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Author Topic: .FORGET. (Mayuki & others) - COMPLETED  (Read 15965 times)

Offline blackcold

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.FORGET. (Mayuki & others) - COMPLETED
« on: January 11, 2015, 10:38:43 AM »
Chapter 1

"Yuki , Help me move this big table" , rena trying to move the heavy table.
"Hai... , wait a second" *yuki close her phone*
"Mou , why did we have to do this work , its tiring"yuki says like a little kid.
"Don't complain , just do it or we are going to being fired" .
"But it's not our job after all." Yuki stop complaining and just help her friend.

30 minutes laters..

"Finally , its done , let's go home Rena" .
"Ah , you just go , I have something to do after this".
"Oh, you want to meet that girl right ? You're going to being jailed you know "yuki teased her and laugh.
"Stop teasing me yuki , its true she's still underage , but I won't do anything to her you know , Why don't you find someone already"rena tease her back
"W-well ... , I will go home now *changing the topic*, bye rena."
Rena just see her friend go and sigh a little .

At yuki's home

"Huff , fortunately I run from her , why did she ask me that thing anyway , she know I didn't want to fall in love right now".

She go to her bedroom and prepare for bath.
When she finish bathing , she just laying and can't sleep cause she's thinking about what rena says earlier , even though she know rena just tease her , but she still think about it anyway and fall asleep soon.

"Yuki , let's play with me , I just buy a new doll , he's really cute you know ".
"Really ? Let's go , I want to see the doll ", yuki replied the girl that younger than she.

Yuki woke up ,
" Ah this dream again , who's that girl ? , why I can't remember her at all? And seems like rena didn't go home".Yuki talking to herself and thinking about the girls in her dream while she prepare to go to work

"Ahhh , stop thinking about that yuki , its only a dream". Yuki says to herself while she's driving to her work and almost hit a highschool girl . She hurried go out to check the girl and she got shocked while she saw the girl face , she think  that girl is really look like the one she always have in her dream .
Yuki stop all her thought and ask the girl if she's fine or not , but the girl just coldly look at her and go away.

"What t-the ???? Who she think she is ?" , yuki forgot about the girl in her dream and go to her work place madly.

"Ohayou yuki , here some coffee"rena give her a glass
"Arigatou rena ", yuki replied with a still mad face.
"What's happen yuki ? You don't seem happy ?" Rena ask her friend with a worrying face , it's normal cause they are best friend after all.
"Well , I almost hit a highschool girl , and got a cold reply from that girl after worrying what happen to her."
"Hahaha... , yuki , you must be thinking about the girl in your dream while you are driving right ?"
"How did you know that Rena ?"Looked a little serious
"You have told me about the girl , and it's written all over your face."yuki face become red like a tomato.
" ah ,I just remember rena , the highschool girl really look like the girl in my dream , and where did you sleep last night?".
"Maybe you're thinking about your dream too much , you don't even know who is the girl in your dream and I sleep over at my girlfriend house".*with a really calm face*
Rena cut what yuki want to say ," Yuki , let's hang out today after work , my girlfriend and her friend will come too."
"Ohh, okey, I want to see your underage girlfriend"yuki tease rena again
"Mou , yuki , please just stop teasing me!"
"Haha, okey rena , but what's her name again ? Is it jurine ?"
"J U R I N A , how can you forget it ? I just told you thought."
"Hehe, lately my head really filled with something you know right?"
"Yeah , I know , I know."Rena said with a weird face

------------------------ after work

"So Rena , where are we going ?"
"Umm.., let's go pick them at their school first."
"Okeyyy.. ." Yuki just following Rena from behind , they are walking because the school is really close to their work place and their car is still at the service place since their car is just too old and need a day to repair them , so they have to use bus for a day.

"Rena , what's time they got out ?"
"1 minute again maybe?"
"Seems like the bell already ringing , and someone is running to you right know."Yuki said with wondering tone
"Its true , that's Jurina."

*running with supeR speed*
 "Rena-chan" , jurina jump to rena and both fall.
"Jurina chan , my back hurt " while grabbing her painful back .
"Ahh , gomen rena-chan" , jurina help her girlfriend to get up.
"Its fine jurina , Ahh , jurina , this my friend yuki"*rena points to yuki*
"Ah , nice to meet you yuki-san , I'm Matsui Jurina"
"Nice to meet you too jurina , I'm kashiwagi Yuki , E-eeh?*yuki just realize what she heard* You have same surname ?"With Shock face
"Yeah , don't worry yuki , we aren't blood related at all "*rena explain to yuki seriously*.
"O-ohh , O-Okay.."
"Jurina ,  where's your friend anyway?"
"Rena , she's here all the time" *pointing to her friend*
Yuki and Rena got shocked cause they didn't notice at all
"Ah , gomen , I didn't notice you just now , what's your name ?" rena says with an apologizing face
"I'm Watanabe Mayu" *she reply rena without any emotions*
"Nice to meet you watanabe"
"Just call me Mayu" , mayu formed a little smile

Yuki still have her shocked face and didn't say anything for awhile until she suddenly whispering to Rena that , Mayu is the highschool girl that almost got hit by her.
Rena just laugh to yuki.
"Ano , Mayu-san , sorry about earlier , I almost hit you ", Yuki says to Mayu with a little weird face.

Mayu didn't say anything at first but she let out a little sigh and forgave Yuki.
"Just Forget about it".
"Thank you , I'm kashiwagi yuki ,just call me Yuki."
"Okey Yuki-san."
They go to a restaurant first, with a cab of course
Then they go to the amusement park

At the amusement park

"Rena-chan , I think we got seperated , I can't find yuki-san and mayu."
"Seem like that , let's send a message to Mayu and yuki ,and  tell them to have fun together without us."
Seem like they can get close *Rena tought*

"How can we get seperated from them ? , shit my phone battery drained."
"Mayu , can I borrow your phone ?"
"Actually ", *mayu show her phone to yuki with jurina message*
"Maji-de ? , then we don't have choice , let walk around this park"
Yuki and Mayu just keep silent and didn't say a word while they were walk at the big park.

Suddenly yuki start a chat

"Mayu , at any chance , have we ever met when we are still a child ?"
Mayu become silent awhile ,," No."
"Soka ..."
"Nee , can I call you Mayuyu ?"
"Why is this girl really cold ?" Yuki thought
Silent again ~

"Then , I will call you yukirin" *Mayu says it while look at other way with a red cheek*
"Really? , okey then*she's not that cold I think*"
They talk while walking around the park , and buy ice creams when they saw the ice cream store.

"Nee Rena , let's go home , its already late."
"Okay, let's meet mayu and yuki first , I just saw them there" *pointing at mayu and yuki position*.
"Oh, seem like they get along well."
"Yeah"*Rena saw them with a relief*
*walking to mayuki*

"Mayu , Yuki-san , let's go home , jurina says to them with a cheerful face."
"Yuki-san , can you walk mayu home ? Our home is at a different direction, mayu can't go home alone."
Yuki just say yes without any doubt , she's really happy actually.

Then they walk at different direction.


"Mayuyu , is that your house?"Pointing at mayu house
"Yeah , how can you know it yukirin ?"
"Well , I just think I have go to that house before"
"Is that so ? I lived there since I was little thought
"Well , it's just what I think."

