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Author Topic: [AtsuMina] The Immortal Demon - Chapter 3 (2017/08/15)  (Read 15204 times)

Offline Haru_Jei

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[AtsuMina] The Immortal Demon - Chapter 3 (2017/08/15)
« on: November 23, 2014, 01:32:39 AM »
The Immortal Demon

The story and other fanfics are also in Tumblr: Haru_Jei's Fanfics

Prologue (Scroll below)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3


Hey guys XD! It's been quite a while hasn't it? This is my second long fanfic here; I know that I still have the first one to finish, but I was convince by someone to just to just post my other story. This story was has been in my hard-drive for quite a long time and I was eager to share this, but I wanted to finish my first fic before I post this one, but I can't wait anymore :P :lol:.
If anyone is wondering, I'm still working on the forth chapter of How You Stole My Heart. I'm in a little writers block, but don't worry about it, I'll try to get it done somewhere on December. And the requested fics, don't worry about that too, I'm still working on them; I'm just trying to get ideas for some of them.
So here it is:



The night was soon coming to an end for a new day to begin. Two naked girls were sleeping very comfortably in each other’s arms in a suite at the most luxurious hotel in Japan. Later after the crack of dawn, the tallest among the two awoke first; when she was fully awake, she realized that she was held in a warm embrace by her lover. She brought herself closer to the sleeping beauty as she gave a peck to her soft lips.

All of a sudden, the tall girl heard a tiny vibrating sound in the room, coming from her bag and noticed her phone was vibrating inside. She glanced at the sleeping girl for a brief moment before she slowly released herself from the embrace and landed a chaste kiss on the girl’s cheek. The sleeping girl stirred at little which the taller thought was really adorable.

She got off of bed and grabbed her bag from a chair as she rummaged through it. After finding her phone, she sat at the edge of the king-sized bed as she stared at the caller ID displayed on the screen of her phone. She sighed deeply when reading the name; the caller was none other than her employer. Knowing that her boss was not a patient person, she decided to just answer the call, earning a yell of anger which made her pull the phone away from her ear.

“Hello to you too boss.”

“What the hell took you so long to pick up your damn phone?!” The person on the other line yelled in frustration.

“My apologies; I was asleep.” The girl replied nonchalantly, but politely.

“For your information, I don’t pay you good money to mess around! I ordered you to assassinate Demon, but until now, that monster is still alive. That creature is a disturbance to my business! Stop playing and find her, and annihilate her immediately! Don’t make me repeat myself, understand!” The person yelled and hung up loudly without giving a chance for the girl to reply.

The girl hung up and locked her phone as she gritted her teeth in anger, but little did she know the sleeping girl was already widely awake, hearing every word of the conversation between the caller and the girl. The caller was speaking so loudly that it sounded as if the girl’s phone was on speaker.

The girl glanced at the supposedly sleeping girl who laid there motionlessly before she hesitantly grabbed her gun and a silencer from her bag, and connected them together and aimed it at the latter. Suddenly, her hands were beginning to tremble. This was the first time in her whole life that she was hesitant to kill a person. Something like this never had happened before. If her employer ordered her to assassinate a certain person they desired to be killed, she would definitely do it in a heartbeat, but in this case, it was entirely different.

“What are you waiting for?” Hearing the supposedly sleeping speak, the younger girl was utterly shock as the older girl sat up comfortably on the bed, smiling widely while glaring a challenging look. “Shoot me.” She added, whispering.

“How long have you been awake?” The taller girl gulped nervously as she tightened her grip on her gun.

“Since the very beginning of your phone call.” The smaller girl replied nonchalantly as if it wasn’t a big deal that she was being aimed at a gunpoint by an attractive naked assassin which stunned the other. “Didn’t your boss want me dead? You and I both know that he does. Well, now’s your chance. Go on; kill me now.” She taunted.

The taller lass’ hands trembled twice as much as her grip on the gun tightened even more, and the pressure was growing within each and every second that passed by as it became unbearable to bear anymore. Her vision became blurry, realizing her tears were now falling from her eyes as her hands collapsed on each of her sides; her arms limping, breathing heavily as the weapon slid from her hand and fell on the floor with a thud.

The shorter girl sighed disappointingly as she approached the other girl, picking up the gun on the carpeted floor and placed it back in the girl’s hand. With the same hand, she gently brought the latter’s hand over her head and made the gun point straight at her forehead. The latter was left stunned as the other girl smirked, letting go of the girl’s hand.

“It’s funny how I’m teaching an assassin how to kill, but let me show you how it is done. Just aim the muzzle on my forehead, push down the hammer and pull the trigger. If it’s easy for you to kill other people, then it should be easy to kill me.”

