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Author Topic: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) - COMPLETED  (Read 34465 times)

Offline purnamazaki

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.10 January 19
« Reply #60 on: January 20, 2016, 03:01:27 AM »
Tsunderena is my favorite character lol

Offline RenshuChan

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.10 January 19
« Reply #61 on: January 20, 2016, 03:48:33 PM »

@vickystar: Agreed, she should just admit it, right? LOL tom and Jerry XD

@blackdawn: Deshoo... :lol:

@Ruka Kikuchi: Kyaaaaa.... But he said his father asked him to TOT

@buciq: that sounds better, ren-chan, okay? XD That's right! He might be a tsundere as well, just like Rena :lol:

@rindg: an assertive Rena? Hmm.... I can't really imagine that, XD

@purnamazaki: LOL TsundeRena sounds good XD

Thanks for the replies guys. That's heartwarming... It's the last 3 chapter, after this it means 2 chapters away... Mou... I really have to end this?! I love writing both characters... But hold on, I'll keep the two last chapter for myself :lol:

So here's the next chapter, hope you guys enjoy!


It was the... even Rena forgot how many times Jun brought her to this same, boring place. Rena didn't like to be here, she hated it to the bone.

She hated when she had to wait for Jun and Mariko chose some clothing for her. For God's sake, she didn't really need clothes, accessories or shoes unless it was made by popular designer, not a local designer like Mariko. Well, she admitted that Mariko's stuffs were pretty good, but there was something bothering her mind everytime she remembered Mariko.

Furthermore, looking at those lively smiles and normal chats between Mariko and Jun, she hated them to the bone. They made her heart ache, they made her super annoyed.

"I wanna go home! NOW!" Rena stood up from her seat and folded her arms. "Just... How long would you two stood there smiling, laughing and chatting while I... I'm waiting here like a stupid?!" Rena exploded.

"We're choosing the perfect clothes for you, right Jun?" Mariko said.

"I've told you lots of time, I don't want it!" Rena replied.

Jun messaged his temples, he put down the clothes and left Mariko. He grabbed Rena's wrist and brought her out of the place. Then Jun sent her home.


Yuki looked at Rena's face in awe when she told her story. She never imagined that Rena would act that way.

"I just... I just don't understand him," Rena said annoyingly.

"What is 'this' you don't understand about him?" Yuki asked after Rena's long depressing story.

"Why would he bring me there? Buying me clothes saying his father asked him. And why it would always like... I'm being the third wheel between those two losers?!" Rena emotionally reacted. Rena didn't mention about Jun kissing her cheek but that was the worst thing to talk about with Yuki.

Rena burried her face onto the pillow.

"Isn't that just the sign?" Yuki asked.

"Sign? What sign?" Rena asked with her face still glued onto the pillow.

"That 'four letter word'" Yuki gave a hint.


Yuki laughed at Rena's silence, "Spell it Rena, that's L-O-V-E!"

Rena's body shot up and suddenly sat on the bed while hugging the fluffy pillow. Her face getting red, "Wh-wha-what the hell are you talking about?! Like hell I would l-lo-love that Cocky Boy!" Rena yelled.

"You're stuttering!" Yuki laughed. "Even you realized it or not, you're jealous of that designer, Rena. You want him to chat and smile to you normally like he did to that designer, right?" Yuki asked Rena.

Rena pouted. Yuki tapped the girl's shoulder and smiled knowingly.

"Why don't you give him a revenge?" Yuki suggested.

"What revenge?"

"Make him jealous with another guy," Yuki said.

"No!" Rena yelled.

"Why not?"

"I've never been with any guy but that cocky boy... A-and I don't wanna be touched by any guy-"

Yuki cutted Rena's word before she continued,"Any guy but Jun, right? See? That's why you should be together. You are fated to be with him!"

"Th-that was..."

"I told you, the difference between love and hate is as thin as a piece of paper," Yuki proudly said then laid down on the bed.

Was that the answer? Rena fell for Jun and jealous of Mariko? Was that the reason why her chest tighten at the sight of Jun and Mariko interacted with each other? Or what?

