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Author Topic: Chibi mode:AKB Kindergarten days~ Acchan's side story ~ Editing in progress  (Read 54872 times)

Offline Lurx89

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~Fun before Lunch 1?~
« Reply #100 on: September 03, 2011, 12:07:40 PM »
sorry for the late comment  :P

outings are great   XD

they so cute makes me want to pinch their cheeks

i lol'd at Miichan how did she get there so fast  :shocked

Offline kahem

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~Fun before Lunch 1?~
« Reply #101 on: September 08, 2011, 08:22:38 PM »
The chibi are cute as usual x3

Offline haruhi16

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~Fun before Lunch 1?~
« Reply #102 on: September 09, 2011, 05:01:06 AM »
sooo cute!! update soon!!

Offline anoni2

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~Fun before Lunch 1?~
« Reply #103 on: October 16, 2011, 03:31:12 AM »
nyahaha  i mean ahuhu   :badluck:


 i ask for forgiveness lol coz this kame haven't updated lately due to..due to.. does playing counts?

 oh w8 i mean studies studies yes i've been busy with studies  :hee:

ah daddy wanted me to update for her so here it is  :on gay:

Fun before Lunch 2

"He won't go down..."Yuko sadly gazed at the squirrels up on the tree.

"He got scared when you chased"Haruna patted the short girl's back.

"But I only wanted to play with them"Yuko keeps on sulking.She looked around and spotted a small rock and takes it.

"Yuko what are you doing?"

"Throw a rock" but before she could do it, Minami stopped her.

"Dame da yo Yuko-chan.They'll be scared more if you harm them"Minami concernedly said,Acchan was beside her,the two holding hands.

"Then what should I do.."Yuko began to tear up.

"Yo chibis!!what's up?"Jony,the school driver asdked them,food in her hands.She noticed the little Yuko crying.

"Why is she crying buckets?"

"She wanted to play with the squirrels but Yuko startled them and won't go down."Haruna explained.

"Ahh so that's why....Yoshi yosh,stop crying.I'll do something to get them"Jony brushes off Yuko's tears."A pretty girl like you shouldn't be crying,instead you have to smile more"Yuko smiled hearing that.Haruna narrowed her eyes not knowing the reason.

"Yes just like that,you have cute dimples too"Jony pinched Yuko's cheek making the latter giggle.

"Jony-san how are we going to get down the squirrels?"Acchan asked.

"Hmm food bribing,I think I have some peanuts with me and please no sans I feel old"Jony searched through her supposedly lunch and found them.

"Hai kote"All four of them showed their hands and Jony put 1 peanut each"Since we don't have any acorn that will do I hope...Now sit down and extend your hand on the ground,stay still and don't make noises ok?"They nodded and did what they were told to do. Jony backs away and watch the four.'Peanuts are like acorns right..?'Jony thought.

Meanwhile back at school~

School infirmary~

Joane pushed her glasses up to readjust it and continue on revising the students medical expediment."Healthy kids,good good"putting down the last paper she heard a grunt coming from the two infirmary bed.Flean just regained conciousness.

"Argh my head"Flean massaged her temple using her unbandaged hand.

"You're awake,how are you feeling?"

"Much better now,how long was I knocked out?"

"Only an an hour and half I think around that time,it's already lunch break.Wanna eat with me?"

"Where are the kids?"She asked not answering Joane's question.

"Outing for lunch"Joane opened her bag and took out her lunchbox.

"Where to?"Flean sat up and put on her shoes.

"I heard Ceggie saying about a park near a forest.Probably that one near here."

"Oh that one"Standing up she headed to the door.

"Where are you going?"Joane asked already started eating.

"Don't talk with your mouth is full.I'm going to where my students are."She walked out of the room and left.

But before that Flean's head popped out from the door.

"Say, did they used the school bus?"


"Thanks, see you later and have a nice meal"

Knock Knock*

"Come in"

Bouj opens the door and comes in.

"Ms. Yang,here are the papers you have to sign"she said while handing them to her.

"Hmm,now the annoying sign-them-all comes"Yang sighs and started working.

"I like my job~"Bouj singsonged watching her superior lazily signed the papers for the Parents meeting.

"The faster the better"She added.

"I'm tired already"Yang whined.

"Right...squeeling and fangirling while watching the chibis on your video camera systym ne?"Bouj smirked.

"You can't blame me when they are so CUTE!!!"Yang exclaimed while giggling.

