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Author Topic: Beginner writer (^◇^) Untitled fict ~ AtsuMina/KojiYuu/TakaHaru ~ Chapter 1  (Read 17752 times)

Offline Tiptip

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Hi there i'm a newbie writter at jphip  :kneelbow: and a hentai silent reader  :wahaha:  .. Now i'm tried to write some fict not only being a reader..  This story comes from a book that I recently read , and i want to make that story into akb48 ver ..  :dunno:  i'll tried my best to write this fict until finish  :cool1:

Kayy this the prolouge  !  :shy1:


in 2399

???  POV

When we're 13 years old we meet each other .. Being  together until we become a lover like there's no tomorrow , but when we're 15 years old  we parted .. We aparted just because your father company moved ... At the day we parted we still sending email until something happend to you .... Now i'm 17 years old i'm still looking for your image ,.. i'm miss you so much ... I miss your smile , blush , ....... And also i miss the way you hug me , ..... kiss me ... Hey ........ Do you miss me  ...... ??  I'm here still waiting for you ..

End of  ??? POV

Another POV

Where am i ? Why i'm here ? I feel very strange  ... Did i miss something ?? I feel there's someone who always stuck in my mind but i don't know who.... Where did he from ?  I feel like that boy looks very familiar  ..  He's not that tall ... his hair is blonde .. his smile  .... i'm sure that very familiar to me .. I feel like i always meet him .. Now his eyes look so teary , he look like a boy who lost his toys .... What happen to him ? what should i do ? just watching him silently ? Arghh .. My head ... It's really hurt ... Argh... And then my vision become black.


That's the prolouge and i'm sorry for my bad english  :on cloudeye: :imdead:

« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 09:26:34 AM by Tiptip »

Offline Hii_chan

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more Atsumina  :twothumbs :twothumbs
prolouge sounds interesting and make me curious...I wonder what happened :? :?
waiting your next update :cow: :cow:
\\(''^0^)// Sou-chan  \\(^0^)//

Offline KojiYuu44

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It's a great start
I'm looking forward to finding out what happened :)

Offline cisda83

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interesting prologue u have there....

I can't wait for the story to start...

Thank you for making a Atsu/Mina story.... they are my fav. pairing in any fic...

 :wub: :inlove: :love: :heart:

Offline FNK23

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when i read the pairing, atsumina, i was excited and when i continue it, there is takaharu pairing too, and now i really looking forward to the next update!!!
I like both of them, so please update this fic asap ! XDD

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Final Diagnosis

1st POV: Kai

2nd POV: Acchan

Results: DEFINITE :heart: :heart: :heart:

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline Wmatsui22

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Hello :D

Nice Prologue :D

Please Continue :D

Waiting for it :D

I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

Offline Tiptip

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Guys about this fict i don't know want to post the chapter 1 or not  :depressed: i already make the chptr 1 but still don't know when to post it ..  I feel there are many mistake  :on cloudeye:

Offline FNK23

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whyy ? At least please update your 1 chapter then we will know if there is some mistake or not, maybe it just your thought, so update pleasee :3

Offline kuro808

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Guys about this fict i don't know want to post the chapter 1 or not  :depressed: i already make the chptr 1 but still don't know when to post it ..  I feel there are many mistake  :on cloudeye:

If u want someone to proofread it send it to me I'll help u adjust it as long as it it is readable I can help

Posted by PWO fail master

Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline hitomi hagiwara

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just post it. don't be afraid. I'm waiting for your update.

Offline Tiptip

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Chapter 1

In 2393

At Takahashi resident
On the TV

'Listen Rino .. Promise me you won't laught and just listen to what i'm gonna say . Okay ?? '  said the girls on the TV . '  Even if i was to reborn i'll once again fall in love with you ... I Love you .. '


There's a boy and his parents who watch the TV .. But that boy look so bored ..

' Those line are so lame ' said the boy and he turn off the TV

' ahh!! Wait a minute Kai  !! This is the exciting part of the drama ! Don't change the channel with out asking !! ' his mom shout .. ' hehh ? But This drama is so boring '  said Kai
' honey , kai calm down please ..' Said his dad ..


' They're arguing over changing of channels again ? That Takahashi family are indeed noisy ' some neighbour said .

The Takahashi family became well known on their neighbourhood because of their frequent argument .

The next day ...

Kai pov

' Mom i'm leaving now '

Hi my name is Kai ,Takahashi Kai .. Everybody always call me Kai , Kai- san , kai - kun and anything . But some people call me midget .. And it pissed me off -_- okay enough with the introduction ..

Today i will be attending first year of Junior high school..

End pov

Kai walk with a basketball at his hand , When he walks , he find a bunch of bad guys , trying  to ask the girl for skipping the school .. Then Kai relize that tall girl with long hair is his childhood friends ..

