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Author Topic: NMB fanfic (Rock star meets Pop idol) Chapter 9  (Read 40999 times)

Offline River1721

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Re: NMB fanfic (Rock star meets Pop idol) Chapter 2
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2014, 08:29:22 PM »
Such a fast update :on drink:
Milky stating Yuki as her rival, and Yuki accepts! :mon star:
Its as if a war was declared :mon lol:
“Idols are just performers. I’m a pop star, and you’re a rock star, but we both sing and dance, and do awesome stuff for crowds of people! So, in a way, we’re BOTH idols!”
Milky you brilliant person!! :mon fyeah: Such words were said in a perfect manner :mon sweat:
“We, the Watanabe Miyuki fanclub, will continue to support you from now on! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!”
I'm not surprised that Milky already has a fanclub made for her :on lol:
Churi and Papi made an appearance! :mon fu:
“Uh… getting along?”
Oh, I wonder how things went on in the club room :sweat:
Can't wait for next update :whistle:

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: NMB fanfic (Rock star meets Pop idol) Chapter 2
« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2014, 11:17:14 PM »
Chapter 3: Life is filled with twists and turns

“You guys look ridiculous!”

“Oh yeah?! And you call THAT fashionable?!”

Me and Miyuki stared as both of our groups were fighting. Definitely NOT how I wanted her to see our clubs.

“Hey!” I shouted off the top of my lungs, “We were only out for an hour and this is the amount of your troublemaking?”

“THEY STARTED IT!!!” Both groups said.

“I don’t give a damn! All that matters is you lot are flipping fighting and this isn’t the way we act towards a new student!”

The two groups turned their backs to each other. The Idol club grabbed Miyuki and pulled her to their side before slamming the door.

“Wait, Miyuki!”

“Leave her be, Sayanee. She’s on their side.”


“Here!” Saepii handed me a piece of paper. “We need to recruit new trainee members for the club.”

“We’re counting on you, Sayanee!”

I walked outside and sat down at the table, piles of fliers beside me. I looked to my side and saw Miyuki the same, dressed in an idol outfit.

“You too, huh?” she said to me.


“I thought both clubs got along. Why are you fighting?”

“It’s a long story.”

Miyuki looked around and saw that no one was heading for either of our tables yet.

“I got time.”

I sighed. “OK. Well… It all started when me and Yoshida first started middle school...”

“Yes, carry on...”

“Well, it was hate at first sight basically… Nevertheless, I tried to ignore her...”

“What happened?”

“After she joined the Idol club and they won the Battle of the Bands, they’ve basically started hating on us. She used every last inch of her hatred for me to make fun of me and the band.

“That’s kinda mean...”

“I didn’t really care though. That hatred only made me feel more energized and want to do better.”

“You really think that this whole rivalry is gonna help anything?”


“You guys shouldn’t be fighting!”


“You guys should be making friends, not fighting like this. There’s no point!”


“I’m gonna put an end to this right now!” She got up and opened the door to her practice room. Then, she opened up the band’s practice room and had them both facing each other again. “Oi!”

“Eh? Watanabe-san?”

“Hey, what’s going on here?”

“I’ll tell you what’s going on! You both need to stop fighting!”

“I now know these two groups have a deep rivalry and I want to put an end to it. Now.” She took two of the members of both groups and pulled them together. “From now on, I want us all getting along!”


“Really? Don’t tell me you’re taking their side, Watanabe!”

“I’m serious, you guys! I wanted you both to stop this fighting and make up!”

Everyone, even me, felt tense. Miyuki seemed like a public speaker trying to get people to vote the democratic party for some election.

“You hear me?!”

“Hai...” Everyone said simultaneously.


We then heard a knock on the door and saw someone standing in front of our club rooms.


“Ah, Kashiwagi-san!”

“Ohayo, Miyuki, Sayaka.”

“What brings you here?”

“Oh, I, uh… I just heard you guys fighting and wanted to check up on you. Yeah, that’s all. Haha. Hahaha...”

I saw her biting her lip again before she turned to look at us and smile again.

“Well, anyways, I hope you both will get along. See you.”



“Before you leave Kashiwagi-san. I want to know your true motives. Why is it that whenever you feel uneasy, you bite your lip? Is is because you're hiding a secret from us?”

“N-no, I’m not. It’s because I’ve never talked to anyone here before, it’s just new to me.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, Miyuki. I am pretty sure. Now I best be going now.”

“Okay, whenever you need me, I’ll be here.” Miyuki winked as Yuki was walking off further into the distance.

“Well… I.. gotta go.” She said before bowing and leaving.

“What was that about, Miyuki?”

“Nothing.” She shrugged her shoulders and started straightening her outfit before standing outside. “Hey, everyone~ All of you who wants to sign up for the Idol club, please sign up for auditions!”

I realized what she was doing and stepped out.

“Same goes for us! If you wanna join the Rock band, we’re open for auditions! Please, don’t you dare hesitate!”