Seconds passed and still nothing has happened yet. The taller girl tears were falling like a waterfall; she didn’t want to kill the love of her life. She changed so much thanks to her. She was able to know love and to love thanks to her. This small girl in front of her changed her life completely, and she loved it how she turned out to be now.

“I can’t do it!” The girl exclaimed as her hand fell on her side again. “I can’t kill someone whom I love so much!”

The short girl heaved yet another sigh as she brought her hand on the latter’s, bringing her hand over her forehead once again, but this time she kept her hand there as she placed her thumb on the girl’s index finger which was resting on the trigger.

“Finish me like this…”


To be continued
« Last Edit: August 16, 2017, 03:46:32 AM by Haru_Jei »

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: [AtsuMina] The Immortal Demon - Prologue
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2014, 01:37:17 AM »
OMG :shocked

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline lezperv

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Re: [AtsuMina] The Immortal Demon - Prologue
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2014, 01:47:05 AM »
HARU!!! You son of a bitch, you didn't tell me you were gonna update something!!! I'm mad at you :P

Anyway, OMFG OMFG OMFG!!! Please don't tell me it's Minami? That is Minami isn't it!!! Only Minami would be all nonchalant like that and help Atsuko to kill herself.
Oh man, you really got my adrenaline going. Now, that is a good fanfic to read. Bravo bravo *clap clap*
Also, Minami is immortal huh? Hence the Immortal Demon thing and she's the demon that needed to be kill :D

I have a similar idea that I want to write, but I have way too many stock up in my head -_-

Update soon Haru! Update soon!!!

« Last Edit: November 23, 2014, 01:52:45 AM by lezperv »
Forever AtsuMina/TakAcchan/TakAtsuko <3 . Follow me ^_^ .
My Fanfics: Shiroi x Kuroi Tenshi, Maji, Kowai!, Nisemono, Futari (Ong) Devil Wears Prada (Hiatus) I Want to Lock You Up (OS) Three Chances (Fanfic Winner 2014) Naze (Fanfic Winner 2015)

Offline Kairi65

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Re: [AtsuMina] The Immortal Demon - Prologue
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2014, 02:53:56 AM »
Anyway, OMFG OMFG OMFG!!! Please don't tell me it's Minami? That is Minami isn't it!!! Only Minami would be all nonchalant like that and help Atsuko to kill herself.
Oh man, you really got my adrenaline going. Now, that is a good fanfic to read. Bravo bravo *clap clap*
Also, Minami is immortal huh? Hence the Immortal Demon thing and she's the demon that needed to be kill :D

agreed!! :twothumbs

please update soon! curiosity is killing me!! :drool: :bleed eyes: :cathappy:

Offline deguchi

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Re: [AtsuMina] The Immortal Demon - Prologue
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2014, 03:10:32 AM »
love this one, continue please...
just love to read alot of fiction story

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: [AtsuMina] The Immortal Demon - Prologue
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2014, 02:52:04 PM »
Please continue

Offline ryu201

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Re: [AtsuMina] The Immortal Demon - Prologue
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2014, 04:17:48 PM »
Another cool atsumina story!
Whoa! Is takamina died?
She not right?  :mon cry:
I mean if takamina died,what will happen to acchan?  :fainted:
Please update soon!!!!

Btw,Haru-san i really waiting your update for 'how you stole my heart'.
Please update it soon too!
Sorry for ask u so many request  :kneelbow:

Offline cisda83

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Re: [AtsuMina] The Immortal Demon - Prologue
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2014, 03:50:25 PM »
eh... Minami is the so called 'DEMON'; why?

And Minami is asking Atsuko to kill her; why?

Did Atsuko get close to Minami for the sake of her mission?

But somethings might happened with them to make Atsuko unable to kill Minami, what events?

Did Atsuko able to re-aim the fire to other position?

Would Minami be killed?

Ah.... please make the flashback... before the event in the prologue please

Thank you for the new beginning

Can't wait to see the next chapter

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Haru_Jei

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Re: [AtsuMina] The Immortal Demon - Prologue
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2014, 11:47:23 PM »

@Ruka Kikuchi: Okay...Was the prologue too good or too surprising that got you speechless? :lol:. Thanks for reading XD.

@lezperv:  :lol: :lol: I thought I'd make a surprise :lol: :lol:. Well, with the pairing already said and everything, I believe it was quite obvious, but I like to get the readers guessing.  :lol: Looks like I got most of the readers adrenaline going which is a good thing for me :P :twothumbs. Why thank you, I'm glad for the praise XD I don't get those very often. Well, everybody will have to figure that out throughout the story...sorry. I bet you do :lol:. Thanks for reading and leaving a comment XD.

@Kairi65: You agree with lezperv, huh? XD Thank you for reading and commenting XD.

@deguchi: I'll continue for sure. Thank you for reading and commenting XD.

