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Author Topic: ::Voices of Angels:: [Chapter Twenty: The "Training" Room, Part II]  (Read 43029 times)

Offline rndmnwierd

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Voices of Angels
« Reply #60 on: March 24, 2007, 06:05:21 PM »
The whole chapter was great as usual, but this is what really got me.
the duo was sporting little fluffy tails.

I almost squealed out loud at the thought. Thank you very much. :)

Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: Voices of Angels
« Reply #61 on: April 01, 2007, 01:36:12 PM »
Chapter Nine: The Three

Miki was PISSED OFF.

It wasn’t HER fault that the two of them had come to find themselves in such a compromising position, after all. She didn’t even want to be within five feet of the girl, much less wake up with the other in her arms.


So maybe that was a little bit of a lie.


She was fairly convinced that Aya had been the one to move closer in the middle of the night, and thus whatever Miki had done in her sleep was more or less the other girl’s fault because she had slipped within groping range.

However, she didn’t seem to see things the same way, and she had slapped Miki very hard in the face, waking her up from her peaceful slumber.

Now the metal-armed woman was charging through the forest, trying to get as far away from that girl and the house as she possibly could. She wasn’t aware that Aya was pursuing her now, and that Hitomi, who had witnessed the scene upon stirring, wasn’t far behind, either, with the winged Koharu in tow.

The boyish leader was suffering from a tremendous headache, and her whole body was sore, but after her experience with the lizard, she was fairly sure that any splitting of the group was a pretty bad idea.

Koharu was only there because she had had the misfortune of being the only other one awake when all of this had been going on, and Hitomi had the idea that if any of them got lost within the forest, that the girl could just fly overhead and locate the house from there.

There was only one problem.

“I don’t know HOW to fly, Yoshizawa-san.”

“You might want to learn how really soon, then. Especially if we can’t find our way back. And, please stop calling me by my surname.”

“Well, first off, I don’t think we’ll get lost, since Miki seems to have charred a path through here with that gun of hers, and secondly… you don’t even know my name, so I think it would be rude to call you by yours until you do.”

Hitomi stopped, turning back to face the girl. “Fine, I don’t have time for this. What’s your name, then?”


“Good, now that that’s done, can we move it? Miki can run pretty damn fast, and I’m starting to get dizzy.”

Fortunately for Hitomi, Miki couldn’t run forever, and she started to lose her breath after a while, which forced her to have to stop and rest. She was leaning up against a tree, panting heavily, when she heard movement coming from nearby, and her metal arm changed into a gun with a few clicks in case she would have to deal with something like the lizard again.

Her breath quickened as the noises got closer, and without really giving it much thought, Miki turned around and shot into the forest, ridding a few trees of their branches and leaves. Aya nervously poked her head out from behind one such smoldering giant, and her appearance there caused Miki to scowl.

“Damn. I missed…”

The gun transformed back into a hand, and Miki started to walk away, when she heard footsteps behind her. She stopped. Aya stopped. And thus the pattern continued for a while until.

“What the hell is your problem? First you hit me and now you won’t leave me alone! Are you crazy or something?” Miki screamed, thrashing about a little bit as she glared back at Aya, all wild-eyed.

Aya merely grinned, giving the other girl a look that said, “You’re the one that looks crazy right now.”

The metal-armed woman huffed, and everyone knows that if looks could kill, Miki’s would be lethal.

“And another thing. Are you like, mute, or something? The constant silence is starting to freak me out.”

Aya gave Miki a wry little smile, as if to say, “I don’t really need to use words to get what I want.”

Unfortunately, Miki wasn’t very good at reading these looks just yet, and she let out a frustrated groan at this, stomping on the ground. This was the scene that Koharu and Hitomi stumbled upon, and both of them surveyed it with slightly concerned looks on their faces.

“At least we know they aren’t dead…”


Maasa had nearly started to doze off again while she was trying to keep an eye on the twins in order to make sure they weren’t going to kill themselves, when she heard a loud thud coming from the roof of the house. The noise startled Maki awake, and she jumped to her feet, looking up at the ceiling.

“…what on earth was that?”

A few of the other girls had been rather rudely awakened at the sound, and they were wearing varying degrees of annoyance on their faces as they too took the time to get up. Maki held up a hand, however, motioning for the others to stay put.

“Wait. I’ll go look outside first.”

The wolf girl opened the door, and stepped cautiously out onto the grass, her pointed ears sure to detect any sounds if someone were to try and sneak up on her. With grace and ease, Maki climbed up the side of the little house and onto the roof, where she discovered…

…absolutely nothing.

Something was not right here. Her sensitive nose was picking up some unfamiliar smells. Someone or something had definitely just hit the roof, regardless of whether or not they were still around.

Her ears twitched at the sound of a low giggle, and she turned quickly to come face to face with a girl who couldn’t possible have been completely human. For one thing, she possessed these great, bat-like wings, each of which were twice the girl’s height, length-wise, and she was staring at Maki with cold, blood-red eyes that had very tiny pupils swimming in their depths.

She had short, dark hair, and fangs that showed as her lips curled into a sadistic smirk. The girl also possessed ten crimson-colored claws that had to have been at least two inches in length, and very sharp. She was dressed in black, and looked almost as though she had walked straight out of Sukeban Deka.

“Mmm… aren’t you just adorable… it’s so sad that my job is to make sure that you cease existing…”

Before Maki could react, those claws hit her hard in the face, and the force of the blow knocked her backwards and off of the house, so that she landed hard on her back on the ground. Dazed, she could barely make out the figure of the girl as she took to the air, and it was only by sheer luck and instinct that the wolf girl was able to roll out of the way as the other female dove for her body and ended up pulling up a handful of dirt instead.

Maki got to her feet, and she winced as the scratches on her face began to throb, feeling the warm blood drip down her cheek. She looked around at the trees, trying to spot the girl again, before she felt warm breath brush against her ear. She froze. How on earth…?

“I’m over here.”

She saw stars as the girl’s fist collided with the back of her head, sending her flying once more. Maki landed hard, skidding a bit on the ground before coming to a halt. She wouldn’t be getting up as quickly this time, and the bat-winged woman started to slowly walk in her direction.

She tried to move, but even a single twitch of her finger sent shock waves of pain through her body. The gashes on her face were only starting to hurt more, and for a brief moment, Maki wondered if she had been poisoned somehow. She was helpless to do anything but listen to the girl speak.

“It’s such a waste, really… I wonder if Rika-chan would let me keep you as a pet…”

As the winged female began to walk towards her, all Maki could think over and over was: Please… someone come out of the house…


They were… huge.

Aika was fully aware that the being standing in front of them was probably dangerous... but…

…She just had to ask.

“How do you manage not to fall over with those things weighing you down?”

Immediately she regretted asking the question, because as soon as she did, Saki shot her a ‘shut up’ glance, and she felt an elbow dig hard into her side, courtesy of Risako.