The next day…

Me and Miyuki were walking out of class when we suddenly ran into someone. They quickly apologized and left before we could say anything.

“Wonder who that was.”

Miyuki walked up to her locker, and when she opened it, a note fell out.


“What is this?”

She opened the note and read it aloud…

Dear Watanabe Miyuki-san,
I’ve always been a big fan of yours
It’s been my dream to meet you, so you being here makes me happier beyond compare.
I would love to be able to talk to you more and hopefully become close
Please meet me on the rooftop during lunch.

-Signed, your admirer

“Wow, a secret admirer already. I wonder who it is...”

“I kinda have a bad feeling about this...”


“What if it’s Momoka?” I remember how weird she and the others acted towards her.

“No. Probably not. Momoka doesn’t seem shy about her love for me, otherwise, she wouldn’t have written a note. It’s definitely someone else.”

“Umm.. Just go and you’ll find out who~”

When lunch finally came, we got a few orders of takoyaki and started heading upstairs to the rooftop.

Miyuki clasped on to the door handle while I reassured her that everything was going to be alright. Once she opened the door, it revealed a girl with long silky black hair… I recognized her as Yagura Fuuko.

“Ohayo, Sayaka-chan, Watanabe-san.”

“Ohayo, Yagura-san.”

“Uh, please, sit down.” She offered us to sit beside her on the roof as she ate her lunch silently, blushing a bit.

“So, Yagura-san, you’re my admirer?”


“Ah, kawaii~ You’re blushing.”

“Eh? I-I’m not that cute. Not like you, Milky..-san.”

“Just Milky is fine.”

“H-Hai… Milky.” She’s blushing even more now. Actually, it’s kinda cute.

“So, Yagura-san, tell me about yourself.”

“Uh… I’m in the Literature club.”

“Okay~ Anything else?”

“Umm, to be honest with Milky, I have all, if not most of the magazines you feature in.”

“Uwaa~ arigatou!”

She blushed incredibly hard as Milky was thanking and praising her.

“So, Yagura-san, we’re you thinking of joining the Idol club or something?”

“No, I’d rather watch.”

“You sure?”


Miyuki just smiled. “Well, it’s nice to know you’re my fan.”

“Hai, it’s nice knowing an idol as cute as you, Watanabe-san~”

I smiled seeing they were getting along so easily.

But, more than that, I think I need to warn Miyuki soon… Just how weird this school can get.

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline River1721

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Re: NMB fanfic (Rock star meets Pop idol) Chapter 3
« Reply #22 on: September 21, 2014, 12:26:00 AM »
Just how fast are you guys writing? :mon lol:
I'm impressed with how Milky easily got both clubs to stop fighting and make up :mon determined:
“What if it’s Momoka?” I remember how weird she and the others acted towards her.
I was thinking that Momoka was the admirer too, but what Milky said after made sense  :mon ignore:
Aw~ Fuuko is Milky's admirer  :hee:
She kept on blushing during the conversation  :shy2:
But, more than that, I think I need to warn Miyuki soon… Just how weird this school can get.
Just how weird can Namba Girls’ Academy be :on lol:
Can't wait for next chapter :on drink:

Offline Kairi65

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Re: NMB fanfic (Rock star meets Pop idol) Chapter 3
« Reply #23 on: September 21, 2014, 01:31:36 AM »
you sure update fast~

i wonder what is it about yuki..?

just how weird can this school possibly be..?

wonder on the outcome~

Offline MaYukiIsLife

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Re: NMB fanfic (Rock star meets Pop idol) Chapter 3
« Reply #24 on: September 21, 2014, 09:53:05 AM »
@River1721 As I've written, she's like a public speaker XD Who gets what she wants  :twothumbs Ahh, now I think Milky + Fuuchan = Happy days XD

@Kairi65 Maybe our little reaction queen has a secret up her sleeve~ As for how weird the Academy can get well...

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: NMB fanfic (Rock star meets Pop idol) Chapter 3
« Reply #25 on: September 21, 2014, 02:56:42 PM »
Chapter 4: Life is filled with mystery

Today, after Miyuki finally settled into the school, I decided to take her to the Comedy club’s room. Since we were kids, we always like comedy and manzai, we even did it together for our elementary school once.

I opened the door and saw Nana and some of the other members. And, as usual, Nana was practicing her comedy… and failing.


“Oh, Sayaka-chan, Miyuki-chan.”

“Whatcha doin’~?”

“Just practicing for the competition that’s coming up. Our club participates in the Owarai Nippon competition each year to represent our school.”

“Have you ever won?”

Nana’s expression became stale. “Nope...”

“Sayaka-chan~~~” Jo came up and hugged me around the neck tight. “We need funny people like you! Baba over here isn’t cutting it!”



I looked and saw Miyuki’s face as she watched Nana try to calm down Jo. She turned to me and whispered, “Is Jo-chan a Zashiki Warashi?”


