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Author Topic: What Needed to be Done  (Read 49270 times)

Offline edhead999

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Re: What Needed to be Done
« Reply #180 on: April 26, 2007, 06:12:01 AM »
For a second there, a part of my mind was chanting "sukeban"... then again it could have been Aya being very emotional. It's a big change from your previous chapters where it was all depressing.

I didn't know Shibata was that strong... or Aya not that strong x.x

Nacchi... kawaii XD

Offline Mikan

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Re: What Needed to be Done
« Reply #181 on: April 26, 2007, 01:07:49 PM »
Aya always shocks me with her upper arm muscles..but thats in comparison to Miki so...hmm. But yeah, Id have my money on Shibata.

Wonderful chapter. Im going to ask something though...and I have probably said it before...but seriously..on a scale of 1 - 10. One being Im going to sob my eyes out and wish I werent alive in such a loveless world and Ten being sun shine, lollipops and puppies (a five being life) how happy is this story going to be?

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline Yuuyami

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Re: What Needed to be Done
« Reply #182 on: April 26, 2007, 08:46:15 PM »
Alright, I've been settling on things now. I think I got the main theme of the story.

And the only thing I can say that Aya is slowly being driven insane o_o; Like, she's really shutting herself out like she's the only one who felt the pain of Miki's death. That is practically corrupting her mind and despite her claiming it was for the sake of Miki, I think in ways that Aya might end up becoming immoral towards the end of this story, with having many thoughts of murder and jumping at the chance like Ayu said. Which makes me say, if Ayu dies, then who else could keep Aya under control?

Seeing Aya as she is now, she has absolutely no regard for what Miki might say to her if she was a ghost somewhere, considering that she's acting upon her own selfish feelings and such...

It seems Aya is losing her sanity to the point of not being able to hear Miki's voice anymore... This definitely reminds me of Koe by Tsukiko Amano, whose song talks about how a lover is being driven insane by the lost of her loved one, including forgetting her loved one's voice because of her obsession with finding her loved one.


(Good song by the way, love it a lot xD)

Anywho, I've said my words.

Write more <3

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Re: What Needed to be Done
« Reply #183 on: April 26, 2007, 10:00:28 PM »
That's very very nice of you to say, rndmnwierd.  Thank you, although I'm not the one with a gift for words.  That's Rokun or Estrea or someone else.  But I'm glad I was able to make you feel things while reading.
Wonderful chapter. Im going to ask something though...and I have probably said it before...but seriously..on a scale of 1 - 10. One being Im going to sob my eyes out and wish I werent alive in such a loveless world and Ten being sun shine, lollipops and puppies (a five being life) how happy is this story going to be?
Hahaha, you know I can't answer that.  It's supposed to be a surprise!

Good words, Yuuyami.  And that's a haunting song.  Thanks.   Now let me ask you this - who is Takashi?  I think that's one of the questions we have to be asking.  Where'd he come from?  What's he doing?  Why's he doing what he's doing?

[dramatic cliffhanger music here]

edited because: um, make YOU feel things.  Not myself.  And to add: yeah, I imagine Aya as being very weak.  I don't know why.  And Shibata - or at least the way I've built her up over all these stories - seems to be able to do anything.  So she's probably an aikido master, or something. Hahaha.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2007, 09:29:54 AM by OTN1 »

Offline ChiruChaCha

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Re: What Needed to be Done
« Reply #184 on: April 28, 2007, 12:12:01 PM »
I just read A Young Girl's Odyssey's last update right after reading WNTBD's last chapter and I found it a little strange because: 1. Miki is death in both stories and 2. there's all the conspiration thing(despite the fact that you said we're looking for conspirations that just aren't there I can't help but have that feeling) in both stories. Don't misinterpret me, the stories are totally different, but it was interesting seeing those 'connections'.

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Re: What Needed to be Done
« Reply #185 on: April 28, 2007, 08:03:38 PM »
I had almost exactly the same reaction to this chapter as rndmnwierd did. It was all fine and surprisingly happy and then... BAM. Painful, violent, emotions started breaking through the surface. Wonderful, just wonderful.

Offline OTN1

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Re: What Needed to be Done
« Reply #186 on: April 28, 2007, 11:02:36 PM »
Hahaha, really, ChiruChaCha?  You think?  I read the first parts of that story a while ago, but I could barely remember what happened until I just skimmed what I read now (forgive me, Rokun, but I've been so self-involved spinning out this tale that all other things have left my mind).  I hope my subconscious didn't intentionally try to copy R's ideas.  Hahaha!  I'm flattered to be compared to him.  :D

Chapter 27

The new day brings a splitting headache.  I wake up in pain, and I don't want to get up.  I look at the clock.  Seven.  I close my eyes and try to fall asleep, but the pain is too distracting.  I start to get angry at my body.  Why does it have to break down now of all times?

I get up, swallow some painkillers, and then get ready for the day, moving lethargically through my apartment.

I think about what happened last night.  I was on the verge of running off, finding that man, and beating him senseless.  The only problem is that I don't know where he lives or his last name, and neither does Shibata.  I had forgotten that small fact.

It dawns on me now that what Shibata had done hadn't been to stop me from doing anything to him.  She'd stopped me from doing something to myself.  Who knows what trouble I would have gotten into if she'd let me run wild?  I'm grateful to her for pushing some sense into me, but it doesn't make my anger dissipate one iota.  Takashi is at the top of my list of hated people, and I have to find out who he is, where he is, why he did what he did...