"Then , bye Mayuyu"*Yuki waving at her and then go home*
Mayuyu wave at her back *with a sad look*
"Yukirin , how can you forget about me ?" Mayu murmurs to herself and feeling sad..

To be continued ~~

Sorry for the bad english :D
« Last Edit: October 22, 2017, 09:02:43 PM by sophcaro »

Offline fath107

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Re: Forget (mayuki + other fanfics)
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2015, 11:36:35 AM »
Wow! Another mayuki story  :D

Eh? Yukirin forget mayuyu? Why?   :cry:

Don't be sad mayu.. yukirin will remember you....  :)

Please update soon author-san~ :)
Shibuya Nagisa | Kashiwagi Yuki | MaYuki~ | NagiUha~ | IkuMai~ | Ikuta Erika | Iriyama Anna

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Re: Forget (mayuki + other fanfics)
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2015, 11:41:19 AM »
Oh yuki is forgetful person in this story

Offline KojiMa MaYuki

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Re: Forget (mayuki + other fanfics)
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2015, 12:37:18 PM »
yuki why can forget mayu? :shocked:
update soon author-san  :thumbsup

Offline blackcold

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Re: Forget (mayuki + other fanfics) chapter 2 update
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2015, 12:44:35 PM »
Chapter 2~

"Yuki , yuki , YUKIIII WAKE UP"rena shout to wake yuki (*they live together to save money*)
"10 more minutes"
"NOooo , we're gonna late , we have meeting today remember?"Rena Pull yuki blanket
"W-wwhat ? I don't know anything about that"with a full opened eyes
"Hehe, just kidding , you're awake now , go prepare yourself" with a happy face after tricking yuki
"Rena , Hidoi .." Wake from her bed
"Hurry up or I will leave you."
"Okay okay"rushed to bathroom


"Mayu , you came late today"
"Yeah , I overslept"mayu said with a boring tone
"Cyborg can overslept too? Amazing!"Jurina chuckled
"I'm still a human thought"murmur to herself
"You must dreaming about someone you like right?"Jurina teasing mayu
"W-what did you mean ? I didn't have someone I like"nerveously answer jurina
"Is that so ? But I know the person thought"jurina said with a playing tone
"W-what ? That fast?
"Seeee ? You said it by yourself !"Jurina laugh and mayu got embrassed
"I didn't said it !"
"Yes you said it!"
"Ahh , s-said w-whatever you want"mayu said nervously and go to herclass.
"Seem like I can found the person you like" jurina smile playfully.

--After school--

"Jurina , Mayu .." Someone call their name
"Aren't that yukirin and rena-san?"Mayu said try to identify the person who call them
"Yeah , that's them , they come to pick us."
"But , let's go to eat first , their treat"
"I don't really want to jurina"
"No , you have to" walk to yuki and rena spot
"Do what you like then"mayu said with lazy tone

"Nee , mayuyu , what did you want to eat?"Yuki suddenly ask her
"Anything is fine"
"Don't be like that , just say it"
"Then how about udon?"
"That's a good idea "jurina , rena , yuki said in unison

--Udon's restaurant--

"This place seem familiar"yuki thought
"Why have to go to here ?"Mayu thought

"Rena , have you ever go here ?"Jurina asked
"Then ,How can you know this place"
"From someone"
"Who's that ?"Jurina ask jealously
"Only friend jurina , are you jealous?"Rena chukled a little
"W-what? O-of course NO!"Turn her head to hide her face
When they got in , a waiter took them to their seat . It's not a big restaurant but it's already a famous place.

"Ohh, look who's there , Mayu-chan , Yuki-chan"one oba-san talk to them
"How can you know us ?"Yuki asked curiously
"Of course I know , both of you used to come here when you're little"
"Eh? I don't remember that"
"Really ?, you always come here to eat udon with mayu and your parent. Mayu-chan did you also forget ?"
"Y-yeah"mayu nervously answer the obaba
"I see , you're both still little back then , then just enjoy your food"obaba smile to them and go away.
"Mayuyu , do you know anything ?"
"No , maybe there's another person that has same face and name like us"try to find good reason
"Emmm , maybe you're right"yuki said and eat her food with a little thought
The Wmatsui looking at them with an awkward atmosphere around then continue to eating their food too.
They just going home with a full belly after eating the Udon.

Yuki and rena house---

"Nee Rena , don't you think there's something weird ?"
"What weird ?"Rena Curious
"Well , about my dream , Mayuyu , and at udon restaurant , don't you think all of them are connected , there's no way there are someone who have the same face and name with us , it's almost impossible  "* dramatic mode on*
"Now that you say it , I think there something too , but I'm not sure , and you don't have to turn on your dramatic mode yuki."Rena laugh a little
"Ehh? But Thanks to this now I'm really curious!"
"For now , don't think too much about that , soon you'll found out too"
"Yeah , I hope so"
yuki go to her bed and try to sleep , Rena also go to her bed but she don't really can sleep cause something really bothering her thought.
"Maybe I shouldn't think too much"rena close her eyes.

To be continued ~

Sorryy for the really bad english , if there's anything wrong really sorry
I'm a newbie that don't even know how to post XD
Please leave a comment
Thank you :peace:

Offline fath107

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Re: Forget (mayuki + other fanfics) chapter 2 update
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2015, 01:05:30 PM »
So.. you are a new writers~ but i think your fanfic was good  :D

Because it's can make me curious  XD

Oh my... did yuki have an amnesia? Or something?  :cry:

Please... you have to remember mayuyu.. *talk to yukirin*

Update soon!  :D
Shibuya Nagisa | Kashiwagi Yuki | MaYuki~ | NagiUha~ | IkuMai~ | Ikuta Erika | Iriyama Anna

Offline blackcold

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Re: Forget (mayuki + other fanfics) chapter 3 update
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2015, 03:56:43 PM »
Chapter 3

Enjoy this one~

"Okay, Listen all , for our company 50 years anniversary we are having a trip for 1 week to our company private island you can go with the person you want but only one! That's all" The boss walk out from the meeting room

"Yosshh , finally we have a holiday" Yuki shouting like a kid causing all the worker look to her including Rena too.
"Yuki , you don't have to shout that loud"
"But I'm really excited know"*thinking about her holidays*
"Yeah The boss is really in the good mood I think , She even let us go home early today" Rena seem happy cause she want to see her little girlfriend sooner.
"But who can come with us ? "
"Well , I don't know too" rena is  typing a message to Jurina and chuckled too , Rena and Jurina are having a plan.