The three of them had been trying to find their way back to the house, when a figure had swooped down from the sky, landing in their path. She had shoulder-length, wavy blonde hair, and might have looked like a normal young woman, were it not for her gigantic bat-like wings… and creepy red eyes… and the fact that she was clad in black leather that helped to show off her more… prominent attributes.

What you’re thinking about at this moment is probably right.

Aika was thinking about it, anyway, and Risako jabbed her in the side again, just for good measure.

The winged female only smirked at Aika’s inquiry, and stretched out her wings, motioning for any of them to dare try and get past her. Saki was annoyed, and Aika could hear the crackling of static electricity at her side as the small girl began to build up the charge in her hands.

“I don’t really care who you are, but you’re in our way, and if you move you won’t get hurt.” She held up one of her arms, little blue jolts pulsing erratically around it.

“How cute.” The being replied, giggling just a little bit, “Okay… I’m supposed to do this quickly, but… I don’t mind playing with you if you want to do things the hard way…” And then, before their very eyes, the girl’s body morphed into the form of a little white… kitten?

What the hell?

Without warning, the little creature leapt at Saki’s face while the girl was distracted by what she had seen, and forced her to break the charges in her body in order to try and pry the kitten off. When Risako moved to try and help the smaller girl, the kitten simply turned on her, morphing into a psychotic, screeching monkey.

And since Risako could scream with the best of them, she and the shifter-turned-monkey were making quite a lot of noise between themselves. Aika was NOT having any of that today, thank-you-very-much, and so, using one hand to keep Risako still, she hit the monkey rather hard.

Hard enough to make it let go of the clone it was terrorizing, anyway, and the creature dropped to the ground, wobbling away from them before she shifted into a large, hungry-looking tiger.

The beast eyed them with her dangerous, blood red gaze, and Aika had a sinking feeling that they were about to be in some serious trouble…


She was watching the four of them navigate back through the forest from the treetops, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. The clones had made things difficult for herself and her partners because they weren’t all in the same place, and so, they had had to split up in order to make sure that all of them would be eliminated.

And though she was slightly concerned about the well being of her companions, she felt that they could handle being on their own for an hour or so.

Assuming it would even take that long to finish the job.

She had picked the little cluster of clones that she figured would be the most difficult to handle, because with the exception of the winged girl, the other three looked quite formidable and if her intuition was right (and it almost always was) they were probably the ones leading the group.

Which meant that if she took them out first, the weaker clones would be much easier to destroy.

These four were pausing every so often in order to catch their breath, as if they had been running a few minutes ago, and she was biding her time until they stopped again so that she could make her appearance.

And… there.

The metal-armed girl had flopped down onto the ground, causing the others to have to stop and wait for her to get up, and this provided an opportunity for her to dive down out of the trees. She landed gracefully on her feet, and the group was staring at her, bewildered. She grinned dangerously at them, and even Miki, who always had something to say, found herself trapped and paralyzed by the being’s ruby-colored orbs.

“Now, now… it’s kind of rude to just sit there with your mouths open like that… I suppose I’ll just have to teach you a lesson, then, won’t I?”
« Last Edit: April 01, 2007, 08:19:22 PM by FeverInducedMadness »
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Offline Rick-e

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Re: Voices of Angels
« Reply #62 on: April 01, 2007, 03:38:48 PM »
She examined the beings that she had pinned to the ground with wide eyes, and barely managed to strangle a chuckle as she turned her head to call to Koharu.

“You might want to come check this out…”

what is it? O_o

hmm... from this chapter I think Konno might not be one of the bad guys after all! she might be a leader of a resistance or something? *hoping*

Can't wait for the next chapter ^_^

Gaki-san 大好き!

Offline Ren

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Re: Voices of Angels
« Reply #63 on: April 01, 2007, 04:05:57 PM »
I hope Konkon still looks young and not old <3.

And the thought of Konkon saying "Holy Shit" owns big time XD.

Welcome back from your vacation! Glad you are back with the new chapter >:D


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Re: Voices of Angels
« Reply #64 on: April 01, 2007, 05:30:55 PM »
I <33333 U!!!!!!
So could this mean the rest of the H!Pkids are robots too?? =O

I love the H!Pkids coversations
the other two robots has gotta be maimi and erika right?

...*goes back to my evil god of cheesecake mode*
GET BACK TO WORK YA YA!! * throws some stuffed rabbits at you*

Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: Voices of Angels
« Reply #65 on: April 01, 2007, 08:21:01 PM »
Chapter Ten: Complications

“She’s been out there for a while now…” Sayumi mused, sneaking worried glances towards the door every five seconds. The clones that remained in the house were waiting for their leader to return and tell them everything was okay.

Well… she would, right?

“Maybe someone should go out and see if she’s okay…” Mari suggested, blinking when the others began to look pointedly in her direction. “I don’t mean me!”

Reina cracked her knuckles, which smoked a little bit as she did so. “I’ll do it. It’s not rainin’ anymore so I got nothing to hold me back.” She stood up, and so did the cat girl Takahashi, along with a clone called Risa, who was very talkative and almost as annoying as Sayumi.

“We’ll come with you.”

The little firebrand poked her head out of the door first, Ai and Risa close behind, and she would have told them to back up and give her some room, had she not spotted the great winged creature several yards away. The woman hadn’t yet noticed their presence there, and so Reina cautiously stepped out of the house, motioning for the other two to follow her with a finger over her lips.


The woman was saying something at this point, and Reina noticed that Maki was lying on the ground a few feet away from the being, and she looked as though she had gotten the crap beaten out of her.

“It’s such a waste, really… I wonder if Rika-chan would let me keep you as a pet…”

Ai looked as though she was about to pounce, and Reina had to hold her back, forcing the girl to look at her. “Wait… just a few seconds more…” She whispered as quietly as she could, watching as the being stepped towards the wolf girl on the ground. Just as the winged female was about to bend down and pick Maki up, Reina let the cat girl go, and Ai sprang forward through the air.

She landed on the creature’s back, and tore into her leathery bat wings with her sharp claws, causing the being to back away from Maki and let out a horrible screech. The being immediately turned and ripped the cat girl from her back, throwing her to the side. Ai bounced back up onto her feet as she landed, unharmed, her black, ropey tail thrashing back and forth violently.

“How silly of me…” The woman started, glaring at the other clones with her dangerous eyes. Her wings were now bleeding a bit, but Ai apparently hadn’t caused her too much damage, for the being started to lift herself into the air with them without even so much as flinching. “I had forgotten that there were more of you little pests inside… How annoying… Let’s see if we can’t draw the rest of you out here, hm?”

She swooped down onto the roof of the house, landing with a hard thud. A scream came from inside, and if Reina had to guess, she would have said it had come from Sayumi. The wonky-eyed clone didn’t want to give this thing the chance to do whatever she was thinking of doing, however, and she lobbed a fireball straight towards their new enemy.

Unfortunately, the woman was faster than she was, and reacted quickly, moving out of the way with a smirk.