@Kirozoro: Of course I'll continue, unless someone says otherwise :lol:. Thank you for reading and leaving a comment XD.

@ryu201: Ah ah ah...I'm not telling you yet :lol:. Don't worry, I will update 'How You Stole My Heart' once it's complete and proofread; I'm a little in a pitch here, so it might take a little bit more time :nervous. Thanks for reading and commenting XD.

@cisda83: All of your questions will be answered in future chapters :P :lol:. Of course I'm not going to leave it like that XD. Thanks for reading and commenting XD.

(A/N): Thank you readers and silent readers for reading my second long fanfic in this forum. I know I've already have my first still on-going, but don't worry, I'll try my best to update both of them evenly and including to those who have requested OS from; I'm still trying to get those done, so I apologize for the delay. And I also know that I've been busy with life like school and such, but since winter break is starting next week for me, I'll try to write as much as I can before my second semester start. Oh and before I forget, this fanfic is based on two animes and one drama combined. Thank you everybody for the support XD.


Chapter 1

Dark. It was dark; really dark. The only source of lighting in a certain vast room was two flashlight held by two night guards, walking cautiously towards the middle of the room. At the center of the dark cell was something or rather someone who was wrapped in straps and chains all around her body; a thick iron restrain helmet was worn above their head with only six breathing holes apparent as their body was hung from a large hook suspended from the ceiling.

Curious as they were, the guards’ flashlights were pointing at the restrained newcomer while taking their night shifts at patrolling the forbidden underground level. They were very confident that they wouldn’t get killed by this dangerous criminal since they were all tied up in a bind, so they decided to pay a little visit to the newcomer and see what they looked like. Unfortunately for them, the trapped being swiftly moved their head towards them, and unexpectedly, one of the guards arm was cut as it fell on the cold floor, twitching as blood began to flood around it.

It took a while before the guard reacted, and the guard finally screamed in sheer pain as he held his armless and bleeding shoulder. Once the screaming ceased, only the droplets of blood and the heavy breathing could be heard, echoing around the room. The other guard panicked and grabbed his radio above his shoulder ready to call for backup; however, to his dismay, his radio was completely destroyed into tiny bits before he had the chance to even speak. Both guards turned back to face the trapped being with cold sweat, frozen in place as fear took over their bodies.

The confined figure swiftly moved their head to the guards and all of a sudden, their heads exploded with a bang as blood gushed out of their necks and splattered all over the floor; their bodies falling simultaneously on the bloody floor with a splash and a thud.

Once the bodies fell, unmoved, a bunch of keys and a card key began to float out of the guards belt buckle and into the air as they moved closer towards the prisoner and they unlocked themselves from the chains and straps around their body. Landing on the pool of blood skillfully and stripped from all of restraints, the now free prisoner’s body was entirely exposed and revealing a short but slender body of a young woman. She forcefully tried to remove the iron helmet, but to her dismay, it was stuck and it wouldn’t budge. Giving up so soon, the girl decided to escape as she walked towards the heavy metal door; her feet echoing tapping noise with every step she made as it resounded around her cell, leaving a trail of her bloody footprints. Scanning the floating card key on the reading machine, the heavy door slowly slid as the girl walked out of her cell.


Meanwhile, two guards of the facility were patrolling the halls and noticed a faint trail of bloody footprints. Following the trail, the guards took notice that the forbidden cell was left open, exposing two headless bodies in the pool of blood. The guards panicked and one of them began to run towards the nearest alarm and slammed his hand on the big red button; the other guard stood before he ran off to follow his fellow guard.

Once the alarm went off, a robotic voice was immediately heard in every hall and in every room of the facility along with the constant loud beeping alarm.

“A state emergency has been declared. The underground block will be sealed in sixty seconds. All staff, please evacuate immediately. I repeat; a state emergency has been declared. The underground block will be sealed in sixty. All staff, please evacuate immediately.”

Every patrolling guard in the building started to rush to the weapon room as they immediately grabbed their weapons and extra ammunition and ran to their respective stations, waiting nervously for orders from their boss.

During that same time, a woman in her late twenties with a white lab coat exited her laboratory with a furious look on her face as she angrily headed towards the control room. Once she barged into the room, the woman approached her men and asked, yelling;

“What the hell is going on?! Why did the alarm go off?!”

“Yamanobe-sama! Apparently, one of the patrolling guards found the forbidden cell wide open and what’s more, the prisoner escapes.” One of the guards answered as he and his partners kept their eyes on the screens, trying to find the missing prisoner.

“What?! How’s that even possible?! The security here is practically perfect! How the hell can she escape so easily?!” The woman demanded, slamming her fists on the table as she breathed to calm down and ordered her men, “Call everybody immediately and tell them to take their strongest weapons with them and gather on the ground floor!”

‘She hasn’t even been here for a whole day yet and she’s already planning an escape. I didn’t even get the chance to experiment on her yet.’


