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Author Topic: All Aboard!: The Hidden Files [#8: Break]  (Read 11390 times)

Offline Estrea

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Re: All Aboard!: The Hidden Files [#6: When Enough Is Enough]
« Reply #40 on: May 14, 2007, 07:04:10 PM »
Look everyone, I apologise in advance for my cruelty below. It's just needed to be written. That's what I felt. Long side story ahead (almost like a regular chapter o_o;)


Side Story 7: Captain

It was late. Or specifically, it was very early. It was about an hour before dawn, but none of them were asleep. They were awake as a show of solidarity.

"They're late." Sudou Maasa said from her place by the window, a tinge of worry in her voice as her eyes remained staring unwaveringly outside. The words pierced the tense atmosphere in the room, and Risako whimpered slightly, prompting Momoko, who was sitting next to the younger girl, to grip her hands comfortingly. Yurina and Chinami were seated opposite Risako and Momoko, and their hands were interlaced tightly, betraying their nervousness. Meanwhile, Maiha was pacing up and down the middle of the room like a caged tiger, impatient and worried at the same time.

"What could be keeping them? It doesn't take so fucking long to finish the test." Maiha muttered tensely, prompting an evil eye from Momoko, who clapped her hands around Risako's ears. "Language, Maiha!" The remarkably foul-mouthed 12 year old snorted dismissively and resumed her nervous pacing, constantly glancing at the door as if in doing so it would bring their missing members back faster.

The sound of light footsteps pattering up made them all perk up, ears twitching. Maiha was the first to the door, while the others all got up to their feet in anticipation as well. The door swung open, only to reveal Yajima Maimi from the other squad. She too wore a concerned expression on her faces. Maiha sighed loudly.

"What the fuck do you want?" Her tone was more impatient than malicious, and the visitor didn't appear to take offense, knowing as she did of Maiha's tendency towards foul language. Besides, the aggravation in the girl was fully justified.

"Is Miyabi back yet?" Maiha stepped aside to let her see into the room, which had a distinct lack of Miyabi, and of course, Saki as well.

"That answer your question? Maiha folded her arms, tapping one foot against the floor. Momoko walked over to greet her.

"So what brings you here?" Maimi, the other squad leader, sighed.

"Well, even though we're split into different teams, we still trained together in the beginning. Our squad's worried about Miyabi too."

Maiha was about to open her mouth to say something rude again when Maasa calmly walked over and clapped a hand over Maiha's mouth, before hauling her away by the scruff of the neck. Momoko smiled wryly at Maasa. "Thanks Maa-chan." The taller girl just nodded with a faint smile, shoving a sulking Maiha down right next to Yurina, before taking a seat as well, effectively sandwiching Maiha in between her and Yurina, keeping the problem child in place.

Maimi had a slightly amused expression on her face. "Still with that attitude eh?" Momoko shrugged.

"We get used to it after awhile." Then the tiny girl got serious. "Come to think of it, isn't Kanna taking her test right now too?"

"Yes, and she got back just now. I dropped by to check if Miyabi passed too." Momoko smiled faintly. "Tell her I said congrats."

Maimi nodded. "Will do." The other team leader then paused diplomatically. "I'm sure Miyabi will be fine." She then shrugged. "Well, I'll be off now. See you in the afternoon classes!" With a wave, Maimi jogged off again into the dark. Momoko stood silently at the still open door for a few moments, staring out and hoping to catch a glimpse of their own errant members. The darkness made it hard to make out anything.

Movement in the shadows. Momoko strained her eyes in that direction, trying to make out who it was.

It was only one person. Judging from the height, it had to be Miyabi. Captain wasn't as tall, Momoko concluded. The others had also noticed the return of their comrade, and had all rushed to the door, spilling out into the darkness to welcome her back.

"You passed!" Risako pounced almost immediately on her ebiru partner. The conclusion that Miyabi had passed the test was easy to come by: she came back alive. Failing the test generally meant that you got yourself killed, or otherwise screwed up so badly that you had to be silenced. Either way, failing meant death. The very fact that Miyabi was walking up to them now meant that she had passed her test.

"Ow! Get off!" Miyabi snapped, though her voice sounded more pained than anything else. Risako immediately slid off, and Maasa was the first to notice that Miyabi's left shoulder was held lower than her right one. "Miya, your shoulder..."

"Dislocated." Miyabi said curtly, her eyes strangely hooded and dark with an unknown emotion. They parted instinctively, allowing her into the warmth of the room, and in the light from the fireplace, they finally saw the full extent of her injuries.

There were a few scratches on her cheek, and there were oddly discolored stains on her jet black ensemble. The raw smell of blood gave away the identity of the stains, and part of her left sleeve was ripped and torn, and an ugly gash peeked through the fabric on her upper arm. There was also a narrow slash wound on her right side, not particularly deep, but they had learned early in their training that the light cuts could be just as painful, if not more, than a deep stab wound. There were also splashes of blood on her forearms and hands, but seeing a distinct lack of cuts on them, the blood there probably wasn't her own.

The others didn't speak at first, simply going straight into tending Miyabi's wounds. The tough and devil-may-care exterior the older ebiru usually portrayed was conspicuously absent, and she was strangely subdued as she sat there mutely, not even protesting even as her teammates rapidly stripped her of her equipment and part of her clothing in order to attend to her wounds.

Maasa rounded to Miyabi's left, taking hold of the shoulder gently but firmly. "This is going to hurt." Miyabi nodded, her eyes still focused on a spot on the floor. Risako silently took Miyabi's free hand, kneeling by her side. Maasa swiftly and professionally forced the joint back into place with an audible pop. Chinami winced at the sound, even as she cleaned the wound in Miyabi's side, the water in the basin turning crimson when she rinsed the bloodied rag in it.

