bloody handprint which Yossi sees later on the bottom of the ladder came from that struggle, where Reina was clinging to the ladder for dear life while Eri was trying to drag her back to beat her up some more.

After much tugging, beating, and more rolling around trying to either get away (Reina) or land another punch (Eri), they finally came to a halt with Eri pinning Reina down in the position that Yossi found them, the worst of her berserk rage having drained off by her exertions. Reina was left bloodied, dazed, and badly bruised from the assault, all because of that one fatal mistake of dragging Eri out of her comfort zone while the latter was PMSing.

Lesson of the day: Do not drag a turtle out of her happy place. Especially not when said turtle is experiencing hormonal imbalance, and is a close combat specialist with the occasional tendency towards berserker rages.

A very painful and definitive object lesson for one Tanaka Reina indeed.


Maki and Nacchi were roughing out the probable route of their quarry, with Rika and Kei sitting in a corner quietly chatting, when Yossi burst in with a strange expression on her face. The occupants of the cabin looked up with a curious expression, wondering what was going on.

"Kei, Tanaka's badly injured." Yossi breathed out quickly, even as Kei got to her feet, eyes wide. "What? How?"

"Stowaway on board, Tanaka fought the person and had the shit beaten out of her in the process." Yossi explained, then turned to glance at Rika. "By the way, that stowaway is that girl that was following you around when I first met you."

"Eri?" Rika blinked. Maki and Natsumi also blinked at the same time. "Kamei? What's she doing?"

"Kicking Tanaka's ass before I found them. But she passed out not long after." Yossi said drily, then gestured to Kei to come quickly. Maki nodded to Nacchi before adding. "I'll come along with." And followed the other two out. Natsumi and Rika shared a mutual, worried glance, while Yuko coughed.

"So tell me why a member of your crew was beating up one of mine." Yuko's voice was icy. Nacchi winced.

"Well you see...Kamei's usually quite quiet and docile..."

"But?" Yuko interjected. Nacchi winced.

"Just that...when she does snap, she goes pretty much berserk. It's useful sometimes, but we usually don't provoke her into that state anyway, so she's usually quite normal and safe to be around. Actually, she rarely if ever gets truly worked up, at least never under my watch." Natsumi sighed in resignation, rubbing at her temples wearily. Yuko sighed as well.

"Tanaka must have mouthed off again...or done something stupid in that case. That girl is almost as bad as Fujimoto when it comes to not watching what she says." The pirate captain then stood up. "Go tell Kaorin about our heading, I'll go below to check on them."

"Of course." Nacchi nodded, also getting up and heading to the exit.

Rika was left alone to wonder just what the heck was going on.

And so ends the first hour on board the Red Dawn, with blood and general mayhem all around.


Three days out at sea. The first day's progress had been significantly slowed by the stormy weather, although that cleared up slightly on the second day. They had set a more or less straight course to the capital, reasoning that if the Navy were to bring Aya back for trial and/or execution, that would be the place to go.

They made much better time when the day dawned bright and cheery on the morning of the third day, the Red Dawn cutting through the waves with a good following wind behind them. It took a couple of hours of nonstop travel before Risa, who had somehow landed with lookout duty again, noticed a ship on the horizon, calling out an alert to the crew below.

Yuko was standing at the bow of the ship, lifting her spyglass for a better look of the vessel. Mari was by her side, while Nacchi and Maki were off to one side together, also squinting at the spot on the horizon. Yossi and Rika were off together at the stern of the ship, with Tsuji and Kago spying on them and giggling, while Kaori was once again at the helm. Makoto and Ai were hanging out together, with Ai helping Makoto with some of the more menial chores. Kei was still hovering over Reina, the wonky eyed pirate having sustained a mild concussion and a cracked rib in addition to all the cuts and bruises she received, not to mention that the healing gash on her thigh had also reopened. Eri's injuries were comparatively less severe, but sore muscles kept her from moving around too much either. The turtle girl was absolutely horrified by her handiwork after regaining her senses when she came round, and was currently lurking in a corner keeping a worried eye on Reina, while moving as little as possible on Kei's advice.

"Not a naval vessel." Yuko lowered the spyglass. Nacchi walked over. "Can I have a look please?" Yuko handed the spyglass over.