' I said i'm going to attend the school's welcome ceremony ... Got it ??!!  'The girl said with annoyed face

' Just forget about it .. Why don't you skip it ? ' the bad guy said ' you're so cute
You actually don't look like a junior high school student.. ' the others said.

' Ahh so persistent .. should i kick him in the yakuza style  ? ' she said in her mind and still give them annoyed face..

' Eh ?? Is that Haruna ? ' Kai mumble ..

' Hey Haruna !! So unexpected  .. I never thought some guy have some interest in you ' Kai said with his innocent face

' ehh ?? Kai ?? How did ..... ' then Kai cut her "you guys better give up on her already.. She might look pretty but she always resorts to violence and futhermore she's yakuza" Kai said with bored face .

' wait !! What are you saying ?! Kai , you're the one always resort to violence and a yakuza! '' haruna shout at kai

' nope you even worst than me ! ' ' don't you dare midget ??! '  ' arghh ! Don't call me midget ! '


They keep arguing and ignoring the bad guys ....

' hey stop ignoring our presence ! Go to hell , midget !! ' the leader's very angry and ready to give a punch to Kai. Fortunately Kai can dodge the punch and he moves very fast .
' f*ck that midget really fast . ' the others said .

' hehe .. You're better not make a fool out of midget , you jerk ! ' kai give them evil smile

Then Kai fight the bunch of bad guys with his basket ball .. He moves very fast like a pro basketball player and some of that bad guys has lost their life due for being hit by A BALL

' hmm .. They run out of stamina already ? ' Kai said .

' of course they can't catch up with you . I'm the one who taught Kai those basketball moves ' haruna said .

' it's totaly wrong !  This is because i'm talented in sport ' kai smirk.

' don't get full of yourself ' haruna said and she hit kai head.

' ittaiii .. By the way it's already this late if we don't hurry up we won't be able to make it in time .. ' kai said as he open his phone .

Suddenly Haruna feels that the ground has leave her. And she relieze that she was on Kai's back.

' huhh .. Kai ?!  o//////o  '

' when it comes to basketball skill, i can't compare my skill with you ,but if it comes to running . I am definitely faster than you ' kai said ' i'll be running at full speed .. So you better hold on tight.. ' he said

' Here we go !! ' kai said and he begin to run

' when we were little you were like a younger brother i had to take care of ... Without me noticing you become ........ ' haruna chuckle

' ehh ?? Did you say something , haruna ? ' kai said   ' nothing kai ' o/////o haruna said and she hold Kai tightly until they arrive at school.

When they arrive at ' Akiba school ' they meet their elementry school friend's.

' Yoo ! Kai ! ' 2 tall boys call him . ' Heyy Mario , Sae  ! ' kai greet them

' you don't change at all . You're still short ' they said. ' by the way kai did you check the bulletin board ? We're in the same class ' mario said . ' and futhermore we're in the same class as Kojima-san . We're so lucky ' add sae

Kojima Haruna , she's Kai childhood friend . Many people said that She's the cutest girl in the first year batch ,' she's beauty and has such a frank and carefree attitude. She was popular with both the girls and boy's in they elementry school. '

Suddenly Sae grab Kai collar and said ' it's way too enviable that you're her childhood friend , Kai !! TT_TT ' ' ehh ? But Haruna is like a big sister to me ' kai answer with his innocent face.

Then there's a limo parked in front of the school gate . A hansome midget boy with dimple at his face come out from that limo . There's a bunch of girls came to that limo and start scream  ' Kyaaa !! It's Oshima Yuu !! ' 'it's Yuu !!! ' then the girls start clinging his arm.

' waaa a bunch of perfect oshiri ' Yuu grin .

At the other side Kai and his friends look at Yuu with the bunch of girls .

' who the hell is that ? Pitiful shorty fellow .. ' kai said with annoyed face
' i know him .. He was from ' Xavier's ' elementry school . He's pretty famous . His name is Oshima Yuu , he comes from a really rich family . ' sae said . ' i even heard that his parents control this area ' add mario.

' Thought he's pervert and has the worst of personality ,but he excels in both studies and all kind of sports . He is a genius who come up tops in several major competitions .' sae said .

' arghhh i can't stand this !! We're both midgets , why the heck we're so different !! Girls heve never been fussing around me like that ' kai groan in frustration

Kai very jealous when he see Yuu with the bunch girls even thought Yuu is a pervert boy but still many girls want around him .

Then the school opening ceremony's start there's many people from random elementry school. The head master start to speech ..

' First year student congratulations on entering this school . Work hard in your studies and sport .... BLABLABLABLA ' the head master said

At the otherside there's a extreamly shy person who's walking at the corridor and she brought some books.. A girl with short hair , use glasses and there's black aura around her .. Her name is Maeda atsuko ..

