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Author Topic: What Needed to be Done  (Read 49034 times)

Offline black velvet

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #20 on: March 23, 2007, 06:38:46 AM »
Quote from: OTN1;335611
OTN will hook you up with the drugs.  Don't you worry.
Trust me. I'm officially HOOKED now. Badly. D;

Haha, I love how you always make Aya hop onto a dirty train of that, but immediately shift directions. xD Also, I couldn't help but think about the whol husband and wife aspect with this chapter. It really shows! :rolleyes:

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #21 on: March 23, 2007, 10:31:22 AM »
Quote from: Estrea;335623

Tsunku is calling them for a reunion? Oooo. *somehow has a niggling bad feeling* Something's going to happen, I'm sure. Hmmm.

OMGASS Tsunku is going to kidnap aya and make her his sex slave!!!

Or not.

Can't really think of a good comment right now; except that that chapter was all warm and soft and cuddly and made me feel all happy inside.

Offline OTN1

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #22 on: March 23, 2007, 03:21:14 PM »
I like all the theories.  I like to imagine the two dozen other ways I could go about doing this story.  Overwhelming, but nice.  It really gets the imagination going. :lol:  My one path is set, though.
Happy cuddly domestic Aya and Miki.  Would anybody kill me if I wrote ten chapters of pure fluff like that?  (Don't worry.  I won't.  Hahaha.)

Chapter 3

"Miki Miki Mikkiiiiiiiiiiii!" I cry into the phone.

"Hi, Gaki-san," she sighs.

I pause.

"Let's make that twenty days of breakfast, not fifteen," I say in a monotone.

"Okay, okay!" she squeaks.  "Sorry.  What's up?"

"You haven't checked your messages yet..." I assume.

"Um, no, not yet.  I haven't had time to," she says quietly.

"Check them, call whoever you need to call back, and then call me back.  Okay?" I say, chipper.

"What's-" she begins, but I hang up on her with a sneaky smile, excited about the news she's about to find out.

It's lunch time for most working people, but I've already eaten.  I sit on the couch and nod off while daydreaming about Miki, my phone still in my hand.

About half an hour later, my phone starts to ring and vibrate.

"And I was just getting to the good part," I say into the phone.

"Hi...?  Of what?" Miki asks, sounding serious and confused.

I love to bother her at work.  She gets very focused there, so when I call her in the middle of a busy day, she always seems a little thrown off balance if I say things that aren't appropriate for the workplace (or things that plain don't make sense).

"Never mind.  I'll show you later."

I grin to myself because I can imagine her nodding thoughtfully and not thinking about anything unclean.

Or maybe that's just what she wants me to believe.  I bet her composed demeanour at work is all an act.  Maybe somebody is within hearing distance and she needs to remain cool.

"Ah, right!" she speaks up.  "Aya, I talked to Tsunku-san."

I let out a laugh.

"Isn't it great?  This idea of a reunion?" I ask.

My enthusiasm may be born out of boredom and lack of work, but it feels real enough to me.

"Yeah, it is a great idea..." Miki mumbles and trails off.

I can sense there's a 'but' coming.


She hesitates to answer, taking a few breaths and trying to start her sentence a few times over.

"I don't know, Aya.  I'm really busy right now.  I mean, not right now now, but in general.  These days.  I don't know if I could handle what I've got going on now, plus a Hellopro reunion."

My heart cries out to her because she suddenly seems so stressed out.  Before my otherworldly Hokkaido ordeal, I noticed that the stress was piling up on her, but now I think it's about to reach a critical level.  The kind of level where it's my duty to step up and give her a hand.

I forget about the Project reunion for a minute.

"Don't worry about it, Miki.  How about we talk later?  Tonight or something," I suggest.

She sighs, maybe feeling bad because she thinks she's let me down.

"That would be good," she says.

Maybe there's something else bothering her.  She sounds so tired.  I don't ask, though.  I've learned that if she has something to tell me, she'll tell me.

"Can I do anything to help you?"

There's a pensive silence for a moment.

"Just be home when I get back?" she asks in a tiny, hopeful voice that almost sounds a bit nervous.  I want to tell her not to worry and that I'm not about to go out and walk into the middle of a gang fight.

"Sure," is all I end up saying.  "I'll be here."

"Thanks, Aya.  Dunno what I'd do without you."

She sounds a little cheered up, and we say goodbye.

Once the phone is disconnected, my day's mission changes from one of lazing around to one of thinking up ways to cheer up my number one Miki.


Miki gets to my place just after eight in the evening.  I study her face carefully and decide that she looks more relieved than anything else.  It's been a long day for her, and I bet she's looking forward to lying down and passing out in comfort.

"What's for dinner??" she asks right after removing her shoes, jumping onto my back excitedly.  I almost fall over.

So much for my 'Miki wants to chill out' theory.  I've never seen her more lively.

"Watch out!" I cry as I fall forward and catch myself on the wall.