After a few moments of scrutiny, she lowered the spyglass. "That ship looks familiar." She muttered. Maki, who had strolled over in the meantime, looked at her questioningly. Nacchi trained the spyglass on the ship again even as she mumbled half to herself. "The mast and the rake of the sails...definitely looks like it..."

"Whose ship?" Maki asked in confusion. Nacchi lowered the spyglass again. "Elio Levant's."

"The explorer?" Mari blurted from behind them, having heard of the name before in her voyages. Yuko appeared to be aware of this person's reputation as well. "You know him?" The pirate captain asked. Natsumi smiled faintly.

"Know him? I sailed with his brother Elial before. Not the first time I've seen his ship, that's for sure." Natsumi handed the spyglass back over to Yuko. "The point here is though, we have to catch up with him."

"Why so?" Yuko pressed. Nacchi sighed. "That's because he and his brother were the ones who took Aya away, I saw them. We might be able to get a clue if I can get to talk to him. We'd better hurry. Elio's ship is reputed to be fairly fast."

This time it was Yuko's time to smile. "Not as fast as the Red Dawn, he isn't. No one beats us with a favoring wind on our side." Raising her voice, Yuko issued quick commands to the rest of the crew, who obeyed immediately, rushing to their posts.

The chase was on.


Aya was bored. No, boredom was the least of her worries. The main problem hassling her came in the form of one Tachibana Keita, who simply refused to leave her alone once she had been allowed out of bed on the second day (and only because she refused to stay idle).

She did not know one man who could be so singularly annoying without even trying. Granted, she knew she was probably being unfair to him, since by all rights and means Keita was in fact the perfect gentleman. Excellent manners, a rudimentary sense of humor, elegant and dignified. However, also absolutely dull and utterly boring. Aya found that she would have derived more entertainment in watching paint dry or grass grow than to engage in polite conversation with him.

That might have something to do with the fact that they simply had nothing in common with which to discuss. Aya discovered that one way to shut him up, however briefly, was to steer the conversation onto one Ishikawa Rika, Keita's runaway fiancee, and watch the young man squirm in embarrassment as he tried to mentally reconcile his urge to flirt with Aya with the fact that his journey had been to reclaim his bride. Aya was a bit sadist like that, especially when it came to someone like him who simply refused to go away.

She resorted to spending more time with her "uncle Elio", a title she had bestowed on him as a child despite the lack of blood relation. Any close friend of her father's tended to end up with the same moniker, although with the Levant brothers, the name had stuck even after she had grown up. He didn't seem to mind though, and proved to be fairly enjoyable company in comparison to that wallflower who had more to say about horses than the sea. Well, Keita was descended from one of the Highlander clans, so the tradition must have been imparted to him as a child. Aya had been a child of the sea in more than one manner, either by bloodline or upbringing. To say that they had little in common would be a complete understatement.

And here they were again. The ship was only so big, yes, but Aya was sure that it was entirely possible for two people to remain separate even in such a confined area. However, with Keita trailing along behind her like a lost puppy just about wherever she went, it was pretty much impossible to avoid him short of yelling at him to go away, which she was sorely tempted to do, but basic courtesy prevented her from doing so. She was also fairly sure that basic courtesy precluded her from pushing him overboard, much to her regret, but in any case she didn't want to deprive her uncle Elio from earning the reward for escorting this fine gentleman around.

Now, leaning against the rail and looking resolutely aft, Aya tried her best to maintain the minimal requirements of polite conversation with her monosyllabic replies, hoping against hope that Keita would get the hint and just leave her alone already. Unfortunately, that was not going to be the case, as Keita simply spun conversation after conversation by her side, on subjects that no doubt other girls would probably be interested in, but Aya was not exactly your typical lady here.

However, it seemed that a cure for her boredom was soon on its way. The speck of a ship on the horizon behind them piqued her interest mildly, and she squinted at it, this time pointedly ignoring Keita and not even bothering with monosyllabic replies.

The other ship was moving too quickly. A merchant ship didn't have that kind of speed, even when travelling light. Only two kinds of vessels moved that quickly, messenger ships...or pirates. Given the reputation of the area, pirates seemed like a good guess.