Meanwhile, the girl was slowly and carelessly walking along the empty hallway and soon later many guards appeared with large guns in their hands a few feet away from her as she continued to advance forward towards them without a care in the world. The large guns didn’t seem to scare the girl one bit as the guards began to threaten her to shoot if she didn’t stop, but the girl didn’t listen and kept moving forward. The guards didn’t have a choice and began to pull the trigger of their guns, showering the unarmed girl with bullets. However, to no avail, the girl kept walking towards them; somehow repelling every bullet that came at her with some kind of force field.

Once the shooting ceased, the guards reloaded their guns as they waited for the smoke to clear away.

“You think we got her?” One of guards asked nervously his comrades as he gulped and breathed heavily.

“What do you think? Of course we did; there’s no way in hell anybody can survive something like this without any protection or being armed.” The other guard smirked as he chuckled; confidence evident.

Unfortunately for them, when the smoke cleared, the girl was still standing; bullets floating around her in the air as they all dropped on the floor. The man’s smirk fell as his comrades were left shocked; fear suddenly appearing on all of their faces. They were about to shoot once again, but luck was not on their side as the girl was already dangerously close to them and their bodies were simultaneously destroyed; their limbs scattered across the hallway along with their organs.

The lass just advanced in the now bloody hallway, heading towards the elevator at the end of the hall as she swiped the card key while waiting for the elevator to get down to the forbidden underground floor. By the time the elevator reached the underground floor, she entered the lift as it slowly lifted her up to the ground floor. Reaching the ground floor, the doors opened as the small girl stepped out and walked along the corridors. She sensed it was suspiciously quiet and empty; she expected more guards to appear and try to eliminate her or capture her and bring her back to the forbidden cell. Somehow, nothing seemed to happen to her during her trip in the empty corridors.

Arriving at the main desk, the lass wasn’t surprise to sense dozens of guards waiting for her, and they all began to fire their weapons at will. In a blink of an eye, all the guards were all annihilated without having the small girl to move an inch and without receiving a single scratch on her naked body as the lobby was cover in a pool of blood.

The only person standing before her was the woman in charge of the facility. The woman in the lab coat stood there frozen in terror, her heart beating rapidly as her breathing was short, shallow and fast. The lass started to move again and approached the woman as the latter flinched and gulped nervously, waiting–most likely–for her death, but fortunately for her, the girl just walked pass by her. The woman exhaled a breath of complete relief which she didn’t know she was holding the whole time as her legs collapsed on the floor.

“What the hell just happened?” The woman asked, mumbling to no one in particular as she got back up to her feet and turned to only stare at the girl’s exposed back. Suddenly, she snapped back to reality as she took out her radio and ordered her men in the control room, “The prisoner is escaping! Close the partition immediately!”

“We already did Yamanobe-sama, but she destroyed it.”

“What?! How can that be?! The partitions are made out of the strongest steel ever and they’re a foot thick; it’s impossible to destroy something like that, not even a canon can break them.” She reasoned, but then cut herself off and just shouted in frustration. “Argh! It doesn’t matter anymore! Just get me M43D4 right now!”

With that, the woman left her spot and got back to the control room. Minutes later, a younger woman in her early twenties entered the room, wearing a cold expression.

“That was really quick. Come on, let’s go; we can’t wait any longer.” The older woman said as they walked out the room, heading towards the rooftop of the facility.

Reaching the rooftop, the young woman opened her briefcase to find many parts of a large gun. Assembling the parts together in a fast record of time, the young woman positioned herself with a 50-caliber antitank rifle in hand as she aimed the rifle at her moving target. The older woman stood right behind her, watching the naked girl walking towards a cliff.

“Finish her with a single bullet at the back of her head. I’m absolutely certain she won’t give you another chance to shoot another bullet.” The older woman ordered the younger one as the latter looked at her disapprovingly.

“Are you doubting my skills? I’m not stupid; I know exactly what I’m doing.” The lass quipped, facing the older woman. “Besides, I don’t remember permitting you to order me around like your dogs. Let me get this straight, I do not work for and I do not get orders from you; I only grant what you request. If you want this done, just shut the hell up back there and let me do my job.” The girl added coldly, glaring at the woman as the older one gulped and nodded in understanding.

The woman retook her position earlier and aimed her rifle at the back of the girl’s head. Calculating the distance and the velocity of the wind, she pulled the trigger. However, to her dismay, at the very last second, the small girl swiftly turned her head to the side, surprising both women on the rooftop.

When receiving the blow directly on the side of the head, pieces of the metal helmet shattered and flew away as the impact knocked the girl off and pushed her off the cliff and fell into the sea.

Meanwhile, the young woman stared at the cliff, hiding the look of shock as she slightly gritted her teeth and tsked, “Crap. She moved her head.”