Seeing a silent and unresponsive Miyabi didn't surprise them quite so much had they not already seen what happened before. Momoko and Chinami had already passed their own tests a few months ago, and while they both suffered varying levels of injury (Momoko broke several ribs and strained her back, Chinami burnt her arm and twisted her ankle), the one universal factor that remained the same was that when they came back, they were all quiet and acted strangely for some time afterwards. They also didn't tend to talk about what happened afterwards. In any case, the others respected the silence and asked no awkward questions.

Momoko, amidst preparing a herbal brew that had the a sedative effect, kept glancing towards the now closed door. Where was Captain? Saki had passed her own test with flying colors (only collecting a few bruises and scratches) the year before, and often snuck along with those of her squad members who were due for their own tests, in order to keep an eye on them or even step in to ensure that nothing went wrong. It was a dreadful breach of protocol which could get her severely punished, but Saki kept on doing it anyway, concerned for the welfare of her team.

Momoko knew about it only because she had caught Saki following her on her way back from the mission, and had been sworn to silence by the older girl. All the other squad members thought that Saki was out watching for the member who was being tested to return, but the truth was that the tiny captain followed them out, and then pretended to intercept them at the entrance to the training camp when they returned, accompanying them to report to their superiors before going back to their building.

"Where's Captain?" Maiha was the first to break the relative silence. It was unusual for Saki not to have returned with Miyabi. Momoko had a dreadful feeling in the pits of her stomach, fearing for the worst. There was a heavy pause, before Miyabi replied hollowly.

"Sensei wanted to talk to her after I finished my report." Momoko breathed out a quiet sigh of relief. At least Saki wasn't hurt or, worse, killed. The extent of Miyabi's injuries had worried Momoko, since she knew that Captain would never have allowed anyone to have hurt her teammates that badly if she were able to stop it.

The deadened tone of Miyabi's voice was still unsettling though. Momoko fought another surge of panic as another possibility occurred to her. Had Captain's actions in aiding her team been discovered? If that was the case... Momoko repressed a shudder even as she poured the steaming herbal brew into a bowl, spilling a little as her hands trembled. The punishments for misdemeanours were too hideous to even consider. Death would likely be preferable. The sadistic ways of their trainers were all too well known to all the children in the training camp. Yurina had never been quite the same after she had been sent to The Room. No one knew exactly what happened to her in there, but the girl had been rendered mostly mute for weeks afterwards, and would often get hypnotised by the flames. It had taken months of hard work by everyone, particularly Chinami, before they got her to open up and behave somewhat normally again. They never did manage to get rid of her obsession with fire though.

The efficient team effort had gotten Miyabi's wounds cleaned and dressed up in no time at all, and Risako had also given the older girl a wipe down with a wet towel, knowing that Miyabi was probably too stoned too take a bath now. Momoko came over, bearing the bowl containing the medicine, before handing it to Miyabi, who downed the steaming brew without pause, as if eager not to remain conscious for much longer. Chinami grabbed the bowl before it fell to the ground, even as Maasa caught hold of Miyabi as the medicine kicked in quickly. With Yurina's help, they pretty much carried the comatose Miyabi over to her bed, tucking the girl in gently.

"Heavy dosage eh?" Maiha asked after she had taken the bowl from Chinami and sniffed at the dregs. Momoko shrugged distractedly.

"She looked like she needed it." Maiha made a noncommittal sound as she put the bowl down. Momoko was pulling on her heavy outer coat, heading for the door.

"Where are you going?" Maasa asked.

"Gonna go look for Captain. Whatever the talk, it shouldn't take this long. We do have classes tomorrow, well, later today." Momoko opened the door, the cold air hitting her with a blast as she did.

Maiha rolled her eyes. "Midget love. Captain can take care of herself!" Momoko ignored the remark and shut the door behind her, her mind too occupied.

The trek to the main building was short, but it felt like longer to Momoko. Unconsciously, instead of walking openly, she was sneaking, blending into the shadows like they were all taught to, and generally concealing her presence. For some reason, she didn't feel like announcing where she was. The small girl inched along the wall of the main building, heading to the single lighted window down by the side.

Peeking into the window, she saw two of their instructors within the room. One of them was seated at a table, sorting through some papers. The other was coiling up a whip and hanging it back inside a closet. There was no Captain. There were, however, some marks on the floor. Red lines. Like blood. Fresh blood. Lines that looked like imprints of that whip. Bloody imprints.

Momoko's blood ran cold suddenly. Her veins literally turned to ice as her gaze were riveted on those bloodstains, and she almost forgot to conceal herself. At the last minute, before she was discovered, she managed to drag herself away and into the darkness of the woods behind the main building.

She felt sick. Those bloodstains...was Captain alright? Was Captain alive? Momoko's mind sternly refused to even contemplate that Saki could be dead. Captain was too strong to just die like that. They wouldn't really kill one of the best students, would they?

You are dispensable. The words of one of their handlers came floating back to haunt her. With a shudder, Momoko realised that it was terrifyingly true. They were disposable and replaceable. If one died, they could simply pull more of those homeless orphans out of the streets to replace them. Given the state of war, disease and famine in certain less fortunate parts of the world, there were plenty of fodder for them to mold into unthinking soldiers for the Empire.