Although, weird stuff does happen at this school… I guess now would be a good time to tell her.

“Say, Miyuki...” I said to her. “You’ve been going to this school for a while now. There’s something you should know.”


“Have you ever heard of the Seven Mysteries?”

“Yeah. I was actually in Episode 5 as a guest star for the series.”

“Not the TV drama. Our school actually has Seven Mysteries. A lot of weird stuff happens in this school. Maybe not just seven. Maybe eight. Nine. Or even TEN!”


“You believe me?”


“OK, well, I’ve got a story that will make you believe. It actually happened in this club, the Comedy club, and it happened… to Nana.”


It wasn’t too long ago when it happened. I was helping out with the Comedy club, and Nana was practicing her routines as usual.

But, the one thing that was different was she didn’t fail miserably. All of the gags she did were incredibly hilarious.

But then, one day…



“EH?! Who are you?!”

“We are fairies from Suberi-land.”

“Yamada-san, we need your help. We believe you have the potential to save our world!”

Apparently, the fairies’ kingdom was being attacked by an evil wizard who was making everyone die of laughter, and Nana had the power to stop it.

“But what could I possibly do?”

“There’s only one way for your powers to awaken and save Suberi-land.”

And that is...

You guessed it; she had to FAIL at her jokes.

Even though Nana regretted it at first, she held her head up high and started failing at all the jokes and gags she did.

Nethertheless, Suberi-land was… probably saved, as the fairies were able to go home with smiles. But, not only that, even after years of practicing to try and get her talent back, Nana was unable to make funny jokes again…

End of Flashback


Miyuki stared at me with an unbelieving look on her face.

“You don’t believe me, still?”

“Just sounds too...”

“IT’S TRUE!!!”

“Weren’t you just half-asleep?”

“OK, when you hear THIS, you’ll believe me! This is about the sub-leader of our rock band, ANGEL, Riho.”


It was said that Riho had psychic powers and could talk to spirits, but no one knew how it happened. I’ve heard a lot of rumors, but I’ve confirmed one to be true.

It was before we entered high school, we went to a shrine to pray we’d pass our entrance exams and make it into school together. It was a stormy, rainy day.

“Crap! I didn’t bring my umbrella!”

“It’s okay, Ripopo. Let’s hurry.”

We ran up to the shrine together, covering our heads as we finally made it up. We both threw our money in and rang the bell strongly before praying. I went inside to get some good luck charms, when suddenly, a big flash of lightning came down.

Hearing the thunder, I ran back out to check on Riho. I saw her collapsed on the ground, becoming soaking wet.

“Ripopo!” I ran up to her and helped her stand up. “Are you okay?”

“Sayanee..?” She looked at me and her eyes widened. “There’s something stuck to your shoulder.”

“Eh?” I looked, but nothing was there.

“We need to get that off!” No matter how much I denied, she pushed me into the shrine further and took me to see a priest.

The priest said there was a bad luck spirit attached to me and removed it quickly.

That’s when I knew. That lightning strike must have hit Riho and given her psychic powers, as a gift from the Gods.

End of Flashback


“Hm… sounds….”

“Milky, I’m being serious!”

“What’s wrong?” Nana said as she and Jo came up to us.

“I’m trying to get Miyuki to believe we have Seven Mysteries at our school.”

“Oh yeah, it’s true, Miyuki-chan.”

“It happened to me!”

“Eh? Even to you, Jo?”

“Oh, great idea! Jo-chan, tell her your story. That should do it.”

“Now I’m kinda curious.”

“Alright. This happened after I left to study abroad. I was in America for a year doing abroad studying, but then one night, I had a dream that I was back in Japan, doing comedy with Nana.”

“Like you are now?”

“Yeah! At first, I thought I was just remembering all the fun I had with her, but then, I kept having the same dreams over and over. Me being with everyone here. Then, one night, I dreamt that our comedy club finally won the Owarai competition!”

“Eh~? I didn’t know that!”

“Is that true?”

“I knew I just HAD to come back! It was the only way to make my dreams come true. For REAL!”

“So, that’s the reason you came back from America?”

“Well, that… and I missed you guys.”

“Aww~” We all hugged Jo, this is real sweet.

“I even missed you, Nana-san, even if you are a baba!”


Nana started chasing Jo again, running down the hall as me and Miyuki watched them.

“Yeah, this school is weird.” she said herself.

“Now you believe me?”

“Hm… so-so.”