" comment,Anyways.I'm going now for lunch.Have fun"

"Now I regret winning that bet"cursed Yang."But again...chibis are just lovable.

"Myao what are you making?"Yui,Myao and TomoTomo were on the Sand box.

"Castle"the smaller girl simply said busy gathering more sand around.

"Tomo wants castle too chiyuu"

"OK as you wish..Sebastian!"out of nowhere a butler appeared and stood  in front of them.

"You called ojou-sama?"He respectly asked.

"Make a castle,hurry"

"Yes" then he started making it in high speed,the other chibis watched it in owe and just in a few minutes he finished it with some decorations included.Wiping his sweat he faced her master.

"It's done my ladies, please enjoy."again he disappeared.

"Thank you Sebastian.There you have your castle Tomoomi-chan"

"Yey!!Tomo happy chiyuu arigato Tomochin"the latter kissed her cheek in gratitude.

"Lucky..their castle bigger than Myao's.."

"But yours is cuter"Yui smiled.

That made Myao smile as well.

"They beat us there Sasshi"

"yeah..."The two look at their unfinished castle.

"Let's make a fish instead?"

"What fish?"

"A hippopotamus"

".....Is that a fish?"

"Of course it is!!!They can swim!!"

"Ohhh!!"Ok let's make one then! hehe"

Yuki and Mayu who passed by sweatdropped when they heard the two.

"Come back here !"Mariko was chasing Miichan all around the playground.They were playing with Sae and the rest near the slides.It was going well until Miichan called Mariko a whining old lady.That made the older girl snapped and there,the once-i-catch-you-you're-dead tag game.

"Promise me you won't hit me first!"shouted Miichan not even slowing down a bit.

"Ofcourse I won't hit you,I'll beat you!"

"Ehhh!!"that made Miichan run faster.

"Wow Miichan hayai!"Jurina exclaimed amazed by the speed of her fellow classmate.

"No wonder she won us on the slide before"Sae shakes her head.

"Mariko is catching up,ah she got caught"Sayaka said pointing at the now struggling Miichan.It seems Miichan tripped so Mariko caught her.

"Shouldn´t we help?"Rena asked worriedly.


After the long wait.....

The squirrels started to get near ,for the chibis delight, slowly to check if there was danger around,sensing nothing they approached the food in display.

Yuko's was mouthing ' come here come here' while swaying her peanut.She squealed when one took it from her hand.Her happiness went to higher lvls when the little animal climb to her shoulder and eat there.

Haruna became stiff when 3 of them came near her.? They gonna bite me!!' her mind screamed.

"Look Nyanyan it's eating on my shoulder!!"

"Y-yeah i-it's kawaii.."Haruna nervously answered.

Yuko chuckled.

"Sugoi Acchan!"Minami praised her girlfriend who has the squirrel on the head.

"Eh it's soft"Atsuko touched the animal's fur gently.

Jony was amused to see the chibis enjoying the moment. She blinked when she notice a bigger animal coming towards Nami.A lot bigger than the squirrels.

"Isn't that a..?"

Nami was so caught up staring at the squirrel  that she didn't notice another animal approached her.A sudden yank broke her trance and she glansed down and saw a big racoon trying to get the nut in her hand.

"Ahhhhh!"She shouted and start running with the racoon behind her only wanted the nut.

"Nice one Takahashi!!"Jony was now laughing so hard on the floor.

"Your enjoying this aren't you?"a femenine voice talked beside Jony.

This time it was Jony's turn to stiffen.Slowly,she faced that someone..

"LUNCH TIME!!!!"Ceg's voice boomed getting all their attention.

"Hmm right on time".


there ,my 1st update for years  :cool1:

eh not years but nvm

can i go play again  :sweat:

will re-edit later,tell me the mistakes or just knock me down
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 03:12:37 PM by anoni2 »
Still shipping them early pairs. 1st generation ftw!

Editing in progress ~ T's and J's
SRO(Their Journey)


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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~Fun before Lunch 2~
« Reply #104 on: October 16, 2011, 04:01:40 AM »
Owh~~ mommy!!! You updated!! I luv you~~  :wriggly:

"Dame da yo Yuko-chan.They'll be scared more if you harm them"Minami concernedly said,Acchan was beside her,the two holding hands.
OMG!!! this is so cute!!! My Atsumina really cute!!! *dies~~  :imdead:

Flean just regained conciousness.

But before that Flean's head popped out from the door.

"Say, did they used the school bus?"