At Mayu/Jurina school--------

"Mayu , what you will do during the one week holiday ?"
"Nah , I don't really know too"
"Then how about go to an island ?"
"Island ? With who ?"
"You'll know later , but will you come with us ? It's gonna be fun you know"
"Maybe I can come with you"
"Then it's settled , hurry pack your thing when you're home , tomorrow you have to wake early , we are going to pick you"
"Haik..."Curious face

-------------------------------yuki/rena house---------

"Nee yuki , Jurina and Mayu school are having a holiday for 1 week too you know"
"Really ? Then you will go with Jurina ?"
"Yup , and someone will go with you too"
"Really ? Is it Mayuyu ?" Smile appeared on her face
"Oh, you are really hoping for her ? Then you're lucky cause you're true"
"Realllyy??" Jumping all over the place
"Ah , I just remember , My parents are going to that island too".
Yuki's family is a rich Family that have a big company , however yuki work place is one of their company , so her parents are coming too. Rena's Parent is yuki parent's big companion , that's why yuki and rena is a bestfriend.
"R-really?" With a little sad face
"I see . Oh, tomorrow we are going to pick jurina and mayu too , so Wake Early !"
"Ehehe , okay"


Mayu doorbell's ringing
"Haikk , wait a second"walk to open her door
"Hello Mayuyu"yuki greet her happily
"Y-yukirin ? Why did you come here ?"Shock a little
"Of course to pick you , didn't Jurina say anything to you ?"
"E-eh ? , so you are the one who's going the the island"
"Yup , more correctly our company , so Rena is going too with Jurina"
"I-i see , I will go get my bag"
"Okay" yuki walk to her car.

At car--

"Jurina , why didn't you tell me we're going with yukirin ?" Whispering to Jurina
"Gomenn~~ " jurina didn't show any apologizing instead she laugh
"You are really mean Jurina"mayu murmur to herself
"Haha, I don't think so mayu" still laughing

"Just if I know it , I won't go with them"mayu's thought


"Woah , this place have a really fresh air"Rena says
"It has been a long time since I have a fresh air"yuki stretching her body after a long time driving.
"Eh , where's Mayuyu and Jurina ?" Yuki look around but she no one except rena
"still sleeping in the car"suddenly jurina said it to yuki and made her jump cause shocked by Jurina suddenly appearing"

"W-whoa ,Jurina , you make me shocked"
"Ehehe , gomen~" with apologizing face now
"Yeah , I will stay till she woke up , seem like she's really tired "
"Okay, then I will go with Rena first"

Rena and Jurina go to the inn first which not so far from there but can't be reached with car cause the car is too big and the road is too small so they have to walk.

Yuki stay awhile to wait for mayu wake up. Yuki look closer to mayu and keep staring at her face.
"You're really cute Mayuyu"yuki whisper to herself
Then her head lean closer and closer to mayu face and their lips almost touching.
"Umm-mm, why is the car stopping ?"Mayu say sleepy with her eyes still closed.
Yuki got shocked and hurried pull her head away from mayu , she's really embarrassed.
"We've arrived , but we've walk to the inn" yuki turn her face so she didn't saw Mayu
"Really , then why no one wake me  ?"
"you seem tired even when you sleep so I stay here with you till you wake up"
"Is that so ?" Mayu blushing to think they're alone there
"Mayuyu , did you have a fever ? Your cheek is really red" yuki hold mayu forhead to make sure she's having a fever or not
"N-no , I didn't have a fever , it's just really hot here" avoiding eye contact with yuki
"Really ? Then let's hurry go to the inn , Rena and Jurina must be waiting for us"
"Y-yeah , L-lets go" Mayu walk nervously and didn't talk to yuki at all

Then Mayu look around the place and have a sad look in her eyes
"So it's this place , has been a long time since last I came here" Mayuyu Thought to herself.

Sorry it's too short
Next time I will try to write it longer,
And maybe you'll know the reason why yuki forget ;D
Thank's :D

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Re: Forget (mayuki + other fanfics) chapter 3 part1 update
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2015, 04:32:45 PM »
Woah interesting, i wonder why yuki forget about her past ? Please continue author san

Offline blackcold

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Re: Forget (mayuki + other fanfics) chapter 3 part2 update
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2015, 11:03:51 AM »
C3 part 2

---At the inn---

"Both of them sure take a time huhh.. , Yuki
 parents just ask me about yuki"

"Maybe they're doing lovey-dovey thing there"

Rena Smack Jurina head making jurina snap out from her dream thought

"Rena-chan , I'm just kidding , it's hurt"jurina rubbing her head

"Then don't said something pervert like that"with a straight face

"And actually they have just Arrive here Rena-chan"jurina waving to yuki and Mayu and then the Wmatsui walking to Mayuki spot.

"Yuki , your Parents search for you"

"Really ? Where are them ?"

"Their room maybe"

"Then I will go there , I will be back"yuki said to 3 of them

"Okay" answered in unison

"Nee , Let's go to our room first" Rena said and take her thing

"You both go first , I have something to do"Mayu then go away but she seem to be really sad and mad too , she go to look around the inn
"I really can't forget about what they had done to me"

Suddenly she stop when she hear yuki voice from a room and hear their conversation

"Otou-san , okaa-san , I came here with my friend , her name is Watanabe Mayu and also rena and rena's friend"

Otou-san: "Watanabe Mayu ?"

"Haik.." Yuki told her parents with a happy face

"Yuki , stay away from her!" Yuki father raise his voice a little

"What ? Why ? , she's a good person , why should I stay away from her ?"

"You should stay away from her , that's an order!"

"I didn't want to!" Yuki talk to her father with a mad expression now


Yuki hold her cheek and really shocked , it's the first time her father hit her

"Otou-san , you shouldn't do that to yuki" yuki's mom try to stop her father

"Don't try to stop me , I'm telling her to stay away from that devil!"

"What ? Why did you call her Devil , she has a name , WATANABE MAYU!"

Yuki go out from the room and saw Mayu standing there with a little depressed look

"Mayuyu.." Yuki look her with a sad look , she grab mayu hand and said,
"Let's go away from here , I didn't want to stay away from you"

"B-but where did you want to go ?"

"Let's go to the village around here first"

Yuki didn't let mayu say anything and hurry run with her hand still holding mayu's. Although it's a private island there still have a village and few villagers.


"Nee , Rena , do you know anything about yuki and Mayu problem , seem like mayu is not really happy too , is there have any connection with yuki?"

"Mayu never told you anything ?"


"Well I know this cause I saw almost everything what happened to yuki . Mayu and Yuki is a childhood friends"

"Childhood friends ?"


"Then , Why did them seems to didn't know each other ?"

"For Mayu , I didn't know the reason , as for Yuki , her memories has been deleted by-"

"Hang in there , I don't get it at all" jurina cut her girlfriend word and seem really confused

"You'll Know later . This trip is going to be really long and frightening" Rena look at the window with a blank look

"Frightening ? Don't Worry Rena-chan I will always protect you , it's Promise" Jurina said it with a caring tone and then hug her girlfriend

"Arigatou Jurina , and please don't ever forget about me " rena hug her tighter



"Yukirin , let's take a rest " they've run far enough


"A-ano ,.. " Mayu look to her hands and yuki following mayu

"A-ahh , gomen" both of them get blushed , yuki let go mayu hand

"Yukii!! What's happen with you , stop beating so fast!"

Yuki shout in her thought and staring at Mayu lips which make her want to kiss Mayu.

"Wait , how can I being that pervert now ?" Yuki keep fighting with her own thought till mayu open a chat

"Nee , Yukirin , did you really don't remember what happen in the past ?"

"P-Past ? W-what happen ?"Yuki still fighting with her thought till mayu says something and she stop

"Seems like some of you memories have been deleted"

"Deleted ? How ?" With a serious face now

"Do you know what's your parent's job?"

