(A/N): Hey guys! It's been almost a year since I updated this. Honestly speaking, I completely forgot about this fic

and I kept my focus on HYSMH. Sorry about that. And I apologize for posting this very very late

. Chapter 6 pt.2 of HYSMH is still not done yet, but I'm working on it. Without further ado, please enjoy chapter 2 of The Immortal Demon
Chapter 2As the sun was slowly rising from the horizon, a small female body was struggling to swim towards shore. Once reaching the shore, the small body walked up to the beach and dropped herself on her back in the sand, panting as she stared at slightly dark sky.
By the time her breathing regulated itself, she slowly sat up and suddenly felt sharp pain in her head. Removing what was left of the heavy metal helmet, she raised her hand to her head and noticed that she was bleeding on the side of it as she felt something that was half way inside her skull. Pulling hard and swiftly by the end of the little item, she groaned in intense pain as she took a good look at the bloody piece in her hand while the hole in her head was closing, healing it completely like she was never injured. The little piece in her hand was a bullet of a sniper.
Frowning at the bullet, she gripped at it and got up, throwing it to the sea as she looked around of her current location, finding out where she was.
"Looks like I'm far from home."
Not wasting any more time, she nodded to herself and began to run towards the houses, hoping that no one would see her. Luckily for her, none of the residents were awake this early yet, therefore she snuck to a nearby house and broke the lock of the back door, and it was a good thing that there was no alarm inside the house, or else she would be in great trouble.
Walking inside the family house, she quietly went upstairs to the rooms. The small woman entered a small bedroom, finding out that it was a young teenage boy’s room and rummaged through his clothes, and fortunately for her the boy’s clothes fitted her. After putting the clothes on, she looked around the house to find some stuff for her trip back to Tokyo.
Taking a backpack from the boy’s room, she went to the kitchen and filled the bag with whatever she liked in the fridge and in the food cabinets, and took some money in the master bedroom. Also realizing that the family had a car, she started to look for the keys. It was a good thing that the car keys were found on the kitchen counter. Grabbing the keys and the backpack, she exited the house through the back door and gently closed the door. She got inside the car, bringing it to life and drove away.
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Later that morning, a tall woman was walking along the empty hallway, making her way to her boss' office. Stopping right in front of the door, she took a deep breath and knocked twice. A couple of seconds later, she heard her boss' deep voice, permitting her to come in. Gripping the door knob, she twisted it and pushed it open.
Entering the large office, she saw her boss, a tall middle-aged man who happened to be her father as well, sitting in his desk as he stared back and forth from his computer monitor and the files of solved cases.
"What is it Mariko? Are you reporting me about the current case?" The man said in a deep voice.
"Well, there are no improvement so far." The tall woman said, sighing; giving the file and her reports to the man.
"Then, there is no reason for you to come here when you have nothing to report." The man looked up at his eldest daughter in disappointment.
"That's because there are no evidence that leads to the mastermind. Red Dragon is not leaving any breadcrumbs around; he's practically a ghost in this case." The young woman complained as the man gave her the look of indifference.
"Then maybe you should go back to all of the scenes of the crimes and find more of those missing clues." He harshly said as the young woman irritably whispered under her breath,
"Maybe you should investigate the case yourself instead of complaining."
"What did you say?" The man asked; his brows creasing into a line from anger, hoping he didn’t hear that from his daughter and imagined it instead.
"I said: I understood...sir." The woman responded, crossing her arms over her chest. "But let me at least suggest something that can be very helpful solve this case."
"And what would that be?"
"Let us have The Demon work with us."
"That is out of the question." The man said sharply as he glared at his daughter, looking at her like she was out of her mind.
"Why not!" The woman retorted. "She's the only person that can lead us to Red Dragon! And besides, we captured her yesterday; we should take the chance to talk to her."
"That is still out of the question!" The middle-aged man slammed his hands on his desk, making the young woman flinched a little as he said in a deep voice. "Remember, we do not associate ourselves with criminals, and The Demon is a criminal."
"She's your daughter; my little sister–!"
"She is not my daughter! She killed my wife; your mother! She's the daughter of the devil himself, using your mother as a vessel to create this evil creature and bringing it into this world before taking her life away!" He breathed as he calmed himself down and finally said, "The Demon has taken many lives; she's a demon that has taken the form of a human. She's a criminal."
