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Author Topic: When Puppy Meets Puppet (WMatsui, MaYuki & others - genderbender) 27/12/2015  (Read 92886 times)

Offline shinigamielf

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Well this is my first ever fic so enjoy

The bell rang,signaling the end of the day,I looked around the class and saw my so called "classmates" getting out of the class in no time at all.
I sighed,it was another  boring day... more like,everyday is a boring day every single second that i passed felt like hours and it was so dull,because the only color i could see was gray.

That is until i met him

It was a coincidence,and pure luck... that i was seated next to him.He was the exact opposite of me, he's a cheerful, bright, gentle ,and a very friendly guy,in the other side me ?,I'm gloomy,unfriendly,dull,and emotionless.

when our eyes met i couldn't look to anything else.

yeah so how is it ?,it's my first fic so i can't guarantee this fic is a good fic
and comments please,so i could make this fic better,i'll try to update as fast as i could
sorry if there's some grammar mistakes and mispelling nyahaha ^^

sorry for the very short prologue m(-_-)m
and CIAOOOO ^^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
« Last Edit: October 24, 2017, 02:44:31 PM by sophcaro »
I'm 100% Human,loves 48 group,especially NMB ^^
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Offline vivinardisa

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Re: When Puppy Meets Puppet (Wmatsui,MaYuki,etc) (genderbender) Prolouge
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2015, 09:57:17 AM »
Wow it's cool  :inlove:

I Like the pair  :thumbsup

Keep update  :cow:  :cow:

Offline purnamazaki

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Re: When Puppy Meets Puppet (Wmatsui,MaYuki,etc) (genderbender) Prolouge
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2015, 10:14:42 AM »
Keep update author-san ..

Offline shinigamielf

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Re: When Puppy Meets Puppet (Wmatsui,MaYuki,etc) (genderbender) Prolouge
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2015, 11:08:24 AM »
well it's great if you guys like it i'll try to update tomorrow and thanks for the comment it really makes me happy ^^
I'm 100% Human,loves 48 group,especially NMB ^^
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Offline shinigamielf

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Chapter 1

Rena's POV

As usual i woke up in the morning and go to school,and at school i skip class and go to platinum 8's HQ,playing games with Mayu my lil' sis boyfriend,and Haruna,of course the teachers won't stop us because,owh seriously you're asking to be fired instantly and never gonna get a job again if you disturb the platinum 8,and unfortunately I'm one of them,i sighed for the who knows how many times this day,i entered my own room/office inside the HQ,yeah i know just because my parents donates i don't know how much money they donate here to make me and yuki my lil sis became on of the platinum members,we always got special treatment,like we wear the different uniform,we got our own garden,seats at the school's cafe,private changing room and toilet,an elevator,and even the foods are different,seriously i just wanna be a normal student with a normal family and life,and sadly it's impossible
"ah,rena-chan you better head to class now" kojipa entered my office suddenly
"ah... I'm too lazy" i muttered still sitting on my super comfy couch
"There's a test,if you forgot,i don't know what will happen if your parents knew that you skipped a test" she pinch my cheeks
"ow... that hurts kojipa, I'm going now" i went to my classroom and sit on my chair besides another guy that's in the platinum but i don't know who is he
while doing the test that's too easy for me,i accidentally dropped my eraser ,as i was about to grab it,someone's hand got to it first and our hand accidentally touched

At that moment
                                i swear

All the colors that had been missing from my life came back to me

When i looked to his gentle brown orbs,i felt like my heart has forget how to beat
"Here" he said offering my eraser with a cat-like smile plastered on his face which make my face heat up immediately
"A-ah...,arigatou" i replied as i took it back
"A-ano..." OH MY GOD WHY DID I STUTTERED IT'S JUST A BOY RENA,NOT JAPAN'S PRIME MINISTER KEEP IT TOGETHER !!! i mentally slapped myself ,"what is your name ?"
"ah you don't know huh,well it's fine,I'm Matsui Jun ! Nice to meet you Kashiwagi Rena-san" he show that cat-like smile that makes my heart melts like ice cream
"A-ah you know my name ?" i asked
"Of course !, how could i not know the platinum 8's most beautiful girl and queen's name ?"  he let out that cat-like smile again
 i looked away in embarrassment thinking how could he say things like this to a girl that he just know like 5 minuets ago,but wait... he knows my name while i don't know his
don't tell me that HE IS A STALKER !?!?!,and he says that i'm beautiful ?!,"Ah sou...,am i that beautiful ?" i unconsciously muttered out loud
yabai... what should i do