“You’ll have to do much better than that, little girl.”

She continued about her business, and Reina, Ai, and Risa watched with gaping mouths as the winged woman tugged on the edge of the roof, ripping an entire section of it free with ease. What on earth IS she?

The being hovered above the hole she had made, peering down at the clones inside the house, who were in a quite a state of shock, to be sure. The twins and Sayumi had already scrambled out the door, and Mari barely managed to pull Eri behind her and after them as well before the winged creature dropped in on the clones, smirking devilishly. Maasa stood protectively in front of Miyabi and Momoko, the latter of whom was beside herself with fear and had been so ever since she had noticed Saki’s absence.

Yurina’s eyes were glowing brightly, and several small items in the room began to shake and rattle, any of which she would use as a projectile if need be. A boyish little female by the name of Chinami was standing behind her and eyeing the intruder warily, as if she wasn’t exactly sure what to do.

“Aww… what’s the matter? No one wants to play?”

“Come closer. I dare you.” Maasa replied in a low tone, cracking her knuckles. Momoko began to whimper, and she was holding her head in her hands as if she were trying to hide. The creature smirked at this, and ignored the clone’s warning, inching ever so closer to the small group of females.

“Obviously you must be the weaklings of the bunch… otherwise you would have been outside like the others… I could crush the lot of you easily…”

Momoko was starting to talk to herself now, and Miyabi was beginning to feel disturbed by the small female’s behavior, watching the girl with her dark violet eyes. She’s really freaking out over here… If that thing gets any closer, she might lose it…

Maasa clenched her fists tightly as the creature continued to approach them, and she stared fiercely at the winged female, wavering just a bit as she saw the woman raise her hands so that the group could get a better look at those dangerous claws.

“The only question remains is… which one of you would like to go first?”

That did it. Momoko let out an earsplitting shriek, but this time it served to do much more than just be annoying. Anyone in the room that was standing fell to their knees, and everyone was forced to cover their ears to protect their hearing from the supersonic outburst. Yurina was forced to release her hold on the objects in the room, as she couldn’t concentrate her mind under such a condition. The windows of the house shattered after enduring only a few seconds of the painful scream, and the winged female was writhing in pain on the floor, paralyzed by the sound.

It hurt to move, but Maasa knew that if she didn’t take the chance while their enemy was stunned, they might not get another one. Keeping her ears covered, she stumbled over to where the creature lay, and she had to force herself to tolerate Momoko’s scream as she removed one hand in order to pick the being up off of the ground.

With a mighty effort, she threw the girl hard at the wall, using enough force to cause the intruder to smash right through the wood before skidding a few feet and rolling to a halt on the grass outside. That took care of that.

But Momoko didn’t cease her hypersonic wailing, and Miyabi was starting to get a headache. She removed her hands for a second, forcing the smaller girl to look directly into her dark eyes, which glowed when they made contact with Momoko’s. Almost instantly, the female stopped screaming…

…but then Miyabi was the one to begin bawling her eyes out, and the others stared at her, concerned and confused.

It was when Momoko looked up at them that Maasa realized what was going on. The smaller girl’s eyes were now tinged with a glowing purple sort of color, and she looked to be exceedingly calm for someone who had just been screeching her head off a few moments ago.

“…Well… I got her to shut up… But I think we might have a problem now.”


Saki, Aika, and Risako were running for their lives.

The tigress had given chase soon after transforming, and she was actually toying with the clones, stalking them just quickly enough so that they were barely out of reach. Aika was beginning to tire, and she turned to the little leader sprinting alongside her.

“Okay, new plan! Why don’t you just turn around and fry her?”

“Because, number one, she’ll EAT me before I charge up enough power to do anything about it, and number two, she’s not just a lizard, she’s part human somewhere in there, and I don’t feel like killing someone today!”

“I hate to interrupt, but I don’t think that she has ANY reservations about killing US!” Risako screamed, continuing to hurry along as fast as her legs would carry her.

And then… IT happened.

As Aika was running, she failed to notice one particular tree root that was sticking up out of the ground on the path ahead. She would later on in life refer to said object as “the Tree Root of Destiny”,  because quite frankly, had she not had the misfortune of stumbling upon it, several other things could have happened this day.

But she was clumsy, and she did trip on it, falling flat on her face with a startled yelp. Because the three had been running so fast, it took Risako and Saki a moment before they realized that a third of their trio was missing.

They stopped and turned around, just in time to see the tigress spring into the air, fully intent to pounce on and tear apart their fallen comrade…


Miki was the first to break away from the newcomer’s gaze.

“Don’t look at her eyes… there’s something wrong with them… You won’t be able to move if you do.” She warned, closing her eyes. That blind kid would come in handy right about now…

Her voice seemed to snap the others out of it, and Hitomi shook her head vigorously, the feeling coming back to her limbs. Aya still seemed to be in somewhat of a daze, but at least she was able to move again. Koharu’s will wasn’t powerful enough to match the that of the winged female, and she was still frozen to the spot, mouth agape.

The being clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth.

“It’s no fun when they figure out my secret… It’s so time-consuming when you actually try to resist…”

“What do you want with us?” Hitomi inquired, moving over to Koharu to try and shake her out of her paralyzed state, all the while refusing to make eye contact with the newcomer.

“…Your whole existance is illegal. The fact that you’re even breathing here in front of me means that I haven’t taken care of my job yet…”

“Which would be?” Miki snapped, getting a bit impatient.

“I’ve been sent to terminate you. Well, my partners are with me, too. In fact, if I’m not mistaken… Erika-chan has probably already finished up matters at that house you all tried to take cover in… and Yui… well, the three that wandered into the city… she’s probably still playing with them, but she’ll tire of that soon enough and take care of them.”

“Bitch!!” Miki screamed, firing off a salvo of rounds at the being’s head. The creature was unphased, however, and merely stepped out of harm’s way. But the metal-armed woman didn’t stop there, and she leapt at the intruder, attempting to slam her fist into her opponent’s face.

Her fist only managed to make contact with the winged female’s palm, and Miki felt the being’s fingers wrap around her hand in a painfully crushing sort of grip. This wasn’t like when she had been trying to antagonize Maasa. The person she was up against now wasn’t defending herself in a gentle way; she could and probably would snap the bones in Miki’s real hand if she felt persuaded to do so.

“Still the same old Miki… even if you are just a clone now…”

The metal-armed girl couldn’t help but make eye contact with the winged female upon hearing her name, as she didn’t remember ever mentioning it to the intruder. What she saw in those blood-red orbs struck fear into her very core:

Those were the eyes of a murderer.

“You’ll still die just the same.”
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Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: Voices of Angels
« Reply #66 on: April 01, 2007, 08:22:02 PM »
Chapter Eleven: Premonition

“What do you mean: ‘I think I’m stuck in Momoko’s body?’”