She gets off of me and goes to the kitchen without any apology.

"I'm starving," she sings, opening up the refrigerator and popping her head in.

I chase after her, muttering under my breath about children and behavioural problems.

"How old are you again?" I ask her, grabbing a handful of her jacket and pulling her out of the fridge.

"Twen-ty-fiiiiive," she sings, taking four steps towards me and backing me up against the sink. "And how old are you?  Thirty-two?"

I jab her in the stomach hard.  She doubles over in exaggerated pain, but stays put, not letting me get away.

"I don't approve of your sadistic values, Aya-chan," she says in a lecturing tone.

I start to laugh in disbelief.  As if Little Miss Aggressive should be talking.

"Anyway," she smiles saucily.  "I..." she moves her face in closer to mine.




Closer.  Her nose touches mine and my lips tingle with anticipation.

"... Dinnerrrrrrrrr!"

She jumps away from me and goes back to the fridge, humming an unrecognizable tune to herself.

I feel like I'm in a drama where the woman finds out her boyfriend is an alien, but has to live with him because of some clause in some cosmic contract that states she can't leave him lest the world come to an end.

If I really did write that book about my life, it would be a bestseller, I think, remembering my plan to one day prove to the rest of the world that Miki is legally crazy.

Since I'm bound by many things, though, I follow Miki back to the fridge and put my chin on her shoulder as she studies my food.

"You're in a good mood.  What happened?" I ask.

"I came home and got to see you," she replies as she opens up a container that's holding the last few umeboshi that my mother sent me a few weeks ago from my hometown.

"Home?  This isn't your home.  This is my home," I tease.

I reach my arms around her from behind and take the container out of her hands, closing it and putting it back where it came from.  I'm saving those for later.

"'Home is where the heart is!'" she quotes in English.

I know that one.  When she learned it half a year ago, she wouldn't stop saying it to me.  While it annoyed me, it did prove that repetition is the best way to learn a language.

"Indeed," I say, putting my nose into her hair.

"Oh!  What's in here?" she ponders aloud, opening up another container.  It's the leftovers from my lunch.  "Can I have this?" she asks like a little puppy dog.

I nod and tell her she can finish it off.  I let go of her so that she can heat it up in the microwave.

"You sounded really stressed out today on the phone," I say, leaning against the counter and folding my arms across my torso.

"Oh, yeah.  That.  I've just been having a few rough days lately," she says, now rummaging through the fridge again and taking out an apple.  "I had some disagreements with some, um, colleagues."

She takes out the cutting board and a knife and starts peeling the apple.

"Did you have a fight?" I ask, knowing that Miki is well-known for finding herself in the middle of an argument because she's too stubborn to back down.

"No, not a fight," she says, not looking at me, but focusing on her apple.  "But he and I didn't see eye-to-eye.  It was... unpleasant."

That's Miki's polite way of saying "I almost ripped his head off."

"Is everything else okay?" I ask, moving to stand beside her and gathering the peeled apple skin in order to throw it out.

She shrugs.

"Life is life."

I figure there must be something going on.

"Come on, Miki.  I know you better than that," I say lightly, reaching over to toss the apple skins into the trash.

She stops chopping and looks at me directly.

"These meetings are... close to being concluded," she says carefully.  "I can let you know the... results... by the end of the week."

She speaks in such a slow and mysterious tone.  I'm filled with an anxious need to know what these secret meetings are all about.

"Is everything okay?" I ask, my eyebrows knit together with concern.  "You're not in trouble, are you?"

Miki smiles subtly and touches my cheek with her hands that are covered in apple juice.  Somehow, getting my face dirty doesn't seem to matter because she looks so serious.  It's like she's trying to tell me a lot more than the words she's speaking with her voice.  Alerting me to some fact that she's not allowed to talk about, urging me on to guess what's on her mind.

"Don't worry about me, Aya.  I'm fine," she says confidently but with a hint of regret.

Maybe somebody else she works with is going to be fired.  Or maybe they're making some big decision that some people will inevitably suffer from.

I gaze into her eyes and try to decipher a message that might not even be there.  It might just be in my mind.

In my heart, I will it to all be my imagination.  I can understand if she can't give me any information about work.  I respect that we can't tell each other everything about the secret decisions made behind the closed doors of our separate workplaces.  As long as she's not suffering, she can keep all the business secrets she wants.  But if at any point something damages her, I will jump in there to save her.

"Hey, Aya, what was that thing you said you wanted to show me?" she asks with reference to our phone conversation during lunch break, looking back down at her apple and slicing it up neatly.

My mouth widens into a devilish smile that she can't see.

"Hmm," I hum.  "Well, not really show, but... finish up your dinner and I'll let you know."

I lean my shoulder against hers and she looks at me.  She sees my smile, and a small, knowing one breaks out on her face.  She's figured out what zone my mind is in.  She likes it, and she's amused by me.  Nothing gets her more excited than when I'm feeling... frisky.  She finishes chopping up the apple very quickly and very sloppily.