Turning abruptly on her heel, Aya moved to raise the alarm, leaving a bewildered Keita in her wake. The other sailors, on Captain Elio's command, quickly crowded on more sail in an attempt to outrun the incoming pirate ship, but the slim vessel that was on their tail was practically flying across the waves, the design of the hull uniquely suited for speed.

Cursing, Elio called his men to ready their arms. Aya was about to draw her gunblade in response when Keita, in an attempt to win some creditability for himself, moved in front of her and raised his own sabre protectively before him. Behind him, Aya rolled her eyes at this display of male chauvinism.

The pirate ship neared...and then pulled in to coast side by side with their ship. Elio's eyes widened when he saw two familiar faces waving to and hailing him. A wry smile crossed his face as he ordered his men to stand down, and the pirate ship with the name Red Dawn emblazoned on one side pulled in closer.

Aya's view was blocked by Keita's taller form, but seeing Elio's response to the other ship, clearly they weren't an enemy, so she didn't bother to push past Keita to check on who it was. Shrugging, she tried to slip away while Keita's back was turned, and in doing so, she finally noted just who had decided to hop over onto their ship from the other vessel.

"Gocchin? And Nacchi? What are you two doing here?" Aya's eyes were wide with shock, and her tone was pleased, being rather to glad to see them. Her two friends grinned back, mostly with relief and genuine joy to see that Aya was safe and alive.

Then Aya's eyes narrowed. "Aren't you two supposed to be elsewhere?"

Maki grinned sheepishly, and Nacchi looked equally woolly next to her. "Ah, um. We were worried about you." Maki tried, and Nacchi quickly explained the arrangements for the rest of their crew to prevent any scolding.

"Nice reunion." Keita observed brightly from the side, moving closer. "Glad to meet you two ladies again." He inclined his head politely to the two women. Natsumi looked amused (since she didn't even have a title and thus had no real right to being called "lady"), while Maki simply disdained the term (she thought it was too wussy).

"Why is Tofu Boy here?" Maki asked rudely, using one of her many varied nicknames for him. They had come up with "Tofu Boy" on account of the fact that he was bland, tasteless, and soft (weak). Aya stifled a snort, even as Keita looked grossly affronted.

"Looking for his fiancee, apparently." Maki grinned. "Ishikawa? Right over there, actually." She jabbed a thumb over shoulder back at the pirate ship, where Rika was standing at the rail with Yossi by her side. Rika's face was slightly pale when her eyes came into contact with her betrothed. Keita followed the gaze and seemed no less pale when he saw his intended bride. For one thing, he had never even wanted to marry her in the first place, and thus he hardly wanted to find her at all.

"Congratulations, my Lord Tachibana, you found your bride." Aya's voice was sarcastic, and Keita misinterpreted it as jealousy. Struggling to explain himself (while simultaneously feeling a surge of hope), he defended himself.

"But I do not wish to marry her in the first place!" He protested, looking directly at an indifferent Aya. "You know that you are the only one for me!"

Maki was snickering, and Nacchi was no better. Elio had his poker face on, so no one really knew what he was thinking, although his eyes twinkled with mirth. Aya was about to deliver a suitably scathing response when out of the blue, someone else replied for her.

"Yours? Hardly, I think." Miki, having followed the other two over and had been standing behind Maki the whole time (and was thus unseen by Aya), breezed into the conversation easily, noting with satisfaction the customary twitch of a facial muscle as Aya ground her teeth together on seeing her. Miki smirked confidently, moving in boldly close to her target. With a haughty glance at the confused Keita, Miki decided to drop the bomb on the unsuspecting nobleman.

"That's because, Tofu Boy, she's mine."

Before Aya, or anyone else for that matter, could react, Miki pulled Aya close, and with an outrageous wink at the younger girl, moved in and sealed her lips against Aya's, right in front of a shocked Keita, whose sudden freeze in all motion turned him into a fine imitation of a stone statue, his jaw going slack with horror.

A stunned hush fell over the whole ship at that point.


XD Seems like a good place to end.

Reina: How come you let Eri beat me up? T_T
Eri: That was...strangely entertaining, actually.
Reina: o_O


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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Re: All Aboard! [Chapter 20]
« Reply #309 on: April 28, 2007, 08:59:44 PM »
First comment~!