Miya-Momo rolled her eyes. The clones had regrouped outside the house, now that the potential threat to their lives was laying harmlessly a few feet away, unconscious. Only Maki had really ended up getting hurt during the fight, and though the state she was in was troubling, she was tougher than the rest of them, and was probably going to be okay.


For now, the clones were trying to figure out how to switch Miyabi and Momoko back into their rightful bodies, and Maasa looked as though she was still trying to wrap her mind around what Miyabi had been able to do. Thus, the question.

“I mean… I don’t know! It just happened, okay! I was just trying to make her stop screaming and then THIS-!” The small female, who up until now hadn’t been so animated, was waving her arms around in a frustrated fashion, before she decided to cross them, glaring at the others with a little pout. “The only good thing about it is that my… I mean her ankle doesn’t hurt.”

Momo-Miya was sitting on the ground, still crying her eyes out. It had been a stressful day for her: waking up without her little protector beside her… only to find out that they were being attacked… and then being ripped rather rudely from her own body and shoved into someone else’s.

“How exactly did it happen?” Mari questioned, those gears in her head turning. “I mean, maybe if you do exactly what you did before you’ll go back to normal.”

Miya-Momo shrugged and turned to her sobbing counterpart. “I just kind of looked at her eyes and concentrated really hard…” She placed her… or… Momoko’s hands on the other girl’s… her face, and forced the girl to look at her, staring hard into those watery eyes.

Within a matter of seconds the transfer was over, and Miyabi found herself wiping the tears Momoko had cried off of her face. She stood up, ankle throbbing slightly, but she knew she’d have to walk on it at some point.

“Ah. I see. Okay, so problem solved. …but man, you cry a LOT…”

Momoko, now safely back in her own body, merely hugged her arms tightly to her body and sniffled a bit.

“I think she does better when that short girl’s around…” Risa started, earning a snort and a glare from Mari, who had started to tap her foot. “Not you. Where did that kid get off to, anyway? And a couple of the others are missing too…”

“Aika’s gone…” Eri stated quietly, and everyone turned to stare at the blind girl, confused.

“How can you tell?” Reina asked, looking skeptical. “You can’t-”

“See, I know, I’m aware of that.” Eri replied, her tone an irritated one, “But I’ve figured out that my other senses are super powerful… I don’t even need Mari to help me walk anymore… I can feel the vibrations in the earth through my feet, and they help me to map out where things are in my mind. As for Aika… I know her scent and I can recognize the way she breathes. It’s the same for the rest of you.”

Ai tilted her head curiously. “So that means you could probably find her if you had to, right?”

“I guess… it’s not that strong, but I think I might be able to figure out what direction she and a few of the others went in… Why?”

“We should probably go and look for them.” The cat girl replied, “I have a feeling that there might be more of whatever she is out there,” She paused, gesturing over at Erika’s prone form, “and they could be in trouble…”

“We’d better hurry if we’re going to do that, then.” Maasa walked over and carefully hefted Maki onto her back, trying not to injure the girl any more than she already was. Aibon and Nono hopped with ease onto the super strong female’s shoulders, perching there as if Maasa belonged to them.

Eri nodded, her faded eyes serious. “Okay. Follow me.”


Risako couldn’t believe her eyes.

Aika had been there one moment, and just as it seemed that the tigress was going to make a meal out of her, the girl vanished into thin air. Apparently the shifter couldn’t believe it either, for she had been so startled that she changed back into human form, and was now staring dumbstruck at the spot the clone had been just moments before.

“What on earth…?”

“Close, huh. I really thought I was a goner there for a minute.”

Risako and Saki spun around to see Aika there, shaken and grinning like a fool, but unharmed. Even the shifter was stunned, and she blinked multiple times at the clone, mouth slighly open.

“How did you…?” Yui started, unable to finish purely out of astonishment.

“Oh, I dunno… I think it went a little something like this.” Aika suddenly disappeared from the spot where she was standing, a little wisp of smoke left floating upwards in her wake. Without warning, she reappeared in mid-air above the winged female, who barely had time to register what was happening before the clone landed a hard kick right down the middle of her spine, knocking the shifter out cold.

There was another strand of smoke left above Yui, and Aika reappeared in front of Saki and Risako. The little leader shook her head, snapping out of it.

“It would have been nice to know that you could do that before now…”

“Way to sound like Miki.” Aika replied, sticking her tongue out childishly at the other girl. “Anyways, we should probably go before she wakes up…” She felt something slip into her hand, and noticed that Risako was clutching it with her own tightly, and she looked at the other girl, confused. There was something there in Risako’s eyes that she could not read… it worried her, but she gave the other girl’s hand a gentle squeeze nonetheless, tugging her gently after Saki, who had already started to move on.


She would have finished things right then and there.

Perhaps later on she would have regretted not doing so, too. But the bond that connected her to Erika and Yui alerted her to the fact that her faithful pets were in trouble, and she could not very well ignore that.

Rika scowled, letting go of Miki and pushing her to the ground. The metal armed woman just sat there, staring blankly at the dirt below.

“Unfortunately… we’ll have to continue this later… It would seem that your friends are stronger than I assumed… I won’t make that mistake again a second time, so prepare yourselves for when I return.”

With that, the leader of the Three beat her gigantic wings and took off into the sky, to collect her fallen comrades.

Almost immediately, Koharu was released from the spell-like trance the creature’s gaze had put her under, and she nearly fainted, falling backwards into Hitomi’s arms. Aya stumbled a bit as she regained control over her body, and once the dizziness of it all wore off, she ran over and knelt down beside Miki.

“…Are you alright?”

Miki didn’t reply at first, and it was only when she felt Aya’s hand on her shoulder that she slowly began to speak.

“I saw something there… in her eyes… that maybe I wasn’t supposed to see…”

“What did you see?”

“I watched her die just now… I watched Fujimoto Miki die.”
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Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: Voices of Angels
« Reply #67 on: April 01, 2007, 08:24:58 PM »
Chapter Twelve: Premonition, Part II

Eri hushed the other clones behind her for a moment, her sensitive ears picking up the faint sound of footsteps pounding against the ground… headed straight in their direction. The blind girl could feel the earth shaking gently beneath her feet as the three (at least, by the number of vibrations, she assumed there were three) continued to approach, and she could sense the others were getting nervous because of her behavior, as the sound of their heartbeats were beginning to quicken.

“It’s okay everyone… I think it’s just-”

Without warning, little Saki shot out of the brush ahead, unable to stop herself before she collided with Mari, knocking both of them off balance and onto the ground with a series of strangled yelps. Moments later, Aika and Risako also came into view, peering cautiously out of the overgrown flora after the shorter girl.

“…the others…” Eri finished lamely.

“Why is everyone out here in the middle of the forest?” Saki questioned after detangling herself from the little blonde… only to have Momoko immediately attach herself to her arm, holding on tight enough to nearly cut off circulation.

“We got attacked by this thing…” Maasa replied simply, being careful not to drop Maki as the twins climbed not-so-gracefully off of her shoulders. “Long story short… the house was pretty much destroyed.”