Oh!! Finally I'm awake!!! muahaha... :lol:   but where am I going?? :mon dunno:

"Let's make a fish instead?"

"What fish?"

"A hippopotamus"

".....Is that a fish?"

"Of course it is!!!They can swim!!"

"Ohhh!!"Ok let's make one then! hehe"

Yuki and Mayu who passed by sweatdropped when they heard the two.
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Those 2 really are something...  :mon lmao:

MOMMY!!! update soon~~  :bow: :bow:  btw, this update a bit longer that usual..  me likey~~ :mon thumb:

Offline Haruko

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~Fun before Lunch 2~
« Reply #105 on: October 16, 2011, 06:28:11 AM »
yes you cant.. aww atsumina!! so cite.. and kojiyuu...haruna are you jelous? tss

Offline kahem

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~Fun before Lunch 2~
« Reply #106 on: October 16, 2011, 12:32:18 PM »
So cute!!!!!!
And a racoon chasing after Takamina!!!! Rofl!!!! It remain her PB when she chased after ducks

Offline haruhi16

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~Fun before Lunch 2~
« Reply #107 on: October 17, 2011, 07:22:34 AM »
lol hippopotamus a fish? hahah aww those babies are so cute!

You should write or add a birthday party scene in your next chapter, it's Yuko's birthday today, so it's her day! :D

Offline anoni2

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~Fun before Lunch 2~
« Reply #108 on: October 17, 2011, 03:17:35 PM »
@Flean   luv ya too  :mon inluv:

@Haruko awwww please let me lol XD gaming is what I'm good with  :mon lol:

@kahem  the racoon came random  :pig laugh:

@haruhi16   I'll leave that to the kojiyuu shippers!!! though I won't get to read them or any till semester break   :tantrum:

What's next to update?
 - Love Imposible
 -T's and J's


heh I wonder
Still shipping them early pairs. 1st generation ftw!

Editing in progress ~ T's and J's
SRO(Their Journey)


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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~Fun before Lunch 2~
« Reply #109 on: October 17, 2011, 03:33:44 PM »
I want confession mommy!!! AtsuMina confession!!! onegai~~~  :mon pray2:

Offline kiniki

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~Fun before Lunch 2~
« Reply #110 on: October 17, 2011, 05:14:39 PM »
ARGHH~~~~~ sugoiiii~~ :ptam-glow: Chibi kawaiiiii~~~~ :mon lovelaff: Yuko chibi pervert LOL  :mon fyeah:
Atsumina Atsumina please :mon pray2:
waiting your next update :mon inluv: waiting waiting waiting YAAAY~~~ :mon squee:

Offline Popsicle

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~Fun before Lunch 2~
« Reply #111 on: October 29, 2011, 05:19:27 PM »
This is so cute  :cathappy: It's really gd btw.... If only this happened in real  :D
Update soon please ~~  :nervous

Offline skytsuna

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~Fun before Lunch 2~
« Reply #112 on: October 30, 2011, 05:34:56 AM »
Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~~~~~~~   :luvluv1:
 :farofflook: They are just too cute and adorable!!!!!
Ah~ I want sisters like that  :luvluv2: Not like the ones I have now  :err:
Anyway!!! Nice FIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :on lol:

Offline Lurx89

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~Fun before Lunch 2~
« Reply #113 on: October 31, 2011, 09:52:27 PM »
I wanna have siblings like them :tantrum:  I'm only child  :on speedy:

rofl at  the Comedy duo  :lol:

gah chubby looking watch out  XD

hehe poor Nami  :mon lol:

update soon  :mon ehh:

Offline anoni2

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~Fun before Lunch 2~
« Reply #114 on: December 25, 2011, 11:12:50 AM »
@Lurx89  LOL ask auntie for a bro or sis hahaha I bet she'll chase you with a stick  :on lol:
@skytsuna  gah yeah me too >_< thank you for liking this fic  :farofflook:
@Popsicle  hehe me too  XD
@kiniki wee your hyper!! nyahaha nice nice  :lol:
@Flean ah am i blushing  :shy2:

Will leave with this for a moment. Still on for short updates.


The chibis were happy to  see Flean doing fine and able to join them on their lunch trip.

So to get going, they had decided to divide the group in 3 to have more space. There were picnic tables surrounding the big tree. With whines and many protests they managed to make the groups.