Momoko hated them. Hated those people who brought her here. Hated those who trained her, turned her into a monster. Yet, if they had not done so, she would surely have died of hunger after that years-long drought had driven half their village into starvation, with the other half simply wasting away, waiting to die. If she had never been taken then though, she would also never have met her current squad. They were her friends, her family now. It was a double-edged sword. On one hand, her humanity was being worn away by the brutality of their circumstances, but yet her friends, also suffering from the same fate, were the ones who kept her sane.

Captain in particular was a pillar of support. She was the oldest amongst them, and despite her small size, was a reliable person and tougher than she looked. Momoko couldn't imagine what life would be like if Captain simply wasn't around anymore. No, she wouldn't even imagine that, since there was no way that Captain could be dead.

Pulling herself together with a grim effort, Momoko started searching around for clues. If Captain had left the building injured but didn't go back to the dorms, then she should be able to track her down. Of course, if Captain were dead, those damned trainers probably wouldn't go very far to dump the corpse anyway. Momoko kicked herself mentally for even thinking that, and focused instead on finding Captain's trail. It was difficult to do that in the dark, but dawn was coming soon anyway. She had to hurry.

It was so small that she had nearly missed it the first time. A splash of blood against a bush, probably made when someone who was bleeding had brushed past it. It had to be Captain, since the blood was still relatively fresh. Having discovered the start of the trail, it was not too difficult to follow it. Momoko might not be quite the bloodhound that Maiha was when it came to tracking someone down, but she was competent, and an injured Captain probably wouldn't be too concerned about covering her tracks all that much. In any case, the trail wound deep into the forest, further than they usually went during their training exercises, but Momoko didn't slow her step. She had good stamina, so it didn't bother her. What did bother her was that Captain was going so far while bleeding, since she found bloodstains on the ground from time to time.

The trail ended abruptly in front of a cliff face, and Momoko paused in confusion, wondering where Saki could have vanished to. Her gaze was drawn to the vine-covered side of the cliff, and she walked towards it, noting a conspicuous crimson stain on the greenery. Pushing the vines and underbrush aside, she was surprised to find that there was a small cave concealed behind it. The opening wasn't very large, and people like Yurina or Maasa would probably find it difficult to climb through, but Momoko was tiny...and so was Captain.

"Who's there?" A voice whispered, and Momoko froze when something sharp tickled her throat. Figures that Captain would be so jittery. Clearing her throat, Momoko identified herself.

"It's me." The sharp edge was removed from her throat in a flash, even as Momoko's eyes adjusted to the gloom inside the cave. What she saw stunned her.

Saki was sitting at the back of the cave, having taken off her shirt...or what was left of it. The remains of the bloodied cloth lay by her feet, ripped and torn beyond recognition. Momoko winced when she saw the marks crisscrossing Saki's torso, angry red welts and bleeding gashes undoubtedly left by the whip she had seen the trainer put away earlier. A surge of anger and pain coursed through her tiny frame, anger at the trainers, and pain because seeing Captain hurt so badly was like being hurt herself.

"Momochi? What..." Saki cut herself off halfway, scrunching into a tiny ball from the pain that all those lacerations must have caused her. Momoko was at her side instantly, tears brimming in her eyes, but she did not let them fall. She wouldn't cry, not when Captain herself wasn't crying, and she was the one this badly injured.

There were some herbs and bandages lying on the stone step next to Saki, as well as spare clothes and equipment stashed in a corner. Clearly this was some sort of secret hideout that Saki must have stocked in her spare time. Why Captain had not told them about it, Momoko wasn't sure, but she wasn't thinking about that now. Instead, she grabbed a clean rag and the jug, dampening the rag with the medicinal alcohol from it and proceeding to swab at each and every lash mark on Saki's torso gently.

Saki hissed at the stinging pain, her fingers digging into the soft sand of the ground below her. She glanced at Momoko, who was biting her lip so hard that it had started to bleed as well, and her entire body was tense, almost trembling from all the repressed emotion.

"How could they flog you so badly?" Momoko sounded pained as she treated every cut tenderly, trying her best not to hurt the older girl.

"Well, I did break the rules..." Saki tried her best to keep her voice light, but the strain was evident. How Captain had managed to keep from not crying out at the pain from her wounds was beyond Momoko's imagination. The older girl then continued on in the same unaffected tone.

"It could have been worse. At least I'm alive..." Saki trailed off when a broken sob emerged from the girl treating her wounds. "Momochi?" She reached over awkwardly to pat the younger's shoulder, wincing at the pain the movement caused her.

"Don't act like it's nothing! You almost died!" Momoko burst out, startling the older girl. The younger held up the bloody rag, as if for emphasis. "Look at this! You could have bled out here and we wouldn't have known where to find you! You could have died!" That last bit seemed to take the wind out of her sails, and Momoko's voice dropped to a hoarse whisper. "You could have died..."

"But I'm not dead now. That's what's important." Saki's voice was crisp, yet gentle at the same time. Leaning awkwardly forward, she tentatively wrapped a teary Momoko in a light hug. "I'm fine now, I'm safe. I'm not going anywhere." The 13 year old spoke reassuringly, sounding much older and more mature than her real age. When one had seen as much as she had did at her age, it wasn't all that surprising anymore.

Momoko sniffed quietly in her captain's arms for a bit, before pushing away gently, wiping at her eyes with her sleeve. Her face was determined as she looked up, and Saki gulped and gritted her teeth together as Momoko started applying the herbs to the worst of her wounds, and bandaging them. It seemed that the whole of Saki's small torso was swathed in bandages after Momoko was finally done. For some reason, the trainer had avoided whipping at anywhere else except the torso, where it would be hidden once Saki put on her clothes, as she was struggling to now, until Momoko stepped in to assist her.