" Of course , they have a company"

"Other than that ?"

"Other ? I don't think there is another jobs"

"Nah , then you don't know anything, I will tell you"looking at the ground

Mayu tell Yuki all about both  their parents , about their parents job , their relationship , and Yuki got really shocked to hear what Mayu have explained to her , but She didn't tell why her memories being deleted

"We are a childhood friend and ou-"

Mayu cut her words,,

"Our Parent's is a witch .."

Sorryy if this one is not really interesting T_T
And I think it's still too short
I will try harder for the next one
Thank you

Offline fath107

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Re: Forget (mayuki + other fanfics) chapter 3 part2 update
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2015, 11:45:20 AM »
Witch?! Oh my... i never expected that  :shocked:

What the.. geezz! Yukirin father called mayuyu devil  :doh:

Eh? Rena knew all of yukirin deleted memory? Hmm...

Hahahaha yukirin turned to pervert old man when she with mayuyu  :w00t:

Update soon!  :thumbsup
Shibuya Nagisa | Kashiwagi Yuki | MaYuki~ | NagiUha~ | IkuMai~ | Ikuta Erika | Iriyama Anna

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Re: Forget (mayuki + other fanfics) chapter 3 part2 update
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2015, 03:23:56 PM »
i was thought that this will be like those kind of mafia stories[emoji28]  but ..
Witch??? [emoji33]
Whoaa interesting.... i do love fantasyyy yeayy [emoji1]
Update soon [emoji3]

Offline KojiMa MaYuki

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Re: Forget (mayuki + other fanfics) chapter 3 part2 update
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2015, 05:51:47 PM »
full of puzzles and mysteries :D
thank's for update , update soon author-san  :thumbsup

Offline blackcold

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Re: Forget (mayuki + other fanfics) chapter 4 updated
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2015, 03:07:57 PM »
Chapter 4 ~

"Otou-san , why did you say something like that
to Yuki?"

"I didn't expect she could meet with Yuki again ,

I didn't want our daughter to hang out with that devil witch Family"

"Why don't you just forget about that , it's all just in the past , and the one who fault is their parent , not their daughter"

"No , I will declare a war , I want Black back too"

"OTou-san , I want black back too , but -"

"There's no but , tell another , we are getting Black back with us! , she's our daughter too , and send a massage to the Watanabe Family , WE WANT BLACK BACK!"

"Haik.." Yuki mother can't reject what her husband told to do.

"It's getting dark , Let's prepare for a dinner" yuki's father go out from their room for dinner

"Black , mom's hope you're okay" looking out from the window


"However Yukirin , I forgot to tell you something"

"What is it Mayuyu ?" They have arrived at the village

"You Have a twins"

"Twins? But no one told me this too"

"She's being captured by my Family , that's why your parent's really hate me"

"Your Family ? Then where's your family know ?"

"I don't know , I have never contact them since they captured your twins . Do you hate me now ? " Mayu face really sad

"Why should I hate you ? It's more like I really lov- " yuki suddenly stop realizing what she's gonna says

"It's more like what ?" Mayu ask with curiousity

"It's nothing , let's search a place to stay and food to eat" yuki cheek become really red

"Yuki , what are you thinking again ??? , why did you said that , its almost go all out " yuki fighting with her thought again

"Okey .. , but I just saw someone overthere" pointing to 2 girls that walking

"Yoshh , Let's ask them if they want to let us stay at their place"

They go to meet the girls

"Ano .." Talking to both of the girl from behind

Both of The girl turn to see who's talking to them , suddenly the Mayuki jump in shock after seeing both the girl Face , their face is like the ugly demon lord.

"WO-WOAHHH!!!" mayu and yuki shout in unison they tried to run away but both the girl hold them , so they can't run

"Hey , calm down " putting down something from her face

"Don't get scared like that , it's only a mask" the other girl put down her mask too

Yuki : "A-a m-mask ?"

Mayu,Yuki : "Majika.." Sorrowful face with gloomy aura all around

Mayu and Yuki look each other then turn to saw the girls face once again and release a big sigh together

"I just think I'm going to die there" yuki start her over reaction word

"Sorry if we scared you , we didn't mean to do that" chuckled a little

"We don't really mind that , but why both of you using that mask anyway" Mayu said with confused look

"Nah , I will tell you later , you want a place to stay right ?"

"E-eh ? How can you know that ?" Yuki confused

"Ehhh??, We're a witch too , both of you are a witch too thought and you don't know us" one of the girl pouting and hug the other girl

"No , we're not a witch , where that come from anyway ?" yuki confused cause the girls says that she's a witch

"Yes , You are , you have a big aura of witch , same like your friend"

Yuki turn to mayu and ask::

"Mayuyu , do you know anything about this ?"

"Yukirin , they're true , we're a witch"

"Ee-eeEhhh???????? , but I don't have any power"

"No , You have one , a powerful one"

"Powerful ? Then how about you ?"

"Me ? Actually I have one too"

"Then what's mine and what's yours ?"

"For yours I don't really know it , but it's really powerful one , as for mine , I can read minds"

"R-r-rread minds ?? , t-then have you ever read m-my minds ?" Yuki shock to think what have she thinks about Mayu

"N-no" mayu replied nervously

Actually Mayu have read her minds once and got blushed to see what yukirin have think about her


They've run far enough from the inn and decided to take a rest

"Yukirin , let's take a rest " they've run far enough
"A-ano ,.. " Mayu look to her hands and yuki following mayu
"A-ahh , gomen" both of them get blushed
"Yukii!! What's happen with you , stop beating so fast!"

Yuki shout in her thought and staring at Mayu lips which make her want to kiss Mayu.

Mayu face become red

"Why did Yukirin think about something like that ? Seems like I musn't read her minds anymore"

"Wait , how can I being that pervert now ?" Yuki keep fighting with her own thought till mayu open a chat

End of flashback

"Good" yuki relief a little now

"Anyway , let's go to our home first" the girls said to mayu and Yuki



-- Dinner--

(All of them get dinner together)

"Nee Rena , Yuki and Mayu is really late , where did they go to ?"

"I don't really know too" rena really worried

"Let's just wait , we will search for them if they still haven't go back " Jurina try to calm Rena



"Otou-san , yuki haven't go back yet"

Yuki's father didn't says anything and just keep eating his dinner

Yuki's mother let a big black aura out , the only one that can saw that there is yuki's father and Rena , but Rena can only sense it.

However , Rena don't know that cause she didn't know she can do something like that . She only know about her Family power and she never try to know any power she has.