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline MYJR

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Re: NMB fanfic (Rock star meets Pop idol) Chapter 4
« Reply #26 on: September 21, 2014, 05:47:24 PM »
lol~ the first 2 mystery :mon suspect:
I don't believe it XD

but i do believe that the school is weird :cathappy:

and Jo story... aww~ so sweet ヽ(>ー<)人(´∇`)人(^0^)ノ

thanks for update :whistle:

Offline MaYukiIsLife

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Re: NMB fanfic (Rock star meets Pop idol) Chapter 4
« Reply #27 on: September 21, 2014, 05:54:32 PM »
lol~ the first 2 mystery :mon suspect:
I don't believe it XD

but i do believe that the school is weird :cathappy:

and Jo story... aww~ so sweet ヽ(>ー<)人(´∇`)人(^0^)ノ

thanks for update :whistle:

XD Let's just say in those stories are a reference  ;)

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: NMB fanfic (Rock star meets Pop idol) Chapter 4
« Reply #28 on: September 21, 2014, 07:16:29 PM »
Chapter 5: Life is filled with surprises


Miyuki walked in and looked over at me.

“What’s going on?”

“This.” Both the Rock Band and Idol club were gathered at the poster board, looking at one specific flyer. “The Battle of the Bands!”

“Oh yeah, that.”

“We HAVE to pass the entry auditions. It’s the ONLY way we can get our chance to win this year.”

“And that winner will be us,” Akari said. “Just like always.”

“Yeah right.” Murashige said as she rolled her eyes in boredom. Then, her stomach growled. “LUNCHTIME!!! Time to get my mentaiko~”

“Really, Shige-chan? How can you think of FOOD at a time like this?”

“Milky, we’re going to practice.” Haruna and her partner, Kanako, took both of Miyuki’s arms and started dragging her to the practice room.

“Have fun pigging out!”

“Hey! We are NOT pigs!!!”

“Let’s just leave them be, guys.”

We all walked down to the cafeteria together. There, I saw Shiroma-san sitting outside as she unpacked her lunch.


She turned and looked at me with a smile.


“Whatcha doin’ out here? Shouldn’t you be eating with your friends?”

“Oh, it’s fine. I just need some time to myself. No one minds it, anyways.”

Hm, I wonder if that’s true…

“Well, I’m gonna eat lunch with you.” I said as I sat down.


“Yeah. You’re my friend.”

“Hehe, thanks, Yamamoto-san.”

“Please, just call me Sayaka.”

“Hai. Sayaka-chan. Hehehe...”

I spent most of lunchtime talking to Shiroma-san. I wanted to become good friends with her. Something about her seemed… lonely.

“Hey, you wanna come watch band practice?”


“Of course. I want you to see what we can do.”

“Thanks, Sayaka-chan!”

“Come on!” I lead her up the stairs and showed her to the band practice room, opening the room. “In here.”

“Hey, Sayanee.”

“Who’s that?”

“Guys, this is Shiroma Miru, Shiroma-san, this is the band.”


“Murashige desu!!!” Anna said, raising her hand. Then… “Mentaiko!”

“Nice to meet you, Murashige-san.”

“Nice to meet you, too, Miru-chan! Which class are you in?”

“Eh? Uh… Class 1-C.”

“Eh~? A first year?”


“Well, nice to meet you. I’m Saepii~” Our guitarist said before strumming a chord. Miru applauded with a smile on her face.

“Do you like rock ‘n roll music?”


“And that over there is our DJ and keyboardist, Umechan.”

“Nice to meet you, Miru-chan~ Check out my sweet moves!” Oh yeah. If there’s one thing you gotta know when you meet Umechan, it’s that she knows how to dance.


“So, Miru-chan, have you ever thought of joining us here at the rock club?”

“Eh? Me? No way.”

“You sure?”

“Well… I-I’ve always wanted to try, but...”

“Come on, then~” I wanted her to try the guitar, to see just how much she likes rock ‘n’ roll music.

“You sure I can do this, guys?”

“C’mon! Just try it out.”


I saw her try a chord, which from what I could see was a C chord.

“Sugoi, Miru-chan!”

“Ah…. Arigatou... ”

“So… Will you join?”

“I-I guess so...”

“Well, then Miru-chan, it’s a pleasure to have you on board!”

“Hehe, yeah, thanks for having me.”

“If you need to, I’ll teach you how to play.” Saepii said.

“Yeah, Saepii’s our lead guitarist, so it’ll be helpful to have a rhythm guitarist on board with us.”

“Before I leave, can you guys keep a secret?” she said before coming closer to us. “I’ve heard Kashiwagi Yuki-san is a big fan of idols, but is also a very talented drummer. I don’t know if it’s true, so please keep quiet, for me?”


“Eh? Maji de?”

“Yeah, you guys probably never noticed, but she always passes by the clubroom and listens to you practice. Not only that, but when I’m in the library, I sometimes catch her sneaking into the manga section.”

“So, you mean...”

“Kashiwagi-san is an otaku?”


Well… It seems a new mystery has risen.


Until Yuki-san can admit to it…. It’s gonna remain a mystery….

“Wait does that mean….”

“It’s gonna be apart of the seven mysteries? Maybe~”

No way. Kashiwagi, an otaku?!

