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Author Topic: All Aboard!: The Hidden Files [#8: Break]  (Read 11385 times)

Offline Estrea

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All Aboard!: The Hidden Files [#8: Break]
« on: March 10, 2007, 05:12:30 PM »
A side story collection to my main fic, All Aboard!. I'll add short stories whenever I feel like it. Yes, most of them will be fic canon, kinda like backstory that I can't find a way to properly insert into the main body of the fic itself. Expect quite a bit of craziness here too. And I'll get around to writing the twins' backstory here too! :) So look forward to that.

Ok, the first story is an expansion to a reference made in Chapter 3. So if you haven't read Chapter 3, GO BACK AND READ IT NOW!!!! XD

Well, to those who HAVE read Chapter 3, here we go!

SideStory 1: The Melancholy of Goto Yuuki

"Huh?! You're runn--mmph!" A young Goto Yuuki, about 13 years old of age, his eyes wide as his elder sister clamped her hand around his mouth to prevent him from yelling out her plans to the whole house.

"Yes I am leaving, and you are going to help me." A resolute Goto Maki, age 14, her short hair fluttering a little in the breeze. Beside her, a boyishly dressed Matsuura Aya, age 13, her once long hair hacked off unevenly to leave a short bob.

"Me?" Yuuki blurted softly as soon as his sister released his mouth. "How?"

Evil grins spread across the faces of the two girls in front of him, and Yuuki felt the first chill of utter fear course through him...

Later that night, Lord Goto, back on a rare visit home, came in to check in on his daughter in her room, only to find her crouching in the corner of her room, sobbing piteously. Worried, he hurried over to his daughter's side.

"What's wrong?" The young girl, who had her face buried in her knees until then, choked out.

"Yuuki..ran away!" The voice was uneven, a bit higher pitched than normal. One slender hand was clutching a crumpled note, which Lord Goto took and read.

It was in his son's handwriting, alright. Just a short note informing his family about his decision, but without leaving any details. The nobleman crushed the note in his hand, suddenly angry at his wayward son. He tried to comfort his daughter, coaxing her to bed. After which, he mobilised the men under his command to go out searching for his runaway son.

Unfortunately, they were unable to find him. His daughter remained inconsolable and locked herself in her room for a whole week. It had taken much persuasion to even get her to step out. When she finally emerged, her father gazed at her intently, making her shift uncomfortably for a few moments.

And then he hugged her, and told her not to be too sad about her brother's disappearance. The child clasped within the embrace stiffened, but said nothing.

The head of the Goto family had to leave then on a business trip, leaving the servants to attend to the Young Mistress of the household. For almost 3 weeks, no one noticed any difference in the behaviour of their young mistress, except that she was more withdrawn and rarely spoke, probably due to her younger brother's disappearance, so they were careful to leave her alone whenever she retreated into hers or the young master's room.

3 weeks passed, and Lord Goto returned again. At dinner, his daughter finally spoke up.


"Yes dear?"

"Dad, it's me..."

"What do you mean? Of course you're you."

"It's me...Yuuki."

The older man dropped his fork.

Yuuki didn't know whether to laugh or cry. No one had noticed his charade for a whole month. If he hadn't chosen to reveal himself, he didn't know how long it would have taken for his masquerade to be exposed. Probably until his voice a few years.

I hope you're happy with this, sis...

The most unmanning experience of his life...the worst humiliation Goto Yuuki would probably ever suffer in his whole life...

No one even noticed...

XD XD XD Poor Yuuki. I just had that idea after watching a video of Maki and her brother Yuuki on the same show, and the host commenting on how similar they looked despite a year's difference in their ages...and Maki commenting that she had dressed Yuuki up in a dress before when they were kids! XD Hence, this. :P Hope that coaxed a laugh out of someone. :P
« Last Edit: June 13, 2007, 09:31:56 PM by Estrea »


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Offline JFC

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« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2007, 02:59:19 AM »


*inhales deeply*



JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline shindoushiz

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« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2007, 04:27:16 AM »
aww...poor Yuuki, no one could figure out that he was there all along.
Maki did say he looked better as a girl than she herself did so, hehehe.

Great side story! I'm looking forward to the main story as well:)

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Offline rndmnwierd

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« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2007, 05:35:27 AM »
*collapses in laughter* Oh my god, that is so awesome! I need to start paying more attention to Maki and Yuuki.