The image of Reina's hand reaching out for help was hilarious, but I'm not sure whether to laugh at her or feel bad for her xD

I freaking love Berserker Eri xD

Anywho, glad to know they caught up to le ship of doom, and I'm in a state of euphoria at the ending of that chapter too~! Aya would so choose Miki over that wussy Tofu-Boy! YOU GO GAM~! -punts Keita- As for the drawing, excuse the disproportion, I rushed it xD!

Write more! I want to know what Keita does next!! xDDDD!!!
« Last Edit: April 28, 2007, 09:24:19 PM by Yuuyami »

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Re: All Aboard! [Chapter 20]
« Reply #310 on: April 28, 2007, 11:03:13 PM »
Yossi was given the slightly unenviable task of having to play referee to Maki and Miki, who were having their own private little war via verbal and non-verbal jibes. Maki didn't like Miki, and Miki knew that Maki didn't like her, and it appears that the knife throwing pirate enjoyed taunting and baiting the taller woman, even as Maki subtly got revenge in between each barrel they were lifting. It didn't pay to be short at this point, as Miki discovered when Maki "accidentally" bashed her over the head with an elbow...repeatedly.
The whole mini-war thing is kinda hot, I gotta say. The elbow thing? That's just funny.

Reina had been sent below decks to fetch some supplies for Makoto, and was still down there seeing that she hasn't emerged yet.
She's looking for potatoes? :P

Behind her, Miki got a grope in on Maki's chest, causing a ferocious growl to emerge from the latter.

Miki ended up with the barrel rolled squarely on top on her stomach, with Maki standing triumphantly over her. Yossi rolled her eyes and went over to try and rescue Miki, who was currently gasping out "my back!!" while flailing about wildly with her arms.

And round one of the Maki versus Miki wars goes to...Maki.
Picturing this scene....:wahaha:

Just knowing that Nacchi didn't really ditch her in favor of duty was comfort enough. Even better when the small woman clambered up the rope that had been left hanging on one side and practically tripped and fell right over on her.

"You came? I thought..." Maki started, still slightly disbelieving of the situation.
GEEZ WOMAN ARE YOU BLIND?!?!?!  She's there because she rabu-rabu's jooooo!!!

Her already wonky eyes looked even wonkier than usual, and her dazed expression clearly explained why her eyes looked more off-center than usual.
Whoa, is that even possible?

this crazy harpoon girl had yanked her out of her comfort zone, her safety net, her happy place.
Taking someone away from her happy place? Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig mistake.

We all know what this leads to...CHICK FIGHT!!!

all because of that one fatal mistake of dragging Eri out of her comfort zone while the latter was PMSing. comment.

"Stowaway on board, Tanaka fought the person and had the shit beaten out of her in the process." Yossi explained, then turned to glance at Rika. "By the way, that stowaway is that girl that was following you around when I first met you."

"Eri?" Rika blinked. Maki and Natsumi also blinked at the same time. "Kamei? What's she doing?"
They're all

It took a couple of hours of nonstop travel before Risa, who had somehow landed with lookout duty again
Poor girl can't catch a break, even on a new ship. ;D

Nacchi trained the spyglass on the ship again even as she mumbled half to herself. "The mast and the rake of the sails...definitely looks like it..."

"Whose ship?" Maki asked in confusion. Nacchi lowered the spyglass again. "Elio Levant's."

"The explorer?" Mari blurted from behind them, having heard of the name before in her voyages.
Nacchi recognizes the ship? An explorer? Might he be the same dude that secretly does stuff for the navy and who also happens to have found Aya?

Aya was bored. No, boredom was the least of her worries. The main problem hassling her came in the form of one Tachibana Keita, who simply refused to leave her alone once she had been allowed out of bed on the second day (and only because she refused to stay idle).
Well then, she should have just stayed in bed. Or at least in the room she was in. :P

Keita was descended from one of the Highlander clans
Then shouldn't he be wearing a skirt.......I mean, kilt?

Unfortunately, that was not going to be the case, as Keita simply spun conversation after conversation by her side, on subjects that no doubt other girls would probably be interested in, but Aya was not exactly your typical lady here.
He must really like to talk.