"You've changed, haven't you?" Mayu asked Jun.

"What? What do you mean?" Jun asked back.

"Everything has changed. I never see you scolding anyone anymore. And this one is totally change," Mayu leaned closer. "I never see you fight with Rena anymore," Mayu said.

Jun pushed Mayu's face, "Stay away, I'm not gay. You act like you want to kiss me," Jun said.

"Don't change the freaking topic, Jun!" Mayu angrily said as she smacked the table.

Jun was surprised, he never saw an angry Mayu before. He drank his juice and stood up.

"Nothing's change," Jun said.

Mayu followed him as he starting to walk away from him. He tapped Jun's shoulder to stop him, but Jun didn't stop. He kept on walking, in a fast pace.

"Tell me, Jun, you guys starting to accept the truth and loving each other?" Mayu suriously, excitedly asked Jun.

Jun shrugged his shoulder as he continued to drink his juice. "This one is delicious, I should buy this everyday," Jun commented the juice.

"Oi! You're avoiding me!" Mayu yelled.

Jun kept on walking with a little smile on his face. He was really aware of his changes. Who knows what made him change, or who?


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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.11 January 20
« Reply #62 on: January 21, 2016, 02:47:39 AM »
yahoooo ren-chan~ :on gay:

"That 'four letter word'" Yuki gave a hint.

I love this part *Lol

yeah kinda these two already accepted their engagement without noticing :3

I love this Rena ,how cute that she didnt want to any guy touch her but Jun :3 :3
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Offline rindg

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.11 January 20
« Reply #63 on: January 21, 2016, 03:00:41 AM »

Rena doesn't wanna be touched by anyone except Jun? *whistles*

And Jun is NOT gay?!?! Lol just kidding

So he had a little smile on his face, he knows man, Jun knows about the changes
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Offline kumabear

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.11 January 20
« Reply #64 on: January 21, 2016, 09:21:23 AM »
I've read all the fanfic that you make.
and it turns out I really like it,
I will now become your fans and I would always wait fanfic would you make lol
You're master of gendbend lol

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.11 January 20
« Reply #65 on: January 21, 2016, 09:22:49 AM »
Ohhooo... They love each other! I know it~
Ahahaha i can't stop smiling...

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline purnamazaki

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.11 January 20
« Reply #66 on: January 22, 2016, 04:07:07 AM »
Rena finally admitted that she loved jun

Offline RenshuChan

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.11 January 20
« Reply #67 on: January 23, 2016, 01:32:31 AM »

@buciq: They accepted? Hmm I wonder...

@rindg: Jun is not gay, he likes girls XD

@kumabear: Call me a master is... That's too much :lol: there are many great writers compared to me XD thanks for being a fan too, luv ya :D

@key17: They love each other? Hmm.... :lol:

@purnamazaki: She admitted? No, she didn't :lol:

Guys, I'm sorry for the two days. I was really hooked up with a deadline and exam. I'm sorry for not updating!!! :bow:

So this is the next chapter.


Jun came to Rena's house that Sunday afternoon. Rena openned the door and found Jun who stood in front of the door, smiling at her. Rena quickly closed the door.

"Oi! Don't close the door! I'm here to pick you up!" Jun knocked on the door.

Rena wasn't happy with that, pick her up meant going to Mariko's gallery. She had been fed up by looking their expression while they were on the gallery.

"I'm not going! Go away!" Rena yelled behind the door.

"My father-"

Suddenly Jun's words were cut by the door opened widely with Rena stood there.

"Oh, hi," Jun greeted with a wide smile.

"You want to tell me your father asked you again?" Rena asked coldly.


Rena breathed rapidly and started to talk again,"We better stop all this bullshit, Jun."

Jun didn't get the meaning as he asked Rena about what she was talking about.

"You don't want this engagement, right? After the engagement there will be marriage and you would hate it, right? Let's tell our parents that we will cancel our engagement, if that makes you feel better," Rena quickly closed the door.