Offline Estrea

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« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2007, 07:33:15 PM »
And I'm back with the 2nd sidestory. Time to see how Aya first met Keita. XD Should be fun. ^___^

Oh and this is the same party mentioned in Chapter 5 where Natsumi first meets Rika as well. Many firsts there. XD

Well, enjoy. ;)

Side Story 2: Love At First Sight...Not.

Soft music played, courtesy of the mini orchestra artfully placed in an aesthetically pleasing spot. The quiet murmur of refined voices engaged in polite conversation filtered through the air, almost melting into the music that played on that cool autumn evening. Here and there, delicate laughter and the tinkle of glasses against each other provided a quiet counterpoint to the music of the evening.

The young lord, second son to the Duke Tachibana, was smoothly making his own circuits through that large ballroom, an ever present smile on his handsome face as he greeted fellow nobles and assorted dignitaries, currying favor for the sake of his elder brother, heir to the Duchy, who was at present attending to his very pregnant wife and was thus unable to attend the event. As the younger brother and a member of the Tachibana clan, Keita saw fit that they should not go unrepresented, especially at such an event where so many luminaries were present. It was a good time to exchange information, and to build relations with the other noble clans. One could never have too many friends, after all.

Tachibana Keita had the charm and skills of a diplomat, and so it had been obvious since he was but a green youth. Since the younger sons of most noble families did not inherit their family titles, they usually had to find alternative forms of employment, either in the corps, or within the bureaucracy. Of course, there were many who simply lived off their families for the rest of their lives, but Keita rather turned his nose up at that notion. What was the point of idling at home with nothing better to do?

Well, he couldn't take that. Already, he was gaining some small recognition by way of his social skills and mature outlook on current events. It was said that he was even more charming than his elder brother, but of course it was never blithely mentioned in the open. That would have been rude. Naturally though, it didn't stop them from gossiping about it over tea (for the women), or over a bottle of fine wine (for the men) informally.

Tagging along behind Keita, his two faithful family retainers attended dutifully to their master. Keita saw them more as friends than servants though, since they had practically grown up together, but he had never had any doubts over whether Ryuichi and Ryohei would ever be able to compare to him. He was the master, and they were simply his retainers, bound in service to him. That was all there was to it, friendly relations with them or not.

Tachibana Keita was a confident young man. He was well groomed, charming, polite, and could sweep just about any girl off their feet in moments. Thus far, not many ladies had managed to catch his rather critical eye. He was in no hurry to find a life partner himself, since he was under no obligation, as his elder brother had been, to produce an heir.

It was thus completely to his surprise when he had seen her.

Keita had seen his fair share of society ladies. Primped and plumped to their best, adorned in glossy finery meant to ensnare the attentions of the opposite sex. They looked all the same to him after awhile, frankly, their smiles and laughter all carefully coached and fake, to his trained eye. One could say that most society darlings bored him, since they were no different from one another.

She was...different. That was the first thing Keita noticed. She stood out like a flame in the darkness, and he was drawn, helplessly, like a moth to that very flame. When he had first seen that radiant smile on her face as she conversed with her companion, he felt as if his heart would stop.

Was it love then? If it was, and he had a sinking feeling that it was, then Heaven help him. He felt as if he would drown just looking at her from a distance. How on earth could he even approach her up close then?

But he had to try. Gathering up his courage, he made his way straight towards her, taking a deep breath...and ended up conversing with one of her companions instead, his guts failing him at the critical moment.

It was with a vague sense of failure and disappointment as he gracefully allowed himself to fade back into the mingling crowds, the better to hide his less than favorable mood at the moment. The girl hadn't even glanced once in his direction when he had been nearby, and that fact didn't exactly do wonders for his self-esteem.

His loyal retainers had quickly sensed their master's shift in mood. Murmuring quietly between themselves, they quickly put two and two together to figure out what had upset their master. After all, they had known him practically all their lives, and were sensitive to the shifts in his behaviour. A few more muttered lines passed between the two, wondering how to help their master solve his problem. After all, that was part of their job.

Keita eventually found himself retreating to the carefully manicured garden outside, the better to get a breath of fresh air, as Ryohei had tactfully suggested. He needed time to sort out his thoughts and feelings, before trying to approach her again.

