Yo, guys... Another one-shot and this time it's going to be.... *drumrolls*
ATSUMINA, baby!!
Before that... looks like everyone is curious about Rena's photo on previous shot... let's just say, if the pic is leaked, it will affect Rena's idol life LOL I'll leave it to your guys imagination tho...

This new shot is written like waaay back in 2011. It has been collecting dust since then so here it is! Bear in mind that this shot happens during the 2010 Yokohama Arena concert during the Majisuka Gakuen glory days... If you read it, then you'll know what's it all about... Let's just say, Takamina wasn't suppose to appear during the Kinjirareta Futari song ending...

Alright, here goes nothing... Raise the curtains for....
ATSUMINA!KINJIRARETA... FUTARI?“This is bad. This is bad. This is bad. THIS IS BAD!”
Yuko is getting lightheaded as Minami shook her body making her head bobble like a spring toy… She pushes Minami away and starts doing the same with every syllables…
“Get. A. Hold. Of. Yourself. BAKAMINA!”
“Oh, I am… if she’s not out there singing together with her!!!”
“What’s wrong with them singing together?”
“It’s a blasphemy! Even the fans would think so…”
“Then, what are you scared of… isn’t that a good thing?”
“NOOOOO… This is Acchan we’re talking about!”
Sayaka snorts at the back. She makes a lashing gesture with her hand…
“That means you’re whipped, by the way…” Sae interrupts stating the obvious, earning a slap on her head from Sayaka…
“They know that, dude…”
“What? It’s in the script… and I need some screen time too…” Sae rubs her head with a pout while Sayaka gave her some judging eyes…
“I can’t stand this… They’ll be up in a couple of minutes!” Yuko rubs her head. To think the leader is troubled because of something petty like this… that is sooo Bakamina…
“So what are you gonna do? Run up there in the middle of the song…?”
Minami eyes gleams as if Yuko just gave the most incredible idea ever…
“Oh no…no… no… you can’t do that, Takamina!”
“Why not? I think that’s a good idea…” Sayaka approves the idea while Sae nods… they looked at each other and grabs Yuko like some criminal trying to get lose…
“You just go, Takamina… We’ll take care of squirrel here…” Sayaka puts a strong chokehold on her…
“What are you… MMMPH!!” Sae puts a hand on Yuko’s mouth to shut her for good…
“Yeah! Go get your girl, midget!”
“Thanks guys… You’re the best twin towers ever!!!” Minami dashed away like a knight about to save her fairytale princess…
- - -
Atsuko’s POV“Maeda-san, get ready! Your turn is next.”
Take a deep breath, Atsuko… This is just like other times… Nothing to get worked up on… nothing to get scared off… nothing to… EEEEP!
“Hey, Atsu-nee! You okay? You look pale…”
“Ahahaha… It’s nothing… just a little bit surprised…” seeing your horrid face that is… Gosh… why am I getting so worked up on this… is it because of the lines I had to sing in the end?
“You know what? I can’t believe I’ll be singing with you, Atsu-nee…” Me neither…
“And to even sing this song… I can’t wait! This will be fun!” Not for me, doll girl… I can’t wait for this to end…
“Okay, guys! Go up there now!”
This is it… the awkward moment of singing Kinjirareta Futari with Nacchu…ugh ... Kami-sama, please hear my plea… do make my face unemotional as the angel of Death… cause this is seriously an abomination!
- - -
“Make way! Move aside! Hey, watch out!”
Minami runs to the stage as she push, pulls, jumps and even crawls through the crowds of crews and members… Suddenly, she heard the sound of the song she barely wants to hear at the moment… except for Atsuko’s soothing voice…
Kodachi ni asamoya
Marude dare ka no toiki
Chizu ni nai mizu umi wa
Mada mizu ga nemutte iru“Damn, it has started already… I gotta be quick!”
Then, the unwanted started… The voice of Nachu reverberates around the backstage as her parts comes in… It was comical to say the least, but Minami isn’t having any of it… She has to save her Atsuko from that hideous yankee even if her career is at stake…
“Wait for me, Atsuko…”
- - -
Onna toshite umare nakatta nara
Wakare ko nakatta
Watashi ga otoko ni umarete itara
Musubareteta futariThe crowd went wild with the performance. Never had they expected this sad romantic song to be this fun and entertaining with the presence of Daruma. The ending part is nearing…
Atsuko’s POVThis is it… I’m going to declare my love for my only one shorty in front of these fans… Please, give me some strength!
“… My heart remains with Minami… Because we can always love each other amidst a dream…”
Haaa... finally... I've said those words... Can you hear me, Minami?
“Atsuko!” Eh? Where did that come from… Is there a ghost behind me... Minami?
inami’s POVAh man I’m drenched in sweat… This is soo not good! Whatever… I just had to go up this one last step and my Atsuko will be right in front of me…
“… My heart remains with Minami… Because we can always love each other amidst a dream…”
Huh? Wait… is that a confession? Atsuko… did you really mean that? Oh my, my heart can’t stop beating… THIS FEELING OF HAPPINESS!! KYAAA!
Okay, Minami… get a hold of yourself… keep it cool… I don’t smell bad, am I? Well, here goes nothing…
“Atsuko!” She turns around with a flick of her silky raven hair, her face bearing confusion all over…
Oh My GODDESS! She is soooo pretty I’m gonna melt… Go get her, Takamina!
“Hey, my Atsuko…”
“What are you doing here?”