The rest of my morning is spent at Miki's apartment finishing up my work there.  I've emptied the place of all her furniture and most of her possessions.  Now all I have left are some potted plants and cleaning tools like a broom and cleaning fluid.  I decide to throw out the latter and take the former with me back to my apartment.  They can keep my plants company.  It'll be a bit crowded, but I can't let her precious babies die.

I carry the last of the trash out to the collection area and I go back in.  I've put the two plants by the door so that the rest of the apartment is absolutely empty.

"Hey, Miki.  It's finally clean in here," I try to joke aloud, my voice echoing in the bare room.

No reply comes.

I don't want to leave.  I know that once I step out the door, I'll never be able to come back here again.  I'll call Sugiura and tell him I'm finished, and he'll call whoever he needs to call.  I'm sure that within days, a new tenant will be living here, and this place where I have so many memories will change forever.  It'll die.

I walk back into the centre of the room and turn around slowly, looking at everything.  It's so white and empty.  There's no indication that a person ever lived in here.  I walk into the bedroom and look around for the last time.  I stand in the kitchen and an image of Miki cooking something flashes in my mind.  I go back to the entranceway.  I desperately want to cry, but the tears don't come.  I can't force them.  It worries me.  Why can't I cry?  This is one of the saddest things I have to do.  I have to let go of this place that was practically a part-time home for me.

Frustrated that the tears aren't coming, I pick up the plants, take one last look, and then walk out the door, locking it after me.

I go home, call Sugiura, and then sit on my floor to watch television mindlessly, only then realising that my headache has gone away.

At five o'clock, I receive a phone call on my cell phone.  It's Shibata.  Her meeting must be over.  I answer with a hello.

"Hi," she says without any indication she's going to continue.

I wait.  I'm too impatient.

"Hi," I repeat.  "What happened?"

The silence on her end stretches on.  It becomes sombre.

"We talked about schedules."

That's the only thing she says.  Usually she has a lot more to say.

"Okay," I say slowly.  "What schedules?"

"Work and personal."

These short, one-sentence answers are disconcerting.  It's like she's distracted, or she's trying to think of how to tell me something but is unsure how to.  My temper has been short these days, so I blow up.

"Quit it with the cryptic act.  If you have something to tell me-"

"Where are you?" she interrupts.

"At home.  Why?"

"Stay put.  I'm going there to meet you."

She hangs up before I can say anything, and I get a little mad at her.  However, I'm more worried about what sort of news she could possibly bring.

I pace nervously, trying to mentally prepare myself for whatever I'm going to feel.

My doorbell rings and I race to the door to let Shibata in.  She looks worried as she comes in and we skip all pleasantries.

"I had my meeting with Takashi.  He... um..." she trails off distractedly.  "I recorded our conversation."

"You what?!"

"Recorded it.  And it was the right conversation to record.  He talked about Miki again.  And he threatened..." she trails off again.  "Just listen.  He reminded me of the favour he still has to call in, and that's where I'm starting the tape."

We sit down and she presses play.

"... remember?" comes a voice from the speaker.  It must be Takashi's.

"I don't see why you think I don't trust you.  What have I done to make myself look bad? " Shibata's voice asks.

There's a tense pause in their conversation.

"Do you remember that I told you about that girl who worked for us?"

There's another silence.  I assume that Shibata nodded at that moment.

"Well, we promised her some things right before we fired her.  We told her what she could get if she stayed with our team.  She was trying to back out, so we had to tell her something good."

Takashi's voice is taking a strange turn.  He doesn't sound so nice anymore.

"What did you tell her?" asks Shibata's small, nervous voice.  It's partially an act to make them think they've got power, but it's mostly her real reaction.  She's just as shocked as me to be hearing this.

Takashi's voice comes loud and clear through the speakers.

"Well, we told her what she wanted to hear.  Grand world tour with whomever she wanted, sing for the people of the earth, benefit little communities in poor countries, give blind people hope, save forests, protect endangered animals.  That girl was a philanthropist just waiting to bloom.  And easy to play.  Hell, I could have slept with her if I wanted.  I'm so good at what I do."

Shibata's stunned silence on the tape matches my own stunned silence.

That outline for a trip around the world that Shibata had found.  That hadn't been a vacation idea for me and Miki.  That had been the thing we'd been looking for.  We had had no idea what we were looking for, though, so of course we had classified it as something unrelated to her meetings.  We had thought it was a sweet little Miki-esque thing, when in fact, it was a list of lies that Takashi had been telling her to keep her from quitting.

But how could she fall for that??  She was smarter than that.  Way smarter to believe that all that could be handed to her on a silver platter.  Takashi had somehow tempted her with some power.  He had also somehow known that travelling around the world was what Miki wanted to do so badly.

It chills me.  He must have been watching her for a while to know all the things he's shown he knows.

His motive, however, is still unclear.  So far, it has all seemed like a game.  Just something to do to kill time.  But somehow, I sense that there's something bigger behind it.  I need to find out what that is.

"Where does he live?" I ask, looking down at my hands.  They're white.

"Just stay calm-"

"Don't tell me to stay calm!!" I yell.  "Where is he??"

"I don't know.  I couldn't get that information in the end."

"Then let's go find him and rip his guts out," I growl, standing up sharply, only to be pulled right back down by Shibata.  My hip crashes into the arm of the couch and I wince as I sit back down to rub my injury.

"You're not going anywhere," Shibata snaps.

"What?  Am I under house arrest?" I retort.

"Stop being stupid.  You know I'm right."

I shut up because I do know that technically she's right.  However, she doesn't understand what it feels like to be this close to the killer of the person you love.  The rules change completely when you're in that situation.