Meanwhile at P8's HQ

Haruna's POV

As usual i skipped class inside P8's HQ like always teachers can't complain or threat me anyway
if i were inside my class yuu-kun will always sexually harassed me but he always say that it's not sexual harassment but SKINSHIP !
"Mou... baka yuu-kun" i stomp my feet and throw myself on my bed that's located on my office/room or whatever you call it i dunno
"baka yuu-kun,why don't you realize already that i'm jealous when you touch another girl's oshiri, baka baka baka baka yuu"
 "AHHH,I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HIM !!!,demo... he's always there when i needed him,and he's kind too,but.... arghhhhhh I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE BAKA HENTAI YUU !!!"

Back to the classroom Rena's POV

yabai yabai yabai,why did i say that,what if he think that i'm a overconfident girl ??? i mentally slapped myself again
"Of course you are Kashiwagi-san !,you've never looked at your own reflection on the mirror have you ?" he chuckled,while i just look away in embarrassment
"Neee~,Rena-chan" he let out his super charming cat smile
"Nani Jun-kun ?" i cover my blushing face with my test's paper
"Nothing,just want to call you" he smirked,and i just continued my test until break time comes.

>>Break Time<<

Jun's POV

"Rena-chan,Rena-chan let's go to the rooftop" i poked her cheek
"uwaaa,you scared me" she hold her chest like she was electrified or something
"ehehe gomen gomen,let's go to the rooftop" i smiled,and tugged her shirt's sleeve
"gomen,i want to eat inside the classroom so no" she smiled bitterly
"uweee,onegaii...." i let out my teary-puppy eyes,i don't know why but no one could resist those
"ugh,um...,okay" she shyly nodded
"yatta~, ikuzo ! ~ " as she takes her bento,i pull her hand and started to run to the rooftop

Rena's POV

"Yahoo ~,is everyone here ?" he asked while opening the door,uwahhh i could se a pair of imaginary dog ears,and a tail wiggling happily
as the door opened,revealing the 'SUPER-DUPER LOVEY-DOVEY COUPLE MAYUKI' my little sister and her boyfriend,oh God seriously she could have her own boyfriend
while me ?,i have to pass trough those dinner dates everyDAY
"ah,Onee-chan what are you doing here ?" she ask while caressing  mayu's head that's on her lap
"I dunno,jun-kun brought me here" i answered honestly
"and why only you two are here ?,where's the other ?"
"well duh don't get us wrong,we're her for our own things" mayu said and stuck his tongue out at jun.
"oh well,whatever" he rolled his eyes
He pulled me to the center of the rooftop as he bows and looked at my eyes,he pulled out a rose

"Will you be my FAKE GIRLFRIEND ?" he smirked

"Eh ?"

End of Chappie 1 :3 ~


NYAHAHA Gomen gomen,if you hate cliffhangers,sorry i couldn't update yesterday my cousins drag me out of my room for shopping hehe
sorry for the short chapter i promise the next chapter will be longer so be patient
And if there are some grammar mistakes and some misspelling I'm sorry ^^
COMMENT PLEASE ~~~ i really appreciate them !
« Last Edit: June 28, 2015, 07:41:51 PM by shinigamielf »
I'm 100% Human,loves 48 group,especially NMB ^^
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Offline vivinardisa

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Wow why not Rena be Jun real girlfriend why must it be Fake   :cry:  :rofl:

Nice chapter, will be happy if the chapter much longer  :grin:  :grin:

Update soon  :thumbsup  :thumbsup

Offline shinigamielf

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Nyahahah I'll try ^^
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Offline Bakamina_Oshi

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Aww I want Rena to be his real girlfriend

Offline Raizel

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Nice author-san.. :thumbsup
But why a fake girlfriend? I though that Jun already has a crush on Rena.. :?
Poor Rena...  :(
Well.. its still chapter 1, need more patience.. :w00t:
Please update soon.. :twothumbs

Offline shinigamielf

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Meh,i'm working on chapter 2 now be patient guys !  :peace:
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Offline niineechan