Aika blinked. “We just got attacked too. …Let me guess: red eyes and big wings?”

“Yeah. How did you-”

“We’ve got a hunch, but it might be better until all of us are together before we try and talk about it.” Risako interrupted, and Aika and Saki nodded their heads in agreement. “Where are the others, anyway?”

“Dunno…” Ai replied, shrugging. “The only reason we were able to find you is because of Eri’s super-senses. She remembered what you smelled like and followed the trail until we found you guys here.”

“Ah… I see.” The teleporter patted the blind girl on the head, a smile on her face. “That’s cool in a really creepy sort of way.”

Eri merely grinned, proud of herself no matter how strange her abilities might have seemed. At least they were useful.

“So should we stay here?”
“Or should we try to look for Miki and the others?”
“…Risk the chance of getting lost even further?”
“…Or maybe something will eat us here.”
“Or maybe WE’LL eat something…”
“Nono, that doesn’t make any sense.”
“Well… you started talking about eating… and I’m really hungry…”

The twins paused in their musings as they realized that everyone was staring at them. “What?”

“Okay… So I guess that means we’ll rest here for a little while… if they don’t turn up we can start searching for them…” Ai stated, and the clones all nodded their agreement, as they sat down to wait…


“I watched her die just now… I watched Fujimoto Miki die.”

Those ominous words hung in the air, and nobody dared to speak after that. It wasn’t as though there was much to be said, anyways… But after a moment or so, Aya gathered up enough courage to ask a question.

“Did you see… w-who… who did it?”

Miki shook her head, still staring blankly out at the ground. She was completely out of it, which was understandable. Watching someone that looked completely identical to herself be murdered just like that… it was unnerving. She hadn’t really seen all that much, either… Just… the idol had been singing one moment, a grand smile on her face, and then… shots rang out, and there was blood... and the girl had crumpled to the ground…

Hitomi was worried. She hadn’t yet seen something that was enough to spook Miki. And she decided that she probably didn’t want to. But they couldn’t just sit around here. She carefully helped steady Koharu back on her own feet again, holding on to the girl’s arm in case she started to fall.

“Are you alright?”

Koharu blinked at the taller girl for a moment, her eyes looking somewhat glazed over.

“Yes… I think so. …Did something happen? I just… froze… there was a lot of screaming… Where did the…?” The winged clone was very much confused, and she looked around, squinting a little bit.

Hitomi sighed. “I think you’ll live, then… You’re just a bit dazed… We can’t rest here, though. I think we should get back to the others as soon as possible. You’re going to have to fly up and find them.”

“What, me?”

“The rest of us don’t have wings, Koharu.”

“But… I told you, I don’t know how…”

Well, that reply was aggravating. “Do you think you could possibly TRY?”

Koharu bit down gently on her lower lip. She supposed that she should make herself useful… even if the prospect of falling from the sky scared her to death. The other three clones were counting on her, and she couldn’t help but think that Hitomi might try and use some powers of persuasion to get her up into the air if Koharu didn’t do it herself, taking into consideration the annoyed tone the taller female had in her voice.


She took a few steps back from the other girl, stretching out her feathery, angel-like wings, and looking very timid, she flapped them a bit, squealing as her feet rose a bit from the ground. After a few more rhythmic beats, she was completely in the air, and Hitomi watched as Koharu clumsily made it over the tree tops and out of sight.

It was hard to get the hang of at first, the rushing air currents both exhilarating and frightening all at the same time. But Koharu slowly got used to the feeling, and eventually got down to business.

But not of course, before taking a look around.

The forest they had been in was much more vast from this point of view, and she could literally see for miles away. She spotted the city that, unbeknownst to her, Saki, Risako, and Aika had visited, and she could even see one farther off in the distance that was much larger. There was also a very ominous-looking structure beyond even that, and it seemed to be shrouded in black clouds and smoke. Just looking at it gave her chills, and she quickly returned her gaze to the forest below.

It wasn’t long before she spotted the group of clones, as they had wandered close to the place where Miki and the others were, and they wouldn’t be too hard to get to at all.

Taking one last look at the dark tower, Koharu turned around in midair, heading back to where Hitomi was waiting for her.


“You two are complete and total failures…”

They were back in the cage again, and Rika was pacing back and forth like an angry lion. The now-conscious (if not gifted with a few new bumps and bruises) Yui and Erika were sitting on the floor, staring at the ground and waiting tensely for the biting words that were sure to be delivered to them.

“I can’t believe I was foolish enough to trust you with that many all at once, Erika-chan. I thought you could handle it… I thought that maybe you’d be strong enough.  But you completely let me down.”

The stronger of the two on the floor winced at this, but she did not dare whisper an apology. Rika wasn’t finished yet.

“And you…” Yui could feel her leader’s gaze burning on her skin, and she resisted the urge to shudder. She would not look up. She wasn’t powerful enough to look into those eyes. “Actually… I should have expected something like this from you. So careless… So childish of you, Yui… to let them get the better of you like that…”

“…It’s not my fault the kid could disappear into thin air…” The youngest muttered, and she would soon be made to regret it.

Rika nearly exploded, picking the blonde up and pinning her hard to the cage bars. Yui could feel the metal digging into her spine and wings, and she whimpered, closing her eyes shut. Don’t look at her eyes… don’t look at her eyes…

“If you had taken care of her instead of playing with them, it wouldn’t have happened! And now, thanks to you idiots, one of them has seen something that she wasn’t supposed to see! They aren’t supposed to know! They aren’t supposed to remember, because the memories aren’t theirs, and most of all, they aren’t even supposed to exist! And you have screwed up one of our chances to wipe them from this world!”

Yui was shaking now, and tears began to roll down her cheeks. Erika continued to sit silently on the ground, and though she felt sorry for her partner, she was mostly just glad that it wasn’t her. After a moment, Rika released her hold on the youngest, and Yui fell to her knees, clinging onto one of her leader’s legs and sobbing against it.

“I’m sorry…”

Rika’s blood-red gaze softened. “…Perhaps you are. But you do not seem to understand the gravity of this situation… we cannot allow them to live for long. They will only get stronger, and will eventually pose an even greater threat to our master and our world.”  She knelt down, lifting Yui’s chin to force her to make eye contact.

“We’ll try again tomorrow. Do NOT fail me again.”

The blonde nodded wordlessly, and the tension in the room disappated. Rika detached the youngest from her leg, and walked over to the side of the cage, staring out into the darkness.

“What happened in the past must stay there…”
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Re: Voices of Angels
« Reply #68 on: April 01, 2007, 08:25:59 PM »
Chapter Thirteen: The Search Begins

The group was back together again, and they had begun to discuss what had happened and what they were going to do now. Saki told the others of the city they had stumbled upon, as well as the strange punishment it was currently undergoing. She also mentioned the Three, and the general consensus was that this name probably belonged to the group of winged females that they had fought with.