Even it was a slight glimpse, Jun could see something surprising as the sound of Rena ran away from the door could be heard. A crystal left her eyes before Rena slammed the door hard.

"Rena..." Jun whispered her name.


Rena was already become an arrogant girl since forever. She didn't have any friend because of her attitude when she was in elementary and middle school. She was somehow feeling lonely. She tried to act kind but it ended up weird for her, at least that was how this certain person see her.

Matsui Jun. The so-called childhood friend of Rena.

That day, Rena tried to helped one of her classmates to clean the room. But in the end, the girl ignored her and insulted her as an arrogant princess. Rena was being the usual herself bad mouthed the girl in front of her, then she ran away.

She cried in the backyard when the familiar boy approached her.

"Trying to act kind, ain't you?" He asked.

"What's wrong with that? I've been annoyed by my own self!" Rena yelled.

"Of course that's wrong," he shrugged his shoulder.

"I just want to have friends!" Rena cried.

"Trying to be another person so people can accept you is wrong. The right thing is being yourself and made people accept you," he said.

Rena hated how he talked as if it was easy. People wouldn't accept her with her selfish, arrogant attitude while she already feeling lonely and hurt.

"No one would be my friend!"

"I'm not your friend?" He asked. "I've been around you and I've witnessed your real self since we're just a baby, that's not enough to make me your friend?" The boy asked.

Rena couldn't believe what she just heard from Jun. Jun was right, she couldn't lie to herself to have a friend. She started to believe that someday, somehow, she would have a great friend who accepted just the way she was.

Rena quickly wiped her tears and stood up, "You're not my friend," Rena looked at him right in the eyes. "You're my eternal rival, and forever we will be," Rena smirked.

The boy patted her head before heading back to the class, "That's the Rena I know," he smiled.


So the next chapter will be... See you tomorrow :lol:

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.12 January 23
« Reply #68 on: January 23, 2016, 01:42:47 AM »

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.12 January 23
« Reply #69 on: January 23, 2016, 03:36:56 AM »
Jun, somehow....just...well...baka! Rena loves you!>O<
Rena, just tell your cocky boy about your feeling. He is...sometimes...a bit stupid-,-

Thanks for finally updating this fanfic, author-san~
Gonna wait the next one~
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

Offline rindg

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.12 January 23
« Reply #70 on: January 23, 2016, 04:07:57 AM »
Jun you idiot  :banghead:

Please stop mentioning stuff like "My father asked me this my father asked me that."  :angry:

It hurts Rena because she thinks you're only doing what your father asked of you. Ooh jeez  :smhid

Anyways, this story is starting to take off to a dramatic turn eh? Looking forward to it  XD

Thanks for the update!
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Offline genkingblack

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.12 January 23
« Reply #71 on: January 23, 2016, 04:10:16 AM »
yahoooo ren-chan~ :on gay:

i've been wondering where were you hehe
but I understand sometimes the real life dragged us

ganbatte for exams and assignments !! rena cried (?)
poor my rena :(

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.12 January 23
« Reply #72 on: January 23, 2016, 12:07:05 PM »
Baka Jun :(

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.12 January 23
« Reply #73 on: January 23, 2016, 03:20:49 PM »
Just say "i love you" to her Jun:)):))
 they're cute couple as the loveline i really liked most. Eternal rivals but also best friend as the same time. It's remind me about the real one:))haha
WMatsui in my heart <3
Kamaoshi : M.Rena

Offline RenshuChan

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.12 January 23
« Reply #74 on: January 24, 2016, 12:36:39 AM »
@Ruka Kikuchi: Why??? Щ(ºДºщ)

@junchan48: Jun is stupid? Really? Who's the real stupid, actually?

@rindg: Well, he respects his father so much, doesn't he? Drama... But... :cry:

@buciq: Bu-chan :lol: Real life is just... Hahaha...

@kumabear: Baka jun :cry:

@vickystar: Yup, like the real wmatsui without arrogant attitude, nuh?

So everyone, thanks for the replies... I'm really happy while writing this story. Though sometimes a bit hook up by my exams.