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Re: When Puppy Meets Puppet (Wmatsui,MaYuki,etc) (genderbender) Chapter 1
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2015, 10:34:29 AM »
I luv it, author-san. :-)
The matsuis' first meeting is cliche, but i luv it. ;-)
Rena fell 4 the first sight to Jun, and Jun approaches her like hell. LOL. :-D
N to find Jun asks Rena to be his fake girl. Hmm... What's Jun's reason behind this? :-/
It's gonna be interesting, i guess.
Ganbatte, author-san... \(^,^)/
Thank u.... :-*

Offline shinigamielf

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Re: When Puppy Meets Puppet (Wmatsui,MaYuki,etc) (genderbender) Chapter 2
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2015, 01:58:04 PM »
Chapter 2

Rena's  POV

"Eeeehhhh ?!" i use yuki's  overreacting reaction,shocked at his so called 'confession'
"Hm ?" he looked at me with those innocent puppy eyes
"what ?,shouldn't you be happy ?,you could date me you know" he smiled cheerfully
it seems that i don't have any luck with those creatures called 'boys',and here i thought that he was different
what was it that that attracted me to him again ?,oh yeah his cat-like smile,and his puppy features
but now... i don't see anything that'd make my heart melts.
"Nantenee,that was a joke,I really love you rena-chan,I'm madly in love with you Rena-chan,can i be your boyfriend ?" he seriously looked to my eyes
Can i trust his words though ?,and he smiled to me,uwahhh it's so bright
 that it could blind me.

"What do you see in me ?" i looked down
"Hm...." he pondered a while,"I don't know !" The mayuki giggled while he just show his cat smile off
"What ?!" i facepalmed
"That's why i wanna date you,i wanna know why i ended up madly in love with you" that's it,i give in
"I-i love you too" i bet my face is as red as a tomato so i looked away and covered my face with both of my hands
"yatta !" as he heard my answer his face brighten up and tackled me to the ground,i could feel his breath against my neck as our faces were only inches apart
"my onee-chan has been taken" yuki faked her cry
"oi,oi,oi, don't start to making out when you guys just got together like 30 seconds ago" mayu smirked
"Sorry we're late,what did we mi-" the rest of the platinum said in unison,but they froze as they saw jun was on my top
"...Sorry for interrupting..."  sai closed the door slowly
"WAIT !!!,THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK AT ALL !..." i quickly shout and reach out my hand to sai's direction
"Great...,they misunderstood" i said sarcastically while getting up
"nyahaha ganbatte onee-chan" yuki patted my back softly
As we walked to the class hand to hand,everyone are staring at us like we're some kind of swimming alien
"well,i knew someday our Rena-sama will be taken away" a random brokenhearted boy said
"yeah it's that jun after all" one of my classmates said
"Rena-samaaa" a boy cried,"Our Ice Hime  has been taken..."
"tehe ~,she's mine now,so if you lay a finger on her fufufu,don't hope you could ever see then sun again" he smiled evilly
and the bell rang we all sit to our own respective seats as the teacher came in to the class jun screams

Jun's POV

As i sit down in my own chair i saw the teacher come in and why Sakiko-nee is here
"WHAAAAAAAAA !!!! ?!!!" i shout with all of my might
"what happened jun ?" rena asked me with those caring eyes,ahhh rena-chan...
"N-nothing" i stuttered so uncool i mentally slapped myself
"it's matsui-sensei at school,and father tell me to do this in the middle of my holiday around the world ?! seriously"
"What father wants from me ?" i grumbled
"He just said to me if you got into another fight or skipping class again,he'll make sure you got in to Weston private school" she snickered and start the lesson
"Rena-chan...,let's skip class" i whispered to rena-chan that's besides me
"Oy Matsui don't flirt inside my class" sakiko-nee throw a chalk to my forehead without batting an eye to me "tch" i muttered in annoyance
"but what if you get caught ?,you'll get in to Weston" rena giggled
"Meh,no way,onegai rena-chan..." i pleaded and use my puppy eyes
"No" she answered quietly,and looked away,so i tickled her and she sighed in response
"Where do you want to go" she answered in defeat,i smirked as i won this war.