Miki wasn’t up to talking much at this point, and so Aya tried to piece together what had happened to the two of them, Hitomi, and Koharu during their encounter with Rika, while the other clones listened with wide eyes.

“…and she says that she watched Miki… die.”

“Wait… like… she watched herself die? Or… How is that even possible? Are you psychic, Miki?” Risa inquired, though she was not the only one having trouble wrapping her mind around the story.

“No. It wasn’t me… I’m sure that it was the person that I was cloned from. And I’m not psychic, but… You wouldn’t understand. You just had to have been there. Something about that thing’s eyes… She had some kind of… weird power.” The metal-armed female replied, looking around at the others for the first time since the incident. “She also… somehow, she knew my name. Or… the woman’s name. …I’m not sure I want to keep it after seeing that.”

Miki shuddered, refusing to talk anymore. Hitomi took this point to back up the other girl’s story with what she had to say.

“…it was almost like… if you looked at her eyes… we were just paralyzed for a while. Koharu even said that she heard screaming… Whether they were sent by that Shizuka guy or not… I’m not exactly sure what we’re dealing with… I think we all just got lucky this time.”

“So what do we do now, then?” Everyone’s eyes shot over to Reina, who had lapsed back into her nervous habit of holding a small fireball in her hand. “We can’t just wander around in the forest forever. Especially not now that the only shelter we had is nothing but a pile of dirt. And if those things come back… well, I know that I don’t want to end up like Maki over there…”

The wolf girl in question was lying on the ground, her breathing staggered and unsteady. She had a fever, and the scratches on her face weren’t looking so great. Unfortunately, all the others could really do about it was to let her rest, since none of them happened to be doctors.

“It really looks like we don’t have much of a choice other than to go into the city and try and find some help…” Hitomi replied, sighing a bit, “Maybe someone will help us out. Maybe they won’t. We have to try it.” She stood up, gaze wandering over to where Aika, Risako, Saki (and Momoko, who probably wouldn’t have let go even if someone had taken a crowbar to her) were sitting.

“You three… Show us the way.”


<action: running></action>

<receiving signal from home base>

<retrieving message…>


<Sender: Konno Asami> <Accept? Y/N>

<opening message…>

<play transmission>

<Konno: Are you lost, Maihabot? I’m pretty sure I gave you the right coordinates… The Steam District needs those supplies really badly, so stop messing around.>

<Reply to message? Y/N>

<Opening instant messaging client…>


<Sending reply…>


<ProjectHPK001: Coordinates are correct. I stumbled upon something interesting. There is a dead Stalker here in the middle of the forest. The beast has suffered severe electrical burns and it’s tail has been lacerated by causes unknown. It also appears to be missing some teeth, and those that remain are broken. There are footprints leading away and into the forest. Shall I investigate?>

<Konno: What on earth…? There’s no way! The only things capable of bringing down something that big are the Three, and they’d have no reason to…>

<ProjectHPK001: Would you like me to send you a picture?>

<Konno: …You’re not joking, are you?>

<action: capturing image></action>

<attaching file to response>


<ProjectHPK001: I am a robot, Konno-san. I do not understand jokes.>

<Konno: …Holy cow, you really weren’t kidding… Maybe you SHOULD check this out… How many sets of footprints can you make out?>

<ProjectHPK001: Exactly twenty-one.>

<Konno: Okay… New plan, then. Get your delivery to the steam district as fast as you can, and as soon as you’re done, start gathering data on this thing. Don’t screw around, Maihabot.>

<ProjectHPK001: Understood.>

<closing connection w/ User: Konno Asami>

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Re: Voices of Angels
« Reply #69 on: April 01, 2007, 08:27:17 PM »
Chapter Fourteen: ProjectHPK001

“This is stupid.”

“Well, you’re the ones that found the place and decided you’d masquerade as the Three, so now you’ve got power here. Just go find a really big, nice-looking house and start terrorizing the crap out of whoever owns it until they let us stay.”

“Risako’s the one who started acting like- OW!”

“You’re just as guilty because you helped!”

“Will the two of you shut up and knock it off?! How are we supposed to convince them to let ALL of us stay, anyway? There are only supposed to be three of us. Not twenty-something.”

“Just say that we’re prisoners from another… district-thingy. And order them to fix Maki up, cuz this Shizuka guy likes his detainees to be healthy. In fact, might as well use him as your excuse to bring us all in. If this guy has the power to punish thousands of people the way that he has, I’m sure they’re not going to go against what he wants done.”

Momentary silence.


“You get to do all the talking.”

“What? Why ME?”

“Because YOU were the one that freaked the kids out. It was all thanks to you that we were convincing, remember?”

“Ah, Momochi… you’re going to have to let go of me now. I promise I’ll be back reallly soon.”

“Just get out there and do this already!”

Aika, Risako, and Saki were shoved rather rudely out of the cover of the forest towards the front of the city they had stumbled upon before, as they had been volunteered by the rest of the clones to search out a resting place for the night. The shortest girl out of the group led the other two onwards through the dusty road that winded through the core of the place, and they began to look around for any building that looked as though it could hold all of them…


<action: resting></action>

<receiving signal from home base>

<retrieving message…>


<Sender: ProjectHPK003> <Accept? Y/N>

<opening message…>

<play transmission>

<003: Hey, Maiha? Erika and I are making our way towards the Steam District to meet up with you. Konno-san thought you might need our help with the investigation.>

<001: Negative. I do not require assistance.>

<receiving transmission from ProjectHPK002>

<002: Well, it’s too late, ya big baby. We’re already like halfway there, so you’re going to have to just deal with it.>

<001: The two of you weren’t designed for such a task. My calculations indicate that there is an 80% chance that your presence will only endanger the mission. Turn back now.>

<003: …Just cuz you were the first doesn’t make you the best.>

<001: Irrelevant.>

<002: Well, whatever, I’m closing off communications now. We’ll see you there, Maiha.>

<ProjectHPK002, 003, connection terminated>


<action: sigh></action>


This place is just deserted… how are we supposed to ask anyone for help when no one’s around…? …or if they never answer when we knock on the doors…

The trio was now at the door of the fifth house that they deemed good enough to keep all of the clones safe for the night. Aika rapped on the metal’s surface with her fist, but the result was the same as it had been with the other five dwellings: silence.

Perhaps the citizens did not answer for fear of getting in trouble for even looking outside…

Either way, Aika was beginning to get frustrated. She had half a mind to just kick the door down, and probably would have attempted to do so, had her ears not picked up the sounds of voices farther down along the way. The trio peered cautiously around the house, spotting a short, portly sort of man standing in an alleyway, talking to a figure whose back was to them.

They weren’t talking very loudly, and so Aika motioned for the other two to follow her quietly, inching behind some rusted metal boxes that provided them some cover and allowed them to get close without being seen.

“…I can’t thank you and your master enough for this. The people have been starving lately, and they’ll be glad to get their hands on some food.” The man was saying, and he reached out to shake the dark figure’s hand vigorously. Aika could make out the glint of metal as the light briefly passed over the figure’s fingers, and she was instantly reminded of Miki.