Here's the... chapter, Enjoy!


Rena woke up the next morning. It was Monday, time for study. She took a bath and readied herself for today's lesson. She remembered last night even. She looked at her eyes in the mirror, glad that her eyes weren't swallowing because she was... she was crying last night until she fell asleep.

She sighed, "I can't believe I cried after wanting to cancel our engagement," she facepalmed.

"We're rival! We're fated to be enemy, not a couple! And... maybe he wants to marry that Mariko rather than me, they look good together though..." Rena spoke and pouted at her own thought.

After finished with her preparation, Rena openned the door and surprised.

"What are you doing?!" Rena yelled.

"No good morning for me, Rena-chan?" He asked. Rena didn't respond to him. She thought she had made the boy give up on her, but she was wrong.

"God, you're harsh! Come on, I'll give you a ride," Jun offered. Well, our Rena didn't have any option so she followed Jun.

The ride that day felt longer, was Jun driving with a slow speed? Or was it because it felt way more quiet than usual?

"Why do you want to cancel our engagement, Rena?" Jun asked.

Rena didn't really want to answer that question. She had fed up with everything related to this engagement. Rena stayed silent on the seat, looking outside the window.

"I'm not good enough?" Jun asked again.

Rena snorted,"You're just full of yourself."

"Well, I am that good, y'know," Jun proudly stated. "And why did you refuse to come with me yesterday?" Jun asked again, he was surely eager to know everything.

This one question was a real good one Jun had ever chosen. Rena who didn't give a shoot at whatever Jun asked, then turned to him and answered his question.

"To meet your lovely designer and watch the both of you showing affection with each other again? No, I refuse," Rena shook her head after blaberring on Jun.

Hearing that answer, Jun stopped his car. Jun was amazed at Rena's answer,"You're just jealous Rena, geez..."

"I'm not! You bring me there just as a reason to come see her, don't you?!" Rena's tone went higher.

"No, I don't!"

"You have to thank me for canceling our engagement so you can marry her in-"

"Rena! Stop!" Jun yelled.

He turned his face to Rena only to found Rena's shock face. She didn't look at Jun's eyes. She was shocked, it was the first time Jun yelled at her angrily like that. It was usually just a silly argument between them. Nothing like any serious matter, like this engagement issue.

"Really, Rena, you have to stop being jealous with Mariko-san, we have nothing between us," Jun lowered his voice.

Slowly, Jun grabbed Rena's hand with both of his large hands. Rena felt warm, but Jun felt even warmer. Jun could see Rena's face expression changed. He also could feel Rena tried to slip her hand off of Jun's. But glad he was much stronger, he tightened his grip on Rena's hand.

"I love you, Rena," Jun smiled at Rena.

Rena already shocked enough after Jun yelled at him a few seconds ago, and now she shocked that Jun said the most silly thing Rena thought would ever came out from his mouth. Rena pulled away from his grip.

"No, you don't," Rena said coldly. "You're lying," she continued.

Jun once again gripped her hand, "I love you," Jun said again.

"I don't-" silence.

Jun made her silent with the most effective way. He clashed his lips on Rena's. He kissed her, slowly. Even if Rena didn't reply it, he kept on kissing Rena. Until he gave up.

"I've been in love with you since... I don't know. For all I have ever remembered, I never hate you. I simply like your angry face," Jun smiled at Rena.

"..." Rena still stared at him with an empty eyes. She couldn't pull off her gaze at Jun. She didn't know why, but she just felt like to. She wanted to tear off that face, perhaps.

"Okay, I give up. I can't force you to love me back, right? It's okay, we're eternal rivals, right?" Jun nodded his head knowingly. So, he was expecting too much, hoping that Rena will reciprocate his feelings.

"I'll talk to my father and can-"

Rena hugged him out of the blue, and made Jun startle. "No! No... I... I feel the same,"

"Rena..." Jun whispered her name as his hands circled around Rena's body, holding her tight. But then Rena pushed him away.

"Eh? Why?" Jun asked her.