The main problem, he thought to himself, was that he couldn't even speak to her without feeling like a helpless, stuttering little boy again. So, Ryuichi had suggested, why not practice a little before going back in again? Usually Keita didn't need to prepare a speech beforehand to charm women, but this time he felt the need to at least plan out what to say, since he was fairly sure that he would probably freeze up if he didn't have a clearly defined goal and the steps taken to reach it planned down to the last detail.

His servants were very obliging and helpful, Keita had to admit. Their presence reassured him that he could do this. Ryuichi even offered to be used as a prop for Keita to practice his lines on, which was better than talking to thin air. Seeing no problem with that idea, Keita agreed. After all, with his long hair and delicately feminine features, Ryuichi looked vaguely androgynous, and it made Keita feel a bit better than practising on someone else.

Forming the various opening lines he could possibly say, he tried them out on Ryuichi, but either found them too cheesy or contrived himself to sufficiently impress his target. It took a while, but Keita finally figured out what to say, and his speech was eloquent, poetic even, and his movement, his gazes, all geared to elicit maximum response in most targets. Near them, Ryohei often made thumbs-up signs to signal his approval of his master's ingenuity.

As Keita made his final move to clasp his target's hands, on in this case, his practice buddy Ryuichi's hands, he was suddenly interrupted by a loud snort, followed by a derisive snicker. Freezing in place, Keita slowly turned his head around to see two very familiar faces. He thought his heart would stop for the second time that night.

"You know, I didn't know he swung that way. Could almost have fooled me." The taller figure smirked at her shorter companion, who was eyeing the men with an almost amused expression. "Guess now we know why he has two pretty boys following him around all the time eh, Aya?"

"Why don't we just leave them alone for now, Gocchin?" Aya's smile was definitely on the evil side, her voice having stressed the "alone" part in ways better left undiscussed in polite society. Chuckling, Maki held out a hand in an almost gentlemanly fashion to her best friend, who took it with an impish smile, the two turning to leave the garden.

Keita had barely been able to react during that short exchange, his mind going into overdrive as he panicked over the fact that the love of his life had just mistaken his sexual orientation. As the two girls were about to leave though, he finally regained his motor functions and spluttered.

"Wait, I'm not like that!"

Maki just looked over her shoulder with a conspiratorial wink.

"Don't worry about it pretty boy, we won't tell on you~"

And just like that, they vanished without a trace into the night, leaving behind a heartbroken Keita to whimper pathetically over and over again.

"But I'm not like that..."

XD XD XD XD Oh, I'm evil. I really am. Kekeke. That was fun to write.
Well, bedtime. Happy reading, and laughing too, I hope! :P
« Last Edit: March 12, 2007, 07:39:32 PM by Estrea »


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline Amarghetta

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« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2007, 07:48:48 PM »
Funny, it was. Evil? Not enough... XD

Offline len.chan

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« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2007, 08:53:20 PM »
Aya 1 - Keita 0 FUUU! XDXD
you know what'd had been more evil? Maki kissing Aya in front of him:ONwahaha: :ONwahaha: :ONwahaha:

Offline Estrea

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« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2007, 03:27:30 AM »
Quote from: len.chan;327692
Aya 1 - Keita 0 FUUU! XDXD
you know what'd had been more evil? Maki kissing Aya in front of him:ONwahaha: :ONwahaha: :ONwahaha:

You know, I actually considered that. XD Maybe an alternate ending might be in order....:P

You guys are eviler. :P


Currently writing:
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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline JFC

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All Aboard!: The Hidden Files
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2007, 04:11:31 AM »
Again I say...


*inhales deeply*



Quote from: Estrea;327630
XD XD XD XD Oh, I'm evil. I really am. Kekeke. That was fun to write.
Well, bedtime. Happy reading, and laughing too, I hope! :P
Quote from: Estrea;327979
You guys are eviler. :P
You know you love it just like we love it. :ONwahaha:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline rndmnwierd

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« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2007, 12:24:11 PM »
Roffle times a thousand!

Offline Estrea

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All Aboard!: The Hidden Files
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2007, 04:41:22 PM »
And I'm back with the side story I promised at the end of Chapter 6! XD

It's set a few years before the main story begins, and it covers a bit of how Makoto joined our favorite pirate crew. XD

Warning, some sexual harassment ahead (poor Ai-chan *cough*). Also some violence, but we knew that already, didn't we? XD

Side Story 3: Tavern Rumble

A snaking hand slithered towards the general vicinity of her rear end, but she slipped skillfully out of range, a skill born out of necessity and daily practice.