"You labeled her as a criminal; you called her The Demon." The young woman said firmly and continued, "At that time, Minami was just a confuse and innocent child. She only did it to protect herself because you and the SAT started firing at her." She grabbed the file back on the man's desk and turned around, heading towards the door only to stop right in front of it. "All she wanted was for you to protect her not to turn against her. For all I know you are the cause of turning her into the criminal that you gave the name The Demon."
The man stared at his daughter's back with wide eyes as Mariko walked out of the door and slammed the door loudly, heading towards her desk. Sighing, she slammed the file of her current case on her desk and opened as she analyzed it, making sure she didn't miss anything important. Heaving another deep sigh, she placed both hands on her face, groaning in frustration.
Feeling fed up, she grabbed her sticky note and wrote a little something in it, and stuck it inside the folder. Closing the folder, she got up from her chair, heading towards one of her closest colleague's desk. Knowing that her father would pull her out of the Red Dragon case if he ever figured out what she was planning, but right now she didn't care. All she wanted was to solve the illegal drug dealing and the murders that was happening in the street of Tokyo. She would risk anything to stop the man who called himself 'Red Dragon' even it meant that she would lose her job as a detective, even if it meant that she would lose her life.
Reaching her friend's desk, she dropped the folder on her desk, scaring her in the process.
"What the hell, Mariko?" The small woman yelped as she glared at the taller woman.
"I want you to analyze the Red Dragon case for more clues."
"Are you serious? This case is pretty much a dead end. And nobody knows who Red Dragon is and how he looks like."
"Just open the damn file, will you?" Mariko whispered loudly, not wanting to the catch the attention of the rest of her colleagues. "There must have something that we missed."
The younger woman sighed exasperatedly as she opened the file and saw the sticky note; reading it, her eyes went wide. "Are you insane?!" She whispered loudly, looking around; hoping no one heard her. "You want me to find The Demon? Do you want to get us fired and killed?"
"Just trust me on this. The Demon is only person who can find Red Dragon." Mariko said, trying to convince her little friend to help her.
"And if we find her; how can you be so sure that she's not going to kill us when we meet her." The small woman asked, feeling scared and worried.
"Don't worry." The tall woman simply said like it was nothing.
"Don't worry?!" The other woman snapped.
"Look! I know her more than anybody else; she will only attack when she feels threatened and when she's in danger." Mariko tried to assured her little friend. “Are you in or not, Yuko?”
“Fine. But if things go downhill, you take all of the blame and I’m out.”
“Deal.” The tall woman agreed as Yuko smiled widely and cracked her knuckles and began typing crazily on her keyboard. “Just find the place where she's being contained and we'll form a plan from there.”
“Roger.” The small woman saluted as the taller woman left her desk, heading back to her office.
Relaxing into her seat, Mariko turned on her computer. Once the computer was ready, she opened the internet browser and looked up for the recent news. Seeing nothing new, she closed the browser.
All of a sudden, one of her colleagues called her in a panic.
"What's wrong?"
"Something bad happened and it's all over the news."
They both ran to the office area, and everybody were all standing up, looking up at the flat screen television; hanging from above. Mariko found her little partner and stood right behind her.
"This is the live morning breaking news. An experimental laboratory in Kamakura has been attack late last night. Many of the guards working in the facility were all found slaughtered and murdered; there are no survivors." The newscaster announced and went more into details.
"Kamakura town police force investigated the facility and discovered that the building is also a prison where death-row prisoners were held captive and are subjects to human experiments and are still found in their cells. The police also found an underground floor that is known as the forbidden floor. A single cell is found on that floor and it is found wide open and empty with two dead guards on the floor. The police are figuring out who was in that cell in the database, unfortunately the file is sealed and classified; not a single word and not even a photo is found. The only thing written in that file was The Demon." The woman released deep sighed and looked up at the camera; her eyes filled with fear as her voice trembled.
"It has been concluded by the police force that a death-row prisoner in that forbidden cell has caused all this murders last night and is now on the loose."
Everybody in that room gasped and began to panic as they talk amongst themselves, hoping the news wasn’t true and it was just a prank. All of them pretty much thought the same thing; it hasn’t been twenty-four hours yet, and the captive has already escaped within twenty-four hours.
“Inform the superintendent right now and ask for orders." Mariko ordered the police officer.
"Of course, Chief Inspector."
Mariko grabbed Yuko by her wrist and dragged her into her office.
“Change of plans; go track her down.”