' ahh i knew it ...  There's no one i know .. I'm the only one from my elementary school, who entered here . ' atsuko murmer by her self .

* her mind *

* will i able to make new friends ~~ ? I'm not good at talking casually . My voice is too small and i don't know how to tell a jokes .. It's surely impossible for me*

* well at least let's try not to cause trouble for anyone . I'll try to get through this by keeping a low profile*

Suddenly Yuu walk a long the corridor too with the bunch of girls and then atsuko accidentally bump into Yuu ..

' ehh ? ' yuu said.
' auchh ... I'm sorry ' atsuko said with her low voice
' ahh such a perfect shiri. '  yuu grin and grab her shiri . 'don't walk around without your brain! Ugly girl should just walk at the side of the road ! ' yuu said .

' oh my .. Yuu - sama saying it so sharply ... Poor thing ' some girls chuckle..

Yuu word is like a knife that stab into atsuko heart . Suddenly Kai come and hit Yuu head with his shoes.


' ittaii ! ' Yuu groan.. ' what the ... ?!! Who the hell are u ?!! ' Yuu said .

' first year class A . Takahashi Kai , you jerk ! ' kai said . ' hurry up and apologise to her . I saw it with my own eyes . You're the one who wasn't paying attention and you knocked her down .. Guys should be gentle to girls you can't use such terms like " ugly " on girls . ' Kai said .

' huh ?? Who cares about what you said ! I'm going to tell my dad such that you can't longer stay in this town .. what do you think about that ? Jerkk! ' yuu said with annoyed face

' hee ? So miserable .. If you are a man then you shouldn't go whining to your father ! You father complex ! ' kai said .

And then they fighting like a cat and dog .. Even the teacher can't stop them and get some punch from them ..Suddenly Haruna come and pull them.. While Kai is struggling from Haruna, people is already swarming around

' both of you better stop this right now ! ' haruna said

' hah ?? This is none of your business, ugly !! ' yuu said .

' let go off me , Nyannyann !! This is all his fault to start with .... ' kai said.

' shut up ! Both of you lose to me when it comes to fights! ' haruna said and hit she hit Yuu and Kai 's  head .. ' now both of you!! Apologise !! ' Haruna said ..

' ahh as expected from haruna-san ' mario said. 'she's incredible .. We like her even more ' sae said .

' are you okay Yuu - sama ? ' some girls said. ' they are so awful. What a bunch of yankee ' another girl said .

When yuu about to leave he give a death glare to kai & haruna , and he mumble by himself ' how dare they humiliate me like this! They'll better watch out !! '

Then haruna approach atsuko..

' hey are you okay ? ' haruna said .
' y-yes .. I'm sorry ' atsuko said .

Then kai relieze that many books around atsuko .The books is about ' how to act ' and some drama .

' ehh ? Is this book yours ? Do you often do some acting ? ' kai said ' oh ! I know this one ! It's the same of the drama my mom watch yesterday .. ' said kai again..

Suddenly atsuko accidentally grab the book and she's run from that place .

' did i say something weird. ' kai thought .

Without realizing atsuko was on the rooftop. 

Atsuko POV

Ahh .. Geez i'm such an idiot . I'm so shy that i ran away without saying a word of thanks to that boy even though he save me . Why do i always end up behaving like this ? I'm stupid, anti social and too coward to do anything . Even if i want to say something i can't verbalize it ... Yesterday's TV drama .. The lead actress did a great job in expressing her feelings. Will i ever be able to act like that .... ??

End of atsuko pov

' where are you going hikaru ? ' sae said.
' i'm going to explore the school for a bit . ' kai said.

Kai pov

Nyehehee... It's so exciting to be in a brand new school !!! Woahhh !! What a huge rooftop !

Listen Rino

Huh ?? What is that ? Ahh .. That girl ..

Promise me you won't laught and just listen to what i'm gonna say . Okay ?

That's the same lines from the yesterday's drama.

 Even if i was to reborn i'll once again fall in love with you ... I Love you !!

She's  completely different from the girl i met just now.. and she compared to the lead actress in yesterday's drama . She's so much better and bright.

The time we lost can't brought back .. But if i'm allowed to . Then, i want to live together with you one more time.. And forever and ever .. Love you !

End of kai pov

Then atsuko relieze that someone is watching her . When she about to around kai already  ' behind her .. Atsuko really shock and she start to scream .

' Kyaaaaaaaaaa!!! I'm sorry !  ' Atsuko scream and she begin to hide or maybe run from that place .

' you must be kidding ! How long has he been standing there ? How could i possibly not realise this so embarrassing! He's definitely going to think i'm a weirdo- !! ' atsuko thought

' Hey ' said kai and his hand grab atsuko fist. ' you're amazing !! ' kai said.
' ehh ? ' atsuko blush .
' the one you perform just now !!! It's yesterday's drama series !! ' kai said

Kai lifted her up and hugged her.
'i thought yesterday's tv drama was boring ... But i was completely entranced by your performance ! I was able to witness an acting style which is totally different from the lead actress. I'm incredibly touched ! ' kai said.