Group A- Flean and Jony as the extra
      -Yuko, she kept on whining when Haruna was put on another group
      -Minami, with the raccoon asking for more food.
      -Atsuko was failing to get the raccoon away from Minami.
      -Miichan, she was scolded for running around too much but she ignored them while looking at the foods.
      -Mariko, Miichan blamed her for all and thought of something to make the younger   girl suffer as a revenge.
      -Akichan, singing some random songs she could remember.
      -Shichan, trying to stop Aki from singing for a reason.

Group B- Taka J
      -Haruna was doing her best to ignore Yuko's pleading eyes.
      -Sae, playing rock-papper-scissor with Sayaka.
      -Sayaka, keeps on winning without effort and flicks Sae's forehead as a punishment.
      -The comedy duo, they are in their own world of theatre.
      -Jurina sat beside Rena waiting for their lunch.
      -Rena was too hungry to move.
Group C- Ceg
      -Yuki, watching Mayu trying to catch a grasshopper.
      -Mayu, returned crying when she accidentally touched a caterpillar on the ground.
      -Myao and Yui were busy looking at Sebastian cooking skills.
      -TomoTomo was reciting what they wanted to eat.

Principal's office*

“YATTA FINISHED AT LAST!” Yang shouted tiredly. Bouj clapped from outside the room in a slow pace.

“You could have helped me you know anyways Christmas CHRISTMAS!!”

“Okay no need to shout. Geez, now the papers please.”Bouj asked.

“Here you go!!!Kyaaa I'm so excited!!!” Bouj looked at her superior weirdly.

“I'll send these to the parents immediately...”Bouj then went to her cubicle to send them by fax.

“Ok so these are for daycare and kindergarten goes here. Great, now time to do my job”

Back to the groups*

Miichan was crying so hard because Mariko had told her she had eaten all her share.

“My food ahuhu, Mari-hic*-chan hido hic* i”Miichan continued crying, louder this time.
Mariko thought it was enough, her cries was getting on her nerves.

“Okay okay I was just kidding, here's your food” Mariko gave her bento to the crying girl.

“Next time don't make me mad again or I'll do it for real” Mariko warned Miichan.

“Yesh, won't do again”Miichan responded as she started to eat happily.

'She's happy when she have her food' Mariko facepalm herself mentally.

“NyanNyan why did they take you away from meeee” Yuko whines putting a sliced omelette to her mouth. She looks to the other table to find Haruna talking to the twin tower.

“Awwww Flean sensei!!!”Yuko called her teacher.

“Yes Yuko?” Flean stopped eating to hear what the little girl wants.

“Can I go to where NyanNyan is pwease pwease” Yuko asked with a puppy eyes.

“And why is it?”

“Uhm to eat with her?” Yuko just wants Haruna to stop talking to Sae and Sayaka at least not without her near. (They might take her away from me) Yuko thought.

“Just let her Flean-san, look at those puppy eyes, cute!” Jony said helping the girl.

“I guess it's fine. Ok, you can-” Yuko was already running to where Haruna's group.” go...”

“Hahahahah” Jony laughed.

“And why are you laughing?”

“For nothing” Jony nervously continued eating.

“Hmm” Flean began to eat as well.

“Yum!”Takamina chewed her food happily. Atsuko's bento was too much for her so she shared some to Minami and to their extra companion, the raccoon.

“Say ahh”Atsuko attempt to feed Minami.

“Ahhh”Minami openned her mouth ready to eat the offered food but the raccoon was faster. It jump and ate it instead.

“Mouu that was for Nami-chan!”Atsuko snapped.

“It's no biggie Acchan, here ahhhh”now it was Nami's turn to feed Acchan.

Atsuko hurriedly took it, afraid the raccoon would eat it again. “Ehehe”she showed her tongue to the animal.

“It must be really hungry, it's eating a lot” Jony commented.

“Don't get too attached to it”Flean reminds them.

“Hai sensei”

“Wooohooo bang bang, bambibami ride!” Aki sangs.

“Come on! The lyrics are not even close to that “Shichan shakes her friend to stop singing.

“Suki nan da suki suki doki doki! Hihihih” Aki continued.


Sebastian finished on the toppings and give them to his ojousama.

“Here is your oyako donburi and curry rice with gyoza  Tomo-ojousama ". Miichan raised her head when she heard the word gyoza to Mariko's wonder.

“As for Tomomi-ojousama, spaghetti with macarroni and cheese”

“Thank you Sebastian”Tomo shortly said.

“Yaaaai spaghetti da, arigato chiyuu!”Tomomi smiled.

“Please enjoy your lunch little ms.”Sebastian then glance at the 4 girls.