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline MYJR

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Re: NMB fanfic (Rock star meets Pop idol) Chapter 5
« Reply #29 on: September 21, 2014, 07:43:34 PM »
Haha... I like Mentaiko XD

congrats to ANGEL got a new member :onioncheer:

and welcome to the band Miru-chan :k-hello:

“I’ve heard Kashiwagi Yuki-san is a big fan of idols, but is also a very talented drummer. I don’t know if it’s true, so please keep quiet, for me?”
yeah.... :rimshot:

Until Yuki-san can admit to it…. It’s gonna remain a mystery….
Lol~ let solve the mystery :mon geek:

Offline MaYukiIsLife

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Re: NMB fanfic (Rock star meets Pop idol) Chapter 5
« Reply #30 on: September 21, 2014, 10:57:27 PM »
@MaYuki x JuRena: The Mystery Will Be Solved Soon Enough!


Chapter 6: Life Is Basically An Unravelable Web Soon To Be Untangled

It was a pretty long practice for us. 2 hours worth, composing new music as well as helping Miru learn to play guitar.

“Ahh! I’m busted right now~”

“Ahh! Sayaka-chan!” Miyuki almost ran into me, if I hadn’t moved to the side on time.

“Oy! Miyuki!”

“Eh? Yuki? Nani?”

“Come with me. Sayaka, don’t you DARE interfere.”

“How come she now has a tsundere personality?”

“Some of the students here call her Black and now I know why.”

“Hey, what was that?” Yuki said with a glare.

“OK, what is going on?”

“What’s up with acting so bitchy, huh, Kashiwagi? Is it because you can’t stand me?”

“Ugh! You know, I can’t stand people like you acting so high and mighty but on the inside you’re just as weak as the rest of us here!”

“Oh! Now look who’s talking Miss Bipolar! Acting all weak and socially awkward when she’s actually an Otaku at heart!”

“How do you know that?! I-I mean, WHERE did you hear that?!”

“Isn’t it true?!”

“NO, it’s not! It’s a lie!”

“Are you sure about that? How come Shiroma Miru-san tells me that you’ve been sneaking  around the manga section of the library?!”

“Huh?! That HAD to be someone else!”

“Oh, I’m SURE it is~”

“Why you..!” I watched Yuki push her and the two suddenly slipped and fell down the stairs, tumbling hard.

It ended with a crash and I saw the two collapsed on top of each other.

“You two okay?”

“I’m FINE.” Miyuki angrily got up and dusted off her uniform. “I’m outta here.”

“Wha-? Wait!”

I then felt someone tug my arm and saw Yuki down on the floor, holding my hand.

“Nee, Sayaka-chan, help me up~”

EH?! What the heck?! Why is she acting so cute?


“OK! OK!” I helped her up and dusted off her uniform. “You sure you’re okay?”


“Well, I’m gonna go catch up with her. You better get to class.”

“Eh?” I let go of her hand and ran off, waving goodbye.

“See ya later, Kashiwagi-san!”



I finally found Miyuki sitting by herself in the courtyard. You could almost see the steam coming out of her ears.

“Hey, uh...”

“Sayaka...” She looked up at me and got up.

“You okay? You seemed pretty mad at--”

“It’s alright, Sayaka. She just… got on my nerves.”

“Well, whatever. Come on, let’s go.” I took hold of her hand and we both ran up to the practice room together. “We need to get practicing if we’re going to pass auditions.”

“I… uh...”

I looked and saw Miyuki was blushing heavily, her eyes sparkling more than normal.

“Hey, what’s up with her?” Murashige said.

“I don’t know.”

“Hey, Ripopo, check and see if there’s some weird spirit attached to her.”


“Guys, don’t gang up on her.”

Miyuki backed away suddenly, clutching her chest as she bit her lip…

Wait… biting her lip? Miyuki never did that as a child.

I think I know what’s going on…


“Eh?” Everyone turned and looked at me suddenly.

“I know Kashiwagi well enough now to tell whether she’s feeling uneasy. She always bites her lip. Miyuki never did that when we were kids.”


“I wonder what would happen if...”

I took hold of “Miyuki’s” hands and held them tight in mine. I pulled her close and did a classic kabe-don (for all of you who don’t know, it’s when a boy comes close to a girl and pushes her against the wall so she can’t escape).

“Kashiwagi… I love ya.”

Instantly, her face lit up like a Christmas tree.

“OMG! I can’t believe it!!! Kakkoii~ so ikemen~ Yamamoto Sayaka actually gave me a kokuhaku! In fact, a kabe-don!!! THIS IS AMAZING!!!!”

As soon as she knew everyone saw her reaction, she immediately covered her face.

“Oh God...”

“I knew it. Yuki, you ARE an otaku.”

“Okay, fine. I admit it! I’m an otaku and I LOVE idols so much… I just didn’t want to get bullied….”

“You do know, that three girls in this school are addicted to Miyuki right?”

“Eh? Who?”