"Just be quiet and listen."

I glower and continue to listen to the tape.

"... I'm calling in that favour," Takashi says in an icy tone.  "I'll call you tonight with a location.  Be there.  One of us will meet you and give you instructions.  And if you tell anybody, your most important friend might find herself having some problems."

Oh my god.  That's me.  That's me he's threatening to hurt.  Just like he must've threatened Miki, he's threatened Shibata.  Somehow he knows.

They wrap up the meeting, the mood changing completely to a very professional one.  I hear them get up from their seats, put on their jackets, and walk out together.  That's when Shibata stops the tape.

"So see why I couldn't just tell you?  They've threatened harm to you again.  I don't know how they know, I don't know what to do..."

I stare at the mini tape recorder, contemplating my entire existence.  Maybe I'm a waste of space.  Maybe if I didn't exist, Miki wouldn't have problems, Shibata wouldn't have problems... I wouldn't have problems.

"So do you still think this guy is innocent?" I ask bitterly.

Shibata, looking a little shocked, shakes her head.

"And what are you going to do about this mysterious meeting tonight?  Are you going to go?"

I'm feeling oddly calm.  I'm thinking clearly. 

"I have no choice.  I have to go, but I'll record my meeting.  If I can get a confession, I can go straight to the police afterwards."

I smile inwardly.  No, that's not what's going to happen.  I've made up my mind.  I'm going to this meeting with her.  Shibata and her police.  Hah.  The police will thank me for taking care of Takashi when I'm through with him.

She must notice what I'm thinking because she gives me a hard stare, suddenly looking a whole lot more collected.

"You're not coming," she says with finality.

No.  She's not going to pull this one on me again.  I'm going.  Nothing else matters but this.

But I won't argue with her.  She knows me too well.  I have to stop being so predictable.  So Aya.  I'm not Aya anymore.  I stopped being her weeks ago.  Now I'm someone else.  I'm not sure who, but Aya's definitely lost and dead.  This person I am now is all that's left.

"Fine," I say, pretending to give up.  "But at least stay here until you have to go.  I don't feel safe alone."

"Of course," she says softly, her voice changing completely.

I think I've fooled her.  I don't even feel bad about it because it's for the better.  If I can somehow find out where she's meeting Takashi, I can get there first and confront him.  Find out why he did it.  Maybe beat him with a shovel.

We sit and watch television together, neither of us speaking, neither of us suggesting we eat dinner.

At eight o'clock, her phone rings.  My head shoots in her direction and I watch her like a hawk as she picks up and begins to speak.  She doesn't say anything but "yes" and "I understand."  She hangs up and looks at me.

"Was that him?" I ask.

"Yes.  I'll have to leave soon."

"Where are you meeting him?" I ask casually.

"It might not be him I'm meeting.  He said 'one of us' will be there," Shibata replies.

Details.  If I can't get him, one of his lackeys will be good enough.

"Okay, but where?" I press.

She knows that I'm doing and she shoots me a disapproving look.

"You're going to stay here.  I'm going to go out and take care of this.  Your life is in danger," she reminds me.

"So is yours," I shoot back.  "Stop trying to be the hero here."

Shibata just shakes her head.  I look back at the television set and then back at her.  I'm starting to feel restless.  I need to find out where her meeting is.

But I have to play it calm.

I shrug and excuse myself to go to the washroom.  I can feel her eyes on me as I walk away.  She's watching me, making sure I don't do anything unexpected.  I close the door to the washroom and turn on the tap, putting my hands under the lukewarm water.  I need to find some way to go with her so that I can see for myself.  I have a feeling it'll be Takashi there, not one of his henchmen.  Now that I know what he did, I can finally look at him in the flesh and know that he killed my Miki.

Suddenly, I hear a door open and close rapidly.  It's the front door.

I turn the tap off quickly and walk out of the washroom.  Shibata's not in the apartment anymore.  I look at the entrance.  Her shoes are gone.

"Crap!" I swear out loud.

I grab my jacket and jump into a pair of shoes, leaving the apartment and not bothering to lock the door.  The elevator is in service.  She must be using it.  I opt to take the stairs, and I race down them, running like I've never run before in my life.

Shibata's gone off on her own to find the killer that I'm supposed to confront.  Me.  It's my business.  The reason why I made a call to arms was to get me face to face with Miki's killer.

I reach the front foyer and I see the front door just closing.  I run and burst out into the dark outside.  I look around wildly and see a figure just turning a corner.  It's Shibata. I follow quickly.  Once I round the corner, I have a good view of her.  She's walking straight down the street.  I cautiously follow, sticking close to the buildings and ready to jump into a corner at any given moment.  She doesn't turn back, however.  She doesn't think she's being followed.  She thinks I'm just getting out of the washroom, discovering that she's snuck off, maybe yelling out that I hate her, and then giving up.

I follow her for twenty minutes, the whole time wondering where the meeting place is and what the favour Shibata has to do is.

We finally come to a stop.  I keep back and kneel behind a car as I watch Shibata get into a car that's parked across the street from a bakery.  I can see someone else in the car with her, but I can't see who it is since the car is facing away from me.  They talk for a few minutes, and then Shibata gets out carrying something I can't make out.  She looks both ways and then crosses the street.

The car drives off. 

I take a deep breath.  This is my chance. 

Looking both ways, I cross the street.

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Re: What Needed to be Done
« Reply #187 on: April 28, 2007, 11:44:55 PM »
I carry the last of the trash out to the collection area and I go back in.  I've put the two plants by the door so that the rest of the apartment is absolutely empty.