“Damn it! She’s still alive!” The woman grabbed her radio from her lab coat, rushing out of the rooftop as she ordered the rest of her men to search for the girl’s body.

‘How did she know we were here?’  The young woman thought before leaving as well.

To be continue


Well, that's it for now XD. Thank you for taking the time to read, and please don't hesitate to leave a comment or citisize my work; like usual, I don't bite.
Until next time, please continue to read :).
« Last Edit: December 22, 2014, 12:49:00 AM by Haru_Jei »

Offline lezperv

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Re: [AtsuMina] The Immortal Demon - Chapter 1 (2014/12/05)
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2014, 12:21:44 AM »
OMG!!! MINAMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MINAMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holy mothereffin shit, that was really awesome. Minami is such an effin demon! Her powers and sensing ability is to die for, but I can't help feeling something familiar about her powers... like I've seen this kind of power somewhere before... not sure where though...

Anyway, you've really outdone yourself Haru. I must give you another round of applause :D
You really got my heart beating fast with all these mysteriousness and bloodiness. 

Ahhh~ I can't wait for the next update! Hayaku!!!

Fuuuu as rude. Chapter 1 lapped up completely with anime "Elfen Lied" 1 series.

I thought of Elfen Lied when I read this too, but I didn't want to assume lol
« Last Edit: December 07, 2014, 12:26:04 AM by lezperv »
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Offline deguchi

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Re: [AtsuMina] The Immortal Demon - Chapter 1 (2014/12/05)
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2014, 04:53:40 AM »
Whooaaaa the hell whit that power??!!?
Sugooooiii takamina!!
I assume that was the first they met
I like the M43D4 name XD
just love to read alot of fiction story

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: [AtsuMina] The Immortal Demon - Chapter 1 (2014/12/05)
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2014, 01:53:47 PM »
Omg Minami is an OP demon!!!!

Too OP for them to handle

Update soon

Offline Drakon

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Re: [AtsuMina] The Immortal Demon - Chapter 1 (2014/12/05)
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2014, 07:43:39 PM »
Fuuuu as rude. Chapter 1 lapped up completely with anime "Elfen Lied" 1 series.

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Re: [AtsuMina] The Immortal Demon - Chapter 1 (2014/12/05)
« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2014, 01:11:40 AM »
Hey lil' bro, sorry I wasn't able to comment on this one yet.

I sort of know where you going with this; keep up the good work.
This is really sick awesome! You definitely have to update the next chapter real' soon.

Fuuuu as rude. Chapter 1 lapped up completely with anime "Elfen Lied" 1 series.

I believe he already knows that, and besides he did say that this story is based on two animes and one drama combine, so I don't know how this is rude somehow. I'm just saying.
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Offline cisda83

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Re: [AtsuMina] The Immortal Demon - Chapter 1 (2014/12/05)
« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2014, 07:10:03 AM »
Interesting... Demon story huh....

Who escape?

Who would save her?

Can't wait to see more

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Kairi65

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Re: [AtsuMina] The Immortal Demon - Chapter 1 (2014/12/05)
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2014, 07:43:25 AM »
so chapter 1 starts from a different perspective... 8)

i wonder who's the girl? :O

update soon! :thumbsup

Offline Drakon

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Re: [AtsuMina] The Immortal Demon - Chapter 1 (2014/12/05)
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2014, 11:19:56 PM »
is based
Based not equal fully written off. IMHO.

Offline Haru_Jei

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Re: [AtsuMina] The Immortal Demon - Chapter 1 (2014/12/05)
« Reply #17 on: December 22, 2014, 12:47:23 AM »

@lezperv: Is it really that good? Why thank you for the compliment :lol:; I really appreciate that, it just gives me a boost to motivate myself even more XD. It looks like I really got you going didn’t I? :lol: Thanks for reading and commenting XD.

@deguchi: I’m not really good with creating names or code names, but I’m glad you like that. Thank you for taking the time to read and to leave a comment XD.

@Kirozoro: I guess you can say that :?. Thank you for reading and commenting XD.

@Drakon: I really have no idea what you mean by rude, but yes I did take this particular scene from Elfen Lied, but if you read carefully, I didn’t lap or write it completely off the anime. I didn’t specify the prisoner’s powers in this chapter (unlike where Lucy in the anime has invisible arms as her power) and I didn’t put the whole scene in it either. I did say in the beginning that this fanfic will be based on three shows and certainly some scenes will be similar to them :). Thanks for reading and commenting XD.

@RJay: Aniki! Can you really tell? Hopefully not, ‘cause I don’t want you spoiling it for the others :lol:. Thanks for reading and commenting aniki I’ll see you around the house :lol: XD.