“You are most welcome. I shall be sure to inform Konno-san of your gratitude.” The other voice was female, but it was slightly obscured by what sounded like static, making the words sound robotic rather than human. “…you’ll have to excuse me for a moment, however… my sensors are indicating that we are being watched.”

The trio let out a simultaneous gasp as the dark figure turned towards them, stepping out of the shadows. Robot was right. It stood the height and shape of a normal human girl, and was made entirely out of a silvery-white, very polished metal. Intricate designs were etched into the surface of the metal, and they were a dark blue color, standing out against the robot’s body.

Her eyes were the same color as the designs, although they were glowing somewhat, and they had no pupils, irises, or whites to them; they were just eerie blue orbs that showed no emotion. Her hair was made of wire-thin, individual strands of metal, that allowed it to look as realistic as possible.

<scanning for forms of life…>

<found: 3>
<registering identities…>


<DNA match: Mitsui Aika; deceased>
<DNA match: Sugaya Risako; deceased>
<DNA match: Shimizu Saki; deceased>

<error: matches do not exist // Run scan again? Y/N?>



<DNA match: Mitsui Aika; deceased>
<DNA match: Sugaya Risako; deceased>
<DNA match: Shimizu Saki; deceased>

“This does not compute…” The robot whispered to herself, artificial eyebrows furrowing. Nevertheless, she had a job to do. “Intruders! Come out with your hands up! You are not welcome here!”

Warily, the clones stepped out from behind their cover, slowly raising their arms above their heads. None of them had ever seen an android before, and they didn’t really want to find out what she was capable of, either.

<sending message to: Konno Asami>

<001: Konno-san… I have some surprising new information to send to you…>

<transmitting DNA match data…>

<awaiting reply…>

<Konno: …Okay… the dead Stalker I’ll believe, but… this isn’t funny, Maihabot. They’re dead.>

<capturing image>

<attaching file to message>

<001: Regardless, the three of them are standing here in front of me.>

<Konno: …holy shit.>

<001: I’m not fond of your vulgar language, Konno-san.>
<Konno: This is… oh my… Y-you’ve got to bring them here, Maihabot. This is… I can’t believe… holy…>

<001: Affirmative, Konno-san.>

<connection terminated>

“What are you going to do with us…?” Risako questioned, a slight quiver in her voice. The bat-winged creature they had encountered earlier had been frightening, but the robot in front of them looked to be even more… deadly.

“I’ve been given orders to escort the three of you to the nearby Metal District. You may either comply peacefully and follow me, or I shall bring you there by force.”

<WARNING: Detecting high levels of electrical current nearby. Contact will bring about possible system shut down.>

<Detecting source of current…>

<Shimizu Saki>

“Well, you’ll have to use force, then… we aren’t going anywhere.” The little leader replied, static dancing about her fingertips. Aika nodded in a determined sort of way, while Risako still looked rather unsure.

<sending message to: Konno Asami>

<001: Forgive me, Konno-san… this might take a little longer than I had previously calculated.>


Koharu was dozing off a bit as she waited with the others for Saki, Aika, and Risako to return, resting her head in Hitomi’s lap. The temperature and humidity of the forest was making it almost impossible to take a little nap, though she had almost slipped into unconsciousness when she detected little voices coming from nearby.

“I think we’re lost, Maimi-chan.”

“My GPS is working JUST fine, thank you. It’s not my fault you’re so slow it’s taking us longer than you want to get to the Steam District.”

“Shut up.”

“No, YOU shut up.”

The winged clone sat up, startling Hitomi, who HAD been asleep, trying to sleep off her headache from before.

“What’s your deal, Koharu?” The boyish female asked, a grumpy tone in her voice.

“Someone’s out there, Yossui…”

“…Did you just make up a nickname for me?”

“This is serious! I heard voices!”

“You’re probably just tired. If anything were nearby, Eri would have said something about it.”

“She’s asleep, Yossui…”


Hitomi rose off of the ground then, brushing the dirt off of her legs. She could hear movement nearby, too, and looked around at the rest of the clones. Most of them were in varying stages of sleep, and so perhaps it was extremely lucky that Koharu had been awake enough to hear the noise. The little sounds were getting closer, and she crept quietly over towards the nearby bushes, crouching there for a moment. Then, without warning, she shot through the brush, landing on the intruders, eliciting frightful squeals from the both of them.

She examined the beings that she had pinned to the ground with wide eyes, and barely managed to strangle a chuckle as she turned her head to call to Koharu.

“You might want to come check this out…”
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Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: Voices of Angels
« Reply #70 on: April 01, 2007, 08:34:30 PM »
hmm... from this chapter I think Konno might not be one of the bad guys after all! she might be a leader of a resistance or something? *hoping*

Can't wait for the next chapter ^_^

Perhaps, perhaps... X3 She's not evil, though, I WILL tell you that to calm your fears.

I hope Konkon still looks young and not old <3.

And the thought of Konkon saying "Holy Shit" owns big time XD.

Welcome back from your vacation! Glad you are back with the new chapter >:D

We shall see, we shall see...

I thought it was amusing too. <3

Thanks. It was okay, I suppose. I came back to learn some not-so-great stuff, though. >< But ah well.

I <33333 U!!!!!!
So could this mean the rest of the H!Pkids are robots too?? =O

...*goes back to my evil god of cheesecake mode*
GET BACK TO WORK YA YA!! * throws some stuffed rabbits at you*

XD Um, thanks.
It could mean that, indeed. lol

-pelted with bunnies- o_o Yes master! -slaving-

More HPK 'droids!!! Gotta love their 'droid-ish mannerisms (especially Maihabot's XDDDD)
Konkon swearing...still hella cute! :D

XD Maihabot's going to be more robot-ish for a reason. Which you will find out... eventually... XD
Yes indeed. I figured Konkon's the type of girl that would never swear unless she was completely and utterly floored by something. (Which, I'm sure that if your robot found someone you thought to be dead, you'd probably be a bit startled, too. lol)
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Re: ::Voices of Angels:: [Chapter 14: ProjectHPK]
« Reply #71 on: April 01, 2007, 11:55:23 PM »
“You might want to come check this out…”

What? What? What?!

Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: ::Voices of Angels:: [Chapter 14: ProjectHPK]
« Reply #72 on: April 02, 2007, 03:12:36 AM »
(I think ProjectHPK will only have three parts to it... I'm not sure. It should really be just one large chapter, but I'm having trouble with it... So I'll just keep writing in snippets...)

Chapter Fifteen: ProjectHPK, Part II

<DANGER! DANGER! Imminent system shutdown! Severe electrical damage to main computer.>

<sending distress signal to all HPK units>

<shutting down>



Hitomi had captured a pair of robots, or so it seemed, both only about a foot tall, with childish, chibi-like faces that were giving her the dirtiest looks they could possibly muster since they were only artificial life. One had short ‘hair’ that was pulled back with a metallic headband, and her glowing eyes (much like that of the Maihabot), along with the twisted markings that covered the entirety of her little body were colored hot pink. The other’s wiry strands were tied back in a messy ponytail, and she looked as though she was trying to burn a hole into Hitomi’s face with those bright red orbs of hers.