“What would you like young ladies and their sensei?”

But Ceg said it was ok.

“Woah, Yui-chan Yui-chan he's asking us!”Myao blurted out.

“Mayu, anything you want?” Yuki looked at the younger girl.

“GYOZAAA!”Miichan yelled behind startling them.

“Minegeshi, shouldn't you be in your group's table?”

“Not without my gyoza, mister please make me gyoza!”Miichan demanded.

Sebastian just chuckled and took out some gyoza he made previously, still warm.

“Hai, gyoza as the young lady requested”he handed the food to the almost drooling girl.

“Miichan!!how can you just run off like that! Now let's go back to our table” Mariko dragged her back.

“Mister arigato na!” Miichan waves.

“It's Sebastian young lady!”

“Oh, thank you then butler-san!”

“I just told her my name...right ojou-sama?”

But Tomochin wasn't listening, was busy eating and feeding Tomomi at the same time.

“Sebas-san Sebas-san!”Myao tagged at the butler's pants.

“It's Sebastian young lady and may I know what you want?”

“Pudding! For all!hehe”

“Oh for dessert it is, very well. I will prepare it soon”

“Icecreamu!!”Mayu raised her hand!

“Atashi mo”Yui second.

“Candy for meeee!”Jony childishly requested earning a weird look from Flean.

“Nani?I like them coz it's like kis-”

“Ok stop that, kids around”Flean cut her words off.

“Eh?what's wrong with kis-” again Flean cut Jony's word by covering the driver's mouth.

“Don't talk till I tell you so, you got it?”Flean commanded. Jony hesitantly nodded.

“Hmm, good”

'But I still want my candy'Jony groaned.

And more happened during lunch, soon enough it was time to go back home and the time to part with raccoon.

“Stay genki ne raccoon?let's play again someother time”Minami patted the animal's head.

They said their goodbye and the bus drove away leaving raccoon waving at them. Flean's car followed behind.

- - - -
“Hai, thank you very much please do attend”Bouj bid goodbye to the person on the other line.

“Finally done, all invitation sent.”

“Bou-chan you done?” came the voice from the principal's.

“Sure sure” she lazily answered.

“Great, decoration timeeee!”Yang excitely shouted. “ oh and gifts lots of gifts!”

“Oh I'm so dead”Bouj growled.


fail fail I think I missed some things but will do update later after visiting relatives.

 :mon bye:

Sorry Fleany, in the end I had to kick the problem-maker guild from Union  :smhid

sorry for gramatical mistakes  :kneelbow:

New characters for later hehehe
Still shipping them early pairs. 1st generation ftw!

Editing in progress ~ T's and J's
SRO(Their Journey)

Offline skytsuna

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~Lunch~finally
« Reply #115 on: December 25, 2011, 11:24:36 AM »
Yea!!! An Update!!! :w00t:
I was waiting for this XD

Aw~ They are really so cute~ :wub:
Haha.. Acchan and Minami :inlove:

Thanks for the Update :thumbsup
Please update soon  :twothumbs

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~Lunch~finally
« Reply #116 on: December 25, 2011, 01:23:15 PM »
Oh! I like this!! XD I've just read it just now and it's :twothumbs

The little kids are just so adorable~ :wub:
LOL Acchan snapped when the raccoon took the food she was going to feed Minami :lol:
and when Acchan hurry and eat the food Minami feed her XD

It's Cuteness Overload~~~ :heart: :heart:

Thank you for the update :thumbup :thumbup Please do update soon :mon cute:

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~Lunch~finally
« Reply #117 on: December 25, 2011, 01:24:53 PM »
o(`▽´)o Yeay! finally updated~! Cuteness overload~! (´∀`人)

Haha.. somehow I envy the raccoon~ getting feed by chibi acchan (or actually snatched it) and so close with my atsumina~
Kekekekkekeke ( ̄∀ ̄)


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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~Lunch~finally
« Reply #118 on: December 25, 2011, 02:28:06 PM »
You kicked them mommy??  :twothumbs   I thought you the one who always being kicked away..  :lol:

btw, I really miss your update~~~  :wub:  My chibi couple so cute!!!  XD

Update more!!!! :banghead:

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~Lunch~finally
« Reply #119 on: December 26, 2011, 03:33:41 PM »
Waaa! anoni2 you're back with update!

Chibi AKB are so cute!  :mon hanky: I wanna pinch their cheek  :mon cheek:

Thank you for your update
Arígatou!  :kneelbow:
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