"It's not a trick, right? Are you trying to blackmail me after this?" Rena sharply looking at him.

Jun laughed,"Stop that, Rena. Come on, I've been honest with my feelings."

Rena smiled widely, "Okay, I trust you."

"Not, I love you?" Jun asked.

"I love you," Rena launched herself to hug Jun.

Finally Rena said the magic word. Jun was really happy. He almost lost his hope on Rena. He almost let his grip off of Rena. But he knew he shouldn't. He would keep Rena dearly on his heart.




Mayu and Yuki's mouth gapping at the surprising view that day. They nearly had a heart stroke.

"Yukirin, slapped me, hard," Mayu looked at Yuki. Yuki nodded and slapped Mayu's cheek. Hard.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouuuch! That's freaking hurt!" Mayu jumped around.

"We're not dreaming, Mayu. Why? How this could happen?!" Oh well, Yuki forgot that she encouraged someone a few days ago about her love life.

Rena and Jun walked toward them, with their holding hands and wide smile. More like, Rena leaned on Jun's arm. Jun waved at Mayu.

"Good morning," Jun greeted them.

"M-morning..." The both answered.

After greeted them, Jun and Rena walked away. With that smiles still plastering on their face and that closeness between the both of them, they went inside the class only to found all eyes were on them.

Jun and Rena looked at each other, snorted at those questioning eyes.

"What are you looking at, pitiful people?" Rena asked.

"Looking at us won't make you happy, people. Go mind your own business and get lost," Jun added.

Those eyes looked away. Jun sat down on his desk and followed by Rena. Mayu who followed them from behind quickly tried to stop Rena.

"Rena-san, that's-"

"What? This is MY chair, Watanabe-san. Go find another seat for you," Rena laughed at Mayu. Jun just motioned him to go away.

Yuki then pulled Mayu with her and straighted to her desk.

"Well, at least the real Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl are not disappear, right?" Yuki commented.


Okay, that's all folks. Yeah, I actually had finished at least 8 chapter when I post the first, and all my stuffs offended me of writing the 12th and 13th chapter so I finished this when I posted the 12th chapter.

I really don't want to make you guys get bored, so I better finish it quickly :lol:

I hope you like the story. Thanks for all the replies. Thanks for the kind words. And thanks for the thanks :lol:

I'll see you around, someday, someway :lol:

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.13 January 24
« Reply #75 on: January 24, 2016, 12:56:20 AM »


:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.13 January 24
« Reply #76 on: January 24, 2016, 03:10:51 AM »
why am I felt cute because of that name *lol
just call me ciq or chick :D

aaaaahh end already?
I couldnt stop smile reading this fufufu~

thanks for your hard work ren-chan~

looking forward for your next project :on gay:
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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.13 January 24
« Reply #77 on: January 24, 2016, 03:27:42 AM »

finally nee.... (。>﹏<。)

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.13 January 24
« Reply #78 on: January 24, 2016, 03:30:47 AM »
why am I felt cute because of that name *lol
just call me ciq or chick :D

aaaaahh end already?
I couldnt stop smile reading this fufufu~

thanks for your hard work ren-chan~

looking forward for your next project :on gay:

ciq, what? ciqen? fried ciqen?
I prefer bu-chan tho...  kinda remind me of mogi shinobu Σ(´∀`;)
thanks for your kind words...
next project... um.... I can't promise in near time :lol:

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Re: Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl (WMatsui) Ch.13 January 24
« Reply #79 on: January 24, 2016, 03:40:37 AM »
Fine, author-san or can I call you Ren-chan?
Well. Jun is not stupid. He got the right timing. And his reason to always make Rena angry just so...pfft XD
You happy, Rena? You happy~~~?
Poor Mayuyu XD But now he can sit all day long beside his Yukirin~ Thanks to Rena's arrogancy~
And glad the Cocky Boy and Arrogant Girl back~ Perfect combination! Perfect couple!

Thanks for this fic, Ren-chan!^^
I love this, really. And I'll wait your next fanfic!
Thanks again^o^/
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

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