@cisda83: I’m not telling you yet :P :lol:. You’ll find out in the next chapter. Thanks for reading and commenting XD.

@Kairi65: Yes it did. Questions will be answered on the next chapter. Thank you for reading and commenting XD.

(A/N): Hey guys! Sorry there won’t be any updates today :(. Apparently, something happen to my computer…again. I tried to fix it and it looks like I have to replace the motherboard; I have to wait for the order before fixing it. I’m currently using my phone, and let me tell you, it’s not easy to reply every comments in this thread like in a computer. I will have to delay my updates a little longer since all of my files are in my computer and it’s not working at the moment. I apologize for this inconvenience and please rest assure that updates will come soon. Thank you for your understanding XD.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2015, 06:07:59 PM by Haru_Jei »

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Re: [AtsuMina] The Immortal Demon - Replies + Announcements(2014/12/21)
« Reply #18 on: December 22, 2014, 05:26:12 AM »
Sorry to hear about that.

It's okay, can't wait but will still wait for the next update!

Offline Haru_Jei

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Re: [AtsuMina] The Immortal Demon - Replies + Announcements(2014/12/21)
« Reply #19 on: November 17, 2015, 10:52:46 PM »
(A/N): Hey guys! It's been almost a year since I updated this. Honestly speaking, I completely forgot about this fic :P and I kept my focus on HYSMH. Sorry about that. And I apologize for posting this very very late :bow:. Chapter 6 pt.2 of HYSMH is still not done yet, but I'm working on it. Without further ado, please enjoy chapter 2 of The Immortal Demon


Chapter 2

As the sun was slowly rising from the horizon, a small female body was struggling to swim towards shore. Once reaching the shore, the small body walked up to the beach and dropped herself on her back in the sand, panting as she stared at slightly dark sky.
By the time her breathing regulated itself, she slowly sat up and suddenly felt sharp pain in her head. Removing what was left of the heavy metal helmet, she raised her hand to her head and noticed that she was bleeding on the side of it as she felt something that was half way inside her skull. Pulling hard and swiftly by the end of the little item, she groaned in intense pain as she took a good look at the bloody piece in her hand while the hole in her head was closing, healing it completely like she was never injured. The little piece in her hand was a bullet of a sniper.
Frowning at the bullet, she gripped at it and got up, throwing it to the sea as she looked around of her current location, finding out where she was. 
"Looks like I'm far from home." 
Not wasting any more time, she nodded to herself and began to run towards the houses, hoping that no one would see her. Luckily for her, none of the residents were awake this early yet, therefore she snuck to a nearby house and broke the lock of the back door, and it was a good thing that there was no alarm inside the house, or else she would be in great trouble.
Walking inside the family house, she quietly went upstairs to the rooms. The small woman entered a small bedroom, finding out that it was a young teenage boy’s room and rummaged through his clothes, and fortunately for her the boy’s clothes fitted her. After putting the clothes on, she looked around the house to find some stuff for her trip back to Tokyo.
Taking a backpack from the boy’s room, she went to the kitchen and filled the bag with whatever she liked in the fridge and in the food cabinets, and took some money in the master bedroom. Also realizing that the family had a car, she started to look for the keys. It was a good thing that the car keys were found on the kitchen counter. Grabbing the keys and the backpack, she exited the house through the back door and gently closed the door. She got inside the car, bringing it to life and drove away.
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Later that morning, a tall woman was walking along the empty hallway, making her way to her boss' office. Stopping right in front of the door, she took a deep breath and knocked twice. A couple of seconds later, she heard her boss' deep voice, permitting her to come in. Gripping the door knob, she twisted it and pushed it open.
Entering the large office, she saw her boss, a tall middle-aged man who happened to be her father as well, sitting in his desk as he stared back and forth from his computer monitor and the files of solved cases.
"What is it Mariko? Are you reporting me about the current case?" The man said in a deep voice.
"Well, there are no improvement so far." The tall woman said, sighing; giving the file and her reports to the man.
"Then, there is no reason for you to come here when you have nothing to report." The man looked up at his eldest daughter in disappointment.