That night we forget to talk about Tsunku and the Hello! Project reunion.  Who cares about that kind of thing when you have other, more important people - I mean things - to do?
« Last Edit: March 23, 2007, 04:48:48 PM by OTN1 »

Offline Estrea

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #23 on: March 23, 2007, 03:29:33 PM »
Who cares about that kind of thing when you have other, more important people - I mean things - to do?

*cracks up royally*

I love you OTN, will you marry me and have my babies? Your writing skills and sense of humour should be kept in the gene pool! XD

Love how sweet Aya and Miki are around each other. :) And I don't really care if you just write 10 chapters of Aya/Miki fluff. But of course plot is important too... (mind whispers: HA!) *coughs*

Anyway, can't wait to see which way you decide to go with the plot. ^__^
« Last Edit: March 23, 2007, 03:32:28 PM by Estrea »


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline OTN1

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I love flashbacks
« Reply #24 on: March 23, 2007, 05:55:34 PM »
Hahaha, it's that funny?  Thank you.

The plot... well, it's getting there.  I think the ride is going to begin soon.  I've just warming you all up.

Chapter 4

I once had a big secret.  I kept that secret from Miki for too long.  It almost ruined us.  Once we made up, though (incidentally, it happened in Hokkaido), I wanted her to know that I would never keep another secret from her again.  Well, maybe I'd keep things like her birthday and Christmas presents secret.  But nothing else.

Late August, 2005.  I'm nineteen again.  She's twenty.  We have just come back from a lovely vacation in Sapporo.  We have just re-affirmed what kind of relationship we want to have.  We are almost perfect.

We're sitting in my apartment watching a movie.  This time it's some Hollywood action adventure.  It's fun at some points, but overall a little on the boring side.

I get up and walk over to my room while Miki tries to pay attention to movie and keep up with the ridiculously unbelievable plot.  I go through my drawer trying to find something.  I feel it and pull it out.  It's a dark red journal.  My diary.  In it, I lose all my dignity and all my humility, and I write what I really think.  It's the most honest thing that I have.

I tuck it under my arm and walk back to the TV.  I sit beside Miki, who gives me a cursory glance to acknowledge my presence again.  She goes back to watching the movie.

I take the book and hold it out to her.  She sees my movement out of the corner of her eye and she looks over.  She looks down at the object I'm holding and then looks up at me in confusion.  I indicate for her to take it from me, so she does.

"What is-"

"My journal," I reply quickly.  She looks down at the red cover and looks even more surprised.  

"Why are you-"

"You can read it," I cut her off again.  "I write everything in there.  Deep, dark secrets to fleeting thoughts."  

She frowns and continues to stare at the book in her hands.  There's no lock.  One flip of the cover will reveal everything about me.  She then smiles and hands it back.  My turn to be surprised.

"I don't need it," she says.

I frown.  I thought she wanted to know everything about me.  My honest opinions on everything.  I still haven't shared everything with her.  Not in the way she did in Kobe that first night.  She told me everything.


 I take the journal in my hands and put it on the couch between us.

"Why not?"

"Because you've already said enough."

What did I say?  I can't remember.  She can tell I'm confused.

"You want me to know all those things, right?" she asks.  I nod.  "Then that's enough."

That's enough?  It's enough for her to simply know that I want to tell her things?  She really doesn't ask for much.  I smile and laugh.

"Right now, though, I'm more concerned about Jack- or Jake or whatever his name is- and how he's going to stop the terrorists," she says, once again turning her full attention to the TV.

My jaw drops.  I've been completely shut out and denied.  I toss the journal onto the table and grab Miki's arm, pulling her towards me.  She lets out a surprised sound and struggles to keep upright.  She falls onto her side and scrambles back up.

"What are you doing?" she asks.

"Getting your attention," I say, grabbing onto her hands and forcing her to face me instead of the TV set.  She twists her neck sideways and tries to keep an eye on the action on the screen.  I pull at her sharply and she looks back.

"I'm missing the movie," she says miserably.

"You can rewind it and watch it later," I reply crossly.

"But..." Now she's sounding like the big baby I know she can be.

"Do you want to watch a movie or hang out with me?" I ask her.  

"Can't I do both?" she asks timidly.  I squeeze her hands.  Wrong answer.  She ducks her head, afraid I'm going to do something mean to her.

"Me or Jack- er, Jake," I state with a pout.

"Since you're being so mean.... Jake.  Or whatever his name is."

I pout some more and look sad and dejected.  She just laughs at me, lets go of my hands, and goes back to her seat to watch the movie.  There's a gunfight going on now, and she leans forward in her spot, absorbed.  I do feel a little sad.  I thought she was just playing around when she was enraptured by the movie.  I thought I could easily convince her to ignore it and pay attention to me, but it seems like she's serious about preferring the movie over me...