Aya was about to draw her gunblade in response when Keita, in an attempt to win some creditability for himself, moved in front of her and raised his own sabre protectively before him. Behind him, Aya rolled her eyes at this display of male chauvinism.
No Aya, let him...*ahem*...fight. THIS I wanna see. :rolleyes:

Then Aya's eyes narrowed. "Aren't you two supposed to be elsewhere?"

Maki grinned sheepishly, and Nacchi looked equally woolly next to her. "Ah, um. We were worried about you." Maki tried, and Nacchi quickly explained the arrangements for the rest of their crew to prevent any scolding. cute. :heart:

"Why is Tofu Boy here?" Maki asked rudely, using one of her many varied nicknames for him. They had come up with "Tofu Boy" on account of the fact that he was bland, tasteless, and soft (weak). Aya stifled a snort, even as Keita looked grossly affronted.
Good one!

"Congratulations, my Lord Tachibana, you found your bride." Aya's voice was sarcastic, and Keita misinterpreted it as jealousy. Struggling to explain himself (while simultaneously feeling a surge of hope), he defended himself.

"But I do not wish to marry her in the first place!" He protested, looking directly at an indifferent Aya. "You know that you are the only one for me!"

Maki was snickering, and Nacchi was no better. Elio had his poker face on, so no one really knew what he was thinking, although his eyes twinkled with mirth.
Oh to hell with trying to keep it a secret!

"Yours? Hardly, I think." Miki, having followed the other two over and had been standing behind Maki the whole time (and was thus unseen by Aya), breezed into the conversation easily, noting with satisfaction the customary twitch of a facial muscle as Aya ground her teeth together on seeing her. Miki smirked confidently, moving in boldly close to her target. With a haughty glance at the confused Keita, Miki decided to drop the bomb on the unsuspecting nobleman.

"That's because, Tofu Boy, she's mine."

Before Aya, or anyone else for that matter, could react, Miki pulled Aya close, and with an outrageous wink at the younger girl, moved in and sealed her lips against Aya's, right in front of a shocked Keita, whose sudden freeze in all motion turned him into a fine imitation of a stone statue, his jaw going slack with horror.

A stunned hush fell over the whole ship at that point.

I think "Tofu boy" will be our new nickname for Tachibana.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: All Aboard! [Chapter 20]
« Reply #311 on: April 29, 2007, 12:52:12 AM »
OMG you updated!!!! I LOVE U  :heart: :heart: wow, eri beat reina...well she did take her out of her happy place, that's a big no-no right there. Yup Kamei is scary when mad! More kamei!!! Hope Reina will heal fast then there might be a possible round 2 :D Awww maki/nacchi!! Aww GAM LOVE!!! rofl "Why is tofu boy here?"
please update as soon as possible!!!!!!!

always waiting for your update,


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Re: All Aboard! [Chapter 20]
« Reply #312 on: April 29, 2007, 01:55:58 AM »
Not feeling so good today...I'll edit this post with my commet/babbles <-----(I'll make 'em funny...just for you! Keep you happy and writing) later...

Okay...this might not be such a good review...but it's the best I can do under stressful situations

First of all Mako, there's no reason to be worried about Ai. Risa will take good care of Ai. Real good care. Enough to shoot something and even stand up to Miki. Also, Poor Yossie bein stuck with overseeing the quarreling duo….Oh well. It was amusing nonetheless. I mean, come on who doesn’t love a “little” competition amongst…whatever their relationship is… What I'm really surprised at is how they were able to do their job. That’s multitasking for ya. Finishing the job as well as waging a mini-war...Perhaps this is the influence of The Twins on Miki's part? I was happy that you got Miki groping Maki for all the hilariousness, but Maki…come on. The Fujimoto Miki just groped you.  I mean it doesn’t get much better than that. Would you have preferred an inexperienced person to have groped you? I wouldn’t think so. But you brought in Nacchi to...subdue more ways than one hopefully. Nacchi and Maki should stick together because 1) They’d be able to get almost anything they’d want and most importantly 2) We get rabu rabu scenes. <--- most important.