"That's because there are no evidence that leads to the mastermind. Red Dragon is not leaving any breadcrumbs around; he's practically a ghost in this case." The young woman complained as the man gave her the look of indifference.
"Then maybe you should go back to all of the scenes of the crimes and find more of those missing clues." He harshly said as the young woman irritably whispered under her breath,
"Maybe you should investigate the case yourself instead of complaining."
"What did you say?" The man asked; his brows creasing into a line from anger, hoping he didn’t hear that from his daughter and imagined it instead.
"I said: I understood...sir." The woman responded, crossing her arms over her chest. "But let me at least suggest something that can be very helpful solve this case."
"And what would that be?"
"Let us have The Demon work with us."
"That is out of the question." The man said sharply as he glared at his daughter, looking at her like she was out of her mind. 
"Why not!" The woman retorted. "She's the only person that can lead us to Red Dragon! And besides, we captured her yesterday; we should take the chance to talk to her."
"That is still out of the question!" The middle-aged man slammed his hands on his desk, making the young woman flinched a little as he said in a deep voice. "Remember, we do not associate ourselves with criminals, and The Demon is a criminal."
"She's your daughter; my little sister–!"
"She is not my daughter! She killed my wife; your mother! She's the daughter of the devil himself, using your mother as a vessel to create this evil creature and bringing it into this world before taking her life away!" He breathed as he calmed himself down and finally said, "The Demon has taken many lives; she's a demon that has taken the form of a human. She's a criminal."
"You labeled her as a criminal; you called her The Demon." The young woman said firmly and continued, "At that time, Minami was just a confuse and innocent child. She only did it to protect herself because you and the SAT started firing at her." She grabbed the file back on the man's desk and turned around, heading towards the door only to stop right in front of it. "All she wanted was for you to protect her not to turn against her. For all I know you are the cause of turning her into the criminal that you gave the name The Demon."
The man stared at his daughter's back with wide eyes as Mariko walked out of the door and slammed the door loudly, heading towards her desk. Sighing, she slammed the file of her current case on her desk and opened as she analyzed it, making sure she didn't miss anything important. Heaving another deep sigh, she placed both hands on her face, groaning in frustration.
Feeling fed up, she grabbed her sticky note and wrote a little something in it, and stuck it inside the folder. Closing the folder, she got up from her chair, heading towards one of her closest colleague's desk. Knowing that her father would pull her out of the Red Dragon case if he ever figured out what she was planning, but right now she didn't care. All she wanted was to solve the illegal drug dealing and the murders that was happening in the street of Tokyo. She would risk anything to stop the man who called himself 'Red Dragon' even it meant that she would lose her job as a detective, even if it meant that she would lose her life.
Reaching her friend's desk, she dropped the folder on her desk, scaring her in the process.
"What the hell, Mariko?" The small woman yelped as she glared at the taller woman.
"I want you to analyze the Red Dragon case for more clues."
"Are you serious? This case is pretty much a dead end. And nobody knows who Red Dragon is and how he looks like."
"Just open the damn file, will you?" Mariko whispered loudly, not wanting to the catch the attention of the rest of her colleagues. "There must have something that we missed."
The younger woman sighed exasperatedly as she opened the file and saw the sticky note; reading it, her eyes went wide. "Are you insane?!" She whispered loudly, looking around; hoping no one heard her. "You want me to find The Demon? Do you want to get us fired and killed?"
"Just trust me on this. The Demon is only person who can find Red Dragon." Mariko said, trying to convince her little friend to help her.
"And if we find her; how can you be so sure that she's not going to kill us when we meet her." The small woman asked, feeling scared and worried.
"Don't worry." The tall woman simply said like it was nothing.
"Don't worry?!" The other woman snapped.
"Look! I know her more than anybody else; she will only attack when she feels threatened and when she's in danger." Mariko tried to assured her little friend. “Are you in or not, Yuko?”
“Fine. But if things go downhill, you take all of the blame and I’m out.”
“Deal.” The tall woman agreed as Yuko smiled widely and cracked her knuckles and began typing crazily on her keyboard. “Just find the place where she's being contained and we'll form a plan from there.”
“Roger.” The small woman saluted as the taller woman left her desk, heading back to her office.
Relaxing into her seat, Mariko turned on her computer. Once the computer was ready, she opened the internet browser and looked up for the recent news. Seeing nothing new, she closed the browser.
All of a sudden, one of her colleagues called her in a panic.
"What's wrong?"
"Something bad happened and it's all over the news."
They both ran to the office area, and everybody were all standing up, looking up at the flat screen television; hanging from above. Mariko found her little partner and stood right behind her.
"This is the live morning breaking news. An experimental laboratory in Kamakura has been attack late last night. Many of the guards working in the facility were all found slaughtered and murdered; there are no survivors." The newscaster announced and went more into details. "Kamakura town police force investigated the facility and discovered that the building is also a prison where death-row prisoners were held captive and are subjects to human experiments and are still found in their cells. The police also found an underground floor that is known as the forbidden floor. A single cell is found on that floor and it is found wide open and empty with two dead guards on the floor. The police are figuring out who was in that cell in the database, unfortunately the file is sealed and classified; not a single word and not even a photo is found. The only thing written in that file was The Demon." The woman released deep sighed and looked up at the camera; her eyes filled with fear as her voice trembled. "It has been concluded by the police force that a death-row prisoner in that forbidden cell has caused all this murders last night and is now on the loose."