“Wait a second. Didn’t we watch the same news just now?” Yuko pulled her hand from the taller girl’s grip as she shut the door, preventing their colleagues to hear into their conversation. “The Demon has killed all of those guards in one night, and that’s only a small percentage of an army. And you still want to find her?”
“Well yeah.”
“Now I know you’re really insane.” Yuko placed both hands on her partner’s desk as her behind leaned against it. “Fine! Since you’re so determine to do this, I’m with you partner.”
“Great. Now the question is, why was The Demon in an experimental laboratory in Kamakura when she was supposedly be in the strongest prison in the country like Fuchu Prison?” Mariko thought about it a little deeper and her eyes widened as Yuko watched her think silently. “I think the Superintendent has something to do with this. Since we all know that The Demon has escaped from the facility, I know that she has to come back here in Tokyo; find out where.”
“Roger that. Don’t worry; I’m on it.”
As Yuko exited Mariko’s office, Mariko swiftly walked back to the Superintendent office and barged into the room.
“Why was my baby sister in the Kamakura experimental laboratory? You just want to cut her up and use her as a human experiment, aren’t you?”
“It had to be done. And besides, she was definitely perfect for human experiment and to find out where her demonic powers are coming from. However, since she’s escaped and killed all those guards, right now our number one priority is to find her again and lock her up again and experiment on her.” The man replied as he took a seat on his chair, resting his elbows on his desk and locking his fingers together. “She’s a monster, and it’s our job to stop this monster.”
“She’s not a monster.” The young woman said angrily between gritted teeth. “You’re the monster here.” With that, Mariko stormed off and went to her office to cool down.
An hour later, Yuko might not have an exact address where The Demon may be living, but she finally found a location where she might be working. With all the information that she needed, she deleted any trace of the research of her friend’s request after writing down the address on a piece of paper.
When she was done, she rushed to Mariko’s office and barged in without knocking on her door.
“Mariko, I found her. I found out where she might be working at.” Yuko announced after closing the door as she passed on the piece of paper to the other woman.
“Might?” The older woman analyzed the address and crumpled it and put it in her pocket.
“I’m sorry, but that was the best I could do; there’s pretty much nothing I could find in the database.” The small woman apologized as she explained herself.
“It’s nearby. Good job Yuko. Better have something than nothing at all.”
With that, both woman walked out of the office and out of the station as they headed towards their target’s workplace.
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Meanwhile, the escapee has finally reached Tokyo as she stopped driving and parked the car in the supermarket parking lot, leaving the keys in the ignition and abandoning it there as she walked away, heading towards her destination.
However, on her way to her destination she stopped by a payphone and made a quick phone call to her partner.
“Moshi-moshi~ Takahashi consulting; how can I help you?”“It’s me.” The girl announced as the receiver let out a small gasp of relief.
“Oh my God! Thank God you’re alright. I heard everything that happened in the news this morning.” The female voice said and added,
“I still can’t believe that you killed all those guards in there.”“I had no choice; they were about to kill me.”
“Even if they tried, it’s not like you’re really going to die.”“They don’t know that, and besides, I don’t want them to cut me up and experiment on me; not like they can find anything useful inside me.” The small woman argued and explained, “My gifts are unexplainable. Even if they experiment on me, they don’t know what they’re looking for. I believe Red Dragon is behind this.”
“Red Dragon?”“Yeah; I’ll explain everything later on in the office.”
“Alright. I’ll see you in a bit.”“Yeah, see you later.”
“Bye~.”After hanging up the phone, the young woman walked out of the phone booth and all of a sudden she was accidently knocked over as she fell and landed hard on her behind; her hood falling back and her baseball cap coming off of her head.
The girl slowly stood up, rubbing her behind as the person who accidently pushed her and her friend helped her up and picked up the backpack and the baseball cap from the ground. She lifted her head up to thank the two of them and as she did, she could see a tall woman and a shorter woman; one of them she knew very well. On the other end, the two women could now see the girl’s face fully and perfectly.
Yuko noticed that her partner and the other girl were having a staring contest and she was looking at each and one of them back and forth.
“Do you guys know each other?
Both woman didn’t answer as they continued to stare at each other after so many years has passed.
To be continued-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I hope you all enjoyed that

. As usual, please leave a comment or critic; they're all appreaciated and if any of you have any question about The Immortal Demon or How You Stole my Heart, or you have something to ask, please send me a PM and I'll answer as quickly as possible. Until next time