Some explanation:
(Rena's Family is not a witch , their Family have the seventh sense that make them to have a power , the seventh sense is really rare . For Jurina , she didn't have any power but she is master at fighting)
*sorry for the long explanation , let's go back to the story*)

"Okaa-san , calm down can you? , she's going to be fine , I will search for her , but not now " still eating his dinner

"Why ? Don't say that you really want to start the war !" yuki's mother looks really mad

"Yes , I want to bring Black back , and I will search for Yuki too after the war." Finishing his dinner and go away from his seat to his room

"Yuki , Black , gomen-ne , okaa-san can't stop the war" yuki's mother murmur to herself knowing her daughters didn't want any war


"Boss , there's a massage from the kashiwagi Family"

"What is it ?" Drinking a wine

"They want Black back"

"Oh, that's mean a war right ?" Release a big Grin


Offline kahem

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Re: Forget (mayuki + other fanfics) chapter 4 updated!
« Reply #13 on: January 14, 2015, 02:52:05 AM »
Lol the seventh sense^^
Dakishimeta kokoro no kosumo~
*ahem* anyway I wonder why the watanabes kidnapped black

Offline fath107

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Re: Forget (mayuki + other fanfics) chapter 4 updated!
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2015, 09:38:07 AM »
Please! Update soon!  :bow:  :D
Shibuya Nagisa | Kashiwagi Yuki | MaYuki~ | NagiUha~ | IkuMai~ | Ikuta Erika | Iriyama Anna

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Re: Forget (mayuki + other fanfics) chapter 4 updated!
« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2015, 10:00:58 AM »
There are many unanswered mysteries  :huhuh
Im waiting  :panic: need more longer update  :bleed eyes:

Offline sastio13

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Re: Forget (mayuki + other fanfics) chapter 4 updated
« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2015, 04:55:48 PM »
Chapter 4 ~

"Otou-san , why did you say something like that
to Yuki?"

"I didn't expect she could meet with Yuki again ,

I didn't want our daughter to hang out with that devil witch Family"

"Why don't you just forget about that , it's all just in the past , and the one who fault is their parent , not their daughter"

"No , I will declare a war , I want Black back too"

"OTou-san , I want black back too , but -"

"There's no but , tell another , we are getting Black back with us! , she's our daughter too , and send a massage to the Watanabe Family , WE WANT BLACK BACK!"

"Haik.." Yuki mother can't reject what her husband told to do.

"It's getting dark , Let's prepare for a dinner" yuki's father go out from their room for dinner

"Black , mom's hope you're okay" looking out from the window


"However Yukirin , I forgot to tell you something"

"What is it Mayuyu ?" They have arrived at the village

"You Have a twins"

"Twins? But no one told me this too"

"She's being captured by my Family , that's why your parent's really hate me"

"Your Family ? Then where's your family know ?"

"I don't know , I have never contact them since they captured your twins . Do you hate me now ? " Mayu face really sad

"Why should I hate you ? It's more like I really lov- " yuki suddenly stop realizing what she's gonna says

"It's more like what ?" Mayu ask with curiousity

"It's nothing , let's search a place to stay and food to eat" yuki cheek become really red

"Yuki , what are you thinking again ??? , why did you said that , its almost go all out " yuki fighting with her thought again

"Okey .. , but I just saw someone overthere" pointing to 2 girls that walking

"Yoshh , Let's ask them if they want to let us stay at their place"

They go to meet the girls

"Ano .." Talking to both of the girl from behind

Both of The girl turn to see who's talking to them , suddenly the Mayuki jump in shock after seeing both the girl Face , their face is like the ugly demon lord.

"WO-WOAHHH!!!" mayu and yuki shout in unison they tried to run away but both the girl hold them , so they can't run

"Hey , calm down " putting down something from her face

"Don't get scared like that , it's only a mask" the other girl put down her mask too

Yuki : "A-a m-mask ?"

Mayu,Yuki : "Majika.." Sorrowful face with gloomy aura all around

Mayu and Yuki look each other then turn to saw the girls face once again and release a big sigh together

"I just think I'm going to die there" yuki start her over reaction word

"Sorry if we scared you , we didn't mean to do that" chuckled a little

"We don't really mind that , but why both of you using that mask anyway" Mayu said with confused look

"Nah , I will tell you later , you want a place to stay right ?"

"E-eh ? How can you know that ?" Yuki confused

"Ehhh??, We're a witch too , both of you are a witch too thought and you don't know us" one of the girl pouting and hug the other girl

"No , we're not a witch , where that come from anyway ?" yuki confused cause the girls says that she's a witch

"Yes , You are , you have a big aura of witch , same like your friend"

Yuki turn to mayu and ask::

"Mayuyu , do you know anything about this ?"

"Yukirin , they're true , we're a witch"

"Ee-eeEhhh???????? , but I don't have any power"

"No , You have one , a powerful one"

"Powerful ? Then how about you ?"

"Me ? Actually I have one too"

"Then what's mine and what's yours ?"

"For yours I don't really know it , but it's really powerful one , as for mine , I can read minds"

"R-r-rread minds ?? , t-then have you ever read m-my minds ?" Yuki shock to think what have she thinks about Mayu

"N-no" mayu replied nervously

Actually Mayu have read her minds once and got blushed to see what yukirin have think about her


They've run far enough from the inn and decided to take a rest

"Yukirin , let's take a rest " they've run far enough
"A-ano ,.. " Mayu look to her hands and yuki following mayu
"A-ahh , gomen" both of them get blushed
"Yukii!! What's happen with you , stop beating so fast!"

Yuki shout in her thought and staring at Mayu lips which make her want to kiss Mayu.

Mayu face become red

"Why did Yukirin think about something like that ? Seems like I musn't read her minds anymore"

"Wait , how can I being that pervert now ?" Yuki keep fighting with her own thought till mayu open a chat

End of flashback

"Good" yuki relief a little now

"Anyway , let's go to our home first" the girls said to mayu and Yuki



-- Dinner--

(All of them get dinner together)

"Nee Rena , Yuki and Mayu is really late , where did they go to ?"

"I don't really know too" rena really worried

"Let's just wait , we will search for them if they still haven't go back " Jurina try to calm Rena



"Otou-san , yuki haven't go back yet"

Yuki's father didn't says anything and just keep eating his dinner

Yuki's mother let a big black aura out , the only one that can saw that there is yuki's father and Rena , but Rena can only sense it.

However , Rena don't know that cause she didn't know she can do something like that . She only know about her Family power and she never try to know any power she has.

Some explanation:
(Rena's Family is not a witch , their Family have the seventh sense that make them to have a power , the seventh sense is really rare . For Jurina , she didn't have any power but she is master at fighting)
*sorry for the long explanation , let's go back to the story*)

"Okaa-san , calm down can you? , she's going to be fine , I will search for her , but not now " still eating his dinner

"Why ? Don't say that you really want to start the war !" yuki's mother looks really mad

"Yes , I want to bring Black back , and I will search for Yuki too after the war." Finishing his dinner and go away from his seat to his room

"Yuki , Black , gomen-ne , okaa-san can't stop the war" yuki's mother murmur to herself knowing her daughters didn't want any war


"Boss , there's a massage from the kashiwagi Family"

"What is it ?" Drinking a wine

"They want Black back"

"Oh, that's mean a war right ?" Release a big Grin

Yo, i'm sastio! i like to read fanfics! :)
a silent reader :grin:

Oshi: Shinoda Mariko,
Kashiwagi Yuki, Matsui Rena, Yagami Kumi, Okada Nana, Shinobu Mogi, Thalia, etc.
overall, i like all members hehe

every pairing is fine, as long as i enjoy :)

Offline mayura48

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Re: Forget (mayuki + other fanfics) chapter 4 updated!
« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2015, 01:13:39 AM »
its a cute story !! kawaii !! i like it when mayu and yuki being shy on their moment  :inlove:
hope that it will turn to be always cute story !! not much fight > but more mayuki moment !!! :wub:

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Re: Forget (mayuki + other fanfics) chapter 5 updated!
« Reply #18 on: January 17, 2015, 04:38:46 PM »
Chapter 5

"Boss , we can't have a War , it's a really bad idea , we kidnapped black to save the world , why must we having a war ? "one of his servant seriously talk about that

"They think that I'm a devil , even my daughter think that , just go with the flow" sadly said it

"Then about your daughter , We haven't been able to contact her for a long time , we have to bring her back"

"Mayu ? I know where she is right now, she's with the black twins right now , we will get her after the war"

"Why must we wait till the war end ?"