"I requested it to be that way." Saki answered when Momoko posed that question to her. Before the younger girl could blurt out more questions, Saki raised a hand.

"Listen. I didn't want you guys to be worried." Momoko was about to protest, and quite vehemently too, but Saki shushed her again. "It's not so bad, I heal fast. Besides, what could you guys have done even if I let you know about it? You can't turn against the trainers. We just can't. I need to protect all of you. It's part of being your Captain."

"You don't have to suffer in silence on your own! You don't need to be that noble!" Momoko protested, then her eyes narrowed as she remembered something. "This isn't the first time they flogged you, isn't it?" Saki looked away, and Momoko stared aghast at her leader.

"Why? How could you let them do this to you?" Her voice was cracking as she spoke, but it was firm, as was her grip on Saki's wrist.

Saki refused to meet her eyes. "I had to protect all of you. They would have punished the whole squad, so I..."

"So you volunteered to take the whole punishment yourself? Are you crazy?" Momoko asked, her voice rising to an almost unnaturally high pitch due to her agitation. With some effort, she calmed herself to ask. "So all those times we escaped punishment, you were the one who took it for us?"

"Yes." If Saki weren't already injured, Momoko would have beaten her to a pulp for that display of idiocy. She was angry, deeply angry that Captain would do such a thing, but even more angry at the whole system they were trapped in. It wasn't fair at all.

"And that time, when Yurina-chan got let out early from the Room..." Saki sighed. "Yes, that was me too...and Maimi as well." Momoko frowned, thinking back to that time.

"Wasn't Umeda-chan also thrown into the Room as well?" When Saki nodded, Momoko asked again. "So that means, you and Maimi shoulder most of the punishments for us because you two are the leaders? Whatever for?!"

Saki sighed. "Because we care, Momochi. We don't want you all to suffer, and we would have gotten heavy punishments as the captains as well, so we might as well just take the whole burden onto ourselves and spare the rest of you..." She didn't get to finish when Momoko cut in angrily.

"The rest of us would rather share the punishment together! If we suffer, we suffer together! Don't try and play hero anymore, Saki-chan! It's not worth it..." The image of the scars old and new on Saki's body was burned into her mind. Now she knew why Captain so rarely changed clothes in front of them. The scars would have been difficult to explain away.

It hurt, hurt her so much to know that Captain had taken all those punishments, just to spare the rest of them. Tears flooded her eyes again, and she choked back a sob. It wasn't fair at all. Why did they have to suffer like this?

"It's ok Momochi. It really is. You guys don't really screw up often anyway, so..." Momoko interrupted again.

"Then tonight's mission, Miya...?"

"It's not her fault." Saki defended her friend. "The information they gave her was faulty, and she got cornered by a bunch of guards. She was doing fairly well with those chain sickles of hers until one of them got too close...she froze when she stared into the man's eyes. It's always hard to do it when that happens. You understand that, don't you?" Momoko nodded stiffly, bile rising in her throat at the memory of her first upclose kill. It wasn't pleasant, but she had managed it. She did throw up a lot though, after it was over. Miyabi couldn't be blamed for not being able to cross that hurdle. It spoke rather kindly about the girl's character, actually. Strange how someone who acted so evil normally was actually more humane than Momoko herself had been when push came to shove.

At Momoko's questioning glance, Saki nodded. "Yeah, I stepped out and finished him off for her. He would have killed her if I didn't. Unfortunately, the observer identified me...hence the flogging. Should have been more careful I guess." Saki shrugged. "Oh well, I'll be more careful next time."

"Next time?! You're going to do it again?" Momoko asked, aghast. Saki nodded gravely.

"Maasa's test is coming up soon, and Maiha's should be in a few more months. Maybe I worry too much, but I just want them to make it out alive, you know."

"I'm coming with you." Saki stared at Momoko like she had grown another head. The younger girl looked determined.

"You're not going to stop me Captain. I'm just as good as you are in stealth and evasion. I spotted you after my test, didn't I? I can handle it, and you need someone to watch your back. I'm not leaving you alone anymore." Momoko's gaze was steely, and Saki shrank back, slightly unnerved.

"Well I guess that's fine...but are you aure?"

"Never more." Momoko suddenly embraced Saki. "You're not doing this alone anymore. I won't let you."

Saki smiled. "Thanks Momochi." Then she winced. "Um, ow?" Momoko relaxed her grip sheepishly. "Sorry Captain."

"Shall we go back then?"


"Don't tell the others, ok?"

"...if you say so."

"Thanks Momo."

No, thank YOU, Captain...Saki... Momoko didn't say it out loud, but simply held on top Saki's hand tightly.

There was only one Captain in their hearts. Only one worthy of the name.

No one else could compare.


Don't bash me, I feel bad enough for writing this. T_T
Bit of Berryz past. Not all fun and games, unfortunately. Oh well.
...and you'll notice that C-ute is around too. Yeah they just don't really figure that much in the main story yet. We'll see.

Time for bed.


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline kitaoji

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Re: All Aboard!: The Hidden Files [#7: Captain]
« Reply #41 on: May 14, 2007, 07:29:57 PM »
Quick reply post.

Between you and FeverInduced Madness, the two of you have made me into a Berryz Koubou fan. >_<

I seriously want to cry now.