At the other side inside school's cafe

Mayu's POV

"fuhh,finally they're together" i sighed in relieve
"un un,but what if onee-chan was forced into another engagement i pity her seriously being the heir of Kashiwagi Inc she had too much burden already" yuki sighed
"Meh,your parents spoiled you if i'm not wrong yuki" and idea popped out in my mind
"Yeah,they spoiled me too much,while they're being too strict to oneechan"
"so why just don't you ask your parents to plan an engagement for them ?" i smirked
"Ah,you're right mayuyu ~" and she kissed my right cheek which causes me to blush
"Ah,you better call your parents about the engagement" i suggested
"ah you're right" so there she go calling her parents,and as i predicted they agreed
"yukirin,let's prepare some extras" i smirked evilly and call the P8,except the new couple of course
"Meh,let's do it,make oneechan be jealous" we both laugh evilly 
"Guys ~,I ha-ve a p-l-a-n~" a sexy but creepy voice that turns out to be milky that popped out from somewhere else
"fufufu,watch out oneechan" black yukirin said evilly

Back to the classroom

Rena's POV

"achoo" i sneezed,someone must be talking about me
"sakiko-nee,rena-chan is sick,i'd love to accompany her to the infirmary" he simply said
"It's MATSUI-SENSEI !,but no naughty stuff ,weston is always open for you jun" she tried to calm down and smirked
"kaaay~" she cheerfully said and helped me stand up,lucky to have a very pale skin i guess ?,as we closed the door
he put my arm around his neck,and placed his hand o my waist,i SLIGHTLY blush,SLIGHTLY BLUSHED OKAY !""
"Let's go" he smirked
we reached the infirmary,and luckily it was empty even the school's nurse is not there,i threw myself on the bed
and suddenly he unbuttoned my shirt's button.

End of chapter 2 :3 ~

Yahoooo,so how was it ? longer than chapter 1 am i right ?
Sorry if there's some grammar mistakes,and some misspelling
Better with lemon or not ?
Oh,yeah i forgot to tell you guys that my friend helped me with this fic
i'll try to update tomorrow,since i'm on a holiday in a resort,yeah you know
pretty much had nothing to do,oh and Sai is Sayanee btw
CIAOOOOOOOO~~~~~~~~ :v
I'm 100% Human,loves 48 group,especially NMB ^^
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Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: When Puppy Meets Puppet (Wmatsui,MaYuki,etc) (genderbender) Chapter 2
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2015, 02:43:11 PM »
So........Jun DOES want Rena as his real girlfriend? XD

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Re: When Puppy Meets Puppet (Wmatsui,MaYuki,etc) (genderbender) Chapter 2
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2015, 02:50:02 PM »
Now.. everything clear.. :lol:
Jun and Rena became couple.. Yeah.. :inlove:
Wow what is mayuki's plan?
And.. Jun why you unbuttoned Rena's shirt??  :w00t:

Offline StellaJKPoppin

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Re: When Puppy Meets Puppet (Wmatsui,MaYuki,etc) (genderbender) Chapter 2
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2015, 03:09:30 PM »

Offline StellaJKPoppin

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Re: When Puppy Meets Puppet (Wmatsui,MaYuki,etc) (genderbender) Chapter 2
« Reply #15 on: June 28, 2015, 03:11:35 PM »


Offline shinigamielf

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Re: When Puppy Meets Puppet (Wmatsui,MaYuki,etc) (genderbender) Chapter 2
« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2015, 04:26:24 PM »
tell,you're the one who wrote this part baka  :smhid
and i properly write that my friend helped me with this fic
I'm 100% Human,loves 48 group,especially NMB ^^
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Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: When Puppy Meets Puppet (Wmatsui,MaYuki,etc) (genderbender) Chapter 2
« Reply #17 on: June 28, 2015, 04:40:54 PM »
What is "Lemon"?

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline shinigamielf

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Re: When Puppy Meets Puppet (Wmatsui,MaYuki,etc) (genderbender) Chapter 2
« Reply #18 on: June 28, 2015, 04:43:18 PM »
Someone please answer Kikuchi-san's question for me  :bow: :ptam-cry:
I'm 100% Human,loves 48 group,especially NMB ^^
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Offline niineechan

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Re: When Puppy Meets Puppet (Wmatsui,MaYuki,etc) (genderbender) Chapter 2
« Reply #19 on: June 28, 2015, 04:48:26 PM »
Lemon is a kind of fruit which is yellow n sour.
Ok, i'm kidding. :-P
I also wondering. What is it exactly?

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