"Hey, Miki.  It's finally clean in here," I try to joke aloud, my voice echoing in the bare room.
Another difficult, but necessary step in Aya's recovery. She now has to realize and accept that this is no longer Miki's apartment.

Well, we told her what she wanted to hear.  Grand world tour with whomever she wanted, sing for the people of the earth, benefit little communities in poor countries, give blind people hope, save forests, protect endangered animals.  That girl was a philanthropist just waiting to bloom.  And easy to play.
Told her what she wanted to hear? Just by admitting that shows that he's got something secret planned, and/or he's a disreputable businessman. He wants to know that he can trust Shiba-chan? Why should she (or anyone) trust HIM after he says something like this?  Miki couldn't have really belived this BS, could she? 

Hell, I could have slept with her if I wanted.  I'm so good at what I do.
Heh, dude is awfully confident in himself....if only he knew.    :rolleyes:

That outline for a trip around the world that Shibata had found.  That hadn't been a vacation idea for me and Miki.  That had been the thing we'd been looking for.  We had had no idea what we were looking for, though, so of course we had classified it as something unrelated to her meetings.  We had thought it was a sweet little Miki-esque thing, when in fact, it was a list of lies that Takashi had been telling her to keep her from quitting.
OSHIT!!! What happened to that paper???   :OMG:

"... I'm calling in that favour," Takashi says in an icy tone.  "I'll call you tonight with a location.  Be there.  One of us will meet you and give you instructions.  And if you tell anybody, your most important friend might find herself having some problems."

Oh my god.  That's me.  That's me he's threatening to hurt.  Just like he must've threatened Miki, he's threatened Shibata.  Somehow he knows.
Fuck, could THAT have been what got Miki killed? Was she in the middle of doing whatever "favour" they demanded of her and she died because of it?  And how COULD they know about the "most important friend"? They'd have to have a pretty serious network of spies to get that type of info. I dunno why but I hearing "yakuza" in my head the more I read this.

I stare at the mini tape recorder, contemplating my entire existence.  Maybe I'm a waste of space.  Maybe if I didn't exist, Miki wouldn't have problems, Shibata wouldn't have problems... I wouldn't have problems.
And reading this makes me wish more and more (even on top of the whole "Miki being dead" thing) that this whole scenario is just Aya's bad dream that she'll wake up from any minute.  :depressed:

I have to stop being so predictable.  So Aya.  I'm not Aya anymore.  I stopped being her weeks ago.  Now I'm someone else.  I'm not sure who, but Aya's definitely lost and dead.  This person I am now is all that's left.
Above all else, this is what scared me the most. Not the fact that it was said, but the fact that it may actually be true.   :stoned:

"You're going to stay here.  I'm going to go out and take care of this.  Your life is in danger," she reminds me.

"So is yours," I shoot back.  "Stop trying to be the hero here."
Friendship can be a wonderful, powerful, and strange thing all at once. Both Aya and Shiba-chan want to protect the other (as well as find out if Takeshi really did kill Miki), yet in order to do so they have to risk their own life, which is not what the other wants.   :k-mad:

I keep back and kneel behind a car as I watch Shibata get into a car that's parked across the street from a bakery.  I can see someone else in the car with her, but I can't see who it is since the car is facing away from me.  They talk for a few minutes, and then Shibata gets out carrying something I can't make out.  She looks both ways and then crosses the street.
Some type of package, I'll bet. If these guys ARE yakuza, it's either some (dangerous) delivery to a rival gang...or they've given Shiba-chan a weapon and have told her to kill someone.   :scared:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: What Needed to be Done
« Reply #188 on: April 29, 2007, 07:15:25 AM »
Aa! Aya has done something wrong by moving out from behind that car...

My heart ached a little at the thought of giving up Miki's apartment and such but i had a good ROFL at Shibata making a dash for it. Thsi whole story is just getting tense..i wanna know how it ends!!

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

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Re: What Needed to be Done
« Reply #189 on: April 29, 2007, 10:27:25 AM »
I'll start this chapter with an apology for what I've written.  I'm sorry that the technical details are highly unrealistic.  I don't know how police investigations are actually conducted.  Maybe I should have done some research, but it's too late for that now, huh?  But like I said, the whole murder mystery is a backdrop for Aya and Shiba-chan's other adventure (emotional or whatever).

And finally, a thank you to all those who've been sticking with it and reading despite the sad moments, the stupid moments, and the "geez, OTN, that would never happen in real life" moments.

Chapter 28

When I'm almost all the way across the street, I see Shibata slip into the bakery.  I step up my pace and run up to the door.  I shut my eyes tightly for a millisecond, and then once I'm ready, I push the door open.

The place is empty of customers except for Shibata.  She's almost at the counter.  The clerk is off at the other end cleaning the counter.  He looks young.  Maybe around our age.

"Shibata," I call out.

Her back shoots up straight, and she turns around, surprised.  It's my turn to be surprised, though, because I can now see what she's carrying: a gun.

"What-" I start to ask, but she walks over to me and grabs my arm, pulling me into the corner and hushing me up.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she whispers harshly.

"I followed you," I stutter, now a little scared.

What's going on?  What does Shibata think she's doing with a gun?

"Keep your mouth shut," she orders me.  She looks around and then back at me.  "They asked me to rob the bakery."

"You're going to rob a ba-" I begin to exclaim in surprise, but Shibata slaps a hand over my mouth.

"Of course not.  I'm going to ask the clerk to call the police.  Takashi is waiting for me in the back.  It's a test to see if I trust him and will do anything he says.  He doesn't know I'm double-crossing him."