Takahashi Ai didn't know whether or not to be flattered that so many of the patrons liked trying to cop a feel of her, or just be irritated by the constant attempts at sexual harassment. She supposed she should be used to it though. As a barmaid working at a tavern whose main clientele were pirates, being harassed was pretty much part of the job description. She didn't have to like it though.

The doors to the Sea Coconut tavern were forcefully thrown open, and a familiar crew swept in. Ai-chan couldn't help but smile. If they were here, that mean that Mako-chan, her childhood friend, was here too. Makoto had joined those pirates about 6 months ago, after they had helped to fight off some troublemakers at the tavern. Ai had hated to see her friend go and join a pirate crew, of all things, but this particular group didn't seem too bad. A bit strange they might have been, but they didn't feel evil. Ruthless and a bit vicious maybe, but not evil.

Besides, they were an all-female crew, so it wasn't as if Mako-chan would be too much out of place. Mako-chan loved the sea and had always wanted to sail on it, which was why she had begged to be accepted into the crew of the Red Dawn in the first place. This would be the first time since Makoto had left that she had seen them again, and she was rather looking forward to checking on how the younger girl was doing. After all, they had grown up together and were sort of like sisters. As the older one, Ai felt that she had a responsibility to look out for the younger girl. It was the right thing to do.

"Ho Ayaka! Bring up the rum!" No guesses as to who had said that. The proprietress just laughed and brought out a whole tray of bottles, passing them to Ai to bring to the table. The barmaid blinked and tried hard to balance everything as she gingerly picked up the load, turning towards the corner where the crew lounged around lazily.

Meanwhile, a decidedly more tanned Makoto bounded up to her "sister" with a wide smile. "Ai-chan!" The slightly taller girl tried to hug her, but the humongous tray sort of impeded that action. "Let me help you with that!" The younger girl grinned toothily and grabbed several of the bottles to lighten the seriously overloaded tray. The older girl smiled gratefully, straightening herself and delivering the alcohol to the pirates.

She had barely set the tray down when Yuko reached out to snag a bottle, taking a long swig, a blissful expression blossoming on her face. Yossi politely thanked her, ever the gentleman, which always struck her as odd, somehow. Oh well, it was a refreshing change of pace from the leering and lecherous...

Grope senses tingling! A familiar instinct kicked in as she made to back away, but it wasn't soon enough. She felt a quick hand slip smoothly down the waist of her skirt, stroking and pinching her butt lightly, eliciting a startled yelp from her as she tried to motor away. Instead, she managed to lose her balance, falling backward...

...only to be caught by a smugly smirking Miki, whose wandering fingers simply refused to stay still even then, this time inching up the back of her blouse. Flaring an intense shade of red, Ai-chan finally found her footing again and stomped off out back indignantly, face still flushed and muttering some of the more creative curses she had heard some of the patrons utter. Makoto came up behind her apologetically.

"Sorry Ai-chan, Fujimoto's always like that whenever she's not feeling grumpy..."

Calming down slightly, the rapid beating of her heart slowing down as she regained her equanimity, Ai-chan smiled at her friend. "I'm fine now, really. That...that woman just shocked me a bit." She said, laughing shakily.

Makoto nodded. "Yeah...Fujimoto is a bit weird...sometimes all standoffish, and sometimes, ah, too friendly."

Eyeing the young pirate, Ai simply had to ask. "Did she do it to you too?"

Makoto shifted around on her feet, flushing slightly. "Um, well, once or twice..." She mumbled evasively. Then she hastened to add, "But Yossi talked her out of it. Yossi's really nice." Makoto nodded as she spoke of the dashing Second Mate.

Ai was about to ask after her wellbeing when a loud ruckus in the tavern alerted the two friends. "What now?" They both blurted out at the same time, looking at each other, before shrugging and rushing back in.

It was the same group of troublemakers. Except, there were more of them. Evidently, the original group had been pissed at Yuko's crew for kicking their collective asses that time, and had called in more help to revenge their loss after hearing that they had docked in.

Yuko was smiling lazily, still loosely holding a bottle of rum (her 3rd) as she swaggered over to the antagonisers. "Let's take this outside, shall we?" The pirate captain drawled, smirking insultingly at the other group's leader.