"She's still my daughter , she mustn't go to this war"

"I see , but you miss her right ?"

"I don't have the right to miss her"

"You even tell both of them to look after Mayu right ?"

"You even know that ? You're really good huhh?"

"I have been your servant for a long time , I can know it without any power ."

"Without your power huhh....? , where is Black anyway ?"

"At her room , seems like she know about the war and haven't go out from her room"

"I see , but we have no choice , tell all to prepare for a war , I think the Kashiwagi will attack soon and don't ever tell the kashiwagi the reason we kidnap Black , keep that on your mind !" Look sad and serious

"Haik"bowing to his boss and go away


"Yosh , we are here" pointing the big house

"Woww , it's big" the Mayuki said in unison

"Really ? I think it's not that big"

"What ? It's like a castle , I never think here have a big house like that" yuki pointing the big house too

"Ano.. , how should we call both of you ?" Yuki ask the girls

"Eh? We haven't introduce ourselves yet ? , then My name Is Oshima Yuko and my girlfriend is Kojima Haruna" yuko smile to the Mayuki

"Ok and My name is Kashiwagi Yuki , my gir-- .... And she's Mayu Watanabe" pointing to Mayu

"You almost say something stupid again Yuki!!" Yuki murmurs to herself which make mayu confused .

"What's happen with Yuki ? She seem frustrated by something , should I read her minds ? , I will try it then" mayu then said some spell and going to read her mind

But just when she almost read yuki's mind , she remembered the last time she read yuki mind , Mayu decided to not do that and stop with a red face and her heart beat so fast.
Yuko and Haruna saw Mayu and Yuki and know what happen instantly.

"Nee , Nyan-nyan , you know what's happen right ?" Whispering to nyan-nyan ear

"Yeah.." Whispering back

"Should we report about this lovey-dovey things to boss ?" Still whispering

"I think it's a no need , that's a love you know , we shouldn't interfere their love problem , remember that yuko"

"Haikk... , I think boss already know it too" Pouting to haruna

"Okay, I think it's enough for the introducing , let's go inside and get a dinner too" Haruna said to both Mayuki which make them get out from their thought

"H-hhaik.." In Unison

--------------Inside the house----------------

All of them are at the dinner's room waiting for Haruna preparing the dinner with Yuki helps

"Mayu .." Yuko talk to mayu


"Do you know the reason why your Father kidnap black ?"

"Y-you know my father ? Who are you ?" Mayu shocked but she keep her voice from shouting

"I will tell you , but you mustn't say anything to Kashiwagi's , your father didn't want to , even Black didn't want to"

"Black ? Okey" sadly answering yuko

"Let's start with me and haruna , your father told us to take care of you , he knows every little thing you do and where you are know"

"I have knows about the fact my father know all the thing about me , but why He kidnap black ?"

"You see , the Fact that Black and Yuki are twins , they're really close you know that too.
But there's something bad will happen if ---"

Yuko suddenly stop what she is talking about knowing Haruna and Yuki gonna come soon. Yuko make a sign to Mayu to keep silent about what she told to her.

"here's the dinner .. " Yuki serve them the dinner with an apron still used
Mayu and yuko look at Yuki then ..

"Wh-whaa , what happen here ?" Nyan-nyan just come and saw all the floor full of bloods

"Nyan-Nyan , Yuki make us bleeding" yuko said to haruna with a blood all over her nose

"Mayuyu , Are you okay ??? , why both of you are bleeding anyway ? I didn't do anything thought" confused

Mayu and Yuko said in unison ::

"It's because you look too good in that apron" then both of them fell asleep tired cause the lost of their blood.

"Seems like we have to take care of them and can't have a dinner's " Haruna sigh and take yuko to their room

"Ah , Yuki your room is there"pointing at the room on the second floor "Mayu room is beside your room" she continued

"Haik , arigatou"

Then Yuki took Mayu to her room not to Mayu room cause she want to take care of Mayu.
She keep staring at Mayu thinking how cute is Mayu when she sleep then  her face make a different emotion

"Mayuyu , I think I have fell for you , wonder if you like me or not" then Yuki give mayu a kiss on her forehead and go to sleep next to Mayu. their bed is big too , enough for 5 people to sleep. And They are not even hungry anymore.

"Yukirin baka , of course I like you too even since we're still a child , I LOVE YOU" Mayu open her eyes and murmurs to herself then go back to sleep . She hears all yuki said to her while she's pretending to sleep.


"Jurina , I think we have to search for yuki and mayu now" rena really worried

"How about we tell yuki parents first ?"

"No , we don't have to , let's search for them by ourselves and I want to talk to you everything about this supernatural thing too , Yuki and mayu is gonna be okay , I just remember about their power too."

" power?? I just remember the last time you says about yuki's memories "

"Unn , yuki memories has been erased by a witch" Rena told Jurina as they're walking to find the Mayuki

"You see , Mayu and Yuki Family is all a witch , but they're fighting for something " she continued

"Witch ? You're not joking right rena-chan ? Then how about you ?" Jurina looks confused

"I'm not a witch" answered with straight face

"But I have a seventh sense that make me to have a power , all my family have that too"

"Seventh sense ???? That's cool" jurina still looks confused and shocked

"Then What your power and mayu and yuki too ?"

"For Mayu , she can read minds , for me , I think I can saw through the past which make me know all about these thing, as For Yuki she have a big power."

" What big power ?"

"Her power together with her Twins can destroy the humanity and the World " rena seems sad

"Destroy the world is really a big problem and She has a twins ? Where is she know ? "

"She is being kidnapped by the Watanabe's Family"

"Why ?"

"I don't know the reason , but I know we will have a war soon , The Kashiwagi and Watanabe will have a war" look sad

"As for me the Matsui , my Family will help the Kashiwagi"

"But Rena-chan , who's the one erased yuki memories ?"

"I think that's what Her Parent's , but the one who do it isn't her parents"

"Maybe it's her parents friend ? But Is it because her parents want she to forget about her past with Mayu that they erase her memory ? ?"

"Yes , but I know the Watanabe have a good reason to kidnap black , hope nothing bad will happen beetwen the two family" rena continue

"Jurina , can you keep this ?" Giving her a necklace

"What is this for ?"

"To keep you save from dangerous" give a warm smile to Jurina

"Arigatou " smile and give a peck on rena cheek

"Let's go search for them now"

As they walk farther , suddenly they see a big house in front of them blocking their way

"Nee Rena , don't you think this house seems weird ?"