I lean forward and pick up my diary quietly and flip through it.  I find an entry about her dated February 12th, 2005.  

Oh, this is embarrassing.  Maybe it's a good thing she chose not to read it.  

In the entry, I gush about how much fun we had on the weekend and how she's so funny and cool and cute.  Then I say embarrassing things about wanting to be friends forever and then I even say that sometimes I think we're more than just friends.

I couldn't have possibly meant it in that way, right?  I don't even remember writing this entry.  It must have been one of those unconscious things that spilled out of my mind and onto paper, recorded for history.

I read the next entry, which is made a few days later.  It's about work and about how I'm finding it oppressive to be a part of H!P.  It looks like my mind had the same things on it for a long while.

I'm so busy reading the next entry about something silly Tsuji and Kago did during a rehearsal (involving water balloons, a tin can, and our choreographer) that I don't notice a hand sneaking its way around my shoulders.  Before I know it, Miki is sitting right up against me and holding me with one arm.  She's looking down nosily at my journal.  I look up, startled, and I slam the book shut.  She laughs at me again and takes my journal from me.

"What are you reading about?" she asks.

"Nothing," I mumble.  She opens the book to a random page and holds it out to me.

"This page?" she asks playfully.  I shake my head.  She turns to another page.  "This one?"  I shake my head again.  She closes the book and throws it back onto the table.

"Want to tell me?" she asks.  There's something almost seductive about the way she says it.  I feel very hot right now and I shake my head.

"I was just flipping through."

"Come on..." she urges me.  I receive a wave of confidence and I look right at her.

"It was an entry about you."

"Oh?" she seems thrilled.  "What did it say?"

"That you're so cool and cute and lovable," I reply.  She beams back at me.

"Cute," she says, referring to my writing about her.

I notice the TV screen and see that the movie is still playing.

"Your movie is still playing..." I say, nodding my head to it.  She doesn't even look back.

"You think I'm actually interested in that piece of crap?" she laughs.

"But you.... you were just..." She giggles.

"I get a kick out of seeing you pout," she explains.

I hit her hard on her shoulder.

"Oh, likes it rough," she teases me, but then she shuts up quickly as we both remember a certain night not too long ago where we indeed played at it rough and secretly enjoyed parts of it.  Her ears turn red and I'm sure my face does, too.

We chuckle it off eventually.  We have already forgiven each other and moved on.  We just have to remind ourselves.

From that point on, the concept of a secret beyond a surprise or a gift becomes foreign to us.

No more secrets.  

That precept still stands today.  I no longer hide my worries from her, and I'm not a weaker person because of it.  I'm stronger if I share things with her and let her help me.

And so on Day Eight of Divine Breakfasts, when her apparent unease continues to grow, I let her know I'm very worried about her.

Day Nine is a day I will never forget.

Offline Estrea

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #25 on: March 23, 2007, 06:00:25 PM »
Day Nine! What happens in Day Nine?! *panics like a headless chicken*

But before that, I love the Aya/Miki (as usual, but I'll keep on saying it every time anyway. :P).

Great, now you've gotten me all distracted by what's going to happen next, and I can't write for my own fic! Haha. Great job! :D


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline rndmnwierd

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #26 on: March 23, 2007, 06:00:55 PM »
Aww, so cute! This chapter made me feel warm inside while at the same time, making me fear for the future.

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #27 on: March 23, 2007, 06:05:00 PM »
It was cute, it was warm, it made me fear. Yay.

Offline JFC

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #28 on: March 24, 2007, 04:39:27 AM »
Two chapters? Dude no fair...

Would anybody kill me if I wrote ten chapters of pure fluff like that?
Nope. :)

Chapter 3
"Miki Miki Mikkiiiiiiiiiiii!" I cry into the phone.

"Hi, Gaki-san," she sighs.

I pause.

"Let's make that twenty days of breakfast, not fifteen," I say in a monotone.
Aya-death glare! :roll:

I sit on the couch and nod off while daydreaming about Miki, my phone still in my hand.

About half an hour later, my phone starts to ring and vibrate.

"And I was just getting to the good part," I say into the phone.
Why that little she-devil. :pimp:

"I don't know, Aya. I'm really busy right now. I mean, not right now now, but in general. These days. I don't know if I could handle what I've got going on now, plus a Hellopro reunion."
*GASP*! An H!P reunion without Miki? Dude, that's...not right. It's just not right. :cry:

"Don't worry about it, Miki. How about we talk later? Tonight or something," I suggest.

She sighs, maybe feeling bad because she thinks she's let me down.

"That would be good," she says.


"Can I do anything to help you?"

There's a pensive silence for a moment.

"Just be home when I get back?" she asks in a tiny, hopeful voice that almost sounds a bit nervous.
Shit, Miki must have a lot on her plate at work. Knowing her she wouldn't let anyone see her worried or stressed like this. :o

"How old are you again?" I ask her, grabbing a handful of her jacket and pulling her out of the fridge.