And the situation with Reina and Eri...was interesting to say the least. It made my mind wander back to the situation that occured earlier in my dreams... babble: I finally got my Kamei-In-A-Crate and my bunnies, I realized something went wrong. First, I didn’t get my bunnies. I got a polar bear. I didn’t even the second rabbit. And when I went toward the crate…there was a warning… Do not drag this turtle out of her happy place. Especially not when said turtle is experiencing hormonal imbalance with the occasional tendency towards berserker rages. Very surprised at that. But it didn’t matter because then I would have to go through the trouble of calling them back up and putting the bear back into the cage. So I thought it would be perfectly fine if I took then out to the beach. I mean, it was just a small mistake right? I could live if I didn’t have the right turtle and got a polar bear instead of a wonky rabbit and another rabbit. So I took them to the beach. I left the turtle in the crate and just drilled a small hole so she could see. Then somehow the bear wandered off a came back with a harpoon. I thought it wanted to play fetch…so I taught it to fetch and throw. I was happy it was a smart bear. But then it threw the harpoon toward the crate and pierced it. Then it ran up and threw the lid off the crate and grabbed the turtle. I figured it was a snapping turtle because that’s exactly what it did. It snapped, both literally and figuratively. It got angry and then started snapping and attacking the polar bear. Within 5 minutes my polar bear became a panda. In 10…it became a black bear. I had no choice but to return it and demanded them to send me my bunnies and Kamei-In-A-Crate. I was so devastated…end babble
But Eri ish sorry and when Reina is all better they’ll get closer right? Besides, Kamei being a close combat specialist and Reina having an advantage with long distance attacks means that they will balance each other out. And then they’ll meet Sayu and with her newfound intelligence means that they will make a nice…tri….o… of love.

Yay! Maki and Nacchi found Aya. And go Maki for the name Tofu Boy (actually…yay you…but…you see…I just…kinda…um….just wanted to type Maki) it fits. Tofu is, like you said, sorta bland and boring without too much taste and sorta…wussy and…limp<-- how could you forget this?  And he…is flirting with Aya? He wants to marry Aya? Miki’s Aya? Does he have a death wish? You see Tofu Boy…Miki has claim to Aya. You do not touch what is hers without permission. If you do, you get embarrassed.

And let us once again visit my logic…twisted as it is.

Twisted Logic : Tofu Boy, seeing as how he has has the properties of tofu, is only considered flavoring. He’s only there to be there. Add a little spice to the story before being beaten down by the actual meat. In this case, Fujimoto. He is also the perfect example to Newton’s Third Law of Motion: For every action there is a reaction. Therefore he only does something interesting if something hits(read: embarrasses) him. For example, he never went after Aya until Ishikawa ran away and embarrassed him. He didn’t show any interesting emotion until Miki embarrassed him after he said that Aya was the only one for him. I mean, doing an imitation of a statue might seem easy, but to stand stock still and not move/quake is hard. What’s more amazing is that his jaw went slack with horror. I mean, how can you stand still with horror when GAM are goin at it right in front of you. YOU GOT FROM ROW SEATS!! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MANY PEOPLE WANT TO BE IN YOU POSITION RIGHT NOW? IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT MOVE ASIDE AND LET ESTREA TAKE YOUR PLACE. Estrea will tell us in detail what happened. Right? Honestly Tofu Boy…you should be treasuring that memory for the rest of you life…however short it may be considering your actions. Just reminded me of that trick where you put someone on a wheel and then you throw knives at them without hitting them (<---optional) while the wheel is turning.

And that's it for me this chapter. "Short" chapter it may be, but I am satisfied. Especially since I just reviewed. Keep 'em comin  ;D
« Last Edit: May 01, 2007, 03:16:37 AM by C60533 »

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Re: All Aboard! [Chapter 21]
« Reply #313 on: April 29, 2007, 06:25:45 AM »
Too drunk, rply later...

Edit: So many people and so much to drink, and all I wanted was to read your story. And throw up a few times...