Everybody in that room gasped and began to panic as they talk amongst themselves, hoping the news wasn’t true and it was just a prank. All of them pretty much thought the same thing; it hasn’t been twenty-four hours yet, and the captive has already escaped within twenty-four hours.

“Inform the superintendent right now and ask for orders." Mariko ordered the police officer.
"Of course, Chief Inspector."
Mariko grabbed Yuko by her wrist and dragged her into her office.

“Change of plans; go track her down.”

“Wait a second. Didn’t we watch the same news just now?” Yuko pulled her hand from the taller girl’s grip as she shut the door, preventing their colleagues to hear into their conversation. “The Demon has killed all of those guards in one night, and that’s only a small percentage of an army. And you still want to find her?”

“Well yeah.”

“Now I know you’re really insane.” Yuko placed both hands on her partner’s desk as her behind leaned against it. “Fine! Since you’re so determine to do this, I’m with you partner.”

“Great. Now the question is, why was The Demon in an experimental laboratory in Kamakura when she was supposedly be in the strongest prison in the country like Fuchu Prison?” Mariko thought about it a little deeper and her eyes widened as Yuko watched her think silently. “I think the Superintendent has something to do with this. Since we all know that The Demon has escaped from the facility, I know that she has to come back here in Tokyo; find out where.”

“Roger that. Don’t worry; I’m on it.”

As Yuko exited Mariko’s office, Mariko swiftly walked back to the Superintendent office and barged into the room.

“Why was my baby sister in the Kamakura experimental laboratory? You just want to cut her up and use her as a human experiment, aren’t you?”

“It had to be done. And besides, she was definitely perfect for human experiment and to find out where her demonic powers are coming from. However, since she’s escaped and killed all those guards, right now our number one priority is to find her again and lock her up again and experiment on her.” The man replied as he took a seat on his chair, resting his elbows on his desk and locking his fingers together. “She’s a monster, and it’s our job to stop this monster.”

“She’s not a monster.” The young woman said angrily between gritted teeth. “You’re the monster here.” With that, Mariko stormed off and went to her office to cool down.


An hour later, Yuko might not have an exact address where The Demon may be living, but she finally found a location where she might be working. With all the information that she needed, she deleted any trace of the research of her friend’s request after writing down the address on a piece of paper.

When she was done, she rushed to Mariko’s office and barged in without knocking on her door.

“Mariko, I found her. I found out where she might be working at.” Yuko announced after closing the door as she passed on the piece of paper to the other woman.

“Might?” The older woman analyzed the address and crumpled it and put it in her pocket.

“I’m sorry, but that was the best I could do; there’s pretty much nothing I could find in the database.” The small woman apologized as she explained herself.

“It’s nearby. Good job Yuko. Better have something than nothing at all.”

With that, both woman walked out of the office and out of the station as they headed towards their target’s workplace.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Meanwhile, the escapee has finally reached Tokyo as she stopped driving and parked the car in the supermarket parking lot, leaving the keys in the ignition and abandoning it there as she walked away, heading towards her destination.

However, on her way to her destination she stopped by a payphone and made a quick phone call to her partner.

“Moshi-moshi~ Takahashi consulting; how can I help you?”

“It’s me.” The girl announced as the receiver let out a small gasp of relief.

“Oh my God! Thank God you’re alright. I heard everything that happened in the news this morning.” The female voice said and added, “I still can’t believe that you killed all those guards in there.”

“I had no choice; they were about to kill me.”

“Even if they tried, it’s not like you’re really going to die.”

“They don’t know that, and besides, I don’t want them to cut me up and experiment on me; not like they can find anything useful inside me.” The small woman argued and explained, “My gifts are unexplainable. Even if they experiment on me, they don’t know what they’re looking for. I believe Red Dragon is behind this.”

“Red Dragon?”

“Yeah; I’ll explain everything later on in the office.”

“Alright. I’ll see you in a bit.”

“Yeah, see you later.”


After hanging up the phone, the young woman walked out of the phone booth and all of a sudden she was accidently knocked over as she fell and landed hard on her behind; her hood falling back and her baseball cap coming off of her head.

The girl slowly stood up, rubbing her behind as the person who accidently pushed her and her friend helped her up and picked up the backpack and the baseball cap from the ground. She lifted her head up to thank the two of them and as she did, she could see a tall woman and a shorter woman; one of them she knew very well. On the other end, the two women could now see the girl’s face fully and perfectly.

Yuko noticed that her partner and the other girl were having a staring contest and she was looking at each and one of them back and forth.

“Do you guys know each other?

Both woman didn’t answer as they continued to stare at each other after so many years has passed.



To be continued


I hope you all enjoyed that XD. As usual, please leave a comment or critic; they're all appreaciated and if any of you have any question about The Immortal Demon or How You Stole my Heart, or you have something to ask, please send me a PM and I'll answer as quickly as possible. Until next time XD :).

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