Call the police?

Takashi's here?

No.  No police.  Me and Takashi.  That's it.  That's all I need.

I look at Shibata carefully from head to toe.  She's carrying the gun in her left hand.  She looks like she's on her guard, but not because she's expecting any trouble from me.

She looks back at me, matching my neutral expression.  She can't read me this time.  I know it.  She thinks I'm on a certain wavelength, but I'm not.  She backs away a few steps and then turns around to go speak to the clerk, who is now standing at the cash register and eyeing us curiously.  Cautiously.

Shibata takes three steps, and my mind snaps.

Reality.  Takashi's here.  Shibata has a gun.  Takashi killed Miki.

Lost in the moment, submerged in the idea, I lunge forward and grab the gun from Shibata's hand, pushing her violently and as hard as I can to the floor.  She falls with a cry.

Sorry, Shiba-chan, I think in my head briefly, but contriteness leaves as other feelings continually overwhelm me.

I'm going to kill that murderer.

Before I can hear the thud of Shibata hitting the floor, I crash through the back door while I hear the bakery clerk start to shout.

I slam the door shut and I find myself outside in an alley near some trash bins.  I look around wildly.

I can see a figure leaning against the wall.  He's smoking a cigarette.  It's him.

"You bastard!" I scream, holding the gun in both hands and raising it to point it at his face.

He spits out his cigarette and walks out of the shadows, raising his hands slowly.

"You bastard," I repeat.  "I'm gonna shoot your face off."

He raises his face to me, but instead of fear in his eyes, I can see that he's smiling.  He looks cocky.  Amused.  It serves to infuriate me.

"Don't laugh!" I yell, shaking the gun at him.  "I'll do it.  I'm not chicken."

He starts to laugh out loud, and I'm about to yell again when I hear the back door open.

Shibata's out. 

I don't look back.

"Don't try and stop me, Shibata.  This is my fight, not the police's," I call out over my shoulder, my eyes not leaving Takashi's.

I want to rip his eyes out.  I want blood.  I want him to scream.

"Aya, please put the gun down," comes Shibata's steady voice from behind.

I hear the click of another gun.

I can't believe it.  She's threatening me with a gun?  Where'd she get it?  Who the hell does she think she is?  She isn't justice.  She can't decide whether I'm right or not.  She doesn't get that privilege.

Angry and disbelieving, I move off to the side to look at my former best friend while keeping my gun trained on Takashi, my rage increasing exponentially at this betrayal.

When I see a tall man holding Shibata's shoulders and pointing a gun at her head, I start to realise just how royally I have screwed up.

I don't move while Takashi chuckles.

"I think it's priceless," he states.  "You can't even organise a sharp double cross.  You're really stupid, huh?"

"Shut up!" I scream.

I try to catch my breath.  I'm finding it difficult to fill my lungs with air.

This is a very bad situation.  I have to think through it carefully, so I have to breathe and stay calm.

"What's going on here?" I ask shakily.

"This is how you organise the perfect double cross," Takashi hisses.  "Did you think I needed money from some second rate bakery?  The only reason you're here is because we lured you out with bait.  Both of you.  You're not smarter than me.  You're much, much stupider."


They knew Shibata wouldn't actually carry this out?

They knew I'd come here?

That means... they know.  They've known the entire time that Shibata wasn't serious about working with them.  They've somehow known that I've been waiting in the background for the perfect opportunity.

I look over at Shibata, and the expression on her face clearly shows that she's coming to the same realisations as I am.

"What did I ever do to you?" I ask, the volume of my voice going down several notches as I begin to feel less and less secure.

"What did you ever do to me?" Takashi asks in disbelief.  "What did you do to me?!  You hurt me.  You killed me.  You gave me something and then carved it out of my body with a dull knife.  I bled to death because of you!" he hollers.

"What are you talking about?!" I yell back.  "I've never met you before in my life!"

He starts to laugh like a disturbed, maniacal clown.  His handsome features seem to fade as an aura of insanity settles over him like a veil.

"Never met?  Oh, we've met.  We were meant to be together."

I swallow my instant nausea at those words.  What is this crazy man talking about?  Who is he?

"In 2004, I photographed you during a promotional video shoot.  You complimented me on my work.  We had an instant connection.  And then you ignored me after that, no matter how many times I called."

2004?  That was six years ago!  And how could I remember him?  He never called me.  Or at least if he did, my manager didn't bother to tell me because she figured he was unstable and that I should never work for him again.

"I wanted to work with you again, but you wouldn't see me.  I wanted to be with you like I was meant to, but no.  You broke my heart.  I've been waiting for years to let you know.  Your face has haunted me all this time."

This is not happening.  I'm feeling dizzy and sick and a billion other things.  This is some nightmare within a nightmare.  A cheap b-grade movie with the obsessed fan and the harassed celebrity.  This isn't supposed to really happen.

"Why'd you kill Miki?" I ask into the stillness of the air that seems to have enveloped this tiny corner of the world.

"Why?" Takashi repeats my question.  "Because I want to take everything away from you.  I know what she meant to you.  I've been watching you for years.  You and her, and you," he nods towards Shibata. 

Shibata's chin raises just a fraction of a millimetre in defiance.

"I killed her because I had to teach you a lesson.  To show you what it feels like."


"She's better off dead.  That girl was too stupid for her own good.  Blinded entirely by love.  She fell for every single word I said because I made her think that by doing the things I said, she and you could be happy.  She did it all for you, and look where that got her."


"You played right into our hands tonight.  Six years of watching you.  I knew you'd react like this.  I knew you'd try to find me, so I fed you enough clues to bring you here."