“Kinoshita, Ishizuka, and Tanigawa. Also, now that this has happened…. I hope Miyuki now believes in the Seven Mysteries…”

“No doubt.”

“Oh, also, now that we know you’re an otaku, what are you going to do now? Gonna join the Otaku club, or….”


“OH NO YOU DON’T!!!” Akari and the other idols quickly grabbed her and dragged her to their side. “She’s OURS!”

“Now, wait just a minute. Kashiwagi can drum! WE WANNA HEAR HER DRUM!!!”


“Yeah, you heard me right! Kashiwagi Yuki IS IN Miyuki’s body!”


“I’m confused~.”

“Trust me, we ALL are.”

“Wait just a minute, I know what might’ve happened here!”


“When Yuki and Miyuki fought earlier, they fell down the stairs I think that’s how the body swap occurred.”

Now just how to get them back into their normal bodies….

Offline Kairi65

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Re: NMB fanfic (Rock star meets Pop idol) Chapter 5
« Reply #31 on: September 21, 2014, 10:59:36 PM »
strange..why call it seven mysteries when there's probably more than that..? :lol:

another mystery has arise..yukirin's an otaku..??!! hmm, i can sense there's more than that..

no wonder "yuki" was suddenly clinging on to sayaka to pick her up..

great, now what happen to "miyuki"? :drool:

waiting for the next one~~! :twothumbs
« Last Edit: September 21, 2014, 11:05:24 PM by Kairi65 »

Offline River1721

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Re: NMB fanfic (Rock star meets Pop idol) Chapter 5
« Reply #32 on: September 21, 2014, 11:28:28 PM »
Miyuki and Yuki swapped bodies :shock:
Well, at least one mystery is solved. :hehehe:
Kashiwagi Yuki an Otaku : Confirmed! :mon lol:
Milky has got to believe in the seven mysteries, now that she's experiencing something supernatural. :bigdeal:
Now just how to get them back into their normal bodies….
All, I can think of when reading that line, is the Geinin episode of Milky and Sayaka switching bodies. The ways they tried to get the two back to their own bodies :on lol:
Will Yuki join the Rock band? :dunno:
How will Milky and Yuki get beck to their bodies :mon huh:
Can't wait for next chapter  :whistle:

Offline MYJR

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Re: NMB fanfic (Rock star meets Pop idol) Chapter 6
« Reply #33 on: September 22, 2014, 07:19:50 AM »
Body swap XD
now I believe in seven mystery :lol:

“OMG! I can’t believe it!!! Kakkoii~ so ikemen~ Yamamoto Sayaka actually gave me a kokuhaku! In fact, a kabe-don!!! THIS IS AMAZING!!!!”

As soon as she knew everyone saw her reaction, she immediately covered her face.


Yuki in Milky body do reaction queen :twothumbs

Offline atsukojiyuu_C

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Re: NMB fanfic (Rock star meets Pop idol) Chapter 6
« Reply #34 on: September 22, 2014, 08:56:22 PM »
I've been reading this story since the beginning but just have time to leave a comment.. Forgive me ‎​(⌣_⌣)

Okay.... That scene when Sayaka pushed Yuki on the wall.... I know it's Yuki, but still.... IT'S MILKY'S BODY! I mean, wow!
So.... Mwehehehehehe

I love SayaMilky's interaction in this story.. And I expect more XD

Oh and thanks for made Mirurun showed up! (>̯┌┐<)

I'm looking forward for the next~ :yep:

Offline MaYukiIsLife

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Re: NMB fanfic (Rock star meets Pop idol) Chapter 5
« Reply #35 on: September 22, 2014, 09:20:39 PM »
strange..why call it seven mysteries when there's probably more than that..? :lol:

another mystery has arise..yukirin's an otaku..??!! hmm, i can sense there's more than that..

no wonder "yuki" was suddenly clinging on to sayaka to pick her up..

great, now what happen to "miyuki"? :drool:

waiting for the next one~~! :twothumbs

Yes, no one can expect that to be honest~
Ahh, the battle for 'Milky' I guess XD

Miyuki and Yuki swapped bodies :shock:
Well, at least one mystery is solved. :hehehe:
Kashiwagi Yuki an Otaku : Confirmed! :mon lol:
Milky has got to believe in the seven mysteries, now that she's experiencing something supernatural. :bigdeal:
Now just how to get them back into their normal bodies….
All, I can think of when reading that line, is the Geinin episode of Milky and Sayaka switching bodies. The ways they tried to get the two back to their own bodies :on lol:
Will Yuki join the Rock band? :dunno:
How will Milky and Yuki get back to their bodies :mon huh:
Can't wait for next chapter  :whistle:

Yes it is true!
Yes, now we know she's an otaku (Yukirin that is)
Of course she has to believe it now~
Yes, it was a reference to the Geinin Finale XD I swear Sayanee did a better job impersonating Milky than Milky did with Sayanee XD
Ahh, you will find out soon enough~
They will get back to their bodies don't worry~ As for how..... We don't know yet XD

Body swap XD
now I believe in seven mystery :lol:

“OMG! I can’t believe it!!! Kakkoii~ so ikemen~ Yamamoto Sayaka actually gave me a kokuhaku! In fact, a kabe-don!!! THIS IS AMAZING!!!!”