"Inside, outside, you're going to pay anyway!" The other group's leader, a heavily scarred man missing an eye (courtesy of Miki and her flying daggers), growled threateningly even as they all spilled out into the street outside. The other patrons all swarmed out to watch the entertainment as well, even as Ai stood worriedly on the edges of the imminent brawl, concerned for her friend's safety.

The crew of the Red Dawn was outnumbered 3 to 1, so the fight took a bit longer than usual.

10 minutes later, three quarters of the antagonisers were either lying dead or dying in the bloodied dirt before the Sea Coconut tavern, much to the roaring approval of the mostly drunk patrons, who didn't really care which side won as long as they got to see a good fight.

Some of the men were clearly aware that staying any longer would be hazardous to their health, and thus attempted to flee. Keyword: attempted.

Three of the four who attempted to run away received a parting gift of a knife in the back, courtesy of a viciously grinning Miki. The last one, already a good distance away and thinking that he would make it to safety, was roughly disabused of that notion when a well hurled harpoon from Reina impaled him through the chest, the wonky eyed pirate having already dispatched of the opponents around her and thus could afford to do so.

One burly man, seeing that running wasn't an option, turned on Yuko with a desperate battle cry. The often-drunk captain currently had her sword stuck in the chest of an offending sailor, and it seemed that she would not be able to pull it out soon enough to meet the downward stroke aimed at her head. Kei cried out in horror, and the rest of the crew, too far away to help, could only stare as the cutlass descended with terrifying certainty...

...only to be met by a bottle. The strike broke it, sending rum and shards of dark glass flying, but the original route of the slash had been interrupted. Yuko smirked.

The burly sailor raised his cutlass for a second stroke, but it suddenly hung in midair as his whole body stiffened. Yuko had shoved the jagged edges of the broken bottle she was still holding right into his belly. Still smiling, Yuko twisted the bottle for good measure, before letting go and kicking the other corpse off her sword. When the heavily wounded man behind her made one last, clumsy attempt to swing at her, Yuko only spun around, and laughing, disarmed him...literally.

The wet splotch that the severed limb made on contact with the ground had a triumphant ring to it.

Mari and Yossi absently cleaned up the last couple of men around them, having turned back to their "work" upon verifying that Yuko was in no immediate danger.

There was only one man left, a weasly fellow who had a shifty-eyed look around him. He had been on the edges of the fight, and after seeing what had happened to those of his comrades who had tried to flee earlier, he decided that he needed a better way to ensure his continued survival.

"Ai-chan!" Makoto cried out in horror, as that last man grabbed the nearest person, who just happened to be the currently futilely struggling barmaid.

"Just let me go and I'll let the wench live!" The wretched sailor called out, holding his cutlass to Ai's throat as he used her as a convenient body shield, apparently all too aware of the effiacy of Miki's flying daggers.

Miki, who was the closest to the man, smirked. "Do you think we care about some tavern wench? Go ahead and kill her, I'll send you straight after her into the next world." She had casually slipped a knife from out of her sleeve, sensually licking the gleaming blade as her eyes bored deep into the terrified man's, making his knees shake involuntarily.

Makoto was about to protest, but the twins quickly stopped her, Tsuji holding her back and Kago clamping up her mouth. "Just wait...Miki knows what she's doing." Tsuji hissed into a struggling Makoto's ear.

Takahashi Ai was terrified. She had never been so scared in her life before, and that was saying something. And now that smug, annoying creature of a pirate was willing to let her die just to get to the bastard that was holding her hostage! She made up her mind to kick that Fujimoto's ass should she get out this safely.

Miki walked a couple of steps closer, just about 5 feet away from the two, never taking her eyes off the cowardly man before her. Said cowardly man backed off a couple of steps, desperate to flee from the monster that was bearing down on him. His cutlass pressed just a bit closer to his captive's neck, drawing just a thin trickle of blood...

Ai-chan fought the urge to to scream. That knife-wielding devil was staring at them. No, she thought. Staring at her. That was a strange gleam in those fiery eyes. Get ready, it seemed to say. The barmaid had barely enough time to process that thought when a flash of quick movement hurtled through the air, burying itself within the rogue's right shoulder, eliciting a pained howl. The subsequent knee-jerk movement as the pain kicked in caused his cutlass-wielding arm to move back and away from the girl's throat.