"Well , it's really weird"

"Let's see if there's someone live there"

"Good idea"

They walk to the main door of the house and press the bell

No answer
Still no answer

"I think no one's here" Jurina said to Rena

"Yeah , let's continue search for them then"


Suddenly the Wmatsui hear a door being opened
They turn to see who's open the door but there's no one , they decided to enter the house to search for mayu and yuki.
When they just enter the house the door closed by itself and they got shocked with the house look , it look so untidy and gross

"Who are you ? Show yourself now !" Rena try to find the person in the house

Suddenly a voice said to Jurina and Rena ::

"Answer me first , who are you ? Why did you come here ?"

"I'm Rena and next to me is Jurina , we came to search our friend"

"Who's your friend ?"

"Mayu and Yuki" jurina answer


The house became clean and tidy after the voice said some spell

"Welcome Jurina-san , Rena-san "

Yuko and Haruna appeared in front of the Wmatsui in a blink of eye

"Ehh ?" Wmatsui Unison

"What is it ?" Yuko ask confused

"Where did both of you come from ?" Jurina confused

"Jurina , they're a witch" rena said with a straight face


"Okay , both of you want to search for Mayu and Yuki right ?" Haruna tried to make yuko stop hugging her

"Haik !"The Wmatsui said in Unison

"Then just go to the second floor , Ah , I think just wait till tomorrow , I think they're sleeping already"

"But , May I know who you are ?" Rena ask curiously

"We ? Mayu's Father underling you can say" yuko said it without any doubt. Haruna pinch yuko cheek for saying it carelessly

"Ouch , Nyan-nyan it's hurt !" Holding her cheek

"Why did you said it ?"

"Rena want to know it"
Haruna pinch yuko cheek once again

"A-ano ... , why did mayu's father send both of you ? Because the war ?" Rena ask again

"Nope , he send us to take care of Mayu"

"I see , then may I know why he kidnap black ?"

"It's a big secret , we can't tell you" yuko look really serious

"Did Mayu know the reason ?"


"Why didn't you tell her ? , it's a good reason right ? , he do that to save the world right ?" Rena seem really mad

Haruna and yuko shocked but didn't say anything , they shock to hear what Rena said to them , they never know Rena would know it that much.

"Rena-chan , please calm down" jurina tried to calm her girlfriend but she can't

"Why don't you answer my question ?do you know yuki memories of Mayu has been erased , do you know how sad is Mayu to know yuki didn't remember her , what if that thing happen to us ?" Rena hold back her tear , she really sad to know mayu and yuki story , and scared that thing would happen to herself and Jurina

"Rena .... " Jurina look sad too

"I'm sorry rena , Jurina, we can't do anything , it's for her good too" haruna said it without knowing yuko almost said everything to Mayu

"No , Nyan-nyan , I will tell Mayu all , Rena is true , what if that happen to us , and I know Mayu is really sad , so I have tell her already but not all"

"But Yuko , the boss told us not to tell anything"

"I'll take the responsibility , don't worry nyan-nyan , It's gonna be okay " give haruna a warm smile

Nyan-nyan almost cry but she hold it.

Knowing the pair have decided a good thing , Rena and Jurina release a smile too and look each other

"Rena , I love you" jurina give a peck on rena lips
Which make rena blush like crazy

Rena replied , "I love you too"

"Okay , the lovey-dovey moment is enough , let's all go to sleep" haruna said

"Nyan-nyan , you ruin their mood" yuko's pouting

Both rena and Jurina blushed

"Really ? I'm sorry , But we need a sleep , let's go rena , Jurina , I will take you to your room , you didn't want to go back right ?

The Wmatsui just smiled and follow haruna to their room


"Otou-san , did you want to start the war tomorrow?"


"What will happen if we still can't get black back ?"

"We can , the Matsui gonna help us too"

"But , ..." Yuki mother can't say anything anymore

--- On the wars day ---

"Otou-san , here's your weapon"


"Otou-san , are you sure you want to fight watanabe ? He's your bestfriend right ?"

"It's all just in the past , he is my enemy now . Tell hikaru to go first and make a dimension where we can fight , the watanabe will come to the dimension soon after the dimension being created"



"Boss , they will create a dimension soon , we have to go there"

"Okay , tell all to go first"

"Boss , are you sure you want to fight ? The Kashiwagi is your besfriend right ?"

"Nah , he think of me as an enemy right now"

"How about black ?"

"Keep her safe , transfer her to yuko and Haruna place , and make sure black use the ring that keep her power."


Soon the war start without the boss in the dimension , both the boss is at their place helping from a far .
The watanabe has send Black to where yuko and Haruna at , but it's still really early , so no one has wake up yet , Black just inside the house sitting alone till Mayu go down to take a water and saw black sitting alone

"B-Black?" Mayu shock to see black there

"Yo, Mayu"

"What are you doing here ?" She shout and make all to wake up and go down to see what happen

"Calm down Mayu , you make them all wake up now " pointing to the Wmatsui,Kojiyuu,and yuki
That have a shock face

The kojiyuu::

"B-blackk !!"

The Wmatsui


"Yup , I'm black , don't be that shock will ya ?" acting normal

"Waitt , really , why you're here ? You must be with the boss right ?" Yuko ask

"Your boss send me here"


"To keep me save from the war maybe"

"I see ,but --"

"Black !!!" Yuki shout her name and hug her

"Where did you go ? I miss you so much you know ?"

"Yukirin , you remember her ? Didn't your memories being deleted ?" Mayu ask curiously

"Eto... , I think just now something happen on my thought and suddenly I remember everything" looks confused

"what happen ??"

"Mayu , I will explain all for you , and I will tell the reason black being kidnapped" yuko make a serious face

"Okay, I will hear it"

"Remember what the last time I tell you about black right ?


"You see , the Fact that Black and Yuki are twins , they're really close you know that too.
But there's something bad will happen if ---"

End of flashback

All of them that in the room sitting and hear to what yuko had to say.


" If yuki and black get to closed and one of them happen to do something wrong when they're together  even if that just a little , the world gravitation will break and the human race will dissapear which make the 'black witch' being reborn , plus they together can dispelled any spell , that's why yuki remember her past , the spell that erase her memories had been broken"

"Now , you know the reason why your father kidnapped black right ?"

"Yeah " mayu look sad to know she hate her father for these thing

"But , what will happen if the black witch are being reborn ?"

"Easy , all of us the witch that still exist now and the one who have a power , will disappear"

"Disappear ??" Mayu shocked to know that

"Yup , and the 'black witch' will make us dissapear and remake this world with negative power"

"And do you know Mayu , The reason your father didn't tell anything about this to The Kashiwagi Family?"Yuko continue what she said

"It's because he didn't want the kashiwagi family know that both their twins daughter will make a bad thing happen , Black didn't want to tell her parents too , right black?" Looking at black

"Yeah , my family will be really sad if they know that yuki and I will make the world break and I can't control my power , so your father help me too" showing the ring she use to keep her power

"Then , I can never get close to you anymore black ?" Yuki seem sad which make Mayu heart broken into piece to saw the girl she love sad

"Yeah" black look sad too , both of them are really close as a sister

"No , Yukirin , I will try to find a way , so don't be sad , believe in me" mayu said and hold yuki cheek

"Mayuyu ... ," Crying and hug mayu

"Don't worry Yukirin" mayu patting yuki head

"Mayu , how will you find a way ??" Black back to her normal face

"Don't ask me how , but I will find it , just wait a little longer" walking to out from the house

"Wait Mayu , where are you going ?" Jurina ask

Mayu didn't replied and just going from the house to somewhere

"Jurina , just believe her" rena said to jurina


"Yuko , Haruna , the war had started , did you know ?" Black ask


"Why don't we go to the war ?"