"Twen-ty-fiiiiive," she sings, taking four steps towards me and backing me up against the sink. "And how old are you? Thirty-two?"

I jab her in the stomach hard. She doubles over in exaggerated pain
Gotta love her blunt sense of humour. :lol:

"Anyway," she smiles saucily. "I..." she moves her face in closer to mine.




Closer. Her nose touches mine and my lips tingle with anticipation.

"... Dinnerrrrrrrrr!"

She jumps away from me and goes back to the fridge,
DINNERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! :damnfunny :damnfunny :damnfunny

I feel like I'm in a drama where the woman finds out her boyfriend is an alien, but has to live with him because of some clause in some cosmic contract that states she can't leave him lest the world come to an end.
What kind of crack-crazy dramas have you been watching dude? :P

"No, not a fight," she says, not looking at me, but focusing on her apple. "But he and I didn't see eye-to-eye. It was... unpleasant."

That's Miki's polite way of saying "I almost ripped his head off."
My money would've been on Miki, all the way. :yep:

"Is everything else okay?" I ask, moving to stand beside her and gathering the peeled apple skin in order to throw it out.

She shrugs.

"Life is life."

I figure there must be something going on.
Indeed. Something's up, and Miki's not comfortable to talk about it. :scratch

"These meetings are... close to being concluded," she says carefully. "I can let you know the... results... by the end of the week."
Shit, I get the feeling that something big's gonna happen at Miki's work. It's gonna affect Miki, and NOT in a good way.

I lean my shoulder against hers and she looks at me. She sees my smile, and a small, knowing one breaks out on her face. She's figured out what zone my mind is in. She likes it, and she's amused by me. Nothing gets her more excited than when I'm feeling... frisky. She finishes chopping up the apple very quickly and very sloppily.

That night we forget to talk about Tsunku and the Hello! Project reunion.
Aya herself says has the best reply to this when she says:
Who cares about that kind of thing when you have other, more important people - I mean things - to do?

Chapter 4
Late August, 2005. I'm nineteen again. She's twenty. We have just come back from a lovely vacation in Sapporo. We have just re-affirmed what kind of relationship we want to have. We are almost perfect.
Damn you and your ability to find a way to tie all of your miscellaneous stories together! :P

"My journal," I reply quickly. She looks down at the red cover and looks even more surprised.

"Why are you-"

"You can read it," I cut her off again. "I write everything in there. Deep, dark secrets to fleeting thoughts."

She frowns and continues to stare at the book in her hands. There's no lock. One flip of the cover will reveal everything about me. She then smiles and hands it back. My turn to be surprised.

"I don't need it," she says.


"You want me to know all those things, right?" she asks. I nod. "Then that's enough."
Aw duuuude. :baa60776:

"Right now, though, I'm more concerned about Jack- or Jake or whatever his name is- and how he's going to stop the terrorists," she says,
Hmmm...sounds like 24. :lol:

"But..." Now she's sounding like the big baby I know she can be.
Childish Miki FTW! :yay:

"Your movie is still playing..." I say, nodding my head to it. She doesn't even look back.

"You think I'm actually interested in that piece of crap?" she laughs.

"But you.... you were just..." She giggles.

"I get a kick out of seeing you pout," she explains.
Okay, it can't be 24 if Miki calls it "crap". XD

Day Nine is a day I will never forget.
Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa here it comes! Lets and mask....double-check. Okay, ready on my end.  :thumbsup
« Last Edit: March 24, 2007, 04:41:39 AM by JFC »

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #29 on: March 24, 2007, 08:45:33 AM »
More warm domestic life for our twosome.(With slight undercurrents of bad stuff  about to happen)You know I really wouldn't mind if you wrote a whole fic of just the daily life of Aya and Miki, but I also really want to see what kind of horrible things are going to happen to them.

Quote from: JFC;336854
Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa here it comes! Lets and mask....double-check. Okay, ready on my end.  :thumbsup

So, if I'm reading that correctly, shit is on your checklist JFC?

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #30 on: March 24, 2007, 09:21:11 AM »
Yay! Im liking!
hot hot hot in a very subtle way. As usual.

Will they ever play it rough again I wonder...out of fun this time, not rage XD

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline ChiruChaCha

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #31 on: March 24, 2007, 02:18:06 PM »
Yeahhhhhhhhh, another Love x 2 continuation and I'm as excited as the first time :D I'm loving this so far, and I wouldn't mind if you wrote a fic of just Aya/Miki home moments either, but I'm also curious about what's going on in Miki's workplace.

Somehow I get the feeling that if they would have talked about the H!P reunion that night the upcoming 'problem'(couse I figured out that what happens on Nine day can't be good xD) would be less of a problem, but dunno, just wild guessing xD

Offline OTN1

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #32 on: March 24, 2007, 02:59:29 PM »
Something tells me to revive the "100% Pointless Tales of Aya and Miki" that I started working on before Love x 2 was even an idea.  But no, Mikan.  No more "rough" from me.  Hahahaha!