The young woman didn't need a second hint. Pushing away from her captor, she stumbled forward, right into a waiting Miki's arms. For her part, the pirate had already drawn yet another knife from somewhere on her body, reversing it smoothly and using the hilt to rap smartly on the wounded man's wrist, forcing him to drop his cutlass. He was whimpering in pain and fear when the knife-throwing devil edged up to him, still holding the gasping barmaid close to her.

"You know," Miki started conversationally, "I really really hate assholes like you who don't even have the balls to go down fighting like a man." Even as she spoke, the pointy end of her dagger moving down from his throat, down the chest and stomach, ending up down below at a very sensitive region. The man started sweating even harder, if that was even possible.

Miki was smiling with all the warmth of an iceberg. "Since you're such a poor excuse of a man, I don't really see the need for you to have them."

Ai-chan buried her face in Miki's chest as the man howled in agony. All the other males in the general vicinity winced, unconsciously using their hands to cover that portion of their anatomy at the same time. Miki didn't bother to extricate her dagger even as the pathetic creature in front of her collapsed. She did, however, yank the other knife out from her victim's shoulder before escorting her prize back to her amused shipmates.

"You know, as much as I like the fact that you're clinging to me, it's ok to look up now." Ai-chan looked up into the smug face of her rescuer, embarrassed by her own actions, and was about to thank the smirking pirate, when she felt those damned hands going too far south for her liking.

Gratitude turned immediately to embarrassment, and then quickly on to anger. Without even thinking about it, she made to stomp on the pirate's foot, but Miki simply jumped back laughingly out of the way, releasing her at the same time. Miki smirked again, deliberately licking the fingers that had touched her down there...

Her face flaming, Takahasi Ai fled, too mortified to stay around that infuriating, arrogant and lecherous groper of a pirate, Miki's mocking laughter following her all the way as she made her escape.

XD XD XD Miki kicked ass. I had a lot of fun. Haha. Chapter 7 might be delayed though...hope this sort of makes up for it until I finish the chapter. *apologetic*


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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

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Offline Amarghetta

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« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2007, 06:56:15 PM »
I think I liked Yuko better than Miki, not that she wasn't great at all... It's just that Yuko seemed cooler with the bottle thing, he.

Offline rndmnwierd

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« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2007, 10:35:34 PM »
Bar fight. fghhjyiyjgh Xo

Offline JFC

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« Reply #13 on: March 19, 2007, 01:50:11 AM »
All the other males in the general vicinity winced, unconsciously using their hands to cover that portion of their anatomy at the same time.
I did that. :o

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2007, 11:21:05 AM »
I laughed so hard :ONxD:
Especially during the Yuuki part, I didn't notice that they switched places!

You must continue to write more side stories! :ONtantrum:

Offline Estrea

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« Reply #15 on: March 23, 2007, 05:26:53 PM »
And I'm back with a random side story that I had been dying to write ever since I started. XD

Short one ahead. Haha.


Side Story 4: Bonnie and Clyde

"This is intolerable!" A loud voice boomed, followed by a smashing thump against the wooden table. The men ducked spittle and splinters alike as the Chief went on ranting and gesticulating while destroying random furniture in his tirade.

"A whole district wrecked in a single night! What are you fools doing?! Can't you stop those pesky criminals from ruining more places of business?! I'm getting complaints from all the owners!" More flying objects were directed at the Chief's underlings, who all went undercover behind large pieces of furniture that were still intact, clearly trying to avoid death-by-projectile.

"But's the red light district that's being disrupted. Shouldn't we be glad that those dens of vice are being cleared out?" One of the more junior constables ventured bravely. Everyone winced in sympathy and murmured prayers for the poor boy, even as the Chief turned purple in rage, his veins popping almost dangerously out of his forehead.

"VICE? Those are legitimate, registered businesses! They pay their dues and taxes on time! The town depends on the income! Where do you think our budget comes from?!" The Chief looked like he was about to have apoplexy as he raged on, this time directing all his ire at the unfortunate rookie who had spoken out of turn.

A few of the men had to carry the knocked out body of the young constable out of the room after the Chief was done with him.

At the very least, that singleminded outburst at the rookie had served to channel the last of the anger from the Chief, and he was now marginally calm enough to speak without smashing or throwing more objects. Unfortunately it didn't do anything about the spittle that flew in all directions whenever he spoke, so the more experienced men all wisely stayed out of range as the Chief spoke. The less wary received a coating of spit, courtesy of their plump and potbellied Chief.