It also suggests that the main story's going to get more epic, since Something Big Has To Happen to these poor kids later on.  I hope they'll be okay. :pleeease:

O Captain! My Captain! [your] fearful trip is done.

wtf am I playing with Walt Whitman now? ???

edit: have you been watching the anime Pumpkin Scissors? Because the stuff that's happening to these kids (and the city, really) feels similar.  Short of actual human experimenting, though.   :fainted:

edit some more: does Konkon know about the Berryz'... profession?  I mean, she's the one who designs and upgrades their equipment, so she has to know what they do in order to ... arm them with the adequate weaponry.  Or something like that.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2007, 10:25:21 PM by kitaoji »

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Re: All Aboard!: The Hidden Files [#7: Captain]
« Reply #42 on: May 14, 2007, 07:55:46 PM »
Oh my *-*

Captain and Maimi are such sacrificial leaders! ;_;

It touches me how they have to go through so much pain to make sure their teams aren't harmed ;_; Good assassins after all? <3

For some odd reason, Captain with lots of scars and lacerations on her body is kinda hot... o_o'


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Re: All Aboard!: The Hidden Files [#7: Captain]
« Reply #43 on: May 14, 2007, 08:08:58 PM »
Wow. o_o;;;

They really have it bad. ;_; It's really amazing what one would do for another friend (or in this case group of friends) Captain is such a good kid. :o

It makes them a good team. <3

Yuu: Pervert. -_-;
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Re: All Aboard!: The Hidden Files [#7: Captain]
« Reply #44 on: May 15, 2007, 02:13:49 AM »
Meanwhile, Maiha was pacing up and down the middle of the room like a caged tiger, impatient and worried at the same time.
OMGASS! Maiha's back!

"Where's Captain?"


"Sensei wanted to talk to her after I finished my report."
That...does not sound good.

Yurina had never been quite the same after she had been sent to The Room. No one knew exactly what happened to her in there, but the girl had been rendered mostly mute for weeks afterwards, and would often get hypnotised by the flames. It had taken months of hard work by everyone, particularly Chinami, before they got her to open up and behave somewhat normally again. They never did manage to get rid of her obsession with fire though.
WTF Yurina's a pyro???   

Peeking into the window, she saw two of their instructors within the room. One of them was seated at a table, sorting through some papers. The other was coiling up a whip and hanging it back inside a closet. There was no Captain. There were, however, some marks on the floor. Red lines. Like blood. Fresh blood. Lines that looked like imprints of that whip. Bloody imprints.
Oh no... :o

The remains of the bloodied cloth lay by her feet, ripped and torn beyond recognition. Momoko winced when she saw the marks crisscrossing Saki's torso, angry red welts and bleeding gashes undoubtedly left by the whip she had seen the trainer put away earlier. A surge of anger and pain coursed through her tiny frame, anger at the trainers, and pain because seeing Captain hurt so badly was like being hurt herself.
Heads will roll for this!  :tama-mad:

Saki refused to meet her eyes. "I had to protect all of you. They would have punished the whole squad, so I..."

"So you volunteered to take the whole punishment yourself? Are you crazy?" Momoko asked
A noble gesture...but also a stupid one.

Yuu - WTF?

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: All Aboard!: The Hidden Files [#7: Captain]
« Reply #45 on: May 15, 2007, 02:19:07 AM »
Excuse my S&M side, ya'll xD

Besides, I'm imagining the older version (present day in the story?) with the lacerations all faded >>; I'm not THAT pedophile-ish to think of a twelve year old in scars is hot o_o; That's just wrong xD

Edit: What the heck? Did some mod take out my 'not' from "I'm not THAT -so on and so on-" o_o
« Last Edit: May 15, 2007, 07:06:33 PM by Yuuyami »

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Re: All Aboard!: The Hidden Files [#7: Captain]
« Reply #46 on: May 15, 2007, 12:26:30 PM »



-too emotional to comment, but that emoticon basically sums it up-
-sig is undah construction because it needs to be pimped out-

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Re: All Aboard!: The Hidden Files [#7: Captain]
« Reply #47 on: May 16, 2007, 12:17:48 PM »
Evil empire ;_;.

What exactly did they do to Saki? Do they only try to kill her and she managed to survive or they make her their personal punching bag?

Is the test a kind of test where they kind of passed of being a real assasin?

But aww... Captain/Momo

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Re: All Aboard!: The Hidden Files [#7: Captain]
« Reply #48 on: May 18, 2007, 04:00:37 PM »
Poor Berryz and yay Momo/Saki. I'm trying so hard not to like the Kids (mostly on principle) but it's so hard when I find them written so well.

Offline Estrea

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Re: All Aboard!: The Hidden Files [#7: Captain]
« Reply #49 on: June 13, 2007, 09:31:20 PM »
Ok, I'm back! XD

And this time, it's not a good thing. Really.

There's a new side story! But it's a bad thing! Really!

You'll know what I mean soon enough...

Warning: All Berryz fans, Captain's fans in particular, I apologise in advance! >_<;;; Don't kill me too much. >_>


Side Story 8: Break

Insubordination was not tolerated. That was the guiding principle of this place. This hell on earth.

Eyes downcast, obedient, fearful. Inwardly rebellious.

I did nothing wrong. I was only protecting my squad, my team, my friends.

Chained and hauled in front of a tribunal. If the term could be used. Cold eyes. Couldn't see their faces. Piercing, unrelenting gazes.

"You killed a trainer."

Yes, yes I did, and the bastard fully deserved it!

She did not speak. Could not. There was nothing to be said. Reply and she would be beaten. Don't reply...


And she would still be beaten.

Her face hit the ground with great force, the sound of flesh against stone ringing loudly in her ears. The impact made her dizzy, but her training kept her from passing out immediately. Unfortunately.