Blinded by love?  Watching me for six years?  Teach me a lesson?

My head pounds, a vacuum of silence and numbness swallowing it and making it feel swollen.  I try and grasp at a course of action in order to input it into my system and carry it out.

Teach me a lesson.

Miki's death was a senseless, meaningless act in order to teach me a "lesson."  Takashi used her love for me to trick her into going along with him.

The anger I've felt the past few weeks is light years behind the anger I feel now.

The word "anger" shouldn't be used.

Nor rage.  Nor fury.

There is no word in any language that can describe the chaos that has overtaken my mind.  Only action.

My finger tightens on the trigger of the gun.  Shibata doesn't exist to me.  Nothing does.  Only this gun and the vision of Takashi's head exploding into bloody bits of flesh, bone, and grey matter.

"Die," I speak in a low, unstable, dark tone.

"You think that gun is loaded with bullets?! Takashi screams out suddenly in laughter.  "You think I'd actually give Ayumi-chan there a real, loaded gun when I was about to play her?"

"He's right, Aya," Shibata says from behind me.

I hear the man holding her hit her, but I'm too far gone to look or care.  Too far gone to react to any pain that is not my own.

Takashi has played us completely.

With a shaking hand, I throw the gun at the wall behind the trash bins.  The thin metal of the bin makes a loud, hollow sound as the gun hits it and then clatters to a halt on the pavement.

"She was everything to me!" I scream at the top of my lungs.  "Everything!"

Then I let out another scream so chilling that I feel sick hearing it.  I clutch at my head as though someone's trying to rip it off.  My nails claw into my scalp and I scream until my breath runs out.

"You'll rot in hell!"

I don't know what to do anymore.  I have no weapon.  Just my bare hands.  I want to claw him open with my fingernails and tear out his organs excruciatingly slowly.

Just before I can launch myself at him, I hear the footsteps of a group of people running.

"Freeze!" bellows a man's voice.

"Drop your weapon!"

"Get on the floor!"

This little corner of the world descends into pandemonium, and suddenly there are lights and yelling and pushing.  I see Shibata hit the ground before the man holding her can do anything.  I find myself surrounded by people in police uniforms, and I watch, my mind detached from my body, as Takashi and the other man are wrestled to the ground, handcuffed, and dragged away.  The bakery clerk appears, and I come to understand how the police were informed.

The officers confront me and ask me question after question, but it all just sounds like a cacophony of senseless dribble.  I lose all sense of time, and before I know it, Sugiura is there.  I don't know what he's saying, but he looks so disappointed in me.  He moves off and gestures to the officers to stop questioning me for now.  They back away, and suddenly Shibata and I are left alone in our little space, the officers just down the alleyway.

Shaking, I look at Shibata.  She has a giant blanket wrapped around her.  It's cold.  I haven't noticed.  She has an extra one in her hand, and she walks towards me with it, reaching to drape it over me.  I grab onto the edges and hold it tightly to me, but my shivering won't stop.

Without another word, Shibata walks to the trash bins and gropes for something we both know is there and that the police don't know about.  I watch, empty, as she pulls the gun up into the light.

Then she disarms it.  The bullets fall into her hand one by one.

Disarms.  Bullets.

It was loaded.

I stare at her.

"You said that the gun wasn't loaded," I say.

My voice sounds like a foreign entity.  It belies the mess of feelings welling up in me again.  A bit of anger, but mostly betrayal.  She lied to me.

"They made one stupid mistake," she says quietly.  "Takashi loaded it right in front of me before he handed it over."

She looks at me guardedly.

She lied to me to save her own skin.  If I had shot Takashi, the other man would have shot Shibata, and she'd be dead right now.  Self-preservation.

I study her carefully.

No.  Self-preservation wasn't her reason.  Not this time.

"You didn't want me to kill him," I state.

Now I understand.  This rage that has been eating me alive for all these weeks slowly moves aside like a cloud on a windy day, and for a few seconds, I can see what she's thinking.

I contemplate morality.  I contemplate justice.

She shrugs in response.

"Would you have?" she asks, her tone casual, but her eyes thirsting for an answer.

In my short moment of clarity, I know that the morally sound thing is to say "no."

But that's just what my moment of clarity is: short.

I look up at the dark, cloudy sky, tears in my eyes.  I look at the vastness of that dark space up there.

Empty empty empty.

Miki's gone.

And I do not answer Shibata's question.

~The end~
« Last Edit: April 29, 2007, 12:04:25 PM by OTN1 »

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Re: What Needed to be Done
« Reply #190 on: April 29, 2007, 12:00:27 PM »

I'm in big trouble for a while, but I'm so numb to the world that I barely notice.  They could lock me up in prison for the rest of my life and I wouldn't care.  At least I wouldn't have to think for myself.

I hear everything.  Takashi's confession comes out smoothly.  He knows he has lost.  Maybe he thinks by admitting to everything, some soft part in me will forgive him.  He's made it clear that he hates me, but he's still in love with me.  He's a sick, sick man.  Something's wrong in his head.  Unfortunately for him, such a soft part in me doesn't exist.  Not anymore.

I learn how he did what he did, and I learn the detailed reasons behind it all.  How he came across Miki trying to call me from a payphone the day she never came home, and how he kidnapped her and beat her and pushed her into the river as she tried to fight back before losing consciousness.

But I've stopped caring about the details and the why of it all.

I've stopped caring about anything.