"What's for ?" Yuko ask

"To help of course , The watanabe"

"What can we help ? Do you want to kill your own family ?"

"No , we don't have to kill"

"Then ? What should we do ?"

"What else ? Kidnap them of course" a little grin appeared on black face

In the past black is not as cold and playful like now but she change after she know the truth about her power , actually black power is more powerful than yuki one and her power is destructive , no one know that except one person , the person who can erased someone memories , the one who erased yuki memories.

"Seriously ? How can you kidnap all your family ?"

"Actually , don't forget my family , they're helping Kashiwagi's" rena interrupt

"Ah, I just remember that , How could we kidnap so much people ?" Yuko ask black again

"Easy , Haruna , you can make someone become smaller right?"

"Me ? Yes I can do it , but there's a capasity too"

"Don't worry about capasity , someone there can help us"

"Who ?"

"The one next too Rena" black pointing to jurina

"W-what ? Me ?" Jurina look confused

"Jurina ??" Rena shocked

"Black , Jurina isn't a witch , she's a normal person"yuko said

"Yeah , that's right , but if she become a witch , she can help us"

"How can she become a witch? , please don't drag her on this" Rena really didn't want to make jurina to be in dangerous

"It's all up to you jurina" black didn't replied anything to what rena said

"Jurina , please don't" rena seem like she want to cry

"Rena-chan , don't worry that much , I will always be fine" give rena a warm smile

"Black-san , I will become a witch" look serious to black

"Black , how can you make jurina to become a witch" haruna ask curiously

"Okay , First , we have to search this person" showing them a picture

"Wow , she's pretty" both yuko and jurina said unison

"She's pretty huhh ?" Haruna and rena said and chop their girlfriend head in unison

"Hahah, you're both is a funny couple , this girl name is ..... , what's her name again ,.... Eto....." Black seem like an idiot which make the couples looking each other

"How can you forget her name ?" Yuko ask

"I don't forget , just don't remember" black seem a little red


"Ahhhh , her name is Yamamoto Sayaka"

"Finally you remember huhh?" Yuko tried to make black embrassed but she failed , black already back to her normal self

"........" Black having a serious face right now and didn't said anything

"E-etoo , black ?" Yuko feel like she want to apologize

"Yamamoto Sayaka ? Where is she right now ? We should hurry" Haruna try to calm black

"Oh right , let's go , she's somewhere not far from here" her mood change again

"Yuko , don't ever try to make black mad again!" Whisper to yuko


"Before that , yuko , can you stop the time for 2 hours ?"

"What's for ?"

"Can You ??, but don't make our time stop , make the other " Straight face

"I can , but I need 10 minutes"

"Okay, make it fast"

Yuko start to read the spell

"Black , why did you want the time to stop ?" Rena ask curiously

"So that we can make it in time , before the war become worst"


The door open and a girl standing there

"Who are you?"

"Mayu , Watanabe Mayu"

"Watanabe ? , why did you come here ?"

"To ask you something about black and yuki"

"What's happen to them ?"

"Can I go inside first ? It's hard to find your place Watanabe miyuki"

"Sure , make yourself at home"

Inside miyuki house--

"What do you want to drink ?"

"Anything is fine" coldly replied miyuki

"Okey, so what's happen to black and Yuki ? "

"Nothing bad happen , but I want to ask something" seriously look to miyuki

"What is it ?" Serving mayu a glass of tea

"You're the one who erased yuki memories right ?"

Miyuki silent for awhile

"Then , I will ask you again , Did you know how to make black and yuki can be together ?"

"What ? It's dangerous if they're together , and th-there's not have any way except to separated them."

"They're together now"

"Did black use her ring ?" Kinda shock


"I see , but they can't be together for a long time , black power can be overload and her ring will brick , you know what will happen right ?"

"And you know how to make yuki and black didn't have to get separated right ?"

"No" she seem nervous

"Please tell me milky-chan"

"I can't mayu" seem sad

Mayu and Miyuki is a cousin they really close when they are still in junior high school , but something happen to them and make them didn't talk to each other *thats why they pretend to not knowing each other*

"Please , I really love yuki , I didn't want her to be sad"

"But the only way is really dangerous you know?"

"It will even cost your life if the witch lord not intend to--  "

"I don't care about my life , please help me milky" mayu cut miyuki word

Miyuki didn't want mayu to do something that dangerous but she can't refuse what mayu ask her to

"Okey, I will help you , but you should make sure you come alive and you have to help me find someone , I can help you if that person help me"

"Who's that person ?" Mayu ask curiously

"Her name is Yamamoto Sayaka"

"Yamamoto ? That's a rare family that can create a witch right ?"


"What can she help ? And you haven't tell me how to make them not being separated"

"I will tell you when we meet with sayaka , she can explain all the thing you want to hear"

"Where can we find her ?"

"That's why I want you to help me , I don't really know where she is , I just know her"

"Then let's search for her know"

They go to the forest searching for Yamamoto sayaka and got lost.
Yamamoto Sayaka is the only one that survive from Yamamoto Family's , they are being hunted cause their power that can create a new witch . That's the reason sayaka place is really hard to find except the person have a connection with she.

"Miyuki , don't you think someone make a spell to all the world ?"

"Nah , I feel that too , it's kinda impossible except she's a strong witch"

"Hope nothing wron---"

Suddenly the time stop , nothing can move , no one can move , except kojiyuu , Wmatsui , black , and yuki.

"Okay, all ready , the time has stopped , but only for 2 hours , we should hurry" yuko said with an exhausted look

"Yuko , are you okay ?" Nyan-nyan ask with a worrying face

"I'm okay nyan-nyan , don't worry" yuko look exhausted cause she use 85% of her power

"Wow , yuko you're amazing , you can make the time stop like this" jurina look amazed

"That's why I only can make it 2 hours , my power is not enough for longer than 2 hours"

"Then let's go all , 2 hours is a short time , we really should hurry , I will lead you to yamamoto place" black said coldly

All of them following black from behind , haruna carry yuko with a bridal style , yuko is too tired to walk right now.

"I hope Mayuyu is okey" yuki really worrying about her

Sorry For the late update , I have to school so I don't have much time
Enjoy , thank you

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Re: Forget (mayuki + other fanfics) chapter 5 updated!
« Reply #19 on: January 17, 2015, 05:23:15 PM »
oh my... i'm speechless!!

i hope all of them safe  :)

Please update soon!!  :bow:
Shibuya Nagisa | Kashiwagi Yuki | MaYuki~ | NagiUha~ | IkuMai~ | Ikuta Erika | Iriyama Anna

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