JFC, I have never watched 24, so I don't get the reference.  Ah, but every time you post the googly-eyed emoticon, I get all "Awww"-ish, too.  Glad you've got your gear ready.

Chapter 5

It's five in the morning.  I can't sleep because I keep having scary dreams about people with no faces running around and sacrificing cats to some kind of spirit.  We watched a scary movie last night, and I'm still tense, my mind filled with frightening images.  It's dark in the room, but I feel better if my eyes are open and I can see outlines of everything around me.

I tell myself not to freak out when I hear a creak come from my living room.

It's not a ghost.  It's not an attacker.  It's just the wind, I tell myself.

My living room always lets out a creak or two.  Everyone's does.  It's just that after watching a horror movie, that creak becomes the footstep of a dead person who has come back to torment and finally kill you slowly with its sharp, bloody claws that dig into your flesh lightly at first and then go deeper and deeper, drawing blood from veins buried under muscle, and draining you dry-

"Miki," I whisper sharply, trying to shut out the image from my head.

I grab on to her arm and shake her.  She doesn't reply.  She looks dead.

"Miki," I say again more loudly.

Again there's no reply and I put my hand on her chest to check for a heartbeat.  She's got a slow, steady beat.

"Miki," I say in my normal voice. 

She stirs and I relax a bit.  She opens her eyes and looks at me.

"Sorry," she mumbles, closing her eyes and rolling away from me.

I huff.  She probably thinks I'm complaining about her being in my way.

"Miki," I say again, shaking her arm.

"Yeah?" she slurs.

"Are you awake?"

I know it's not a very smart thing to forcibly wake someone up only to ask if he or she is already awake, but I don't want to admit right off the bat that I'm scared.

"No," she grumbles, trying to convince herself she's just dreaming.


I lie down right beside her and wait for her to ask.  She knows something's on my mind.

"What's the matter, Aya?"

"I'm having bad dreams," I tell her.  "I can't sleep."

"Don't worry.  They're just dreams.  They can't hurt you," she says, quoting what she's said to me a million times before.  She closes her eyes and looks like she's going to go back to sleep with no more words of comfort.

"I know, but I can't sleep anyway," I continue.  "They're scary."

She doesn't respond for a whole minute, and I lie there feeling a little cold.  She finally turns around and raises herself up on her elbow, pulling the covers up to cover me all the way to my chin.  She smoothes my bangs back and pats me on the head.

"When I first met you, I never would have imagined you as someone who'd get scared easily by her dreams."

I smile in amusement.  She used to give me too much credit in the bravery department.  She always thought I wasn't scared by anything, when the truth is that scary movies have often given me nightmares for up to two weeks after watching.  It has gotten a bit better since she started sleeping over more often, because my mind is distracted with other thoughts and I can forget I have seen anything scary.  Since she's figured all that out, though, she takes good care of me whenever I wake up from a nightmare.

Nowadays, I rarely have nightmares, but when I do, she stays awake if they are really bad and if I'm really desperate.

We don't speak and she continues to stroke my hair gently.  It's so relaxing that it almost hypnotises me.  My eyes close and I drift off.

Two and a half hours later, I'm awoken by Miki.  She's dressed and ready to leave, but she's bent over me, whispering my name softly and telling me to wake up.

"Hmmmm..." I mumble groggily.

"I have to leave now," she informs me.


I turn my face away.  I just want to sleep.

"I won't be back until late," she says in a singsong voice, wiggling her nose into my cheek.

"Mmm.  Bye," I repeat.

I don't want to hold her back and make her late.

She has a mind of her own, of course, and for some reason, she gets up on the bed and lies down beside me, hugging me tightly.  I squirm a bit because I'm still half asleep and would like to keep it that way.

"What's your plan for the day?"

I have no idea.  I'm barely even conscious yet.

"Dunno.  Search for work.  Go shopping," I reply half-heartedly.

Her hold on me tightens.

"I heard it's going to rain today.  Maybe you should stay in."

I open an eye and try to look up at her.

"Weather report last night didn't say anything about rain," I grumble.

"Weather reports change," she says to me in a reasonable tone.

"Okay.  If I go out, I'll take an umbrella."

I wonder why she's talking to me about this, but I don't care to ask because her hold on me loosens and she kisses my cheek in a pleasant way.

"Miki," I say as I start to wake up and remember last night just after we watched that terrible movie.

"Mmhmm?" she asks, her cheek now resting on mine.

"You know last night how we talked about - well, I asked you about that stuff?" I ask carefully.

I feel her cheek tighten up.  Maybe she has her mouth set in a grim line.  She remembers quite well...

We're getting ready to go to sleep when I sit down cross-legged on the bed and draw her towards me, making her sit down in front of me.

"You've been acting strange for the past few days.  Um, not strange, but you seem upset about something.  I don't know if something's going on at work or if you're in some sort of trouble, but can you please let me know?  I hate watching you get all nervous.  I want to help you."