As soon as she knew everyone saw her reaction, she immediately covered her face.


Yuki in Milky body do reaction queen :twothumbs

Yes, now you do XD
What do, what do?! Well if that actually happened in a TV with YukiMilky how will Milky act Yukirin XD

I've been reading this story since the beginning but just have time to leave a comment.. Forgive me ‎​(⌣_⌣)

Okay.... That scene when Sayaka pushed Yuki on the wall.... I know it's Yuki, but still.... IT'S MILKY'S BODY! I mean, wow!
So.... Mwehehehehehe

I love SayaMilky's interaction in this story.. And I expect more XD

Oh and thanks for made Mirurun showed up! (>̯┌┐<)

I'm looking forward for the next~ :yep:

Thank you for reading it though you were a silent reader~
#SayaMilky or #SayaYuki either way XD
Yes, SayaMilky is my mainsteam NMB OTP~
Oh, your welcome~

Offline Kairi65

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Re: NMB fanfic (Rock star meets Pop idol) Chapter 6
« Reply #36 on: September 23, 2014, 10:04:44 AM »

Yes, now you do XD
What do, what do?! Well if that actually happened in a TV with YukiMilky how will Milky act Yukirin XD


where did you see? :shocked:

Offline MaYukiIsLife

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Re: NMB fanfic (Rock star meets Pop idol) Chapter 6
« Reply #37 on: September 23, 2014, 01:41:43 PM »

Yes, now you do XD
What do, what do?! Well if that actually happened in a TV with YukiMilky how will Milky act Yukirin XD


where did you see? :shocked:

Well~ it's only metaphorical so if it did happen??

Offline Kairi65

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Re: NMB fanfic (Rock star meets Pop idol) Chapter 6
« Reply #38 on: September 23, 2014, 03:54:02 PM »

Yes, now you do XD
What do, what do?! Well if that actually happened in a TV with YukiMilky how will Milky act Yukirin XD


where did you see? :shocked:

Well~ it's only metaphorical so if it did happen??

 :dizzy: :stoned: :mon lol:

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: NMB fanfic (Rock star meets Pop idol) Chapter 6
« Reply #39 on: October 05, 2014, 01:50:23 AM »
Chapter 7: Life is truly something unbelievable

“Wait, are you saying you want me and her to fall down the stairs AGAIN?!?!” Yuki said with Milky’s angry face.

“No, not specifically, but we at least need to find a way to switch you two back.”

“Ripopo, you know something?”

“I will consult the Book of Spirits.”

That’s another part of Riho’s “mystery”. After she received psychic powers, she became a master of the occult arts and would use that book to contact spirits who could help.

“There are a method we can use.”


“First, let me ask this. Kashiwagi-san, was there a daruma anywhere around when you and Miyuki switched bodies?”

“Hm… I think so. I’m not sure.”

“If there was, we need to find it so we can summon the spirits.”

“Alright people! Split up and look for a daruma! Any will do!”


So, after that, it was the ultimate treasure hunt for the magical daruma. We checked EVERYWHERE! The library, the Mess Hall, the top of the school…

“Hey, I found one!” Murashige said, running towards me and Yuki. She suddenly tripped and tumbled down the hallway before stopping and posing, a perfect act.

“Daruma-san ga koronda~”

We all applauded Murashige’s performance as she got up and bowed. Even though her gags are weird, she has her moments.

“Alright, we got the daruma. What next?”

“Now we need to find Miyuki.”

“Where could she be?”

Just then, we all heard the chants of the Otaku Trio themselves, and watched as the three of them passed us, someone with them.

Yuki’s eyes widened.


“Uh-oh, I’ve been caught~” she said turning around, looking at us in a very Milky-esque fashion.

“GET HER!!!”

She screamed and ran off, the three otaku blocking our path.

“You shall not hurt Kashiwagi-sama!”

“She is the QUEEN of the otaku world!!!”

“Well… You’ve got the wrong person mentally...”


“News Flash, THIS is Kashiwagi Yuki!” Murashige said, pointing to her, “She and Milky switched bodies when they fell down the stairs during a fight.”

“So… that was Milky-sama, just now? Not Kashiwagi-sama?”

“Enough with the ‘-sama’.”


“So now what?”

“We need to get Milky so we can switch them back!”

“You three, hurry and catch up to her!”

“Yes, sir!”

We saw the three rushing off in the direction Miyuki was last seen. We saw them in an army formation with Kinoshita at the front with the other two behind.



“So, Kashiwagi, you’re an otaku, huh?”

Her face was blushing heavily, standing in front of me and the three idols.


“How long has this been going on?”