“Fetching my angel... to be together in our dreams.” Whoa that sounds cheesy… ehehehe
“Minami…” I could see faint blushes on her face amidst the darkness of the stage. I should give a pat of good job on myself…
“Come, my love… let’s climb the stairs of forbidden love together.”
End of Minami’s POVDaruma just watches the newly made couple walk off the stage with butterflies literally flying around them…
Ah, young love sure is great… To have your prince charming walks you off the stage…Eh, wait… this is not even in the script, is it?"At..Atsu-nee! Wait up!"
Meanwhile in the backstage… everything is in chaos with Bakamidget’s appearance… the crews are running around trying to make up for the haywire that is caused by the team A leader… Some of the members were shocked with the scene...
“Whoaa… damn that Takamina… she really done it…” Minnegishi says as they watch the scene from the backstage monitors.
“Oh yeah!! Way to go, Takamidget!” The twin towers high fived each other…
“I wonder what will happen now…” Kojiharu wonders cutely with Yuko hanging onto her body like a koala…
“Ehhh… probably some establishment of a worldwide fanbase of Atsumina…”
On the other side…
“What the hell…? What is that Takamina doing up there?” Togasaki can feel his blood pressure rises up…
“I don’t know… she just runs around like some mad man… not to mention the casualties she had caused backstage.”
“Damn it! Hey, put out the lights! Hurry!”
“Yes, sir!”
“Should we call security?”
“What? She’s an idol, you idiot! Call her manager!”
Just as the situation is getting worse, the producer comes in with heavy godly steps…
“What’s with the ruckus, Togasaki-san?”
“Ah! Akimoto-sensei! There’s nothing to worry about… Everything is under control here… Takahashi-san will surely get her punishment after this…”
“No… that is not necessary…”
“Yes, I understa… huh?”
“This is quite entertaining, isn’t it? I wonder what will the future holds for those two…” Togasaki was dumbfounded with the producer. The love affairs of members are forbidden in the management… or was it just a cover up from the media? Is he actually rooting for the girls just like the fans are worshipping their oshiis’ pairing? Akimoto-sensei grins as he watches Minami and Atsuko runs away from everyone…
- - -
“Yes, Minami?”
“My Atsuko.”
“…” Atsuko blushes heavily hearing that coming from Minami… she had been dreaming of it for quite some times now and to have it turns into reality after the song…
“Hey, Atsuko… did you really mean everything you said up there?”
“No. It was in the script.”
“What? Is… is that it… I see…” Minami scratches her neck… Disappointment plus embarrassment were written all over her face hearing that coming from her crush… Atsuko smiles cheekily seeing her midget frowns deeply…
“I was joking, Bakamina! Of course I meant every single word I’ve said… even if it was just a script…”
Minami grins widely, happiness swells in her heart…
“So what about you, Minami… you like me?”
“No… I don’t.”
“I don’t like you… I’ve fallen deeply in love with you, Atsuko… Ever since I’ve set my eyes on you the first time we met. To be honest, I was scared of what was going to happen to us if I ever confessed. You know, the rules for love affairs… But nothing matters right now. I can’t keep this feeling from haunting me day and night…”
“Minami…” Atsuko can’t help but felt URESHII with Minami’s confession. Her heart trembles wildly as Minami looks straight into her eyes, showing how great her love is for Atsuko…
“Atsuko, even if this is a forbidden love, I promise you we will always fight through all obstacles, even Togasaki-san… or Nacchu… or even your fans from all around the world… We will always be together as long as you’re right here beside me… I love you, Atsuko.”
“Yes… I love you too, Minami!” Atsuko hugs the life out of the short leader as she is extremely, definitely, outrageously ecstatic with this confession scene…
Minami pulls from the hug as she looks deeply into Atsuko’s eyes. Minami can feel Atsuko’s heart pounding like she just ran a 10 miles distance in an hour, if that’s possible… The midget stands on her toes, approaching Atsuko’s face slowly. Their noses touch each other as the pair await which one will initiate the gesture first… Their breath tickles on their lips as they get closer and closer… a little bit closer… just a millimeter more…
Minami and Atsuko jumps away from the hug, clearly frustrated with those cockblockers… Sayaka and Yuko comes in innocently like they didn’t do any wrong…
“Can’t I have a moment of peace??? What do you want?”
“Hey we have a concert to settle, girls… Let’s go before Togasaki beats you up on stage…”
“Ah yeah… I forgot about that…”
“We will continue that later, Minami… You owe me one…” Atsuko walks out before giving a sneaky seductive look towards Minami...
WHISTLES…“You sure are lucky, midget…”
“Uh huh… I sure am…” Minami has a dreamy look on her face… Sayaka snickers while patting both shorties’ back.
“Well, I guess it’s time for KojiYuu moments next time…” Sayaka walks off coolly like a diva before winking with those dashing sexy smile of hers…
“EEEEEEHHHH???!” That's it, guys... quite lame huh... it's not that short, but it is still short? Ahaha...
Wait, did Sayaka said there would be KojiYuu moments next time? Ahh... looks like I have to obey the SuperLady command...

Until next time!