I speak softly but with a firm edge.  It's my signal that I'll let her take things at her pace, but that I won't accept "no" as an answer.  I want her to let me in on what's going on her life.  It's our agreement.  It's in our contract.  Miki's my alien boyfriend, and the fate of the world is dependent on us.

A distant look takes over her face and she looks past me and at the window.  The curtains block her view of the neighbourhood, but she seems to see through them.  Then she looks at me solidly and squeezes my hands.

"I promise you that I'm not in any danger," she says softly.

That's a weird reply.  Why would I think her life was in danger?  I just thought that she was in a miserable situation at work, possibly being harassed by someone, possibly on the verge of being fired.  Maybe the situation is pretty serious, though, if she is making dramatic statements like that.

"I'm going to explain everything to you when I get home tomorrow night.  I promise," she continues.  "But you have to promise to let me go to work and not worry about it, okay?  It'll be all right."

She has officially scared me, but I have no choice but to agree.  A promise from Miki is a reliable thing.  We go to sleep, but I remain unsettled...

"Are you sure you'll be okay today?" I ask after she's recalled the previous night. 

She swallows and nods.

"I'm sure.  I'll come back at around seven o'clock, and then we'll talk," she says with a steady, honest look.

She could establish a nation with that look.  That determination.

It comforts me a bit, but I'm still concerned.

"I'm really really worried about you, Miki," I tell her.  "A lot."

She smiles and pushes herself up so that she's propped up over me, looking at me in the face.

"Thanks for your concern," she says.  "I'm lucky you're here for me."

Her face turns serious again.  No more smile.  She seems to be pondering life's mysteries, or perhaps our history together.  Whichever one it is, I can see in her eyes that a million thoughts are running through her head.

"Take care of yourself today," she tells me.

She speaks as though she's had a prophetic dream and this is her way of warning me.

"You too."

"Oh, and your breakfast is on the table.  It's been ready for a while now," she winks.

Completely awake now, I grin and pull her to me.

And then we "say" goodbye.

Oops, I think twenty minutes later at eight o'clock as Miki scrambles up from the bed, swearing like a drunken sailor and adjusting her clothes while I try to help her look put together again.  She grabs a few bags full of papers and runs to the door, screaming that she's late.

"Bye bye!!" I call out cheerfully after her, not being able to resist laughing.

She stops in her tracks and looks back and gives me the most beautiful smile.  Not a hint of stress remains in it.  I mirror the look on my face, and I'm happy that I have been able to help her relax and forget her troubles for just a bit.

Tonight I expect to find out just what her troubles are.

She sprints out the door and I go to the table.  Sitting there is a bowl of cereal, an unpeeled orange, and a glass of tea.  I roll my eyes.  Such an idle girl.  She was doing so well with the breakfasts, too.  This is definitely a setback.

I eat and then tidy up my apartment.

"Tidying up" turns into a full-fledged apartment clean up.  If Miki says it's going to rain, I may as well start on something indoors.

I finish by lunch time and I whip up some noodles while checking my messages.  Someone has called me from a payphone three times but hasn't left any messages.  I also have an e-mail from Shiba-chan.  She tells me that since the Italy project has been scrapped entirely, she's going on another trip even though she recently got back from a camping trip with her family.  She tells me it'll be a short one - Spain for five days - and she'll be back before I notice she's gone.

While I wait for the noodles to boil, I email her back and then send Miki a happy e-mail asking how she's doing.

Neither girl replies right away, so I'm left to myself with my noodles.

The day passes by in a blur.  I'm a bit nervous.  Who knows what sort of news I'm going to hear tonight.

In the early evening, Shiba-chan e-mails me back.  She's leaving in a few hours, so she reminds me that if I need to get in touch with her, I should use her PC mail, not her phone mail.

Still no word from Miki, though.  I sigh and prepare dinner.

Seven o'clock rolls around and I'm hungry, but Miki has said she'll be home, so I wait.  I watch television and lose myself in the second episode of a romantic drama that I wish I had watched from the first episode.

Time flies by and it hits me that it's eight o'clock.  I check my phone but there are no messages.  I hesitate for ten minutes and then call Miki.

It rings seven times before the automated voice mail message plays.  I leave my message.

"It's me.  Where are you?  Waiting for you with cold dinner.  See ya."

An hour passes by excruciatingly slowly.  I hold my phone in my hand and stare at it for most of that hour.  I switch the TV on for background noise and continue to wait.

By ten thirty, I'm panicky.  I've e-mailed her once and called her twice.  No reply to my e-mail, and the same answering machine message plays for my call.  Maybe I'm paranoid, but I have a bad feeling.

At eleven, I call her apartment, but the answering machine there picks up.  I leave a short message asking her to call me back.

At twelve, I put dinner in the fridge.  It has completely slipped my mind for the past few hours, and now I've lost my appetite anyway.