"Speak when you are spoken to."

A voice devoid of sympathy or even basic decency and kindness. A voice that delighted in power and the wielding of it. A voice that was the rule of law in this place. She tried to reply, but her mouth couldn't respond properly. It was a pain to move her jaw, and it felt as if there were marbles in her mouth. Coppery marbles. She spat and a few teeth came out, along with a dribble of blood.

Another hacking cough, and a booted foot was driven down on the small of her back, forcing her face down into the small puddle of her spat blood. It was difficult to breathe, let alone speak. Her back felt like it was being broken in two. She focused and tuned out the pain, just like they were taught to. It was easy, for this was nothing. She had had worse before.

"Do you think yourself above your superiors?" The voice sneered coldly. "Do you think you are irreplaceable simply because you are the best?" It was not a question.

She could not speak. She wasn't allowed to.

"Let me tell you this then. You are NOTHING. You were worthless, hopeless rejects until we took you in and shaped you to become our weapons." There was a superior pause. "We made you the way you are now, and we can break you just as easily." There was a note of triumph in that voice. "Remember this. You are worth nothing until WE gave you value. And we can just as easily discard you any time we want." Another dramatic pause.

"You have overstepped your bounds. On account of the fact that you're still worthwhile as a tool, we will not simply kill you. No, you merely need to be taught a lesson in obedience." One could hear the smile in the voice. A smile entirely devoid of warmth or mirth. She shivered, instinctively, reactively.

"Please show our dear Captain what it means to be a good soldier."


They were all worried. With good reason.

Captain had disappeared. Missing, for 3 days.

There was no mission, no objective that could have pulled Saki away from them. No, Captain would not leave without telling them. And if there were a mission, one of the trainers would inform them of the absence.

But right now, there was simply...nothing. No news. No information. It was as if Saki had just vanished into thin air.

The trainers were just as unresponsive. Maiha had gone up to demand an explanation, but ended up being sternly rebuffed (and made to run laps for speaking up unnecessarily). Maasa and Miyabi had gone snooping around the whole training camp for some hints, but turned up nothing at all. Maasa had even gone dangerously close to the forbidden area of camp, very nearly getting caught, but had not been able to discover anything useful.

They were united in their worry. Even the others not from their team. Saki was one of them. It was natural to be concerned.

Momoko had gone beyond worry. Hysteria would come closer. She hid it well, but the others could still read it in her movements. She had good reason to be hysterical, because she was the last one to have seen Captain before she had disappeared. And the last meeting had not bode well.

"Momo, I killed a trainer."
"What?! Why?"
"Don't ask. Just...don't."
"But...what now?
"I...I don't know... But if I don't make it back...take care of the others for me."
"Captain? Wait, Captain!"

And that, was a perfectly valid reason for her panic. Momoko was terrified that Captain might have been killed. Or if not, had been dubbed a renegade and marked for execution, which was pretty much as good as being dead. But if Saki had run away, why did the trainers not have any reaction or announcement of that fact? And if they had had Captain killed, why did they not make any mention of it either?

It was all very confusing, and they were all afraid.

Captain, please be alright...



"Orders must be obeyed!"

The lash bit deep, the hooks digging into tender flesh and ripping out with a spray of blood and meat. Barely a whimper came from the prone figure. It had not been the first lash on her. After the first hour, the pain had just turned into...part of the background. Ever present, and consistent.

"Loyalty to your superiors!"


She might have screamed. It might have been all in her mind. She did not know. She could not care. It was all the same.

It came again.


Ice cold water. Over her ragged, beaten body. Her dry, dehydrated tongue, hanging loosely from her mouth, reacted to catch stray droplets. Salty.

And it burned. Oh, how it burned. Old scars, old wounds reopened with the whipping. New ones made. Salt water all over.

She might have screamed. She did not know.

She might have cried. She also did not know.

Thought was slowly being erased. Instinct was all there was.

And then there was the pain. Only the pain.

Nothing else.


A week. A whole week. And still no Captain.

The team was falling apart. They could not focus in training. They made mistakes, mistakes that they would not have made usually.

Worry was eating at them, and it was killing their concentration.

The trainers fretted, punished, and harangued. To no avail. Fear alone could not motivate them. They needed stability. A calming influence.

They needed their Captain back.


Dark. Cold.

"Do not question. Listen and obey."

Alone. Dark.

"You are a soldier."

Can't see. Alone.

"You must be loyal to the master and to the mission."

Hungry. Cold. Dark.

"Good soldiers are rewarded."

A drop of honey. Lick. Not enough.

More. Please?

"Bad soldiers are punished."


Fear. Pain. Cold.

Stop. Stop.

"Obey, and there will be no pain."

Yes. No. What?

I don't know!

"Are you a good soldier?"

No. Yes. Yes. No.


I'm scared.

"Listen, and you will be free."

I don't know.

I don't know anything anymore.


It was all so difficult. Being without Captain, their leader. And more than that, their friend.

Miyabi was getting more evil and sadistic than usual. Maiha kept picking random fights with people and getting into trouble with the trainers. Yurina started setting surrounding shrubs on fire. Chinami got mad at everything. Risako was crying in her sleep. Maasa tried to do everything and achieved nothing. Momoko was trying to hold them together, but it was all falling apart.

Captain...wherever you are...please come back to us...

We need you...


The voices kept whispering. Whispering, whispering.

She was going mad. Almost. So close.

A single tear rolled down pallid cheeks.

So alone. I'm afraid.

Where is everyone?

Don't leave me.

So scared.


I can't take it anymore.