Koharu had let out a very girly squeal when she saw the little robots, and probably would have tried to pick one up in order to hug it if the boyish clone weren’t keeping her away.

“Ah, they’re so cuuuuuuuute~!”

“Yeah… but what are they doing here? Kind of suspicious… maybe we ought to destroy them. They could be working for that Shizuka guy.”

Apparently the little robots didn’t want to hear that, and they began to squirm in Hitomi’s grasp, failing miserably to get away. That is, until the one with the shorter hair decided to bite down on the boyish female’s hand, causing her to let out a yelp and release her grip on the two.

The one with the red eyes was trying to tug the other away, while they had the chance to escape, but her companion drew herself up to her full height of twelve inches and puffed out her chest.

“That’s whatcha get, ya big bully!” She huffed, kicking at the clones with her little foot.

“Erika, come on, let’s get out of here before she makes good on her threat.”

“Heck no! Nobody messes with me like that. PLUS, how DARE she associate us with that… that… ugh… I hate his name. I can’t even say it.”

The little thing looked to be horribly distressed, and Koharu couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. She got down on her knees so that she was almost on their level, and while Hitomi continued to nurse her bruised hand by sucking on it, she decided to try and make amends.

“Sorry if we offended you… Yossui wouldn’t really try to hurt you. She just has to be careful… We’ve been through a lot in the past two days… we’re really not supposed to be alive.”

Erikabot merely snorted and turned away, while her counterpart (Maimi) was now eyeing Koharu curiously.

“Who are you, anyway… let’s run a scan, shall we?”

The winged clone squeaked as a line of red light fanned out from the little robot’s eyes and began to run down her body, causing her to feel just a little bit violated.
<registering identity>


<DNA match: Kusumi Koharu; deceased>

<error: matches do not exist // Run scan again? Y/N?>

“What the…” The Maimibot might have blinked had she owned a pair of eyelids, but because she did not, she could only just stare at Koharu, confused. She turned to Hitomi, who was watching her with interest, and decided to scan her as well.

<registering identity>


<DNA match: Yoshizawa Hitomi; deceased>

<error: matches do not exist // Run scan again? Y/N?>

“What’s the matter, is your scanner broken, too?” The short-haired android grumbled, obviously NOT in a good mood.

“No… it’s just… the DNA… according to it, these two are supposed to be dead.”

The two little robots didn’t have much time to analyze this, however, for distress signals began to go off in their heads, and they had no choice but to respond. Before Hitomi could stop either of them, they darted out of sight, heading towards the city. She scratched her head, trying to figure things out.

“What was up with them?”


Aika kicked at the now unmoving metal body, which was still smoking on the ground. Apparently Saki had done a very good job with frying the android’s circuits, and she jumped back a little bit as a stray spark crackled within the Maihabot in response to her contact.

“You might have overdone it just a little bit…” Risako mused, although she was eyeing the robot as if she didn’t believe it was truly out of commission.

“Y-yeah… I don’t really know if I can control it all that well…” The small female replied, somewhat disturbed. Though she could build up as much energy as she’d ever need, Saki needed to be able to channel it better. Otherwise, anyone else nearby was in just as much danger of being shocked as her target was.

Aika snorted, giving the Maihabot one last good kick. “Well, whatever… I think we’ve basically ended any chance of staying here for the night. That guy hightailed it out of here as soon as we started fighting. And I bet knocking on any more doors will get us nowhere. We should just go back…”

Risako sighed, and Saki seemed to be just as disappointed, but all three of them knew that to continue on would be pointless. Just as they began to walk out of the city, Risako spotted several tiny figures in the sky, that might have looked like birds, were they not shiny like metal.

Her eyes widened as she realized that the figures were headed straight for them.

And they were moving fast.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2007, 12:04:26 PM by FeverInducedMadness »
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Re: ::Voices of Angels:: [Chapter 15: ProjectHPK, Part II]
« Reply #73 on: April 02, 2007, 03:48:52 AM »
I could just imagine Aika, Risako, and Saki being swarmed by hundreds of little robots.

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Re: ::Voices of Angels:: [Chapter 15: ProjectHPK, Part II]
« Reply #74 on: April 02, 2007, 04:21:21 AM »
The robots are just too cute!  Nothing like feisty little robots, konkon has good taste XD  However this couldn't possibly be the real Konno right?


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Re: ::Voices of Angels:: [Chapter 15: ProjectHPK, Part II]
« Reply #75 on: April 02, 2007, 04:41:23 AM »

*ahem* oh the side note, chibi-bots >_< Erika and Maimi are so cute >w<
Konkon is awesome, now...

*pelts you with tylenol pills because i ran out of stuffed bunnies*
hurry up and Post and BRING MAIHA BACK YOU YOU KID!!!

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Re: ::Voices of Angels:: [Chapter 15: ProjectHPK, Part II]
« Reply #76 on: April 02, 2007, 05:13:17 AM »
<Konno: …holy shit.>

<001: I’m not fond of your vulgar language, Konno-san.>
More HPK bots!!! Gotta love their bot-ish mannerisms (especially how Maihabot talks XDDDD)
Konkon swearing...still hella cute! :D

Wait, the bots are only a foot tall? That's gotta sting for Erikabot and Maimibot, considering how in real life they're the tall ones. :D

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: ::Voices of Angels:: [Chapter 15: ProjectHPK, Part II]
« Reply #77 on: April 02, 2007, 09:04:51 AM »
The new developments with Konno and her vast army of insanely cute robots (and her cursing!) is pretty interesting. And I have no idea where it's going.

I picked the Challenge option in the poll. My challenge? A hard-boiled detective story done in full-blown noir style. Imagine it, if you will: random hp! member #1 stumbles upon random hp! member #2's dead body. To find out the truth about random hp! member #2's death, random hp! member #1 will have to navigate a seedy underworld of singers, backup dancers, variety talents, and all the other scum that populate the mysterious organization known only as Hello Project.

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Re: ::Voices of Angels:: [Chapter 15: ProjectHPK, Part II]
« Reply #78 on: April 02, 2007, 12:01:07 PM »
oh my, chibi-robots I LOVE THEM!!!

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Re: ::Voices of Angels:: [Chapter 15: ProjectHPK, Part II]
« Reply #79 on: April 02, 2007, 12:26:29 PM »
Aika kicked Maihabot... WIN XD.

Now I'm sure Konkon doesn't work for Shizuka :D! Yay for Prof. Konkon!
Can't the robots just run as a phone or something so Konkon can talk to the clones? XD

Konkon should clone them as many as she can instead of making them robots :3. So we can make Hello! Project War: Attack of the Clones XD

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