What is there to really say about this chapter, except: Haha Reina! You got you stupid ass kicked! Don't mess with the freaking turtles, man! They bite the crap out of you if you take them out of their shells! *rubs finger* Ain't that right Shelly? *hides from turtle*
« Last Edit: May 03, 2007, 04:26:41 AM by rndmnwierd »

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Re: All Aboard! [Chapter 21]
« Reply #314 on: April 29, 2007, 06:48:51 AM »
im lying on my tummy reading this in a very awkward position so when i read about GAM i totally snorted! oooommfg, that was too cool. Thanks Yuuyami for an illustration of the moment. ahh, happy days~

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

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Re: All Aboard! [Chapter 21]
« Reply #315 on: April 29, 2007, 06:50:37 AM »
Yes!  I so needed this fix tonight!

Leave it to Miki to steal the spotlight!  Now the question is, does all hell break lose because of it?  I wouldn't mind seeing Tofu Boy getting his ass kicked. 
Eri, wow.  Definatly a ninja turtle now, no doubt about it.  Give her a headband dammit!   :cool1:

I hope Yossui and Rika start getting some spotlight soon.  Nothing wrong with GAM, TakaGaki, and Nacchi/Maki, but I miss my fav's. 

Can't wait for the next fix!  Keep up the great work, Estrea!  :heart:
« Last Edit: April 29, 2007, 06:52:29 AM by Blizzard »

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Re: All Aboard! [Chapter 21]
« Reply #316 on: April 29, 2007, 09:29:04 AM »
Yay! way to go to kick Tofu Boy's ass! XD Go Miki! And he can't go running to Rika cause there's Yossie around :D.

I'm with Reina... why do you let Eri beat her up T_T. So Reina is no match for the berserk Eri :D~ I demand rematch! ;D and Eri can pay her assault by being Reina's personal maid while she's still injured :D.

So the hand Yossie saw is Reina's hand screaming for help? Seems sadistic O_O. Like what in horror movie when the killer is trying to kill its victim and the victim tries the best to ask for help and ends up die anyway.

Can't wait for Maki vs Miki round 2 :D.

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Re: All Aboard! [Chapter 21]
« Reply #317 on: April 29, 2007, 10:07:49 AM »
Ch. 20
*.* nacchi and gottou. nacchi and gottou. nacchi and gottou. mmmm
Yossui is such a woman <3 The '85 girls, together, on one ship! HOW COOL! ^o^

Ch. 21
XD Gotou and Miki, man, love them fighting. Hah, and I laughed hard at the unsuspecting, out of nowhere, boob grab from Miki.
YESSS come on, IshiYoshi must sleep together! It's the only way, dammit!

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Re: All Aboard! [Chapter 21]
« Reply #318 on: April 29, 2007, 11:26:49 AM »
I think I forgot (out of sheer shock) to comment on the previous chapter...



Miki/Maki fighting/working together was hilarious, made me wonder how strong they must be if they can carry full waterbarrels on their shoulders  ;D

Yeah, I second that Ishiyoshi must share a bed!!!! You can't have Yossie sleeping on the floor, hahaha.

And lol@ Nacchi being pulled out of the water like a fish ^^

Yay for another horror movie (sort of) referrence,
Tanakame action was brilliant, Reina being completely beaten into oblivion by our sweet berserk turtle, hahaha. Somehow the image of Kamei with bloody face and in berserker mode is kinda hot!
Wonder how Reina's gonna handle this defeat when she comes to again.

What I've been wondering/hoping for a while now, is there a speical someone for our dear captain? Like Kei-can maybe? *poke*

And finally GAM!!! :heart:

Ok, now for some critisizing... I felt like the Tanakame part where you elaborated on what happened under deck was more in the way of the story flow and would have better been a Hidden File. But that's just my 2 cents.

Hey Yuu, love that last pic, it looks like Aya's giving Miki THE tongue  :D and Keita's face is priceless!
« Last Edit: April 29, 2007, 12:37:41 PM by coachie »

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Re: All Aboard! [Chapter 21]
« Reply #319 on: April 29, 2007, 09:31:08 PM »
You know what Estrea, I feel so depress after reading Chap. 20. It feels like I want to join the Melons beating you up.  :angry1: but then again Chap. 21 somehow washed that depression away. Especially Eri won over Reina.  :wahaha: good job
« Last Edit: April 29, 2007, 09:34:12 PM by Sancho »

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