It had just gotten to the point where the squad couldn't function properly at all. The pressures of their training, without a solid center, was caving them in. They were distracted, disturbed, and disorganised. The trainers simply locked them into their building, and told them to shape up...or else.

Two days without access to food or water or the outside world. Two days in the dark.

But at least they were all together. Save for one.

Where are you Captain?


I am a soldier.

The world was black. But it did not matter.

Soldiers obey orders.

Cold? Irrelevant.

There is only the mission.

Pain? Irrelevant.

Death before failure.

Fear? There is no fear.

Fear is for the weak. Are you weak, soldier?

No. Not weak. Strong.

There is an enemy. What will you do?

Kill. Kill the enemy.

You are wounded. The mission is not over. What do you do?

Continue. There is only the mission. Pain is irrelevant.

Good girl.



I am a soldier. That is all. A good soldier.

I'm a good soldier.

Nothing else.


Captain was back.

Pale, gaunt, and wounded. But back. After a whole month.

Everyone was so happy to have her back that they didn't even notice the least right at first. It became more and more evident as time went by.

Something was missing. Saki might have returned to them physically, but something else was simply not there.

Her eyes were hollow. She no longer smiled.

Saki the soldier had returned. But not their Captain. Not their friend.

What was going on?


A mission. Too soon.

Only 3 days after they were reunited. The wounds had barely closed.

But they sent Saki and her team out anyway.

It was a quiet mountain village on the north coast. Said to be harboring subversives and traitors to the Empire. It was a threat, and had to be eliminated. They sent a bunch of pre-pubescent assassins-in-training. It would be more than enough.

Never mind that they would be outnumbered about 15 to 1.

Saki, despite her condition, was still an effective leader. The plan of action she drew up was simple and ruthless. It would eliminate everyone in the village. Innocent or guilty, all would perish. The order had been given. They would die.

There were doubts. Maiha looked perplexed. Maasa appeared troubled. Chinami looked uncomfortable. Yurina stoppd paying attention after hearing "burn". Miyabi was simply glad that Risako had been left behind. Momoko just looked worried.

But they said nothing. Captain was still Captain. It was just their orders, right?



It was easy to kill those who fought back. It always was.

Kill or be killed. It always came down to that. It made taking another life just a little easier, knowing that it was a matter of survival. It would not be pure, coldblooded murder. It was a fight to survive.

That was the idea.

There were some who tried to resist. Sort of. Armed with crude tools and weapons at most, these were hardly the well-armed subversives and traitors they were informed about. Simply a normal little village of peasants. Unarmed, defenseless peasants.

They couldn't do it. Maasa knocked a few people out, but didn't kill them. Miyabi killed those who attacked her, but otherwise tried to stay out of trouble. Maiha didn't have any problem with killing the men, but she spared the women, the old, and the children. Yurina was indiscriminately setting things on fire, and Chinami was trying to limit her.

Momoko tried to avoid killing as well, and tried to track down Saki. It wasn't too difficult. You just had to follow the trail of blood and corpses. Incomplete corpses.

The stench was making her ill. So were the mutilated corpses. Saki's choice of weaponry was ruthlessly effective in a massacre, but very messy. Momoko tried to avoid looking at the expressions of shock and horror frozen onto those dead faces. Those that still had faces. Some heads were missing. Momoko didn't want to look for them.

But where was Saki?

Amidst the carnage, a small figure stood. Red painted her from crown to toe, slick and glistening. She dripped as she moved, wet, heavy drops of crimson hitting stained soil. A few broken arrows hung out of her flesh, one in her shoulder, another in her thigh, and yet another in her side. It didn't seem to slow her down very much.

Surrounding her, were the dead. Torn off limbs, severed heads, eviscerated bodies, the entrails spilling out all over the ground...all steamed in the cool air. The blood was so fresh that it hadn't even begun to draw flies. Momoko resisted the urge to retch, her eyes set on the almost frail-looking form of her Captain. That familiar back just didn't seem very familiar now, covered in blood and gore.

"Captain?" Momoko's voice was barely audible, but it did draw a slight reaction from Saki, who turned very slowly around. Dead, empty eyes met worried, horrified ones. And there was silence, for the dead no longer spoke, and the living...well, the living were no better than the dead.

"Must we kill them all?" Momoko's voice wavered as her eyes skipped across a woman's body, a child in her arms. Both were dead. The killing was indiscriminate. Total.

The village burned around them. Saki did not reply for a moment, but there was a flicker in those hollow eyes. Just for a moment. Momoko's heart leaped, and then died down when the spark vanished back into darkened depths. She took a step closer, uncertain and afraid, but knowing that she had to get through to Saki somehow.

In the distance, Miyabi and Maasa watched, wary. Maiha was off to one side, also observing, usually mischievous eyes dull, yet alert at the same time. Yurina was simply watching the flames, entranced, Chinami beside her, holding her hand, casting glances back where Saki and Momoko were. They were all nervous. Uncertain. Terrified.

And then, movement.

Saki reacted on reflex, ready to spring an attack, but Momoko reacted just as quickly, pouncing on her tiny Captain and immobilising her arms from behind. There was a brief struggle, but Momoko was strong, and Saki was still comparatively weaker from injuries old and new. The subject of their attention, a child, probably around their own age, staring wide eyed at them. No, at Saki, the blood-covered executioner that had laid waste to the village. Frozen with fear.

"Captain! Stop it!" Momoko half-shouted, her voice hoarse. Saki gave no indication of having heard her, continuing to try and break the hold, but to no avail. With the best of her effort, Momoko latched stubbornly onto Saki, refusing to let go.