Shibata checks in with me.  I know she's afraid I'm going to hurt or kill myself, but she shouldn't worry.  If I killed myself, Takashi would read about it in the newspaper and he'd laugh victoriously.  He'd win.  If he can't have me, it's better off that I'm dead so that nobody else can have me.  I don't want to give him the satisfaction of killing myself and finishing off his job.

I pass each day pointlessly.  I don't know what to do with my time.  I don't talk to my family.  I don't talk to Miki's family.  I can't face them.  I have nothing to say to them.

I've concluded that whatever Miki and I had, it was not meant to be.  We were bad for each other.  I made her lose herself.  She had her head so completely wrapped around thoughts of me that she didn't think about her own safety.  It got her killed.  I got her killed.  She could have written ten thousand letters telling me not to blame myself, but I will always be guilty.

Miki once said we were cooler than destiny.

She didn't believe in destiny.  She didn't believe our meeting was fated.  Maybe that's because it wasn't supposed to be.  Our destinies were not supposed to cross paths.  And if they did, there would be only one end.

Death.  Heartbreak.

If she hadn't died, I would have.  If neither of us had died, we would have fought viciously and hated each other in the end.

We never had a chance at a happy ending.  And now, because I defied fate and tried to be with her, my punishment is to be heartbroken forever.  Her punishment is to be dead at such a young age.  Frankly, I'd rather switch places with her.

I keep a sheet of paper with me all the time these days.  Whenever I miss her or whenever I'm angry or sad, I pull it out and read what's written on it. It amplifies what I'm feeling.  If I'm angry, I become angrier.  If I'm sad, I fall further into depression.  If I miss her, I start to cry and wish I was dead with her.

The sheet of paper has several lines of verse on it.  It's an excerpt from Miki's song.  Her very bad song.  Her last song.

I take out the paper and read it.

And if darkness comes and steals you away,
And if darkness comes and steals me away,
We don't have to worry,
We don't have to cry.
Our feelings are boundless
Across space and time.

We'll carry on forever,
Together, hand in hand,
Our hearts will be connected.
We don't need to walk the land.
Our souls cannot be parted.
They're mixed into one.

This is what we are

She's right.  Her song is right, and it's the worst thing that could happen to us.  We're still attached to each other, and because of that, I can never feel at peace.  She will always be haunting me.  She is half of me and she has gone far away.  Beyond space and time.

We'll never meet again, and so that means forever and ever, I will be incomplete.  That is my destiny.

"We're cooler than destiny."

No, Miki.  No we're not.  We're slaves to it.

-The end of it all-

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Re: What Needed to be Done
« Reply #191 on: April 29, 2007, 01:32:20 PM »
Ah, i liked how this story connects to all the others. It makes sense now why they always end it a weird way...
BUt yeah, I couldnt help cry a little..
And now Im gonna climb between my warm blankets and mull over how depressing life and destiny is.

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

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Re: What Needed to be Done
« Reply #192 on: April 29, 2007, 06:04:11 PM »
Her back shoots up straight, and she turns around, surprised.  It's my turn to be surprised, though, because I can now see what she's carrying: a gun.


"Keep your mouth shut," she orders me.  She looks around and then back at me.  "They asked me to rob the bakery."
I KNEW IT!!! :o

I'm going to ask the clerk to call the police.  Takashi is waiting for me in the back.  It's a test to see if I trust him and will do anything he says.  He doesn't know I'm double-crossing him.
How does Shiba-chan know that Takashi's in the back?  If this is supposed to be a test of trust, she shouldn't know that. 

Incidentally, this is the first mistake that Shiba-chan has made in this story...she's told Aya that Takashi's here. Knowing how Aya's been out for the guy's head, AND the fact that Shiba-chan has a gun (which may or may not actually be loaded)...either way, this won't end well.

"Aya, please put the gun down," comes Shibata's steady voice from behind.

I hear the click of another gun.

This is how you organise the perfect double cross," Takashi hisses.  "Did you think I needed money from some second rate bakery?  The only reason you're here is because we lured you out with bait.  Both of you.
Sunnovabitch the bastard knew. HE KNEW!!!   :angry1:

"Never met?  Oh, we've met.  We were meant to be together."

I swallow my instant nausea at those words.  What is this crazy man talking about?  Who is he?

"In 2004, I photographed you during a promotional video shoot.  You complimented me on my work.  We had an instant connection.  And then you ignored me after that, no matter how many times I called."

2004?  That was six years ago!  And how could I remember him?  He never called me.  Or at least if he did, my manager didn't bother to tell me because she figured he was unstable and that I should never work for him again.

"I wanted to work with you again, but you wouldn't see me.  I wanted to be with you like I was meant to, but no.  You broke my heart.  I've been waiting for years to let you know.  Your face has haunted me all this time."
Oh god he's an obsessed wota! Not only that, he's an obsessed Aya-wota! That means...this whole thing was NEVER about Miki, or Shiba-chan. They were just pawns in his demented scheme to get to Aya!  :frustrated:

Shibata walks to the trash bins and gropes for something we both know is there and that the police don't know about.  I watch, empty, as she pulls the gun up into the light.

Then she disarms it.  The bullets fall into her hand one by one.

Disarms.  Bullets.

It was loaded.

I stare at her.