“For a while, I guess. Originally, I was a different kind of otaku, but then I fell in love with idols, and I couldn’t help myself.”

“Wait, what were you originally?”

“Uh… an anime otaku. Most likely why Shiroma-san found me roaming around the manga section of the library and told you guys.”

“No way!”


“I heard you were a really good drummer! Can we hear you play?”

“Eh? Right now?!”

“Sure!” Murashige happily pushed her forward to the drum set and handed her lucky drumsticks to Yuki. “Douzo!”

She put on some earphones and turned some music on from her phone (Or in this case Miyuki’s phone). After a few short seconds, I saw a change in Yuki’s eyes.

She played that drum like a true rocker, like I’ve never seen before. She was like a pro. Even Murashige had a tinge of jealousy in her eyes. As she was finished she took the earphones off and sheepishly smiled.


“That was awesome, Kashiwagi-san!”

“Ah.. Arigatou~”

“What song was that?”

“It’s a K-Pop song actually, it’s Adrenaline by TaeTiSeo.”

“And you did that by ear?! That’s a rare skill to obtain, Yuki~”

“Arigatou, Sayaka.”

“WE GOT HER!!!” said Kinoshita as she and the others came with Milky tied to a roller chair.

“Untie me this instant!”

“Please forgive us, Milky-sama!”

“Mou~ Sayaka-chan, do something~”

“Just wait a little bit, Miyuki. We’ll be done in a second. Riho!”

“On it!”

Riho opened her book and said a few chants to herself, then the book glowed and two identical spirits appeared.

“Yo~” they both harmonized.

“What the heck are these weirdos?”

“We are the Guardians of the Daruma!”

“What is your request, mortals?”

“We need you to switch these two back,” I said pointing to Yuki and Miyuki.

“No problem, we just need everyone in here to perform a ritual dance.”


The two nodded and stepped forward.

“Repeat after us, okay?”




“No way.” The idols refused.

“I am not doing that.” The rest of the band refused.

“Return to NORRRMAL, normal, normal, NORRRMAL!!!” At least the otaku trio went along with it.

“Now the switched ones.”

“Eh~? Why me?”

“Plus, if they untie Milky, she’ll just run away.”

“But that’s the point of this ritual.”

“The two of you must be synchronized for it to work.”

“Synchronized? Synchronized...” I looked behind and saw the idol group, looking at us. “Wait, I have an idea...”


“Sayanee, are you sure this is okay?”

“Don’t worry.”

I looked from backstage at the school already gathered to watch our performance. Half were rock fans, half were idol fans, and then there were the otakus lead by Kinoshita, Ishizuka, and Tanigawa.

“I still can’t believe they went along with this.”

“The spirits said they had to be synchronized, and this was the best I could think of.”

“And now, representing NMB Gakuen’s Idol Club, Watanabe Miyuki and Kashiwagi Yuki!!!!”

“Wait… What’s the song they’re going to sing anyway?”

“I don't know, Umechan and Yabushita just wrote that together on the spot~”

The two of them both got up on stage. As the instrumentals were beginning to play, their rivalry started to kick in.

kare no koto nara donna koto datte
watashi ga ichiban shitteru wa
HAYASHIRAISU to hanshin ga daisuki de

You could really see that Miyuki was filled with effervescence and that she was really meant to be an idol.  As for Yuki… She seemed mysterious and dark, an enigmatic person at that, no one knew of her past….

But now…

demo honto wa watashi ga dare yori
kare no koto rikai shiteru no
Ayanami Rei to Mutou Keiji no FAN de
atsui ofuro ga nigate yo

Now she’s not even the same person. The sparkle in her eyes gave a new side to Yuki that is finally being released from its restraints.

medamayaki ni wa KECHAPPU
tonkatsu ni wa wo shouyu
hige wa denki SHEEBAA ha

koko de hakkiri erande moraou
futari no uchi dochira ka wo
sou yo kare no honmei to ieba
watashi ka
watashi ka
koi wa hitori to suru mono desho
HAATO no dokusenken

“WHOOOO!!! Milky~”

“Yukirin, kawaii!!!”

At least everyone back here seemed to like it. And the otaku tribe seemed to love it! I now hope they go back to their bodies and Yuki could finally join the rock band…

“Arigatou gozaimashita!” I looked and saw the two of them were glowing for a second. I thought maybe it was the lights reflecting off their outfits.

“How’d it go? Did it work?”

They were silent and looked at each other a bit, then giggled together.


“Sayaka-chan~” Miyuki chirped happily at me. And she hugged me around my arm. “It worked, we’re back to normal!”


“So, Yuki, would you like to join us?”

“No, she’d be joining us, you peasants.”

“Actually, I’d prefer to go join the rock band. So I can still be rivals with Miyuki.”


Well… At least they went back to their own bodies and a turnaround for us now that Yuki’s joined the band. With a drummer as good as her, we’ll be sure to win this year!

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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