"It's enough....more than enough...please...Captain...Saki...stop..." Momoko pleaded, whispering into Saki's ear. A brief shiver ran through Saki's body, and the struggles died down a little. Momoko breathed out a tiny sigh of relief, but didn't stop talking.

"'ve done enough...come back to us...we want you back...we need you...I need you..." Tears were rolling down Momoko's cheeks, a tiny sob escaping her lips at the end. Another shudder ran through Saki's body, and the muscles underneath Momoko's grasp relaxed.

"Momo...?" Saki's confused, tired voice whispered. "I...what...happened?"

The others had all drawn closer by now, sensing that the worst was over. Relief was on their faces, although most of them still had a wary expression while approaching them. The memory of Saki slaughtering with a coolly detached face was still too unnerving to forget easily, if ever.

It had been like a dream for Saki. A nightmare. She was disorientated and confused, her memories fogged and hazy. She could not remember much of that awful nightmare she had just woken up from...until she saw the blood. All of it.

Blood. Everywhere. On her face. Her hands. The dead.

She reeled inwardly. Dead. So many. She recognised the marks.

It was her. Had been her.

It had not been just a very bad dream. It was real.

Dead. All dead.

All because of her.

"Captain?" Momoko's voice suddenly seemed very far away to her. Blood on her hands.

"Are you alright?" No, not alright. Not alright at all.

It would never be alright again.

She looked up, wildly. Stared into accusing eyes. That child. Fear, hatred, pain. All directed at her. All because of her.

My fault. My fault. My fault.

It rang over and over. Wouldn't stop. She couldn't hear anything else. All my fault.

"...ptain!" Momoko. Miyabi too. Saki shook her head dumbly, her eyes distant and in shock.

"Don't touch me." The others all flinched back, the empty, haunted tone in Saki's voice chilling them.

A monster. I'm a monster.

"Captain?" Chinami tried tentatively.

"I said, GO AWAY!" Saki screamed, falling to her knees, refusing to look at them.

Go away, don't touch me.

I'm dirty, so dirty. Unclean.

A monster. Don't touch me.

She wept silently. It would never be alright again.


"You're doing it again."

Saki looked up at the source of the voice. Momoko was smiling down at her, albeit a bit disapprovingly.

"Don't even try lying. You're thinking about that time again, aren't you?" Momoko sat herself down next to Saki, while Captain looked back out across the lake.

"Is it that obvious?" Saki smiled almost sadly, throwing another pebble and watching it skip acros the water's surface.

"Only because I've seen it before." Momoko reached out to hold Saki's hand, her fingers working open the tightly clenched fist before entwining their fingers together.

"Oh." Saki was quiet after that, staring at her reflection in the water. Momoko squeezed her hand lightly.

"We love you Captain, no matter what you did. It's all in the past now. Everything's going to be alright." Another reassuring squeeze. Saki smiled a little.

"Thanks, I guess."

The ending of that dream. Her friends had rallied to her. Refused to leave her alone. Despite what she had done. They did not leave.

"I'll always be by your side. All of us. We'll never abandon you." Momoko leaned in and embraced Saki. "Never."

Together, always.


Ahem. Sorry. Yeah. I got a little obsessed with writing about the Berryz here. o__O But they have very interesting pasts that just couldn't be covered properly in the main body of the fic, which is why it's here. DEAL WITH IT. XD

So yeah, I hope I didn't scar anyone too badly. See there, nice fluffy ending. :P

Comment people! -is starved of comments-


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: All Aboard!: The Hidden Files [#8: Break]
« Reply #50 on: June 13, 2007, 09:39:31 PM »
 :cry: Poor Captain...

>< FIM-chan wants to kick the trainers in the faces. (Or well, she just wants to kick them, really. ><)

-sig is undah construction because it needs to be pimped out-


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Re: All Aboard!: The Hidden Files [#8: Break]
« Reply #51 on: June 14, 2007, 01:15:03 AM »
You make me want to cry my eyes out you know that?
You evil..evil....see you messed up my thoughts too!!
But you know what you should do?
You should update more >_> *cough*
Like right now, with more chapters and more Berryz goodies *cough*hinthint*cough*


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Re: All Aboard!: The Hidden Files [#8: Break]
« Reply #52 on: June 14, 2007, 04:21:29 AM »
I think I died a little inside. But in a good way!

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Re: All Aboard!: The Hidden Files [#8: Break]
« Reply #53 on: June 14, 2007, 05:58:03 PM »
Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooly :o

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: All Aboard!: The Hidden Files [#8: Break]
« Reply #54 on: June 15, 2007, 07:49:42 AM »
Boy oh boy, the Berryz are kinda fucked up aren't they?

Offline kitaoji

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Re: All Aboard!: The Hidden Files [#8: Break]
« Reply #55 on: June 16, 2007, 07:59:45 AM »
Oh. My. The. Pain.

At least it's somewhat comfortable to know that (a) the Captain returned, thank goodness; and (b) the Berryz are very united in their team (maybe this could be a bad thing in the future...?)

I don't know how or why, but I find pyro!Yurina sort of funny. (funny-sad?)  Her alluded-to treatment in The Room seems nowhere as bad as Saki's (multiple?) but if it leaves her THAT traumatized I worry for her too. (Not that I don't worry about the other kids, either.)
« Last Edit: June 16, 2007, 08:00:51 AM by kitaoji »

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Re: All Aboard!: The Hidden Files [#8: Break]
« Reply #56 on: June 18, 2007, 01:22:03 PM »
(Shocked).....That's some fucked up shit right there.

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