"You said that the gun wasn't loaded," I say.
Shiba-chan knew that she couldn't let Aya go through with it. Seeking payback is one thing, but to actually take a watch the glimmer fade away from another person's eyes...she couldn't let Aya become what Takashi was. Once you do something like that, you're never the same. No matter how much you try to forget it, you'll always have that dark spot in your soul. You'll know it's there, your friends will know it's there, and in Aya's case, the public/her fans would know it's there. She would no longer be the same Aya that Miki and everyone else knew and loved...she'd just be someone else who happened to have the same name and the same face.  :stoned:

Takashi's confession comes out smoothly.  He knows he has lost.  Maybe he thinks by admitting to everything, some soft part in me will forgive him.
The fucker had better not be trying to cop a plea bargain.  :scolding:

I've concluded that whatever Miki and I had, it was not meant to be.  We were bad for each other.  I made her lose herself.  She had her head so completely wrapped around thoughts of me that she didn't think about her own safety.  It got her killed.  I got her killed.  She could have written ten thousand letters telling me not to blame myself, but I will always be guilty.
I hate to say it, but when Aya starts thinking stuff like this, I'd have to say Takashi might have won after all.  He said he wanted to punish Aya for what he thinks she did to him, and right now, she's punishing herself for the whole scenario. 

The thing that's so sad is that she's blaming the love that Miki had for her, saying that Miki died because she cared so much for her. Love isn't a "cause", it's not a "fault" that people have.  It's not a bad thing.  :k-sad:

We'll never meet again, and so that means forever and ever, I will be incomplete.  That is my destiny.

"We're cooler than destiny."

No, Miki.  No we're not.  We're slaves to it.
This makes me realize, even though Miki was...well, Miki, she could still be an optimist, a dreamer, when she had the right reason to be.

Sad thing is, I'm inclined to side with Aya on this one. 

Awesome ending dude. You kept the suspense and the drama all the way up to the end. I gotta say, for a split-second there, I thought that Shiba-chan was going to double-cross Aya.  I hate and yet I love endings like this. While it sucks ass, it's also more "real", because the "happy ending" doesn't always happen. Still, at the risk of sounding like a really sappy fanboy, any chance of an "alternate/happy version" for the ending? Or at least one where Aya kicks the living shit out of Takashi and gets away with it?

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: What Needed to be Done
« Reply #193 on: April 29, 2007, 09:32:25 PM »
For some reason I felt the ending was really abrupt. Then again, I was hoping for an ending like JFC's...
Your stories always end up so depressing T_T, except for Love infinity.
Anyway, thanks for another story! I think this is probably the longest one I've ever read from you, I think...

Nacchi... kawaii XD

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Re: What Needed to be Done
« Reply #194 on: April 30, 2007, 12:59:45 AM »
We'll never meet again, and so that means forever and ever, I will be incomplete.  That is my destiny.

"We're cooler than destiny."

No, Miki.  No we're not.  We're slaves to it.

this actually made me cry!
will u ever write a fic that won´t make me cry? :'(

it was great....really great!
i hope more fics comming soon ^^

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Re: What Needed to be Done
« Reply #195 on: April 30, 2007, 03:36:48 AM »
*fights back the tears*  I don't know what to say..I'm left kind of speechless...the story was really well writen but I found myself teary eyed with every update  :gyaaah: but then again I enjoy such stories   :-X  They may be slaves to destiny in this one but who knows what tomorrow will bring (prehaps a new continuation where they  are both magically alive  :ding:)  Yes, I've choosen to be delusional then to be sucked into the depression!  :cool2:  But once again thank you very much for another glimpse into your GAM world.

Offline ChiruChaCha

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Re: What Needed to be Done
« Reply #196 on: April 30, 2007, 08:37:01 PM »
-The end of it all-

Just let me say "Pfffffffffffft" xD

Hmmmmmmmmmm, intense ending, just as expected...  actually it made me think that the whole story is pretty much centered in Aya. Well, maybe it was obvious from the beginning but I just noticed xD
It felt for me as if Aya and Miki were leaving each other with the screaming child(the screaming child being a life of suffering for the loss of the other one) couse first Aya was supposed to die but is saved by a miracle so it's Miki's turn. It really does give food for thought...

One last thing...

any chance of an "alternate/happy version" for the ending?

Please? ::) xD
« Last Edit: April 30, 2007, 08:38:17 PM by ChiruChaCha »

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Re: What Needed to be Done
« Reply #197 on: May 01, 2007, 01:00:09 AM »
Dear lord that was powerful! You know what, I forbid you from writing! :P Your skills are just too powerful no matter what direction you go in, powerful enough to manipulate people and envoke very powerful emotions! If you ever start publishing, you could take over the world!!! Actually, if i help you can I get Hawaii? ;D

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Re: What Needed to be Done
« Reply #198 on: May 01, 2007, 02:55:42 AM »
Yup, it felt sort of abrupt. But that's just OTN1's tactic to make us crave for more... :p
I'd like to comment further, but right now brain's not cooperating. Maybe I will, once I get to analyze all I've been missing lately.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2007, 02:59:25 AM by Amarghetta »

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Re: What Needed to be Done
« Reply #199 on: May 01, 2007, 10:44:52 AM »
I look forward to any further comment you might have.  No pressure, though!  If the words aren't there, they aren't there, and that's all. ;)  I haven't really seen you around much, so I guess there's a lot for you to catch up with.

I've tried thinking of an "alternate, happy" way to end it, but I can't.  If I ever think of something, I'll indulge you.

Frankly, I'm glad this story is over.  Maybe that's the true secret behind the abruptness of the ending.  It's not a special OTN technique.  Just laziness, or the little spark going out. 

One of these days, I have to write something not depressing.  Happy and fluffy.  Pointless.  Plotless.  Stupid.  Lovable.  Like I used to.  I think people might actually start to like me if I do!  Thanks again for reading and/or commenting.  I don't think I say that enough, but I really do appreciate it.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2007, 10:46:30 AM by OTN1 »

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