"We need to nab these foul criminals! Does anyone even have a profile on them?!"

A diffident man, one of the veterans, stepped forward (but still out of spit-range). "Our reports seem to suggest that it's the work of two people or possibly more, but we're unable to pin down the exact number or type of person who has been perpetrating these crimes. What we do know however, is that they move very fast and are very clever when it comes to avoiding pursuit. We never seem to catch up to them..."

"What do I employ you fools for?! Find those people, and find them fast! Or you're ALL fired!" The Chief roared, sending them all scattering out of the station.

"Useless bunch of idiots..." The Chief muttered to himself as he poured out a glass of fine whiskey that had managed to remain intact through his earlier rampage.

"Ahhh...that hits the spot..." The red-faced man sighed contentedly as he drank.

A giggle. The Chief frowned, did he hear something? There was nothing but the sound of the wind blowing in the evening air, so he shrugged and relaxed, pouring himself another glass.

A creak. The Chief jumped up a little in his seat, spilling a little of the whiskey onto his lap. But there was no repeat of the sound. Probably just the wind again, he reasoned. No need to get panicky over nothing.

He was just settled in again when he thought he saw a shadow flit past the window, making him choke in mid-drink. Spluttering a bit, he stared out of the window, even going so far as to walk over and open it, looking out of it to see if anyone had passed by. But there was nothing. Most people didn't bother to lurk around the local sheriff office unless they had something to bring up with the constables.

Deciding that it was probably his own imagination, the Chief turned his back on the open window, ready to rejoin his drink that was still waiting on the table for him. He had barely made a step in that direction when someone swung in through the window and made contact with their feet onto the back of his head, sending him to the land of the unconscious almost instantly.

The intruder landed lightly and gracefully on their feet next to the comatose man. A few seconds later, her companion joined her, having entered through the back door on the other side of the building.

"Nicely done~" The newcomer complimented her partner, who simply executed a flamboyant bow in response, making them both giggle.

"Shall we get started then?"

The twins looked at each other, grinning viciously, and got down to work.

The next morning, the town was in an uproar at the sight that greeted their eyes when they woke up. Mothers covered their children's eyes, desperate to spare their virgin eyes from the spectacle, and there were scandalised titters flitting throughout the more proper amongst the varied crowd that had gathered in the town square to witness the sight on display.

The Chief Sheriff, naked as the day he was born, was hogtied to a post in the middle of the town square, the only scrap of material that was on him being a long roll of white cloth that was tied to his neck and allowed to fall freely downwards to cover some essential bits in front and back. There were words scribbled on the cloth.

I am a corrupt official, I take bribes and allow brothels and gambling dens to operate. That was on the front.

I am also a fat, lazy bastard that sucks the lifeblood out of the peasants. Was on the back.

There were also a lot of derogatory designs scribbled on the man's face. But what really stood out to the more appreciative of the crowd was the calling card left behind by the ones who had done this, carved onto the fat man's side.

Courtesy, from da 'Bon and Non'.



And this covers part of what Aibon and Nono were up to prior to joining our favorite pirate crew. XD They're sadistic, yes, but they're not evil. They just use extreme methods to work against things they don't approve of. ^___^

As for why I used "Bonnie and Clyde", well, it just felt right. Even though the originals were bandits, but then again, what the twins are doing is still fairly illegal even if morally justifiable. :P

Hope you liked!


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2007, 05:57:01 PM »
The twins are so silly <3

But damn, that guy was too spacey to notice anything, roffle xD

Loved the notes the twins left on the guy, roffle xD!!!!!!!!

Offline Ren

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« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2007, 06:01:07 PM »
Yay for Aibonnie and Nonclyde! XD and again for another side story :heart:!

Little lovable trouble makers :heart:.

They sure like to make their victims naked, huh? Pervy Bon and Non :heart:.

Even though it is said they are in such hard times after running away from home and before they joined the pirates crew, it sure seems like they are enjoying their time XD.

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« Reply #18 on: March 23, 2007, 06:11:12 PM »

*wipes away tears* Oh man, I love the twins!

Offline FeverInducedMadness

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« Reply #19 on: March 23, 2007, 06:52:37 PM »
o_o I didn't know there was a thread with SIDE STORIES in it!
...But I'm glad I do now. haha.

The note things on the guy remind me of the Marauder's Map. Cracked me up so hard. <3
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