Atsuko just stay silent and blush . She don't know how to react that comment .

' you're genius ! ' kai said and give her a warm smile.

Suddenly there's a wind that make atsuko panties been seing by kai .

' @&$/-;(:@& ' atsuko and kai face become redder ..

' what am i doing ? I lifted her up because i was overexcited ! ' Kai thought .

' w-well i'm sorry .. I didn't see anything . I didn't see your pink - colored panties with ribbons... And even less , i'm not think at all something like " so lucky ". ' he said innocently o/////o

' damn it ! What am i saying ' kai thought o////o

Suddenly atsuko let out a giggle and then kai just froze see her smile with whre-the-hell-this -cute-angel-coming-from face ...  At the otherside there's haruna walking a long of corridor try to find kai .

Haruna pov

Really ... Where on earth is kai ? I wanted to go home together .. I stop from walking and i relieze something. I see him from the window.  Eh ? Is he right there ? Ka--... Who is the girl beside him ? Why they look very happy ? Kai seem really enjoy with her . I'm just stay froze at my place . I feel my heart hurt see him with another girl.

End of haruna pov


Yuu pov

Damn it ! Those two from before really pissed me off ! How dare they hit me ! How should i get my revenge ?  I walk a long the corridor and i relieze that airhead girl in front of me ..

' Hey you !!! ' i said with annoyed face .

Ehh ... I suddenly hide behind the door.. I see her face why she looks really sad .. Her sad face is really beautiful .. What's going on ? I suddenly feel that my heart is racing and i can barely breathe !!

End of Yuu pov .


That was the beginning of two small unrequited loves ,.. And also that was the beginning of destined love that would have lasted for years.

Arigatou kurosawa87-san for build my confidence to post the chapter 1  :mon cute: i know It isn't perfect  :mon pray2:
 I hope you guys enjoy it  :mon pray2: :mon ouch:
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 04:58:58 PM by Tiptip »

Offline cisda83

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Eh... Haruna actually has feeling for Kai and never relies it...

And Yuu starts to develop feeling for Haruna...

Yuu is a jerk... and rude....

Haruna is a yankee...?

Atsuko is a shy girl....

Getting more interesting here... can't wait to see the new one...

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline 7sam14

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It's Like I've read this from a Manga....I think it was called Suki...suki something... but i'm not sure...
Anyway Hope Can Update!!!...
Tumblr -
Fb -


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@cisda83 : actually haruna not yankee but she have the same power as yankee  :mon huh2:

@7sam14 : yes  :mon mischief: you could say that but i tried to changed a little concept from that story  :on crazygran: :mon look:
« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 02:59:17 AM by Tiptip »

Offline Hii_chan

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can you make more Takaharu sweet moment? :bow:
I like more Takaharu
thanks for update :welcome
\\(''^0^)// Sou-chan  \\(^0^)//

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Then atsuko relieze that someone is watching her . When she about to around kai already  ' behind her .. Atsuko really shock and she start to scream .

' Kyaaaaaaaaaa!!! I'm sorry !  ' Atsuko scream and she begin to hide or maybe run from that place .

' you must be kidding ! How long has he been standing there ? How could i possibly not realise this so embarrassing! He's definitely going to think i'm a weirdo- !! ' atsuko thought

' Hey ' said kai and his hand grab atsuko fist. ' you're amazing !! ' kai said.
' ehh ? ' atsuko blush .
' the one you perform just now !!! It's yesterday's drama series !! ' kai said

Kai lifted her up and hugged her.

 :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
my fave scene  :wriggly: :wriggly: :wriggly:

Offline cisda83

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Thank you Tiptip for the clarification about Haruna's status.

Now I can follow the story without any misunderstanding in between....

Can't wait to see your next chapter

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Haruko

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Eh... Haruna actually has feeling for Kai and never relies it...

And Yuu starts to develop feeling for Haruna...

Yuu is a jerk... and rude....

Haruna is a yankee...?

Atsuko is a shy girl....

Getting more interesting here... can't wait to see the new one...

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Im a huge atsumina-kojiyuu shipper but fot he sake of this fic its ok if this takaharu began..

Offline shiruba_rein

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ahhh... the intro sounds sooo familiar    :cool2: :cool2:

I also read that manga and sad because it did'nt update...  :lol: :lol:    I really like the plot of the story.... but the manga is taking forever to update   :cry: :cry: :cry:                          I really thank you for making an AKB version!!!  :kneelbow: :kneelbow: :kneelbow:       

I get excited when I read the intro........  :on lol: :luvluv2:

please update and continue the good work!!  :) :) :)

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