I lie down at one, my phone still in my hand, my palm sweaty with fear.  I can't stop imagining all the horrible things that could have happened.

But maybe she's all right and she’s just doing one of those crazy things she does sometimes.  She might have gone out to some party with her co-workers after an unexpectedly good resolution to whatever problem they've been facing.  She might be coming back on a late night bus after going to some town to buy something special on a whim.

Or maybe she has fallen and broken her leg in a park while her phone has died because it has run out of battery power.

I call her one more time.  This time, however, no answer machine picks up.  I get an automated message telling me that the phone is turned off or it's out of service range.

I close my eyes and force all bad thoughts out. 

It is in that way I fall asleep.

I wake up abruptly the next morning.  My phone, which is resting beside my head, is ringing.  Through bleary eyes, I check the time.  It's already eight thirty.  The previous night's happening suddenly hits me, and I scramble to answer my phone.

"Hello?" I ask in a rushed voice.

"Matsuura Aya-san?" asks an official-sounding voice.

"Yes..." I say slowly, cautiously.

Who is this man?  I don't think I know him.

"I'm Sugiura Akio from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, Minato Ward division three."

My entire body goes numb.

"We are extremely sorry to bother you, but we were wondering if you would not mind coming to our office to provide us with some information," he says politely.

I swallow the huge lump that has formed in my throat.

"What kind of information?" I croak hollowly.

There's an uncomfortable pause.

"If you don't mind, I would very much rather discuss that in person."

My head starts to spin.  Does this have to do with Miki?  Where is she?

"Okay," I find myself saying.  "What's the address?"

The officer gives me an address, and in a completely blank state, I get ready and head down to the police office.

Walking into the huge building gives me chills.  I have no idea what I'm there for, but it's definitely not good. 

I identify myself to the secretary at the front, and she gestures behind me to a waiting area.  In it are three men in casual business suits and two police officers in uniform.  They see me and stand up.  I assume they are the people I'm supposed to meet.

We walk towards each other.  I hold my breath.

"Matsuura-san, I'm Sugiura," the tallest man of the bunch says, sketching a bow.  He's one of the ones wearing a casual suit.  "I'm sorry to call you here so suddenly."

I shake my head.

"Not at all."

The five men lead me to an office, where I'm asked to sit down.  A sixth man wearing a police uniform comes into the room and hands Sugiura a plastic bag.  He leaves.  I watch as Sugiura opens the bag and takes out a small object - a cell phone.  He hands it to me.

"Do you know the person who owns this phone?" he asks me slowly.

With a trembling hand, I take the phone.  It's the model Miki uses.  I open it up, and sure enough, there's her Koala background picture from her trip to Australia last spring.  I look through the address book briefly just to make sure.  I recognize all the names.  This is Miki's phone.

I nod, too stunned to form words.  Has she been kidnapped?  Attacked? Or maybe even arrested?

The men exchange solemn looks.

"And whose phone would it be?" Sugiura asks.

"A girl name Fujimoto Miki," I say, annunciating very carefully.

"And her relationship to you?" asks another one of the business suits.

I look at him solidly.

"Best friend."

They exchange worried glances, and for some freakish, crazy moment, I wonder if I'm under arrest for being more than just friends with another girl.

"There's one more thing we need to ask you to do, and we're very sorry about it..." Sugiura continues.

"What?" I ask in a low voice.

"If you would come to the morgue with us, we need you to help identify a body."

And with that, my world explodes in my face.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2007, 08:33:16 AM by OTN1 »

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #33 on: March 24, 2007, 03:13:45 PM »
*has just died*



Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #34 on: March 24, 2007, 03:20:42 PM »
c'mon.. now you've killed miki?
and I still love your fics so much.. :heart: XD
well.. if this Miki is really dead now the Aya from this reality could meet the Miki from the reality where Aya died on the plane crash XDXD

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #35 on: March 24, 2007, 04:09:34 PM »
This better be a nightmare, you said you were going in a lighter direction with this story!

:ONangry1:Make it a dream or Angry Kitty mauls you!!!:ONangry1:

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #36 on: March 24, 2007, 06:22:03 PM »
*starts to cry* Nooooo....

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #37 on: March 24, 2007, 06:44:32 PM »

So now it's Aya's ordeal? But wait she already had hers!
Ok, I don't believe Miki's dead.
Is the Yakuza involved in this? Did they kidnap Miki because she or her company was involved in something?

Quote from: OTN1
I swallow the huge lump that has formed in my throat.

before I even finished reading the sentence and picking up on its meaning, I unconciously did the exact same thing XD GJ!

Oh boy, oh boy, the tension, I'm  loving it!

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #38 on: March 24, 2007, 08:50:22 PM »
omg it can't be!!!!!!

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What Needed to be Done
« Reply #39 on: March 24, 2007, 09:04:21 PM »

<--- is frozen and won't move until the next chapter is posted. Thanks a lot you tricky bastard xD

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